The Weather Partly cloudy today and to- morrow, continued cool. L Miit tigan tt1 Editorials Another Blow To Labor ... Ho Hummm ... VOL. XLVI No. 176 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Push Drive On Legion; 13 Are Held State And Wayne County Join Forces To Speed Murder Trials A. F.Of L.( Cialls Vigilantes 'Spies' Dickstein Charges Army Officer Leader; Urges Federal Probe DETROIT, June 2.- (!m) - Pressing the drive to bring into the open de- tails of the night shrouded terrorism of the Black Legion, state and county joined today in asking that 13 mem- bers of the hooded band be held for trial here on murder charges while new demands were made in Wash- ington for Federal assistance in root- ing out the organization. William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, told Attorney General Cummings that the Union had evidence pointing to co- operation between the Black Legion and "labor spies," and asked that the Department of Justice enter the in- vestigation. Hint Political Connection At the same time, Rep. Dickstein (Dem., N.Y.) told the house, in urging adoption of his resolution for a con- gressional investigation of the secret society, that he had information an army reserve captain was training Black Legion members. Representative Sadowski, Detroit Democrat, charged the Black Legion with "affiliation with certain county Republican politicians," and said the public had lost confidence in police departments because of a belief some officers belonged to the Black Legion.1 Officials of the A.F.L. auto workers Union here said "from evidence we have, we cannot tell where the labor spies begin and the Black Legion leaves off." They pointed to the assertion of Capt. Ira H. Marmon of the state po- lice, who said he had information that John L. Beilak, automobile factory worker who was slain in 1934, had been abducted. Members In Fear The order has been charged with seeking to enroll most of the guards at the State Penitentiary, south of Jackson. Describing the return of the ex- ecution party to Detroit after the shooting of Charles Poole in a little traveled country road 10 miles from the center of the city, Harvill testified that Davis warned its members to keep quiet "because we've got some more of these things left." The quaking fear in which mem- bers of the Black Legion themselves held the hooded band was indicated in a statement attributed by Harvill to Ervin Lee. Lee, Harvill said, also fired two or three shots "to one side," because he had "lost my nerve," Revelli Selects Commencement Band Members The members of the Commence- ment Band were named yesterday by Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor of the University Band. This select organization has long been a lead- ing factor in commencement week actviities. The band will play a concert on the steps of the General Library, Fri- day evening, June 19, and will par- ticipate in the commencement proper the following day.I The complete list as announced by Professor Revelli is as follows: Clar- inets: W. Cramer, J. Deike, H. Fa- ber, K. Farr, H. Cohodes, R. Hawley, M. Herman, J. Mosaigo, H. Reiter, G. Roach, F. Sunstrum, C. Vroman, Arne Koljonen; Cornets: R. Ashe, D. Cooper, J. Gribble, E. Jones, W. Jones, D. Klein. J. Prior, J. Salis- bury, C. Whitley; Oboes: C. Gilbert, W. Lichtenwanger; Flutes: J. Krell, G. Cannon, G. Pope; Bassoon: A. Miller; Trombones: R. Anthony, W. Findley, E. Kenaga, W. Koster, D. Russel; Baritones: H. Hathaway, B. Root; French Horns: R. Anthony, W. Parkinson, R. Stevens, R. Ward, J. White; Tubas: G. Crook, G. Heibein, L. Morse; Drums: J. Hays, F. House, W. Wheeler, W. White; Saxophones: H. Greene, L. Lipsett, G. Wheeler; Q~aff a NfTn, T ifmcz. r 1(Tan Traffic Violator Off With $50,00 NEW YORK, June 2.-(/P)-Fleeing from a $50,000 holdup, the driver of a bandit car was stopped by a mo- torcycle policeman today and hand- ed a summons for making an im- proper turn in traffic. The policeman, unaware that the machine had figured in a daring rob- bery less than five minutes before and that its two occupants probably were armed, reprimanded the driver for allowing his operator's license to lapse, gave him a summons, and rode off. Authorities feared that the name taken from the driver's license by the patrolman would prove to be ficti- tious. The automobile was found. abandoned a few blocks away. The victims of the holdup were Theodore Frank, assistant manager of the National Safety Bank and Trust Company, and Arthur Triver, a messenger. En route to another branch of the bank to deliver the money, their car was halted by a traffic light at a con- gested intersection in the Bronx. A large black sedan pulled up alongside and three men stepped out, leaving a fourth at the wheel. One of them stepped on the running board and pointed a pistol at the two bank employes while another reached in and took the package of bills. Hoover Invited To Give Speech At Convention G.O.P. Selects Fletcher To Extend Invitation To Ex- President CLEVELAND, June 2.