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February 29, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-29

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..... . .................... . ....

Have you leanings in the aquatic line? ... Would you like a swimming
p.ool all for yourselves . . . In other words there's talk of a new -swimming
pool being erected at the W.A.B. and your opinions, enthusiastic approval
and cooperation in raising money for it are all that are needed to put
it through . .. Here's the first thing . . . Sign the ballot at the bottom
of the page and send it or take it to Barbour Gym as soon as possible so
the people in charge of it all can know your feelings about it ...
Exciting rumors have been going around about the W.A.A. Sports Spread
next Thursday . . . We have been hearing wonderful things about the
decorations . . . Lovely spring flowers, place cards, and everything that goes
with a banquet . . . The best part of it is that anyone can come, whether
she has been out for sports this year or not . . . The tickets are only 35
cents, which covers food and entertainment . . . The place is the Barbour
Gym banquet hall and it starts at 6 o'clock.
All those who have won athletic points or awards of any kind should
take special notice . . . Dr. Bell will present the winners' cup for volley ball
to A.E.Phi, the intramural basketball championship to Zone 5, and all the
class numerals and M's . . . The six girls who won free playing passes from
the University golf course will receive recognition too . . . The banquet is
to be very informal . . . Everyone is to wear sports clothes ..-.
Check Up On Points..*.
All those who haven't yet handed in their W.A.A. points should hand
them in on a slip of paper in one of the boxes in Barbour Gym and W.A.B.
before Tuesday night . . . Tickets for the banquet may be bought from
Louise Lockeman, Hope Hartwig, Louise Paine, Janet Allington, Betty Greve,
or Lois Spreen . . . Better get them right away because the space is
limited . . .
Much news from the badminton fas this week . . . The University
team lost to the Ann Arbor Club Wednesday evening by a score of'six matches
to three . . . Very sad, but we can console ourselves with the thought that
the result might have been different if there had been time to play the
last four mixed doubles matches . . . Because we expected to gather in the
points in that division . . . Anyway, to get down to the bitter facts, we won
only one of the four women's doubles . . . Louise Paine, women's badminton
manager, and Margot Goodrich defeated Miss Hilda Burr and Mrs. A. E.
Boak, 15-2, 14-15, and 15-2 . . . In the other matches, Miss Jean Kyer and
Mrs. Richard Coursey beat Caroline Woodford and Jane Quick, 15-10 and 18-1
16; Miss Marie Hartwig and Mrs. Carl vanquished Betty Lyon and Brendaa
Parkinson, 15-6, and 15-0, while Miss Sellew and Miss Crittendon defeated
Floydene Beardslee and Helen Zbinden, 15-13 and 15-9 . -
Ann Arbor also won two of the three men's double matches . . . Mr.
Carl and Mr. James eked out a victory over Harry Kasabach and Randolphc
Wilkens, the score being 15-10, 10-15, and 15-12, while Mr. Boak and Mr.i
Emery beat Paul Coursey and Charles Emling, 17-14 and 15-10 . . . In the sole
University win, Eustace Fox and Harry Kasabach defeated Capt. CourseyI
and Mr. Mack ...f
They're Climbing. ..
' The ladder tournament is expected to close soon . . . The biggest jumpc
has been made by Louise Lockman, who has climbed from twelfth to eighth
place . . . With honorable mention to Louise Paine, with an advance from
eighth to sixth . . . And don't forget to sign up for the beginners' tourna-
ment starting Monday. . . The list is up in Barbour Gym . . . And oh, yes,'
sign up according to zone, sorority, or dormitory ...t
The members of Club basketball went to a meet in Battle Creek lastX
Saturday. . . At least that was what they were supposed to do. . . Thirteenr
sleepy but ambitious individuals arose at 6 o'clock in the morning and after
a breakfast at Snappy Joes they were ready to leave at 8 o'clock. . . The1
troupe met a terrific fog in Jackson and debating the fact that it was then'
after nine o'clock, that they were supposed to be in Battle Creek at 9:30,
and that they were then not quite half way there, they decided to turna
around and come home -. -
Just to make the day complete, a trailer was found blocking the roadt
home and the athletes were forced to while away an hour in a school house.
When they arrived in Ann Arbor again they had lunch at Snappy Joes and
played basketball in Barbour Gym.. . The names of the adventurers, ast
afterwards divulged, are Ann Schinman, Janet Allington, Virginia Banning,a
Virginia Donahue, Barbara Kanouse, Martha Tillman, Norma Curtis, Betty
Lyon, Sally Kenny, Louise Paine, Miss Hartwig, Miss Peasley and Miss
Saurborn ...
Here is the chance for sororities, dormitories, and league houses to get
their ping pong stars in the public eye . . . Each house should pick a doubles
team from the best players and sign up for the University tournament in
Barbour Gym. . . Lois Spreen is in Charge .. .
Shooting igh. .
And down to the rifle gallery 'where we heard the results of last week's
meet . . . Michigan tied for second place with the University of Kentucky
(yassuh) while the University of Missouri won with the nearly perfect score
of 498 . . . Contributing a lot to last week's scores were Betty Robertson's 100
(we're told it took her an entire afternoon as she rested after each perfect
hit and waited until the psychological time for another) and Betsy Odell's
98 . . . . You can hear the crack of rifle shots almost any afternoon down
in the W.A.A. building . . . WE found Betty Robertson, Eileen Lay (who,
by the way, shot a 99 while we were there) Helen Cayle and Elizabeth Dedell

