AGE TWO If F*ITE I-VfirH-iGxN oxity FRIDAY, JUNE 5, Republican Leaders Devise Final Convention Plans I NEWS Of The DAY (From The Associated Press) OHaru Losses Fight To Regain Office LANSING, Mich., June 4. -- UP -- Elmer B. O'Hara, Demopratic State Central Committee chairman, lost his fight in the Supreme Court to- day to oust Henry A. Montgomery as Wayne County clerk and regain the office himself. O'Hara had been removed as clerk by the judges of the Wayne County Circuit Court after his conviction in Macomb County for bribery. He later was convicted also of fraud in con- nection with the 1934 election re- count. O'Hara contended in his petition to the Supreme Court that his removal was not based on legal grounds be- cause he had appealed the Macomb County conviction.. The conviction ultimately was set aside. The high court ruled today, how- ever, that the judges have the right to declare an office vacant after its incumbent has been convicted of a felony, regardless of the future- dis- pensation of the case. Black Legion Quiz More Illuminating Three grand jury inquiries in Mich- igan counties accused the dreaded Black Legion of flogging as the se- crets of the night riding terror were being told to the various investigating groups. Earl Angstadt, Ecorse, who is em- ployed in a steel mill, said that he had been a member of the Black Knights of Ohio before he came to this state but that there was a wide difference between this organization and the Black Legion. "In Ohio the Black Knights are vigilantes and work in close harmony with law officials," he said. "My fa- ther and grandfather were members there. I was 21 when my father in- structed me on the ritual before I was admitted to membership. Here in Michigan they are a different out- fit." One of the witnesses said that he was induced at the point of a gun to take the oath of the Black Le- gion after he had been compelled to attend the meeting through a ruse. Paris Strike Can Be Solved By Inflation (Continued r'om Page 1) out, Dr. Winnacker said, or, if they were, they were only partly success- ful in lowering the cost of living. The French worker thus found his stand- ard of living, not too high in the first place, Dr. Winnacker declared, con- siderably the worse off. "The recent elections in France in April and May, Dr. Winnacker point- ed out, "which turned out to be a vic- tory for the heft, seemed to indicate, I think, to the worker that he would find a government sympathetic with his case. Hence the strike to raise his living condition to its pre-depres- sion standard." This present strike crisis, repeated Dr. Winnacker, can be settled by the employers granting the higher wages which the workers ask, or by the French government changing its policy from deflation to inflation, or an easy money policy, which the French call "re-flation." f r I I i E M Day Acquitted In Jail:Murder Case Of Loed JOLIET, Ill., June 4.-6P)-Exactly one hour after a jury received the case of 21 year old convict James Day, charged with murdering "thrill killer" Richard Loeb. Day was free tcnight to go back to his cell and complete hik prison term for lar- cny. A jury of twelve men acquitted him j the penitentiary ra7kr-slay ng'; itself a bloody sequel to the sensa- tional kidnap murder of Bobby Franks in Chicago 12 years ago, after deliberating 53 minutes. The jurors retired at 3:25 p.m. (E.S.T.) and their decision was an- liounced at 4:25 p.m. Ignoring the state demands for an added prison term, the jurors up- held Day's plea from the witness stand that he hacked the partner of Nathan Leopold to death in self- defense after Loeb had "hounded" him for 14 months with indecent pro- posals. Senors Exammied e t r 1 C } 3 -Associated Press Photo The arrangements committee of the Republican National Convention is shown in session in Cleveland with Chairman Henry P. Fletcher as final plans were male for the session's opening there June 9. Seated, left to right: Mrs. John E. Hillman, Colo.; Ralph Williams, Ore.; Fletcher; Charles D. Hilles, N. Y.; Mrs. Manley F sten, Minn.; standing left to right: Daniel E. Pomercy, N.J.; Frank Smith, Ill.; Ezra Whitla, Ida.; Mrs. Paul Fitz Simons, R. I.; W. S. Hallahan, W. Va.; J. Henry Roraback, Conn.; Mrs. Grace Burling- ham, Mo.; George de B. Kleim, N. J.. iClassifiedI2 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. lx NOTICES MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our ef i- cient service. All new cabs. 3x wYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and type- writers. Don't sell before you see gam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox WARNING: Only a reliable furrier can clean your furs and fur coat without harming the skins. 