PAG~E X THE MICHIGAN DAILY Conditions Bad Only The Beginning,' Warns __ 4 Cur'tis Direct,. In lnsIitutin , JFeaihern'iu ()f 10retie ( 4i r' Work O t(;iide Repa-ut lbevtak s StuI-/A'ro Weather Marks new recolwis for irolonged sevenity, OfU IthI tnti according to J. B. Kincer, chief of the hange In Cycle FromorhousesDescribeAdivision of climate and crop weather. Publication Will Be Prio iretraps r By Welfarea Mild To Cold Years "The persistently wemperatur pelICtnli Firetaps'By Wefarehave brought the present cold spell To Comnmencement;- Ah Glass Bricks Are Practical And I'rofilbl e, cipk4 nfclwy Ielieves 1"resent Use 0) New Iricks retarding the general adoption of 1.0 01 - ' t nvestigators in Lansing Aged Exposed To Confined With Report Charges Disease, Insane, LANSING, Feb. 27. - () - State welfare department investigators charged today that aged inmates of county poorhouses, in many instances are sheltered in fire traps, exposed to disease, shut in with the insane, and maintained in degrading circum- stances. The charges marked a report on the condition of 71 out of the 82 in- firmaries maintained in the state. Grover C. Dillman, former state wel- fare director, instigated the rigid sur- vey which led to the report. Mrs. Fern Smith Hammond, deputy state welfare director, who directed compilation of the report, said she will lay it before the state welfare commission when it meets here March 12. She personally visited some of the infirmaries and described con- ditions she encountered as "atro- cious," Has Little Power The deputy director'said the com- mission can only investigate condi- tions and report them and has no power to force counties to improve their infirmaries. She pointed out that the state health department has authority to close them if they men- ace public health. Mrs. Hammond cited instances of undesirable conditions in the infirm- aries, but refused to name specific counties until the report is placed before the commission. Among the charges listed against unidentified infirmaries were: One housed four children and used a bathroom as a maternity hospital. In a second, insane inmates were housed temporarily in a basement cell which was used as a dog kennel when not occupied by patients. A 60-year-old building had no fire escapes and housed a 14-year-old girl with its aged inmates. Another infirmary failed to segre- gate men and women in different quarters and had nine delinquent boys housed among its inmates. An investigator reported inmates of this institution were "afraid to talk." Sleep In Garage A building used as an infirmary had inmates on the third floor, but fire escapes which reached only to the second floor, another had fire escapes blocked with beds, a third had screens nailed shut in a manner which would prevent escape in case of fire. Mrs. Hammond said the survey re- vealed 10 aged persons sleeping in a four-car garage, others housed in a portion of an abandoned tuberculosis sanatorium building, and others in a building previously used for storing grain. The report showed that the average amount spent to maintain an inmate in a county infirmary is 50 cents a day. The amounts varied with coun- ties from 27 cents to 84 cents. In one county the keeper of the infirmary re- ceived 65 cents a day for mainten- ance of his charges. His "savings" from maintenance costs constituted his salary. The average salary paid keepers was $125 a month. Await Transfer Mrs. Hammond disclosed that 133 supposedly insane persons are housed in 35 of the infirmaries, awaiting admission to state institutions. Among the populations of the poor houses are 88 alleged feebleminded persons, 49 cases regarded as epi- WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. - (,) Take it fromn the United States weather bureau, the present winter is worse in prolonged severity than any grandpa can remember. And the chances are better than even that cold and wet winters will be the rule for some time to come if the present one marks the end of a cycle of about 25 years in which the1 weather has been growing progres- sively milder throughout the world. Bureau officials will make no pre- dictions on that score but have been expecting for several years that just such a reversal will occur. If it comes, the winters for a long time in the future will make conditions in re- cent winters seem almost tropical by contrast. Maximum Low: 66 Below The present cold spell has not broken the maximum low tempera- ture record of the United States, which is 66 degrees below zero, set in Yellowstone Park, Feb. 9, 1933. It is unusual, however, in setting many Situation Remains Critical In Tokio (Continued from Page 1) to one of the longest and most severe ever experienced in this country, and in some northwestern districts all previous records for