THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY,J 4, THE MICHIGAN DAILY to organize for their own protection and freedom of teaching and to affiliate with labor. F 1172 U X T U A r T li11 .. 1 .1 i K __ . -' . J JI-i Publi~ned every morning except Monday during th University yearand Summer Session by the Board In Oovntrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00: by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ili. BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaler. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates, I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUS. MGR .............. WILLI.AM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. MGR.....................JANKEINATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple, Accounts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH S. MATTES 'Patriots' And The University.. .. ELIEVERS IN DEMOCRACY in any of the several general and neb-. ulous forms in which it may be found in this im- perfect world will not welcome the recently an- nounced entrance of the Constitutional Protective League into Michigan. Even more than the American Liberty League, this new organization bears the unsavory resem- blance to a fascist group. Most striking is its semi-military organization. Its frank statement I of preparation for mobilization is a hint of con- templated force that is too obvious to mistake. Its army-like organization, leaders hope, will be assisted by the sheriffs of Michigan counties, who will deputize League members, and thus give their actions a sham legality. For what is the Constitutional Protective League organized? In its own official words, its purposes are "to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, the constitutions of the several states, and the governments thereunder estab- lished . . . assist in establishing and maintaining the national defense . . . oppose the doctrines of Communism and Socialism . . . oppose bureau- cracy. . . limit immigration and deport undesirable aliens . . . to work for reenactment of laws con- cerning espionage and sedition . . . keep American schools true to American ideals and free from I wrongful influence." The organizations listed by the Constitutional Protective League as "subversive" and "un-Amer- ican" range all the way from the Communist Trade Union Unity League to the Federal Council of Churches. Among them is the well known American Civil Liberties Union, and it is profitable to turn to its recently published pamphlet called "The Gag On Teaching" for clarification of not only the question of keeping "American schools true to American ideals and free from wrongful influence," but most of the other points raised by the Constitutional Protective League. "The teaching of patriotism," the pamphlet says, "is, of course, an entirely legitimate activ- ity of the public school system, but to confound it with capitalism, as is too often done, is not to teach patriotism, bt the acceptance of the pres- ent economic system as loyalty to the United States and all dissent from it as disloyalty." One can look through the program of the Con- stitutional Protective League in vain for a logical statement of why those things which it opposes are evil and those things it upholds are right. This'should occasion no surprise. The list of those who support the big-brother American Liberty League-a list upon which DuPonts are predomi- nant-has made it quite plain that those who de- sire most to perpetuate all that is feudal and re- actionary in American life are those who will be- come financially richer through reaction. Like- wise the Constitutional Protective League is anx- ious. to "establish relations" with Chambers of Commerce, Manufacturers' Associations, and "particularly" with intelligent and anti-subversive committees of such groups as the D.A.R., Rotary, Kiwanis, and American Legion-another hint of the economic affiliations of the Constitution pro- tectors. Those at the University of Michigan who may be affected by the activities of the various "pa- triotic" Leagues-and they are both faculty men and students-would be wise to accept as a basis for action this academic freedom program of the American Civil Liberties Union: "1. No interference with freedom of teaching in adult or higher education except upon judg- ments of juries or educators: nor in lower schools, "5. No unreasonable interference by legisla- tures with the school curriculum, the control of which should be vested in educational authorities and the teaching profession. "6. No compulsory religious