all there Thursday . . . And from 4 to 6 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays, Cap-
tain G. M. Wallington of the R.O.T.C. gives instruction . . . Here's your
chance to learn_. ..
After asking death in an exciting trip to the Coliseum Thursday and
alternately dodging cars and slipping on the ice, we donned skates and in
a none too steady manner approached Ice Hockey Manager Angie King
who after skating several circles around us deigned to stop and tell the
fundamentals of the game . . . Then we viewed with admiration and no
small degree of envy the smooth skating of "Tink" Johnston . . . Jean Jack-
son, Doris Mosesson, Margaret Shuptrine, and Sitri Mattson were very much
in evidence during the course of the afternoon . . . An amusing event
occurred Tuesday when Miss Burr, who teaches the course found herself
under Tink Johnston . . . as the result of a sudden collision . . . As these
two are the best skaters in the class, it was a considerable surprise to all . . .
Nap Or Meeting.. .
Arriving carly at the W.A.A. Board Meeting which occurred last Wednes-
day, we found Kate Landruin curled up in a corner of one of the sofas sleep-
ing soundly and everyone looking at her enviously . . . eventually enough
arrived to constitute a quorum and Brend Parkinson brought the meeting
to order . . . Mabel Allison brought up the matter of the Winter Sports
House Party to be held at White Lodge Country Club March 7 . . . The
cost will be approximately $1.50 and it will include the afternoon there,
dinner, lodging and breakfast the next morning . . . And they've promised to
get back by noon Sunday . . . The lists are still up in W.A.B. and Barbour
Gym . . . Sally Kenny was officially appointed as Swimming Manager . . .
The athletic conference with high school girls scheduled for April 25 were
widely discussed and the dates of March 9-21 were set for petitioning for
W.A.A. offices . . . That includes executive offices and sport managerships
. . . Then KatK Landrum brought up the matter of the new women's swim-
ming pool that has been discussed for W.A.B. . . . Not much campus opin-
ion on the question has been ventured, so, in order to find the general
consensus of feeling on campus about it all, a ballot was suggested . .
It may be very important so sign now . .

