THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JUNE 7 IN THE WORLD OF"" BOOKS FROST A Contemplative Poet Malraux Revealed As One Of Decade's Important Writers le Went To NMicliigart Reflects Social Change Without Blatant Propaganda A FURTHER . RANGE. By Robert Frost. New York, Henry Holt and Company. $2.50. By LOUIS A. STRAUSS (Of the English Department) The appearance of a new volume of poems from the pen of the foremost and best loved of America's living poets is an event of the first import- ance in our literary annals. This col- lection, Book Six in the series of Mr. Frost's publications, is a notable ad- dition to what already seemed a life- work and a major contribution to our national literature. When, after the lapse of a few years, North of Boston followed A Boy's Will, Robert Frost's high place in contemporary letters was securely established, his bid for enduring fame at least recognized. The succeeding volumes, each with its charming and su'ggestive title, have broadened the range, deepened the content, and confirmed the high quality of the poet's product, reveal- ing bit by bit the expansion to rich maturity of a genius as uniquely in- dividual as it is authentically Ameri- can. If readers who regret the in- frequency of his slender volumes could know the merciless self-criti- cism to which he subjects his work and the reluctance with which he affixes his imprimateur to the least of his poems, and would bestow a com- mensurate care upon their reading, they would assuredly discover a Rob- ert Frost previously unknown to them. Robert Frost is always Robert Frost: but what does this mean? Un- til his last line is written-probably not then-no one dare say that he knows the poet or the man, for each new volume has revealed new depths of his nature. If I understand it rightly I can not subscribe to a recent 'critical judgment as to Frost's keep- ing to his center and never quite crossing any line. Such a dictum, with its implication of drab neutral- ity, seems to rest upon the poet's clear preference for country life, his status as an "amateur farmer," his absten- tion from active participation in so-, cial or political movements or bring-, ing poetical support or opposition to the same. Those who have had the inestimable privilege of the poet's friendship know that he follows closely and reflects profoundly upon all vital issues in the life of our time. In his conversation upon them (and no one loves free converse more than he) he is shrewd, wise, and far-see- ing, and as uncomprisingly honest as he invariably is in his poetry. It is not unreasonable to believe that this interest in affairs has always been more implicit in his poetry than7 readily appears, and that the per- spective of later times, turning back upon the present, will discern a social insight none the less impressive for the absence of blatant propagandism. The present volume, with the new facets of poetic thought and char- acter it displays, points distinctly in this direction. The dedication sug- gests an adventuring forth of the spirit beyond the confined horizons of Mountain Interval-"range beyond range even into the realms of govern- ment and religion." We still have the old familiar Robert Frost, one whoi "Would gaze on a wind-shaken tree By the hour, nor count time lost." A contemplative poet who lets Nature impinge upon his consciousness and work her magic upon the dream-stuff of his imagination: but a poet, equal- ly, who observes and communes with his neighbors, the hired man, the tramp, the itinerant, preacher, the striker. He is at all times receptive to whatever life has to offer, pas- sively so to a degree, and why not? for he may well say with the mythical poet: "The lowest hind should not possess a hope, A fear, but I'd by him, saying better Than he his own heart's language. For clay, once cast into my soul's rich mine, z Should come up crusted o'er with gems." But in this new volume we find as well a poet who reacts strongly upon his world. Space forbids my at- tempting to indicate the various ROBERT FROST points at which contemplation passes over into active criticism: most ob- viously, perhaps, if not most effect- ively, in Build Soil, in which the be- wildering complexities of our present- day social, political, and economic fabric are controversially mirrored in a dialogue between the city and the country poet. In the end the country bard must retire to his fence-mend- ing and post-cutting to think it all out. He must escape from the social trammels that hinder breathing and thinking. "I agree with you We're too unseparate, and going home From company means coming to our senses.'' Never, I think, has Mr. Frost more richly combined in a single poem his characteristic warmth of humanity, profound sense of social justice, keen responsiveness to Nature's moods, and quaint, whimsical humor than in Two Tramps in Mud Time. "The sun was warm but the wind was chill.i You know how it is with an April day When the sun is out and the wind is still, You're one month on in the middle of May. But if you so much as dare to