SHE MICHIGAN DULY THURSDAY, -CIF 'uture Looks \ Rosy For This Year's Grads Palace Under Fire Classified Directory i III! Einployment Possibilities Brightest For Business, Engineerng Students Prospects for the June graduates are the brightest this year since the beginning of the depression, accord- ing to the number of seniors who are already assured of positions and the number of inquiries received by the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information and other University departments. These indications have shown that jobs are more abundant and starting salary prospects better with employ- ment opportunities for business ad-_ ministration and engineering grad- uates the brightest. Several reports have been so optimistic that demand exceeds the supply of those "ready to face the world." Prospects for liberal arts graduates have been estimated as being "twice as good." However, because of the retrench- ment in the Federal governments forest service, Dean S. T. Dana of the forestry school has indicated that prospects for his students are "not as good as last year." Although few have ventured opin- ion as to salaries to expect, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, head of the depart- ment of civil engineering, reported that civil engineers can expect a salary from $1,700 to $1,000 a year. The reopening of graduate train- ing schools throughout the country by industrial concerns will mean a more fruitful year for business ad- ministration graduates, explained Prof. Robert G. Rodkey of the busi- ness administration school. Teachers also may expect better conditions in view of the 20 per cent increase over 1935 calls for teachers, according to statistics released by the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information. However, it was further stated that many positions for teachers will not be open until late this summer. The supply of pharmacists is one of those phenomena in which the de- mand exceeds the supply, it was re- ported by Prof. C. C. Glover of the pharmacy college, but he also said that this has been the condition for several years. Graduates in journalism, archi- tecture, engineering and music will also find favorable conditions await- ing them, according to the reports. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS -Associated Press Photo. Leaders of an army revolt against the Nicaraguan government re- ported the surrender of one loy- alist stronghold and the imminent fall of the palace of President Juan B. Sacasa (above) at Managua. President Sacasa is besieged in the palace. White Ree cts Plan For Party Coal ition (Continued from Page 1) would have to be a liberal, progres- sive Republican. "A fat chance a ticket would have if it were headed by a progressive Republican like Landon or Vanden- berg and flying leaden-tail-like Gov- ernor Davey of Ohio or ex-Governor Ely or ex-Governor Al Smith. The Emporia editor, who is likely to sit on the platform-drafting com- mittee at Cleveland, continued: , "To float such a ticker the plat- form would have to be a complete straddle and to paddle this platform through the election rapids, with two kinds of anti-Rooseveltians on it-- would take a cross-eyed, four-armed oarsman with eyes in the back of his neck. Coalition would be a catas- trophe. "The Republican party is either going to be reborn as a new construc- tive party to function in the new era that war and depression have made or it is going to blow up from the inside and disappear. "This election cannot be won with- out getting the votes of independent, forward-looking Republicans who voted for Roosevelt four years ago and were fooled. He has failed to reduce unemployment. He has made relief a partisan program. "His independent supporters," con- cluded Mr. White, "have come to their senses. They want to vote the Republican ticket but they don't want to be caught dead voting for a hybrid or mongrel - a. cross be- tween Mercury winging ahead and Lot's wife looking back." CKLW Mal Hallett's Music. 10:30-WJR Songs You Remember. WXYZ Ted Weems' Music. CKLWJGriff Williams' Music. 10:45-WWJ World Peaceways. 11:00-WJR Abe Lyman's Music. WXYZ Baker Twins. WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. CKLW Enoch Light's Music. 11:15-WXYZ Ruby Newman's Music. 11:30-WJR Jacques Fray's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Dance Music. WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music. CK{LW Horace Heidt's Music. ii1:45-WJR Solay and His violin. 12 :00-WWJ Bob Chester's Music. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Bob Nolan's Music. 12:30-CKLW Joe Sander's music. 1:00-CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance llc per reading line (on basis' of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10cper read- ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days f rotn the date of last insertion. By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month.........................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ............8e 2 lines daily, college year ...........7c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months............8c 100 lines used as desired ..........9c 300 lines used as desired ............8c 1.000 lines used as desired ..........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ..........6c The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 712 point type. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. lx NOTICES ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work. E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street. Phone 9625. 14x MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x Call 6898 and have those galoshes fixed. EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and 'type- writers. Don't sell before you see qam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox WARNING: Only a reliable furrier can clean your furs and fur coat without harming the skins. 32 years of expert fur service recom- mends ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 16x 1 NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.1 A. A. Stuhlman. 15x WANTED UNFURNISHED modern apartment wanted for next fall. 3 or 4 rooms. Young couple. To occupy about Sept. 1. Box 130. 