AGE FOUR- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 I I I THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - > w Europeans, if you please-know how to get the real core of a happy life, calm and peaceful-like. That is what constitutes living a la Europe according to stereotyped statements: First of all the wife and mother is closer to the family. She watches over all the needs and desires of her children. She determines their clothes, does their homework, and what not. It is also her duty to go through a routine of daily haranguing with the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick-maker in order to prevent her enemy, these merchants, from securing a single sou too much. tI 1 Publisned every morning except Monday during th University year and Summer Session by the Board in (oUtrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all dher matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Pos Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail mater. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertiihg Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR...............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B.Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates, I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred Delano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Women's Department: Jewel Wierfel, Chairman; Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovel, Katherine Moore, Rth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MANAGER.................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUS. MGR. ...........WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. MGR ..................JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J, Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple, Accounts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER Two Wrong Arguments... NATIONS GO TO WAR because of economic pressure. Economics de- mands that force and violence be used. And, It's an inborn characteristic of mankind to be- come angry and fight at times. Wars can't be elim- inated while humans are human. Various groups with axes to grind have oten deluded themselves or others'with these two argu- I ments-or, more strictly speaking, excuses. Last I week Prof. Max Handman very effectively stripped the last vestiges of respectability from these ex- cuses in a talk on "Economics and War" which de- serves the attention of all who feel at a loss before the excuses. In dealing with the second of them, Professor Handman made the point that modern war and the1 impulse which leads one man to smash another's nose have practically nothing in common. Cave- men may have used clubs and knives for a more ef- fective smash, but the modern private has abso- lutely no interest in seeing another private several miles away blown into atomic shreds of muscle and gut by a shell upon which he has jammed a breech- lock. In no other age before modern imperialism has long, intensively pressed war been waged. Returning to the first of the excuses, Professort Handman found that war does not relieve eco- nomic pressure in an economic manner; the remedy has proven more costly than the disease for modern dictators. And it is not the cheapest remedyt available, either, usually it is the most uneconomic possible. When the Ethiopian invasion was begun, it wasl to economics that Mussolini looked for his excuses.e Too many people in an area naturally poor in re- sources, said Il Duce, meant that Italy must ex- pand. (And, Professor Handman added, aside, for 15 years the dictator has been so impressed byt this economic stringency that the birth rate has been encouraged to increase by every imaginable device.) Economics. however, does not take such as- sertions for granted; dollars and cents accounting is often necessary to prove an action economical.I In this case, Professor Handman furnished a rough monetary picture of the Italian venture.. On the one side of the fiscal balance sheet was the actual cost of shipment, preparation, and destruc- tion of the war materials, plus the cost of carrying and settling in Ethiopia any appreciable number of Italians. Ten billion dollars was the conserva- tive total reached by Professoi Handman. For one-tenth of this amount every one of thej Italians hypothetically taken to Ethiopia could have had built and equipped the manufacturing facilities necessary to give him a real income at the very worst equal to what he might gain int Ethiopia. That would be more economic proce- dure.- And that procedure, and not war, would haver been more inherently human. It is.also assumed by every loyal wife that she must take personal charge of even the minutest domestic detail. The servants are under her con- stant surveillance, for the mistress of the house must supervise all cleaning, laundering and cook- ing; in fact, there is nothing that a servant can do which does not receive her personal sanction. That is not all. When father comes home from his long day's grind, he immediately takes over many of the burdens of his wife such as watching the domestics, scrutinizing the bills, etc. Of course-and this is always played up-the hus- band comes home for every meal, even lunch. What, then, is the basis upon which Europeans make their self-assured statements? It is quite evident that any American, if he attempted to adhere to a mode of living as rigorous as that de- scribed above would