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June 07, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-06-07

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Publisned every morning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board i
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With Love.
From Son. .
N ATION'S BUSINESS, published 1
the United States Chamberi
Commerce, carries a lead article this month e
titled "With Love From Dad," a letter fro
a father to his son in college. The article, apa
from some unnecessarily personal attacksc
Aubrey Williams of the NYA, is a reasonab
statement of the position of a business man o
posed to the idea of a planned economy, and
embodies some ideas, characteristic of many ultr
conservatives, which we believe to be fallacious.
"This is the greatest country in the world, Son
the anonymous author writes. "We are worri
sometimes by these folks who cry into th
chowder but we rarely pay much attention
them. A campaigning politician scares us almo
to death now and then, but shucks! pretty so
a chance comes to do a little business and o
jaws kind of lift back into place. That's wh
we're going to do again in this country. We m
have to boot some of the mourners out of t.
road, of course.
"The United States has developed and pro
pered because until lately we had just enouj
government to keep us obeying laws ... Gover
ment could call into service the best of its talen
and a high degree of public devotion in ti
of war, and of the recurring depression eme
gencies that naturally attend human progress .
Little ever originates with a government exce
taxes and mistakes . . . Government fixed it
we had to import pork from Poland, but in spi
of that our packing houses continue to be t
cleanest and most efficient in the world . .I
tell you one thing, my Son. It is the pro:
motive that makes the world go around."
The author makes his point by indicating t
* number of his acquaintances, now prosperous, w
began in humble jobs and made their way u
the number of people who, by virtue of a sing
deed, attain front-page fame; and declares th
America is still the land of opportunity.
The reasoning is not in accord with facts. T
country may have prospered and developed b
cause the government kept out of business, b
it wasn't the government that plunged us into th
depth of prosperity that the last six years ha
seen-it was business, unabetted. Recurring d
pression emergencies do not naturally attend h
man progress. They attend the business organ
zation which says "Let us 'alone. Things will1
produced and distributed by themselves autom
tically." That philosophy cannot be given a
ceptance which tolerates depressions of increasi
duration and intensity, entailing horrible degre
of human suffering-though of course not whe
the members of the Chamber of Commerce wou
see it.,
If our memory serves us, it was precisely t
United States government which transformE
* packing houses from unsanitary and brutal slaug
ter houses into the "cleanest and most efficient
the world."
The packers themselves would not take t
initiative, and made the changes only when forc
to do so. Similarly, reforms in securities and lab
conditions will not voluntarily be made by bu
iness men, especially when "a chance comes to
a little business." These changes, because th
involve a surrender of a portion of profit accrui
to capital, must be made by the people of t
United States, the government, if you will.
The opportunities to which the author mak
reference, through inventions or the investme
of capital, apply to a very small percentage of oi

