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June 07, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-06-07

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today, preced-
ed by local showers in extreme
east portion; tomorrow cloudy.


Sir iga


With Love From Son. .
Toward A Better Dramatic

VOL, XLVI No. 180,



__ ___ _ _
- - -

Deputies Give
Vote Of Faith
To Leon Blum.
Confidence In Premier's
Ability To Remedy Social
Unrest Is Expressed
Pickets, Republican
Guards Embattled
More Than Million Out On
Strike; Blum Presents
Policies To Chamber
PARIS, June 6.-(P)-The French
Chamber of Deputies tonight voted
its confidence in the efforts of Leon
Blum's government to remedy social
unrest. The vote was 384 to 210.
PARIS, June 7.--()-A fight be-
fore a besieged newspaper plant be-
tween pickets and republican guards
and an uproarous Chamber of Dep-
uties session heightened the strike
fever last night in France, where a
million men and women are idle.
Rioting followed shortly after
Premier Leon Blum announced in
the Chamber of Deputies the new
Left-wing Government's "New Deal"
program for French labor, which
would put into effect labor and so-
eial security reforms, institute new
taxes shifting the tax 'burden and
alter France's fiscal and banking pol-
Students Fight
Students and police fought in the
Latin Quarter in an outburst of vi-
A tremendous uproar was created
in the Chamber when Xavier Vallat,
acting as speaker for the extreme
Right, said: "For the first time in
history, this Gallo-Roman country,
will be governed by a Jew."
Blum arose and walked out of the
His new cabinet, composed of So-
cialists and Radical-Socialists, start-
ed cheering him. Leftist deputies
joined in thJe cheers.1
Rightists shouted at Premier Blum:
"Go to Moscow!" Go to Moscow!"
Vallat charged that Blum had
"entirely surrounded himself with!
Blum Returns
Communists started to rush the
Rightist benches, but were halted by
After walking out of the Chamber,2
Blum returned in a din and shout to
take his seat. Vallat returned to the
attack despite screams from the Left.1
"I have nothing against Jews, but1
I assure you there are millions of
peasants who are not in favor ofi
studying the Talmud!"
Former Premier Edouard Herriot,
newly-elected president of the Cham-t
ber, arose from his chair to shout: "
know neither Catholic nor Prtestant
nor Jew-I know only Frenchmen!" l

Program Of G.O.P.
National Conclave
Will StartTuesday
CLEVELAND, June 6. -(M-Here
are the high spots on the Republican
National Convention program. (Time
is Eastern Standard).
Tuesday, 11 a.m., Henry P. Fletcher,
National Committee Chairman, to
call convention to order. Election of
temporary officers and selection of
committees to follow.
Tuesday, 8 p.m., Keynote speech,
by Senator Steiwer of Oregon.
Wednesday, 11 a.m.-Reports from
rules and credentials committees, and
action on them; election of perma-
nent chairman and an address by
Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Talk by former
President Herbert Hoover; report of
platform committee and debate and
vote on platform.
Thursday, 11 a.m.-Nomination
speeches for President; balloting for
How long the convention will last
after this session depends upon the
length of the fight for the Presi-
dential and Vice-Presidential nomi-
nations. Speeches for Vice-Presi-
dential 'nominees will start as soon
as a Presidential candidate is chosen.
After the candidates are selected, the
only remaining business is the ap-
pointment of a notification commit-
Marley's Topic
To Be 'Lesion
Versus Church'
St. Andrew's Will Hear
Hayden's Address On
The Rev. H. P. Marley will talk on
"The Black Legion or the Church-
Which?" at 11 a.m. at the morning
service of the Unitarian Church.
This will be the last service before the
opening of the Summer Session.
At the Holy Communion service at
11 a.m. in St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church~ Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of-
the political science department will
speak on "The Episcopal Missions in
the Philippines." A celebration of
the Holy Communion will be held at
8 a.m.
The Church of Christ and the First
Congregational Church will hold a
Union service at 10:30 a.m. in the
Congregational Church. The Rev.
Frederick Cowin will preach, and
musci will be under the direction of
Thor Johnson.
"Be Like A Tree" will be the sub-
ject of the sermon of the Rev. Y. W.
Brashares at 10:45 a.m. in the First
Methodist Church. The Wesleyan
Guild meeting is at 6 p.m. at the
Earhart Estate with Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department
speaking. Those desiring transporta-
tion will meet at Stalker Hall.
The morning service of the First
Presbyterian Church will be held at
10:45 a.m. with the Rev. William P.,
Lemon speaking on "The Religion of
an Idealist."
St. Paul's Lutheran Church will
hold a Divine Service in German at
9:30 a.m. At 10:30 a.m. will be a,
preparatory service for celebration of
the Holy Communion at 10:45 a.m.
The Rev. C. A. Brauer will have as;
sermon topic at this service, "Why,
Are We Trinitarians?"
At 10:45 a.m. the Rev. R. Edward
Sayles will speak on "Some Lost Sec-+
rets" at the First Baptist Church,
and the Communion Service will fol-
low. The Roger Williams Guild will
hold its last meeting 'of the semester'