practices in the schools, such as Bible-reading. "7. Protection of the rights of students to or- ganize for discussion of public issues, without faculty control. No disciplinary action against students because of religious, political or other activities. "8. Opposition to all special oaths of loyalty for teachers as unfair discrimination and as harmful to free and open critical inquiry. "9. Strong tenure laws in all states to protect teachers against unjust dismissals." THE-M Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all ',tters of over 300 words and to accept or reject fetters upon the criteria of general editorial imnortapce and interest to the campus. Unfortunate To The Editor: After four years of college training it is a pity that a representative of the Senior Class should lack the courtesy and common decency to offer an explanation or regrets for postponing swing- out. It is unfortunate not only that the Seniors assembled to be turned away, but that the fam- ilies should have driven many miles only to be dismissed by an abrupt announcement of post- ponement. It is unfortunate that the so-called leaders of the Senior Class lack the ability to organize and carry out plans intelligently. _M.N., M.G.C. 1DJL47~LL4bkJLIFL 1~ P~ le Prepared; To the Editor: In all this current talk of war and the pros- pects of war, to some people comes the thought of what steps the United States is taking towards, preparing herself for the exigency of War. When1 certain countries are smoothly talking disarma- ment and peace - and are prepared to the limit -and so can talk. When all of Europe is standing tense, with neighbor scanning neighbor, dis- trustful. In short, when a greater part of this civ- ilized world is poised ready to attack or be at- tacked and then to counter-attack-these Unitedt States are- filled with agencies preaching peace,t advocating more disarmament, bitterly attacking all military preparation, whether Regular Army1 training or summer Citizens Military Training Camps. Military training in the colleges and state universities is receiving especially bitter1 criticism. In those institutions socialistic andj communistic groups are, as everywhere else, in-j stilling their doctrines of discontent and upheaval7 into the impressionable student mind. Military training is their hate and this hate they are spreading to the student bodies. That is one side of the picture. It must be remembered that the established, decent institution is always a good target for attack and damaging propaganda for a period before it can build up a retaliating defense. Such is the case in this debauchery of so-called pacifism against military training. Damage has been and is being done. Many colleges have ruled out military training. Legislation is on the point of ruling it out of some state universities. How far must this go before the full damage is dis- closed? And will it be when National emergency is the disclosing medium? For the sake of those who must pay and pay with all they have, we hope not. It must ever be remembered that the specie payment for such folly is human life. The Reserve Officer knows that. The Army man from'the lowest to the highest knows that. The individual who studies the part of United States in the last Great War finds it staring him in the face through all the pages of accounts of our participation. We lost an unnumbered legion of youngsters and older men who paid out their lives because they knew little, even less, of the essential ways of keeping one's person down out of fire even in the slightest cover. It was needless, that sacrifice. A bit of training such as is being given now in C.M.T.C. and R.O.- T.C. in summer camps, colleges and universities would have given them the little knowledge need- ed. Their training was, instead, that given in the rush and hysteria of unpreparedness for National emergency. The situation was critical, desperate. Numbers were needed to throw into the breech, Men represented those numbers. So, men were needed and men were taken-and sacrificd. He- member that always. There is a saying in the service, commonly put yet undisputable. "After all is said and done in attack by air, destruction by gases, demo- lition by new long-range guns, and all the rest, there are only two factors that win wars-blood and guts." Blood and guts. Literally, not fig- uratively that. That is war. That is taught in the schools by instructors who have been through the horror and know. They do not let us overlook the fact. It is impressed through the glamor of uniforms, bands and parades. Ahead of all