THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUE~ DAY, JUNE 2, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 3 1, 41f TI Publisned every morning except Monday during th9 'University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 t diWon Av e., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Ch'icago, Ill. BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. $hackleton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates, I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Heper. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUSNESS MANAGER...................JOHN R. PARK ASOCIATE BUS. MGR ............. WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. MGR..................JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple, Accounts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: DONALD T. SMITH Sliwing- bMA Out . . D RUNKENNESS among undergrad- uates several years ago caused the abolition of Swingout. Many years ago, the tra- dition had some significance. It was held early in May, and marked the first time seniors donned their caps and gowns; from that time until grad- uation in June, seniors wore their caps and gowns several days a week. In the course of years, the significance of Swingout came to dwindle, it was staged later in the year, and it became the occasion for general insobriety. Many who abstained from liquor throughout the year felt compelled to indulge on the occasion.. Today we are going to try to reestablish Swing- out. Whether or not the tradition is restored depends upon whether the senior class can remain sober. If it is a worthwhile tradition, it can probably be best enjoyed while conscious. Fuss And Feahers . . (( UILD a better mousetrap, and the B world will wear a path to your door." Thus spake Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Malcolm 1 Bingay, editorial director of the Detroit Free Press. Over the week-end, Mr. Bingay travelled to Topeka, Kan., to interview the white hope of the Republican party, spent three hours with him and came back convinced that Gov. Alfred M. Landon is "a na- tural." It is of course a tribute to Mr. Bingay's powers of peception that he was able thoroughly to understand and appreciate Landon after spend- ing only three hours with him, and it is also a trib- ute to Landon's charming, homney personality. But we are, nevertheless, a little suspicious of Mr. Bingay's broad statements. "Out where the West begins," he says, "the folks are friendly. It is tradition from the days of the covered wagon, when, lonely for companionship and in the brother- hood of adventure, they accepted all strangers as human beings. The quiet kindliness of the frontier days is still in the air of Kansas." Mr. Bingay goes on to quote Kansans as pointing out that Governor Landon, breathing the friendly air of Kansas, is a friendly, frontier-type of fellow, "no fuss and feathers, just plain horse sense . . . gets th'ings done ... no bunk about Alf ... his word is his bond." It is clear that the friendly folk of Kansas like the friendly Governor Landon quite sincerely, though it is interesting to speculate on how they would feel towards him had he not balanced their budget. Mr. Bingay proceeds then to explain why "the prairie lands of America are surging forth so strongly in favor of Governor Landon." His rea- sons would all be even more beautiful were they worded in the style of Detroit's poet laureate, Edgar Guest. For instance, his family life is just what the family life of a true Kansan should be, He is devoted to his wife and childr6n, does not tolerate formality, and calls visitors by their first names. Speaking over the telephone, he. never "wastes a word," but uses clear, brief, concise statements. He likes folks to drop in and talk things over, feels that this is part of his gubernatorial duties. Now men have been elected to high office on personality alone many times before this. Rotary Club presidents are usually chosen on such grounds, and the president of your local Chamber of Commerce is most likely a very folksv nerson. Kansans have expressed? Mr. Bingay would have done well to have spent his precious three hours learning the answer to these and other questions, for if he had, it is very likely that he would not find it necessary to write a note at the beginning of his interview apologizing to Senator Vandenberg. for1 seeming to desert him, in whom he has often shown the greatest faith. THlE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Peace Without Radicals To the Editor: At last someone is making an effort to direct the Peace Council in the right channels. I was glad to see that Mrs. Miller took a stand against radicalism in that organization. Of all the factors which might contribute to the futility of the Peace Council's efforts, radicalism will be fore- most, and that element has certainly been obvious in their proceedings to date. I sincerely believe that what the peace loving cit- izens of this country want is a movement which will appeal to and have the support of a majority of the people; regardless of their political or re- ligious beliefs, and in that respect the Peace Coun- cil is failing miserably. I should like to point out to the members of the Peace Council that most of the prominent speakers, whom you have presented at your public meetings, have advocated such mea- sures as: international education on the futility of war, world conferences for the cooperation of nations in their common welfare, etc. But you, on this campus, seem to absolutely disregard such ideas of common appeal. Many of us would like to know if the Peace Council is an organization conscientiously striving for peace or simply at- tempting to advance socialism in this country. A the last of your public meetings the first remark the chairman made was a slur against capitalism;' yet