THE MICHIGAN DAILY IICHIGAN DAILY .,, i A, T , Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and- Summer Session by the Board in Con trol of Student Publications. r4EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newscdispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office 'at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. 8ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; b~y mail., $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. nomic democracy, in addition to the quadrennia ballot-box democracy, exceedingly difficult. Two Sore Thumbs. T IS BAD political strategy, it seems to us, for a President, whose cam- paigning is self-admittedly going to be "history' to attempt to take another chance with those two sore thumbs, the Florida Canal and the Passa- maquoddy (Me.) Dam. The Florida and Passamaquoddy projects are among the more unsavory developments of the Roosevelt Administration's public works program They smacked of politics and/or inefficiency, al- through when U.S. Army engineers, and a score of private construction experts decried them as un- sound, the former seems the more likely. = Finally, after millions of dollars had been expended on them, during which time even our own University engineering faculty said neither of the projects could possibly succeed, Senator Vandenberg's in- cessant attacks on them forced the President to call them off. Senator Vandenberg did a worthy work in so battling such foolishness. He is doing worthy work now in attempting to stop the President from forc- ing revival of those projects. Why on earth Mr. Roosevelt is trying to waste money, for that is what it amounts to, he admitted himself, at a time like this, when all good New Dealers should be declaring publicly that expenses should be curtailed as much as possible, we can- not imagine. The political pull in Maine and Flor- ida must be strong indeed, despite the fact that we hear reports that a sizeable portion of the people in those states think the projects undesirable. Maybe it's the heat, or maybe the President misses the counsel of the late Louis McHenry Howe. BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..................ELSIE A. PIERCE AS MIATE EDITOR ...............FRED WARNER NEAL AS .CATE EDITOR ..........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralpih Hurd, William E. Shacketon William Spailer. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editoxs: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates; I. S. Silverman. Sports 'Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred D'eLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- bth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. .BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MANAGER.................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUS. MGR..............WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. 'MOR ..................JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple; Accounts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: I. S. SILVERMAN A Plank From The Socialists... O NE OF THE PLANKS in the Social- ist platform adopted at Cleveland this week should provoke some thought at least among the followers of the two older parties. It is the paragraph referring to the Constitution, which reads:I "The adaptation of the Constitution to the needs of the times, among other things, through the farmers' and workers' rights amendment end- ] ing the usurped power of the Supreme Court to declare social legislation unconstitutional and granting the power to acquire and operate indus- tries; through an amendment making future amendments less difficult, and the child labor amendment." The power of the Supreme Court to declare leg- islation unconstitutional is not "usurped." We do not favor the government operation of indus- tries. Nevertheless, this paragraph does point to the rather striking fact that despite a knowledge of what needs to be done to improve the lot off labor and agriculture, and despite a willingness1 to do it, the people of the United States are pow- erless to help themselves. Much money has been wasted and much valuable time lost in the voiding of New Deal measures to help labor and the farmer. Perhaps it is thel fault of the administration, as Republicans con- tend, but certain labor legislation which should be passed, indeed must be passed, legislation such as the 30-hour week and, the minimum wage, can- not be passed under the Constitution as it stands. Perhaps the New Deal did act unwisely in au-j thorizing the expenditure of large sums in the1 organization of the NRA machinery, in view of its possible invalidation, and in protracting the test1 case; nevertheless, we credit them with havingl perceived and encouraged the direction in whichf our social philosophy must move if we are not, to carry on unadjusted to the point of intoler- ability.; It is a dangerous precedent, to make the Con-1 stitution easy to amend. It is, however, utterly' incomprehensible that we should alloiv the fear of too great flexibility to prevent us from doing that which common sense and even self-preservation dictates - amend the Constitution. o_ THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving- the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial inortance and interest to the campus. Commission And Omssin To the Editor: In the first place, I fail to see why The Daily prefers to burden its editorial page with reviews of a dead season's plays, plays which opened early in the winter, and are no longer of the slightest interest to The Daily's great reading public. But that is not the point of this letter. Thursday's Daily ran a review of "Dead End," outstanding play of the New York season now defunct, by a Mr. C. Hart Schaaf, who, it seems, has an interest in the drama unaffected by the passage of time. It is only laughingly that I call the column a review, of course, because it is actually no more the whispering of Mr. Schaaf's "Intelligence," telling us - and how startled we are - that "somehow, sometime these luckless individuals were twisted away from normalcy by forces for which all society is responsible." Now this has been pointed out many times before by competent critics, and while the play was still young. Many other important sociolog- ical factors in the new play which seem to have escaped Mr. Schaaf were also discovered by the play's earlier critics. For example, The Daily's critic has either failed to notice or failed to appre- ciate the dangerous admiration and hero-worship