E FOUL 'M THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 3, 1 ~FOUR WEDNESDAY1 3, 11 THE MICHIGAN DAILY tween us and the generation of the twenties-'the content of our thought.' The subject-'the world crisis.. . . palpably, indefinably coloring nearly everything we say or do.' Why, that's absurd. But is it? How often are my thoughts wholly free from fascism, communism, Black Legionism, Red Leagueism, a whole shop window display full of isms-and, draped on the shelves, on the walls .. . handwriting on the window pane . . .WAR. When has there been an issue of The Daily wholly free from faint or loud prescience of the world crisis -in its news columns,.its editorial columns, its Forum? "S'funny. Our thoughts-the world crisis. Real thoughts-or just curious thoughts? What had it said? 'Intellectual curiosity . . . born of caution ... may . . . result in the crusades of tomorrow.' "Ho hummmm. "Youuu, gee but you're wonderful, youuu..." g -egi °a Publisned every morning except Monday during the University, year And Summer.Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of tepublication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as -second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicao, Ill'. BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR................t. ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............FRED-WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates, I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MANAGER....................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUS. MGR................WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. MGR ....................JEAN KENATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack taple, Accounts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ARNOLD S. DANIELS THE FORUM 1 i i i c Another Blow To Labor. HE SUPREME COURT decision in- validating New York's minimum wage law for women is the most devastating blow yet received from that body by those who hope for alleviation of social injustice and eco- nomic destitution by legal, democratic methods. It is useless to debate whether the decision of, the Court was correct or not; that is a task defying even the most adept and learned constitutional lawyers, the justices themselves, who again split five to four. But it is worthwhile to consider what the effect of this, and the preceding NRA1 and Guffey decisions, will be. Labor is clearly aroused over the withdrawalt by the Court of what rights it had gained under the NRA and Guffey Act, and it is not illogical to suspect that this minimum wage decision may, arouse greater anger than either of the previous two. Much more clearly than interested out- siders, working people can see the justice of their cause. It is hard to explain to them why a1 democratic government can protest and aid in- dustry by tariffs and subsidies and injunctions and, on the other hand, be unable to protect work- ing women against sweat shop conditions of em- ployment. One minimum wage provided by this law, for example, was $12.40 a week for women laundry workers. The laws which have been invalidated were, intended as guarantees, and to some extent were guarantees, against the conditions which cause strikes. When they are voided it is only natural that the workman protect his interests in the only way left to him-by striking against employers who profit by the Court's action at his expense. It is certain that the great number of strikes in recent weeks is related to the decisions of the Supreme Court. But, most significant, the Supreme Court has in these three important decisions closed every door against the enactment of laws regulating hours, wages, and working conditions, either by Federal or state governments. If the majority of justices are correctly interpreting the Constitution, then the inevitable conclusion must be that there are important defects in that supposedly, infallible document; if, as others claim, they are acting on the basis of class interest, the authority they have is completely out of harmony with democratic prin- ciples, and should be withdrawn. For those who recognize that the welfare of the nation is inseparable from the welfare of the majority of its people, the only proper action is to take steps to change the Constitution. Ho Hummm*.. *G( foUUUUUUU. gee but you're wonder- ful, youuuuuu ..." He let the fraternity house copy of the June Fortune magazine slide off his lap. It plopped on the floor. The music thudded on and on and on. "S'funny how that article makes yo feel." His thoughts wandered on.and on and on. "What.had it said? Something about the present generation of college undergraduates . . . . Lively, curious in- tellectually;-passive; fatalistic in-action- two faces of the same coin.' Students . . . 