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February 28, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-28

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The Weather

.Generaily fair today, to-
ris1ing temiperaures, SHiOW

C, 4r

Sir igan



The Case Of General Hagood .
French Rule In Syria ...



Farm Bill Is
Passed; Given
To Roosevelt
$500,000,000 Measures
Placed Before President
For Executive Action
Conference Debates
'Taxes, Borrowing
Quick Action By President
Predicted By Observers
At Washington
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. - () -
Congress today handed the President
the $500,000,000 farm bill he had re-
quested and then saw its leaders de-
part for a White House conference
to find out how Mr. Roosevelt pro-
posed to finance it.
House adoption of a conference re-
port which composed the differences
between the two congressional bodies
over the bill was followed quickly by
similar Senate action. Quick ap-
proval by thenPresident was expected
by friends of the measure.
The AAA already was busy with
plans for the new soil conservation
subsidy plan, passed by Congress as
a substitute for the Supreme Court
invalidated Agricultural Adjustment
Will Discuss Taxes
The White House conference of
the President, Secretary Morgenthau,
Vice-President Gainer, Speaker Byrns
and about a dozen leaders of the
majority party in Congress was re-
peated by a general impression that
it would include discussion of taxes,
with some thought of borrowing
thrown in.
On the matter of government bor-
rowing, the White House conference
had as a new angle of discussion the
treasury announcement of today that
it would seek to borrow $1,809,000,000
Outside the field of farms and fi-
nances, the capital found interest in
these developments:
Recommend Lobby Regulation
The House Rules Committee recom-
zmended to Congress legislation to re-
quire registration of lobbyists and
statements of their activities. The
committee added, however, that its
inquiry into lobbying for and agains
last year's utilities holding company
bill produced little or no evidence of
any improper contact between the
lobby and thecmembership of the
The American Federation of Labor
decided to carry its fight for a half-
billion dollar housing program to<
President Roosevelt, who already is
trying to compose differences between
his advisers over the existing pro-
gram. The A. F. of L. proposes a
national housing authority, inde-
pendent of existing agencies and ded-
icated to the task of building only
homes for low income workers.
James A. Farley, Democratic na-
tional chairman, predicted the reelec-
tion of President Roosevelt by a wider
margin than he had in the 1932 land-
Albert Spalding
To Appear On
Choral Series
Noted Violinist To Replace
Myra Hess In Concert
Given March 16

Albert Spalding, distinguished
American violinist, will give a recital
in the Choral Union Series, March
16 in Hill Auditorium, taking the
place of Myra Hess, pianist, originally
announced for this occasion.
Miss Hess underwent an operation
for appendicitis in December, from
which her complete recovery was not
as rapid as had been anticipated, and
for that reason she has found it
necessary to concel most of her ef-
Albert Spalding made his debut ir
Carnegie Hall in 1908 with the New
York Symphony Orchestra. Since
then he has appeared and has beer
re-engaged with almost every lead-
ing symphony orchestra in the coun-
He is not only a musician of wide
attainments, but he has also actec
in other capacities. When America
entered the war, he cancelled his
extensive concert tour and enlisted
for service in the aviation corps over-

Future Will See Uncolored And
Truthful News, Bell Believes

Divorcing Of Editorial And
News Columns Declared
Vital By Writer
The time will come when American
newspapers will be forced to give their
public nothing but truthful, uncol-
ored news, Edward Price Bell, famed
foreign correspondent, predicted con-
fidently last night in an interview.
Mr. Bell, who has probably inter-
viewed more European and Asiatic
statesmen than any other person liv-
ing, pointed to the "growing need and
desire" on the part of the American
public for unbiased news, and de-
clared that eventually it would com-
pel the press to divorce completely its
news columns from its editorial col-
umns. "I believe that," Mr. Bell said,
"because I believe in education, and
I believe that we are going forward
to a moral, intelligent democracy."

