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June 05, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-06-05

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The Weather
Fair, with rising tempera-
ture; gentle to moderate winds.




He Calls
His Wife 'Mother'..
A Radio Station
For Ann Arbor ...



Gov. Landon
Called Friend
Of New Deal
Senator Borah's Campaign
Manager Says Kansan
Supported Roosevelt
Letters Reveal He
commended PWA

Paris Strike Can Be Solved
By Inflation, Says Winnacker

Speaker Byrns 500 Sober And Out Of Step
To Be Buried March As Swingout Returns


Wage Cuts Without Fall
In Prices Big Factor In
Discontent, He Says

Republicans Can't
Friend Of New
Bachmann Says


CLEVELAND, June 4.- (11) - Gov
Alf M. Landon was called an "avowed
friend of the New Deal" tonight by
Carl G. Bachmann, Republican cam-
paign manager for Senator Borah
in a statement which said this ex-
plained the silence of the governor
on his platform views.
"Up to a few months ago, Governor
Landon supported the New Deal,
orally and in writing, praised and
complimented President Roosevelt on
its constructive character and in the
name of Kansas expressed deep
thankfulness for the abundance of
money that flowed into the coffers of
that state from the Federal govern-
ment," Bachmann said.
Surprises Convention
His statement was dropped into a
Landon-tinted convention scene in
the midst of talk of Robert A. Taft
of Ohio and, Rep. James W. Wads-
worth (Rep., N.Y.) as possible vice-
presidential nominees.
Already Bachmann had endeav-
ored to have the presidential can-
didates invited to appear before the
convention before the nomination is
tendered. Just a little earlier, John
Hamilton of Kansas, the leader of
the Landon forces, said the Kansas
member of the resolutions committee
would be selected at a caucus after
the delegation arrives. He added
that this delegate would probably
be informed of Governor Landon's
platform views.
William Allen White, the Kansas
editor who has been spoken of as
a possible choice of the delegation
for the platform committee, arrived
late 'today as did a large part of
the delegation. He refused tordis-
cuss the platform, however, until he
had conferred further with Governor
Landon. The delegation will caucus
Bachmann prefaced his statement
with the assertion it was time "for
someone to tell the truth about the
political views of Governor Landon"
and that if some Republican did not
do so, the Democrats would later on.
He said it was porobable that the
Republican platform would be ba-
sically anti-New Deal, and then out-
lined a series of quotations which
he said were from public speeches by
Governor Landon and from a letter
of gratitude he said 'the governor
had written Mr. Roosevelt.
The quotations, which bore various
dates in 1934 and 1935, expressed
confidence the President and WPA
were "doing all in their power to get
the people to work"; spoke well of a
'water conservation program; and
"Time For Truth"
"It would be good business in my
opinion for Kansas to borrow every
dollar it can get under the WPA."
Another said "we will take all the
money we can get from the Federal
The letter which Bachmann said
the Governor wrote President Roose-
velt in 1934, was quoted as saying:
"This civil Works Program is one
of the soundest, most constructive
policies of your administration and
I cannot urge too strongly its con-
Bachmann said "it seems incon-
ceivable for the Republican party to
write a platform suitable to Repub-
licans and Jeffersonian Democrats
and then nominate an avowed friend
of the New Deal to run upon it."
Registration Plans
Made For Next Fall
A new feature to be inaugurated
to facilitate student registration next
year, was announced yesterday by
the Registrar's Office.
Detailed instructions for registra-
tering will be mailed to each student
of the literary college as soon as his

final grades for the semester are
available, along with the customary
blue-print transcript of the student's

The present Paris strike, an out-
growth of the French government's
policy of deflation and the recent
Leftist victory, can be settled, ac-
cording to Dr. Rudolph A. Winnack-
er, of the history department, by the
employers acceding to the demands
of the workers, or by a change of
the government to at policy of infla-
In the post-war years of 1920-26,
said Dr. Winnacker, France went
through a partial inflation with un-
favorable results. In order to al-
leviate conditions the government
undertook to stabilize the franc, he
pointed out; but this stabilization
was accomplished with the conse-
quence of an undervaluation of the
franc in terms of the, American dol-
lar and the English pound. The franc
after its revaluation in 1928 was
worth about one fifth of what it had
been, Dr. Winnacker said, with its
purchasing power reduced ,'to one
fourth of its former value.
Franc Made Cheaper
Thus the franc was made cheap
and one could get more for the dol-
lar in France than he could in the
United States or England, Dr. Win-
nacker showed. As a result, accord-
ing to Dr. Winnacker, gold poured
into France, or rather to the Bank
of France, a private institution,
which naturally has continually up-
held the deflation policy and has
been the means of ousting several
cabinets who disagreed with it.
France was enabled by this in-
flux of gold to compete favorably with
other foreign countries and to attract
a great number of tourists, all of
which, Dr. Winnacker declared, went
to make France one of the most pros-
perous countries in the world.
However, in 1929 came the world
depression and with it, said Dr. Win-
nacker, the devaluation of the pound
and the dollar at the expense of thea
franc. France, a country which be-
come rather industrialized, had come
to rely on its exports, the difference,