seems ideally suited-but when room for expansion fight is one reason why the peace agencies he at-s
is gone, there is no bumper left to absorb the high tacks are opposed to war preparations and military,
cost of unfettered capitalism. We have reached training for students. He may be no militarist, as
the time when we need an economic organization he claims, but shows signs of having become the
suited not to tremendous expansion, but to a more willing tool of the militarists.
stable demand, and a greater concern for the He says that preparedness does not mean drum-
human cost of production. ming up war. Not necessarily, but under certain
It is perfectly true that government has not circumstances it has that effect. Secretary of
distinguished itself in its contacts with business. War Dern, before coming to office, said, "We
These efforts, however, have been made under the won some things from the war that were not
most unfavorable conditions, with a hostile Cham- on the program. For example, we had a completec
ber of Commerce, a hostile press, and extreme demonstration of the fallacy of the old tradition t
partisan obstacles. While we do not favor the that preparedness prevents war." H.C. pointsv
Socialist ideal of government operated industry, to "all Europe, standing tense, distrustful," so con-
we do believe that only regulation, and wiser reg- eludes we should build up our military machine. t
ulatton, can keep us from arriving at conditions The conclusion does not follow from his premise. s
where life becomes intolerable for the vast number But his premise should show the evil in his con- t
e of Americans not members of the Chamber of elusion. Why is Europe standing tense and dis- l
n Commerce trustful? One big reason, generally granted, is t
the mounting war preparations of the countries b
r Toward A Better But why should we build a bigger' and betterf
war machine? For self-defense, Mr. H. C. would
D Dramatic Season . . . probably answer, What is self-defense in inter-r
;. national relations? Before the Senate Committeet
SHE HENDERSON Dramatic Sea- on Foreign Relations, Secretary of State Kelloggx
3"., T son is now enjoyiig its seventh declared in 1929, "Self-defense covers all ourc
popular year at the Mendelssohn and is hence possessions, all our rights; the right to take such
in a fair way to establish itself as a University steps as will prevent danger to the United States.
L of Michigan tradition. For this its patrons among I have said over and over again, that any nation
N students, faculty members, and townspeople are has the right to defend its interests anywhere
er fortunate. The annual May Music Festival has for in the world." (Foreign Policy Reports, Feb. 1,
a long time brought us each spring the finest 1933, p. 283).
artists and music that are to be heard; and it is Would H. C. be willing to go to China to fight
a happy arrangement which now seems also to as- the Japanese to protect the Standard Oil interests
n; sure us annual opportunity to enjoy a half dozen there? Probably not. He means by self-defense,
n; or so good plays and the number of first-rateh
s .rtsowointerpret them. a defense against actual invasion of continental
- arts exist, hoever, because of their audience. United States. Do we need a bigger and better
army and navy for that? The magazine "For-
da If the Henderson season is indeed becominga tune" for September, 1935 furnishes a rather com-
n'Michigan tradition, then it must not be forgottentuefoSpem r,13frnssarthrc-
i that it belongs to the University of Michigan plete answer to that. In a lengthy analysis of;
our military position, the article comes to the.
e, and that we as University students have a right conclusion that continental U.S. is practically
and a duty to criticize it. invulnerable. Its chances of invasion were placed
The Daily's criticism of this year's season, and by Lloyd's at 500 to 1.
K of Mr. Henderson, is fundamental. It is that the
'H original selection of plays was all wrong. "Fortune" says, "It is generally supposed that
Six plays are being presented. What are they? the American ideal is peace. But unfortunately
n A mystery thriller, a shoddy farce, a hokum-filled for this high school classic, the U.S. army, since
id court-room melodrama, a production of Shake- 1775, has filched more square miles of the earth by
speare, a historical story which we have yet to see sheer military conquest than any army in the
and which may or may not be good, and the world, except only that of Great Britain, and as
current drama of feminine normality. between Great Britain and the U.S. it has been
Of these the first three have nothing at all a close race. While the U.S. has fought only
to commend them. One of them was definitely three aggressive wars, never in its entire history
trash, and the other two not. far above it, ha it fought a defensive war. The answer to our
The Shakespeare possessed the validity of great simple question (why an army?), therefore, is
name authorship but the production was ill-con- threefold: 1. Geographically and for defense a
ceived, and we believe we are clearly within our standing army is mostly waste of money. 2. We
by rights when we ask for classical fare more fittingly cannot abolish the army without satisfying our-
of served than the Keith-Henderson "Hamlet." selves that we shall never have a war again, which
is improbable. 3. We are interlocked with the en-
- "Parnell" we have yet to see. Mr. Van Druten's tire society of nations. We are no longer isolated
m show, currently playing, is satisfying, but it is and we have never really been wholly. Hence we
rt hardly a great play. It will probably be the peak may at any time find it desirable to attack some-;
no he 1936 saond what it ought to be is
on of the1936season,andhthei one else in order to 'protect' or further develop
le only one of the pleasant meadows on the plain what we' have. These are the honest answers."
p- with two or three real peaks rising above it. In the words of Senator Nye, the blue prints of
it Put aside the play which we are not yet able the army and navy "call for the transportation
a- to judge. Of the five that remain, one ought of 3,000,000 men across thousands of miles of deep
never to have been presented, two can be classed blue ocean to fight in the name of national de-
," as completely unimportant, one was poorly done, fense, in someone else's waters and on someone
ed and one, although good, was hardly exceptional. else's land." And H. C. will be one of these men
eir Our criticism is not a narrow-minded pro- and he invites the rest of us to join up now so
to nouncement that we want only plays dealing that we may be better equipped to defend ourselves
st with current social problems, or only great trag- and the others whom "we have taken unto our-
on edy, or only comedy of manners from pens as in- selves to share our lives" while fighting for Mor-
ur cisive as that of Moliere. But we do think we gan's loans and Rockefeller's oil thousands of
at are entitled to a better brand than is represented miles away.
ay by "Party," or "Libel," or "The Night of January The points I have tried to make in the above
he 16." We think Mr. Henderson's Shakespeare should answer to H. C. are: 1. If the sole reason for
be surer and more authentic than this year's military preparedness is self protection for the
s- "Hamlet." We think the best play of a season boys who will have to fight, there is no good rea-
gh ought to be better than "The Distaff Side." son for military preparedness because the nations
n- The Music Festival has had its trials and dif- most prepared in the last war suffered far greater
its ficulties. But it has won through by clinging with casualties than the U.S., among the least prepared.
ne persistence and courage to the clean ideal of valid 2. That any war in which the U.S. is apt to par-
r- art. Our hope as friend and patron of the ticipate in the foreseeable future will be a war for
Dramatic Season is that Mr. Henderson will seek imperialist plunder in far-off places and not a war
pt to do likewise. for continental defense; hence to accede to the
so war machine as H.C. proposes is to further the in-
te terests of a few masters of finance, at the expense
,he 1L FO Ry of the great majority of the people of our coun-
'en try. The R.O.TC. is an instrumentality for the
fit Jpreparation of willing servants for these niasters
of finance.

