o Meet
Powerf al
Haw keye
Team Here
Coach Mann
Declines To
Pick Winner
1 -.
Last Home Meet
'he HOT
----- By BILL REED
Indiana Track
Team Favored
Over Michigyan
Wolverines Must Defeat
Hoosier 1Huridler
WEST POINT, N. Y., Feb. 27. --P)
-- After a lapse of 29 years, Wash-
ington and Jefferson and the United
States Military Academy will resume
football relations here next year.
Maj. L. D. Worsham, Army graduate
manager of athletics, said the date
has not been definitely decided.
Seconds, Thirds, May
Margin Of Victory
Final Home Start
Michigan's national championship
swimming team clashes with Iowa in
the final home meet of the 1935-36
season at 7:30 p.m. today in the In-
tramural pool - and therein lies a
If the Wolverines are not the best
college swimming team in the coun-
try, the Hawkeyes are, and for the
first time in three years Coach Matt
Mann is refusing to make the predic-
tion that Michigan will win.
Mann Is Silent
Usually it is a matter of trying to
determine just how many points the
opposition will get; today Coach
Mann merely says: "it will be very
interesting - the toughest meet we
have had since we reached the top."
With both teams boasting men vir-
tually sure of first places, the final
outcome of the meet will be deter-
mined in the battles for seconds and
Coach Mann is hoping his team
can stay within three points of the
invaders up to the final event, the
300-yard medley relay, and then come
through with a first to take the meet.
Jack Kasley in the 200-yard breast-
stroke, Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld in the
diving, Frank Barnard in the 220 and
440-yard free-style races and the
medley trip of Harry Rieke, Kasley
and Bob Mowerson are Michigan's
outstanding hopes for first places,
with Dave Walters in one or both of
the sprint events constituting what
might be called a "cinch" winner for
the Hawkeyes.
Relay Is Toss-Up
The 400-yard sprint relay and the
150-yard back-stroke appear to be
strictly toss-ups. The Iowa relay
quartet of Walters, Jack Sieg, Bill
Wehmeyer and Capt. Adolf Jacobs-
mieyer has made better times this
winter than has the Wolverines, but
Coach Mann has his sprinters primed
to a high for the season. If Ed Drew,
Erwin McCarty and Dick Blake can
give Mowerson a three-yard lead over
anchor-man Walters, the husky
junior can be depended upon to give
the Varsity a good start toward win-
ning the meet.
In -the back-stroke Rieke, Michi-
gan sophomore, is meeting Dick
Westerfield, Hawkeye who broke
Taylor Drysdale's National Intercol-
legiate record for 20-yard pools last
Saturday. While it appears on the
surface that the Iowan is the out-
standing favorite, the fast develop-
menit of Coach Mann's new star
coupled with Westerfield's unfamili-
arity with the Intramural pool and a
reported ankle injury that may or
may not be a "bear" story, the race
should be a close one all the way.
Kasley In 440
Kasley in the 440 and diver Ben
Grady in the 50-yard free-style are
two more surprise entries who are
hopes for much-needed second and
third-place points.
If Bill Crittenden or Ed Vander-
- Velde can beat out Fred Haskins or
Wehmeyer for second in the breast-
stroke behind Kasley, the Wolver-
ines' chances will be bolstered con-
siderably; Capt. Fehsenfeld and
Grady or Der Johnston must come
through with first and second places
in the diving over veteran Arn Chris-
ten, and Barnard must win
Admission for tonight's meet will
be 25 cents with identification cards
and 40 cents without.
ARRY SMITH, the sensational Hoosiers To Keep Dual
colored distance star from In- Meet Record Intact
diana, national cross-country cham-
pion and holder of exceptional times Because Chicago beat Michigan
in the mile and two-mile runs, has 49% to 45% on Feb. 22, 1930, that
occasioned a renewed query into the date stands as the darkest day in
matter of the negro in distance run- recent Wolverine indoor track history,
nog.t for not an indoor dual meet has been
But one Negro before Smith has lost since. Tomorrow night one of the
ever run the long distances with any Mid-West's most powerful teams, that
success, an Aukie Moore, having run of Indiana, will attempt to duplicate
the two-mile in 9:15, while a porter Chicago's feat and present indications
in the New York Central depot a are that the Hoosiers can do it de-
number of years ago. One other spite attempts made by Michigan to
Negro, Phil Edwards of Canada and stop them.
"- <7 ....7stop,. it them.- nl
New York University, ran the nalt k
Capt. Frank Fehsenfeld of the
National Intercollegiate swimming
champions, Michigan's Varsity, will
tonight make his last appearance I
in his home pool when the Wol-
verines face Iowa in what is ex-
pected to be the closest meet held
here in years.
Kessler Leads
Scorers; John
Towns end 6th
John Townsend, Michigan's sensa-
tional sophomore center who seems
assured of the All-Conference center
post, is tied with Mike McMichaels,
Northwestern forward, for sixth place
in the Big Ten scoring race with 85
points apiece.
Townsend has hit 30 field goals,
25 free throws and chalked up 25 per-
sonal fouls in 10 games.