Riehberg Hits
Supreme Court
For Decisions
'UnconstitIutional Exercise
Of Judicial Power,' Says
Former NRA Head
WASHINGTON, June 4.-(IP)--
Donald R. Richberg, former NRA
chief and still a counselor to the
President, today called on both po-
litical parties to condemn what he
termed the Supreme Court's "un-
constitutional exercise of judicial
In a statement, Richberg asserted
"the American people are being rap-
idly forced to answer the question as
to whether they can preserve self-
government in the face of an unpre-
cedented exercise of power by the
Supreme Court."
Long insistent that the Constitu-
tion, properly interpreted, will per-
mit "necessary" legislation without
amendment, Richberg reiterated this
view, holding that a Constitutional
amendment* "is no anwser to the
abuse of power by the court.''
The lawyer's attack followed only a
few days after President Roosevelt
had said the Court's decision holding
New York's minimum wage law in-
valid, together with the Guffey Coal
and NRA decisions, had created a
legal no man's land where neither
state nor Federal government could
Richberg stressed, however, he had
not discussed his statement with the
President, whom he still sees from
time to time.
"The Supreme Court was not estab-
lished as a hierarchy to lay down the
laws by which a subservient people
should interpret their gospel," he
"The Supreme Court cannot ex-
ercise any of the constructive pow-
ers of government. It can only estab-
lish a dictatorship of negation, a gov-
ernment of paralysis."
S. Leonard Kasle, '38, Detroit, was
elected president of the Hillel Foun-
dation at a meeting held yesterday
afternoon. He es a member of Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity, has been active
in Play Production, in the Hillel

Dr. Winnacker remarked, between
profit and loss. These exports, he
said, dropped, and tourists stopped
coming to France, which had ceased
to be a cheap country to live in.
Faced with the rapid decline of its
sources of prosperity, the French
government had either to inflate or
deflate, according to Dr. Winnacker,
and the experience of 1920-26, in
which most of the French people had
lost a great deal of their savings be-
cause of inflation made the govern-
ment reluctant to use this method
again. As a consequence France re-
sorted to a policy of deflation which
meant in effect a thorough-going
national economy, declared Dr. Win-
Given Chance To Compete
Only in this way, said Dr. Win-
nacker, could French industry upon
which the material prosperity of the
whole country depends compete with
other nations. Since the govern-
ment could not cut the debt and
armament appropriations very well,
Dr. Winnacker pointed out, it low-
ered the wages of the civil service.
Manufacturing costs had to be cut,
and the first way to cut these costs,
according to Dr. Winnacker, was to
cut wages. The government followed
the policy of wage cutting by decree-
and prices of staple commodities.
These latter decrees were not carried
(Continued on Page 2)
More Beatings
Are Attributed
To Black Cult
15 Warrants Are Issued
Charging Black Legion
With EcorseFlogging
DETROIT, June 4.-(U)--TheI
dread Black Legion was accused in
another group of flogging warrantsI
today as the secrets of the hooded,I
night riding terror band were beingi
recounted in grand jury inquiries int
three Michigan counties.
While witnesses described murders,I
floggings and alleged political in-t
terference to the grand juries, 151
more warrants were issued charging
that Robert Penlan, an Ecorse. Mich.,i
steel worker was ,flogged by a large
Black Legion gathering last OctoberI
because he had not attended meet-5
ings of the group.
The new warrants were disclosed
when three of the 15 were taken intoI
custody to join 17 others in the coun-c
ty jail awaiting completion of ex-i
amination on abduction and murderf
charges for the "ritual" slaying ofI
Charles A. Poole, young WPA work-N
er. Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea
said 12 more will be arrested on Johnc
Doe warrants.t
Penlan was described at the prose-r
cutor's office as "scared to death,"
and unwilling to identify the three
men arrested. The prosecutor said,7
however, that the three men held,I
Thomas F. Cox of Detroit and Earlt
Angstadt of Ecorse, fellow workers at
the. steel mill where Penlan is em-t
ployed, and Frederick A. Gulley of1
Ecorse, a former employe, admittedi
Penlan was the man they took fromI
his dinner table at pistol point forI
disciplinary action.t
The three were arraigned in com-
mon pleas court and after first plead-
ing guilty were permitted to change
the plea by standing mute, which au-
tomatically entered a plea of innocent
in the record. Their bond was set
at $50,000 each and they were held
for examination next Monday.
Angstadt told investigators he was
in charge of the flogging party which
was ordered by a robed and hoodeds
officer of the Legion he could not