train- ing lies that. And so we have at least an idea of that for which we are preparing. And the better we prepare that we may get through the actuality when, if ever, it comes upon us. We want some chance at least. Life isn't a thing to be thrown away. We have builded up a foun- dation through education to carry us through life. We have taken unto ourselves another to share our lives. We have everything to live for. And so, that we might live, we learn through the yilifn +rov inin aev a hlp i h pI 1io m ,a-r IT ALL By Bonth W illiamts THE REAL STORY behind Tuesday's efficient-c ly run-off Swingout which saw benevolentt friends and relatives gather from out of town to watch capped and gowned seniors, scattered bandsmen, and not a few corsaged B.W.O.C.'sl walk futilely about for half an hour and thenr wander off thoroughly bewildered, was revealedt yesterday by sources high in the University. t While the participants were aware only of the fact that nothing was happening, the bandsmen1 made a futile effort to get together in order to lead the long march about the Campus. Noth-e ing happened. There were the schools in theirl different colored tassels, there were the admiring friends and relatives, there was the band, but sad to say, the great organizer, the reestablisher ofl campus tradition, old Bill Dixon, had neglected to notify the one man that was essential to the carrying out of Swingout. While the throng, waited impatiently for the eminent conductor, Mr. William Revelli sat peacefully in his home, unaware that he was ruining a sunshiny day for the University's senior class. Bill had forgottent to tell him., THE STORY about Bill is worth telling, but hardly without a word of explanation. Tra- dition is what the morale of a school is built on,t and anyone who has worked as hard as D3ixont has to continue and reestablish tradition deservesi a big hand. Today Bill and his cohorts will getr another chance, weather permitting, and the best of luck for the successful resumption of this time-honored Michigan event. FRED WARNER NEAL, the widely-read locali press power who wins all the 'current events't contests at the Sigma Delta Chi dinners, was lunching yesterday afternoon with Don Brewer and Herm Fishman. The talk was of baseballY in general and Neal was recalling the days when he starred for Northville High. The conversa-t tion lapsed for a moment, then Neal's voice broke the silence with, "Say, I'd like to see a ball game., When do you fellows play next?" PROFESSOR LESLIE A. WHITE, whose classic remark to the effect that, "Modern wives are the most highly paid unskilled labor in the world," never fails to excite the female mem- bers of his classes, rendered the concluding lec- ture to the Anthropology 32 group yesterday morning, and was given one of the biggest rounds of applause that has rocked Angell Hall in some time. The good professor's course is one of the most stimulating that the University offers. Despite the fact that his lectures, derived almost en-, tirely from fact, have driven more than one stu-j dent to walk out of the Wall because their beliefs have been questioned, Prof. White succeeds inl winning the admiration of every thinking mem- ber of his class. Whether you sympathize with1 him, or whether you believe he hand picks the facts he presents, he does tell the truth. He tells it in a thoroughly interesting manner and he makes people think. THE NEWLY-CROWNED Conference Cham- pionship baseball team will meet today to elect a captain for the 1937 season, and they are faced with as unique a problem as any Mich- igan squad has encountered in a long time.' There are only three juniors on the squad and each of them is already a Varsity captain. Matt Patanelli, however, has not played regularly and the situation thus appears to resolve itself into a choice between court leader John Gee and puck snatcher Vic Heyliger. What more fitting tribute to Beaver and Big John, both stars in their respective sports as well as on the diamond, than to name them co-captains of next year's ball team. .lhe Connin Towers It seems to us that envy is the basis of the violent expressions that you hear in private po- litical discussion about the President's charm. Some say that they are weary of it, as they used to say that they were tired of James J. Walker's wise-cracking. But the Walker wise-cracks were good, and we feel that the President's charm is good; that the charm and wise-cracks are notl of themselves a liability. Probably the mass of voters have no charm, nor could they assemble a wise-crack; they want ponderosity. Maybe