SAGE TWO TIHI MITII4AN 1DULY3 SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1936 iI - -i_ _a SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1938 NEWS Of The DAY (From The Associated Press) The Black Legion Reaches Grand Rapids Grand Rapids yesterday befame the most recent city in the limelight of Black Legion investigations, with Prosecutor Bartel J. Jonkman plan- ning to reopen his investigation of the strange death of Cornelius Van- derveen on Christmas Day of 1934, to deternline whether he might have been the victim of a Black Legion ride. Vanderveen was found dead in his home, horribly burned from the waist down, and while it was suggested that his death might have been a ritualistic murder, an unsatisfactory verdict of acciental death was finally arrived at. Evidence pointed to the fact that the victim had been burned in the nude, and then carefull dressed after his death, and Coroner Harmon C. Wolfe suggested that the agony of the first and second degree burns Vanderveen sucered would have pre- vented him from dressing himself in the socks, underwear, and two pairs of trousers the body wore when found. The prosecutor said he might ask permission from East Lansing to ques- tion witnesses with the aid of a lie detector. Meanwhile Congressional leaders planned to add to their already overburdened list .of investigations a joint probe of the Legion, announcing that they would take steps to set up an investigating committee early next week. -Associated Press Photo. Olivia Garvin, 19-year-old ne- gress, accused cf the slaying of a white man, S. E. Harlan, WPA truck driver, is shown in jail at Hobart, Okla., after officers saved her from a mob of 200 led by Harlan's widow who stormed the county jail at Altus, Okla. White, Sellars To Lead, Church Panel's Sunday Featured among the services of Ann Arbor churches tomorrow will be the service at the Unitarian Church where Prof. A. H. White and Prof. R. W. Sellars will lead a panel discus- sion on "The Church in War Time." A confirmation service for 22 chil- dren and adults will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church. At 10:45 a.m. the morning worship will be held at the Church of Christ (Disciples) with the Rev. Fred Cowin delivering the sermon. The guild will meet at 5:30 p.m. for a picnic supper and program on the Huron river. The morning services of the First. Presbyterian Church are at 10:45 a.m. The Rev. William P. Lemon will preach on "The Religion of a Pa- triot." The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will speak on "Good News for the World," and Prof. Preston Slosson will lec- ture on "Masaryk, Champion of Lib- eralism" at 10:30 a.m. at the morning services of the First Congregational Church. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a.m. at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, and the morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leach will be held at 11 a.m. The Rev. Henry Lewis will lead a discus-f sion at the student meeting at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall. Average Of 'C' Will Be Asked In Engineering New Requirement Applies Especially In Chemical Engineering Department In view of the increased technical requirements of the engineering pro- fession, the faculty of the engineer- ing college in a meeting Wednesday decided to insist upon the mainten- ance of an average grade of "C" in scholastic work. This applies particularly in chemi- cal engineering where the perform- ance in courses is closely related to the actual work in the industry. According to Dean A. H. Lovell "the delinquency committee has been len- ient toward the backward student during the depression because no job was available in industry if he were sent from college, and he could make some progress in his studies. "Now that technical employment is available in good measure, the com- mittee will return to its customary standards and bear down heavily on students whose performance is be- low standard." Prof. B. F. Bailey, head of the de- partment of electrical engineering, was elected a member of the Uni- versity Council at the meeting to represent the engineering school un- til 1940, replacing Prof. A. H. White of the chemical engineering depart- ment, whose term expires this year. The faculty approved the establish- ment of a cooperative course between the department of mechanical en- gineering and the Detroit Edison Co., a similar arrangement having exist- ed for eight years with the electrical engineering department under the administration of Prof. S. S. Atwood. Oliver B. Bowen of Los Angeles, a civil engineer and a former student in engineering here, was granted the degree of B. S. in Civil Engineering as of his class of 1911. Civil Service Has Political Backing LANSING, May 29. - (P) -A state- ment from Dr. James K. Pollock, chairman of the State Civil Service Study Commission, indicated today the commission has the support of politicians. "In giving jobs to a few and deny- ing them to many, the politicians create more enemies than friends and say that as a result the spoils system costs them votes," explained Pollock. The commission chairman declared state employes favor the merit system because it will add security to their jobs. 11 :00-WJR George Givot's Radio Circus. WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. WXYZ Franklin Waltman. CKLW Shep Field's Music. I:15-WXYZ 400 Club. 11:30-WJR Frankie Masters' Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Baker Twins. CKLW Joe Sander's Music. 