continuous cold have been broken," he declared. Many reports of temperatures ranging from 20 to 40 degrees below zero have been received, Kincer said. Snow Helps Winter Wheat Heavy snow which has accompan- ied the cold has been beneficial in the main winter wheat area of the Dakotas, Minnesota and Nebraska, he added, in protecting the crop and providing a moisture supply to car- ry it through the spring. The only area which has not re- ceived helpful snow is the section which needs it most - the "dust bowl" of Kansas, Colorado, New Mex- ico, Texas and Oklahoma - Kincer said. There the ground is extremely dry and dust storms have occurred during recent weeks. "The prospects are that unless rain falls in that area during the spring we will have bad dust storms again," he declared. "In all other sections of the coun- try the moisture situation is favor- able and in the south there has been too much rain. It is delaying spring farming operations," Kincer added. Cooler, Wetter Summers Thus far the cold has not adverse- ly affected agriculture since it has not caused any severe damage in southern truck crop areas, he said. In the area stretching from Ohio to Kansas the snow has not been suf- ficient to protect the soil but the damage is not serious. A reversal of the weather trend will also mean a tendency toward cooler, wetter summers, eliminating fear of droughts, Kincer said. SELASSIE RUMORED ILL ROME, Feb. 28. (Friday - - (AP) Rumors that Emperor Haile Selassie was sick or wounded circulated here today following receipt of Italian dis- patches from Djibouti, French Soma- liland, that the Ethiopian ruler's Given By Civic Grou1ps Prof. Heber D. Curtis, of the as- tronomy department is directing plans for the publication of a book-' let, "A Guide to the Huron River," it has been announced. The booklet will be published joint- ly by the University and the Ann Ar- bor Chamber of Commerce sometime prior to Commencement, this June. Civic groups in both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and the State Normal Col- lege are cooperating to aid in gath- ering material for the booklet. Among the writers to be represent- ed are President Alexander G. Ruth- ven, who will write the forward. Oth- ers contributing chapters are Regent Junius S. Beal, vice-president Shir- ley W. Smith, Dean Samuel T. Dana, Dean Henry M. Bates, Professor- emeritus William H. Hobbs, Prof.! Walter C. Sadler, Prof. H. W. King, Prof. C. O. Wisler, Prof. William C. Hoad, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, Prof. Harlow O. Whittemore, Prof. Ken- neth C. McMurray, Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, Prof. C. D. LaRue and Pro- fessor Curtis. - The booklet, according to Professor Curtis, is being published not only to afford pleasure to persons living near or travellingon the Huron River, but also to make way for improvements on the river in the future. Possibili- ties for developing the Huron River valley as a huge playground and re- creational center for a large area will be indicated. Consisting of 40 pages, the bookletj will contain 25 colored illustrations and a three-colored map of the river and the surrounding territory. On I this map will be shown what has been done in the way of improvement and what should be done. Swedish physician had suddenly been summoned to Dessye, near which the Negus was understood to have his headquarters. I Hindered By High Costs, Professor States Although the old adage warns that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, there is, in the opinion of Prof. G. M. McConkey of the College of Architecture, a strong possibility that exactly that situation may someday exist. The use of the glass bricks re- cently introduced in America has, said Professor McConkey, a. great fu- ture in the construction of both I homes and factories. Its success will be due largely to the fact, he said, that the new material is being given a great deal of publicity, and has, besides, some definite advantages. The greatest point in favor of the hollow glass bricks is, he feels, the fact that a whole building can be built by masons alone, thus saving the ex- pense of using the labor of carpen- ters. The glass brick is made of two halves which are sealed together under great heat. The heat causes a partial vacuum inside the brick, and this vacuum gives the brick ex- cellent insulating properties, which can be of great value when used in conjunction with modern air-condi- tioning equipment. The glass also has the great advantage of admitting light, and this factor, says Prof. Mc- Conkey, makes it of value in building factories, where the health and effi- ciency of workers is improved by the admission of large quantities of light. The bricks can also be used in a purely decorative motive, as is evi- denced