536 WANTED: Furnished apartment dur- ing summer school. Two people. East side of campus. Will occupy June 22. Rent not greater than $35 monthly. Box 131. WANTED: Driver to Chicago or Wheaton. June 8. Buick coupe. Tel.' 9897. 538 LOST:' land Bldg. LOST AND FOUND Tan home-knit sweater. Rag- sleeves. Around Intramural Phone 5575. 531 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Scottish terrier pups. Registered A.K.C. Marvelous pedi- grees. Healthy, sturdy, loveable. Priced for quick sale. 1313 S. State. 524 SALE: Drive home in this comfortable 5-passenger sedan. New tires, bat- tery, only $100. 1919 Geddes. 532 PEONY bloom for sale. Phone 3926. 1003 Brooks St. 533 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED: (male, white) Position as fraternity porter for summer and fall. Phone 8873. 529 WHITE lady will take full charge cooking in fraternity next semester, references. Box 129. 530 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Apartment. Southeast location. Frigidaire and water soft- ener. Phone 8507. 16x FOR RENT: Single and double rooms for girls for the summer term. $16 up. 1511 Washtenaw. Telephone 3851. 520 NEW four-room furnished apartment near campus. Accommodates 4. Shower, 332 East Jefferson. Apart- ment 4. 535 SUMMER STUDENTS: Light cool rooms. Special rates. Porter service. Recreation facilities. The Oaks. 915 Oakland. 7458. 504 FOR RENT: Ground floor student apartment, suitable for three, and several rooms. Phone 2-1982. 917 East Huron. 537 Cotton Frocks Smart Cotton Frocks. Ideal for the hot summer months. Guaranteed all fast colors. Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 54. I F IT'S IN STYLE YOU LL FIND IT AT MAYFAIR 1 98C to $5.98 For Office Home or Outdoor Wear YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON MAYFAIR -QUALITY I Exclusive With MAYFAIR in Ann Arbor Opening TONIGHT at 8:15! MATINEE TOMORROW at 3:15 .'.: :r 6011 SLI Patent Applied for Blanche Yurka PS e o. ri, Le ni sm oi were Lille, Rouen, Nantes, 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. L y o n and Marseille. wWJ Ty Tyson. of American firms occu- WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Omar the Mystic. idle workers included the 6:15-WJR Jimmy Allen. Hudnut Perfumery plant, WWJ Human Side of the News. WXYZ Day in Review. ford Automobile Co., affil- CKLW Sports and News. ith Ford, and the Crane 6:30-WJR Kate Smith.' WWJ Bulletins. g Fixture concern. WXYZ Dance Music. nitions factory at Valen- 6CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. y6:45-WJR Boake Carter. and a shipyard at Marseille WWJ Dinner Music. cted. WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea. CKLW Song Recital. sts and Communists were 7 :00--WJR Alexander Gray: Mark Warnow 's Music. a "workers' victory" each wWJ Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour. acal strike was settled. They WXYZ Flute and Nightingale. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. the movement on long dis- 7:30-WJR Republican Pre-Convention. with the deflationary pol- WXYZ Xavier Cugat's Music. CKLW Little Symphony. previous governments, par- 8:00-WJR Waiter O'Keefe: Glen the salary cuts effected Gray's Music. decree laws. WXYZ Death Valley Days. uniss, eclringthestrkes CrLw Moderne Ensemble. nists, declaring the strikes 8:15-CKLW Melody Treasure Hunt. [," refused to make any 8:30-WJR Musical Program. They charged the French 4WXYZ erde Grofe's Music. Theychared teFrnch8 :45-WXYZ Bob Chester's Music. buying power had been cut CKLW Evening Serenade. nt in the last furyears. 9:00-WJR Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. 3nt n th lat for yers. WWJ Bing Crosby: Jimmy ry case the workers wanted Dorsey's Music. ages, a 40-hour week, abol- CKLW Recital Hall. overtime, recognition of 9:30--WJR March of Time. nd py t dishared wrk- WXYZ Adventures of the Hornet. nd pay to discharged work- CKLW Hugo Mariani's Cosmopolitans. 9:45-WJR Hot Dates in History. er observers feared there 1 WWJRDunca oore. e serious consequences for WXYZ Murray Van Waggoner. ' Blm goernmnt i the CKLW Scores: News. Blum government if the 10:15-WJR Rhythm. hus far orderly, get out of WWJ Tiger Highlights: Evening Melodies. WXYZ Anthony Trini's Music. P IAN O. R A D I O SINSTR1MNTS The Brilliant Stage and Screen Star BLANCHE YURKA in John Van Druten's Comedy of Love "THE DISTAFF SIDE"., with ESTELLE WINWOOD Effie SHANNON - Robert ROSS Margalo GILLMORE The Biggest All-Star Cast of the Season! Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre NIGHTS-75c, $1 and $1.50; MATS. 50c & 75c Phone 6300 9011 - Tailored Holly- wood "V" double mate- rial front. Straight fitted back. Neat hemstitched design. True shadow panel./ Rolled hem bot- tom. Sizes: 32 to 44. Colors: White, Tea Rose, Navy, Black and Brown. , 1.98 9023 - An attractive semi-tailored slip, Holly- wood "V" front and back. True shadow panel, bias cut, trimmed with a beautiful satin and lace applique embroidered yoke. Tailored bottom. Sizes: 32 to 44. Colors: White and Tea Rose. M C 6L. 61. . *::.,. f f , --- , '.:: - . - , ; , ; : Guaranteed First Quality Full-Fashioned CHIFFON HOSE w { ,t A I I .,.- WI C E 1852 207 f. VA 4INGTON PRONE 2.1211 Now - DOUBLE BILL A Blizxard of Blondes "SNOWED UNDER"' GEORGE BRENT GENEVIEVE TOBIN GLENDA FARRELL PATRICIA ELLIS FRANK McHUGH and A NAVY BOOST "An agreement has been reached between the conference committees of the Senate and Hcuse to appropriate several million dollars for the navy during the coming fiscal year. This appropriation will greatly strengthen the personnel and resources of our navy and the personnel of the Marine Corps. This action though greatly be- lated will prove most advan- tagcous to our first line of de- fense." All who have tasted of the pure sparkling waters of the Arbor Springs Water Co., 416 W. Huron, have agreed that they are cooling, refreshing and most pleasant of taste. Why not start today to gain the benefits tc be derived from drinkin'g this delightful, healthful product? For quick service phone 8270. BLOUSES Tissue Sheer Organdie Permanent Organdie Washable Silk Lace and Net 98,C to P41 .98mm $.98 X2o9 In all the new Summer shades. Delightfully Sheer, yet Serviceable Pair 49c ' Fine Tailored S K sIRTsa Latest Fashions and Colors 11 I __ ' i I I I I I