32 years of expert fur service recom- mends ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 16x NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhlman. 15x WANTED UNFURNISHED modern apartment wanted for next fall. 3 or 4 rooms. Young couple. To occupy about Sept. 1. Box 130. 536 EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT wanted by experi- enced couple as cook and porter for fraternity house. First semester reference. Phone 9371. 542 WHITE lady will take full charge cooking in fraternity next semester, references. Box 129. 530 LOST AND FOUND LOST: One pair of gold, rimmed FOR SALE CAMPERS ATTENTION: I have some good used folding cots, mat- tresses and blankets for sale rea- sonably. ARE YOU MOVING AWAY? I have some barrels and strong wooden boxes for packing purposes. 1929 Chevrolet Sedan: Good tires and in, fair mnewhanical condition. It should give you no trouble in driving home. Priced to sell, $50. Ralph T. Swezey, 513 Thompson St. Phone 8327; 543 ALL FRATERNITY parlor, dining, kitchen, study, and dormitory fur- niture and equipment at No. 816 Tappan. On display for sale from 3 to 5 o'clock, Saturday, June 6, 1936. Possession given after June 16 1936. Lewis G. Christman, Trustee. Phone 2-3885. 546 WARDROBE TRUNK. Nearly new. Full size Hartmann, only $11. 1919 Geddes. 541 FOR SALE: Master's gown and hood. Michigan colors. First class con- dition. $15.00. Phone 8885. 539 PEONY bloom for sale. Phone 3926. 1003 Brooks St. 533 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Apartment. Southeast location. Frigidaire and water soft- ener. Phone 8507. 16x FOR RENT: Single and double rooms for girls for the summer term. $16 up. 1511 Washtenaw. Telephone - 3851. 520 NEW four-room furnished apartment near campus. Accommodates 4. Shower, 332 East Jefferson. Apart- ment 4. 535 600,000 Volt Transformer Moved Into East Physics Bldg. Marking another stage in the de- velopment of the large atom-smash- ing vacuum tube, the first three sec- tions of a huge, five-part iransiorm- er were moved into the large, high- voltage room of the East Physics Building yesterday. The three sections, which stand 1( feet high, are constructed to suppl 600,000 volts. The newly-arrivec transformers, together with two more which have yet to be added, will complete an apparatus that will pro- vide one million volts for the 16 ft pyrex glass vacuum tube. "Although the construction com- menced last fall, it is not expected tc be completed until next month," said Dr. H. R. Crane, of the physics de- partment, who is in charge of the installation. Besides making it possible to de- termine the nuclear force which binds a proton, which is a positive particle, with a neutron, which has no charge at all, the apparatus will open the way to many other experiments of this sort. Neutrons, obtained from the nucleus of the atom, are expected to be used in biological and medical experiments by the staff of the Uni- versity Hospital, who are anxiously awaiting the completion of this pow- erful "linear ion accelerator." "Lest it be misunderstood," stated Dr. Crane, "it should be made clear that this set-up and the cyclotron are two different apparatuses alto- gether. The main thing in common is the fact that each of them has, for its object of attack, the subject of nuclear disintegration. They ne- cessitate, however, a completely dif- ferent mode of approach," and it is highly improbable that the two groups of experimenters will ever en- croach upon each others' territory. The field of atomic physics is much too large for that."' Another function of the tube will be to provide high-energy gamma rays-rays of a type which can be obtained in no other way artificially. 