'thinking animals sniffing the wind,' trying to locate their prey. Students ... "snakes gliding up and down a hol- low . . . purposeless . .. not to eat, not for love- Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject feters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. b AU Invitation To the Editor: I am happy that Mr. Jaquier approves of the Peace Council's selection of speakers; and I am sorry that my quoting the title of an article in Fortune magazine with a dicitur was interpreted by him as a slur on capitalism rather than as a means of emphasizing my then belief that no one had said that the trouble with pacifism is the pacifists. However, the purpose of this communication is to invite Mr. Jaquier to participate actively in the work of the Peace Council during the years he will be a member of the University. The Peace Council made every effort in its power to reach people of every political and social belief, particularly those representing the point of view Mr. Jaquier takes, but except in criticism outside of the organization these seem to have been, for the most part, most lethargic and have left the actual work and the fortunes of world peace to the radicals and the liberals. This is not so much an indictment as a lament, and I sincerely trust that Mr. Jaquier and all others really interested in peace will take the trouble to get in touch with Julian Orr or Dr. Blakeman so that the Peace Council may benefit from their enthusiasm, in- dustry, intelligence, and experience. -G. Mennen Williams And Another To the Editor: Every effort should be made to disabuse Mr. Jaquier from the erroneous notions he apparently holds concerning the Peace Council. As a member of that body, I can state with assurance that the Peace Council furthers the cause of no polit- ical party or economic creed. The sole interest of the Peace Council is to assist a growing and, as Mr. Jaquier implies, worthwhile anti-war sen- timent. It is to be regretted that Mr. Jaquier has mis- construed the actions of this organization. Per- haps the misunderstanding derives from fallacious preconceived stereotypes Mr. Jaquier entertains concerning the source, purpose, and membership of such organizations; or perhaps the Peace Coun- cil .has unwittingly employed methods liable to misinterpretation. However, Mr. Jaquier is to be congratulated, for he demonstrated that at least one individual is interested enough in the Peace Council to object to certain things he believed foolish or injurious. But Mr. Jaquier could have taken another and more valuable step. The Peace Council is not a closed organization. Rather than a bit ostenta- tiously rail at it from the outside, he could enroll as a member, discover that it is not a pawn of the socialist party, help shape its policies, and give his own ideas an opportunity to obtain more con- crete expression. -Willis Player. AsOtersSee It BENE ATH *** * ** *IT ALL '* y hoRI ni illiwns N0 MATTER where the place, certain things are apparent to everybody. More interesting things, whether more personal, more humorous, or more human are often appreciated by only the relative few who saw or were told. The purpose of this column is to bring those sin- gular incidents and sidelights close enough to the campus so that everyone can appreciate them for what they are. Individually they mean only a laugh or a momentary thought, but their composite is the real Michigan we know today. Minus the cheap nothingness of gossip, Beneath It All will be an intimate column about Michigan and the people who make it exactly what it is. T HE OPEN SEASON for pulling bewildered soph- omores and anxious juniors out of bed in the wee hours of the morning is definitely closed, but it would be a great sadness indeed if several inci- dents, relevant to spring celebration of the campus honor societies were to escape unnoticed. The Sphinx clan in its eagerness to adopt Bill Staehle, Varsity two miler, into the group dashed into his fraternity house some time ago and were directed to Staehle's room by a sleepy brother. Led by such stalwarts as Matt Patanelli and Vic Heyliger, the Sphinxes burst into the room. Some- one peered into