Is Director Of Play


Miss Virginia Frink is the direct-
or of the Children's Theatre and
will direct their new production en-
titled "Robin Hood and the Queen's
Page," which is to e given March 6
and 7 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Union, Lea ue
To Hold Annual
Bridge Contest
Houses May Enter Teams;
Tournament Will Start
Early next week will be the dead-
line for registration in the annual
all-campus bridge tournament to be
sponsored by both the League and
the Union, officials announced.
The Union tournament is being
conducted in two divisions. There
is to be an independent bracket and
a fraternity bracket, according to
Herbert Wolfe, '37, chairman. Each
fraternity will be allowed to enter
one team in the elimination contest'
but fraternity men may enter thef
independent divisions.
The League tournament, under thel
direction of Harriet Hathaway, '37,'
and Virginia Van Dyke, '38, is to be-
gin Monday. Each house is to choose
two representatives which they must
register with the directors. The in-
dependent komen are also to enter
teams. The independent winners
will play sorority winiers In the fin-
The complete tournament will
probably cover a period of three
weeks. The finals and semi-finals
will bo played at the League and a
loving cup is to be awarded theICwin-
ning couple. The Union tournament
will be completed at approximately
the same time.
After the two contests are complet-
ed at both the League and the Union,
the winners of both will play a final
Fraternity, Honors
Initiates At Party
The newly elected officers and ini-
tiates of the Alpha Gamma Chapter
of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity will be
honored at a radio party to be held
from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday at the
chapter house on Cambridge Road.
The new olicers are: president.
Gordon Cohn, '37, vice-presidenit,
Robert Fischgrund, '37; Secretary,
Marvin Kay, '38; Treasurer, Law-
rence Mayerfeld, '38; and Steward,
Shirrel Kasle, '37. The retiring Su-
perior is David Schiffer, '37.
The initiates are: Sol Rosenbaum,
'39, David Wernstock '39, Joseph
Haas, '39E, and Morris Markle, '39E.
Prof. and Mrs. Louis Karpinski and
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Conn will chap-
erone the party.
Helen Newberry Residence will hold
a closed, informal Leap Year dance
from 9 to 12 tonight. CharleyZwick's
orchestra will play and the decora-
tions are to carry out the Leap Year
motif. Dorothy Briscoe, '37, is in
charge of arrangements.


Cast For PlayJ
Is Announced
By Miss Freial
Dorothy Olr lays Lead;
Grade School Children
To Have Parts
Miss Virginia Frink, director of
The Children's Theatre productions,
has selected the cast for "Robin <
Hood and the Queen's Page," to be
given March 6 and 7.
Dorothy Ohrt, '37, and Frederic1
Shaffmaster, Grad., will take im-
portant roles as Queen and King.-
Teddy Maier, a grade school pupil
and son of Guy Maier, will play the
leading part of Sir Richard. Don
Brackett, '36, has been chosen to take
the role of Bishop, and Frank Rol-
linger, '36SM, Robin Hood.
Other members of the cast an-
nounced yesterday include Fred1
James, '38, Charles Maxwell, '37,;
Vaudie Vandenberg, '36, Abraham1
Silver, '37SM, Ross MacPherson, '36,,
Marguerite Creighton, '37SM, Leon-
ard Kasle, '36, Robert Uslair, '37,
Robt. L. Tornello, '39M, Geraldina
Elliott, Grad. and George Sipprell,
Four other grade school pupils,
Annie Kunsle, Shirley Mattern, Ann
Hackett, and .Nancy McKaye, will
play the parts of ladies of the court.
In the mob scene are Mary Jane At-
lee, '38, Jean Finkelstein, '37, Leon--
ard Kasle, Mildred Olson, '37Ed, Ed-
ith Chubb, '38, Marjorie Coe, '38,
Marcello Madison, '38, Morlye Baer,
'37 and Milton Halliday, '36.
The majority of roles are male
parts. The Children's Theatre pro-
ductions are the combined presenta-
tion of University students and
Performances will be given at 3:30
p.m., Friday and at 1:30 and 3:30
p.m. Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn
Through the donations of frater-
nities and sororities approximately
350 needy schoolchildren were privil-
eged to see Children's Theatre pro-
ductions last semester. An addition-
al number of tickets will be dis-
pensed to a group of children for the
Robin Hood play.
Storytellers, selected from students
on the Children's Theatre committee,
were sent to various grammar schools
last week to relate the episodes of the
Methodist Club
Will Enutertain
New Initiates
The Nu chapter of Kappa Phi,
Methodist Girls' club, is holding its
initiation at 4 p.m. today at the
Methodist church, followed by a for-
mal initiation banquet at 6 p.m. in
the A.B.C. room of the League, ac-
cording to Margaret Hiscock, '36,
general chairman.
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department will be the main
speaker at the banquet. After the
banquet the alumnae are entertain-
ing the active members with a party
which will be preceded by a reception
in the Alumnae room.
The following are assisting Miss
Hiscock: Helen Diehl, '36, chairman
of invitations; Mary Helen Bowman,
'38, chairman of decorations; Phyllis
Huston, '37, programs; and Dorothy
Armstrong, '36, reception.
The guests of honor are: Professor
and Mrs. Weaver; Miss Alice Lloyd;
Dean and Mrs. Edward Kraus; Dr.

Bessie B. Kanouse; Rev, and Mrs.
Charles W. Brashares; Mrs. Arnold
Goss; Mrs. Max Blaess; and Mrs. Ar-
thur W. Stalker.