probably eventually collapse from exhaustion. What American would not re- gad as foolish this strict surveillance of details and unwavering scrutiny of petty daily routines? We do not say that America's mode of living is better than Europe's but certainly we can justi- fiably admit that it is no more pace-killing. We do things in a big way and disregard details. The European does many things, but is practically al- ways on the verge of hysteria watching the details. Ergo, if we can be said to be utilizing all available body energy, then across the Atlantic they are vio- lating the law of conservation of energy-they must be creating some somewhere. THE FORUM3 Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Lost And Found Underneath the sturdy oak tree At the scene of recent conflict (-- - noisy foolish conflict) There was found a good belt buckle Fashioned by the mighty Hickok Out of silver did he make it (Skookum hyas kloshe wampum) And upon it traced a letter Which the owner will remember. If for sentimental reasons He desires again to see it He should seek the place provided: Seek the Secretary's office, Ask the maiden for the buckle1 Telling her the inscribed letter. - A.H. Not Fun To the Editor: The editorial, "Fun For Admirals," appearing1 in your May 28th issue, was, like many another similar article, written by someone who obviouslyj has not the slightest idea what he is talking about.I In the first place it isn't fun. Is it fun when you1 get only four or five hours sleep during the twenty-four (that is an average - the 24 and 481 hour stretches without any sleep won't be dis- cussed), and those few taken mostly in snatches with your clothes on in a cramped chart room offj the bridge? Is it fun, steaming full speed in formation without any lights on a dark night,1 with your eyes straining into the darkness ahead and around you, wondering "if the other fellow" understands his orders, and will make his turn at exactly the right second and will not come plowing into you out of the night? The mention of the loss of the twelve lives and the statement that that is "off the record" is just another of the methods used by the profes- sional and amateur agitator as an attempt to; discredit any of the military forces. The loss of those twelve lives is decidedly "on the record" - the agitator sees to that - but what is truly off the record is the fact that during an equal period; of time, with the fleet anchored "safely" in a harbor of the United States, approximately twice; as many lives are lost due to accidents ashore.- And even then the Admirals don't have fun! -E.G. Inconsistency To the Editor: It seems to me that you might well be accused of inconsistency after your editorial today con- demning the Detroit papers for their bias in their news columns against the notorious Black Legion. For the day before, you printed on your front+ page an article concerning the dismissal of a local radical high school teacher which simply reeked with bias toward the radical. You ended the item by saying something to the effect that the presi- dent of the school board said that the teacher did not have the "right" attitude and then COM- MENTING, you wondered what the "right" atti- tude was. No red-baiter am I, but the glaring inconsistency did arrest my attention. Anyways, why does such a filthy organization as the Black Legion need defense from supposedly decent journalists? - Conrad Hopkins Brazil's post and telegraphs got approximately Cin hnn nnn fn , rnr - r,- , Q Ann nni f i -r. ,-mn Thne Conning Tower Stenographer's Lament My window is wide open as I look out on the town, And the sun beats on the roof tops and the tracks; And the trains roll by so quickly, and the people cluster thickly. And the shoppers run from Macy's into Saks. And my window is wide open as I look out on the town, And the mothers shush their offspring with a sock; And the typists chew their gum so, and the bosses always hum so And the liners whistle so at every dock. Ah, my window is wide open as I look out on New York And the signboards scream their wares both~ loud and dim, And the chorus walks up coldly, while the men eye them so boldly. And I'm working late at some damn boss's whim! FREEDOM LANDA One honor doth tread upon another's heel, so fast they follow. The Congress of American Poets take pleasure, they tell us in what we con- sider an understatement of their ecstasy, in ex- tending to us 'their cordial invitation to act as an honorary member of the National Poetry Council and to designate as many delegates to attend the Congress of American Poets as will adequately represent the Herald Tribune in the proceedings of the Congress on the dates most convenient to them between June 14 and October 12, 1936, and in the consideration of the subjects listed in the annexed program, with other men and women distinguished for their accomplish- ments and interest in Poetry, Literature, Drama, Music, Opera, the Theatre, Motion Pictures, Sci- ence, the Oral Arts, the Graphic Arts, the Radio Arts and Education and Culture generally." Well, if the C. of A. P. have a department of elocution, our first job as Honorary Member of the National Poetry Council would be to ask the voice culturists to read that little non-stop sentence. As that would be too much trouble we must decline to gratify the Congress's pleasure; we decine to serve. There are twenty-nine points in the program of the C. A. P. occupying twelve pages for