12:00-WJR At Close of Day. wWJ Bob Chester's Music. WXYZ Bert Stock'ssMusic. CKLW Al Katz' Music. 12:30-CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music. 1:00-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. Sox Fly As Hopwood Winner Forgets Vow To Change Old Sox Arthur A. Miller, recipient of a minor Hopwood award for drama, is also the proud possessor of a new pair of socks. When he began to write his prize- winning play, Miller vowed not to change his socks until the awards had been made. But upon receiving the glad tidings, he completely for- got his pledge. A coterie of his friends, headed by his frantic roommate, immediately repaired to the nearest haberdashery and purchased a pair of gaudy hose, upon which were inscribed the fol- lowing quotation: "Yours, till the major Hopwoods." From the latest reports, his roommate has moved back into the room. GuteDeits 1 ScientIif ic Work On BlankSpt (Continued from Page 1) LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox Careful work at low price. _ _._..__ .._ _.w. _ . darned lx EMPLOYMENT WANTED JOB WANTED: Colored porter during summer or part time odd jobs. Call 2-2016 before 10:30. 528 SITUATION WANTED: Experienced couple, good cook and porter for fraternity house, first semester, references. Call 9371. 526 EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: The "Hoover Insurance & Trust Service" has a few openings in Detroit and Michigan which offer an excellent opportunity to earn while receiving a thorough practical business train- ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to a business career should write, Da- vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build- ing, Detroit. 17x FOR RENT FOUR or five room apartment for summer or school year. 209 N. In- galls. Phone 3403. 525 SUMMER SCHOOL students: Spa- cious cool rooms, showers, near campus. Meals optional. 640 Oxford. 2-2605. 523 And, he concluded, anyone who wishes to take a part in this work and feels qualified should communicate with him for the blank spots are numerous and only workers are scarce. FOR RENT: Single and double rooms for girls for the summer term. $16 up. 1511 Washtenaw. Telephone 3851. 520 SUMMER STUDENTS: Light cool rooms. Special rates. Porter serv- ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks. 915 Oakland. 7458. 504 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Scottish terrier pups. Registered A.K.C. Marvelous pedi- grees. Healthy, sturdy, lovable. Priced for quick sale. 1313 S. State. 524 All fraternity parlor, dining, kitchen, study, and dormitory furniture and equipment at No. 816 Tappan. On display for sale from 3 to 5 o'clock Saturday, June 6, 1936. Possession given after June 16, 1936. Lewis G. Chistman, Trustee. Phone 2-3885. 527 NOTICES MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhlman. 15x WARNING: Only a reliable furrier can clean your furs and fur coat without harming the skins. 32 years of expert fur service recom- mends ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 16x V laied Direetory IM-1 wi r Iu EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and type- writers. Don't sell before you see gam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox for study. The solidified remnants of violent prehistoric volcanic activity, in the form of dikes and plugs, will' be examined for foreign fragments. These, it is hoped, may shed some light on minerals lying far beneath the surface of.the earth. In the field of archeology the an-r cient Indians of the region will form a subject of investigation. From one burial cave of the earliest known group, the Basket Makers, has al- ready been taken every type of relic ever found associated with that cul- ture. Further search of the Black Mesa, south of the present operations, may disclose a "missing link" bridg- ing a gap of three centuries in the history of the Pueblo Indians and their descendants, the Hopis. Ethnologists interested in the ;od- ern native of the Southwest propose to record by picture and notes the peculiar customs of the Navajos, Hopis, Paiutes and other inhabitants of the area. The ability which the more sedentary tribes have displayed in supporting themselves from crops grown under such unfavorable con- ditions will also be studied, according to present plans. Obviously, Dr. Gpthe added after presenting this outline of the expedi- tion's plans, there is more than a plentiful amount of work to be done. -- _ _ MICHIGAN STARTING SUNDAY 1 Washington- Passamaquoddy Again The ugly spectres of the Passama- quoddy tide harnessing project and the Florida Ship Canal reared up again in the Senate yesterday, as ad- ministration efforts to change those presidential projects into Congres- sional appropriations blocked im- mediate approval of the first de- ficiency bill for relief, currently set at $2,370,000,000 and gave omen of a heated fight over the two orphanned projects today. New Deal spokesman tried to in- ject into the deficiency bill an amend- ment which would authorize new al- locations to the projects if they were approved by boards of engineers, ap- pointed to study them by none other than President Roosevelt. Senator Vandenberg of Michigan as usual led the fight against the amendment, say- ing that it would obligate the govern- ,ment to continue the projects for a year if the engineers approved them, an "absurd" arrangement unelss Congress was "ready to see them through completely." Senators Add One Per Cent Boost To Tax Also SAM STOLLER MICKEY MOUSE Cartoon with PAUL TOMPKINS Finance Committee Raises Rate On Incomes From $6,000 To $50,000 WASHINGTON, May 29.