THE MICHIGAN DAILY CHIGAN DAILY _..- --'4. 4 and "new leaves" are usually motivated by a sin- cere desire for improvement, but along with new semester proclamations they are often followed by a lapse into the former mode of living whether it involves more study or less or something else. Aside from the increased self-esteem that a widely proclaimed academic new deal gives, it is often of little value. Great changes in scholastic ability and application are seldom effected within a few months or even a year. Records show that a large number of students who are awarded Phi Beta Kappa keys were members of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary society, indicating the consis- tency of good scholarship. If you thing it neces- sary to turn over a new leaf, it would be best to do it quietly. Aim for a slow but positive im- provement rather than the erratic sort of change that is being vainly predicted now that the semes- ter is young. I! I Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered 'at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. TIHE FORUM i I t --' EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 49251 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ................JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Xlsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Maricr T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12141 BUSINESS MANAGER .........GEORGE H. ATHERTON " CREDIT MANAGER ........ JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Thank God For Real Americans .. . S EN. KEY PITTMAN, Nevada Dem- ocrat and PATRIOT, is to be con- gratulated for recently telling Japan WHAT THEY COULD DO. Senator Pittman is the kind of a man that this REPUBLIC NEEDS. While the namby pambies and PACIFISTS sit around Congress twiddling their thumbs, Senator Pittman comes out and SAYS JUST WHAT HE THINKS. Everyone knows that the YELLOW PERIL is a very real danger to our democracy, just as the RED AND PINK PERIL IS. If it were not for such men as WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST and SEN- ATOR PITTMAN, Americans would see their country taken away from them. On the other hand if we have a LARGE NAVY AND A LARGE ARMY we can sit back and tell EVERYBODY TO GO TO HELL. What we really want is PEACE AND JUSTICE for the WORKERS so they can BE HAPPY. The way to insure this peace and justice is to give them MILITARY TRAINING. SOME AGITATORS are saying that the only reason PITTMAN, who is a lot LIKE GEORGE WASHINGTON, told Japan off is because he has a personal feud with HIROSI SAITO, Japanese Ambassador, but all INTELLIGENT CITIZENS WILL KNOW THAT THIS IS JUST PROPA- GANDA. We are indeed fortunate that this LAND OF THE FREE still has PATRIOTS AND LOVERS OF THEIR COUNTRY LIKE SENATOR PITTMAN. Won't Happen In Hollywood .. . ILL HAYS' ULTIMATUM that "It Can't Happen Here" will not be filmed in Hollywood serves only to intensify our dislike for that "goofy oasis." Hollywood, the way we look at it, has all the money that it can stand -in fact, more than is good for it. They accept what America has to offer them, which is more than any other country could offer such a class of luxury-loving funsters, and live "life to the full," or at least a life that they enjoy. So when Mr. Hays cancels arrangements to film this novel of Sinclair Lewis, we feel that he has burdened us with the last straw; especially since he takes such action in consideration of "inter- national policies and threat of boycott abroad." Moreover, if America knew that Mussolini (almost simultaneously with the Hollywood dictator's ukase) was partaking of a celebration in an at- tempt to launch Italy's film industry into inter- national proportions (doubtless to spread propa- ganda). the Hays action would appear cowardly, to say the least: we should pamper Fascist Italy while she was, as a nation, showing us her teeth. "It Can't Happen Here" is obviously propa- ganda; Sinclair Lewis admits it, but it is the kind of propaganda that America so sorely needs. We have accepted Russia's films that reek propaganda, so there is no reason why we should not exhibit some fearlessness and offer her, and Germany, and Italy, some of our propaganda. Mr. Hays admits the need of such propaganda in this country when he announces his fear that "It Can't Happen Here" would not pass the rigor- ous censorship of dictatorially-ruled countries. Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily, Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, besregarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus Criticism Of Government To the Editor: One of the interesting phenomena in connection with the political game is the frequent criticism with which the Federal administration is being assailed both by patriotic as well as by unpatriotic organizations, such as political parties, the Liberty League, partisan newspapers, Chambers of Com- merce, etc. Criticism of government is necessary especially when such criticism springs from a sense of justice and aims at the improvement by means of constructive suggestions, of social, political, and economic conditions. However, when a hundred per cent partisan and vested interests level their shafts at the administration, such criticism defeats its own end for the reason that intelligent people are not easily taken in by accu- sations that the Roosevelt administration is a dictatorship and that the people are being regi- mented by the government. In