by the brightly colored samples which have been received at the College of Architecture from com- panies in Illinois and Ohio. The great disadvantage in using the glass bricks, says Prof. McConkey is their cost, which is twice as much per square foot as that of the stand- ard building brick. Although the high cost is slightly balanced by the de- crease in labor costs, he feels that the cost will be an important reason for glass bricks. Another use of glass which Prof. McConkey finds much more practical is at present being developed at the laboratories of the University of Wis- consii. The new glass, called 'phe- nol resin,"is being used to glue to- gether large squares of plywood, which are actually peeled from trees by a great knife. This glass is made to melt at a temperature of 300 de- grees Centigrade, and having once been melted and poured, becomes wa- ter-proof, and invulnerable to mois- ture and weathering. The principal of the glass brick is traced by Prof. McConkey back to the Parthenon, where, it is believed by some archeologists, translucent tiles may have been used to allow light to enter the temple, which has a large door as its only opening. In more recent times, the ,glass tiles used in sidewalks, which are similar to those used in the roof of the Yost Field House, may also have been the in- spiration for the glass bricks. GauIt To Address Ci itiiil Forit IroI I"h.dt r ft, ; built of tle S 1ic ool of Bmines Administration, will speak at 4 p.m. Sunday on the topic of "Problem of the Consumer - Are Cooperatives the Way Out?" at the meeting of the Ann Arbor Communi- ty Forum in the auditorium of Perry School at Division and Packard Streets. Professor Gault and two other rec- ognized authorities on cooperative production and marketing will pre- sent the issues of the problem after which members of the audience will be given a chance to discuss it in- formally. Harold S. Gray, president of the Saline Valley farms and Lu- cius E. Williamson, president of the Michigan Cooperative association will speak on the program with Professor Gault. I Engraved $1 I 1 0 Cards & PateJI. J THE ATHENS PRESS 'Printers City's Lowest Prices on 308 North Main Street - Printing. Dial 2-1013 1- and taken to Okada's humble home in Yodobashi, there to await funeral services. The death of the minister of fi- nance Korekiyo Takahashi was equally dramatic: The insurgents entered his bedroom and one opened fire with a pistol. Although hit three times, the minister still stood. "What are you trying to do?" He demanded of the intruders. The question, witnesses, said, seemed to infuriate the officer at the head of the assassins. He drew his sword and slashed at Takahashi, nearly severing the elderly states- man's right arm. Takahashi died within a few hours. The wife of Admiral Viscount Ka- oto Saigo, lord keeper of the privy seal, was with her husband at their residence not far from the im- perial palace when a party of about a score of the rebels armed with ma- chine guns broke in. She tried to move between the assassins and her husband, and even placed her hand over the muzzle of one of the ma- chine guns being used to kill him. Her hand was wounded. Ameri- can Ambassador Joseph Grew, who had entertained her and the Viscount at dinner only a few hours previously, called upon her late yesterday and expressed sympathy. (The fourth statesman assassinat- ed was General Jotardo Watanabe, director of military education, who was killed in his residence.) leptics, nine persons suffering from tuberculosis, and 53 inmates suffering from various other diseases. The total population of the 71 in- firmaries investigated was 4,054 per- sons. The average capacity of the in- stitutions was 55 persons and the average population 56 persons. The majority of the poor houses are two- story buildings, and the report said some of them dated back to 1860. Mrs. Hammond explained that the capa- city of the houses is not taxed dur- ing the summer months, but a winter influx of clients, sometimes raises the population from 25 to 50 per cent over normal capacity. The deputy director said many of the institutions made little attempt to segregate sick persons, failed to give them physical examinations on admittance, and fed them on milk from untested dairy herds. She de- clared 20 infirmaries have inadequate fire escapes. The Michigan Wo lverine Lane Hall Cordially extends to All, Without Obligation, a One-Week Trial Offer: TWEN'T'Y FINE MEALS Four Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents R. S. V. P. Hootkins Relates Experiences As Army Interpreter In War E' 'i A talk by Prof. Hirsch Hootkins of the French department on his ad- ventures during the World War, in which he served as interpreter for the United States army in France, was the feature of the monthly