-( P)-De- ciding suddenly on a one per cent boost in the rate on all individual in- come surtax brackets between $6,000 and $50,000, the Senate Finance committee today wrote this increase into its drastic revision of the House tax bill and sent the battle-scarred measure to the Senate. As it emerged from weeks in com- mittee, the revenue program carried only fragments of President Roose- velt's original tax suggestions. It ignored the chief executive's newly reiterated proposal for steep levies on undistributed corporation profits. Acting Chairman King (Dem., Utah) reported to newsmen that the committee had voted down by a 13 to 5 margin a final attempt by Sen- ator 'Black (Dem., Ala.) to swerve it over toward the higher undivided corporate profits tax recommended by the President. Immediately, thereafter the com- mittee ratified an agreement on the much revised compromise, on which the chief executive frowned at a' Tuesday night conference with Demo- cratic committeemen. The committee's action served to transfer the conflict over the bill to the Senate floor. Leaders planned to start it through a crossfire of debate early next week. But with some Sen- ators already serving notice that they EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ King's Jesters. CKLW Vincent York's Music. 6:15-WJR Rhythm Review. WWJ Human Side of News. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Joe Gentile. 11:30--WJR Musical. WWJDinner Hour. WXYZ Key Ring. CKLW Sherlock Holmes. 6:45-WJR Carl Rupp's Music. wXYZ Rubinoff-Peerce. 7:00-WJR Ziegfeld Follies of the Air. WWJ The Last March. WXYZ Town Talk. CKLW Al Kavelin's Music. 7 :15-WXYZ Sandlotters. 7:30--CKLW Oklahoma Bob Albright. WWJ Springtime. WXYZ Boston Symphony Orchestra. CKLW Oklahoma Bob Albright. 8 :00-WJR Salon Moderne. WJ Frank Pay Callin'. 8:15-CKLW S. S. Queen Mary. 8:30-WJR Strange as it Seems. WWJ Smith Ballew: Guests. WXYZ National Barn Dance. CKLW Let's Go to Music Hall. 8 :45-WJR Sports on Parade. 9:00-WJR "Your Hit Parade." CKLW Titans Of Science. 9 :30-WVWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Ferde Grofe's Music. CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music. 9:45-WXYZ Anthony Trini's Music. CKLW Sophie Tucker. 10:00-WJR Nick Lucas' Music. WWJ Sport Celebrities. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Baseball Scores: News. 10:15-WJR Transcontinental Dash Finish. WXZD Bob Chester's Music. WWJ Dance Music. CKLW Kay Kyser's Music. 10:30-WJR Rackets Expose. WWJ Dance Music. wXYZ S. S. Queen Mary Broadcast. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. cc ro uIS JUST AS SILENT. And this noiseless operation of Electrolux is evidence of its.basically different refrigerating method-no machinery at all. It's the key to every one of the famous Electrolux advantages. Opening TODAY at 3:15 and 8:15 roinorrow Night at 8:15! The Climax of the Season 4 Days Starting Today Continuous Performance 1:00 to 11 P.M. Balcony 25c Orchestra 35c UISTORY7MA(ING P4 lIRT iR AVYA L S UN A III ST O RY- MAKING DRAMAi Vast as the continlent in its scope! Vital as al1 humanity in its story The Distinguished Screen Star IAN KEITH in Shakespeare's "HAMLET"' with ESTELLE WINWOOD Costumes by Norman-Bel Geddes Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre NIGHTS-75c, $1 and $1.50; MATS. 50c & 75c Phone 6300 cash helped us" . "We were putting off a visit to the dentist because we already owed him a largeN bill. Then our next door neighbor told us how you lend cash to single and married people-on their own signatures- so we came to your office. We got enough to pay the old bill and have new work done. ton. Now we renav a sma1l amnunt f No moving parts to wear * Lasting efficiency *,Continued low operating cast * Fullest food protection * Savings that pay for it THERE'S good rea- son for the silence - the permanent silence- of Electrolux. It hasn't a single moving part! A tiny gas flame does all the work. - This simplicity ac- counts also for the great- er efficiency of Electro- lux .. . and for the ever- growing popularity of this modern gas refrigerator! Already, Electrolux has been the choice for more than half a mil- lion American homes and anart- 11 ,, d ELECTROLUX SERVEL97Iar move cannot wear or cause trouble! Remember, too: the constant, steady cold of Electrolux-24 hours a day, winter and summer -keeps perishables and left-overs fresh for days. Owners find that sav- ings on food bills and refrigerating cost actu- ally pay for Electrolux, See the beautiful new 1936 mod- els for yourself. Inspect the many worthwhile Electrolux conven- :nrno th at nc uilin, v .l THE starring EDWARD ARNOLD (By arrangement ithB B . P.Sctuberg) With LEE TRACY BINNIE BARNES Katharine Alexander are Electrolux Refrigerators. Electrolux runs for only a few pennies a day ... and this cost will n he mnrac l ah i