- I The Weather Increasing cloudiness, show- ers in west portion today, and by night in east; tomorrow showers. Y Ap an jIai1 Editorials Make The Issue Clear ... Answer To H.C. And R.H... VOL. XLVI No. 179 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Blum Pushes Labor Strikes Toward Peace New Government Expects Agreement As Minister Confers With Unions Premier Demands Reforms For Labor Socialist Appoints Three Women To His Cabinet, Thus Setting Precedent PARIS, June 5.-(AP)-France's new Government appeared nearing suc- cess tonight in its rapid-fire efforts to meet the demands of nearly 600,- 000 workers and to end strikes apply- ing a strangle-hold to the nation's industrial life. An agreement with trade unions is expected tonight, Roger Salengro, minister of the interior, announced, after conferring with leaders of the general confederation of labor. Leon Blum, Socialist premier who took over the government last night, asked the formation of special par- liamentary committees to facilitate the passage of bills meeting labor's demands. Provide For 40-Hour Week They would provide: 1. A 40-hour week. 2. Paid vacations in private in- dustry. 3. Collective labor contracts. Hitting at profiteering, the gov- ernment instructed police to arrest merchants trying to make big profits because of the scarcity of goods. Strike spread rapidly in the nor- thern textile industry with 80,000 estimated idle at Lille and 30,000 at Valencennes. Blum conferred with three Com- munist deputies, presumably in an appeal to the Communist party to use its influence to prevent the strikes from growing. A partial list showed more than. 60,000 joined the ranks of strikers, the day swelling the number to near- ly 600,000 Blum To Revise Laval's Decrees Blum also is expected to declare himself for nationalization of war industries and for revision of former Premier Laval's decrees ousting gov- ernment employes who are paid vet- erans' pensions. Blum, who placed three women in his huge cabinet-the first time a woman has been 'so honored in France-today scorned expensive government cars with liveried chauf- feurs, customarily used by the Pre- miers of France. Mlle. Blum drove the Premier to the cabinet meeting in their small car. Werner Takes Harvard Post For Next Year Dr. Heinz Werner of the psychology department will leave Michigan at the end of this year to go to Harvard where he will lecture for the year 1936-1937. Professor Werner is the seventh member of the faculty to announce his departure this year and the sec- ond to accept a position at Harvard, the first being Prof. Howard Mum- ford Jones of the English department. The courses in which Professor Werner will lecture will be the same ones he lectured in here. They are developmental psychology, character- ology, the psychology of music, and Gestal psychology. Dr. Werner has been at the Uni- versity since 1933 when he left the University of Hamburg in Germany because of pressure from the Hitler government. Landon Sure Nominee, Says Cuncannon; Brown Doubtful Democratic Requirement For Nomination May Be Changed At Convention By TUURE TENANDER Gov. Af. M. Landon of Kansas will definitely receive the presidential nomination when more than 2,000 delegates from the entire nation pack smoke-filled chambers at the Re- publican National Convention begin- ning June 9 in Cleveland, Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of the political science department, said yesterday. 'Landon Definitely In' However, the Republicans still have the task of choosing their candidate ahead of them, in the opinion of Prof. Everett S. Brown, also of the political science department, where- as the Democrats have merely to ratify their choice of President Roosevelt. "Landon is definitely in," said Pro- fessor Cuncannon. He feels that "none of the other men who have been mentioned as possibilities for the G.O.P. nomination have the slightest chance." He said yester- day that Senator Vandenberg may be nominated for the vice-presidency, but that neither Vandenberg, Borah nor Knox are in the running for the presidential choice. Brown To Attend Convention The nomination of Governor Lan- don will be the result of the people's demand, Professor Cuncannon stated, and not a choice of the party ma- chinery. He said that many influ- ential members of the Republican party have been against Landon, but that his almost certain selection will be in the form of a direct response by the party to the will of Repub- licans throughout the nation. Professor Brown, who plans to at- tend the convention, has been asked by the American Year Book to write Liberty Street Store Blasted By Explosion The Miller Dairy store, 620 E. Lib- erty Street, was wrecked early yes- terday morning by a freak explosion, the