PGEFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 193(t .PA G E. .. ...............U..................A.......... ........1....... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publised every morning except Monday during th University year and Sunmer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mnail matter Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 - cason Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., "DITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR. ....... ....JOHN J. FLAHERTY AS$OIATE. EDITOR ...........THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H.Keene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Sise A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. tdioria Department: John J Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports "Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Departmeu: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marie. T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 SUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON QiD.IT MANAGER......... JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Adverising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Jofe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CUMMINS A Chance To Help. HE ADDITIONAL $7,500 gift of Charles Baird, '95, Kansas City banker, which was announced yesterday has brought the total of his donations to $77,500. Mr. Baird directed that the new gift be used toward the erection of the Tower which will house the great Carillon.I According to the model of the campanile and its surroundings, the Carillon and Tower will be sta- tioned near Hill Auditorium and form an integral part of the new building for the School of Music. The University and students will be the principal beneficiaries of the new campanile. A new distinc- tion will be given to the University which will further mark it as one of the greatest educational centers in the United States. The concerts t be played daily will give the students and the com- munity much pleasure; its cultural influence upon Ann Arbor will be inestimable. At the present time the local University club is sponsoring a drive to raise $25,000 for the super- structure of the Tower. The student body has been asked to support this drive, and various undergraduate leaders including the presidents of the League, the Union, the Men's Council, the Panhellenic Association and the Interfraternity Council have pledged their and the students' aid to theUniversity Club. Because the undergraduate leaders have pledged their support, the students should back them completely and wholeheartedly until the $25,000 goal is reached. Not only will contributors know they are aiding in the constructin of a great asset to the University, which has done so much for i them, but they wi receive the thanks of students and alumni who will follow in succeeding years. iat PreSO itI And Futwe . .. T WAS PROBABLY in a moment of ecclesiastical humor that the Living Church, Episcopal weekly, showed that George Washington could not be elected President of the United States today. Reprinted in the Literary Digest, the church journal's proof gives a rather keen, if somewhat comic, survey of the contemporary political scene. Washington would be opposed by the American Legion, the Daughter's of the American Revolu- tion, the Liberty League and William Randolph Hearst because he was a known radical of revo- lutionary tendencies, says the article. The New Dealers would not be able to swallow his belief in the Constitution and rugged individualism. Bishop Cannon and the Methodist Board of Pro- hibition, Temperance, and Public Morals would object to his well-stocked cellar and belief in the pursuit of happiness. Roman Catholics could never conscientiously vote for a. Mason, nor could the Negroes and the Civil Liberty League lend their support to a slaveholder. The Com- munists and other radicals would term him an aristocrat and capitalist; the aristocrats and capitalists could hardly agree with his support of democracy and the rights of the common man. And last, but not least. the conservationists and Amalgamated Fruit Growers of America would next November of hearing our present day states- men compared with the illustrious dead. Of course we do not suggest that politicians go to the other extreme and begin conjuring the future. It is going to be quite a shock when we first hear Joe Smooch, candidate for congress, compared to Buck Rogers. We can prove that he is just a bloody militarist. AsOthers SeeItJ Campus Clubs THE PROPOSED CAMPUS CLUBS for bringing together students from various towns and cities in the state and for the purpose of promoting the University among advanced high school students is an intelligent approach to the question of promot- ing the University without exploiting it. Dr. A. J. Brumbaugh, dean of students at the University of Chicago, recently criticized the col- lege enrolling method used by some schools as being "rackets." He said that the use of contact men who employed "high pressure salesmanship" was highly unethical and should be stopped. The running of a university is not a private business and there is no excuse for some of the methods that have been tried, especially in rela- tion to athletes and good activity men. It comes under the same category as ambulance chasing lawyers