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June 02, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-06-02

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,Tfft MR-HiCAR-DAIrIf.,


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Railway Passengers Get A Real Thrill

Of The

(From The Associated Press) '
Report On Tax Bill
On the eve of the consideration by
the Senate of the new 1936 Tax Bill,
the minority report of Senator Black
(Dem., Ala.) and Robert LaFollete
(Prog., Wis.) said the bill would level
"wholly unnecessary and deadly
blow" at small corporations and small
Backers of the plan, however, pre-
dicted that it would Pe accepted by
the Senate without material altera-
tion. The passage of the bill by the
Senate would throw into the Senate-
House conference the struggle over
high levies on undistributed corpor-
ate earnings on which the President
repeatedly has insisted.
Senator Couzens stated that a
group of senators would join in a
filibuster if the bill ultimately worked
out in conference with the house
should retain the features of the
House measure.
Senhate Votes Relief
The senate voted more than $2,-
423,000,000 for a relief and deficiency
bill, despite valiant attempts by Re-
publican senators to shift the ad-
ministration of relief back to the
states and to block the Florida Ship
With the relief bill out of the way.
Senate leaders were aiming for ad-
journement a week from tonight.
2They had virtually abandoned hope
of getting through by Saturday night.
Supreme Court Edict
The strongly worded decision of the
Supremne Court, arrived at only after
a 5-4 division, ruled that New York's
1933 minimum wage law was uncon-
stitutional as applied to women be-
cause it violated the right to make
In the NRA and Guffy decisions
the court took a different ground
from today's right to contract posi-
tion and held that the Federal gov-
ernment could not regulate such mat-
ters as wages because that would
violate states' rights.
William Green, president of the
American Federation of Labor, as-
serted that the decision can only be
regarded as another blow to labor
and its friends throughout the entire
The law was challenged by Joseph
Tipaldo who was indicted for forgery
in an alleged attempt to conceal
violations of the law. He was im-
prisoned but won freedom on a writ
of habeas corpus, and the New York
Court of Appeals held the law un-
constitutional. Under it, the mini-
mum wage for laundry workers had
been fixed at $12.40 a week after an
investigation by the state officials.

-Associated Press Photo.
The Passengers in this coach got a genuine thrill when the car tee-
tered at a dangerous angle on the brink of a giver near Guthrie. Okla.,
in a wreck that cost the lives of two mail clerks imprisoned in a baggage
car that plunged to the stream below. A porter forced open a door
and passengers in Chis car made their escape with no one being injured.
Memorial Fund Will Preserve
Memory ODirecfor Stanley

Yearly Scholarship Will
Be Given To Deserving
Glee Club Member
Started one year ago this month by
the Alumni Association of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Glee Club, the
memorial fund honoring the mem-
ory of one of Michigan's best loved
musicians, Albert Augustus Stanley,
is growing rapidly, according to Prof.
David E. Mattern, director of the
Glee Club.
The fund, a ten year program proj-
ect of all Varsity Glee Club members,
embodies five distinct sections, the
first of which will directly affect the
Glee Club for the first time this
The fund provides for an annual
scholarship in the School of Music of
the University for an undergraduate
member of the Varsity Glee Club. It
will be known as the Albert A. Stanley
Scholarship, and will be awarded to a
member who has shown definite mu-
sical ability, and who would be un-
able to pursue study without further
The scholarship will be kept up by
contributions from over two thou-
sand alumni of the Varsity Glee Club,
along with the alumni of two or-
ganizations no longer in existence:
the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.
In future years the association
plans the publication of a booklet of
songs for sale at a nominal cost, the
furnishing and equipping of an of-