exact cause of which was not de- termined. A hot water boiler was skyrocketed from the basement to the second floor of the building, and windows were shattered in several nearby stores. Damage was estimated at $8,000. Occupants of the apartments above the store, three women, were awak- ened by the blast but were uninjured although the boiler burst through the hall floorway. Their rooms suffered little damage. According to Arnold Renner, deputy state fire marshal, the ex- plosion occured in or at the base of the coal water heater in the base- ment forcing the boiler upward through the floors. The floor above the basement was raised nearly a foot in places by the blast. The explosion, which occured at 3:15 a.m., blew the front windows and doors into the street and tumbled tables and chairs into a heap. A fire following the blast was extinguishedtbefore more ser- ious damage resulted. TO INSTALL PARKING METERS GRAND RAPIDS, June 5.-()- The Grand Rapids Traffic Commis- sion is considering installation of curb parking meters such as are in use in a number of southern cities. a feature article of the political cam- paigns of the entire year. In his ar- ticle, Professor Brown will recount all the political events of 1936. up to and including the actual election in November. Snell Opposition Dead "The Democratic Party is seriously considering the changing of the two- thirds rulein the nominationtof can- didates at its conventions," said Pro- fessor Brown. The rule that Profes- sor Brown referred to has long been one of the unique features of the Democratic convention. Whereas the Democrats require a two-thirds vote of the delegation to nominate, the Republicans require only a simple, majority. Both Professors Brown and Cun- cannon feel that the opposition to the choice of Rep. Bertrand H. Snell (Continued on Page 5) Capital Honors Speaker Byrns For Last Time WASHINGTON, June 5. - P) -- With hushed ceremonial and sorrow- ful eulogy, the capital today said a last farewell to Speaker Joseph W. Byrns before his body was borne back tonight to his native state of Tennessee. With President Roosevelt and the mighty of the nation ringed about his bier, in the chamber of the .House, political enemy and ally alike praised the late speaker as a friend, as a statesman and for the qualities of character which bore him upward to his high office. The Chief Executive, too, turned south-westward tonight, journeying by special train that followed close behind that which bore the body of Byrns to the final services in Nash- ville. A committee of sixty House members, led by Byrns' newly-elected successor, Speaker William B. Bank- head of Alabama, also accompanied the body to Tennessee. At Byrns own request, transmitted months ago to Representative Mc- Reynolds, his friend of many years, the Rev. James Shera Montgomery, chaplain of the House, also was among the funeral delegation and will preside at the Nashville cere- monies tomorrow. Leag-ue Will Discuss Ethiopia On June 30 GENEVA, June 5.- (P) -The League of Nations fixed June 30 as the day to air the danger-laden Italo- Ethiopian problem as Geneva ex- pressed concern today over reports that Italy would hold army maneuv- ers soon. The exercises will be held far in advance of the usual autumn ma- neuvers, it was understood. This step was regarded here as a warning by Premier Mussolini that sanctions must be lifted. (II Duce conferred in Venice to- day with Chancellor Schuschnigg on the position of the two countries should Italy withdraw from the League). Dr. Joseph A. C. Avenol, secretary- general of the League, announced that the Assembly would meet June 30 at the request of Argentina to consider Italy's annexation of Eth- iopia and whether existing sanctions should be lifted from Italy or ex- tended. Black Legion Bomb Attempt Is Uncovered Political Implications Are Considered By Officials Of Grand Jury Inquest Coughlin Bombing Denied By Dean Trrigger-Man Is To Plead Guilty To Ritual Murder Of Charles A. Poole DETROIT, June 5. -() - An at- tempt by the Black Legion to en- force its political demands with a bomb plot against the life of a sub- urban village president was charged to the hooded terrorists today as rumors of two other death conspir- acies met prompt denials. Political implications of the secret society are being considered by state officials directing grand jury inquir- ies into several floggings, unexplained deaths, and arson cases, and by advo- cates of a Congressional investiga- tion of the night riding band. Bomb Explodes At Boisie's Home Frederick A. Gulley, one of nine men charged with kidnaping and flogging Robert Penlan for non-at- tendance at Black Legion meetings, told detectives legion members planned at an open air meeting to kill