he Letters published in this column should not be In conclusion, H. C. might take the followingI
ho . construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The under his military belt and do something about it
p; Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded if he wants to prevent needless sacrifice of human
;le as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked lives: In New York alone, every year, ten thousand
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
at all 'etters of over 300 words and to accept or reject persons die of tuberculosis alone. Of this number
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance the vast majority come from the tenements.
and interest to the campus. Itevs aoiycm rmtetnmns
he .(Health and Hygiene, April, 1936, p. 2). The
e- Answer To H. C. New York politicians piddle around and do noth-
ut ing or worsen conditions; Roosevelt has done
is To the Editor: nothing about it-just promises. The cost of a
ve Mr. H. C., in the letter captioned "Be Prepared," half dozen battleships would probably do the
e- and speaking self-appointedly for the men of the trick. That is the field of action for national
u- various military units of the country, made the defense, not in building bigger and better armies
i-. point that military preparedness in the U.S. is a and navies. -M.W.E.
be good thing because the sacrifice of life in war will
a- be less if the men are trained for the job.
c- Before considering what H.CS. left unsaid and Disilusionment To Come
ng took for granted, let us see how much there is To the Editor:
es to his main argument.
re 1. Suppose both sides in the war are well pre- The editorial statements of The Daily that the
ld pared? That would tend to prolong the slaughter, election of Gov. Landon "would be nothing short
and the sacrifice in human life may be greater than of a calamity" and that he is a "potential menace
he if one side were not well prepared, to the nation" have a familiar ring. With a
ed 2. In the last war, the U.S. troops were, accord- change of subject matter they sound like a selec-
h- ing to H.C., not sufficiently trained; Germany, tion from the American-Liberty League in one of
in France, Great Britain, Russia and Austria, on the its least inspired moments.
other hand, were quite well prepared. (See "M- It is evident that the editors of The Daily have
he Day" by Rose M. Stein, p. 59, 60). The world Al- lost their sense of reality because of their deep
ed manac for 1935, page 944, gives the following dislike for William Randolph Hearst. A true
or list, compiled by U.S. War Department, of per- reporter or editor never lets his passion redden
s- centages of casualties suffered in the war by the the whole horizon. A true reporter writing in the
do various belligerents: Germany, 64.9 per cent; Aus- January 8th and 15th issues of the Nation (cer-
ey tro-Hungary, 90 per cent; Russia, 76.3 per cent; tainly not a force of reaction) concluded, after
ig France, 73.3 per cent; British Empire, 35.8 per spending some time in Kansas getting the facts,
he cent. And what percent of the ill prepared Amer- that Mr. Hearst and Gov. Landon are two entirely
ican troops were numbered among the casualties? different men. He admitted he was baffled as to
es 8 per cent. So it does not necessarily follow that why Hearst was supporting the Kansan,
nt the better trained an army is the smaller its cas- If we recall that Hearst backed Hoover in 1928
ur ualty list will be. and Roosevelt in 1932, we must acknowledge the
r...1% T, t+ 6fl .-44, .- . is nn,&t.nnc. m-nro rn1nh1P n fg. ,n - - - - - - - - at ..+ _-

