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March 03, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-03-03

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The Weather

Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; warmer today; colder


Sir igat


Teachers And Scholars ...
Regulate Winter Sports.. .
Crying 'Wolf' ...



Duce Has
Choice O1
Ban, Peace
Britain Declared Ready
To Apply Oil Sanctions
Regardless Of U. S.
Mussolini Given 48
Hours To Conciliate
Will Invite Italy, Ethiopia
To Negotiate ly Means
Of League Framework
GENEVA, March 2. (P) - The
alternative of a quick peace by con-
ciliation or a renewed, ruthless pres-
sure of sanctions against Italy was
placed before Premier Mussolini to-
day by the League of Nations Sanc-
tions Committee.
The committee approved a pro-
posal by Foreign Minister Pierre-
Etienne Flandin, of France, that the
Council Comiittee of 13 be con-
voked immediately for one last sur-
vey of the possibilities of peace by
At the same time, Anthony Eden,
Great Britain's foreign secretary,
clearly and flatly stated Great Brit-
ain's readiness and desire to go ahead
with an oil embargo regardless of
what the United States or other non-
member states do if today's new peace
move bears no fruit.
It was authoritatively stated to-
night that Flandi, plans to have Mus-
solini and Emperor Haile Selassie in-
vited to begin peace negotiations
within the framework of the League.
A French spokesman emphasized
that only Great Britain has proposed
an oil sanction, that no other state
has yet pronounced its views and
hence it is premature to say that an
oil embargo will be declared if concil-
iation fails. Eden himself made the
British oil embargo threat contingent
upon support of other League states.
The Committee of 13 - which is
really the Council without Italy and
Ethiopia -will meet at 11 a.m. to-
morrow to discuss conciliation. The
consensus at today's Sanctions Com-
mittee meeting was that unless the
13 get definite results within 48 hours,
discussion of an oil embargo will be
In other words, the leaders are
(Continued on Page 6)
Announce List
Of May Festival
Concert St a r s
Outstanding Celebrities To
Appear In Conjunction
With Stokowski
An outstanding list of celebrities,
headed by Leopold Stokowski, who
will direct the Philadelphia Sym-
phony orchestra, has been engaged
for the forty-third annual May Fes-
tival, to be held May 13, 14, 15, and
16, President Charles A. Sink of the
School of Music announced yester-
Seven of the group of soloists, Lily
Pons, Jeanette Vreeland, Rose Bamp-
ton, Giovanni Martinelli, Paul Alt-
house, Efrem Zimbalist and Harold
Bauer have appeared here in former

concerts, and two artists, Keith
Faulkner and Julius Huehn, both bar-
itones, will be heard for the first
Miss Pons, the world's outstanding
coloratura soprano, will be heard in
the traditionally brilliant Friday
night concert. This is Miss Pons'
third appearance in Ann Arbor, her
first being in the May Festival of
1931, just after her sensational oper-
atic debut at New York, and her
second in a recital given in 1934. Miss
Pons has achieved fame not only on
the operatic stage, but in radio and
the movies as well.
Miss Vreeland will appear here
for two concerts, singing the sopranc
roles in Verdi's "Requiem" on Sat-
urday night, and in Elgar's "Carac-
tacus," which will be given Thursday
night. She has been heard here
several times and has an enthusiastic
following among local audiences. An-
other distinguished artist who will
be heard in the Saturday night con-
cert is Miss Bampton, American con-
tralto of the Metropolitan Opera.