Major In Oriental Civilizations
Returns From Extensive Trip
Ioyce mBlack Visits China. frequent and elaborate funeral pro-
- a; 'I i cessions which are entirely uninflu-
, tipan, 'our stCondli('t enced by the Western world.
Prof. t. B. Hall Tiravelling from Peiping to Shang-
'_hai by the famous Shanghai Express,
By JEWEL WUER.FEL Miss Black had a novel experience.
Three months in Japan and two On the way she decided to stop off
in China is the background Joyce Iat Nanking to see the ancient walls
Black. '36, has obtained during the and the tomb of Sun Yat-sen which
past year as a part of her major in is situated on a hill just outside the
Oriental civilizations. city wall. To reach Nanking, the
Miss Black left for the Orient in Shanghai Express has to cross the
June last year with Prof. and Mrs. Yangtse River, a trip of three hours.
Robert B. Hall and other students. It is possible to leave the train and
Of the group, Miss Black and Wil- cross by boat in one hour. Since it
liam Boyce remained with Professor was already late in the evening, Miss
and Mrs. Hall in Japan, the others Black decided to take the shorter
returning for the fall term. trip.
Pciping Offers Attra.ctions Crosses Yangtse
Peiping, proved to be very interest- Leaving the train she had to pass
ing for Miss Black. Besides many through the customs office where no
ruins and ancient monuments, the one was able to speak a word of Eng-
shopping in Peiping is a great attrac- lish. and Miss Black knew no Chinese.
tion. Here are many modern stores Passing through here, she bordered
as well as native bazaars where cos- the ferry. On the trip across the
tume jewelry, rich silks, brocades and river she was the only white person
curios are offered to tourists. among hundreds of coolies. Arriving
The streets in Peiping are especially on the other shore, Miss Black and
fascinating. Miss Black pointed out two coolies disagreed on the cost of
in a recent interview the many dif- carrying her baggage. After a short
ferent scenes. Amid the usual dust argument. Miss Black left, the worse
and dirt one sees a profusion of rick- for a ten cent loss.
shas, bicycles, herds of sheep, ducks Finds Hotel Filled
dyed red for wedding festivals and P +r'. ctornri the night in'th(,


Senior Society
To Make Plans
For Graduation
Arrangements for the selling of
senior collars and the distribution of
caps and gowns which will take place
Monday, March 23, will be the im-
portant topic for discussion at the
meeting of Senior Society Tuesday,
according to Betty Greve, '36, presi-
It is urged that seniors make a
special effort to rent their caps and
gowns from the League, and to buy
their collars from Senior Society, says
Miss Greve.
Other matters to be dealt with in
the meeting are the planning of a
breakfast after Assembly Ball and
consideration of the tapping of new
members at the time of Installation
Banquet. This is the first time that
Senior Society has tapped at the
same time as Mortarboard, honorary
senior society. Formerly, new mem-
bers have been elected by Senior So-
ciety at the fall Assembly Banquet.
Last Tuesday night Miss Alice
Lloyd, dean of women, invited the 14
members of Senior Society to her
home for dinner. Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick, social director of women,
was the honored guest.

I nnullig 4o speiu 11 llgl 11eG1
new ultra modern hotel in Nanking,
Miss Black cabbed across the city,
only to find that all the rooms were
filled, since the Kuomintang, the na-
tional governing body, was in session.
As a last resort, she called a teacher
at Ginling College for women to
whom she had a letter of introduc-
tion. Here she spent the night.
Miss Black hopes that after her
graduation in June, her work in
Oriental fine arts will take her back
to the Orient which she has found to
be so very fascinating.
Where To Go
Theatre: Majestic, "Exclusive
Story" with Franchot Tone; Michi-
gan, "Anything Goes" with Bing
Crosby; Whitney, "Stormy" with
Noah Beery, Jr., and "Frontier Jus-
tice" with Hoot Gibson; Wuerth,
"The Tale of Two Cities" with Ronald
Colman and "You May Be Next" with
Ann Sothern.
Dancing: Rainbow Room of the
Union, Silver Grill of the League,
Chubb's, Hut Cellar.
Gold mail evening bags are being
featured by local shops as the first
choice for the smart woman. These
are made in envelope shapes.


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HALLER'S Jewelry
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