W ashington
Off The Record
rohn G. Winant
WASHINGTON, June 6.-V11)--John
G. Winant, chairman of the so-
ial security board, is one of the for-
unates whose job is just what he
"Social security" has been the main
heme of his public lifg. He has had
everal positions since he left Prince-
on and went to the New Hampshire
egislature in 1917, and he has at-
acked the subject from many angles
but somehow he has managed to use
whatever influence he possessed dur-
ng those years in successful battles
for better social conditions.
Winant would find some excuse foi
not explaining that his one passion is
to make the world a more livable
place. But he went on record in 1924
when he accepted the nomination a
governor of his state. Then he said
"May we so order our lives tha
when the shadows fall and the su
sets we can say we have fought th
fight, kept the faith, and not havi
been idle while we prayed 'Thy king.
dom come'."
Act Is 'No Cure-All'
He is a tall, slightly stooped mal
with deep set gray eyes, a mop o
black hair that persists in falling ove
his forehead, and a strong nose. H
gently evades talking about himsel
but he gladly talks about the securit:
act. He chooses his words deliberate
ly as though he were splitting verba
hairs in order to be exactly correc
He is anxious that no one over-esti
mate the act. He says of it:
"It is no cure-all for the economi
ills that led to hte depression, but i
is a first line of defense against ol1
age. Sound business practice require
that we write off obsolescence of ma
chines, and it is equally necessar
that we build up reserves against ol
age and unemployment. We can d
it most cheaply and equitab]
through government action."
Winant is a Republican, and t,
drums have rumbled faintly for
Winant-for-President campaign o
the Republican ticket in 1940.
He was waging battle for the "fo
gotten man" back in 1925. He proc
ded his legislature until it set up
minimum wage commission for Ne
Hampshire. And the board equal:
represents labor, industry and t-
public. That was the way Wina
wanted it.
He had some trouble about tU
child labor amendment, but his le
I islature finally ratified that.
Recalled From Geneva
When the textile strikes spott
the east like a rash two years ag
Winant headed the board of inquir
The "Winant report" is now partc
the Washington vocabulary. Bo
labor and industry approved it, whic
is something of a record in itself.
Winant had scarcely finished th:
worknand completed his dutiese
governor when he was aboard sh
for Geneva, named to the intern
tional labor office, and to the soci
security section.
It was typical of him that he s
to work to digest all the European se
curity laws. Winant was up to h
ears in his Geneva duties when t
American Congress passed its soci
security act, and PresidenthRooseve
cabled for him to come home la
September to go to work on t
same subject in his own land.
is evidence already that Gov. Land
is quietly starting the publishero
his journey."
The Daily objects to Mr. Heal
because of his attack on liberal teac]
ings in colleges and universities, pa
ticularly state endowed institutio

The editors apparently assume Gc
Landon has similar principles. T
reporter for the Nation looked
the facts before making his decisio
In the January 15th issue he di
scribes an incident in which Land
was asked to reprimand a somewh
radical professor for having mac
what was deemed a "dangerous
speech, His reply was: "Under tl
academic freedom which we pray
time here in Kansas we do not a
tempt to control the thinking of tl
members of the faculties of 01
The editors of The Daily have sul
ported Senator Borah in the intereA
of liberalism. With their ultima;
objective I agree but I believe the
will find considerable liberalism
Gov. Landon's record if they wou:
take the time and care to investiga
it thoroughly inadispassionate mat
ner. The inconsistency of their pt
sition is evident from present politic
events. Their standard bearer fi
liberalism, Senator Borah, is attemp
ing to "stop" Landon (in whom T1
Daily sees the forces of reaction
by telling the Old Guard Republica:
that the Kansan is a New Dealer.
appears that there is somethir
which The Daily has overlooked
their haste to condemn and it mig
Isavye them some future emnbarras
ment if they took an accounting.
But if the editors of The Dai
want to continue their calamity cr
ing it is satisfactory with me. N
only regret is that it will not I
uttered by one of Landon's nationa
ly-known opponents, like, for it
I sta~nce.Jim Farbev. And the~ refire

. j
.t # +

P"ublication in the ButltntoI cow
ltvrratty. Copy received at the offi
tAnU1 3:30; 11:00 R m. on Saturday
s _
(Continued from Page 3)
exercises have been transferred to
Yost Field House.
Students will proceed directly to
the Field House and enter through
the North doors.
Members of the Faculties will enter
through the north doors and take
their places on the platform in the
Field House.
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and
Candidates for Honorary Degrees will
assemble in the office in the North
end of the Field House.
L. M. Gram, Chief Marshal.