it is the fact that Mayor LaGuardia has some charm and humor that makes him say that lie can't be re-elected. Even so astute and well-grounded a tennis writer as John R. Tunis, writing of Wilmer Alli- son in Collier's, writes: "He has often been called on to play all five matches in the Davis Cup." Up to this time no player has been per- mitted by the rules to play in more than three smatches, but Mr. Tunis says that Allison is the white hope for the Davis Cup, so perhaps it was as well that he wasn't called on to play Crawford on Saturday after having lost to Quist. In Yonkers, at the Terrace, they showed "D. Copperleld." "You know," says R. H. W.. "by C. Dickens, author of 'N. Nickleby' and 'B. Rudge.' " Gratitude Whoever landscaped Bryant Park Receives from me the highest mark. JOANNA ROOS Miss Sylvia Thompson writes well enough, but she oughtn't to say ("Third Act in Venice"): "Whomever you marry will have too many hus- bands" and " . . . the woman beside him, whom h ir-n nc AAdn " Washington Off The Record By SIGRID ARNE T HE toastmaster at a formal stag dinner to which had come most of Washington's famous men rose after dinner to say: "This is the moment when with due solemnity we pay tribute to those present who have shown extraordi- nary bravery in action." As the guests looked around for scattered war heroes, the toastmas- ter continued: "Will those who wore white coats please rise?" Down at the far end of the speak- er's table rose the white-haired, and by that time very red-faced, Charles Michelson, director of publicity for the Democratic national committee. Michelson was the sole guest who had chosen to rush the season by wearing a white linen dinnei jacket. T HOUSANDS of wieaths have been placed on George Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon. Now the memory of his wife, Mar- tha, will be honored with a wreath late this month when the Conference of Associated Farm Women of the World is held here' Historians have revealed that dain- ty Martha, despite her lace-frilledj dresses and long, wide skirts, ran the Washington plantation very cred- itably while hei' husband shaped a new government and helped run it. MAYBE the President requested the song with mischievous intent. He was asked, previous to a dinner in his honor, what song he would like to hear. He thought a moment, and said: "It's 30 years since I've heard 'The Yellow Rose of Texas.' Could you have it played?" The musicians could. But it took them three days of hunting the back shelves at New York music publish- ing houses before they found a copy. Framed engravings of Andrew Jackson have been promised by the women's division of the Dem- ocratic national committee to hard-working Democrats inI Washington who secure 10 sub- scriptions to the "Democratic Di- gest" by June 10. EORGE BIDDLE, of the Philadel- phia Biddles, has placed himself in a sweatshop -for all posterity.L He is painting the murals which will decorate the new department of justice building, and from the panel which depicts a sweatshop there peers his own dark, melancholy face paint- ed on a figure that is running a sew- ing machine. The murals also bear the likenesses of some of his friends, including Rex- ford Guy Tugwell, resettlement ad- ministrator. 'EORGE HENRY PAYNE, the G Federal communications commis- sioner, started life as a Broadway prodigy. He secured a post as dra- matic critic, and then proceeded to startle the theatrical world by the erudite criticisms he wrote despite his noticeable youth. The secret lay in his father who had indulged a lifelong interest in drama, and who sui3plied George with information about actors who had died before George was born. Henry Fletcher, chairman of the Republican national commit-I tee, woke up one morning to find on his doorstep one of the little Donkey banks which the Demo- crats are using to collect funds for the campaign. SEN. ROBERT M. LaFOLLETTE, Jr., of Wisconsin arrives daily at the capitol with a solemn young gentleman sitting beside him in the family car. The car drops the Senator, and the driver turns around to take the serious young man, Joseph Oden LaFollette, the Senator's three-year- old son, back home. "Joe" would cause notable disturbance if he were denied the right of seeing his father to work. Fleet Cripled. Near California By Maneuvers SAN PEDRO, Calif., June 3.