the upper bunk to verify Staehle's identity, and then with the cry of "Here he is," the covers were ripped back. Rough hands seized Herr Staehle and after the accepted traditions of the organization, his beautiful pyjamas were jerked from his sleepily protesting figure to fall in shreds at his feet. Hustled unceremoniously down the stairs to the accompaniment of some really sincere back-slap- ping and the cry of "Damn Lucky," the neophyte made a determined stand on the last landing and managed to blurt out: "You fellows got the wrong guy. I'm Charley Staehle." The tribe of Sphinxes was exceedingly embarrassed, and with due apol- ogies returned to the upper regions in search of their original quarry. Bill, somewhat disturbed and not a little anxious about what was transpir- ing, had taken refuge on the shelf that runs around the outside of the house three stories up, and the Pi Phi delegation who reside next door were treated to the rather interesting spectacle of Pharaoh San Ladd leaning far out the window and coaxing the crouching figure, well out of reach, with, "Come on Bill, we won't hurt you." * * * * MICHIGAMUA'S famous paddle up the Huron river provides a fertile field for the columnist. Even funnier than the newly elected Sachem, Frank Dannemiller, falling backwards into the cool Huron after heroically landing his former boss, Foster Campbell, on the bank with a last titanic effort, was Howdy Davidson, reiterating over and over again to anyone who would listen, "Although it is not generally recognized, I am undoubtedly the greatest runner in the world." * * * * THE CROWD of several hundred who gathered to witness the Druids' ceremonies Thursday were treated to the biggest bonfire that the re- nowned Druids' rock has ever seen, but they just missed seeing one that would have made University history. Igniting the traditional kerosene torches, the clan Druid appeared on the roof of the Union tower to sing the Druids' song. A terrific wind was blow- ing and the song, instead of being wafted down to the waiting awenyeds, was blown back over the Sigma Chi house. But the wind also encouraged the torches and the song finished, it was all portly Bill Reed and his cohorts could do to put out the firebrands as they beat them in vain against the side of Herb Wolfe's pride and joy. Paul Coursey supplied the crowd with most of its laughs throughout the rites, climaxing it when he climbed a tree and refused to come down, but it was Bill Reed, himself, who set some kind of a trouser record when he ripped yet another pair on the beer party which followed. * * * * THE OLD PUBLICATIONS crowd gathered for its last Sphinx picnic Friday afternoon, includ- ing such famous picnickers as- Tom Kleene, Jack Cawley, and Norm Williamson. Everything pro- gressed with the usual regularity until a group of steak roasters (female) descended upon the scene and were foolish enough to allow the self-confessed outdoor men to aid them in their culinary prepara- tions. The results were rather discouraging. The girls ate dry rolls as head cooks Cowley and Sul- livan protested any responsibility for the shriveled lunks of charcoal which had once been potential DRAMA Comedy Of I'owle? By RO wlERT HENDERSON J OIN VAN DRUTEN'S "The Distaff Side" has been popularly called "a comedy of women"; whici, to me. has the unpleasantly secluded sound of a convent-play, like "The Kingdom of God" or "The Cradle Son." Actu-, t ally, "The Distaff Side" is very much about men, or rather, what four vivid J and gracious women THINK of their men. John Van Druten's heart again IT bleeds smilingly, this'time for woman- R kind, in "The Distaff Side." With a little obvious effort he unfolds the a varied lives and characters of the I woman of an English family, direct-.S ing them through the regular rather n than the irregular rhythm of their C several existences. The humor in which he writes is easy and not too theatrical; and in his sadder strains there is no bathos. After he has finished you may feel, a as I did, that there are profundities t in "The Distaff Side" that have es- o caped you-- deep Van Druten sig- n nificances lost in your sheer enjoy- s ment of the play. But you will know c that you have had a grand time in t the theatre; and you will be proud of your tastes and your instincts. w The leading character in "The U Distaff Side" is a gracious and hand- some widow, happily faithful to the P memory of her departed husband and C to her obligations as the mother ofR a modern