William Voisine, president of Ecorse, whom they opposed on relig- ious grounds. A bomb exploded at Voisine's home the night of Aug. 7, 1935, but the of- ficial, his wife and their son, in the house, were not injured. Coughlin Explosion Denied Rumors that the Black Legion was responsible for a black powder bomb that caused slight damage at the home of the Rev. Charles E. Cough- lin, Royal Oak, Mich., priest, three years ago, were derisively denied by Dayton Dean, confessed "ekecu- tioner" of the terrorists, who has said he will plead guilty to the kid- naping and murder of Charles A. Poole, May 12. It was Poole's death which led to the unmasking of wide- spread Black Legion activity. Emphatic denial that Louis Sherry, Ford Motor Company employe who died after eating a poisoned sand- wich April 1, 1935, might have been a Black Legion victim, came from Harry H. Bennett, company person- nel director. He said there was "no reason whatever" for such belief and that a "satisfactory solution" was discovered at the time of the death. Landon Named Possible Victor On First Ballot Vandenberg Is Mentioned For Vice-Presidency In Preliminaries CLEVELAND, June 5. -A')--The Republican Naional Convention pre- liminaries developed such a volume of Landon-for-president talk tonight that some of the Kansas governor's supporters persisted in predicting a possible first-ballot nomination, in spite of sharp replies from two op- position clans, So insistent were the Landon claims, in fact, that some of the del- egates pledged to him turned to dis- cussion of second place on the ticket, and of the platform which must be drafted in next week's convention.! There was much mention of Sen. Ar- thur Vandenberg of Michigan for the vice-presidency, and some talk of others, although nothing approach- ing a definite decision was apparent. Two Subjects Disputed The platform discussions indicated that controversy might be brewing on at least two subjects,-the plank re- lating to the currency, and a sug-e gested one favoring a constitutional amendment to permit the states to pass minimum wage laws. Out of the talks that were going on off stage came word that while the leaders for the Kansas governor felt his nomnaition on the first ballot was a possibility, they would not try to force such a nomination. Landon spokesmen said there was no desire in their part to interfere with the voting by various states for favorite sons on the first ballot. States May Change Dismissal Is Protested By Married Teachers CORUNNA, Mich., June 5. - (') - The Board of Education considered today a protest from the Michigan Education Association against the dismissal of nine school teachers here. The protest said that the nine were dismissed because they were married, contending that their marital status was no affair of the board. The let- ten asserted, also, that the teachers had not received mropernotice and were unable to obtain other employ- ment. It requested a public hearing, contending that the dismissals were voted at a secret meeting of the board. Nominate Davis To The Federal Reserve Board Tolloy Will Replace Him As AAA Adminstrator, I Says Wallace WASHINGTON, June 5.-dP)-The nomination of AAA Administrator Chester C. Davis as the first "farm member" of the new Federal Reserve Board, to serve an eight-year term, was sent to the Senate today by President Roosevelt. Immediately, Secretary Wallace announced appointment of Howard R. Tolley as AAA Administrator, ef- fective upon Davis' retirement. Tol- ley has been acting administrator since March. Chairman Fletcher (Dem., Fla.) of the Senate Banking Committee called a meeting for Tuesday to consider the nomination. An AAA announcement indicated that the nomination, which cleared up much Capital talk about Davis' future connection with the admin- istration, was made earlier than had been planned. "As the vacancy on the Board ex- ists while Congress is in session," the AAA said, "it was necesary to make the appointment before adjourn- ment; otherwise no salary could be paid until confirmation by the Sen- ate at its next session." The term of office which Davis takes actually began Feb. 1 of this year when the banking act of 1935 became effective. The salary of a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is $15,000 a year. As AAA Administrator Davis received $10,000. The banking act of 1935 increased membership in the board from 6 to 7 and provided that the seventh member be a Farmers' representa- tive. Today's appointment (filled that place for the first time. Davis, in St. Paul, today on a speaking tour, reutrned only a week ago from Europe, where he studied foreign trade conditions in 11 coun- tries for the President. Senior Invitations AvailableTuesday Commencement announcements will