4?,s BU I,441.ftltlvp noltive to all rnornh)-," of the
ce of the Astrstant to the Preaadent
French 71, 103 R.L.
French 111, 25 Angell Hall.
French 112, 25 Angell Hall.
French 153, 25 Angell Hall.
Spanish Final Examinations, Sat-
urday p.m., June 6.
Spanish 1, 35 Angell Hall.
Spanish 2, Nat. Sci. Aud.
Spanish 31, 103 R.L.
Spanish 32, 103 A.L.
Rooms for final examinations:


The following schedule will mark E
the lifting of the Automobile Regu- E
lation for students in the various E
colleges and departments of the Uni- E
versity. Exceptions will not be made E
for individuals who complete their E
work in advance of the last day of E
class examinations and all students E
enrolled in the following departments E
will be required to adhere strictly to E
this schedule.E
College of Literature, Science and E
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June E
16, at 5 p.m.E
College of Architecture: All classes.
Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m.E
School of Business Administration:E
All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m.-
School of Education: All classes.-
Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m.E
School of Engineering: All classes.E
Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m.
School of Forestry: All classes.-
Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m.'
School of Music: All classes. Tues-
day, June 16, 5 p.m.
College of Pharmacy: All classes.
Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m.
School of Dentistry: FreshmanE
class; Tuesday, June 9, at 12 noon.g
Sophomore class; Tuesday, June 9,
at 5 p.m. Junior class; Tuesday, June
9, at 5 p.m. Senior class; Thursday,
June 4, at 5 p.m. Hygienists; Tues-
day, June 9, at 5 p.m.
Law School: Freshman class; Mon-
day, June 8, at 12 noon. Junior class;1
Wednesday, June 10, at 5 p.m. Senior
class; Wednesday, June 10, at 5 p.m.
Medical School: Freshman class;
Friday, June 12, at 5 p.m. Sophomore
class; Saturday, June 13, at 12 noon
Junior class; Saturday, June 13, at
12 noon. Senior class; Saturday,
June 6, at 5 p.m.
Graduate School: All classes. Tues-;
day, June 16, at 5 p.m. Candidatesi
for Masters' Degree; Tuesday, June
16, at 5 p.m. Candidates for Doctors'
Degree: Saturday, June 6, at 12 noon.1
Assistant to the Dean of Students.-
W. B. Rea,
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: All reports of I
or X should carry parenthetically the
Sgrade which the student has earned
in the course up to the time I's or
X's are reported "e.g. I(B), X (D)."
A student may be reported In-
complete, if some small portion of
his work remains unfinished, provid-
ed his standing in the course has been
of grade C or higher.
Literary Seniors: Commencement
announcement will be distributed for
the last time in Alumni Memorial
Hall, Tuesday 9-12. Any announce-
ments that are unclaimed will be
sold Wednesday afternoon in tlie
t same place. Deposits on unclaimed
announcements will revert to the
class fund.
Senior Engineers: Caps and Gowns
r rented at the Michigan League must
be returned to the Michigan League
on Saturday, June 20 immediately
. after the Commencement exercises in
. order to obtain a refund. The re-
ceiving room will be posted on the
League bulletin board. Bring the
receipt slips issued with the Cap and
The University Appointment Bu-
reau, 201 Mason Hall, has received
the following Civil Service notice:
Teacher in Comunity School (Pri-
mary, Intermediate, Special or. Op-
portunity, or One-Teacher Day) In-
dian Field Service, Including Alaska.
Twelve hours of education, 2 years
experience, in this special field are
necessary requirements. Applicants
must not be over 40 and must be
physically fit.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
s ments and Occupational Information
has received announcement of United
SStates Civil Service Examinations for
I Junior Park Archeologist and Junior
Park Historian, National Park Serv-
ice, Department of the Interior, sal-
L ary, $2,000. For further information
r concerning these examinations call