a brilliant article by a prominent American, Professor Felix Frank- furter of Harvard University, the subject of crit- icism of the government is touched upon as fol- lows: "Whoever had come to power on March 4, 1933," writes Professor Frankfurter, "would have been confronted overnight with new tasks of over- whelming magnitude for government to assume. A recovering patient never remembers, fortunately perhaps, how devilishly sick he was. It is easy to pick flaws in the administration of new mea- sures which had to be improvised for emergencies -too easy. But the fair-minded public should keep in mind considerations that will move the historians of our time. It is essential to observe certain canons of criticism that are usually neg- lected because they are so obvious.. Headlines an- nounce the occasional gregarious blunder, but day-by-day achievement is unchronicled. The clash of politics, the friction between executive and legislature, the taste for scandal, the preoc- cupation with personalia, make us know whatever goes wrong in government. It is right that it should be so. The critics of government cannot be too Argus-eyed. But no like conjunction of forces educates the public to a knowledge of the good in government. Virtue is proverbially not news, and appreciation of achievement in govern- ment, except when attained on the colossal scale of a Panama Canal or in the dramatized conflict of foreign relations, is all too dependent on dull technical details. The public is therefore surpris- ingly uninformed of the extent to which its serv- ants contribute to the public good. And so the all too common depreciation of men in public service is at once shallow and cruel. It debilitates where it should encourage. A collection of con- demnatory comments on the Presidents alone, from Washington down, would make a choice anthology of abuse, but it would be a nonsensical history of the United States." -Professor-Emeritus M. Levi. As Others See It Greetings To Mr. Root (From the New York Herald-Tribune) SO RARELY does America's "Elder Statesman," Elihu Root, appear in the news that his ninety- first birthday yesterday passed almost unnoticed except by his friends and relatives. On the day be- fore, at the Council on Foreign Relations, a bust of Mr. Root had been dedicated in recognition of his services to that body. A few members of the council and a group of its directors were pres- ent at the ceremony. But Mr. Root himself, true to his custom of avoiding gatherings of this sort, remained quietly at home. Ever since the World War Mr. Root has lived a life of retirement. He feels that others should do and be heard. To himself he reserves the simple pleasure of observing. The few who come in contact with him report that his powers of observation are undimmed and that his opinions are as keen as ever. Many have wondered what he thought of the strange antics of government during the last three years, and would like to know his reactions to such events as the decisions of the Supreme Court about the New Deal. But with a touch of his old dry wit Mr. Root has let it be known that his son seems more concerned about such things than he. As he looks back on what he has seen in the course of his long life he cannot but be impressed with the extraordinary capacity of survival and adaptation which this country has shown. His own most important work was in a time that now seems remote. In fact, he has himself already passed into history. But we are glad to be able to salute him and to wish him more vears of oiet The Conning Tower] THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS Saturday, February 8 LAY LONG, and so up and to luncheon with A. Krock and he tells me things about Wsh- ington and the place is now so bewildering that I do not see how he, or anybody else, can select from an embarrassment of poverty or richness, what single matter to select to write about. So in the afternoon to Capt. John Thomason's and met there Commander Stone and his wife, a mighty knowing lady, and I told John that I thought so, and then be tells me that she is Grace Zaring Stone that wrote "The Bitter Tea of General Yen" and I was glad that I did not know it, and I remember a play of Chesterton's I think it was "Magic," wherein somebody said that you never really know anybody if you know his name. So to catch up D. Taylor, and with him to dinner at the Press Club, and thenafter I sate next to Mr. Jos. Byrnes the Speaker of the House and listened to many long speeches, by H. Broun and A. Woollcott and D. Taylor, and thereafter there was dancing, and for all that I know light wines, but I home and to bed. Sunday, February 9 SO OUT with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wechsler, and thence to my inn, and in the evening to Mrs. Daisy Harriman's, and sate next Miss Tone that had been a secretary to Henry Adams, and next her was to sit Dr. Charles Beard, and she said, What did he write? And I told her a book or two that he had wrote, and she told me that Henry Adams had told her that she was too ostentatious about her ignorance, and that if she only waited, people would tell her what she wanted to know. So after dinner, Dr. Beard spoke about the Con- stitution, and how Jefferson and Hamilton had thought thus and so about it, and I marvelled at the accurateness of his knowledge and the ripe- ness of his wisdom. Lord! I am mute at how much more everybody whom I meet knows more about everything that I do about