at 6 p.m. in the Guild House.

Detroit Widow
Will Aid Police
In Legion Quiz
Husband's Body Found On
Lonely Road, Bruised,
Black Cult Believed
.Guilty Of Murder

Brother Of Slain
Refused To Give


DETROIT, June 6.- (/P) - The
young widow of John L. Bielak set
out today to help State Police gather
information regarding the slaying of
her husband, an automobile worker
who she thinks was killed by Black
Legion terrorists.
Mrs. Wanda Bielak, 25, said she
was trying to locate her husband's
brother Joe Bielak, who told her at
John's funeral that he "knew some-
thing but was afraid to talk."
Find Body
Bielak's bruised and bullet-marked
body was found in March, 1934, on a
lonely road near Monroe, Mich. State
Police renewed their investigation of
the slaying, reported unsolved, after
the expose of Black Legion activities
here and the arrest of 15 men on
murder charges in connection with
the shooting of Charles A. Poole in a
roadside ditch.
Under Bielak's body was found a
clue-a membership application card
for a local of the Automobile Work-
ers Union. In his pocket was 50
other cards. Bielak worked at the
Hudson Motors Car Company.
"It was all a mystery to me," Mrs.
Bielak said. "I couldn't connect the
application with his death.
Suspects Black Legion
"I couldn't figure out what his
brother Joe meant when he said to
me at the time of the funeral that
he knew something but was afraid
to talk. But now it is all clear. I
feel it was the Blacik Legion and I
hope they find the ones who did it
and give them plenty."
Mrs. Bielak,, who was married in
1930, said her husband came here
from Toledo, 0., seven years ago. She
has a child, Dolores.
Speaker Byrns
Is Laid Tlo Rest
In Tennessee
NASHVILLE, Tenn., June 6:-(Y)-
Joseph W. Byrns took his place
among Tennessee's great today while
President Roosevelt joined Tennes-
seans in solemn tribute at funeral
services for the late Speaker of the
House of Representatives.
From all walks -of life 40,000 per-
sons came to pay their last respects
to the man who served his state with
distinction during 40 years of public
Over his flag-swathed casket such
eulogies as have rarely been accorded
a Tennessean were spoken while
President Roosevelt, Secretary of
State Hull and Mrs. Hull, Postmaster
General Farley and a number of
other dignitaries listened in silence.
With the President's party was a
Congressional delegation of 60 rep-
resentatives and 14 senators. Many
of the congressmen had worked with
the late speaker, who died suddenly
Thursday, for most or all of his 27
years in the National House.