and trick advertising doctors. Yet it is necessary to contact students in high school so that they may know what they can get at any given university. It is highly desirable to give those high school graduates some introduction to the University before they come in September. As long as the campus clubs are willing to act as guides and intermediaries for the potential freshmen and do not try to be agents and salesmen they can serve a very useful and worthwhile pur- pose. Such things as displaying the University yearbook, paper, athletic triumphs, scholastic achievements and letting them talk for themselves are without doubt helpful and still perfectly ethical. The Alumni Lead The Way (From the Cornell Daily Sun) T HE EXCELLENT CO-OPERATION displayed by the different Cornell Clubs throughout the East during the Christmas holidays, when they entertained over 200 prospective Cornel matricu- lants at dinner and banquets, should set a favora- ble precedent for the numerous undergraduate organizations which are being asked to assist in the annual Cornell Day functions scheduled for May 16-18. Not only have the alumni proved their willing- ness to co-operate by entertaining these future visitors, but they have signifid their desire to help by their response to letters recuesting names of possible Cornellians, and by offering their services to transport the visitors to and from the campus. Even more than the alumni, the present under- graduates should desire to attract to the university a large number of desirable freshmen. It is more directly to their advantage to have a superior type of matriculants than to the graduates. For the fraternities, especially, a large number of highly presentable yearlings is always a great boon. The influx of a group of active, desirable freshmen is necessary for the maintenance of the standards of the various extra-curricular groups of the uni- versity. That Cornell undergraduates have realized this in the past, is shown by the co-operation with which other committees' plans have been carried out. The entire success or failure of the 1936 Cornell Day will depend upon the reception of the visitors by the undergraduates. Complete co- operation with the committee in charge will assure an unqualified success. Indifference will be ruin- ous. The alumni have guaranteed to do their part; the rest is up to the student body. Five Beers For The Board (From the Brown Daily Herald) FRED B. PERKINS, coach of the Brown debat- ing team, and three Brown professors in talks before an institute on "Alcohol and Modern Life" yesterday advocated the elimination of alcohol in the modern machine age as the solution of the liquor problem. There can be no quarrel with those who feel that the dry position is the best for themselves as individuals. Nor can we quarrel with those idealists who attempt to make their practice a uni- versal creed - provided they do not go back to the Prohibition policy of legal restriction of individual taste. However, it must be admitted that a less rockbound creed seems to us a pleasanter and more practical position. The speakers last night emphasized the loss of physical efficiency resulting from four teaspooon- fuls of alcohol; they stated that common sense and alcohol cannot be mixed. All would admit that for the top flight athlete this loss of efficiency is tremendously important. Indeed, during a long session of brain work liquor is out of place. But for the ordinary mortal, in his off moments, the cult of physical efficiency need not restrain a man from a pleasant evening in which moderate drink- ing plays a part. Important as it is, physical efficiency is not the be all and end all of life. The man who dies in old age, still physically the top, may or may not have had a rich career. Indeed the attitude of the worthy speakers last night seems to us to bare a faint resemblance to the hypocondriac's fear of drafts. The moderate use of liquor, especially the use of wine and beer, is associated in many countries with some of the most friendly and engaging of the local customs. Indeed it is hard to imagine French life without the "vin du pays," and Munich hospitality without a foaming stein of beer. To us these pleasures seem well worth the trif- ling loss of physical efficiency. To most mortals, we feel, they offer a pleasant, and, in the last an- The Conning Tower] Ballade of Missing Years But yesterday, it seems, I heard my Maw's Injunction, "You're too young!" And just today My child snapped, "Act your age!" It gives me pause! Quicker than city snow I'll pass away, How brief at best, the life of mortal clay; First hedged about by stony vigilance, Now foiled by hair that's getting sparse and gray, Which are the years of folly and romance? Frankly, I'd love to win the wild applause Of an admiring world. I yearn to slay Dragons and things, and shatter ancient laws; Quicker than city snow I'll pass away, Long ere I reach that goal - or write a play, Long ere I learn ,to lure with liquid glance, Sing "Whoa-ho-ho!" or holler, "Heigh-de-hey!" Which are the years for folly and romance? Remorse, they tell me, is a worm that gnaws Unceasing, on the heart; but I must say It's not on ME it limbers up its jaws. Quicker than city snow I'll pass away, Befor adventure winks and says "O.K.?" Before I yield, or even get the chance To caper, kick up my heels and go gay. Which