THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBIRUA I I I mg , k v - v K % " oll, I -, - ! THE MICHIGAN DAILY I -~ those who are protesting French rule. This makes one wonder just what France's reasons for occu- pation really are. Is France acting in the interests of Christianity in the same manner that Italy is acting in the interests of civilizing the poor Ethi- opians? As Others See It The Wicked Rich Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Pontrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORSf MANAGING EDITOR............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ................JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS eublicatlon Department: Thomas H. Kieene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, .Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Slsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cunm ins, Marshall D. Shulman. sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Departmena.: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe ,Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Mario T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfeli. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .. .. MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ... ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARITMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising. William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Ion itusonl; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wollgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park: Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER The Case Of General Hagood. . 0 T HE DISMISSAL of General Hag- ood from his duties is hardly a case where "political pressure- was brought to bear upon an army officer for merely expressing an opinion. General Hagood did more than ex- press an opinion. His testimony was utterly un- becoming any army officer be he general or ser- geant because it was unsolicited. It has been claimed that the general's right of free speech was abridged. However, when a sergeant talks back to his lieutenant or a captain to his superior, and especially when such utter- ances are not called for, it is not considered an abridgement of free speech. The statements of General Hagood were hardly in accordance with terms of military discipline. No one would condone the dismissal if General Hagood had been asked for his opinions upon the situations of which he spoke. However, the general was called before the committee to give information on the needs of the army posts. He took the opportunity to express his ideas aboutI conditions far remote from his duties and about which he was not asked to comment. For any enterprise or undertaking to be suc- cessful it is necessary for its directors and policy determining officers to be in agreement.- This principle holds true for government and for the army. Whether in sympathy with General Hagood or not, it must be admitted 'that his remarks hardly appear to be in accordance with either the customary~military discipline or inĀ° accordance with good taste. Despite the fact that the general saw flagrant abuses in the PWA and WPA he should at least have kept quiet until called upon for his opin- ion. If every officer in the army were allowed to state his opinion on any subject, we would not have oiie army but many armies all composed of one inan. The sole reason for discipline in the army and for various orders of rank is not to have someone to salute but to have the organization and solidarity necessary if the military is to fulfill its purpose. French Rule In Syria . NTERESTING are the news reports{ that come from Damascus, in French Syria. A general strike has been going on for 40 days now against the rule of the French government. Newspaper dispatches during the last week have told of the terrible conditions in Damascus, and of the military rule in the city, not more than two people being permitted to gather in the streets at a time. The economic conditions of the country are reported to be in dire straits. Poverty is every- where: merchants are on strike, because they would rather keep their shops closed than open them to do business with people who cannot pay for anything. Heavy taxes are prevalent through- out the country and high tariffs have been levied on all goods coming into the country, with the exception of French products. The government budget is allegedly too high for such a small nation to support, and political injustices are also charged. While the Syrian situation is not necessarily one over which hands should be wrung, it bears some significance to the policy of present-day imperial- ism. Tmvnn,. l or. to 'fs. af .t r 1a in a _ tr (From The Daily O'Cliegian) ONE of the finest compliments ever paid to A. and M. college was given by the late Will Rogers after a campus visit six years ago during the height of his popularity. Appearing in the humorist's syndicated column the next day was the following statement: "Played this morning at the best agri- cultural school in America, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical college. Her cattle wins all the shows; and their boys win all