Aigler States Conference Was
Long Concerned Over Wisconsin

Declares Action Was Not
Taken To Aid Meanwell,
Ousted By Regents
Action taken recently by Western
Conference officials against thetUni-
versity of Wisconsin was actuated
by a situation which has developed
over several years, Prof Ralph W.
Aigler of the Law School stated yes-
The impression that this disciplin-
ary action was taken in an effort to
protect ousted Dr. Walter E. Mean-
well is entirely unwarranted, he de-
clared, many incidents having com-
bined to develop the present Confer-
ence attitude towards Wisconsin ath-
The Conference Saturday informed
Wisconsin that unless its faculty
could show before July 1 that it con-
siders itself in control of athletic af-
fairs at that institution, the Uni-
versity shall be suspended from the
Conference. A committee of three
faculty representatives including
Professor Aigler is to act on behalf of
the Conference in communicating
with Wisconsin.
Dr. Meanwell was recently removed
as director of athletics by the regents
of the university despite the fact
that the athletic board wished him
retained. For membership in the
Conference it is required that insti-
tutions have full and direct faculty
control. However, according to the
statement issued Saturday "An oc-
casional or isolated refusal by a gov-
erning body to adopt or follow an
expression of faculty desire in the
management of its intercollegiate
athletic program does not necessari-
ly indicate a departure from the Con-
ference requirement; but a persistent
and consistent course of action in
repudiating duly expressed faculty
sentiment can only mean that the
faculty of that member does not
have the measure of control demand-
ed by the basic law of the Confer-
Professor Aigler stated yesterday
that in insisting upon control of ath-
letic affairs by faculties, what the
Conference is particularly striking at
is control of unofficial and unorgan-
ized bodies.
Dr. Long, Son
Are Injured
In Auto Crash
Accident Occurred When
Trailer Breaks Loose,
Strikes Car Front
IONIA, Mich., March 2. - (P -
Dr. Dwight C. Long, 40 years old, his-
tory instructor at the University
of Michigan, and his son Robert,
17, were taken to Blodgett Hospital,
Grand Rapids, late today, both in
a serious condition from head injuries
they suffered when a heavy trailer
struck their car after it became dis-
connected from a truck.
Lewis Foster, 17, also a passenger
in the car, was taken to the hos-
pital for treatment but physicians
said his condition was not serious.
Joseph Kerzimger, Detroit, driver
of the truck, said the trailer evidently
broke loose from the tractor as he ap-
proached the Long car on Highway
U.S.-16 three miles south of Saranac
and tropped onto the front of the
automobile, crushing it.
The trailer weighed more than 6,-
000 pounds, he said, and was used
for hauling steel.
ERIE, Pa., March 2. --(P)- Baby
Maxine Yarrington today went into
her sixth consecutive month of sleep
with her big blue eyes wide open.

Alleged Stung Slayer

* , * M
Alleged Stang
Murderer Held
In Los Angeles
Confession Report Denied
By Prosecutor Rapp Who
Will Start Extradition
A report that William Hayden, 35-
year-old ex-convict who is awaiting
extradition in Los Angeles on a
charge of murdering partolman Clif-
ford Stang last March, had confessed
was officially denied by Prosecutor
Albert Rapp last night.
Prosecutor Rapp said that he had
heard of no such news, and that as
far as he knew Hayden expected to
fight 'extradition from California.
Hayden was arrested in Los Angeles
while he was allegedly ransacking a
house there. He gave the name of
Padgett, but his identity was dis-
covered when his fingerprints were
taken and placed on file.
Wired Los Angeles Police
Chief of Police Lewis Fohey wired
Los Angeles police late Sunday night
when he learned from a newspaper
dispatch that ahman thoughtto be
Hayden was being held in that city.
He received a reply yesterday noon
stating that Hayden had been posi-
tively identified and would be held
for the local authorities.
Herbert Wetherbee, secretary-
treasurer of the firm of Conlin and
Wetherbee, the store where the shoot-
ing took place, identified Hayden as
one of two bandits who held the store
up and shot Patrolman Stang when
he scuffled with one of them in an
effort to stop the theft.
Prosecutor Rapp and Chief Fohey
are leaving today for Lansing where
they will obtain the requisition nec-
essary to start extradition proceed-
ings. They will leave for California
as soon as they obtain the papers.
Scuffle Ended In Murder
The scuffle that ended in the mur-!
der of Stang started when the taller
of the two bandits blocked the door-
way of the store after Stang had en-
tered to buy a tie clasp. Stang was
shot when he attempted to disarm
him. James Akers, '37, a customer
who was in the store at the time,
stated that although he did not see
the actual shooting, the shorter of the
two men, believed to be "Shorty"
Hayden, did not enter into the strug-
Even though witnesses were not
sure of which one of the bandits did
the killing, Prosecutor Rapp said last
night that both are equally guilty of
the murder in the eyes of the law.
Chief Fohey stated that he thought
Hayden was guilty of the murder.