con- centrated exposition. Point 10 reads: THE POETS AND THE PRESS AND PERIODI- CALS: The delegates are invited to expres their observations on the complaints that editors of newspapers and periodicals are depriving the pub- lic and poets of the benefit of meritous poems by requiring short poems dealing with common- place subjects. The editors are invited to present their views and suggestions. The Poets will pre- sent their views. As an editor, this is our view: More than 99 per cent of good poetry submitted to newspapers and periodicals gets printed; there are no requi- sitions of "short poems dealing with common- place subjects." Nor is there any reason why a short poem, or a long poem, dealing with a com- monplace subject should be a commonplace poem. As a Poet and not editor we don't see - we are a not too rugged individualist, and so we predict that nothing meritorious will issue as a result, direct or indirect,- of the Congress of American Poets, in session from June 14 to October 12 though it be. There are fourteen objectives of the Congress, No. 5 of which is to consider the influence of Poetry in national life. The heaven-born maid, the flowing fount of sentiment, the Divine Emol- ient has no influence in national life, let the Congress of American Poets convene until the cows start out again! But poets might have an influence in national life, especially on Election Day. Every American poet of age, and that, to judge from one day's mail, must be at least! 85,000,000, has a vote; and a President who could count on the solid poetic vote would avalanche to victory. Further Thoughts on No. 5 Resolved that poetry and versification r Have an effect upon the nation. Perhaps the Black Legion will dissolve as soon as it transpires that there is some chiseling or grafting done in the sale of uniforms and hoods. But what are the hates of the Blacks? The KKK hated Negroes, Jews and Catholics. Yet the Klan expired. We have no lofty opinion of the human race, and its capacity for love is not what it should be; love, we hear from its vic- tims, is far from eternal. But hate, we believe, is even more fleeting and volatile. It is possible to hate abstract things like injustice and even somebody else's greed. But the Blacks have to hate people, and it is hard for anybody to lash himself into a fury of hatred every morning. Our hatreds of persons vary from week to week; sometimes a month passes during which our hatred, to reverse Ring Lardner, ripens into apathy. We hate the ignorant, sadistic, silly big- otry that makes the Black Legion possible; but, not in contact with them, we feel for the persons who join such clubs great compassion. The esteemed Daily News prints what purports to be the first stanza of George Wither's "The Shepherd's Resolution"- the poem beginning "Shall I, wasting in despair?" It is, we assume, a typographical error to say that Wither was born in 1518 and died in 1667. But the stanza ends. instead of "If she not so to me." If she think not well of me, What care I how fair she be? Draw up to the curb, Colonel Patterson, andl let's see your tampering license. "Mr. Vandenberg," observes Mr. Arthur Krock in tk Tmvc "ic a lam a h t ni w h mn lilrec A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 29.-Digging over the political news files of the convention in Chicago that nominated Franklin D. Roosevelt for the presi- dency in '32 brings strikingly to mind the number of major news figures of that scene who will not stalk the Democratic convention stage at Phil- adelphia this year. Death and the vicissitudes of politics have been busy in the '32 Democratic ranks these four years. Walsh of Montana was first to fall. His death came before he could take over the cabinet seat as attorney general the President-elect had off- ered him i' There has always been speculation among those who knew the Montana senator well as to what difference in the course of New Deal legislation it might have made had he survived to become chief legal adviser of the President. Senator Walsh was a rec- ognized senate authority on constitu- tional law. He would have spoken in administration councils with a very persuasive voice when NRA and AAA' or any other New Deal measure that subsequently fell before a supreme court verdict was in the making. WOODIN AND RITCHIE SECRETARY WOODIN, Mr. Roose- velt's first treasury head, died in office. He did not play any part in the Chicago convention, however, as did Walsh as permanent chairman. When Woodin's name was first noised about as probable treasury secretary, Senator Carter Glass of Virginia hav- ing declined the post, it took much reference to the books to look him up. Then there was Huey Long of Lou- isiana. He was forever in the con- vention news in '32. His turbulent activities made a deal of "copy." Long is dead, as is Ritchie of Maryland. And who of those who watched the show at Chicago could forget Ritchie's place there. Maryland marched to that convention convinced that her I four-times governor would be nom- inated. There can be no question but that he was very close to the honor when the McAdoo-managed Califor- nia-Texas bolt to Roosevelt came. *' * CERMAK AND HOWE TONY CERMAK of Chicago also is dead, slain by a bullet fired at the President-elect. He was not only of- ficial host of that '32 convention as mayor of Chicago; but headed an Illinois-Indiana combination that might have made history but for the California-Texas plunge to theRoose- velt