speak, A cloud comes over the sunlit arch, A wind comes off a frozen peak, And you're two months back in .the middle of March. A bluebird comes tenderly up to alight And fronts the wind to unruffle a plume, His songs so pitched as not to excite A single flower as yet to bloom. It is snowing a flake: and he half knew Winter was only playing possum. Except in color he isn't blue, But he wouldn't advise a thing to blosssom. Nothing on either side was said. They knew they had but to stay their stay And all their logic would fill my head: As that I had no right to play With what was another man's work for gain. My right might be love but theirs was need. And where the two exist in twain Theirs was the better right-agreed. Could more than this be needed toa dispel (pace, Mr. Van Doren!) the idea that Frost's poetry is speech rather than song? It is true that, in the main, his idiom is more nearly that of conversation than of conven- tional poetic diction. In the homely, direct honesty of his thought and imagery he is as near to realism as true poetry has ever been. But if tenderness of feeling, delicacy of fancy, vivid coloring, charm of hu- mor, vigorous aliveness, and a mys- tical insight energizing all these and their various cognate qualities can transmute the leaden realities of life into lyrical beauty Robert Frost has DAYS OF WRATH by Andre Mal- raux. Random House 1936. $1.75. By MORRIS GREENHUT I do not know whether I can in-' licate within the space of a short re- view why I believe the author of Days of Wrath is one of the most im- portant writers of our decade. His mportance lies not only in the in- .rinsic quality of his novels as novels out also in the point of view which 'e brings tothis material and the in- tegration he achieves. The artistic power of Man's Fate the critics have generally recognized, but to what de- gree this achievement was made pos- sible by Malraux's outlook and by his conception of his function as ar- tist, they have not clearly sensed and realized. Malraux's integration I be- lieve is directly responsible for the dignity and intensity of his writing, and it is one which other writers of our confused decade may well con- sider. In his brief and illuminating pre- face to Days of Wrath, Malraux states that the word Art may mean an attempt to give men a sense of their hidden greatness ,and rightly attributes this notion to such au- thors as Aeschylus and Racine. Such a position implies a clear concept of the dignity and meaning of being man. In indicating his concept of humanity, Malraux writes: "It is difficult to be a man. But it is not more difficult by enriching one's fel- lowship with other men than by cul- tivating one's individual peculiarities. The former nourishes with at least as much force as the matter that which makes man human, which enables him to surpass himself, to create, invent, or realize himself." Malraux, in other words, makes the brave if difficult attempt to give to a confused and disintegrating world a concept of the human spirit. And he attempts to demonstrate it in terms of the important mpral issues1 of our time. "The world of a work' like this," he says of Days of Wrath, "the world of tragedy, is the ancientE world still-man, the crowd, the ele- ments, destiny. It reduces itself to two characters, the hero and his sense of life; individual antagonisms which make possible the complexity of the full length novel, do not figure here." Man's Fate differs from Days of Wrath in that it includes these individual antagonisms. It con- sequently gives a deeper and richer experience; it is more com- prehensive because Malraux not only presents his human ideal but also! brings before us the various demons which dominate men of the modern world. He thus presents our world as it ordinarily is and as it is and can be at its best. Kyo, the incarnation of the ideal, is willing to die in order that man may become man, in order that a human world may come into - ____________ t__ being. He is the rare, heroic man who is able "to endure his condition, his fate as a man," the rare, heroic man who does not sentimentally defy the fates for the conditions which they impose upon him as the price for life, Days of Wrath, a slender volume of 174 pages, limits itself to the repre- sentation of the ideal man. The plot is simple but stirring. Kassner, the communist hero, allows himself to be arrested and to undergo the tortures of a Nazi concentration camp because it is the only means by which he can prevent the Nazis from ob- taining a list of names. The intercep- tion of this list would mean the de- struction of important communist leaders whose continued survival is necessary to the cause of humanity. The sections which delineate Kas- sner's nine-day incarceration-days which seem an eternity-are (but for some occasional excessive lyricism) evidence of Malraux's powers as an artist. Kassner's reaction to the tor- SKIDMOREI Right Bodacious Novel Wrote By Hopwood Winner I I WILL LIFT UP MINE EYES by Hubert Skidmore. Doubleday Dor- an. $2.00. By DOROTHY GIES This hyar's the best book to