Gaiss Departs t
For New York a
Arni Germany
Prof. A. J. Gaiss, of the Germanc
department, will leave today for News
York where he will embark on thes
Steamer "Hansa" for Germany to
represent the University at the 550ths
anniversary of the founding of thef
University of Heidelberg. The cele-s
bration will begin June 27 and con-v
tinue to June 30.t
Professor Gaiss has also been ap-
pointed the official representative of8
the University at the third annual
International University Congress to :
be held at Heidelberg .just preceding t

In Tennessee
Body Will Lie In State In
House Chamber; Many
Notables Attend
Bankhead Elected
SpeakerOf House
Hopes Of Adjournment
Fade; Roosevelt Goes
To Nashville
WASHINGTON, June 4. -(P) -
Ringed about by the great of the na-
tion, the body of Joseph W. Byrns,
who died suddenly early today, will
lie in state tomorrow in the House
chamber over which he presided as
The Tennessean, gentle, genial
friend of the mighty and the lowly
who left the tobacco fields of his
native state to scale the heights of
public office, died of a cerebral hem-
orrhage at 12:15 a.m.1
Congressional leaders quickly sus-
pended the week's energetic adjourn-
ment drive and sadly arranged the
tribute of tomorrow's funeral, to be
attended by President Roosevelt,
members of the House and Senate,
heads of the executive departments
and many more.
The rostrum and well of the House
will be banked with flowers, and
in the midst of this profusion of early
summer blossoms the casket will be
placed. On the rostrum will be the
newly-elected Speaker Bankhead of
Alabama, Vice-President Garner and
the Rev. James Shera Montgomery,
chaplain of the House.
Just in front of the casket Mrs.
Byrns and members of the family
will be seated, and behind them,
places will be reserved for the Su-
preme Court, members of the Cab-
inet, the Senate and House and of
the diplomatic corps.
Praising the late Speaker as "fear-
less, incorruptible, unselfish," Presi-
dent Roosevelt announced that he
would attend, and then journey by
special train to Nashville for inter-
ment services in the district where
stands a symbol of Democracy, the
Hermitage, home of Andrew Jack-
The usually noisy House, hushed by
word of the speaker's death, met only
long enough to hear brief speeches
of eulogy, adopt a resolution of sor-
row and elect a successor to serve
for the remainder of the session, Rep.
William B. Bankhead of Alabama,
who had been majority leader.
The Senate, engulfed in a bitter
controversy over the new tax bill, met
two hours earlier than usual to re-
new its disputatious debate,
WASHINGTON, June 4. (/)-
The death of Speaker Joseph W.
Byrns raised the total vacancies in
the House to 12.
Byrns was the seventh House mem-
ber to die since Congress convened
last January. The others were: Rep-
resentatives Lloyd (Dem., Wash.),
Rudd (Dem., N.Y.), Buckbee (Rep.,
Ill.), Thomas, (Rep., N.Y.), Perkins
(Rep., N.J.) and Andrew (Rep.,