-(i)-- Rigid naval censorship shrouded to- night the extent to which the United States fleet was crippled by the sec- ond annual maneuvers conducted by Admiral J. M. Reeves. Departure today of the battleships New Mexico and Mississippi for emergency repairs at the Bremer- ,ton Navy Yard in Puget Sound re- vealed that the most powerful unit in the main battle fleet underwent a serious breakdown. In last year's maneuvers eight lives were lost in plane crashes and de- stroyer collisions. Several planes were lost and a number of destroyers damaged. This year no casualty list has been made public by Admiral Reeves, al- I though two aviators unofficially were vInnrto to have." lost their lives. It DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Publication in the Bullctin is constructive notice to all membars or the UI'verslty. Copy received at the office of the Aslsta-t to the President stnl :30; i11:00 a.mi. on Saturday. ThURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 175 Notices rre following schedule will mark the lifting of the Automobile Regu- lation for students in the various 1olleges and departments of the Uni- versity. Exceptions will not be made for individuals who complete their work in advance of the last day of class examinations and all students enrolled in the following departments will be required to adhere strictly to this schedule. College of Literature, Science and the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, at 5 p.m. College of Architecture: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Business Administration: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School Tuesday, School Tuesday, School Tuesday, School of Education: All classes. June 16, 5 p.m. of Engineering: All classes. June 16, 5 p.m. of Forestry: All classes. June 16, 5 p.m. of Music: All classes. Tues- day, June 16, 5 p.m.C College of Pharmacy: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Dentistry: Freshman class; Tuesday, June 9, at 12 noon. Sophomore class; Iuesday, June 9,1 at 5 p.m. Junior class; Tuesday, JuneI 9, at 5 p.m. Senior class; Thursday,I June 4, at 5 p.m. Hygienists; Tues-i day, Jumie 9, at 5 p.m. -I Law School: Freshman class; Mon- I day, June 8, at 12 noon. Junior class; I Wednesday, June 10, at 5 p.m. Senior I class; Wednesday, June 10, at 5 p.m.I Medical School: Freshman class; I Friday, June 12, at 5 p.m. Sophomore 1 class; Saturday, June 13, at 12 noon. I Junior class; Saturday, June 13, at1 12 noon. Senior class; Saturday,- June 6, at 5 p.m. Graduate School: All classes. Tues- I (lay, June 16, at 5 p.m. Candidates I for Masters' Degree; Tuesday, June I 16, at 5 p.m. Candidates for Doctors'.I Degree : Saturday, June 6, at 12 noon. As-sistant to the Dean of Students. W.B. Rea, To All Students Having LibraryI Books: 1. Students having in theirI possession books drawn from the1 University are notified that such books are due Monday, June 8. ] 2. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Wednesday, June 10, will be sent to the Recorder's Office, where their semester's credits will be held up until such time as said rec-t ords are cleared, in compliance with< Ithe regulations of the Regents. Win. W. Bishop, Librarian. Literary Seniors: Commencement announcements will be distributed in Alumni Memorial Hall, Thursday 9- 12, 1-4, and Friday 9-12, 1-4. Re-.. ceipts must be presented and all bal- ances paid. R.O.T.C. Seniors who are report- ing to Camp Custer on June 18 and who wish to come back for the Sen- ior Dance and Commencement on Friday and Saturday, June 19. and 20, please see Mrs. Kinney. Members of the Senior Literary honor Guard are requested to meet promptly at 3:45 p.m. this afternoon on the East Walk to the Natural Science Bldg., near the diagonal, to participate in Swingout. The Senior Engineering Honor 'Guard is requested to meet at 3:45 on the diagonal leading from the Li- brary to the Engineering Arch to participate in the Swingout. Senior Engineers: Announcements will be distributed today from 1 to 5 p.m. in the corridor of West Engi- neering Bldg. Balances due must be paid in order to receive announce- ments. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information: Men, past 21, who have finished Uni- ' versity work, intend to enter. busi- ncss, and are particularly interested in sales work, intangibles, are invited to call at 201 Mason Hall today at 3 p.m. Ask for Miss Mildred Webber, who will arrange a personal interview with an executive of an organization having several positions open for acceptable applicants. Small salary to start. Opportunity for rapid ad- vancement. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa: tion has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examin- ations for Principal, Senior, Associ- ate and Statistical Analyst (Trans- portation), Bureau of Statistics, and Bureau of Motor Carriers, Interstate Commerce Commission, salary, $3,- 200 to $5,600; Assistant Superintend- ent and Foreman of Brush Factory, United States Penitentiary Annex, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., salary, $2,- 600 to $3,200; Assistant Petroleum Engineer (Optional branches: Pro- duction and refining), Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, salary, $2,600; also Detroit Civil Serv- ice Examinations for Junior Steno- iranher Junior Tvnist, and Phonh- To Students and Faculty Members: The Detroit Post of the Volunteers of America have appealed to students amd faculty members of the Uni- versity for cast-oif shoes and cloth- ing. These are to be rehabilitated during the summer and next year will be furnished to Detroit school children in need of clothing who otherwise would not be able to attend school. Shoes and garments of all sizes can be used. It is requested that any who care .to contribute to this cause should leave their contribu- tions either at the office of the Dean of Women in Barbour Gymnasium or at the Michigan Union. Academic Notices Rooms for final examinations: English I and II: English I, Aaron, 2003 Angell Hall. English I, Leedy, C Haven Hall English II, Ackerman', 18 Angell English II, Allen, B Haven Hall English II, Baker, 1025 Angell Hall English II, Curtis, 215 Angell Hall English II, Ellinger, 2054 Natural St. English II, Everett, 229 Angell Hall English II, Ford, 2235 Angell Hall English II, Green, 1209 Angell- Hall English II, Haines, 2014 Angell Hall English II, Helm, 2029 Angell Hall English II, Knode, 302 Mason Hall English II, Meyer, 3011 Angell Hall English II, Morris, 3209 Angell Hall English II, Nelson, 4203 Angell Hall English II, Ogden, 4208 Angell Hall English II, Peterson, 200 South Wing English II, Proctor, 201 South Wing English II, Rollinger, 305 So. Wing English II, Seager, 203 University Hall English II, Stevens, 1121 Natural Sci. English II, Wagner, 4003 Angell Hall English II, Walcutt, 2203 Ang'ell Hall English II, Weimer, 208 University Hall English II, Wells, 306 University Hall English II, Whitehall, 2003 Natural Science. German Department: The follow- ing are the room assignments for the final examinations on Friday a.m., June 12: German 1, All sections, 1025 Angell Hall. German 2, Willey, Brauer, Dia- mond, Nordnmeyer, Philippson, Reich- art, N. S. Aud. German 2, Graf, Scholl, Van Dur- en, Umbach, West Lect. Phys. German 31, All sections, C Haven Hall. German 32, Graf, 1025 A. H. Hildner, 1025 A.H. Van Duren, C Haven Hall. Van de Luyster, C Haven Hall. Scholl, West Lect. Phys. Reichart, 25 A.H. Philippson, 25 A.H. Wahr, 35 A.H. Striedieck, 35 A.H. German 122, Diamond, N. S. Aud. Reichart, 25 A.H. Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, (College of Literature, Science and the Arts): The examination will take place Tuesday, June 9, 9 a.m., according to the following schedule: Anning, 1025 A.H. Baten, 35 A.H. Barter, 35 A.H. Beeler, 2003 A.H. Coe, 1035 A.H. Craig, 1035 A.H. Dwyer, 35 A.H. Elder, 1025 A.H. Ford, 1025 A.H. Hildebrandt, 1025 A.H. Nyswander,;1025 A.H. Rainich, 1035'A.H. Wagner, 2003 A.H. History 92: The regular examina- tion for all students (juniors as well as seniors) will take place Friday, June 5, from 2-5 p.m., in the West Physics Lecture Room. There will be a make-up for those unavoidably ab- sent, on June 16, 2-5 p.m., in Room B, Haven Hall. (Please disregard notice appearing on May 30.) Psychology 31: All students who are not seniors will write the examination on the date indicated in the original examination schedule (June 16). All seniors, and only seniors, should pre- sent themselves for the examination on Friday, June 5, 2 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Students who must write the earlier examination will be excused from classes which meet at the examina- tion period, upon notifying the in- structors of Friday classes. History 48: Final examination. Thursday afternoon, June 11: Section 1, Room G, Haven. Section 2, Anderson to Fogg, Room G, Haven. Section 2, Frederick to Whitesell, Room*E, Haven. Sections 3, 4, 5, Room C, Haven. Lnrni 11"w dca. m91> rrn A" . Session under the auspices of the French Department. Women stu- dents of French may live and board in the house and men students will be admitted to luncheon and dinner. Application for residence must be made through the Office of the Dean of Women. For further information see Mr. Charles E. Koella, Room 412 Romance Language Bldg., every morning from 10 to 11 or by appoint- ment.