come )ut of them thar hills in many a yar. It's got the honest-to-God flavor of ;orn pone, with a smack of Red Apple mHuff, and the Hopwood committee should be pleasured out of all reason by its reception thus far. The Cutlips are a family of moun- 'aineers who neither live by the tra- ditional liquor still nor pop at their neighbors with shot-guns nor speak .he mucky obscenity which Caldwell makes so picturesquely American- )rovincial. They are a dignified and an earnest folk living in their remote cabin on Cherry Knob, until a fam- ;shed crop forces Nat to seek work in :,he mill town of Turkey Trot. When 'ie moves his family down to the Bot- 'oms, against the better judgment of Maw, troubles beset the Cutlips. The -ramped and evil ways of the settle-' :nent worm into the family while ,taw's nostalgia for the lonely Knob aches in vain.. The eldest boy John 's forced to marry a village girl whom he gets into trouble, and the tragic climax comes in Nat's death in a log jam. The frugal outline of the plot hard- ly suggests the moving quality of the HUBERT SKIDMORE they live and act as they must; of the men who are willing to die for one another to realize their common hu- man objective. Malraux has an epical theme. He is not content, in naturalistic fashion, to describe and enumerate the hor- narrative and the richness of the characterization-Maw, who always reckons that "we uns can git along someway"; Ben the moody lad with a pathological streak, who takes to book larnin and reads Paradise Lost; Aunt Binny Harless, the wizened pro- fane old midwife; Jewell, the sprawly half-wit girl, whose mother "lows hit was on count o me putten # hat on her afore she was a year old. Some says the'll do hit"; and the con- sumptive school-master, Mr. Gumm, who had "eyes like bullet-holes in a dried animal's hide, and his- mouth a slit where the skinning knife slipped." A fine grasp of the dramatic makes for vivid story-telling. The Christ- mas scene on the Knob, the death of the child Blossom from a rattle-snake bite, and the wake over the corpse of Nat are instances of that vitality and sense of life which is the most prom- ising feature of this first novel. Only occasionally does the author disturb- ingly wax adjectival in his narrative, as if he were dressing up in store- clothes. Sinclair Lewis' prognostication last year as one of the Hopwood judges who awarded this novel first prize apparently was not far wrong. He said, "I have every confidence that the book will be accepted and go well. It has real quality such as I rarely find anywhere." Last week I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes was named by a New York, paper in their list of the best books of the year, and it has also been chosen one of the Book League selections for July. Certainly it is the best Hopwood work published to date, and so God bless Avery Hop- wood. 1 t i 1 I E i I 1 ( c i 1 l i t tures which his fellow prisoners un- rors of torture chambers or the ob- dergo is effectively illuminated by his vious effects of poverty and oppres- fear that imminent insanity will sion, with an implicit or explicit mor- make him divulge important secrets, al of an empty humanitarianism. His and by his consequent determination hero is not one who weakly is tossed to die by his own hand, to give up about by the forces around him. Nor voluntarily all the positive values for does he talk in slogans, strike poses, which he wishes to live-the cause undergo hysterical emotional gyra- of humanity, his wife, his child. tions because the world does not com- But Kassner does not die, because ply with the desires of his ego, be- an unknown fellow prisoner, at the cause the world does not allow him expense of his own life, keeps him to live an empty freedom. from insanity by tapping on the wall- Such a concept of character may in code a word of encouragement; be- seem strange to those of us who have cause an unknown comrade is willing been taught to think of the individual to die by giving himself up as Kas- in a Rousseauistic or in a Faustian sner in order that the more valuable sense. But it is a concept of per- man may be available for the cause; sonality which would have been com- and because a pilot is willing to risk prehensible to the Greeks, to men of his life by flying in a storm to bring the Middle Ages, to Shakespeare. It Kassner to his home in Prague that! is a concept which is conducive to he may be able to continue his work. depth in literature, which makes Kassner, thus, is no individual; he is tragedy possible, which gives dignity the incarnation of all the men who I and power to the slender novel I have suffer in torture chambers becausebeen discussing. GIFTS Silks"Ivory GIFTS f Metal Work f Q at 0 r r" The ORIENTAL GIFT SHOP Graduation Graduation I wrought this miracle. To do this has been his authentic mission. In A Further Range I find a notable advance in the poet's art and a dis- tinct gain in power and vision. He has not ceased to grow. His touch is surer, his tone more confident and serene. 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