are the years for folly and romance? Wind Lord and Master, tell me this, I pray, (Quicker than city snow I'll pass away,) Is it too late to go into my dance? Which are .the years for folly and romance? ORIANA ATKINSON It was, of course, the Chief of Staff, General Malin Craig, whose memorandum for the Sec- retary of War recommended that General Hagood be relieved from his present station and duties and ordered to his home to await orders. It seems that General Hagood has been a Bad Boy since 1919. Apparently reprimands were futile. We are in sympathy with him, for "evidently," says the Chief of Staff, "the trait of flippancy is too in- grained for reprimand or admonition to have much effect." Flippancy in the army is not com- mon, and even in a general officer, it seems to us, it should not be a cause for reprimand, but for decoration. Besides, flippancy is a matter of opinion, and not of fact. Some may think that General Hagood is a flippant fellow; some may think that he is a man endowed with a sense of satire and humor. Mayor LaGuardia, flying from New Orleans to Newark, made Mayor Ellenstein happy. "He landed here and liked it," said the Mayor of Newark. Move to edit "but liked it." And the Porters' Song, "Our Boys Will Shine" Sir: Mr. Orson Wagon (Grandmother Beam's boy) tells me that ever since they started serv- ing Krumbacher in the Graybar Building Hof- brau, his sleep has been utterly ruined by "Krum- bacher Erin, Mavourneen, Mavourneen .. " But that's not my trouble. The noonly pipe organ concerts in Grand Central Terimnal have been discontinued - just when I had a couple of perfect songs all worked out for the great un- seen organist: "Where D'Ya Pumpa, John?" and "Down Where the Wurlitzer Flows." AL GRAHAM Next Thursday at 10:45 p.m. Mr. Earl Browder, general seertary of the Communist party, will talk over WABC; and next Friday, at the same fifteen-minute period, Mr. Hamilton Fish jr. will reply. It is our intention to remain up long enough to listen to both, though many believe that fiteen minutes to tell the whole Communist story - so far as we know, this is the first time Communism has been on the air --is not long enough. It will take what Mr. Swope, of the former New York World, was fond of calling a hell of a lot of selectivity. Fifteen minutes, however, is a long time; and many words can be said. Most of us can say everything that we ever have thought in that space of time, and have a minute or two left over for singing. It may boil down to this: Said Mr. Browder to Mr. Fish: 'Capitalism is not my dish." "Communism is not my chowder," Said Mr. Fish to Mr. Browder. Commissioner of Accounts Paul Blanshard's disclosure about forged referral cards sold to about 1,000 unemployed doesn't astonish us as it would if we hadn't heard in Washington about the "clearance" thing prevalent in the CCC. There is, we found with a there-is-no-Santa- Claus disappointment, politics in relief organi- zations. For we are a romantic Antaeus; we have the illusion that industry and honor are rewarded; and every time we know that graft and influence are more powerful in getting and holding jobs we fall to earth, naively to rise again until the next wallop. Well, we pacifists have an idea. It is sub- versive of military and naval discipline to criti- cize superior officers, from the Commander in Chief down. Free speech is a desideratum widely approved by all of us who believe in the freedom, of the press. Now, if it is wrong for a soldier or sailor to criticize, why not scrap the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Corps? Brief for Winter Winter I like for his honesty. Unbending, bitter, and forthright, I love his truth; while fretfully I shiver through the zero night. So softened is the coddled soul, So sheathed is every thrust of life, I pipe a little barcarolle To winter with 1his naked klnife. (TA THE SCREEN AT THE MAJESTIC 'EXCLUSIVE STORY' ** A Metro-Goldwyn-Metro picture star- ring Madge Evans and Franchot Tone, featuring Stuart Erwin and Joseph Cal- leia. Directed by George Seitz. If you like melodrama that packs as many thrills into an hour and aI half as possible - thrills and cli-r maxes that become commonplace be- fore the picture is half through - you will have many enjoyable minutes in "Exclusive Story." It is another1 of the many gangster pictures that Hollywood takes so much delight in turning out.1 This time the action begins behind1 the scene in a newspaper office where1 an ace reporter is attempting to un- cover the workings of a group of1 racketeers. He writes a sensationalf story which occasions the threat of at libel suit from the gang that has1 been operating cleverly within thel law, and the story must be retracted.t But the same gang is later involved in' a "numbers racket" that forcibly em-' ploys small grocers, bootblacks, and1 the like to act as its agents. An' attractive grocer's daughter with a noble heart appeals to the newspaper to help her father and pledges her support in uncovering the unscrupu- lous movements of the gang. From that point on scandal is added to scandal, murder is heaped upon1 murder, and before the picture ends there has been a ship conflagration. None of the actors, with the pos- sible exception of Stuart Erwin as1 the blase, quick-witted, home-loving reporter, is given a chance to give anything but a stereotyped perform- ance.1 