meet- ing of the Forestry Club Wednesday night. Professor Hootkins had just been graduated from the University of Chi- cago when hostilities began, and when the United States entered the war he went into the army as a volunteer, entraining from Grand Rapids for the Columbus, O., recruiting camp. Upon saying that he was a teacher of foreign languages, he revealed, he was "immediately put into the 20th; Engineers Corps, Company C." But before he embarked for Brest in 1917 from Hoboken, Professor Hootkins had been transferred to the 28th Engineers, which was fortunate for him in that the transport ship bearing his original company was tor- pedoed in mid-ocean. His first experiences as an English- French interpreter came at Brest, where he charged doughboys a franc for each article he bought for them in the shops, and when his squad was moved forward he was four thousand francs richer. The colonel, hearing of his "racket," requested his presence and put him through a series of tests to determine his ability as an inter- preter. After going with the colonel to various shops, where he success- fully put through purchases of spot removers and girth straps for horses. Professor Hootkins was made, official interpreter for the company. Professor Hootkins cited the gen- erosity of American soldiers in an in- cident that occurred at Nante, where the company was encamped for some weeks. The only suitable drinking water was at the home of a fine old French family, impoverished by the demands of war. The woman of the house extended hospitality to the men at all times, and when the order came to move away, the 118 members of the company made up a donation in appreciation. "When generous American soldiers who know little about francs start making up a contribution, there's little telling what might be the out- come," Professor Hootkins said,. "When the contributions were over, the cap full of francs and currency was carried to the mother who wept at the sight of enough money to send her daughter away to school for sev- eral years." Many are the adventures and en- counters that the professor remem- bers of his days in France, and at the front: the five days journey toward the front in railway cars for "40 hommes, 8 chevals"; his first en- counter with the whistling noise a shell makes and the ensuing panic, when he lost control of his knees; the night the German airplanes mis- took his dugout for an ammunition dump in the dtarkness: Ancient, primitive man used his eyes -(falmost entirely out-of-doors, in the day- es were developed for Now we use eyes for close time, under very high intensities of light distance seeing seeing -ntensities hundreds of times greater than we find indoors today. When the sun went down, he went to sleep. And he used his eyes for distant, not close seeing-hunting, fishing, looking at large objects. Even in Abra- ham Lincoln's time very few people studied or sewed or read far into the night as we do. Eyes were developed for bright light i ' 4 r' Today we work under low brightness BLUE MOON DANCE Modern civilization has completely changed all this. We have lightly tossed aside the fact that our eyes were in the process of developing for hundreds of thousands of years-develop- ing for distance seeing under tremendous quantities of natural daylight. In the last few centuries we have taken liberties with all four of nature's principles-distance seeing, lots of light to aid our eyes, a relatively short day, and easy visual tasks. Instead, we have substituted close-seeing indoors, extremely low levels of lighting, a much longer (lay, abnormally severe visual tasks. The eye is a wonderful organ! But is it any wonder that there are so many people { with defective eyes? lere are the latest figures for damaged eyesight among Nature's plan wasa short day Man's day extends into the people of varying ages: night Grade school students..................................20% College students.............................. ...........40% 40 years.................................................60% 60 years. ............................................95% SATURDAY RAINBOWROOM Wichigan Union 1. Featuring - DON LOOMIS, formerly with Seymour Simons 2. Featuring - FAVORS and NOISEMAKERS 3. Featuring - That Famous Comic Skit, "LITTLE NELL" 4. Featuring - Another Entertaining UNION FLOOR SHOW I M - -Aria KAL /f __ _ , , . ; ' _ . e,_ , __._ s In the process of seeing there are three factors: 1. THE VISUAL TASK-We cannot change our visual tasks. The act of living imposes certain visual tasks and our jobs require others. Primitive tasks were easy on the eyes Today's tasks involve fine details 2. THE EYES-A wonderfully exact science has been developed for correcting eve defects with Masses. For defective eves, there are no substitutes for the