journalists, he said, are those who
view their work as a noble profession
and insist on maintaining the stand-
ards and ethics of it.
For the world's greatest newspaper,
Mr. Bell picks the Times, London. He
characterized it as the newspaper
which has "the largest hospitality for
all kinds of views, although there
may be," he added "and I believe
there are, newspapers inthe United
States which try to give all sides of
the question." The Manchester



too, he de- I

He emphasized that because he has
lived a great part of his life abroad
he is not too well acquainted with the
American press, and has no wish to
be unduly critical. However, he point-
ed to innumerable instances where
publishers insisted that the news con-
form with their editorial policy and
where advertisers influence news
"Of course it is an ideal," Mr. Bell
explained, "but the more resolutely
the newspapers pursue that ideal, the
better it will be." Newspapers are, he
held, moral and intellectual institu-
tions, far more than commercial en-
Because of the great social crisis on
every hand, Mr. Bell thinks the pub-
lic in America needs truth more than
ever before and will demand that,
they be given it. This, in his opin-
ion, will literally force the press to,
mend its ways, cease coloring and ed-
itorializing in its news columns, and,
allow the journalist to paint the pic-
ture of events and ideas as he sees
them and as they are.
And the ideal is one that is prac-
tical, Mr. Bell continued. He sees
growing tendencies in America of
this very thing -more truthful, ac-
curate newspapers-and of instances
where publishers realizesthat they can
no longer attempt to force their views
on the public when those views run
contrary to fact. The really great
Police Search For
Whitmore Girl, 17
Local police and sheriff's officers
were last night beginning a search
for Helen Barry, 17 years old, mis-
sing from the home where she worked
here since Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Figg, at whose
home on Whitmore Lake Road she
has been employed for the past year
and a half, reported her absence to
the police yesterday, stating that she
had left a note for them and disap-
peared from their home late Tuesday,
after meeting a stranger Monday
"I'm the worst coward ever . .
I'm leaving without facing you to
tell you so," Miss Barry's note said.
"I'm so tired of life . . . only a coward
could be so discouraged . . . but you
have been wonderful to me. Maybe
I have not quite lived up to your
standard, but I've honestly tried.
Forget me. As ever, Helen."
The sheriff's office was in com-
munication with relatives in Lan-
sing, Detroit and Jackson, where the
girl was said to have relatives. Miss
Barry's mother is in St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital here.
The missing girl's description was
given as follows: 135 pounds, five feet
six inches tall, medium complexion,
brown hair and grey eyes. When she
left she was wearing a blue dress, and
brown hat, sport coat and shoes.

lared, is "a wonderful journal."
Mr. Bell was the first man to in-
terview a British cabinet minister -
Sir Edward Grey, World War foreign
minister. Modestly, almost reluc-
tantly he told of his experiences in
roaming the globe. As for his ca-
reer as a speaker, "It's only a sideline,<
you know. I'm really a journalist,t
and the only reason I turned speaker<
was because I felt I had truthful, ac- s
curate viewpoints that the public j
woul benefi bknowing."
Hagood's Allies'Y
Fail To Secure'
'Exiling' Of Texas General
Termed 'Terrorism' In
Heated Senate Debate
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. - () -
Maj. Gen. Johnson Hagood formally
relinquished command of the Eighth
Corps Area and the Third Army at
San Antonio, Tex., today as congres-
sional friends here failed in an effort
to have his "punishment" set aside
or modified.f
These actions stood out as the
storm continued to blow on Capitol
Hill over the disciplining of Hagood.1
On the Senate side the word "terror-
ism" was used again, coupled with a'
Republican assertion that the exiling
of the general was discussed in ad-'
vance at a cabinet meeting in the
White House. The House meanwhile
heard a new Democratic defense of
the action.
Turns Over Command
Hagood today telegraphed Gen.
Malin Craig, chief of staff, that in
accordance with orders which he had
just received by mail he had turned
command of the area and army over
to Maj. Gen. Henry W. Buttner, com-
manding officer of Fort Sill, Okla.,
and next ranking general officer in
the area.
At the same time Hagood re-
quested - and was granted -- per-
mission to remain in San Antonio one
month to settle his private affairs and
make his final reports as command-
ing general. Under the original or-
ders Hagood was ordered to his home
in Columbia, S.C., to await further
Metcalf Makes Statement
Senator Jesse M. Metcalf, Rhode
Island Republican, refused to accept
the war department's assumption of
full responsibility for the disciplinary
action taken against Hagood, made
in an official statement last night in
which Gen. Craig cited several in-
stances of "lack of self-control, ir-
responsible and intemperate state-
ments" in Hagood's army record.
"I am unable to say whether Gen.
Craig is being used to hide the mailed
fist of terrorism," Metcalf said in a
statement, "but I am informed by
reliable sources that the matter was
discussed in a cabinet meeting long
before the order removing Hagood
was issued.
"If this is a fact, it is apparent
that the responsibility does not rest
entirely with the war department."