Bills Rushed
As Congress
Nears Close
Action Commenced On 5
Big Bills; Recess Will
Start Monday
Additional Major
Action IsUnlikely
Hastings, Metcalf Accept
Key Tax Bill Conference
WASHINGTON, June 6. - (P) -
With the bitter scrap over the key
tax bill transferred to a Senate-
House conference, Congress set out
today to sweep legislative odds and
ends from the path of adjournment.
Leaders viewed as extremely un-
likely passage of any additional ma-
jor legislation.
They planned to obtain action on
five big bills now in conference, or on
which conferees have agreed, dis-
pose of some secondary measures,
then wind up the Congressional ses-
sion shortly after mid-June.
Houses Mark Time
In a rare Saturday meeting, the
Senate acted on a. series of bills,
mostly minor, then began marking
time with the House until Monday,
when both chambers will recess for
a week.
One of the more important meas-
ures approved and sent to the House
would reduce large benefit payments
to farmers under the new farm pro-
For the first time this session, cap-
itol corridors and offices presented a
deserted appearance. Nearly three
score Congress members were attend-
ing funeral services in Nashville for
the late Speaker Byrns. Many more
were pulling out for the Republicai.
National Convention starting Tues-
During the recess over the conven-
tion period, conferees on the tax bill
and the deficiency-relief, District of
Columbia and Interior Department
appropriation bills will have an op-
portunity to attempt reconciliation
of Senate-House differences.
Expect Delegates
One of the first Senate actions to-
day was appointment of two Re-
publicans to the tax bill conference
committee. Senators Couzens of Mich-
igan and Keyes of New Hampshire
had refused to serve, but today Hast-
ings of Delaware and Metcalf of
Rhode Island accepted appointment.
The House is expected to name its
conference delegation tomorrow.
A protracted conference row ap-
peared probable because of the dras-
tic Senate revisions of the House bill.
Senators Black (Dem., Ala.) and
LaFollette (P., Wis.) who battled on
the Senate floor for higher undis-
ributed corporation profits taxes,
were planning a renewal of the battle
in the conference. They withdrew
an amendment yesterday to insert
steepei' levies on undivided profits
apon assurance that the conferees
would consider it.
Miss Winwood To
Go To Hollywood
Estelle Winwood, now co-starring
in John Van Druten's "The Distaff
Side" with Blanche Yurka at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, has just
been engaged by Miss Tallulah
Bankhead to be featured with her on
he West Coast in George Kelly's

new Play, "Shooting The Stars,"
which will be brought to New York
for early fall production.
The production will open in Los
Angeles on July 20, and will move
to San Francisco after a six-weeks
?ngagement. George Kelly is the au-
.hor of "Show Off" and a number
'f other New York successes. Miss
Bankhead, together with the picture
director George Cukor, have been
calking with Miss Winwood from the
roast by long distance during her
stay in Ann Arbor, and last night the
final contract was signed.
Cardinal Dougherty
Attacks Black Cult
VATICAN CITY, June 6,.- (P) -
The "Black Legion" was condemned
here today by Dennis Cardinal
Dougherty of Philadelphia, and he
predicted its early death.
"It will fall to pieces as soon as
it is drazd nut int- the sun " ho

Amateur radio operators the na-
tion over will soon be tuning in on
a new voice for the University, a
voice whose motivating mechanism
will be a recently completed 20- and
80-meter band transmitter.
Both phone and code (dot, dash)
messages on the two bands will be
transmitted under the call letters of
W8AXZ, which is the designation of
the present University code station
also. The R.O.T.C. Signal Corps is
expected to be the principal user of
the new transmitter, although the
electrical engineering department,
under whose facilities the transmitter
has been built, will use it for various
experimental purposes.
20 Watt Output
Two-way communication with the
University surveying Camp Davis,
with expeditions in the Near East
and Central America, with Arctic ex-
plorers and with many other activ-
ities of the University are among the
possible applications of the new trans-
mitter Prof. L. N. Holland of the
electrical engineering department
The rated power output of the
transmitter will be 20 watts, expect-
ed to be sufficient to carry the 20-
meter code calls to the other side
of the world.. The phone calls, how-
ever, will require more power for a
similar distance.
Product Of NYA
A product largely of NYA labor, the
transmitter was designed by W. C.
Goggin, Grad., and Professor Hol-
land. These two also supervised its
construction. A technical report upon
the details of the structure and its
operation has been made by Newell
D. Saigeon, '36E, and it is from this
Laroe Benefit
Payments Are
Cut By Senate
Publication Of Wallace'
Old AAA Totals Results
In Curtail Demands
WASHINGTON, June 6.-(P)-
Spurred on by President Roosevelt
and Secretary Wallace, the Senate
acted swiftly today to curtail large
benefit payments under the new ag-
ricultural adjustment-soil conserva-
tion program.
A bill by Senator O'Mahoney
(Dem., Wyo.) to provide a graduated'
scale of benefit payments was ap-
proved without a record vote and
sent to the House, where a similar
measure has been introduced by
Chairman Jones (Dem., Tex.) of the
agriculture committee.
It would cut 25 per cent off bene-
fit payments between $2,000 and
$10,000, and cut in half that portion
of payments above $10,000.
This was a more drastic reduction
than proposed by Wallace in a letter
to the Senate Agriculture Committee
a few days ago. Wallace proposed
cutting one per cent off payments
from $2,000 to $3,000, and one per
cent additional for each $1,000 up to
$51,000, with half of all above that
lopped off.
Demands for curtailing large ben-
efit payments arose after Wallace,
responding to demands from Senator
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) made pub-
lic some of the larger amounts paid
under the old AAA program.
President Roosevelt took no ac-
tion at that time, but early this week
he proposed the graduated benefit
payment system in connection with
new sugar legislaion and suggested it
might be studied for all AAA pay-