-(P)-The Republican National Committee will invite Herbert Hoover to address the party convention here next week. The committee on arrangements decided late today that Chairman Henry P. Fletcher should extend the invitation. He said he would do so and would telephone the former President to learn what day Mr. Hoover would attend. Fletcher said that in his previous telegram Mr. Hoover had simply said that he would try to be in Cleveland on the second day of the convention -next Wednesday. "We decided that the matter lay within the duties of the committee on arrangements," the chairman said. "That committee is making all the arrangements for music. Why should it not invite speakers?" Whether it will invite the other speakers has not been decided. A little earlier, Fletcher had said that if Mr. Hoover were invited to speak, it probably would be done by the permanent chairman of the conven- tion while the meeting was waiting for the resolutions committee to finish drafting the platform. At the same time, Fletcher can- celled plans for using the Cleveland stadium for a notification ceremony immediately after the convention. He indicated that the candidates for the nomination had expressed a desire to hold the traditional notification ceremonies several weeks after the convention. "We had thought that if the can- didates wanted the notification cere- mony held immediately in a big show after the convention, we would give it to them," he said. "But if, after the nomination, it is found that the candidate does want such a notification ceremony, it would be up to the new national committee to arrange it." Asserts Authority Lacking; Court Entered Territory Of Legislature By TUURE TENANDER A "regrettable" decisionuwas ar- rived at by the Supreme Court in its nullification of the New York State minimum wage law for women Mon- day, Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School said yesterday. Dean Bates feels that the court stepped, perhaps unconsciously, into the legislative field, both in this de- cision and in the one pertaining to the Adkins case, which was cited by the Court on Monday. "Many people, including some econ- omists, feel that the establishment of a minimum wage law would not benefit labor," Dean Bates said, "but whether the law is wise or not is no matter for the courts to decide. The coulrts should decide only whether any legislative, com.munity, state or national, has the power under the Federal Constitution to enact the par- ticular legislation under question." The decision on the wage law ques- tion was based largely on the "due process" clause, the court deciding that the law impaired the right of "freedom of contract." In the opin- ion of Dean Bates, this question of impairing the "freedom of contract" is a difficult one to decide. It L; a question also of social wel- fare whether certain contracts should be permitted or forbidden, declared Dean Bates. "For instance," he add- ed. "definite restrictions have been placed on the formation of gambling contracts, yet these have not been de- clared illegal." According to the Dean, the drafters Three Injured InBirmingham StrikeRioting BIRMINGHAM, Ala., June 2. -- () -Three company deputies fell wound- ed today in an ambuscade marking the third outbreak of gunplay in Ala- bama's strike-locked iron mining dis- trict. The shooting brought to eight the number of men wounded since the start of the strike last Sunday. Nne of the victims was hurt seriously. Meanwhile a federal conciliator forecast settlement "within two or three weeks of the walkout caused by a shift from an hourly wage to a ton- nage pay base for miners. The Tennessee Coal, Iron and Rail- road Company, a subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation, made no effort to operate the mines. The closed shafts supply ore for the big steel mills of the Birmingham area. More than 2,000 jobs are af- fected by the shutdown. A. E. Horn, district president of the International Union of Mine, Steel and Smelter workers, said he notified all union members there must be no violence and no mass picketing. John L. Perry, president of the Ten- nessee Company, said the manage- ment believed a majority of the idle miners were willing to try the "incen- tive" pay plan inaugurated by the company order. The wounded deputies, W. L. Roy, John Bridges and L W. MReynolds, were quoted by Chief Deputy Sheriff W. T. Kemp as saying they were fired on from ambush while driving along a road near Muscoda Mine on a "rou- tine inspection tour." They returned the fire. Three miners and two company of- ficers were shot in two gun battles Sunday night. of this law, which was passed in 1933, tried to avoid the constitutional difficulties encountered by the min- imum wage la wof the District of Columbia, which was nullified by the Supreme Court in 1923, in the case of Adkins vs. Children's Hospital. The present New York law contains provisions for the establishment of a commission to study wage scales and to determine what wage level should be established in order to in- sure a decent standard of living, the Dean said. However, Dean Bates continued, the court ruled again this provision, maintaining that the de- termination of a decent standard of living cannot be done accurately. The New York law provided for the (Continued on