3 Million Gallons Of Water Bought Daily For Campus When the "putt-putt-putt' of a gasoline engine interrupts your class, and the professor stalks across the floor and shuts the windows with a bang, then you can be sure it is one of the power lawnmowers used to cut the grass on campus. Every spring the buildings and grounds department gives the cam- pus its annual cleaning. The de- partment has about 61 in its per- snnel, but only 10 of this number work on the grounds during the time when there is a great deal of work to be done. They are kept busy with raking, mowing, sprinkling, and car- ing for shrubs and trees. Grass Sprinkled At Night There are approximately 40 acres to the campus proper so that gives each man about four acres to keep up. Sprinkling is always done at night to prevent the grass from burn- ing, but trees and shrubs are watered during the day. The University buys about 3,000,000 gallons of water every day for use on the entire campus.1 From this amount hardly 150,0001 gallons is used to keep the campus in a verdant state. The water is carried through 1,000 feet of hose, or 20 sections 50 feet long. The hose is also used for concrete work, flushing sewers, and in other work where water is needed. Dandelions Numerous If the amount of noise made is any sign of the most work accomplished, then mowing takes the prize. Five gasoline and half a dozen hand mow- ers take ca'e of the grass cutting. The lawns are kept short so that a large part of the weeds will be killed. Dandelions seem to be the most nu- merous in spite of constant cutting. Between 300 and 400 pounds of grass The only other known source of these radiations is the cosmic ray. "Although these gamma rays have a voltage of 16,000,000, six times greater than the most energetic gam- ma rays shot out by naturally-occur- ing radioactive elements, strangely enough, they cannot penetrate lead nearly so far as the 2,600,000 volt rays of thorium--thorium which is a com- mon source for gamma radiation," asserted Dr. Crane. "This is ex- plained," he continued, "by the fact that these high energy radiations lose their energy in giving birth to posi- tive-negative electron pairs; in other words, radiant energy is converted in- to matter." As for the positive electrons men- tioned above, the ordinary physics student would be immediately non- plussed, for to him an electron is, by definition, a negative particle. Nev- ertheless, the electron with the posi- tive charge does exist-but not for long; as a matter of fact, about one ten-millionth of a second. This posi- tive electron exists, according to Dr. Crane, only while it is moving with a great velocity, and, as soon as it comes to rest, it combines with the first negative electron it meets, and the result-mutual annihilation. In this process mass is converted back into radiant energy. While on the subject, Dr. Crane said that neutrons are also thought to have a relatively short life. They, however, are not annihilated like the positive electrons, but are captured within a fraction of a second, by the heavy nucleus of some atom. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS, Senior Shoots Instr ctor, Self BETHLEHEM, Pa, June 4.- UP)--- A Lehigh University senior and ath- lete, envisioning failure on the eve of graduation, shot and killed one of his teachers today, then committed suicide. Two bullets, in the chest, one near his heart, killed Charles Wesley Phy, 27, an instructor in the English de- partment. Wesley L. Clow, 23, of Pine Castle, Fla., the student,2shot himself in the head. Clow, rated just below a passing grade, demanded a re-examination of the young instructor. Harry Snave- ly, of Lancaster, Pa., another stu- dent and the only other person in the recitation room, said the in- structor told Clow he needed writ- ten approval from the dean. "Well," muttered Clow. Phy, apparently sighting a pistol, shouted, "Oh, don't," Snavely re- lated. Several shots rang out. Phy, wounded, ran from the room, collapsed in a downstairs corridor. He died in a hospital. Clow stepped outside the room and shot himself. He died about a half hour after the instructor. A. L. Mansure Wins Ramsdell Church Award Arthur L. Mansure, '36, 1502 Cam- bridge Road was awarded today the Margaret KraussRamsdell Fellow- ship for Methodist students of the University. The fellowship is given to any Uni- vesrity student who has been active in the work of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Ann Arbor, or in the Wesley Foundation located in Stalker Hall. It is given to the stu- dent to pursue graduate studies in this country or abroad in religious education or in preparation for the ministry. The fellowship amounts to $600. Mansure has been very active in church work and was student treas- urer of the Wesley Foundation for two years. He is a member of Delta Sigma Pi, professional business fra- ternity. Mansure is planning to at- tend the Boston University School of Theology. The Fellowsnip Fund was created in 1933 by Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus and Edward T. Ramsdell, in memory of Margaret