anything! Monday, February 10 UP, AND about the town, here and there, and thence to the Supreme Court, at eleven, and heard much talk about the lack of dignity of the place, and how the old building was far worthier of the high tribunal, but I thought that this was still the most august and dignified place I ever had seen, and even if it were undignified, why, when the Court is so great a target, and some even want to have it abolished, should it be more dignified. Dignity is as dignity does, and there could be dig- nity in a composing room, and there could be none in the Senate. Tuesday, February 11 DASHED ABOUT all the day, this being far dif- ferent from the sheltered life I lead in my domestic hermitage. So to the White House, and met F. Roosevelt the President, who told me that he was glad to see me, and I was about to tell him that I hadn't known he cared, but thought that I would wait my opportunity, which did not come again. So to the office and worked a little, and thence to dinner at G. Pinchot's, and sate next Mr. Burton Wheeler the Senator from Mon- tana, and he told me that he was at Ann Arbor just after I had left, though he never had thought of it in that way before. But though he lives in Butte, he was born in Hudson, Mass., and lived there for a long time. But there was one thing -that I did not ask him: and that was whether he knew Myron Brinig and Berton Braley, the Butte litterateurs. Wednesday, February 12 EARLY UP, and to my office and a message there from my superior editor, asking whether I were running for President, which I did not reply to, but felt like saying that I would bow to his will if that were his desire. But maybe he thought that I ought to be running for a train. So after my work to A. Warner's for dinner, and caught up Webb Miller, who told us of Ethiopia. And after dinner Ray Tucker come in and Mrs. T., and Cora McKinney who told me that she was born on Mich- igan Avenue and 26th Street, a block from my own natal hovel. And she tells me of her uncle Teddy Beck, and of other matters, and I 'had there the merriest evening I have had in a long time, and Ray drove me to my inn, through the snow. Thursday, February 13 0UT, INTO the iciest, slipperiest morning ever I experienced, and so to the office at eleven, but nobody there yet, so I could enter, and so went to see P. Oehser at the Smithsonian Insti- tution, and mighty much interested in some of it, but not the natural history portion. But I will be bound that there are thousands of Americans who have visited the museums and galleries of France and Italy who would scorn to go to the Smithsonian, yet were the same thing in these for- eign lands they would not dare to come home and say they had not seen it, yet would be the first to scream about the Constitution, and down with the traitor and up with the star. So to call upon Mr. Schuyler Merritt who represents, among other towns, Lyons Plain; and a fine representative gentleman, too. And he gave me a luncheon of oysters and bluefish; and so I to the office and but down too many words, none much good and so to pack my gripsack; and so downstairs to see Hazel Vandenberg, and found Arthur there, and said Lord! how did you get home so early after speaking in New York last night? And he said he came home on the night train, but that he got the early editions of the morning papers to see how his speech looked in print. Which I thought; a mighty engaging admission, and I told him that I had my November telegram already com- posed, and he asked me what it was, and I told him "Better luck next time." And his merriment was sincere. So to catch up Mrs. Alice Longworth and with her to see G. Cohan in "Dear Old Dar- ling," a small play save for the almost incredibly fine acting of Mr. Cohan, and never have I seen so authentic a bit of intoxication portrayed. So to the train for home, and fell asleep before ever the train had left the station. Friday, February 14 WTOKE at seven, and was for risin. huta zed Washington BYSTANDE R By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. - Al- though no "take a walk" threat such as high-spotted Al Smith's Lib- erty league barrage against the New Deal characterized Senator Borah's subsequent remarks under Borah- for-President auspices in New York, Republican old guardsmen could scarcely find more comfort in Borah than the New Dealers did in Smith. Coming at a time when they were so delightedly hearkening to the sounds of discord in Democratic ranks, it must have been peculiarly painful to the ears of Republican leadership in the east to be advised by so big a western Republican gun as Borah that in this election year the party is at its lowest ebb in in- fluence: "And in my opinion the reason is within the party and not outside the party," the Idahoan added. * * * * WHILE piped to a different tune and in a far different setting, that was just about what Al Smith had been saying at Washington to follow "anti-New Deal" Democrats and their Republican Liberty League associatessifnot allies. While Borah was as severe a New Deal critic in some respects as was Smith, there can be little doubt that his remarks were far less pleasing than Smith's to a great many Republican party cap- tains. He left them in no less doubt about what Borah might do in cer- tain eventualities at Cleveland than Genial Jim Farley must be about what Friend Al may do, post Phila- delphia. Despite its Borah-for-President trappings and the oft repeated re- marks