Page 21 R.O.T.iC. Awards 1 For Half-Year Are Announced To Hold Final Ceremony' And Honor Awards At Ferry Field Tomorrw Captain R. R. Coursey, adjutant, yesterday announced the following1 R.O.T.C. awards for the second se- mester, which are to be presented at the final ceremony of the school year at 5 p.m. Thursday, June 4, at Ferry Field.r The Captain of the Best Drilled Company Award-a gold medal-was given to E. D. Howell, '36E, of Com- pany E. Members of the best drilled company were presented with service . ribbons. A silver medal was awarded to .D. E. Basler, '38E, corporal of the best drilled squad-the second squad of Company K. The members of the best drilled squad: D. E. Beals, '38,l A. T. Hebbard, '39Spec., C. E. Proud- foot, F. M. Emens, '39E, H. T. Kepple-c man, '38E and R. S. Royce, '39E were awarded bronze medals.l The best drilled freshmen, who also each received bronze medals, fromt Companies A to M respectively were: R. L. Freeman, C. M. Guillermety, R. M. McAuliffe, R. N. Smith, A. J. Rhodehamel, C. F. Wright, F. F. Bach- man, C. D. Probst, R. S. Royce, B. W. Root, L. A. Hopkins, Jr., and H. T. Abstein. Goff Smith, '38E, won the Marks- manship Gold Medal by his high score on the rifle team. Other mem- bers, C. A. Framburg, Jr., '36, John Alden, '38. Robert Beuhler, '37E, E. H. William, '37E, H. G. Dunks, '38E, J. H. Beyer, '36E, R. W. Fox, '39E, H. L. Keeler, '36E, and J. Althause, '39E of the rifle squad will receive gold keys. The two highest awards, student colonel and lieutenant colonel, which are being kept as a surprise, will be announced this evening. The public is invited to attend the ceremony which will be conducted in full dress regalia and which will be very colorful. Architects Visit aCouzens Grant HousingProject A group of six professors and 16 seniors and graduate students of the College of Architecture yesterday af- ternoon visited the Oakland Housing Project at Pontiac. The party, consisting of Professors Emil Lorch, Wells Bennett, Jean He- brard, George McConkey, Walter Marshall, and Frederick O'Dell, and advanced students in their classes, was shown around the project by Mr. Barton P. Jenks, r., young Boston architect who is in charge of the project. Mr. Jenks explained the purposes and features of the work and took the group on a two-hour tour of the houses and the commun- ity. The Oakland Housing Project was started in January of last year, fol- lowing a donation of $550,000 from Sen. James Couzens for an experi- mental housing project in Oakland County. To this was added $300,000 of government FERA funds, and work on the houses was completed last fall. The purpose of the project is to experiment with housing for working men whose wages cannot support a decent standard of living. There were 150 houses built, and the yards for each were landscaped. Streets, water and electricity sys- tems, and other community features were set up, and at present families ae hing chnen tn nccv the Dean Bates Terms High Court's Wage Law Decision Regrettable' 0 Parties Name Nominees For Senate Posts Herring, Dickinson Are Chosen By Democrats And G.O.P. Herring Declares New Deal Strong Republican Will Support Party Until November Election Returns DES MOINES, June 2.-(P)-Sen Lester J. Dickinson, Republican crit- ic of the New Deal, and Gov. Clyde L. Herring, its Democratic supporter, were chosen as their parties' nom- inees for the Senate in Monday's pri- mary, returns late today showed. Dickenson, frequently mentioned as a "dark horse" possibility for the Presidential nomination at Cleve- land next week, outdistanced his closest rival, former Sen. Smith W. Brookhart, by a wide margin in the Republican race. Tabulations from 1,995 of the state's 2,442 precincts gave him 90,320 votes, or a 4.3 per cent of the total Brookhart, lately a New Deal adviser on Russian trade, received 8,141, the other four Re- publican candidates trailed. On the Democratic ballot, Gov. Clyde L. Herring collected 61,645 votes in 2,047 precincts, to win the right to run for Dickinson's seat next fall. Rep. Hubert Utterback, serv- ing his first term in Congress, polled 42,827. The silver-haired Republican, who served 12 years in the national House before going to the Senate in 1930, asserted his victory "indicates the faith Iowa people have in the Re- publican party and their allegiance to sound, fundamental, American principles." He has been a leading Senate critic of the national Demo- cratic administration. Passing over his Presidential as- pirations, Senator Dickinson added: "From now until the November elec- tion I shall dedicate my best efforts to the cause of the Republican party." He is expected by his supporters to receive the votes of Iowa's 22 dele- gates to the national convention next week, though the delegation is unin- structed. The Democratic delega- tion of 22, likewise is uninstructed. Plans For Local Radio Stations Are Formulated Licensing of an Ann Arbor radio broadcasting station to be operated by a local group was recommended in a resolution adopted by the City Council Monday night and submitted to the federal communications commission yesterday. Two other applications for a