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June 02, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-06-02

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. ... . . .. . .............. . ........... . . . .. . ...............

Hoffman Denies
N. J. Governor Favors Col.
Mark Kimberling For
TRENTON, N. J., June 1. -- (A') -
Governor Harold G. Hoffman, who
called the Lindbergh kidnap murder
case the "most bungled" in police
history, tonight refused to reappoint
Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, super-
intendent of the New Jersey state
police, who headed the long investiga-
tion of the crime.
The chief executive instead sent to
the state senate the name of Col.
Mark 0. Kimberling, who as state
prison keeper supervised the execu-
tion of Bruno Richard Hauptmann-
the man Schwarzlopf and his men
helped track down as the Lindbergh
baby slayer.
Schwarzkopf, state police superin-
tendent since its organization in 1921,
had been reappointed for five year
terms by Democratic and Republican
governors. The position pays $9,000
Relations between Governor Hoff-
man and Schwarzkopf have been cool
for more than a year, and seldom
did the governor confer with Schwarz-
kopf during the Hauptman case in-
quiry. The governor initiated his own
investigation of the crime.
Col. Schwarzkopf and Col. Kimber-
ling both declined tonight to comment
on the governor's action. Schwarz-
klopf said he had no future plans.
Col. Kimberling said he had not
been informed of the appointment.
He reserved comment, pending the
senate's consideration of his confir-
mation. He declined to discuss as-
sumption of duties of the office for
the same reason and, when asked
if he expected the appointment, said
he had not been "sure."
The governor as late as today said
he had not decided whether to reap-
point Col. Schwarzkopf, in whose be-
half a number of petitions signed by,
well known citizens of the state, had,
been prepared.1
Col. Schwarzkopf had spent con-
siderable time the past year develop-
ing sound motion pictures to aid in
the identification of criminals. A;
public demonstration, held last Wed-
nesday, attracted police officials from
many parts of the country, many of
whom hailed it as a "distinct contri-;
bution" to police science.
Col. Kimberling served under Col.;
Schwarzkopf as deputy superinten-
dent of the state police from 1921 to
1922, when he became directing head
of the state reformatory at Rahway.;
In 1935 he was appointed to the state
prison position.

Woman Seeks To Marry Life Convict

Nicholas Arboretum Provides
Paradise For Insect Hunters

By JAY SPADER' sidered the most
Among the many advantages which replied, "Inmy
accrue to University students from found a species
Nichols Arboretum is tha of an en- monly known as
tomological specimen field, in short, the most agile a
a happy hunting ground for butter- "I am looking
fly chasers. Its many ;ree and flow- tinoed, "to the
er-covered acres provide a paradise White Woods nc
for zoology students seeking all man- time the Cicada
ner of insect specimen. tured and I hop
The attention of the writer was men of this rare
called to this lit tle known phase of "The Cicada lip
University life while strolling one day and yet its larv
in the above-named paradise. While years to mature.
strictly minding his own business, he All at once a
suddenly attracted by the antics of a looking green bu
young gentleman who appeared to be head of Macke
attempting to launch a kite in the panion:
waning evening breeze. Upon closer "What are the
inspection, the "kite" proved to be an "Tiger beetles.
authentic butterfly net. The reporter h
The net waver was a Michigan stu- the Geddes Str
dent, Ahti A. Mackela, '36Ed., who
explained that he was "performning N M.1 J.
the offices of any concientious Zool-
i ngv 42 otsdP.4" M de

difficult to catch, he
rexperience, I have
of waterbug, com-
the "backswimmer,"
nd elusive.
forward," he con-
class field-trip to
ext week." At that
larvae will be ma-
e to obtain a speci-
ves only a few weeks
al form requires 17
couple of ferocious
gs alighted upon the
la's feminine coi-
astily retreated from
eet vicinity.
Poste a,,ter

--Atsociatei kre s rivtu.
Mrs. Lulu A. Tuveson, 52-year-old South Bend., Ind., widow, is shown
pleading with Gov. J. M. Futrell of Arkansas at Little Rock, Ark., for
freedom for Ed Hardwick, serving a life term for murder in the state
prison. She said she wanted to marry the convict whom she "met"
through a love story magazine's letters exchange department.

Merit Awards
Are Received
By Architects
Two students in the College of
Architecture who have received rec-
ognition for their achievements dur-
ing the year were named yesterday
by the faculty of the school.
Robert L. Morris, '36A, who was
eneral chairman of the Architects'
Ball this year, was given the Alpha
Rho Chi award that goes to the stu-
dent who shows the most leadership,
service to the school, and "promise
of merit through his attitude and
personality." The award, in the form
of a brnoze medal, is offered each
year by the national committee of,
Alpha Rho Chi, a social fraternity.
It is given to a student designated by
the faculty of each of 30 schools
throughout the country, and the re-
cipient need not necessarily by a
member of the fraterntiy. Morris
also is affiliated with the honorary
architectural society, Tau Sigma
Paul B. Brown, '36A, received the
American Institute of Architects
award for high scholarship during
the year, and was further honored
by being offered a special invitation
from the Institute to attend its 69th
annual convention, held at Williams-
burg, Va., this year.
He was given $50 along with the
invitation to pay part expenses for
the trip. This was the first year in
which this award has been offered
and a permanent fund is being sought
to perpetuate it in the future.
Robert H. Greve, assistant director
of the University Hospital, was elected
secretary of the Michigan Hospital
Association at the annual meeting
held Saturday in Grand Rapids. The
association also elected Dr. Harley A.
Haynes, director of the Hospital, to
the post of trustee.