ficial Glee Club room, the creation
of a comprehensive Glee Club Li-
brary, and the publication of a "Glee
Club History,"
The fund will be managed by the
following trustees: Herbert G. Wat-
kins, Asst. Secretary of the Uni-
versity; Otto Zelner, of the Universi-
ty of Minnesota; Robert A. Campbell,
mayor of Ann Arbor; Earl V. Moore,
director of music at the University;
Robert F. Thompson; Stewart M.
Cram; David E. Mattern, director of
the Glee Club; Seldon S. Dickinson;
and Richard J. Simmons.
In regard to the memory of Dr.
Stanley the announcement of the
trustees says, "'Dad' Stanley left us
a rich heritage; we remember him
not only for the songs he wrote for
the Glee Club, and the larger com-
positions for mixed chorus and or-
chestra which were presented at fes-
tivals, but also for his infectious good
humor and his ability to re-create for
all with whom he came in contact the
beauty of music in its many forms.
Many of his finest compositions were
written for the Glee Club and are
still in the repertory of the organiza-
tion. It is appropriate therefore, that
those of us who were inspired by
him, may have ethe opportunity to
perpetuate through this Scholarship
fund, his memory and his ideals, and
at the same time, be of hlep to
worthy and talented students in the
organization in which lie had such a
great interest."
Univers ity Camp To
Get Play Proceeds
Due to the withdrawal of the sup-
port of the Rackham Fund, a bene-
fit performance of two plays, written
by Ann Arbor men, will be given
Ihursday evening in Pattengill Audi-
torium by the newly formed Hamp-
Atead Lane Players, in order to raise
further money for the University
Fresh Air Camp.
Two original folk dramas will be
presented. The first is "The Mus-
tard Seed" by John Beuret of the
Civic Amateur Theatre group, and
the second, "Where The Tree Fall-
eth," a three-sccne tragedy by Dr.
Harold Whitehall of the Hampstead
The plays will start at 8:15 p.m.
and tickets may be secured at Lane
[laii, the Union, the League, Wahr's,
Slater's and from committee mem-
Promptly and neatly done by
experienced operators at mod-
crate rates. Student work a
specialty for twenty-eight years.
0. Dh orill
311 South!tate cStreet

'Queen. Mary'
Fails To Break
Ocean Record
NOrliandlies Record Stays
Intact After New Liner
Makes laiden Voyage
NEW YORK. June 1 .-(P)- Great
Britain's new liner, the Queen Mary,
completed her maiden trans-Atlantic
voyage today, failing by a fraction of
an hour to beat the record speed of
the French liner Normandie on her
first trip to New York.
As the huge liner, surpassed in size
only by the Normandie, steamed up
the bay, she was given an enthusi-
astic welcome by scores of gaily dec-
orated tugs. excursion boats and
private craft, which had been wait-
iw since early morning.
Thousands of persons stood for
hours along the battery seawall and
other thousands watched from sky-
scraper vantage for a glimpse of the
Queen Mary.
Averaging 29.133 knots on the
cossing, her total time from Cher-
bourg breakwater to Ambrose light-
ship was four days, 12 hours and 24
minutes. This was 42 minutes over
the Normandie's record.
Although many of the 2,139 pas-
sengers were disappointed because
the Queen Mary failed to surpass the
Normandie's time, officials of the
Cunard-White Star Line were plainly
elated with the new vessel's per-
They had said at the outset of the
voyage they were not attempting to
set a record, but were trying te
establish schedule time for the liner.
Dense fog held her back in the
last few hours.
Long before the great liner dropped
anchor at Quarantine at 9:10 a.m.
(E.S.T.) airplanes flew overhead as
the vanguard of the noisy welcome
to follow.
At Quarantine an official commit-
tee, headed by Samuel Seabury,
boarded from a cost guard cutter and
presented the greetings of Mayor F.
H. LaGuardia to Sir Edgar T. Britten,
the commander.
Three other cutters took 200 news-
papermen, photographers and news
reel men out to meet the vessel.
Greoti und Lines
Reduce Bus Rat es
Although the Greyhound Lines and
a majority of the other bus companies
throughout the nation have reduced
their passenger fares from five to 15
per cent to keep pace with the gen-
eral reduction in rail fares which went
into effect yesterday, the Eastern
Michigan System, which operates into
Detroit and other cities in the vicinity
of Ann Arbor, failed to announce a
similar reduction.
The one-way fare to Detroit will re-
main at $1.10, although the railroad
fare has been reduced to 75 cents,
it was announced yesterday at the
local bus station.
The fare to Chicago via the Central
Greyhound Line has been reduced
from $4.00 to $3.75, while the fare
to New York has been reduced from
$12.35 to $10.65. Special round-trip
fares to all points on the system will
remain in effect despite the reduction.
Last Day