George Rudness, Varsity guard,
rates 12th with 73 points, Earl Town-
send 18th with 58, Capt. Chelso Ta-
magno 30th with 37, and John Gee
32nd with 34.
Bob Kessler has apparently cinched
first place with 124 points in 10 games
for an average of 12.4 points a game.
Bill Haarlow, who has only played
nine games, is 22 points behind the
Purdue "jumping jack."
Players with 70 or more points:
Kessler, Purdue ............10 47 30 124
Haarlow, Chicago.9 37 28 102
Gunning, Indiana ..........10 35 26 96
Whitlinger, Ohio State......10 31 29 91
Young, Purdue.............10 34 19 87
McMichaels, Northwestern .. 9 37 11 85
J. Townsend, Michigan ......10 30 25 85
Thomas, Ohio State ........10 35 14 84
Combes. Illinois ............10 30 24 84
Rosenthal, Iowa ............10 26 27 79
Roscoe, Minnesota..........12 34 9 77
Baker, Minnesota...........12 26 25 77
Rudness, Michigan ..........10 27 19 73
More people saw the University of
Wisconsin home basketball games
this winter than attended the Badg-
ers' home football contests last year.
mile and 1500 meters with consid-
erable success, competing on the 1932!
Canadian Olympic team, but never
extended his efforts to a longer dis-
Many reasons have been ad-
vanced as to why there should be
no Negroes excelling in the longer
distances while members of the
race are the acknowledged lead-
ers in the sprints and jumping
events. One theory involves tem-
perament and environment, that
the individual is not suited to the
more gruelling runs or that he
is never given a chance to apply
himself to events beyond those
in which his race has established
But these arguments do not appear
sound to this department, as we. be-
lieve that if they were true there
would be more than the three excep-
tions just noted.
So it is that the physiological
argument is introduced, pointing
out that the Negro is structurally
different than other races in a
manner which, although espe-
cially adapting him to one event,
is a distinct handicap in another.
Much attention and considerable
research has been devoted to the
physiological aspects of the question,
with results which lack credence only
because of their variance.
Some students of the matter, not-
ably Pop Warner, although practical-
ly every track coach agrees with him,
indicate that the Negro has a longer
heel, giving a greater leverage for the
calf muscles, an obvious advantage in
the sprints and jumps.
Still another structural difference
is noted by some in the fact that on
the average the femur bone, from hip
to knee, is as muchhas ten millimet-
ers longer than that of any other
race, another advantage in the short
running events as greater leverage is
But neither of the two differ-
ences cited would particularly
disqualify the Negro from ex-
cellence in longer events, al-
though explaining very well his
superiority in the other events.
For that reason a third struc-
tural difference is claimed, one
which not only explains the Ne-
gro's sprinting advantage but al-
so gives a reason for his evident
failuresin the other track events.
This difference is pointed out in a
contrast between the Negro and the
American Indian in the angle at
which their legs are hung from the
hips. That angle is claimed to be at
one extreme for the Indian and at
the other extreme for the Negro, giv-
Upsets Possible
Although Coach E. C. Hayes is
bringing a favored squad to Ann Ar-
bor, it is not likely that the margin
of victory can be more than Chi-1
cago's. Coach Chuck Hoyt's Wolver-
ines are not conceding the Hoosiersl
a thing, however, even if the latter
do seem to have an edge on paper.I
Experts are granting that upsets
may occur in enough events to turn
the tide in Michigan's favor, And hav-
ing seen what Hoyt's teams can do
under pressure they are wary of go-,
ing so far as .to concede the Hayes
charges a victory before the meet
Hoosiers After Slams
After going over the entries for.
the meet and comparing their records
made this season, it seems more than
merely possible that Michigan and
Indiana will both capture five firsts
while one event is expected to be a
tie. As a result the outcome will de-
pend on how many seconds and thirds
each team can get with the results of
the mile and two mile being all-
important. In these two races the
Hoosiers are gunning for slams which,
if they actually occur, will prove dis-
astrous to Michigan hopes.
Indiana expects to pick up its
firsts in the mile, two mile, low
hurdles, shot put, and high jump.
Michigan is expecting to win the
dash, 440, high hurdles, half mile
and relay. The pole vault is rated
even. Results other than those pre-
dicted are highly possible in most
of the events but no matter, how
the results are predicted in advance,
it appears that the meet will be the
closest one held here in recent years.
Olympic basketball games at Ber-
lin will be played outdoors and on
Sgravel or bituminous courts.
ing one the greatest advantage in
distance running and disqualifying
him from the sprints and the other
the advantage in the short events
and disqualifying him from the long
Whether the various arguments be
merely attempted rationalizations of
Dan Caldemeyer will be depend-
ed upon by Coach Hayes of the In-
diana track team tomorrow night
to place in three events in the meet
at Yost Field House. Caldemeyer
will run in both hurdle races and,
is also an overwhelming favorite to
win the high jump.
Ed Elliot, center on the Purdue
University basketball team, is the son
of the president of the university.
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All Varsity baseball candidates
are to report this afternoon at
Yost Field House. Batting prac-
tice will begin next week.
Coach Ray Fisher.
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