.at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to
12 and 2 to 4 p.m.
Summer Addresses should be left
at the Bureau of Appointments by
,everyone who has registered. We
need your summer address whether
t you will remain in Ann Arbor or not.
Please also check up on your record
if you have not already done so, to be
sure that our information is complete.
The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed to all activities1and
showers from Saturday June 13 to
Saturday June 127.
Academic Notices


English I and II:.
nglish I, Aaron, 2003 Angell Hall.
nglish I, Leedy, C Haven Hall
English II, Ackerman, 18 Angell
English II, Allen, B Haven Hall
English II, Baker, 1025 Angell Hall
English II, Curtis, 215 Angell Hall
English II, Ellinger, 2054 Natural Sci.
English II, Everett, 229 Angell Hall
English II, Ford, 2235 Angell Hall
English II, Green, 1209 Angell Hall
English II, Haines, 2014 Angell Hall
English II, Helm, 2029 Angell Hall
English II, Knode, 302 Mason Hall
English II, .Meyer, 3011 Angell Hall
English II, Morris, 3209 Angell Hall
English II, Nelson, 4203 Angell Hall
English II, Ogden, 4208 Angell-Hall
English II, Peterson, 200 South Wing
English II, Proctor, 201 South Wing
English II, Rollinger, 305 So. Wing
English II, Seager, 203 University Hall
English II, Stevens,.1121 Natural Sci.
English II, Wagner, 4003 Angell Hall
English II, Walcutt, 2203 Angell Hall
English II, Weimer, 208 University
English II, Wells, 306 University Hall
English II, Whitehall, 2003 Natural

Botany I: examination, Saturday,
June 13, at 2 p.m. A-L in, Room 25
Angell Hall; M-Z in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall.
Zoology I: Conflicts will take a spe-
cial Zoology I examination to be ar-
ranged by the Department of Zoology.
Sociology 54: Modern Social Prob-
lems. Students whose names begin
with A-R will meet in Room 25 An-
gell Hall; those whose names begin
with S-Z will meet in Room 229 An-
gell Hall.
Chinese Art: Ink rubbings from
ancient monuments of the Han, "Six-
Dynasties" and T'ang periods. Daily
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. to
5 p.m., through June 20. West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall. No ad-
mission charge.
An Exhibit of the Publications of
the University of Michigan Press and
of other departments of the Uni-
versity issued during 1935-36 will be
on display in Alumni Memorial Hall
from this time until Commencement,.
Coptic and Islamic Textiles from


Egypt from the collection of the
University of Michigan. Sponsored
by the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art, Institute of Fine Arts. Tuesday,
June 9 to June 30. Daily from' 9
to 5 and Sundays from 2 to 5. Alum-
ni Memorial Hall, North and South
Galleries. Admission free.
Events Of Today
Stalker Hall:
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting.
This is the annual Senior meeting
at the Earhart Estate. Meet at
Stalker Hall for transportation. Prof.
Bennett Weaver will be the speaker.
Fellwoship hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
First Methodist Church:
10:45 a.m., Dr. C. W. Brashares will
preach on "Be Like A Tree."
Roger Williams Guild:
6 p.m. at GuildsHouse. Last meet-
ing of University year. Short serv-
ice. Good fellowship. Refreshments.
First Baptist Church:
10:45 a.m. Rev. R. Edward Sayles
will speak on "Some Lost Secrets."
The Communion Service will follow.
Church school at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Wa-
terman's class will not meet.
First Presbyterian Church:
10:45 a.m., Morning worship with
sermon by the minister, the Rev. Wil-
liam P. Lemon, D.D., "The Religion
of an Idealist."
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship are: 8 a.m.,
Holy communion; 9:30 a.m., Church
school; 11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11
a.m., Holy communion and address by
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the Po-
litical Science Department, on "The
Episcopal Missions in the Philip-
St. Paul's Lutheran Church:
9:30 a.m., Church School and Bible
class. 9:30 a.m., divine service in
German. 10:30 a.m., Preparatory
service. 10:45 a.m., morning worship
and the celebration of Holy Com-
munion. Sermon by the pastor on
the topic: "Why We Are Trinitar-
Union Service of the Church of
Christ and the First Congregational

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