More Business
Grads Wanted
For Industries
Definite offers of employment for
graduates of the School of Business
Administration are more than double
the number of those graduating this
year, Prof. Robert Rodkey, acting
dean of the school, announced yes-
terday. More than 80 per cent of
the seniors have already accepted po-

New Amateur Band Transmitter
To Be University's Radio Voice
Messa,(tes In Phone, Code Radio Transmitter

On Pair Of
May Be Sen

Wave Lengths

-Courtesy W. C. Goggin.)
A front view of the new electrical
engineering R.O.T.C. radio trans-1
mitter, together with the speech
amplifying, monitor, power output,
panel and meter panel equipment,
is shown here. The transmitter,
whose five shelf levels can be seen,
is on the right.
report that most of the following]
description has been drawn.
After the "kinks" have been taken
out of the transmitter by a processI
of tuning and trial-and-error adjust-
(Continued on Page 3)
To Be June 20
At Ferry Field
Summer Session To Start
June 29; Regular Term
Begins September 28
Commencement, final activity of
the regular University year. of 1935-
36, will be held Saturday, June 20,
at Ferry Field. The Summer Session
starts June 29, and the regular year
of 1936-37 will begin Sept. 28. {
The procession of graduates and
others who will receive degrees at
Commencement will enter the Fieldt
at 5:20 p.m., according to Prof. Lewis
M. Gram, marshal of the commence-
ment parade. Tickets to the cere-
mony may be obtained at Room One,j
University Hall.
In case of rain June 20, Commence-
ment will be held in Yost Field House.
Complete detils of Commencementt
will be found in the Daily Official
Bulletin, on pages three and four.
President Ruthven will give the1
address, rather than an outside
speaker, the Board of Regents de-)
cided recently.
The Auto Ban, according to Waltert
B. Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-
dents, will be lifted in the literary
college at 5 p.m., June 16, the last
day of examinations. For Law School
freshmen, however, it will be lifted1
tomorrow, and other classes in other
schools and colleges have varying
times of lifting the ban, all of which
will be found in the D.O.B. on page
The Summer Session concludes,
Aug. 21. Registration for next years
begins Sept. 24, lasting three days.
Information regarding courses and;
standings in the University will be
sent to students, according to Uni-
versity officials, shortly after the
examination period.
Start To Build
Church Monday:
The ritual of breaking of ground
for the new Presbyterian Church
building will take place at 7 p.m.
tomorrow at the site of the new
church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave.
The actual service will be pre-
ceded at 5 p.m. with a box luncheon
in which all the families of the
church will take part. At 7 p.m.
the ritual itself will start,
The Rev, W. P. Lemon will be
in charge of the service which will
open with a responsive reading on
the part of all the officers of the
church and the University of Mich-
igan Presbyterian Corporation, a
statewide body. This will be followed
by the turning' of the first spade
of earth by Prof. W. C. Hoad of the
Engineering College, chairman of the
building committee, and the turning
of the second spade by Mrs. J. B.