Kraus Rams- dell whose death occurred after an accident on-Dec. 21, 1931. The receivers of the fellowships are chosen by a committee consisting of the dean of the Graduate School, the dean of the College of the literary college, the minister of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, the di-1 rector of the Wesley Foundation, and1 a fifth member chosen by the other four members. By Hea Serv ic Senior students, who have not al- ready done so, are urged to take ad- vantage of the opportunity to have themselves thoroughly examined and receive any necessary medical at- tention at the Health Service before graduation. By obtaining prescrip- tions for glasses and the health certificates which many employers are demanding, a great deal of future in- convenience can be avoided. SEARCH FOR STORM VICTIMS DETROIT, June 4. -- (P)-Search continued in Lake Erie Thursday for a second victim of Tuesday's storm after Captain James Grubb of the Point Pelee Life Saving Station re- covered the body of Capt. Guy Mc- Cormick a mile off the point. With a cousin, Albert McCormick, Capt. Mc- Cormick left Leamington, Ont., with a tug-load of gasoline for Pelee Island half an hour before the storm broke. glasses, in a blue and silver case SUMMER STUDENTS: Light cool from Dr. Hugh Connally, Detroit. rooms. Special rates. Porter service. Badly needed and will appreciate- Recreation facilities. The Oaks. 915 return. Fred Warner Neal. Mich- Oakland. 7458. 504 igan Daily. tfb --___ . FOR RENT: Ground floor student SILVER ring with topaz. Lost near apartment, suitable for three, and Olivia Avenue. Finder please call several rooms. Phone 2-1982. 917 7110. Reward. 544 East Huron. 537 Paul Wolff Sues Michigan Theatre Charging that he was beaten with a billiard cue by an employe of the Michigan Theatre duhrg a "theatre rush" after a football pep meeting last Oct. 11, Paul L. Wolff, '39, of Hartford, Mich., is bringing a $5,000 damage suit agai ist the Butterfield Theatres, Inc. Wolff lost three teeth in the fracas which occurreu the night before the Indiana game. He claims that he had not beern in the "rush" but had merely entered the theatre "to see what was going on." Wolff's attorney, Edward F. Don- lin, does not- believe that the case will be tried until next fall should a jury be demanded. Two One-Act Plays Earn Camp Funds 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ T~y Tyson. WXYZ Key Ring. CKLW Omar the Mystic, 6;15-WJR Jimmy Allen. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30--WJR Fray and Baum. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ The Lone Ranger. CKLW Melody Lane. 6 :45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Rhythm Review. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00-WJR Lennie Hayton's Music, WWJ Jessica Dragonette: Rosario Bourdon's Ensemble. WXYZ Irene Rich. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 7:15-WXYZ Alice Sheldon. 7:30-WJR Broadway varieties. WXZ Frank Fay Calling. CKLW Variety Revue. 8:00-WJR Hollywood Hotel. WWJ Waltz Time. WXYZ Music Guild. CKLW Pop Concert. 8:30-WWJ Court of Human Relations. WXYZ Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 8:45-CKLW Bryant Field. 9 :00-WJR Andre Kostelanet' Music. WWJ Richard Himber's Champions. WXYZ Harry Heilmann. CKLW Witches Tales. 9 :15-WXYZ Musical Romances. 9 :30-WJR March of Time. WWJ Marion Talley: Orchestra. wXYZ Bob Chester's Music. CKLW Enoch Light's Music. '9 :45-WJR Rubinoff-Peerce. WWJ Peter Wiggle. CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Baseball Scores: News. 10 :15-WJR Rhythm. wwJ Tiger Highlights: Evening Mel- odies. WXYZ Ink Spots. CKLW Griff Williams Music. 10:30-WJR Clyde Lucas' Music. WXYZ Ted Weems' Music. CKLW Mal Hallett's Music. 10:45--WWJ Jesse Crawford. 11:00--WJR Frankie Masters' Music. WWJ Troupers. WXYZ Anthony Trini's Music. CKLW Al Kevelin's Music. 11 :15-WWJ Dance Music. wXYZ Sport Grams. CKLW Mystery Lady. 11 :30-WTJR Rob Crosby's Music. WWJ Bob Chester's Music. WXYZ Hollywool Debs. CKLW Sophie Tucker's Music. 11:45-WIJR Meditations. 12:00-WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. WXYZ Bert Stock's Music. CKLW Clyde Trask's Music. 12:30-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. 