LOST: A round, white-gold wrist
watch on a link bracelet with the
monogram l.R.S. on the back.
Telephone 6225. Mrs. E. R. Sunder-
land, 1510 Cambridge Road.
LOST: Tan home-knit sweater. Rag-'
land sleeves. Around Intramural
Bldg. Phone 5575. 531
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. 1x
SALE: Drive home in this comfortable
5-passenger sedan. New tires, bat-
tery, only $1.00. 1919 Geddes. 532
PEONY bloom for sale. Phone 3926.
1003 Brooks St. 533
Donald Churchi
Receives Social
Scicee Award
Donald E. Church, 521 Church
Street, a graduate student in the Uni-
versity, has been awarded the Mich-
igan-Brookiigs Fellowship for ad-
vanced study in the social sciences
during the academic year, 1936-37,
according to Leverett S. Lyon, ex-
ecutive vice-president of Brookings
Institute at Washington, D.C.
The stipend amounts to $1392 and
provides for a year's study at the
Institution. The University pays $500
and the Institution gives $892. Those.
who receive scholarships reside at the
Institution and do research work of
their own choosing with the aid of'
their staff. Some of the subjects
studied are: labor disputes, the federal
relief policy, export trade, farm legis-
lation, and federal control of motor
Mr. Church will study the federal
control of motor carriers. He has
received degrees from the University
of Nevada, the University of Cali-
fornia, and has done graduate work
at Columbia University.
Fourteen scholarships are given by
the Institution, seven in cooperation

WANTED: (male. white) Position as
fraternity porter for summer and
fall. Phone 8873. 529
WHITE lady will take full charge
cooking in fraternity next semester,
references. Box 129. 530
"Hoover Insurance & Trust Service".
has a few openings in Detroit and
Michigan which offer an excellent
opportunity to earn while receiving
a thorough practical business train-
ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to
a business career should write, Da-
vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build-
ing, Detroit. 17x
WANTED: A single room with studio
couch, quiet, near Haven Hall.
Graduate student, woman, key ad-
viser. Battle Creek High School.
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and type-
writers. Don't sell before you see
,am. Phone for appointments.
2-3640. lox
with leading universities. Universities
which have co-operative fellowship
relations with the Brookings Institu-
tion include: Yale, Cornell, Virginia,
K e n t u c k y, Pennsylvania, Brown,
Michigan, Chicago, Wisconsin, Rad-
clice, Ohio State and the Fletcher
.School of Law and Diplomacy.

TONIGHT at 8:15

The Triumph
of the Season!

Classified Directory

ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Sprinig Street.
Phone 9625. 14x
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
and refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
A. A. Stuhlman. 15x
WARNING: Only a reliable furrier
can clean your furs and fur coat
without harming the skins. 32
years of expert fur service recom-
for safe fur cleaning and storage.
Phone 8507. 16x
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.
graduate, 44 years practice, 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x
FOR RENT: Single and double rooms
for girls for the summer term. $16
up. 1511 Washltenaw Telephone
3851. 520
NEW four-room furnished apartment
near campus. Accommodates 4.
Shower, 332 East Jetlerson. Apart-
ment 4. 535
NEW three-room furnished apart-
ment near campus for summer
school, 720 South State. Apart-
ment 1. 534

All Subjects

Ian Keith
The Distiguished Screen Star
in Shakespeare's
Costumes by Norman-Bel Geddes
Lydia Mendelssohn Thedtre
NIGHTS-75c, $1 and $1:50; MATS. 56c& 75c
Phone 6300