Senator Vandenberg Will
Refuse To Accept Vice
Presidential Bid
Anti-Landon Forces
View Consolidation
Knox And Borah Deny
Coalition Against Kansan
Already Exists
CLEVELAND, June 6.-(P)--With
bitterness mounting and increasing
talk of efforts to "Stop Landon," Re-
publicans today whirled into a pre-
convention week-end that produced
new signs of a free-swinging fight
not only over the presidential and
vice-presidential nominations but the
platform as well.
The sudden announcement of Sen-
ator Vandenberg, of Michigan, that
he would not accept a second place
on the Republican ticket headlined a
day of many other developments.
Concededly, his statement threw the
vice-presidential race into a jumble.
Spreading talk was heard of the
possibility of a coalition to halt the
march of Gov. Alf M. Landon of
Kansas. Into these discussions the
name of former Gov. Frank 0. Low-
den of Illinois entered prominently.
At his home, Lowden declined to
Vandenberg Withdraws
Responsible leaders of the rival
clans here likewise were chary of
quotable confirmation. From the
headquarters of both Col. Frank
Knox of Illinois and Senator Borah
of Idaho came reiterations that they
had joined no such consolidated
These mushrooming reports and
counter-reports were spread against
a background of mounting first-ballot
claims by Landon supporters. They
ranged from 400,the latest high set
by John D. M. Hamilton, spokesman
for the Kansan ,to better than 502,
or enough to nominate him on the
initial polling of delegates.
The definite withdrawal of Van-
denberg from the vice-presidential
lists carried wide implications. It was
the concensus of many here that the
Michigan Senator could have had a
second place on the 1936 ticket for
the asking.
The implications spread into the
presidential field as well. How much,
if any, the Vandenberg announce-
ment hurt the Landon drive was a
matter of speculation. Many Lan-
don boosters had spread assertions
that a Landon- Vandenberg ticket
would be an attractive one.
Delegates Pour In
Despite the uprolling claims of
Landon strength as delegates poured
into the city in ever-increasing num-
bers, all else was not completely
serene in the Kansan's camp.
It became more and more evident
that a battle was in prospect-
whether in private session or in the
open-over the formation of a plat-
form. Recent proposals for a liber-
alized platform appeared likely to
draw fire from some Landon support-
ers in the East.
Speculation spread ever wider as
to whether William Allen White, Em-
poria, Kan., editor, who is generally
expected to speak for Landon on the
platform committee, would press a

proposal for a Constitutional amend-
ment to allow the states to enact
minimum wage and other such labor
Whiteohas hinted broadly at such
a possibility, saying that to come for-
ward with an amendment might beat
the Democrats to the punch.
Hayes Objects
Meantime, new fire was drawn
from the Knox and Borah camps at
the escaltor claims of delegate
strength by Landon supporters.
After voicing anew ;iis objections
to such statements in behalf of the
Kansan, Edward Hayes, chairman of
the Knox-for-President committee,
took another ifling at Landon him-
self. The Republicans could not
carry Illinois, said Hayes, "If we
have to start off every speech by
apologizing for the fact that our
candidate has supporetd the New
Hayes also raised his own previous
forecast of 230 votes for Knox on the
first ballot to a possible 261.
Carl Bachmann, head of the Borah

Nine Killed In
Oklahoma And
Kansas Storms
Tornadoes And Lightning
Add To Suffering From
Extensive Floods
OKLAHOMA CITY, June 6.-(/P)-
Twisters, floods, lightning, hail and
torrential rains left nine persons dead
in Oklahoma and Kansas today and
caused widespread property damage
and suffering.
Tornadoes that roared into isolat-
ed Oklahoma communities killed five
and one man drowned. Lightning
bolts felled the other three.
Twelve patients in a Waurika hos-
pital missed injury today when a
tornado ripped the roof from the
building, then dropped it back,
Nurses, seeing the oncoming twist-
er, carried patients to the lower floor
where they .escaped injury.
Another twister struck today at'
nearby Hastings, killing a farmer's
wife, overturning three businessR
buildings and wrecking homes.
Floods on four rivers, two of them
serious, added to the havoc of rain,
hail and lightning which swept across
Oklahoma during the last 48 hours.
Three railroad bridges across the

Half Of Senior Engineering
Class IsDefinitely Employed

At least 50 per cent of this year's
graduates in every department of the
College of Engineering are already
definitely placed and a majority of
the remainder can expect to obtain
jobs in a few weeks, according to re-
ports from professors in charge of
employment for senior engineers.
Prbspects for mechanical engineers
are better this year than any year
since 1929 declared Prof. H. C. Ander-
son in a statement to The Daily yes-
terday. Not only is the number em-
ployed practically up to the stand-
ard of that year but the wage level
is almost on par with the last year of
the boom, he added. Professor An-
derson was particularly optimistic in

graduates in electrical engineering
are definitely signed up for places in
industry, several more are in the
tentative offer stage and will probab-
ly be taken care of before Commence-
ment, and the majority of the rest
should secure suitable positions be-
fore the summer is far advanced, an-
nounced Prof. A. D. Moore yesterday.
Professor Moore added that the
total number of calls for men has
turned this year into a normal re-
cruiting season and that although
fewer men are needed by individual
companies, there has been an in-
crease in the number of concerns
asking for men. Beginning wages of
more stable corporations, according
to Professor Moore, are being raised

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