the judging contests. I It's not a racoon coat college. Yours, Will." Such a simple statement is, very obviously, a compliment. Any school could justly be proud to have such an internationally known personality as was Rogers make such a statement concerning it. It is the homely, simple philosophy of the state- ment that is its outstanding feature. Consistently since Will's appearance here, the college has lived up to all three of the character- istics he outlined. The cattle still wins all the' honors, as only a casual glance at the records will indicate; 'their' boys are still listed among the champion judges, and many are the qualities of all - A. and M. is NOT a racoon coat college. In the comic strip, "Bringing Up Father," there sometimes appears a character known as Jiggs.' son. He always is pictured as home from college on a visit. Invariably, the boy is dressed in a huge racoon coat. It is representation of him as a college student. The character appears to us of the mid- dlewestern educational arrangements as silly, ex-1 aggerated, and overdrawn in the matter of the accurate portrayal of the college student. The racoon coat college referred to by Rogers was the type where the sons of rich men go, to squander four, five, or six years of their lives, and the fortunes of their parents in merely 'going to school.' During that period, they learn nothing worth while. Of course, we are talking about the average. There are always outstanding students, their intellects kindled with ambition's flame, who make good wherever they are. But they are not the racoon coats. Because A. and M. is what it is, and apt to remain so, it can never be classed with the wasters. Students come here for an education, to prepare themselves to make a living, or to take their pre- professional work. The stock judges and the winning cattle have made the college the only school of it kind. The kind where boys and girls who want to learn may go, where they may attend classes and social func- tions dressed in the regular 'Oklahoma' style, with-r out having to indulge in the useless squandor of a racoon coat. - W.R.J. Brotherhood By Reting (From the Alabama Crimson-Wite) NOT REQUIRED as a prerequisite to initiation into any college fraternity, the long-used peri- od of torment known as "Hell Week" has long existed as an "indispensible" custom carried on by fraternity undergraduate chapters. The National Interfraternity Council recently outlawed "Hell Week" and urged the abandonment of it by chapters of all national fraternities. The University of North Carolina, which appears' to be setting the modern student trend in a great many instances, recently abolished "Hell Week" by a vote of the student council. Dean Lancaster presents the administrative point of view on the matter in today's Crimson- White. College professors have been lenient with freshmen "going through Hell Week," but any one, of them will say that the student's record is seri- ously impaired by his lack of preparation and attention in class. As Dean Lancaster points out, it is right for freshmen to be impressed with customs and tra- ditions, and it is right for them to be deferent to1 upperclassmen. To be sure, freshmen are impressed with custom and tradition during "Hell Week," but the manner in which it is done outwardly con- cedes that the intelligence of fraternity pledges is pretty low, One argument offered as support to "Hell Week" is that once a man passes through it, he feels that he has made some material gain - that he now possesses something that only a select few can have. But if fraternities actually stand for all that they profess to, then the formal initiation cere- mony itself should be sufficient to make a man proud of his achievement. Fraternal Sadism (From the Cornell Daily Sun) THE SOCIOLOGIST seeking examples of cul- tural lag in our modern colleges finds the college fraternity a fertile field. Initiation prac- tices and ritual are still carried out according to time-honored procedure, merely because the Greeks still derive internal satisfaction from the old maxim of "An eye for an eye" and insist that others suffer as they once did. The physical ritual is often as disgusting and distasteful to the brothers as to the neophyte and yet, each year a few Cornell fraternities go through the same old procedure. We are not indulging in polemic against mere physical initiations, but rather with the par- ticular form that they take. Ever since the University demanded that all initiations be held indoors, the rituals have tended more and more to include practices and stunts that merely dis- gust both the initiates and their inquisitors and make the proceedings extremely repulsive. A common example of such practice, which is in- cluded in the ritual of some few houses, is the cf rif ofa i nfh om f aimn - , ai nnrl The Conning Tower BALLAD OF NEW ORLEANS (An Echo: Jan. 8, 1815), Sir Edward Michael Pakenham, And his most gracious lady, Came sailing into New Orleans With ten thousand foot and Royal Marines To drive out the Yanks in their butternut jeans, And rule there with his Lady. Andy Jackson lay stretched on his bed- For he was sick and ailing- Old Hickory was sore beset, His troops