Roosevelt Kin Kills
Self In Argentina
BUENOS Aires, June 1-nd )-Rob-
ert B. Delano, a second cousin of
President Roosevelt, was reported in
newspaper dispatches tonight to
have committed suicide at Barran-
queras in the Argentine Chaco.
The newspaper Critica stated he
shot himself in the mouth with a
pistol last night in his office, and died
at midnight in the hospital at near-
by Resistencia.
This paper's dispatch asserted: "He
left several letters, one for his uncle,
President Roosevelt, and another for
a Washington society girl."
Critica said he killed himself be-
cause his engagement to marry had
been broken. The newspaper La-
Razon stated the motive had not been
It was understood the body would
be sent to Buenos Aires tomorrow
for shipment to the United States.
Delano came to Argentina about
six months ago and worked for a
short time at Estancia, Santa Fe

Book On Metal.
Within 16 months after publishing
his first book, "The Working, Heat{
Treating and Welding of Steel," Prof.I
H. L. Campbell of the Engineering
School will have his second book,
"Metal Castings," off the press. The
book, which was prepared to assist'
in the organized study of the mater-
ials and processes employed in the
production of metal castings, will be
ready in June, according to an an-
nouncement by John Wiley & Sons,
"Metal Castings" will be used as a
textbook here for the first time dur-
ing summer school in the Metal Pro-
cessing course (3). Since it is the
only book of this nature that has
been written, it will probably be used
by many other engineering schools,
according to Professor Campbell. Al-
though it is not yet off the press,
there are several colleges which have
already indicated that they will prob-
ably adopt it. Among those which
have already shown preference are
M.I.T., Ohio State, Stanford, Duke I
and M.S.C.
His first book on metallurgical sub-
jects, "The Working, Heat Treating
and Welding of Steel," has been
adopted by a number of schools for
introductory courses on the study of
steel, and has proved to be quite
popular among instructors teaching
in this field.

(Continued from Page 4)
torium, Wednesday evening, June 3
at 8:15 p.m., to which the general
public is invited.
English Suite in E minor .. ..Bach
Passapied I
Passepied II
Sonata, Op. 22 ...... ,. ,... Schumann
Etude, Op. 25, No. 7 ........ Chopin
Intermezzo, Op. 117, No. 2 . .Brahms
Jeux d'Eau................Ravel
Druids, senior men's honorary so-
ciety of the literary college, elected
T. K. Fisher, '37, Arch Druid at a
meeting held Sunday evening at the
Union, Jack, Otte, '37, was elected
vice-president, Tom Ayres, '37, secre-
tary, and Willis Tomlinson, '37, treas-
urer. Fred Cody, '37, was named cus-
Pou steamship passage to Europe, for this coing Spring 4
Summn,er. should be reserved now. Phone or come in, choose
your ship 4s a small deposit will guarantee the space. If you ,find
you cannot go I wil gladly arrange for a Transfer,. or a fu jeture
o " depositmoney. All details completed Ase.without cha'ge.
Personal Service" en e;ery boo;; ing since 1 "17. P. 81?
KIJELER TRAVEL BUREAU. 601 E. Huorn 3t. Ann Arbor

gVy t 1U tI. IJGILL/
When first espied, Mackela was.JA
proceeding up the central valley of Mrs. Horatio J. Abbott became Ann
the Arboretum and vigorously swish- .Arbor's first woman postmaster after
ing his white net above the tall grass, being inducted into office without
As the Daily reporter drew nearer, ceremony yesterday morning.

Mackela suddenly whirled to his
right, sprinted up the hillside and
swung his net in a wide arch to the
ground. These maneuvers, however,
by no means constitute the entire art
of insect catching. An equally dif-
ficult phase of the technique consists
in locating the hapless bug once he
is inside the net!
In this instance the elusive creature
was finally safely corked inside a bot-
tle which was thrust under the net.
The reporter curiously approached
the triumphant student. He sur-
veyed the catch with a knowing
"I take it you have a dragon fly
"It's the Diplax elisa of the family
Libellulidae of the order Neuroptera."
"Oh." (thoroughly squelched).
Mackela explained that he was
looking for insects to complete his
classified collection, required of all
students studying Zoology 42.
"The minimum number of insects
required in each collection is 90," he
said. "At present I have collected
about 125 but have classified only half
of them."
When asked which insect he con-

After spending the morning in
conference with retiring Postmaster
A. C. Pack, Mrs. Abbott signed the
required bond, oath of office, and
necessary receipts in connection with
the transfer of the postmastership.
Pack's term expired in January, but
political delays intervened, causing
the new appointment to be deferred.
Another factor was brought about by
the death of Horatio Abbott who
topped the list of candidates for the
A movement was started a short
time after his death to give Mrs.
Abbott the post, and she was named
by Postmaster General James A. Far-
ley during his visit to Grand Rapids
to attend the Democratic state con-
Prof. F. N. Menefee, of the me-
chanical engineering department, was
reelected president of Sigma Rho Tau,
national honorary engineering speech
fraternity, at its meeting last week in
the Hotel Detroiter. Prof. R. D.
Brackett, of the engineering English
department, is national director of the
fraternity, having been elected to this
post for life several years ago.



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