the two well known speakers on the program, one a leader of the socialists and the other a staunch laborite, made praiseworthy addresses without a word which would agitate political op- ponents in the audience. Their, proposals were ones in which we could all cooperate, socialists and capitalists alike. I am .pro-capitalist and enjoy a comfortable living by that system, yet although I could give damaging arguments against socialism, were I leading a movement for world peace I should not deliberately provoke the socialists with remarks contrary to their viewpoint. Rather, I should emphasize plans in which they would be as willing to take part as those of other political creeds. Do you, of the Peace Council, not realize, that un- less you secure the support of the political parties representing the majority of the people of our' country, your campaign is hopeless? Apart from the lack of diplomacy and tact in your program, you .have taken some extremely foolish methods of putting it before the public. In the first place, an outdoor mass demonstration is an instrument of uneducated radicals and is not looked on with favor by the level headed and clear-thinking citizens of the United States. It is these level-headed individuals who must be counted on to hold in check the highly emotional type who are swayed in any direction by mob demonstrations accompanied by a few fiery speeches. But you are not appealing to the clear-thinking type. True, the outdoor demonstration you sponsored was well attended, but more through curiosity than support. Worse yet, why in the name of heaven do you include a band in your demonstrations? It is a well known fact that the psychological effect of a Inilitary band is anything but conducive to a peace- ful attitude. It is the militarists' most effective tool. A smartly uniformed band plays a martial tune, and what reaction do we experience? Auto- matically we want to cheer, shoulder a gun, and fall into step. I should like very much to lend my bit of support to a worthy campaign for world peace. But if the Peace Council continues to make their policy a question of politics instead of a united front, and persists in employing radical methods of propa- ganda, I shall not only refuse to support their moves but will work in opposition to them, in the belief that the good they accomplish does not jus- tify the organization's existence. After interviewing various types of students, 1 I can assure you that my opinion is not an excep- tion, nor one of a few exceptions. -Melvin W. Jaquier, '38. Causes Of War To the Editor: I'd like to register an objection to Professor Handman's speech as reported by your editorial of Saturday. As I understand it, Professor Handman denies the existence of economic causes for wars since wars do "not relieve economic pressure in an economical manner." This statement resembles the one he made at the Parley when he claimeds that there is no profit motive extant today because there are no profits (ergo, business men don't act on the supposition that they may make a profit). To deny that a thing exists because there is no logical basis for its existence is to put us in a world of super-humans that act solely on rational grounds. One of the "various groups with axes to grind" believes in the economic causation of war. In the case of Mussolini they join with Professor Hand- man in also believing that the cause of the Ethi- opian honeymoon was Mussolini's desire to divert his people (rather than the other economic causes that Mussolini mentions: population pressure, de- sire for raw materials, etc.) If, however, the Professor wishes to misunderstand them and de- I ne Conning Tower MEMORIAL DAY I THE CEMETERY hill smells warm and sweet Of pine and juniper and the strong sun, And fresh cut grass; the graves are trimmed and neat, And nearly time the service was begun. Now here they come with snare and fife and song, Out from the village, up the graveyard drive: Schoolchildren, parents, aged folk - all throng Upon this hill to keep these names alive. This was my faith; it still must be my faith And I cannot repudiate these bones, Since I am one with those who place the wreath, And fife and drum are rich with overtones. So for your grave, my Grandfather, the flower, The flag, and my humility, this hour. II John Brown and Woodrow Wilson marching on, While dignitaries swell the noble phrase: "My Country, 'Tis of Thee from Son to Son!" The fifes pipe glory and the drums roar praise, Mine eyes have seen that glory, and my heart Roars with the drums - sure I'd stand up and fight, Fight for my couitry, do my noble part, Fight for the love of fighting, wrong or right. Was I the little boy who, far away, Remembers now this stale nostalgic glamour? What of the terrible fingers of today Pointing against my heart, the Babel clamor Of tongues rocking the very earth for hate And fear's confusion; hope grown desolate! III For I am fearful lest the sun shall view No more our worship on this lovely hill; Only the rabbit and the fox pursue Their necessity game of of live-and-ill, While in their little brains the fear of man Lingers a little, only to fade and pass Forever away; while curious squirrels scan The church's steeple rotting in the grass; And all that once was honor, love and work The worm shall glut on till the naked skull Stare skyward at the buzzard and the hawk, Most unconcerned that earth grows beautiful Each May for loveliness of rain and sun, And none to know that beauty; no, no one. IV Yet still we owe much honor to these dead As children in a narrow world who played At games, and followed what their elders said, ! And took defeat, and still were not dismayed. Trusting so much in God -- whom we can trust, No more to be concerned with shot and shell And children's games and politicians' lust; Too many men have learned that war is