of Representative "Ham" Fish of New York, that Borah's speech left it just as much in doubt as ever whether he actually is seeking the Republican nomination for himself. Having had sad experience in a Re- publican national convention or two with "back room" selections of party nominees, Borah was hammering at the dangers of "uninstructed" dele- gations more than he was at the New Deal. And he distinctly gave aid and comfort to the enemy by joining in sardonic fashion in the New Deal Democratic chorus of boo-ing at Smith. SENATOR JOE ROBINSON, select- ed New Deal anti-Smith keynot- er, popped off almost simultaneously with Borah. Yet this is to be noted as to Robinson's remarks: They were obviously designed in a far more re- strained mood than were Borah's for example. Robinson set out to state the case of Smith '28 and Smith '33 et al. vs. Smith '36. It cramped the usual Robinsonian style of delivery, which is vehement, if not choleric, when at its best. That is administration strategy, be- yond doubt. It follows the pattern of Roosevelt strategy throughout the long course of the Roosevelt-Smith breech, dating back even to the two Roosevelt gubernatorial administra- tions in New York. Obviously, the idea of the Robinson answer must have been born at the White House. And just as obviously, no direct presi- dential reply to Smith's Liberty League attack is to be expected. THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN "CEILING ZERO" A warner Bros. picture starring James Cagney and Pat O'Brien with June Travis, Stuart Erwin, and others. If one has seen the recent Cagney- O'Brien pictures about sailors and "devil-dogs," which were intended to recruit new men for the defense of the nation, he will in all probability decide not to see "Ceiling Zero." It should be mentioned first, then, that "Ceiling Zero" is well-acted and ex- citing, has nothing to do with our armed forces, and is worth seeing. The film is based upon the Broad- way production and has apparently gained much of its unity and force thereby. It tells the story of the last few days in the life of Dizzy Davis, commercial pilot and reprobate, whose tragic end is sufficiently heroic to wash away his sins. The sense of pleasant surprise that one feels at this encounter with an unhappy Hollywood ending may, unfortunately nullify the tragic effect. It's the best chance Cagney has been given in some littleuwhile and he doesn't muff it. Of course, there are those who don't like Cagney. June Travis is a new-comer. Whe- ther her brand of good looks is suf- ficiently different to hold attention long is a debatable question. It is certain, however, that her screen ca- reer will be short if everyone steals scenes from her the way Cagney does. AT THE MAJESTIC "IF YOU COULD ONLY COOK" A Columbia picture with Herbert Marshall, Jean Arthur, Leo Carillo, Lionel Stander, and others. 4.1/2 TUESDAY, FEB. 18, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 93 Notices Salary Checks: In all those cases where arrangements have been in effect for the deposit of salary checks in any one of the three banks that have now been merged, unless the Business Office receives directions to the contrary before Feb. 25, such checks will be deposited in the Ann Arbor Savings and Commercial Bank on the morning of Feb. 29 under the same general scheme that has been in effect with respect to the three banks. Shirley W. Smith. All Students registered with the Employment Bureau, in both the gen- eral and the NYA divisions, are re- quested to bring their records up to date by adding their second semester schedules, and also any changes of address. This-is important. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of Unit- ed States Civil Service Examinations for Associate and Assistant Public Health Engineers, United States Pub- lic Health Service, Treasury Depart- ment, salary, $2,600 to $3,200; As- sociate Curator (Archeology), Na- tional Museum, Smithsonian Institu- tion, salary, $3,200; and Associate and Assistant Milk Specialist, United States Public Health Service, Treas- ury Department, salary, $2,600 to $3,- 200. For further information concern- ing these examinations call at 201, Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00. Phi Eta Sigma: All members in the group picture for the Ensian are re- quested to place their name under their picture, which will be at the Union Desk. Do this immediately. Contemporary: Manuscripts for the third issue should be left at the English office, 3221 A. H., as soon as possible. Academic Notices Aero 10, Airports: Students enrolled in this course will meet with Pro- fessor Pawlowski in Room B-306 East Engineering Building today at 4:301 p.m. M.E. 42: Students electing this course will meet in room 239 West Engineering Building today at 4:00 p.m. Psychology 106 will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall. Psychology 34 L 36, 38: Laboratory students in these courses should hand in their schedules promptly in order that sections may be arranged. New students entering the laboratory at this time are requested to attend an introductory lecture by Professor Shepard at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20, in Room 3126 N.S. Building. Laboratory sections will not meet this week. Sociology 54 will meet in 25 A.H. henceforth. Political Science 182, Rece'nt Po- litical Thought. . This class will meet in Room 35 A.H., M.W.F. 8, and not in Room 2215 A.H. as announced. Political Science 