Parading Seniors Revive
Tradition Once Banned
For Disorderliness
Swingout came back yesterday,
with 500 graduates-to-be (out of a
possible 1,900), sober and out of step,
following the band around the cam-
Nearly as many spectators accom-
panied the marching seniors down
the diagonal from the Library steps,
around State Street to South Uni-
versity Avenue, up past the Presi-
dent's home to the Engineering Arch
and back again to' the Library. And
it was a happy and carefree group
that made up the line thatwas only
passing Angell Hall when the drum-
major was nearing the Engineering
College. And the best part of it all
was, as every body admitted, that
there wasn't any rain.
Two by two they marched each
unit being denoted by the color of
the tassel on their caps. The literary
college students directly behind the
band, clad in sombre black. The line
of march, after them, engineering
college, yellow; architectural college,
red; education school, blue, Medical
School, green; School of Nursing in
white dresses; business administra-
tion school, white; forestry school,
russet. Law School, purple; phar-
macy college, olive; dental school,
lilac; and music school, pink.
The Swingout was led by William
Dixon, retiring president of the Men's
Council; Russel Rundquist, president
of the senior class; and John M.
Not a sign of the drunken dis-
ordliness that was responsible for the
banning of the Swingout tradition
four years ago was evident yester-
$4,00 Given
To Graduates
In Fellowships
The recipients of fellowships and1
scholarships awarded by the Carne-
gie Corporation of New York were
announced today by the Graduate
The Carnegie Corporation gave the;
University $15,000 to aid in the work
of library science for graduates. The
fund was established this year. It
is comprised of two fellowships of1
$1,000 each and four scholarships of
$500 each. The applicants weref
chosen by the faculty of t.e library
with th'e approval of the dean of the,
Graduate School.
There were thirteen applicants fort
the fellowships, and two were chosen.-
Those to receive fellowships are:
Miss Anne M. Smith, reference li-
brarian of the University of British
Columbia, who received the degree of
Bachelor of Arts from the University
of British Columbia in 1921, and the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Li-
brary Science from the University of
Washington in 1926; and Miss Helen
Elizabeth Campbell, librarian of the
Senior High School of Royal Oak,
who received the degree of Bachelor
of Arts with high distinction from the
University of Michigan in 1920 andI
the degree of Bachelor of Arts in
Library Science from the Universityi
in 1931. 1

day. Although many of the march-
ers kept on swinging out down to the
local thirst quenching joints after
the parade.
Even the singing was good, if you
want to take the word of William D.
Revelli, director of the band. Many
of the seniors, however, had not
learned the songs of their Alma Ma-
ter in four years and had to rely on
the song sheets which George Cosper,
new president of the Interfraternity
Council obligingly passed out. The
only flaw was the unharmonious con-
tribution of a dog during the rather
solemn rendition of "The Yellow and
the Blue."
Cosper was of the opinion that the
Swingout was successful, despite the
fact that there were as many sen-
iors among the onlookers as among
the marchers. And even then several
juniors and sophomores were espied
in the line, bnarching in caps and
gowns with all the dignity of the most
dignified senior.
Iron And Steel
Workers Join
Miners' Group
Leaders Decide To Form
Union For Industry In
Defiance Of Green
WASHINGTON, June 4.=- () -
Open conflict in the American Fed-
eration of Labor flared tonight as
the Amalgamated Association of
Iron, Steel and Tin Workers joined
the John L. Lewis group and decided
to organize the half million workers
in the steel industry into one big
After hesitating for eight months
between the industrial union advo-
cates led by Lewis and the craft union
led by William Green, A.F. of L. pres-
ident, the leaders of the amalga-
mated announced after a short con-
ference tonight with Lewis that they
would join his committee for indus-
trial organization.
The Amalgamation's d e c is i on
means this group has decided to cast
its lot with the nine strongest and
richest unions which have ignored1
a demand from Green thatvthey dis-
band their industrial unionism activ-
Green has denounced the commit-
tee for industrial organization as a
rival organization within the Fed-
eration and has stated that no such
rival body within the Federation
will be tolerated.
When informed of the agreement,
Green said: "I have no comment to
make on that tonight."
San Francisco
Police Uproot
Abortion Ring
SAN FRANCISCO, June 4.-(f)-
Arresting four persons, police as-
serted tonight they had uprooted one
branch of a coastwide syndicate
which had financed and performed
illegal operations upon women at
tremendous profits.
R. L. Rankin, named by Police
Captain Charles Dullea as head of
the syndiate, surrendered on an abor-
tion conspiracy charge and was re-
leased under $3,000 cash bail.
He did so after the arrest on con-
spiracy charges of Miss Sarah Lee, a
physician's secretary; J. C. Perry,
resident manager of the medical ac-
ceptance corporation, and Marvin
Raithel. The latter admitted, Dulla;
said, he was a solicitor for the syndi-
Police said Raithel told them his

salary was $300 monthly.~
Confiscated records indicated the
medical acceptance corporation
loaned money at high interest rates
to women to finance their illegal op-
erations, Dullea reported.
He said papers indicated the syndi-
cate made. a profit of $20,000 during
January and February of this year
after paying doctors in several cities
$1,000 a month each.
Three other persons detained in a
series of raids here and in Oakland
were released but police asserted the
raids had produced medical equip-
ment and records involving more
than 1,000 cases handled by the ring.
The Michigan Honor Trophy, given
bye 195 Tnivmi-vof a f,,hirn.iin