son and daughter. Unself- e ish, sympathetic and intelligent, she t gallantly faces the problems that 1 confront her and solves them to her 1. own, Mr Van Druten's and the audi- ence's hearty satisfaction. c The daughter has gone onto the w stage, and while under the influence r of Art has given herself to an at-v tractive young motion picture direc- tor. One of her sisters (Miss Estelle f Winwood) is loose in her morals and a is living in sin with a paramourh somewhere on the Riviera. Anothert t is an ample hausfrau, married to a i pedagog and mildly objecting to thet strings of matrimony. Then, the beldame grandmother is a witty and sinister old hag, demanding much patience. ' All of these women, their virtues and their peculiar pecadillos, she t understands and ministers to, with i a humorous comnpassion; and when a devoted kinsman who has loved her since childhood proposes at the end, of the play to amend her solitude, she is forced to her greatest decision just before the curtain goes down. Miss Winwood herself has summed this theme up when she says thatI "The Distaff Side" tells the story oft a group of one-man women. They 1 all, in their varying ways, think theyr are in love with many men; actually each of them can love only the one man of her heart. "Sentimental," you say? Scarcely. It is rather one1 of the cardinal and heartening truths4 beyond all sophistication. "Evie could love only one man," one of the characters says. "It's the best way, really," she replies. /A W ashington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, June 2.-Twitting the Roosevelt administration for 1 failing to follow through with a corn- stitutional amendment program on1 supreme court rebuffs of New Deal legislation is still a favorite Repub- lican pastime. Witness the comment of Colonel Knox et al on the Guffey case. To some highly sensitive New Deal-) ers it might even appear that Chief Justice Hughes had joined the chorus. In his separate Guffey case opinion, which otherwise afforded the Guffey- ites their chief hope in proposing to rush through the same old bill shy only the outlawed labor section, he remarked that while "the people" were "at liberty" to change the con- stitution to bring relations between 1 employers and employes under fed-) 1 eral control, the court could not do so "by judicial decision." Was Mr. Hughes thinking, perhaps, of the celebrated Roosevelt "horse- and-buggy" remark on the NRA de- cision when he penned that? Or had lie in mind the presidential letter urging passage of the Guffey bill in the face of even "reasonable doubt" as to its constitutionality? . rTIERE are more than political dif- ficulties in the way of amending the constitution, however. Whatever may be President Roosevelt's thought on the point, the American Federa- tion of Labor long ago declared its purpose, on the fall of NRA and its section 7-A, of seeking such a change. It has made little progress even to- ward putting in words a proposed amendment, that would satisfy its needs, it seems. President Green of the federation rather plaintively told d why in commenting on the Guffey decision: "We do not want to establish the autocratic power of congress to fix e wages, establish hours and nullify the - right of collective bargaining and the v 1 right + to ilr " hp sid. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 174 Notices There will be no faculty or student (-as at the home of President and drs. Ruthven during the month of une. Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Loan Committee in Zoom 2, University Hall, Thursday fternoon, June 4. Students who have lready filed applications for new oans with the Office of the Dean of tudents should call there at once to makc an appointment to meet the ommittee. J. A. Bursley, Chairman Committee on Student Loans. Apparatus Exchange: The Regents t their meeting in March, 1927, au- horized an arrangement for the sale f scientific apparatus by one depart- nent to another, the proceeds of the' ale to be credited to the budget ac- ount of the department from which he apparatus is transferred. Departments having, apparatus vhich is not in active use are advised o send descriptions thereof to the Jniversity Chemistry Store, of which rof, R. J. Carney is director. The hemistry Store headquarters are in Zoom 223, Chemistry Building. An ffort will be made to sell the appara- us to other departments which are ikely to be able to use it. In some hstances the apparatus may be sent o the University