Confession By
Blank Brings
Life Sentence
Chloroforming Of Wife Is
Admitted By Farmer To
His Attorney
(uarrel With Wife
Revealed By Blank
Testimony Of Pathologists
Shows Victim Was Dead
Before Oil Ignited
ITHACA, Mich., Feb. 27. - (') -
ircuit Judge Kelly S. Sear sen-
tenced George Blank, 24-year-old
ratiot farmer and Sunday School
uperintendent, to life imprisonment
n Southern Michigan prison, tonight,
hree hours after Blank had con-
fessed he chlorofomed his wife,
ernice, and then ignited her oil
oaked clothing. The confession was
nade to his attorney, State Senator
3. Ehling.
Ehling said Blank sent for him
after he had conferred at length
ith his foster father, Robert C.
31ank of Maple Rapids, Sergeant
. L. Hutson of state police, and
MIiss Ada Reist, a former sweetheart
nd a material witness in the case.
Blank was arrested several weeks
fter the fire at his home, and in-
isted his wife, an expectant mother,
ad died when her clothing became
gnited from an explosion of fuel oil
he tossed into a stove.
University Pathologists Testify
Examination of Blank on a murder
harge opened here Monday. Little
)earing on the case was given in
arly testimony, but State's attorneys
revealed their basis for the charge
esterday when testimony of Uni-
versity of Michigan pathologists said
hat Mrs. Blank, in their opinion,
was dead before the fire started, and
appeared to have died from the ef-
fects of an anesthetic.
The confession given out by Sen-
ator Ehling detailed how Blank and
his wife quarreled after a visit of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bancroft, neigh-
"She asked me if we had enough
noney for the baby," he said. "As I
walked into the living room she kept
alking and nagging about money
and saying 'We never had anywhen
we wanted it, but always had to wait.'
I told her to shut up, but she per-
sisted in talking about it. Then I
struck her with my fist," he stated.
"She collapsed in a big chair.
After I struck her I was still mad
enough to kill. Anyway, it just
flashed thrugh my mind that I had
seen the chloroform somewhere."
Tells of Slaying
He said he got into his car and
drove down the road to his barn and
obtained the bottle. "When I got
back," he stated, "she was stand-
ing in an archway by. the stove and
evidently smelled the chloroform be-
fore I got clear into the room. She
took up the telephone, took off the
receiver and screamed.
"I held a handkerchief over her
mouth and nose and when I was sure
she was dead I put her in the chair.
Then something seemed to tell me
to get rid of everything. I threw the
bottle into the stove and went out into
the kitchen and got a fuel oil can
I poured it over her and the chair
and about the room. Then I set fire
to the chair."
Blank said he was vague about his
movements after that, but recalled
going outside the house, and then re-

turning to call his foster father's
phone. "Then I went back to ge
her out," he said. In attempting tc
remove Mrs. Blank from the room
he said he was overcome by smoke
Blank appeared relieved as he
walked from the room with Sergeani
Hutson. He was not handcuffed ant
had his topcoat collar turned up
His foster father, present when the
confession was given, also walker
from the room with a relieved ex-
Taft Nanied Favorite
Son By Ohio G.O.P
COLUMBUS, Feb. 27.-(WP)- Ohio
organization Republicans pitted;
"favorite son" presidential candidat
against Senator William E. Borah c
Idaho today for control.of the state'
52 delegates to the national conven
Robert A. Taft of Cincinnati, so,