be distributed to members of the senior class for the last time Tuesday morning in Alumni Mem- orial Hall, Russell Runquist, president of the senior class, warned yesterday. The invitations will be given out to seniors between 9 a.m. and noon in the Alumni offices, he said. He em- phasized that this will be the last chance to obtain them. Revenue Measure Is Finally Passed i By Weary Senate Schoolboys Want To Lynch Mates 'Like Black Le ion' DETROIT, June 5-(A')-Police broke into a barn today and rescued two boys who, they said, were about to be hanged by three other boys, for having good school records. Lieut. Michael Largo said Ray- mond Buccellati, 9, a member of the lynching party told him: "We were going to do like the Black Legion does." The lieutenant said that when the rescue party arrived Raymond, Ar- mando Serali, 14, and Joseph Angelo, 10, had knotted a rope around the neck of Albert Valenti, 11, and were about to push him from a second- story window. Joseph Ignogni, 9, lay bound on the floor and Lieut. Larco said he was to have been hanged1 next. Police said school authorities told them the intended victims had ex- cellent school records. All of the boys and their parents were ordered to appear for ques- tioning tomorrow.1 Prof. Lawrence To Participate In Symposium Cyclotron Authority Will. Attend Physics Group During Summer Prof. ,E. O. Lawrence, under whose direction the cyclotron of the Uni- versity of California has been de- veloped and used for research into the atom, will be one of the lec- turers at the University's fourteenth annual Physics Symposium this sum- mer. . Five other visiting physicists, and Profs. D. M. Dennison and Otto La- porte of the physics department, will also lecture. From Stuttgart, Ger- many, will come Prof. P. Ewald, whose subject will be "The Theory of the Solid State." Prof. H. Bethe, Cornell, Prof. E. U. Condon, Prince- ton, Prof. G. Breit, Wisconsin, and Prof. I. Rabi, Columbia, will be the other members. The University's new 95-ton cyclo- tron and high voltage equipment are expected to be completed in time for the symposium. Problems in modern physics which the meeting will consider the nature of the atomic nucleus, the properties of high speed particles, the quan- tum theory and the spectroscopic phenomena produced by the various atoms. INDIANA STILL VICTORIOUS MILWAUKEE, June 5.-0P)-Paced once more by brilliant Don Lash and his fleet middle distance squadron, Indiana's Hoosiers completed a con- quest of midwestern track and field honors tonight by rolling up 45. points to win the Central Intercol- legiate Conference Championship. New Bill Imposes Burden On Incomes Exceeding $50,000 Per Year Reduce Exemptions On Life Insurance Roosevelt's Original Bill Was Changed By Many New Amendments WASHINGTON, June 5.-() - A weary Senate tugged and hauled he tattered tax bill to final passage tonight, and sent it to conference with the House where an entirely new revenue measure may be drawn. The vote was 38 to 24, with 36 Democrats, one Republican and one Progressive vote for passage. Nine Democrats joined with thirteen Re- publicans and two Farmer-Laborites against the bill. Michigan's senators, Vandenberg' and Couzens, voted against passage of the tax bill. Scores Of Amendments Loaded with scores of amendments which left only a vestige of the bill passed by the House and of the recom- mendations of President Roosevelt, the measure was described as capable of bringing in $829,000,000 in new revenue. It would impose a $50,000,000 tax burden on all individuals who pay surtaxes on incomes in surtax brack- ets above $50,000. From corporations and their shareholders, it would take hundreds of millions of dollars. Although adjournment plans no longer hinged on quick disposal of the bill, the Senate worked with ragged nerves beyond the dinner hour to take it past a long series of per- fecting amendments, a motion by Senator Lewis of Illinois, the Demo- cratic whip, to return it to the Fi- nante Committee, and then the final vote. Record Set For Quick Action Passage of the controverted leg- islation after only three days of de- bate was said by several senators to have set a record for action on such an important revenue measure. With adjournment delayed by the death of Speaker Byrns, the House and Senate in quick succession earlier had adopted a resolution for a week's recess of Congress, beginning Mon- day. As finally adopted by the Senate the tax bill swings so far away from tax reform proposals submitted to Congress by the President three months ago and embodied in prin- ciple in the House bill, that a furious battle confronted it in a virtually certain Senate-House conference. Provisions Listed The major provisions of the bill are: 1. A 15'/2 to 18 per cent tax on corporate incomes. The present tax is 122 to 15 per cent. 2. A 7 per cent tax on undistribut- ed corporate earnings, which are not taxed under existing revenue law. 3. Application of the 4 per cent normal income tax to corporate div- idends, which are now subject only to surtaxes. 