local license will also be heard by the commission when it takes up the question of an Ann Arbor station. Harry G. Kipke and John Fetzler of Benton Harbor are the two ap- plicants who have already filed their petitions with the commission. Mr. Kipke, who made application about a month ago, is being backed by Lan- sing radio operators headed by Harold Gross, he stated last night. Plans formulated by this latest group which wishes to set up a broad- cast station but has not yet filed a license application call for the forma- tion of the Ann Arbor Broadcasting Co. with a $50,000 capital stock issue, which is now being subscribed. Jupe Pl uvius Foils Open A ir Rompers, Isolates Ruthvens The perversity of Ann Arbor wea- ther was demonstrated yesterday to the dismay of several thousand base- ball fans, two score swingout addicts and the audience of an abbreviated Lantern Night. And added to these various weather victims was the Ruthven family which spent eight hours forcibly iso- lated from the world in their home on South University Avenue when' their telephone was put out of order by lightning. Lantern Night and the Freshman Project were both victimized by the intermittent showers and bursts of sunlight which characterized the day. The final result was that the tradi- tional lanterns gave off their feeble light while swinging in a damp breeze before a crowd that was made up of a preponderance of disappointed sen- timentalists. Any number of remarks were made about the weather yesterday. Most of them with an air of disgust ex- pressed'in all of the banal phrases that go with the most common topic of conversation. None of them ap- proached the classic observation cred- ited to Mark Twain, who said after suffering through a day like yester- day, that anyone who didn't like Michigan weather had only to wait five minutes. chwarzkopf's Removal Vote Blocks Senate TRENTON, N. J., June 2.-(IP)- Opposition to the ouster of Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf as state police superintendent blocked a vote in the State Senate today on the man named to .succeed the leading police investigator in the Lindbergh kidnap case. The State police, whose handling of the Lindbergh investigation was criticized sharply by Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, will be without a superin- tendent after Sunday midnight when Schwarzkopf's third five-year term expires. The Governor backed up his criti- cism of the Lindbergh inquiry by sending to the senate last night the appointment of Col. Mark O. Kim- berling, now principal keeper of the state prison, as superintendent. Opposition crystallized immediate- ly in the senate and forced over until the next session on June 15 a vote on confirming Col. Kimberling, who had charge of the execution fo Bruno RichardbHauptmann of the Lind- bergh baby murder. Sen. Frank Durand, Republican floor leader who previously had an- nounced a vote, today, moved ad- journment. He said later: "If we had had an executive ses- sion, he would have been confirmed." Asked why no executive session was held, he smilingly replied: "We decided to delay it awhile." Maj. Charles H. Schoeffel, deputy superintnedent, will be in command after Sunday and until a successor is confirmed. Reappointment of Col. Schwarz- kopf had been urged upon the Gov- ernor by many organizations and citizens, including some leading mem- bers of the Governor's own Republi- can party. The Senate delay presaged an ac- tive campaign for votes for and against confirmation in the next two weeks. Although administration leaders had claimed sufficient votes for confirmation, those senators who would commit themselves in favor of it today were three or four fewer than the required member of eleven. Compromlise On Tax Seen, Long Debate On Revenue Bill Continues; Early Adjournment Predicted Session May End By Monday Night Sharp Battle Expected On Income And Corporation Tax Revisions WASHINGTON, June 2. - (P) - The Senate whisked through all but three vital divisions of the revised tax bill today as word was passed on Capitol Hill that President Roose- velt might be willing to compromise on the key measure in order to ex- pedite congressional adjournment. The Senate engaged in loud debate on the measure estimated by its back- ers to be potential of $829,000,000, House and Senate leaders began con- ferring over possibilities of a quick agreement when the bill goes to con- ference between the two chambers. They said their purpose was to bring adjournment by Saturday or Monday night. Will Speed Bill Just how far, if at all, the Presi- dent might swing over toward the Senate bill, which is far removed from his original tax proposals, remained undetermined. The idea prevailed generally that the Senate measure would be passed about in its present form and the compromise effected. Acting Chairman King (Dem., Utah), of the finance committee talked tonight of speeding the bill to passage tomorrow, in a night ses- sion if need be, or at least putting across an agreement for the final vote no later than Thursday. Today the Senate skipped over the sections of the bill on which the ma- jor skirmish will develop, providing