Chemistry Store on :onsignment, and, if it is not sold vithin a reasonable time, it will be eturned to the department from vhich it was received. The object of this arrangement is o promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage o themselves and to the University n availing themselves of this oppor- unity. Shirley W. Smith. Room Reservations for Final Ex- %minations: All those who have not already requested rooms for final ex- aminations please do so immediately by calling Miss Day (Extension 546) in the Registrar's office. The Extension Division announces the following sports classes during the summer: Golf to be taught by R. O. Court- right. (Classes for beginning and ad- vanced students will meet at the Practice Tee on the University Golf Course on Tuesday and Thursday, beginning June 30, 4:45 p.m. Open to men and women. Tuition $5.) Swimming to be taught by H. W. Copp. (Classes for beginning and advanced students will meet at the Intramural Bldg. on Monday and Thursday evening, beginning June 29, 7 p.m. Open to both men and women. Tuition $5.) Varsity Band: Meet at the ball diamond, Ferry Field, at 4 p.m. sharp. Ernie Jones. Druids will hold dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. tonight in the Union. All former Druids are invited to at- tend. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information: A representative of the Frostoff Sales Company, Detroit, will be in the of- fice of the Bureau this afternoon to interview seniors and graduates for employment (sales). All who are in- terested, arrange for appointments a the office, 201 Mason Hall or cal 4121--Ext. 371, office hours 9 to 1 and 2 to 4 p.m. The University Bureau of Appoint. ments and Occupational Informnaton Men, past 21, who have finished Uni versity work, intend to enter busi ness, and are particularly intereste in sales work, intangibles, are invite to call at 201 Mason Hall Thursday June 4, at 3 p.m. Ask for Miss Mildred Webber, wh will arrange a personal interviev with an executive of an organization having several positions open foi acceptable applicants. Small salar to start. Opportunity for rapid ad vancement. Attention: Foreign Students: For eign students who expect to leave th University at the end of this semeste are requested to leave their forward ing addresses in my office befor June 15. I should also appreciate a opportunity to talk with such stu dents regarding their plans for nex year. I am in my office, Room 9 University Hall, from 9 to 11 a.m and 2 to 4 p.m. every day except Sat urday. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. R.O.T.C. Seniors who are report ing to Camp Custer on June 18 an who wish to come back for the Sen ior Dance and Commencement o Friday and Saturday, June 19 an 20, please see Mrs. Kinney. To Students and Faculty Members The Detroit Post of the Volunteers c America have appealed to student avnrl far.nlt, memhers nf the TTn DAILY OFFICIAL BULL ETIN Publication In the Bulietin is con Trnetive iotire to Mll members of the *mivrs tty. Copy received at the office of the Asistant to the President US= 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. tions either at the office of the Dean of Women in Barbour Gymnasium or at the Michigan Union. Academic Notices Rooms for final examinations: English I and II: English I, Aaron, 2003 Angell Hall. English I, Leedy, C Haven Hall English I, Ackerman, 18 Angell English II, Allen, B Haven Hall English IT, Baker, 1025 Angell Hall English II, Curtis, 215 Angell Hall English I, Ellinger, 2054 Natural Si. English II, Everett, 229 Angell Hall English I, Ford, 2235 Angell Hall English II, Green, 1209 Angell Hall English II, Haines, 2014 Angell Hall English II, Helm, 2029 Angell Hall English IT, Knode, 302 Mason Hall English II, Meyer, 3011 Angell Hall English II, Morris, 3209 Angell Hall English II, Nelson, 4203 Angell Hall English II, Ogden, 4208 Angell Hall English II, Peterson, 200 South Wing- English II, Proctor, 201 South Wing English II, Rollinger, 305 So. Wing English II, Seager, 203 University Hall English II, Stevens, 1121 Natural Sci. English I, Wagner, 4003 Angell Hall English I, Walcutt, 2203 Angell Hall English II, Weimer, 208, University Hall English II, Wells, 306 University Hall English II, Whitehall, 2003 Natural Science. History 92: The regular examina- tion for all students (juniors as well as seniors) will take. place Friday, June 5, from 2-5 p.m., in the West Physics Lecture Room. There will be a make-up for those