Blum Acts
TO Check
Spreading Strikes Greet
Government Including 3
Women, 20 Socialists
New Cabinet Seeks
To Avert 'Paralysis'
New Premier Will Speak
To 600,000 Workmen
Over Radio Today
PARIS, June 4. --(P) - Socialist
Leon Blum, immediately after taking
over the guidance of troubled France,
ordered two of his ministers tonight
to act at once to avert a complete in-
dustrial paralysis of the nation.
Without waiting for formalities,
the new premier obtained the imme-
diate transfer of powers to his min-
ister of the interior, Roger Salengro,
and Labor Minister J. B. Lebas.
Blum himself decided to appeal to
the 600,000 strikers tomorrow in a
radio address, his first public speech
as premier.
Strike Spreads
These half million workers occu-
pied factories, and strikes were
spreading as President Albert Lebrun
officially handed the government
reins to the 64-year-old well-tailored
Socialist shortly after 9, p.m.
The strikes grew as Blum and his
cabinet of 35 ministers took over
the government from the outgoing
Premier Albert Sarraut.
Twenty of the new ministers whom
Blum named are Socialists, never
before in the government, and the
remainder were Radical Socialists.
Three are women-the first, ever to
be included in a French cabinet.
Meanwhile Jean Chiappe, president
of the municipal council, called a
meeting of city officials tomorrow to
consider asking Paris police to see
that the capital is kept supplied with
food and to prevent any hindrance of
public services.
Employers told Premier Sarraut
the strikes were "revolutionary."
Stores Close
The occupation strikes closed big
chain grocery stores, two sugar fac-
tories and a big brewery. Afternoon
newspapers failed to appear. These
were the latest critical developments.
The price of wheat rose, and gar-
bage collectors threatened to strike.
Department stores were expected to
close tomorrow.
The "Popular Front" premier was
calledto power two hours after Sar-
raut and his coalition cabinet had
resigned. Blum went to the Elysee
palace, unsmiling as he stepped from
a presidential automobile.
His Chamber of Deputies appear-
ance Saturday will be preceded by
a council of ministers at Lebrun's
palace. A vote of confidence will be
asked later in the Chamber,
Chinese Seek
IJapanese War,
HONKONG, China, June 4.-(-R)-
Provincial armies of Southern China

tonight demanded to be sent to fight
the Japanese.
Petitions from the Kwangsi mili-
tary, addressed to the southwestern
political council, were published here
along with similar urgings from num-
erous Canton public bodies.
They sought to press for resistance
to Japan by the northern Nanking
Observers of the newest Sino-Jap-
anese crisis, now involving high ten-
sion between North and South China,
believed most of the demands were
inspired by the Kwangtung and
Kwangsi provincia lleaders, Chen
Chai-Tong and Li Chung-Jen.
Both these leaders have expressed
a desire for war with Japan.
High, High In The Skies
Goes The Class Of '36
The present senior class, whether
educated to the desires of their pro-
fessors or not, have at least hit a new
high in the perpetration of practical

Dr. Jimenez Believes Hay Fever
May Be A Sign OfIntelligence
Do you have hay fever? If you do, given during Orientation Week, sep-
you have a right to be proud of your- arated the men and women, and then
self, according to Dr. Buenaventura charted the comparative ratings.
Jimenez (pronounced Himeneth) of But ah, then came the rub! The
the Health Service, because it may psychological tests rang true. The
be an indication of your superior in- sensitized groups, both male and fe-
telligence. male, almost invariably ranked above
During the past five or six years, the control group. However, the
as a sidelight to his ever-growing girls in mathematics and the boys in
task of giving relief to suffering stu- English simply raised havoc with the
dents, Dr. Jiminez has made a study doctor's charts. Every once in, a
of the relationship between sensiti- while the sensitized -groups of girls'
ation and intelligence. Using the and boys would go off on a spree
information recorded on their health and their failures in mathematics1
cards, he first classified all entering and English respectively soared far,
students into four main groups; true above those of the control group, thus
sensitization, sensitization, potential shattering the doctor's hopes of being
and control. The first group con- able to offer definite proof that the
sists of those who have eczema, hay sensitized are more intelligent than
fever, rose fever, or asthma. The the controlled.
second group is composed of those In spite of these discrepancies,
who, having a positive family his- however, Dr. Jimenez's experiments
tory of sensitization, recorded upon are both novel and interesting and
their health cards, are bothered by do show a strong tendency in favor
gostro-intestinal upsets, food idio- of his theory. To explain this phe-
syncrasies, frequent "colds," head- nomenon Dr. Jimenez says that over
aches, sinus trouble, etc. The third, a period of thousands of years, as
or potential group, contains those man evolved, he became not only
whn c.'kro, , ynm ord sfm n - -nn i-, i-i n.+ aif n iin -n ,n-

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