52, Section 1. This class will meet in Room 35 A.H., M. W. F. 9, and not in Room 2215 A.H. as announced. Political Science 118 will meet in Room 2215 A.H., M.W.F. 9, and not in Room 35 A.H. as announced. English 232, Studies in Elizabethan Literature, will meet for organization Wednesday at 4 o'clock in 2213 An- gell Hall. Morris P. Tilley. English 190. Honors Course for Juniors. Brief meeting for establish- ing schedule, 12 o'clock, Feb. 19, 2218 Angell Hall. Bennett Weaver. English 160, Sec. 2, will meet in 2003 Angell Hall instead of 1209 An- gell Hall, at 10 o'clock Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Paul Mueschke. English 148, English Bible. A first meeting of this course will take place Thursday morning, Feb. 20, at 10 o'clock in Room 1025 Angell Hall. P. L. Schenk. English 72, Exposition and Thesis The problem of sleeping quarters arises. In the end marriage enables them to share a bed. Herbert Harshall and Jean Arthur make a pleasant team, especially be- cause both of them are provided with more than a few funny lines. Mar- shall manages to appear more youth- ful with each picture, and the night- gown with which the property man has supplied Miss Arthur detracts not a whit from her appearance. H*t'-v~uc' it,'V i s jo b' ily the kin ,-r-. Writing, (Tuesday, Thursday, Satur- day at 8 o'clock instead of at 10) will meet for organization Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, Feb. 20, in 406 Library. P. L. Schenk... English 32, Introduction to Shake- speare, Section 4, will meet for the first time Wednesday morning in Room 200 S. W. P. L. Schenk. Make-up examination for English 1 will be held Thursday night, 7-10, in 2225 Angell Hal. E. A, Walter. Section 1 of English 154, Creative Writing, meets Tuesday and Thurs- day at 10 in Room 406 Library. English 140, Diction and Usage, meets in Room 2225 Angell Hall. R. W. Cowden. Lectures University Lecture:-Professor J. R. Hayden, of the Department of Po- litical Science, Vice-Goyernor of the Philippine Islands from 1933 to 1935, will speak on the subject "The Changing Orient" in Lydia' Mendel- ssohn Theatre, Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 4:15 p.m. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Esther Boise Van Deman, formerly Carnegie Research Professor of Roman Arch- aeology in the University of Michigan and Fellow Emeritus of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, will lec- ture on the subject "Rome of Yes- terday and Today: The Aqueducts" (illustrated by- stereoptican), Thurs- day, Feb. 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Na- tural Science Auditorium. The pub- lic is cordially invited. The House of Magic Lecture, with experimental demonstrations of re- cent~ developments from its Research Laboratory, is presented by the Gen- eral Electric Company through the Michigan Engineering Conference to all who are interested. This evening at 8:00 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. No admission charge. Dr. Scott Nearing will speak on "The Way Out -Fascism or Com- munism?" today at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium. Auspices Na- tional Student League. Exhibition Cancer Exhibit: An exhibit on cah- cer by the American Society for the Control of Cancer and loaned to the Department of Pathology of the Uni- versity, will be on display as follows: Feb. 17-22, Room 210, West Medical Building, second floor. Feb. 24-29, SB 433, University Hos- pital. All persons interested are invited to view this exhibit. Hours: 8-12; 1-5. Events Of Today Dr. Scott Nearing will speak at a reception given in his honor by the National Student League. The re- ception will be held at 2:30 p.m. to- day, Tuesday, February 18, preceding his lecture at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium. His subject will be "Prob- lems Facing Students After Grad- uation." Members and friends of the S. L. I. D., the Liberal Students Union, and others interested are cordially invited to attend. The exact meeting place will be posted before 11:00 a.m. on the bulletin boards in the General Library, Angell Hall, and Natural Science Building. Adephi House of Representatives: Important business meeting at 7:30 p.m. All members should be present. Quarterdeck Society business meet- ing at 7:30, Union. Room to be post- ed. Faculty rifle shoot tonight 7:30 R.O.T.C. gallery. All faculty mem- bers cordially invited. League Social Committee Meeting at 4:15, League. Children's Theatre: Tryouts for the next play, "Robin Hood and the Queen's Page," will be held in the League from three until five. Tuesday, Playreading section of the Faculty Women's Club meets at 2:15 p.m., Alumnae Room, Michigan League. General Meeting of the Michigan Dames will be held in the Grand Rap- ids Room, Michigan League, 8:15 p.m. Coming Events Geology Journal Club: There will be a meeting Thursday at 7:00 in Room 3065 N.S. Fifteen minute pa- pers by Mr. Dow and Mr. Rigg, and brief reviews. Mathematics Journal Club will meet Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 3 p.m. for the purpose of determining a regular "hour of meeting and the type of program to be followed during the second semester. Those not sat- (Continued on Page 7) R A F' £1 X1nATnR C AmTA DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication Ii, the Blleln in;t ructc y - isn ,w to allmetbers of the University. Copy rec eived at the otlice of the As;sistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I