were geen and their noses wet. They hadn't been properly blooded yet, When the British came a-sailing. Andy Jackson sprang from his bed And whistled his whelps together: Long-haired men from the Tennessee, French cadets in their filigree, Coffee's irregular cavalry, And Kentucky men in leather. Old Hickory rode down the line- The fog hung low like a pall-+ Each lad lay prone in the woodsman's lore, Until sudden a screaming rocket tore, And the guns of the Fleet began to roar As Cochrane opened the ball. The Yankee gunners touched the match And gave them ball for ball: The long ships' guns of Dominique You, Jean Lafitte and his pirate crew- The heavens shook with their sulphurous spew, By the Rodriquez canal. A light wind whipped the fog to shreds And the sun came tumbling out, Like a field of red the British came In their splendid coats of scarlet flame, Jogging along like lads at a game- On they came with a shout.I Andy Jackson passed the word- His voice was like musketfire: "Hold your beads where the white belts cross!" He watched the pulsing bayonets toss, Grimly he reckoned the terrible loss --- "Hold hard . . . hold hard ... now fire!" "Fire!" and a sheet of orange flame Leapt from the parapet, The scarlet lines reeled under the stroke, Forming up again in the stinking smoke,l Came charging on, and again they broke- The field la.y red and wet. With swinging kilts the Scots came down Across the bloodstained stubble: The blasting grapeshot rutted their ranks, The rifles tore at their quivering flanks,J Still on they came on their hairy shanks- Charging in at the double. The buckskin boys lay cheek by jowl And cut them down like grain: The Royal Marines and the Pioneers,' Wellington's veterans and Fusiliers,+ And the pious praying Highlanders- They fell like the ripe, ripe grain. Andy Jackson rode to town, Back to New Orleans, With his French cadets in their filigree, With Coffee's dismounted cavalry, The Dirty Shirts from the Tennesee, And Kaintucks in their scalp-fringed jeans. Sir Edward Michael Pakenham Sailed off with his gracious Lady.: He was coffined tight in a hogshead of rum, His eyes were blind and his lips were dumb, And his heart was as quiet as a bursted drum ... God save his gracious Lady. CHARLES G. WILSON. Teachers in forestry schools and colleges feel that the CCC ought to be divorced from politics. One of the things we learned in Washington is that. states that have Republican governors and sen- ators the personnel is preponderantly Republican; and it is hard for a Republican to get a CCC job in a Democratic state. The pines and the hem- locks no longer murmur; this sort of political bunk makes them screech. It seems to us that all this talk about Commu- nism and Fascism in the writers' project of the WPA is so much boric eyewash. How much Com- munism or Fascism can there be in a guide book. Will there be distortion of facts? Or is there opin- ion in a guide book, such as What is Worth See- ing? What facts or what opinions that might be contained in a New York guide book are there which Mr. Samuel McCoy and Mr. Orrick Johns do not see eye to eye? Maybe Mr. Johns is not qualified to be editor of a guide book; and maybe his views, as Mr. C. K. Coleman, his affiliations impair his usefulness. But he used to be a Conning Tower contrib, and many years ago he wrote a poem we printed which gave its name to a volume of verse of him. The' poem was WILD PLUM They are unholy who are born To love wild plum at night, Who once have passed it on a road Glimmering and white. It is as though the darkness had Speech of silver words, Or as though a cloud of stars Perched like ghostly birds. They are unpitied from their birth And homeless in men's sight A Wa shington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.--Senator Arthur Vandenberg, were he not well schooled in political vagaries, might feel astonishment at the gen- eral reception of his Lincoln day speech. At a time when his name increas- ingly attracts attention as that of a likely dark horse Republican presi- dential nominee, the senator boldly declared again that he was "not a candidate for anything on earth." If he read the papers next day, he ob- served that statement generally in- terpreted as an announcement of his candidacy! Which, no doubt, was quite what the senator expected. He well knows that the only way to run a dark horse candidacy is not to be a can- didate. So here is Not-a-candidate Vandenberg, as his one-time editorial colleagues see it, fully equipped with a platform, a magnificent gesture to- ward "anti-new deal" Jeffersonian Democrats, pointing out a place for them to go if they do "take a walk," even a self-designed label of "liberal- constitutionalists" to adorn his Re- publican foundations. There is even a hint that Vanden- berg has a sketchy outline of a cabi- net slate, including a place or two for Jeffersonian Democrats, already in mind. That part of his speech got chief Republican attention. It did not sound very sweetly, it seems, in the ears of Chairman Fletcher of the Republican national committee nor those of Representative Snell, Re- publican house leader. Democratic prospective walkers-out might take note of that. T[URNING to Is-he-a-candidate Hoover, who added another chap- ter that same day to his to-be-con- tinued series of indictments of the New Deal, it becomes increasingly noticeable that Mr. Hoover has a dual mission. In some respects it is most noticeable in his Lincoln's birthday chapter. For Mr. Hoover's purposes, natural- ly enough, it would not be sufficient to prove President Roosevelt all wrong. He needs also to prove that President Hoover was all right. The "great fear" explanation Mr. Hoover has patented for all that portion of the depression following his defeat makes it the Roosevelt depression to Mr. Hoover, a distinct and separate politico-economic circumstance. 