Federal Loan
All Taken Up
In Single Day
ntroduction Of Tax Bill
Discussed In Democratic
Secret Caucus
Roosevelt To Ask
Additional Income
Republican Congressmen;
May Be Invited To Help
Draft Tax Measure
WASHINGTON, March 2. -(P)--
Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., an-
iounced tonight that he was closing
ubscription books to the Treasuryp
ash offering of securities in its $1,-
09,000 ,000 March refinancing opera-
"Preliminary reports indicated that
ash offering was heavily oversub-
cribed," Morgenthau said, in mak-
ng his announcement.
This offering aggregated $1,250,-
00,000 and consisted of $650,000,000
f 12-fifteen year 2%/4 per cent bonds
nd $600,000,00 in 1/ per cent five-
year notes.
Books on the offer to exchange
either of these securities for $559,-
000,000 of notes which will mature
April 15 will remain open indefinitely.
At the same time quick introduction
of a tentative tax bill was discussed
in secret caucus by Democratic mem-
bers of the House Ways and Means
Committee, some of whom foresaw a
bitter struggle.
Bill Would Promote Speed
While it would be unnecessary for
the Committee to have a bill before
it in starting open tax hearings,
Chairman Robert L. Doughton( Dem.,
N.C.), said such a measure would
serve to promote speed by limiting
the scope of hearings.
As fresh rumblings of dissatisfac-
tion were heard at the Capitol, Pres-
dent Roosevelt worked overtime to
draft his measure for possible trans-
mittal tomorrow, asking $786,000,000
in additional revenue.
The rumblings on Capitol Hill in-
cluded a biting attack by Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg on the Pres-
ident's tax plan. Vandenberg told
the Senate that economy was needed
instead of taxation.
May Reverse Procedure
"When you take from Congress the
power of the purse you have set the
formula for dictatorship," he added.
"A tax dollar is a tax dollar, no matter
who spends it or how."
Indications developed that the
House Ways and Means Committee
might reverse procedure followed
on last session's tax legislation by in-
viting Republican members to share
in the drafting of the tentative meas-
ure, with the assistance of sugges-
tions from the treasury and the joint
Congressional Committee on Taxa-
Capitol Hill speculated whether it
was mere coincidence that Adminis-
tration tax plans crystallized as the
treasury announced a $1,809,000,000
financing program, of which $800,-
000,000 is new borrowing
20 Per Cent Cut
In Local Relief
Seen By Wagg
State Contributions Are

Reduced; Towns Will Be
Asked For Funds
A cut in state relief appropriations
which will mean a reduction of from
20 to 25 per cent in payments to in-
dividuals depending on state contri-
butions unless local governments con-
tribute additional funds, was an-
nounced here yesterday by Charles F.
Wagg, administrator of the Wash-
tenaw County Welfare Relief Com-
Payments to WPA workers who
are receiving supplementary aid from
the state will be reduced first, and
eventually they will be forced off the
state rolls entirely, Wagg stated. At
a special meeting of the Washtenaw
County Relief Commission last night,
it was decided that townships and
all local governments will be asked
to contribute more funds to combine
with state money in order to. mitigate
the distress.
The cut comes as a result of a
new state policy, announced yester-
day, which turns back to the local-
ioia ran mnciit n 99.11npr enin