Miller Drug
727 N. University

Ph. 9797

I .il

Townsend Investigation
Four witnesses bitterly criticized
the leadership of the Townsend old
age pension movement before a,
House investigating committee.
One witness said Townsend had
been "an autocrat and a despot and
he will have his mind changed for
him." He predicted a reorganiza-
tion at the national convention of
the movement scheduled to be held in
Cleveland in July.
According to Chirles Hawks one
of the witnesses, many leaders of the
movement welcomed the congres-
sional investigation because "if there
was anything rotten we wanted it to
come out so we could go ahead'clean"
fie told the committee that when he
became associated with the move-
ment and worked with Townsend in
California in 1934 "we never had a
thought of such a thing as politics
or profit."
Japanese Baseball
Team Enjoys Stay
(Contnued from Pave 1)
think that is erroneous or that the
Japanese gentlemen are not real
Sons of the Diamond.)
The real purpose of the Waseda
team's tour is to create good will be-
tween the United States and Japan,
Professor Kagewama explained. "Our
two great nations have much in
common," he said, "and we feel that
any relations that groups of both of
our citizens can enter into makes for
a better understanding." He de-
plored the fact that many Americans,
getting their opinion of the Nipponese
from hearsay and erroneous infor-
mation, "do not know the real Jap-

6:O0--WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty 'ryson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Onar The Mystic.
6:15-wJR Jimmy Allen.
WWJ Edwin C. Hill.
wXYz Day in Review.
CKLW Sports and News.
6 :30-W.JR Kate Smith.
WWJ Bulletins.
wXYZ Rhythm Time.
CKLW Rhythm Moments.
6:15--WJR Boake Carter.
wwJ Dinner Music.
wXYZ Rubinotf-Peerce.
CKLW Charles JBarnett's Music.
7:00--WJR Lazy Dan, Minstrel Man.
wwJ Leo Reisman's Music.
WXYZ Crime Clues.
CKLW Phil Marley 's Music.
7:30- WJR Laugh with Ken Murray.
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
wXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome Valley.
CKLW Jazz NOcturnc.
8:00-WJR Walter O'Kece:
Glen Gray's Music.
WWJ1 Vox Pop.
WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music.
CKLW Wallenstcini's S;yinhonia.
8:30- WJR Fredc i' iSylvarians.
WWJ Ed Wynn, Graham McNamee.
WXYZ Melodies ifethe Night.
CKLW lUpton Close.
8:45-CKLW Cronies.
9:00-WRJR 'Parties at Pickfair.
WWJ Benny Goolman's Music.
WXYZ Ferde Grofe.
CKLW Mario Braggiotti's; Music.
9 :15-WXY7 Tuberculosis Association.
9:30-WJR March of Time.
WWJ Salvation Army Program.
WXYZ Bob Chester's Music.
CKLW Dance Music.
9:45--WJR Hot Dates in History.
WWJ Twin City Foursome.
WXYZ Price of War.
CKLW Torn my Tompkins' Music.
10:00 -.WJR Dun'can Moore.
WWJ Amos iand Andy.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15--WJR Rhythm.
WWJ Evening ";Melodies.
CKLW Hal Halc'tt's Music.
10:30-WJR LeRoy Smith's Music.
WXYZ Ted W c"cm s' Music.
CKLW For Men Only.
l0:45--WWJ Jesse Crawford.
11:00-WJR Sleepy Hall's Mu'ic.
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
WXYZ Baker 'rwins' Music.
CKLW Enoch Light's Music.
11:15-WXYZ Rudy Valee's Music.
CKLW Mystery Lady.
11:30-WJR Jacques Fray's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Phil Levaiit's Music.
CKLW Shep Field' Musric.
11:45--wJR Solav and Violin.
12:00--WWJ BobChestr's music.
CKLW Bob Nolan's Music.
12:30--CKLW Horace Hcidt Music.
1:00-CKLW (uy Lombardo's Mu.


Ht~t~ @s hecure-








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