hell. I envy them so innocently sleeping, Sure of their honor, sure of the trust, the faith They gave into our hands for sacred keeping. They died with glory on their eyes, and death Were cheap enough to pay for peace to come. So give them honor--in their idiom. V It's over now, the band has marched away, The schoolchildren gone swimming in the river; Only the sexton's mower, only the sway Of wind across the pines for them, forever; Only grass roots and the searching rain Can penetrate their bones' redundant- rest; Now all our speeches and the band's refrain Mutter and die against a gathering west. It's over now, the embattled names recede: Concord, Gettysburg, and San Juan Hill, Chateau-Thierry; all over, all is still, The dead are safely dead within their creed. All is fulfilled-and flag and flower together Soon rip and fade against the changing weather. -ROBESON BAILEY. "I also have been invited to the Congress of American Poets, etc.," writes Maxwell Anderson, "and my invitation reached me in a letter which stated that my name had been included in the first edition of the program of the congress be- cause those in charge did not have time to write Ime to ask my consent before going to press. May I take this opportunity to reply, since I have lost the address, that the congress does me too much honor, that I have no interest in congresses, poetic or other, and that I shall not be able to attend?" Nevertheless, Max, your name leads the list on the National Advisory Board of the C. of A.P. You are "Poet, Dramatist, author of 'Winterset,' adjudged best play by the New York Critics Circle." MAYBE MR. HEARST DOSEN'T EVEN THINK THIS: I do detest the Legion Black, its bigotry and bluff; And I think I'll sue the Legion for a-stealing of my stuff. The kids failed to get into the fighting in Ethi- opia, and we fear that all that stuff about the nine- year-olds joining the army was just talk. But it seems to us that the Premier ought to give the children the wedding rings he took from their mothers, for all that stuff made pacifistic misogy- nists of Italian women. They are singing "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Bridegroom." There are two newspapermen in the possibility list-Arthur Vandenberg and Frank Knox. Typ- ical newspaper men, too. Neither of them has written his speech of acceptance yet-waiting for ten minutes before the deadline. "Now that the Marx Brothers have been reduced to three," says Old Sleuth Spaeth, "they may find themselves getting real competition from the Maniac Brothers-Dipso, Klepto, and Pyro." Don't forget Megalo, Sig. We shall stay at home the evening of June 15, but not in the hope of getting our bonus. It would ha i,,t likeM ur 'Iav toiri +n'n . ho l .nj theon DRAMA 1amlet A Review By C. hART SCHAAF SW1NGING into his best stide, Pobert Hender on opened Sat ur- day the third week of his current sea-I son at the Mendelssohn with a good production of the great play Hamlet. A competent cast, and effective scen- ery by Joseph De Luca and Al Graf, combine in the Henderson produc- tion to do well by the greatest writ- er in the English language. To Estelle Winwood go the honors for the most lucid and, I think, cor- rect work in the play. Her Queen Gertrude is vibrant and young, to ex- plain her eager re-marriage; attrac- tive and charming, to make intel- ligible her son's devotion to her; and maternal and sympathetic in exactly the proper degree to make thoroughly convincing the closest scene with Hamlet. The role is a subtle and difficult one, but Miss Winwood dis- charges its responsibilities admirably. Alan Handley also turns in an ex- cellent performance. Laertes in his hands is a tender brother, a frenzied' pursuer of his father's treachery. It is notorious that almost everyone who sees or reads Hamlet has his own contentious view of some portion, either of the play or of a particular production of i. I am therefore not untypical in finding fault with one part of the Ann Arbor presentation. My criticism happens to be of Mr. Ian Keith's work in the title role. Hamlet, I am sure, is meant to deal with a tortured, bewildered, com- pletely miserable young man. The play is nothing, in fact, if it is not a tragedy. What I regret to announce is that, so far as I am concerned, Mr. Keith fails to bring out this essen- tial unhappiness. His lines, taken individually are intelligently read. His diction is excellent. He looks the part. But somehow he fails to achieve tragedy. Your heart is not wrung, and I think it ought to be. I must, of course, be fair, and admit that yesterday afternoon, which is when I saw the play, the audience was loud in its applause of Mr. Keith.- The enthusiasm which greeted his re- peated curtain calls was almost rem- iniscent of the ovations given Sto- kowski a few weeks ago; and the crowd even forced him to make a lit- tle speech. So perhaps my unfa- vorable reaction was all wrong. 1 ,hamlet the play, of course, con- sidered apart from any production of it, hardly needs any praise. A friend of mine likes to say that, just as the sun would continue to be brilliant in a sky shingled with moons, so does Shakespeare stand out in any com- pany of English dramatists that can be named. The curtain on Hamlet isn't up very long before you are completely aware, if your eyes and your mind are taking in what is go- ing' on on the stage, that Shakespeare is quite beyond the most extravagant praise that can be heaped upon him. !! NEW YORK THEATRE Cll It A Day A Review By STUART M. LOW ENGLISHI players and London set- tings seem to have taken Broad- way by storm this seaso. and Call It A Day, the Theatre Guild's fourth production, is a noteworthy addi- tion to the contributions from the British Isles which already include such successes as Libel and Love on the Dele. Dodie Smith has found that a spring day in the London suburb, St.