Illinois Team Relegated
To Fourth Position As
MichiganTakes Third
Townsend, Rudness,
Score Most Points
Look Forward To Purdue
Game To Decide Third
Place Team
That John Townsend fellow had
his passing and basket shooting eye
wide open last night at the Yost
Field House, leading the Michigan
team to a surprisingly easy 35-22 vic-
tory over Illinois.
The defeat knocked the Illini into
fourth place and assured the Maize
and Blue quintet of at least a tie
for third place in the final Confer-
ence standings. If the Wolverines
defeat Purdue Saturday night they
will retain undisputed possession of
third place.
Fails To Stop Michigan ]
Illinois, making a valiant effort to
win its last game of the season for
Craig Rubey, retiring Orange and
Black basketball coach, could not
cope with the follow-in attack un-
leashed by the Michigan team in the
first half. Time and again the two
Townsends and John Gee batted the
ball around under the Michigan bas-
ket until one of the three cnnnected.
Five of the seven baskets scored by
John Townsend came by the tip-in
University of Michigan basketball
fans have seen the younger of the
Townsend brothers shoot, pass, and
Contributions totaling $30 were
collected at last night's basketball
game between Michigan and Illi-
nois, which was dedicated to Dr.
James Naismith, founder of the
cage sport. The money will be
turned over to the national fund
to send Dr. Naismith to Berlin fr
the first Olympic basketball tour-
follow-up well on different occa-
sions, but never before this season
have they seen him do all three of
these things as perfectly as he did
last night.l
Michigan ran roughshod over the
visiting team in the first half, scor-
ing 21 points to Illinois' 3 in the first
14 minutes of play. In the closing
minutes of the first period, the vis-
itors began finding the hoop and
brought the score up to 24-13 at the
Second Half Drags
The second half was a drab one to
watch for local fans as the Varsity,
obviously tired from a whirlwind
first-half exhibition, began to pass
sloppily and also allow the much
smaller visiting team to take the
ball away from them under both bas-
kets. It was only the stellar de-
fensive work of Earl Townsend that
prevented the game from getting dan-
gerously close in the final period.
However, at no time in this period
could the Illini cut the Michigan lead
down to any less than 10 points.
John Townsend led in the evening's
scoring, accounting for 15 of the
Michigan points. George Rudness,
playing his usual "ballhawking" game,
scored six points.
Captain Chelso Tamagno kept the
Illini basket shooting ace, Harry
Combes, well under control by hold-
ing him to seven points. Wib Henry
was the outstanding player for Illi-
nois, in regards to both floor work
and defensive play.

Varsity Cage
Team Routs


Picketing In New York

-Associated Press Photo.
This man, shown picketing a pub- S
lic building in Manhattan, is one of
New York's striking building serv-
ice employes, 70,000 of whom arer
said to have walked out last night.
Fate Of Rebels.r
To Be Decided
In War Council,
Japanese Army Generals1
Deliberate; New PremierE
To Be Selected
TOKIO, March 2. - (J') - The fate
of a score of insurgent officers, under1
the grave charge of disobedience
to the throne, was the subject of a
conference tonight of army members
of the supreme war council.
Six ranking generals attended the
parley, but gave no indication of how
drastically their subordinates who
slew four members of the government
last week and held out against loyal
troops for four days will be punished.
Twenty-four officers, three of them
retired, participated in the revolt.
Two of them went to "honorable
death" through Hara-Kiri, the wife of
one officer chose death with him, a
third is in a hospital from an attempt
to kill himself which failed and the
others are in a military prison.
While the generals deliberated,
other leaders of the empire met at
the imperial palace to seek a new
leader for the government in the cur-
rent crisis.
Among those at the palace were
three statesmen who had been
marked for death by the assassins
in their coup last Wednesday. -
They were Premier Keisuke Okada,
who was officially "dead" for three
days-his brother-in-law went be-
fore the assassins and was killed in-
stead; Prince Kimmochi Saionji, vet-
eran elder statesman who safely fled
from an attack; and Count Nobuaki
Makino, former lord keeper of the
privy seal, who emerged unscathed
from an attack on his villa.
Prince Saionji's first day in the
capital failed to produce a nomina-
tion for a premier to succeed Okada
and it may require several days of
consultation to decide upon one. The
prince, who is 87, was commanded by
Emperor Hirohito to advise on the
selection of a new premier - a task
he has performed 13 times.

New York
Is In Grip
Of Strike
Mayor Sees Peril To Safety
Of Public In Gotham's
Huge Walkout
Orders 40,000 City
EmployesTo Jobs
Seek To Arbitrate Labor
Problems In Today's