unavoidably ab- sent, on June 16, 2-5 p.m., in Room B, Haven Hall. (Please disregard notice appearing on May 30.) Psychology 31: All students who are not seniors will write the examination on the date indicated in the original examination schedule (June 16). All seniors, and only seniors, should pre- sent themselves for the examination on Friday, June 5, 2 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Students who must write the earlier examination will be excused from classes which meet at the examina- tion period, upon notifying the in- structors of Friday classes. History 12, Lecture Section I: Fi- nal examination 9-12 Saturday, June 13. Long's and Slosson's quiz sec-- tions in 1025 Angell Hall; all others in Natural Science Auditorium. All students must remember to bring maps of Europe (116 Goode pre- ferred) as well as bluebooks. Mathematics I, 2, 3, 4, 7: The ex- amination will take place Tuesday, June 9, 9 a.m. according to the fol- lowing schedule: Anning, 1025 A.H. Baten, 35 A.H. Barter, 35 A.H. Beeler, 2003 A.H. Coe, 1035 A.H. Craig, 1035 A.H. Dwyer, 35 A.H. Elder, 1025 A.H. Ford, 1025 A.H. .Hildebrandt, 1025 A.H. Nyswander, 1025 A.H. Rainich, 1035 A.H. Wagner, 2003 A.H. English 32, Sec. 6, meeting Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday at 9: The assignment for Thursday, June 4, is the Tempest. A. L. Hawkins. E.E. 7a, Building Illumination, will t have its final examination on Sat- l urday, June 6 at 2 p.m. in Room 247 2 West Engineering Building. Zoology Seminar: Mr. Pierce Brod- - korb will speak on "A Revision of the Genus Empidonax Cabanis" and Mr. - Maurice Whittinghill on "Heat in- - duced crossing-over in Drosophila d Miles" on Thursday, June 4, at 7:30 d p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. Sociology 201: All students who o have elected Sociology 201-field w work-will report for a meeting in n Room B, Haven Hall at 5 p.m. Thurs- .y - daJn .4.. Exhibition Chinese Art: Ink rubbings from - ancient monuments of the Han, "Six- e Dynasties" and T'ang periods. Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. to S5 p.m. through June 20. West Gal- e lery, Alumni Memorial Hall. No ad- n mission charge. t Events Of Today Graduation Recital: Phyllis Gen- - evieve Warnicic, pianist, will give the - following program in graduation re- cital in the School of Music Audi- torium this evening 'at 8:15 p.m., to which the general public is invited. English Suite in E minor.....Bach - Prelude d Allemande - Sarabande n Pass-pied I d Passepied II Gigue Sonata, Op. 22 ...........Schuiann s: Presto of Andantino ts Scherzo A New Bill Of Rights f (From The Southern California Daily Trojan) IT IS POSSIBLE that a new bill of rights may be added to the constitution. Legislation is now pending before a house committee in congress calling for a "workers' and farmers' rights" amend- ment which would prevent recurrence of the supreme court's many decisions against the New Deal. The issue of modification of the constitution may be ignored by either or both of the parties at their conventions this summer. But this does not alter the fact that this is becoming one of the most controversial issues in the country today. It would be better for the harmony of the next administration if the problem could be fought out in the campaigns this summer and one party could go to Washington with a definite mandate either to prepare amendments for consideration immedi- ately or leave the document alone just as it is. The general opinion about - constitutional changes has been so long interpreted and fabri- cated by newspapers, other publications, and mediums of propaganda that it is high time we found what the truth is. 'TheConningCTower0 THE TREE STANDS The tree stands in the dignity of death, Blind to the freshness of the virgin leaves That moves so gently with the morning's breath No ears to hear the music spring achieves; No clean green coat to cover rusted bark; Once lord of all the orchard, bravely dressed In white, or green, or autumn reds to mark The shifting seasons, are you not distressed To flaunt a corpse upon this gala day; To stretch your gnarled and fruitless limbs or high; Unless it be to point the stalwart way A tree may stand though it be doomed to die. No grave for you whose roots grew from the groun The strength to rise above a stuffy mound. -LYNDE DENIG. Well, after June 2 it will cost 90 cents to com( in from Westport-Saugatuck instead of the pres ran @1 9 fn n li - a il1 a . fP1n1 7 t+ AfAA