ACharlie Chase comedy, "Public1 Ghost No. 1," and a color cartoon (a direct copy of a Silly Symphony and therefore worthwhile) are the best of the added attractions on the pro-l gram. -C.B.C. AT THE MICHIGAN 'ANYTHING GOES'] A Paamount picture with Bing Cros- by, Ethel Merman, Ida Lupino, Charles Ruggles, Arthur Treacher and others. Also Paul Tompkins, newsreel, cartoon,1 and a pictorial. It has laughs, good music, Bing Crosby in fine voice, and Ethel Mer- man. It also has some very painful moments. Ida Lupino, apparently planning her hope chest when Cros- by croons in her ear, is the worst, al- though ragged plot, poor cutting, and shameless Paramount advertising al- so hurt. When Crosby and Mermen are to- gether, and in other isolated scenes, the picture pulls itself together. This happens often enough so that you probably won't regret going. The return of music and singing, with Paul Thompkins at the organ, is good news, and for the movie hecklers the pictorial is wonderful material. -R.A.C. :. RADIO By TUURE TENANDER Jack Benny's guest appearance on Fred Allen's program last Wednesday night was certainly one of the best bits of comedy that has been put on the air for some time When Benny took up the Stradivarius and Allen: grabbed a clarinet for their duet, many listeners were reported to have fallen from their chairs Such ex- change guest appearances should be encouraged for they provide some of the best moments on the air. Two file programs are listed for 2 p.m. this afternoon. One will have to choose between hearing Leslie Howard in "The Scarlet Pimpernel" over WJR and Cornelia Otis Skin- ner's debut over the Magic Key program over WXYZ. The Metropolitan Opera broadcasts each Saturday afternoon should be just what the true music lover wants. The finest singers in the world are featured on these broadcasts, and the comments by Milton J. Cross and music critics between the acts make for better understanding of the story behind the musical score. Beetho- ven's "Fidelio" is scheduled for next Saturday. Jack Hylton's programs seem to be getting better and better each time, if that's possible. He has some distinctive arrangements and has fine entertainers in his band also. The songs and recitations of Pat O'Malley are of the very first order. Tune in tonight at 10:30 p.m. over WJR. Chicago boasts two of the finest bands in the realm of dance music in Benny Goodman and Fletcher Henderson. Incidentally, Fletcher is the boy who has done some fine arranging for Goodman, causing many dance fans to believe that a colored band was playing when Benny was on the air. Despite the Gar- SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 103 Notices Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927, au- thorized an arrangement for the sale of scientific apparatus by one depart- ment to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget ac- count of the department from which the apparatus is transferred. Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send descriptions thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in Room 223, Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the appara- tus to other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry Store on consignment, and, if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object of this arrangement is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to themselves and to the University in availing themselves of this oppor- tunity. Shirley W. Smith. Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- ture, Science and Arts: The regular March meeting of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, will be held in Room 1025 An- gell Hall, Monday, March 2, begin- ning at 4:10 o'clock. Agenda: Report of Executive Committee- Bonner. Report of Deans' Conferences - Kraus. Consideration of Resolutions C, D, and E, in the report of the Committee on Degree Programs. Consideration of the Slosson Reso- lution. Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of ;the faculty will be held on Monday, March 2, at 12 o'clock noon, Michi- gan Union. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and The Arts: No courses may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday March 7, is therefore the last date on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instruc- tor to admit a student later would not affect the operation of this rule. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information announces that it will hold registra- tion during the week of March 3-6 as follows:I All seniors and graduate students entering the University in February may register in the teaching or gen- eral division for permanent positions without fee. Registration will be held for all undergraduate and graduate students desirous of obtaining summer camp employment. Please call at 201 Mason Hall for registration material during the hours 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-4:00 Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Attention Public Health Nurses: The American Nurses Association is offering a scholarship at Bedford College, London, England, where graduate nurses may specialize in public helath, administration, teach- ing in schools of nursing and a pro- gram of social work. The scholar- ship is $1,000 and a supplementary loan for $500 may be arranged, pay able in five years. For