'r HE day after the New Deal was given life at the election of 1932 began the great fear," Mr. Hoover said, to be lightened by a "gleam of confidence" only when "supreme court decisions crashed through New Deal tyrannies. . It is a bit confusing to follow that theory too far. In 1932 the books show 22,821,857 votes for Roosevelt against 15,761,841 for Hoover. Two years later, before the court dealt with the New Deal, that was repeated in an unprecedented congressional sweep. What minority group, then, had that "great fear" complex? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Tullet ii I: cotruc 1ic e ant ice to al memubers of the university. Copy received at the office of the Asistant, to the Presidont untl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on 6aturday. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 101 Notices Faculty Meeting, College of Liera- Cure, Science and Arts: The regular March meeting of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, will be held in Room 1025 An- gell Hall, Monday, March 2, begin- ning at 4:10 o'clock. Agenda: Report of Executive Committee - Bonner. Report of Deans Conferences - Kraus. Consideration of Resolutions C, D, and E, in the report of the Committee on Degree Programs. Consideration of the Slosson Res- olution. Faculty, School of Educatio'n: The regular luncheon meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, March 2, at 12 o'clock noon, Michi- gan Union. Student Loans: There will be a meeting on Monday, March 2, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 2, University Hall. Stu- dents who have already filed applica- tions with the Office of the Dean of. Students should call there at once to make an appointment to meet the Committee. J. A. Bursley. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 7:30 to 10:00 on Saturday evening, Feb. 29, to ob- serve the moon. Children must be accompanied by adults. Petitions to the Hopwood Commit- tee should be in the hands of the com- mittee by March 1. R. W. Cowden, Director, Hopwood Awards. Chemistry Students who expect to receive a degree in June and who are desirous of obtaining employment are requested to place their names on file in Room 212, Chemistry laboratory. Badminton: Women students wish- ing to enter the intramural tourna- ment between zones, dormitories and sororities, are to sign up on the bul- letin board in Barbour Gymnasium before March 2. A medical certificate for 1935-36 is necessary before com- peting. Badminton Tournaments: The courts in Barbour Gymnasium are available to players at the following times: Wednesday, 4:15 to 5:30 p.m.; Fridays, 2:00 to 5:30 p.m.; Satur- days! 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Players may arrange with Louise Paine to play off rounds also during the Monday practices 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. U. of M. Glider Club: All members who have not turned in a second se- mester schedule are requested to do so immediately to Reeve Hastings, Phone 3807, or Robert Auburn, phone 8452. Membership cards and pins may be secured from Hastings. Academic Notices Hygiene 101: Lecture section will meet in West Amphitheatre, West Medical Building, instead of Natural Science Auditorium. Sociology 51 Make-Up: The only final examination make-up will be given Tuesday evening, March 10, from 7 to 10 p.m., Room D, Haven Hall. Sociology 141: Make-up examina- tion in this course for, last semester will be given Friday afternoon, Feb- ruary 28. Students will please report to Prof. A. E. Wood's office, 310 Haven Hall at 2 o'clock. Sociology 147 Make-Up: The only final examination make-up will be given Saturday afternoon, Feb. 29, at 2:00; Room 307 Haven Hall. Geology 11 Make-up Final Exam- ination: The final examination will be given Friday, March 6, 2:00 p.m., Room 3055 N.S. History Make-Up Examinations: The make-up examinations in all history courses will be given Thurs- day, March 5, from 3 to 6 p.m., in B Haven. Lectures University Lecture: Earl Hanson, Planning Consultant of the Natural Resources Committee assigned to the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Admin- istration, will lecture on the subject, "Puerto Rican Reconstruction Prob- lems," Friday, Feb. 28, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today Debate: The University of Indiana will meet the University of Michigan in debate, in Room 1025 Angell Hall, 8:00 p.m. The subject of the debate is: "Resolved, That the United States 4 - ,hmri o,, nrrtt ain aT o, ein c' of n tions in the