NEW YORK, March 2.-(WP)-
few York's building strike, sudden
id swift in its spread to every sky-
craper section in Manhattan, threw
he city into an official state of emer-
ency tonight.
Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia pro-
laimed the emergency just before he
egan efforts to arbitrate a settle-
ient. At the same time he promised
hat 40,000 municipal workers would
operate elevators and stoke fires to
rotect the health and safety of New
The Mayor's proclamation followed
conference with his health com-
issioner, Dr. John L. Rice, and the
Board of Health.
The strike raced into the financial
istrict shortly before the market's
lose. Union officials asserted that
10 buildings were affected at the first
low, including the Holland Plaza
3uilding, largest loft structure in the
Tomorrow t;e big midtown hotels,
;ix department stores, and the Empire
State Building, tallest in the world,
s well as Rockefeller Center, are on
he schedule unless arbitration is
Settlement Hope Voiced
James J. Bambrick, president of
Local 32-B of the Building Service
Employees International Union, said
that 70,000 workers in more than 6,-
)00 buildings were out tonight, but
added "we can settle this whole thing
n an hour if the other side is rea-
Walter Gordon Merritt, counsel for
the Realty Advisory Board, and Wil-
liam Rawlins, the Board's secretary,
emerged from an arbitration confer-
nce with the Mayor with word that
further conferences would be held
Bambrick, when he left Lauar-
dia's office later, confirmed the con-
tinuing conferences and said that the
Union had assented to the Mayor's
emergency proclamation by granting
every building over six stories the
right to have a deputized employee
to operate the elevators .
Spreads To Upper East Side
The strike began as a surprise evac-
uation of apartment buildings Sunday
in the residential canyons of Cen-
tral Park West, Riverside Drive and
West End Ave.
This morning it spread to the fash-
ionable Upper East Side apartment
house area and then traveled through
the garment and fur building district
just south of Forty-second St.
Figures on the effectiveness of the
strike varied.
At 3 p.m. police reported to the
Chief Inspector's office that em-
ployees of 750 buildings in Manhat-
tan and 50 in The Bronx were on
strike. Their figures were reached
by precinct polls, a slow job.
Bambrick said that the 70,000 men
he asserted already were out would
be augmented by thousands tomor-.
800 To Attend
Conference Of
Doctors Here
More than 800 members of the
American College of Physicians will
come here tomorrow on the third day
of the 20th session of that group to
attend clinics and hear addresses by
Medical School faculty members.
The College, which is composed of
the leading medical men of the Unit-
ed States and Canada, is holding its
.other sessions in Detroit. They will
continue until Friday. Dr. James D.
Bruce, vice-president of the Universi-
ty and director of the department of
postgraduate medicine, is the gen-
eral chairman.
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of
the Simpson Memorial Institute, is

Uncovered Letters Of Birney
To Be Pubhlished- By DumonInd

Biological Expedition Discovers
Many New Specimens In Yucatan

Recently discovered letters of the
great abolitionist James G. Birney,
which fill important gaps in the study
of the anti-slavery movement in the
United States, are now being edited
by Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the
history department and will be pub-
lished in two volumes soon.
The correspondence was found last
fall by Isabel Ballou, Grad., a stu-
dent in Professor Dumond's seminar.
After a rather lengthy process of
tracing them down, the letters were
found in Bay City in the possession
of George B. Jennison, grandson of

particularly on the moral and relig-
ious period of the anti-slavery fight.
The Birney letters are doubly import-
ant in that they not only supple-
ment the Weld-Grimke correspon-
dence, but carry the story through
the political phase of the movement,
Professor Dumond said.
Birney, once a slave-owner him-
self, was one of the most active and
brilliant abolitionists, Professor Du-
mond said. He had settled in Hunts-
ville, Ala., in 1818 and in 1819 was a
member of the Alabama constitu-
tional convention.
For 10 vears he lived in Alahnma.

More than 95 species of birds, in-
cluding several very rare ones, have
been collected by the members of
the University of Michigan-Carnegie
Institution of Washington joint bio-
logical expedition to the Yucatan
Peninsula, it was learned in letters
received by Frederick M. Gaige, direc-
tor of the zoology museum, in charge
of the expedition.
Several hundred specimens have
already been collected by the expedi-
tion which consists of Dr. Josselyn

and has been in the field for several
Among the rare specimens collected
by the expedition is the Yucatan
horned owl. It is the first time this
bird has been taken since the species
was described. The very rare Gaumer
swift has also been taken as well as
two species of trogon and two of
mot-mot, extremely rare jungle birds.
Two specimens of Yucatan squirrel
not found in the collection of the
museum here, which is considered
one of the most adequate squirrel
collections, have been secured. A few

+. I


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