Tech Sextet
Arrives For
Two Ganies
Eleven-Man Squad Intent1
On Taking State Title
From Michigan Team
Miners Place Hope
On Sophomore Line
Invaders Defeated Lowrey
Team In Two Games In
January At Houghton
Michigan Tech's eleven man hockey
squad will arrive from Chicago early
this morning, intent upon handing
Coach Eddie Lowrey's Michigan skat-
ers a pair of defeats in the Coliseum
both tonight and Saturday, thus re-
capturing the mythical state puck
championship which the Wolverines
annexed last year.
Led by Captain Doug Latimer, vet-
eran defenseman of the Huskies,
the Tech team will present an ex-
tremely versatile sextet when they
face-off at the commencement of to-
night's game.
Hugh Stack, Tech winger, leads
the Husky sophomore line which has
proved so effective this year against
leadling opponents. Teamed with
him on the youthful Miner line are
Abb and McCarthy, two other first
year men who furnished Michigan
with a lot of trouble at Houghton.
Beaten 1-0, and 3-2 in the two
games played in the copper country
Jan. 23 and 24, the Wolverines are
in no mood to trifle with the in-
vaders, and will be after them from
the opening whistle.
Early Goals Predicted
"Two goals in the first five min-
utes" was what Eddie Lowrey pre-
dicted last night for his starting
line of Heyliger, James and Fabello.
Lowrey appeared optimistic about
the outcome of the series, despite
the fact that Michigan will be playing
for the second consecutive week-end
against a squad that greatly out-
numbers them.
"I think we can take both games,"
the genial coach ventured last night,
"and I look for our starting forwards
to score early in both games."
The Wolverines rested last night
while Lowrey worked with the fresh-
man hopefuls. Only Johnny Fabello
worked out on the ice.
Irwin Shalek, who sustained a
nasty cut over his left eye in Wed-
nesday's practice, was an onlooker
at the yearling drill, but despite the
swelling around the injured orbit,
he will be ready to assume his regular
place in the line-up tonight.
Shalek Injured
Gib James was responsible for Sha-
lek's injury although it was no fault
of the Toying Tory. Gib rode in on
Shalek and the goalie dove out to
meet him, catapaulting James high
in the air. Gib flew past the net but
as he flew his stick caught Shalek
on the side of the head, opening a
deep gash.
Tech will start its veteran front
line of Pelto, Neckervis and Hurley
against the Wolverine sharpshooters
and alternate it with its sophomore
Stock-Abb-McCarthy combination.
Protecting Campbell, Husky goa
minder, will be Bud Mullins and Doug
(Continued on Page 4)
Second semester tryouts for th
editorial staff of Contemporary
campus literary quarterly, will b
held at 4:15 p.m. today in the

Contemporary Offic of the Sudent
Publications Building. All under-
t graduate and graduate students ii
good scholastic standing are eligibl(
for staff membership.