1:00-CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music. Blue books Bromage Will Make Field Study Of Irish City Manager System A comprehensive study of the city from the International City Man- manager plan in what he termed "one ages' Association. of the finest laboratories in the world Professor Bromage intends also to study why the central control of gov- ernment has been increased and to Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the po- determine whether this increase has litical science department on his been a successful experiment. Other visit to Ireland next fall. problems included in Professor Brom- The scrutiny of the managerial age's field study will be the determin- systemn will form a part of Professor ation of how extensively pressure Bromage's field study of the local groups operate in local and Irish governments in the Irish Free State. Free State politics and of the rela- This type of a study has never before tionship of natural community areas been recorded, according to Professor to local political areas. Bromage. Professor Bromage will leave Ann The aim of his project, Professor - - Bromage said yesterday, will be "to study local government in the Irish Free State from other bases than the purely structural approach to po- litical science." Professor Bromage will analyze the structure, functions W rite Y oi and finances of the administrative counties, county boroughs, boroughs, urban district councils and all other agencies that constitute local gov- ernment in Ireland. And tell him PLAT One of the most important aspects of his study will be an attempt to have a lot full of "g ascertain why the city manager sys- tem has been introduced in local to you) that sell fo units and what have been its effects, said Professor Bromage. can motor home wit The city manager system, accord- ing to Professor Bromage, has de- plenty of mnoney in veloped extensively in the Irish Free State, and with Canada, it provides yoU will have the cap one of the finest laboratories in the world in which to study the man- agerial system of local government. Professor Bromage said that he also intended to find out just how far Come down and the Irish method of local government has departed from the English sys- tem. In order to learn more about the politicians and civil servants in Ire- PLA T T -W I land, Professor Bromage will inter- view many of the political figures and DODGE - PLYMOU officials in the local governmental systems. He has letters of introduc- iPappy! TT-WILTSEE INC. allopies" (Used Cars 3r $25 to $75. You h your pals and save getting there. Then r for the summer ... see for yourself. .LTSEE, Inc. TH MOTOR CARS ACROSS FROM FIRE DEPT. i . } i 7 1 _, _ t__ il SENIOR LIT., HONOR GUARD The following appointments for the Senior Literary Honor Guard were made yesterday by Russel Runquist, president of the senior class: John C. McCarthy, Dewit C. Snyder, Allen Ward, Nicholas Anikeen, Loyal Fish- er, Brend Von Bremen, John Banis- ter, and Henry Conlin. Arbor immediately after .the close of the University's Summer Session, and since he has sabbatical leave the first semester of the coming academic year, will remain until February. There has been some talk about a new constitution for the Irish Free State, Professor Bromage said, and if a new one is drafted, he hopes to witness the proceedings. .I df~11Li''V~f+ Tfi~~ff°TT'TT~A'P .fITY7V~~l.T ,. . . commaV11Vi uhN1U l v llLUrVEN to omn f Members of the graduating class tion tmany of are reminded that the Commence- and other office inent exercises will be held on Sat- urday, June 20 this year, instead of, on the following Monday, as has pre- viously been the custom. Diplomas Opening will be distributed directly after the exercises at the Intramural Athletic Building. at 8:15! Ii Matinee Toda' Let Ns Fill Your adTmro 1 t U Iu and Tomorro PICNIC ORI)FP a 3:15! SPECIAL BREAKFASTS Tonight at 8:1 the city managers holders in Ireland W. At TONIGHT 5 Blanche Yurka Now - DOUBLE BILL A Blizzard of Blondes "SNOWED UNDER" GEORGE BRENT GENEVI EVE TOBIN GLENDA FAI RELL PATRICIA ELLIS FRANK McHUGH ^-A~. .. , i -- ___._ ___..._____ ....._.._ ___ -. _ __-.._._. __._._._._. __ __. _.. _ _ __ ___._.__. ._._ "___. __._ ._.. . ...J Last Times Today TWO FEATURES GERTRUDE MICHAEL GEORGE MURPHY "Woman Two original one-act folk-dramas, "The Mustard Seed" by John Beuret, and "Where The Tree Falleth" by Harold Whitehall, were presented by the Hampstead Community Players and John. Beuret last night at Pat- Ni LUNCHEONS - DINNERS including a large variety of Hot Weather dishes and Toasted Sandwiches - . . at t The Comedy Success of the Season- I Ask Anyone! The Brilliant Stage and Screen Star BLANCHE YURKA I and FRANCES FARMER "o Many I 11 A ;11 I IEl-_; ,_