enforcement of sanctions provided for in the Covenant of the League." No admission is charged, and the public is invited to attend. Alpha Nu, Debating Society: All members and pledges of Alpha Nu are requested to appear at Spedding's Studio at 4:30 p.m. to have the or- ganization picture taken. Dark suits and white shirts are suggested, but promptness is urged. Theta Sigma Phi meeting at 3:15 in the News Room of the Department of Journalism. Important meeting. Will all members bring letters, ritual, and other property of the sorority with them. Contemporary: Those who wish to try out for the editorial staff should report to Contemporary's office in the Student Publications Building at 4:15 p.m. Esperanto: The class in Esperanto will be held at 4:00, Room 1020 An- gell Hall. Assembly Ball Ticket Sellers: Mar- garet Ann Ayers would like to meet with every girl holding Assembly Ball tickets at 4:15 in the lobby of the League. Chinese Students Club will hold its first meeting for this semester at 8 p.m., Lane Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to elect new officers and to meet new students. Every Chinese student is requested to attend. Coming Events Graduate Education Club meeting on Monday, March 2, 4 p.m., in the Elementary School Library. Dean Edmonson, Drs. Woody and McClus- ky will give informal reports on the activities of the St. Louis meeting of the National Education Association. Graduate Outing' Club will have a Splash Party at the Intramural Building Saturday, Feb. 29, 7:30 p.m. A group will meet at Lane Hall not later than 7:15. There is a 15 cent charge covering towel and locker fee. The facilities for Deck Tennis and other games will be available. Lutheran Student Club: Prof. F. N. Menefee, of the Engineering depart- ment, will speak Sunday evening, March 1, in the parish hall of Zion Lutheran Church on E. Washington Street on the subject "Inroads of Communism in America." The pro- gram will follow supper at 6. Large Tech Squad Arrives For Gaines (Continued from Page 1) Latimer. In case they tire, Tech will have a capable reserve pair to rush into the game. Michigan will present the identical line-up which they have used all semester, with Captain Larry David and Bob Simpson teaming up on the defense to afford Goalie Shalek the maximum of protection. Victor Heyliger at center, Johnny Fabello on right wing and Gib Janes on left will complete the Wolverine picture when referee Paddy Farrell drops the opening puck at 8:30 p.m. tonight. Jack Merrill will act as relief for the forward line, and Lowrey will also have Fritz Radford available for duty in case of necessity. Overflow crowds are anticipated for both tonight's and Saturday's contests, and all fans who want to obtain seats are urged to arrive at the Coliseum as soon after 8 p.m. as possible. PROBABLE LINE-UPS Michigan Pos. Mich. Tech Shalek G Campbell David D Latimer Simpson D Mullins Heyliger C Pelto James W Nekervis Fabello W Hurley Spares: Michigan: Merrill, Rad- ford. Michigan Tech: Stack, Abb, Mc- Carthy, McClean. Referee: Paddy Farrell. Student Death Rate Low, Report Shows (Continued from Page 1) Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of February 27, 1926 Ohie world's record was smashed,1 three others were tied and four car- nival marks were broken as more1 than 700 athletes representing more7 than 70 universities, colleges and prep schools competed in the ninth annual Illinois indoor track relayI carnival yesterday in the armory at Chambaign. Michigan's four mile relay team, composed of Reinke, Cal- lahan, Jung, and Freyburg, captured this event in the time of 18:16, in what proved to be the most thrilling race on the day's program. Gen. Cesare Rossi declared in Nice, France last night, that he would tell the world the inside story of the rise of Fascism in Italy, "created for a good cause and then prostituted by Mussolini," even though threatened by bodily harm. Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the English department and Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, will head the University program to be broad- cast at 9 p.m. March 2, over stations WJR and WCX. Dr. A. H. Reginald Buller of the University of Manitoba will give af University lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomor- row afternoon in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium, speaking on mush- rooms and toadstools. The formal subject of Dr. Buller's lecture has been announced as "Mushrooms and Toadstools as Organs for the Produc- tion and Liberation of Spores." William T. "Big Bill" Tilden brought victory to America's banner last night by overwhelming Jean Bo- rotra in two successive sets after the American star had trailed his oppo- nent for two hours in a gruelling the Health Service during the past six years has been 75 per cent, the general staff has increased only 25 per cent. "Our staff," Dr. Forsythe empha- sizes, "is overworked, and facilities are woefully circumscribed. Admin- istrative health and medicine is rap- idly becoming an interest of the newer public health movement in the United States. "The University Health Service is an experiment in administrative eaolth ov~nd mfirin A ArAmmio c,.Mff ,I