DailyScores Twice
On G(arg' During
' odacious Feud'
Not in the spirit of a "bodacious
feud," as was pointed out in yester-
day's issue of the Gargoyle, but with
all demonstrations of friendly criti-
cism we would like to point out to the
members of that campus publication
a breach of journalistic ethics.
On page two of the Gargoyle there
appears an advertisement placed in
an imaginary paper, the Daily News.
In fact, it is so designated on the
mast head of the imaginary paper.
But, if one were to examine the edi-
torial section he would discover no
iess than three news articles marked
"Special to THE NEW YORK
And speaking of a breach of jour-
nalistic ethics, the Gargoyle is the
first and only campus publication in
our knowledge which has had to bribe
the student population into buying it
as it has done in its latest issue. We
refer to the free gift of candy to every
purchaser of the Gargoyle in Angell
And while we're at it, it seems that
in the January issue the Men's Styles
page ("Clotheshorse" to you) ran a
picture of George Cosper, '37, who has
never in his life smoked even a cig-
arette, packing 'baccy into a fragrant
old briar. The caption below recited:
"George Cosper, who finds that a
good pipe and tobacco gives him that
virile touch he prizes so highly."
No feud, of course, unless feud for
thought, but in the Gargoyle manner
of scoring:
Score: Daily 5, Gargoyle 2%/2.
Conflict In Far
East Noot Acute,
Says E. P. Bell
Minimizes Possibility That
Asia Will Be Conquered
By Japanese Race
Regardless of a possible assump-
tion of control over the Japanese
government by the militarist group,
regardless of the popular animosity
between the Chinese and Japanese
peoples and regardless of the bound-
ary dispute between Japan and Rus-
sia, the world may look with confi-
dence toward a peaceful settlement
of Far Eastern problems, Edward
Price Bell asserted last night in his
Oratorical Association lecture at Hill
The philosophy of the Japanese,
as expressed to Mr. Bell by Keisuke
Okada, assassinated Wednesday by
army insurgents, views as "phantas-
magoric" any belief in the possibility
of an Asia "conquered by the Jap-
anese race."
"They realize it would mean na-
tional suicide by sheer dispersion of
the population if an attempt was
made to dominate the whole of Far
Eastern territory," Mr. Bell stated.
The Japanese believe, however, he
pointed out, in their moral primacy
in the Orient, in their position as a
leader in the development of Orien-
tal civilization, and the "indepen-
dence" of Manchukuo and Jehol is
considered by them as the "keystone'
of peaceful relations in the Far East
"We need have no fear of any-
thing sensational or disastrous if the
military powers gain control of Ja-
m pan," he asserted, "since the people
are firm in their desire for peace wit
foreign nations, and any militaris
attempts at aggressions would brin
a popular revolt of the large masse
e of the population."
',The settlement of disputes ove

e territory involving China, Japan anc
e Russia will be composed peacefully
t with Russia in possession of terni
- tory north of the Amur river, Japar
n controlling the area between the
e Amur and the Great Wall and Chino
possessing all territory to the south