standard. Missing, too, in Philadelphia will be the Chicago man-of-mystery, Col. Louis Howe, the insidest man of the Roosevelt forces who sat day and night as the connecting link between the candidate at Albany and the Roosevelt forces on the floor or around the hotel lobbies. None has risen to take his place at the Presi- dent's side; but Howe's genius will not be needed in Philadelphia. Even had he lived and been in health, no. doubt he would have remained in Washington except to accompany his chief to the acceptance ceremony. Will Al Smith be at the convention? Probably not, for there is no prospect of a "stop-Roosevelt" move now. And what of "Alfalfa Bill" Murray of Ok- lahoma, Arthur Mullen of Nebraska, Bruce Kramer of Montana? Hisses, Iioos, And Cheers T o Reign At 'Drammner' Tonight Hissing and booing the villian and cheering the hero and heroine will be in order tonight at Prekete's Garden Room where the Hillel Players will present "Second Love" or "Why She Married the Other Man," an old-' fashioned melodrama of Givil War1 days. To preserve the atmosphere the play will produce, the audience will be seated at tables in the old beer garden method. Dancing will follow and refreshments will be served be- tween the acts and afterward, Nor- man Sharfman, president of the Play- ers announced. The plot will follow the oft-re- peated lines of melodrama promin- ent in the days of 1868 when it was written by J. P. Simpson. It will in- clude the villian's attempt to fore- close the mortagage, the "proud beau-- ty's" cry for help and the final rescue in a Jack Daltonish style. The play, which is the last the Players will present this year, is directed by Louise Samek, '38, and Miriam Sauls, '36. The cast in- cludes Leonard Kasle, '38, as Ralph, the hero, Joe Eisner, Grad., as the Colonel, the villian, Phyllis Diamond, '38, as the blind heroine, Madalyn Betty Meyers, '38, as the Mother, Lou Levine, '38, and Miriam Sauls, '36. T AEm A TVTna T 1T DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the alversity. Copy received at the ogfee of the Asdistant to the President mst 330; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 172 Notices Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The regu- lar June meeting of this Faculty will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall on Monday afternoon, June 1, 1936, be- ginning at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: Report of executive committee- Thorpe. R e p o r t concerning University Council-McKenzie. Report of Deans' Conferences- Kraus. Election of six members to the Uni- versity Council, and two members to the Administrative Board. (Nominat- ing Committee, Professors Cross, Carver, Schoepfle). Suggested special order relating to the filling of vacancies. To Students and Faculty Members: The Detroit Post of the Volunteers of America have appealed to students and faculty members of the Uni- vresity for cast-off shoes and cloth- ing. These are to be rehabilitated during the summer and next year will be furnished to Detroit school children in need of clothing who otherwise would not be able to attend school. Shoes and garments of all sizes can be used. It is requested that any who care to contribute to this cause should leave their contribu- tions either at the office of the Dean of Women in Barbour Gymnasium or at the Michigan Union. The following schedule will mark the lifting of the Automobile Regu- lation for students in the various colleges and departments of the Uni- versity. Exceptions will not be made for individuals who complete their work in advance of the last day of class examinations and all students enrolled in the following departments will be required to adhere strictly to this schedule. College of Literature, Science and the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, at 5 p.m. College of Architecture: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Business Administration: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Education: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Engineering: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Forestry: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Music: All classes. Tues- day, June 16, 5 p.m. College of Pharmacy: All classes. Tuesday, June 16, 5 p.m. School of Dentistry: Freshman class; Tuesday, June 9, at 12 noon. Sophomore class; Tuesday, June 9, at 5 p.m. Junior class; Tuesday, June 9, at 5 p.m. Senior class; Thursday, June 4, at 5 p.m. Hygienists; Tues- day, June 9, at 5 p.m. Law School: Freshman class; Mon- day, June 8, at 12 noon. Junior class; Wednesday, June 10, at 5 p.m. Senior class; Wednesday, June 10, at 5 p.m. Medical School: Freshman class; Friday, June 12, at 5 p.m. Sophomore class; Saturday, June 13, at 12 noon. Junior class; Saturday, June 13, at 12 noon. Senior class; Saturday, June 6,-at 5 p.m. Graduate School: All classes. Tues- day, June 16, at 5 p.m. Candidates for Masters' Degree; Tuesday, June 16, at 5 p.m. Candidates for Doctors' Degree: Saturday, June 6, at 12 noon. Assistant to the Dean of Students. W. B. Rea, The University Bureau of Appoint- ments a'nd Occupational Information has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examinations for Principal Biochemist, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Department of Agriculture, salary, $5,600; Assistant Geologist (Stratigraphy), Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, salary, $2,600; Senior