increased surtaxes on individual in- comes over $6,000 and an upward revision of corporation taxes. That was done to give senators more time to look them over. Approve Amendments Then, in quick succession, the chamber tentatively approved com- mittee amendments to a "windfall tax on processors who avoided pay- ment of the old AAA processing taxes and to provisions for refunds of pro- cessing taxes on products sold abroad or to charitable institutions and on [floor stocks on hand when the AAA was killed by the Supreme Court. But it wrangled at length over ex- cise taxes on imported fish and veg- etable oils. It agreed to apply an import tax to perilla oil and to elim- inate inedible olive oil from the list of taxed commodities. Before talk of a compromise spread at the Capitol, the President's rev- enue proposals, as embodied in the bill passed by the House, were sub- jected to severe condemnation, first in a majority report by the finance committee and again when King opened debate on the floor. O'Shea Faces Trial For, Fund Shortage DETROIT, June 2. -WP) -James J. O'Shea, former vice-president of the National Bank of Detroit, went on trial in United States District Court today on a misapplication charge in connection with a $249,000 shortage in City of Detroit funds. Government counsel told the jury of six men and six women that O'Shea was accused of misapplying $241,000 of municipal funds entrusted to the bank's care. Two days after the city fund short- age was discovered, Harry M. Tyler, assistant city budget director, killed himself. The government charges that Tyler and O'Shea used city funds for stock market speculation. Among the jurors were: Mrs. Susie E. Hoffman, Saline, Mich.; William Austin, Saline farmer; Mrs. Helen Howell, Albion .farmer; Gertrude Ea- ger, Livingston County farm wife; Marian Hubbard, Pontiac, and Mrs. Margaret Eakley, who lives on a farm near Ypsilanti. Men's Council Meeting Favors Pot, Cap Night Members of the Men's Council went on record last night as favoring the restoration of Pots and Cap Night, and Thomas Sullivan. '37. was White House Constitution, Anti-Alien Leaorue Campaign Is Organized In State Religion Must Be Scientific, Liberal, Says Rev. H. P. Marley The distribution throughout Mich-I igan, and particularly in Detroit, of the literature of the Constitutional Protective League, an incorporated organization for the protection of the rights of Americans, and the combat- ing of subversive activities, has an- nounced unofficially the beginning of a campaign to establish the League in this state. The Purposes of the League as out- lined in its constitution are "to up- hold and defend the constitution of the United States, the constitutions of the several states and the govern- ments thereunder established; and to assist in establishing and main- taining the national defense needed for that purpose; to oppose, expose and resist internal and external ef- frm.+ +nf.Prf th mahr riBand the true to American ideals and free from wrongful influence." To succeed in these ends, the League is organized on a semi-mili- tary plan, with state and county chapters under the control of a na- tional council. Head of the na- tional council, and director of the entire organization's activities is Lieut. James E. Campbell, who is also chairman of the Subversive Ac- tivities Committee of the Reserve Of- ficers Association of the United States. The by-laws of the national organization are not announced in the literature now being distributed, but the charter and by-laws for the county organizations are carefully defined, making it clear that both the county and state divisions are under the final and absolute control EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth' of a series of interviews with Ann Arbor ministers on the subject of student religion. Religion today must adjust itself and become scientific and look upon science as its best friend instead of its worst enemy, said the Rev. H. P. Marley, minister of the Unitarian Church, in a recent interview. Mr. Marley pointed out that today religion must start out with observ- able data, for unless it does, he stated. there can be no religion for the sci- entific. Mr. Marley showed how the Unitarian Church here in Ann Arbor is trying to do that by accepting a liberal and scientific outlook on re- ligion through its services and in many other ways. Mr. Marley assert- ed that he didn't believe in taking Godu nn faith unless He can be dem- 'people have faith in the church help- ing them, he pointed out, although most of them do not attend church today. Mr. Marley told how the Unitarian Church is making the effort to be a fellowship of faculty and students who will regard religion in a liberal light. His church has provided a place where all groups of students may meet, be they communists or any kind of radicals. The Unitarian Church, Mr. Marley said, feels a kin- ship for all minority groups. It was the first church in Ann Arbor to open its doors to the unemployed, he pointed out. When asked about the Black Le- gion, Mr. Marley stated that the or- ganization of it was due to this age of social change. He showed how it