4. An increase of one per cent in the income surtax on every surtax bracket between $6,000 and $50,000, plus a flat $440 boost in the tax on every bracket beyond $50,000. 5. An 80 per cent "windfall" tax on persons described as "unjustly en- riched" by non-payment of the ii- validated AAA processing taxes. 6. Excise taxes of 2 to 4'/2 per cent on imported fish and vegetable oils. Couzens Predicts Filibuster Senator Couzens (Rep., Mich.) told reporters a filibuster would develop should the Conference Committee recommend any undistributed profits tax steeper than the 8 per cent car- ried in the Senate bill. One last minute change slashed from $1,000,000 to $250,000 the amount of proceeds from life insur- ance policies which would be exempt from taxation when used to pay es- tate taxes to the government, Another amendment accepted, sug- gested by Senator Barkley, (Dem., Ky.) authorized a $42,000,000 appro- priation, which both the House and Senate bills failed to include, for pay- ment or refunds of processing taxes on commodities sold abroad or to charitable institutions and of taxes Wahr 1osin Mediator, Quits Dean's Off ice To Teach German Definite Anti-War Legislationl Pa ciffists' Aim, Mc~n~tSays -- By ROBERT WEEKS The tianslation of merely "lip serv- icci" to thpeace movement into some more effective avenue and a revisionr Members Appointed of peace activities to peace action, ' are the ends being striven for by F or 'Ensjan Stal Jesse McKnight, a representative of .- 8 National Peace Conference, who vis-, Appointments to the junior staff ited Ann Arbor yesterday. and women's business manager po- Mr. McKnight is a member of the sitions of the Michiganensian wereCNational Council for the Prevention announced yesterday by Lloyd Strick- E of War which is among the 34 lead- land, '37, business manager, after a ing national peace groups which com- delay occasioned by changes in the ! prise the Conference. At present hes staff positions by the Board in Con- 'is making a national tour visiting trol of Student Publications. various field groups such as the local Mary Louise Willoughby, '37, was Peace Council. selected women's business manager; The promotion of anti-war legisla- Edward n'Anrix. '38. accounts man- i tion in this country is seen by Mc- is to work through the president and bring about the enactment of legis- lation promoting peace in this man- ner. McKnight stated that the pol- icies to be carried by these means would be a restriction of military preparation and activity to national defense; the furtherance of a recip- rocal trade policy such as that spon- sored by the present administration; currency stabilization and colonial reorganization for countries short of raw materials. In answer to the question of what students could do in putting these peace devices into operation, Mc- Knight pointed to the plans of the local Peace Council for next fall. Under the guidance of the new presi- dent. Julian Orr. '37. this group will, By JAMES A. BOOZER Fred B. Wahr, assistant dean of, students, known on the campus only to those students who have had "landlady trouble" or have run aground the local police, has handed in his resignation and will be found from now on in the classroom-teach- ing German. After 15 years in the Office of the Dean of Students, he is going into a department of the University that will perhaps be a little less disquiet- ing. He has seen Michigan students through all sorts of trials. Through prohibition and the rah-rah days that were the outgrowth of it. When there were disputes between landlady and student caused by non- payment of rent, moral issues, or "rough-housing," Dean Wahr sat in judgment, and from the people talked students office that Dean Wahr would shun publicity of any sort, the fact that he might inspire a little write-up was painstakingly guarded. Informers, people who work with him in the office, knew that his smiling eyes might suddenly turn wildly ap- prehensive if he even suspected such a thing. So the reporter was driven to his hom on Vinewod Avenue, where he found him in an old pair of shoes and a bespattered pair of dark blue trousers, working in his well-tended lawn and garden in the rear of his home, where he "spends each Wed- nesday morning trimming the shrub- bery." A healthy outdoor man testi- fies to the amount of time he spends in such pursuits. Both students and houseowners are sorry to see Dean Wahr leave the office he has held so long, if opinlions.