nsurgent Troops Give No
Indication Of Leaving
Government Buildings
streets Blocked In
Tokio By Marines
Secret Conference Held By
Admiral Osumi, Naval
Offices Aides
LOS ANGELES, Feb 27.- ()
-A Demei press association wire-
less dispatch to the Rafushimpo
(Los Angeles daily newspaper)
said tonight a new crisis was
precipitated in Toko when the
deadline of 8 a.m., Feb. 28 (Tokio
time) came with no indications
of a withdrawal of insurgent
troops from government build-
The Japanese navy, the dis-
patch said, took the situation in
hand by landing marines and
stopping all traffic around the
Hibiya park which adjoins the
navy ministry and the justice
Admiral Osumi, navy minister,
rushed to the navy office, the dis-
patch said, to go into secret con-
ference with vice-minister Hase-
gawa and his staff.
LONDON, Feb. 28.- (Friday) -()
-A Reuters news agency dispatch
from Shanghai today said censorship
again had been applied in Tokio and
ittempts to reach the Japanese cap-
.tal by cable and radio were unsuc-
Russian sources in Shanghai, the
Reuters dispatch stated, received a
rief message suggesting that the
situation in Tokio was again very
,ritical. An earlier Shanghai mes-
sage to the same agency said a re-
port from Tokio stated rebels had
refused to leave a building which they
(The following story of the Tokio
revolt came out of Japan by trans-
Pacific telephone to the United States
Thursday night shortly after Japan-
eCse authorities lifted telephone re-
Glenn Babb, chief of the Associated
Press bureau in Tokio, dictated the
story after an all-night survey of the
(Associated Press Foreign Staff)
(Copyright, 1936, by Associated Press)
TOKIO, Feb. 28. (Friday, 7:45 a.m.)
By Trans-Pacific telephone to San
Francisco -(A) -Tense Japan, fac-
ing prospective military or Fascist
government, waited this morning for
the thousand army insurgents to car-
ry out an agreement to return to
their barracks.
Four older statesmen were assas-
sinated Wednesday morning by the
insurgent group, in which the highest
office is a captain.
Only the army can clean up the
mess. There is no civilian authority
capable of restoring order.
While the government is nominally
headed by Home Minister Fumio
Goto, carrying on as acting premier
at Emperor Hirohito's request, the
imperial princes and high army of-
ficials stand before the surviving
members of the cabinet in confer-
ences with the emperor.
While the insurgents had agreed
to return to their barracks by 8 a.m.
today, a trip through the affected
area at 7:15 a.m. revealed no move-
A cordon of government troops
which had surrounded the area since
late Wednesday had been withdrawn
on that side to which the insurgents
would have proceedpd to their bar-
racks a mile away.
It was in the garden of this resi-
dence that Premier Keisuke Okada

met his death in the snow Wednesday
morning. Called out by the insur-
gents, he tried to flee across the gar-
den. He was shot down and his as-
sasins drew a single mat over his
body. Fresh snow covered it.
All day and all night long Okada's
body, almost concealed by its white
mantle, lay in the snow. His sister,
his son-in-law, and his secretaries
sought to obtain the body but were
turned back by the fixed bayonets of
the insurgents.
Late yesterday two secretaries were
permitted to take the body away. It
was placed in a coffin at ceremonies

Jap Crisis

'36 J-Hop Was 60th Edition Of
Zenith Party, Alumnus Shows

Health Service Report Shows
Low Death Rate For Students

For those people who so glibly ex-
claimed that the recent J-Hop was
"the best dance in years" the latest
Michigan Alumnus disclosed the fact
that this zenith of campus functions
is now 60 years old and boasts a
glamorous past. It has always been
the "best dance in years" and as far
back as campus memory goes, vo-
cabularies have been taxed and ad-
jectives exhausted, in the effort to
put into words that special elegance
which belongs to the J-Hop alone of
all the social affairs that take place
at Michigan.

was then called, the Chronicle said,
"Among the many rich toilettes were
noticed the following especially: a
light pink satin underskirt, with blue
brocaded satin over-dress, striped
pearl ornaments; a cream satin skirt,
velvet polonaise, diamonds; a pale
blue skirt with blue cashmere over-
dress, Spanish lace and roman gold
ornaments; a unique toilette consist-
ing of a Mother Hubbard costume of
pink silk, a moire antique; a terra-
cotta satin, wattau-plait and train."
Music was the subject of an equally
crass contrast, because while The

The mortality rate among Univer-
sity students is only one-tenth that
of the mortality rate for the age
group of the United States popula-
tion as a whole, according to the an-
nual report of Dr. Warren Forsythe,
director of the Health Service.
Only two deaths occurred among
the students during the school year,
one from an automobile accident and
the other because of complications
following an appendectomy. "Cer-
tainly our experiences show that
there is still much to be done in the
general program of human conserva-

Students have steadily been mak-
ing more use of the Health Service,
Dr. Forsythe points out. Last year
the total of students entitled to serv-
ices was 11,342 while the total number
of visits to the Health Service totaled
106,600. In contrast to this figure
is that of 1929-30 when 12,533 stu-
dents were entitled to services and
the total number of visits made was
"This constantly increasing de-
mand on the part of students for
health and medical services shows
that they are becoming more and

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