application blanks and special requirements ar- range for personal conference, as candidates' applications must be re- ceived soon. Another scholarship in Health Ed- ucation is offered for a course at Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Barbara H. Bartlett Badminton: Women students wish- ing to enter the intramural tourna- ment between zones, dormitories and sororities, are to sign up on the bul- letin board in Barbour Gymnasium' before March 2. A medical certificate for 1935-36 is necessary before com- peting. Contemporary: Manuscripts for the third issue should be left in the Eng- lish office, 3221 Angell Hall, as soon as possible. Correction: Hillel Independents: The time of the Hillel social has been changed to Sunday evening instead of Sunday afternoon. A cademic Notices Aero. 15a -- Advanced Theoretical Aerodynamics: This class will meet on Monday, Wednseday and Friday at 8:00 a.m., in Room 1300 East Engineering Building. Economics 51, 52 and 53: Make-up this year should report to Dr. Schultz at the Health Service. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. Paul Dietz. of the Carl Schurz Memorial Founda- tion, Philadelphia, will read in Ger- man from Goethe and Schiller on Thursday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. The public is cordially invited. Father John A. Ryan: "The Cath- olic Church in Contemporary Life" will be the subject of Father Ryan's lecture before faculty and students at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater today at 8 p.m., auspices of Faculty com- mittee on Religious Education and the Catholic Students. Concert Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will play the fol- lowing program, Wednesday after- noon, March 4, at 4:15, on the Frieze Memorial organ in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children, is in- vited. Two Choral Preludes ........ Hanff a. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott b. Auf meinen lieben Gott Trio ........................ Krebs Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor --Bach Cantabile.................Franck Chorale in D, No. 3 .... Andriessen Prelude on an Ancient Flemish Melody .............. Gilson Traumerei ........Strauss-Christian Toccata: "Thou Art the Rock" -Mulet Exhibition Cancer Exhibit: An exhibit on cancer, prepared by the American Society for the Control of Cancer and loaned to the Department of Path- ology of the University, will be on display as follows: March 2-7. Room 210, West Med- ical Building, Second Floor. March 9-14. SB 433, University Hospital. All persons interested are invited to view this exhibit. Hours: 8-12; 1-5. Events Of Today Inter-Faith Conference: Students and faculty members of the several faith groups (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Eastern Religions) will hear Dr. Raymond Hoekstra at the Grand Rapids Room, Michigan League at 3 p.m. Father Babcock, Rabbi Hel- ler and Dr. Brashares with others will join in the discussion. First Methodist Church: First Methodist Church, Sunday: At 10:45 a.m., Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "What Christ Can Do for Inferiority Complexes." Stalker Hall: 12 noon, Class on "Developing the Christian Personality" led by Dr. Bessie Kanouse. 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. The life of Kagawa and his contributions to the Cooper- Sative Movement will be presented by members of the Guild. 7 p.m., Fel- lowship Hour and supper. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited to attend all of these meetings. First Presbyterian Church: Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth. Ministers, William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45, Student Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Subject: "What Evidence Can We Find for the Thought of God in History?" 10:45, Morning worship with sermon by Dr. Lemon. Subject, "The God of the Average Man." 5:00, Study hour led by Dr. Lemon. Subject, "Our Social Order - The Christian Way Out." 6:00, Westminster Guild supper hour fol- lowed by a discussion meeting with Miss Geil Duffendack as leader. . Students and faculty are invited to the Lenten Lecture Series on Thurs- day evenings. There is a supper at 6:00 for which reservations are nec- essary. The lecture by Dr. Lemon is at 7:00. Subject this week, Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress." Congregational Church: 10:30, Service of worship. Sermon by Mr. Heaps on "The Bread of Life," first in the series on "The Mind of Christ," Jesus said, "I am-." There will be special music under the di- rection of Kenneth Kincheloe. 5:00, Student Fellowship discussion hour. John Edmunds, leader. 6:00 Student Fellowship. Following the supper and special music, Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian Church will speak on "What I Live For." Church of Christ (Disciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class. Leader, H. L. Pickerill. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour. 15c supper served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion program. Because of the unusual in- terest in last Sunday's program the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is consi ructi 0 i -, to all members of the university. Copy received at the office of thc Assistant to the President untl 3:30; 11:00 a.n. on Saturday. I' I I