Insect Patholo- gist, Associate and Assistant Ento- mologist (Taxonomy), Bureau of En- tomology and Plant Quarantine, De- partment of Agriculture, salary, $2, 600 to $4,600; Associate Assistant and Park Historian, National Park Ser- vice, Department of the Interior, salary, $2,600 to $3,800. For further information concerning these exam- inations call at 201 Mason Hall, of- fice hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information: Seniors or graduate students interest- ed in taking the Civil Service Exam- inations for positions in connection with the Indian Service will please see Mrs. Brooks at the office of the Bu- reau, 201 Mason Hall, Monday or Tuesday, June 1 and 2. Office hours 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Senior Engineers: Today is the last day to get your cap and gown for Swingout and Commencement. They will be distributed at the Michigan League from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dis- tribution room is posted on the League bulletin board. Bring your class dues receipt. Sophomore and Junior Civil Engi- nH~crpAiansy S mmar mnrk n A recently initiated may obtain their certificates by calling at the Dean of Students' office in University Hall to see Miss Scanlan. Please call for them as soon as possible. Notice to all members of the Michi- gan Wolverine: A dividend of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) has been apportioned among members on the basis of meal tickets purchased. Your portion of the dividend and rebate of your Six Dollar fee will be payable beginning Friday, May 29, 1936.Pre- sentation of membership cards must be made at time of rebate. No re- bates will be made after June 1, 1937. Academic Notices Sniors in History 92 and Psychol- ogy 31: In order to record the grades of seniors who are enrolled in History 92 and Psychology 31, the Executive Committee of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts has found it necessary to arrange two examina- tions for these courses. All students who are not seniors will write the examination on the date indicated in the original examination schedule. All seniors, and only seniors, should present themselves in accordance with the following schedule: History 92, Friday, June 5, 2 p.m., Lecture Room, West Physics Bldg. Psychology 31, Friday, June 5, 2 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Students who must write the earlier examinations will be excused from classes which meet at the examina- tion period, upon notifying the in- structors of Friday classes. English 284: Members of English 284 will find certain theses on deposit in Graduate Reading Room No. 2. These theses should be read before June 8. Members of English 284 will meet at the usual time and place, Monday, June 1. J. R. Reinhard. Exhibition Chinese Art: Ink rubbings from ancient monuments of the Han, "Six- Dynasties" and T'Ang periods. Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. No admission charge. Events Of Today Varsity Band: All members must report at Morris Hall at 9 a.m. for Memorial Day parade. Coming Events Student Recital: Marjorie Parsons, pianist, and Walter Jones, baritone, students of the School of Music, will provide a miscellaneous program of numbers, to which the general pub- lic is invited, at the School of Music Building, Room 305, Tuesday evening, June 2, at 8:15 p.m. The program is as follows: Gigue from Suite in E major . . .Bach Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3 ......Beethoven Scherzo Allegro assai Marjorie Parsons L'Angelus.....Bourgault-Ducoudray La Maison Grise . . . Andre Messager Ich grolle nicht........Schumann Wohin..................Schubert Walter Jones Etude, Op: 25, No. 11 .. Chopin Prelude in C major ......Prokofieff Gnomenreigen...............Liszt Marjorie Parsons Morning Hymn ........... .enschel May-Day Carol.......Deems Taylor The Song of Momus to Mars . .Boyce The Pretty Creature ........Wilson Walter Jones Iota Sigma Pi: The final meeting of the year will be held in the form of an outdoor breakfast on Sunday, May 31, at Mrs. Oliphant's Place, Barton Pond at 9:00 a.m. The cost of the breakfast will be thirty cents. There will be swimming and canoeing. Thosc wishing transportation should meet at the Women's League by 8:45 a.m. Election'of officers will also take place. Michigan Dames: Book Group will meet June 3 with Mrs. James Brad- bury, 1517 S. State. All members meet at 7:30 at Michigan League lobby. Transportation will be pro- vided. Alpha Gamma Sigma: All members who are bringing their lunches or are going to eat at Palmer Field meet;at 108 Forest at 5 p.m. on Monday night, June 1, for Lantern night. Senior women wear their caps and gowns. Undergraduates wear ribbons of their class colors; juniors, yellow, sopho- more, red; freshman, green. Stalker Hall, Sunday: 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Prof. Geo. Carrothers will speak on "Why Go to School?" 7 p.m. Fellowship Hour and supper. First Methodist Church, Sunday: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on the subject "Tasks of an American," at the morning service at 10:45 a.m. Harris Hall: Sunday evening there Europe Vs. America .. . 0ERHAPS it is merely an ancient (50 year) custom, or maybe it serves as a balm for some type of inferiority complex, or it may be a result of any number of malicious causes, but whatever it is, this business of deprecatorially calling Americans sneedv. driving pace-killers is