of the gangster by the urchins who frequent the dock and the dirty river which it graces. The only original conclusion which Mr. Schaaf has come to is that "Dead End" should be pre- sented in every corner of the country. This is, it is true, a splendid sentiment, but for those of us, who were not privileged to see the play, it is quite inadequate. We would like, for instance, to learn something about the sets, which, it is reported in this far corner of the country, were designed by Norman-Bel. Geddes, and we would like to know something more about the characters. During the last five or six months we have learned enough about the social implications of the play to realize that Mr. Schaaf failed to understand most of them. He could have done us a real service had he told us something about the dra- matic aspects of the play, and left the rest to some of his more distinguished colleagues. But, I suppose, C. Hart Schaaf will continue to write his little essays on his intelligence in spite of -all that can be said to belittle the subject. The Daily is like that.--A.SD. Too Polite- To the Editor: Why should we American university students take everything lying down without even offering a bit of resistance to the bilge that is handed us on a silver platter? I am not an anarchist advocating revolution but merely a student dar- ing our betters to give us what we deserve. American students are too polite. In Europe a professor is expected to have studied his subject and know it perfectly. If he goes off on a tangent in order to hide his ignorance of his assigned topic, his audience soon lets him know in no uncertain terms. Here in this country, instructors of higher learning think that they can go play- ing golf any time they wish and can get away the next day in class without saying anything of importance. Yet as intelligent as we .are (or like to think that we are), we take it all very calmly and never raise a whimper of protest. A learned man on our campus who comes from Europe informs me (off the record) that Euro- pean artists think American audiences are "easy." No matter how poor the performance, the audi- ences invariably applaud for encore after encore. The press here is no better able to distinguish a good performance from a mediocre one. Critics TheConnin Tower Hymn of Hate List with the meanest and lowest of crooks Those who tear pages from telephone books. LARRY MULHEARN Not one in five winners of sweepstake prizes give their names on blanks; pseudonyms, like "I Need It Badly," "Baby Needs Shoes," "The Lucky Four" are common. This is not founded, we believe, so much on a fear that the bees soliciting alms, insurance, and real estate will swoop down on the sweepstakes honey as it is on the supersti- tion that if a person signs a wrong name, especially one that coppers one's luck --it is the old touch- wood evil-eye stuff -like "The Unlucky Kesslers" and "Hope We Win." Of course, "The Lucky Four," 528 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, won a consola- tion prize, but one can imagine the signer putting quotes around "Lucky," br, if he didn't think quotes, said to himself, "Yo, lucky!" It seems that this year's Newdigate Prize has been won by D. M. DerWinser, a member of the Oxford crew. The poem is called "Rain," and four lines of it were printed in Sunday's Herald Tribune. They follow: The city worker, buried like a mole, Sees not the drops upon the window pane, And thinking of his boss, says, in his soul "No golf or tennis. Goody, goody! Rain!' Mr. Winser said that he was "afraid that it wasn't a very good poem"; that it didn't rhyme, and that he wasn't sure what meter it was in. We don't believe it; that is, we don't believe that he thinks that it doesn't rhyme; and we doubt that he doesn't know what meter it is in, though it doesn't matter. It probably is in dactylic pentameter. The city worker over here feels this way about rain: The' city worker, buried like a mole, Hears but the tapping on his office glass; And in his tiny dessicated soul Fears that his golf may suffer on wet grass. Thoughts while strolling: What became of the phone girls who used to say "ni-yun" with the long i? - 0. 0. McIntyre in the Hearst papers. What do they say now? Ninn? Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! On the 30th of May in Hancock County there was an air of decorous festivity. Early in the morning the flags were unfurled and hung from1 front porches and upstairs windows. Colonel) Niepling and old Captain Wilson hung out their flags, the decrepit appearance of which you always deplored. Why hang out these battle-riddled shreds? While your own bright new flag waved and uttered, these ancient banners swung heavily as if they were tired and stiff and sorrowful - as well they might be. The Ladies Aid Society in their best black silk dresses, drove down to Maple Grove Cemetery in family sureys and phaetons where the flowers1 they had amassed from friends and neighbors awaited them. The old soldiers plodded down re- inforced by Company "A" and a drum corps. Uncle Will could not march because of that formerl wound in his leg but he was eagerly awaiting hist comrades at the cemetery gates. He wore his nice blue uniform and his broad-brimmed hat and his badges. His moustache and his "goatee" were neatly trimmed and he looked very smart in spite of his pale-wasted face. There were many soldiers' graves to be decorated with flowers, to be fresh-.. ened with new flags in the iron braces, to be sere- naded softly by the feeble little fife and drum corps. There was one tract where so many soldiers weret buried that when all the new flags were installed they glowedi like a small field of popies - or bleed- ing hearts. As they went here and there through the trees, one heard the fife and drum corps piping and beating for each soldier so peacefully sleeping under his mound of garden flowers. Now on the 30th of May in Hancock County the pretentious little Country Club opened for the season with a bang. Plenty of rich food, plenty of music and dancing commemorate the deaths of young men who lay rotting on the battle fields. Not that there are not patriots among the dancers. There are substantial citizens who urged the pur-] chase of Liberty bonds, whose zeal was untiring1 in getting up "drives," whose hatred of Germany was so intense as to burn books printed in the German language, to smash Wagnerian Victor rec- ords; but whose active participation in the late lamented conflict was restricted to the manufac-. ture of wartime necessities, with its gratifying financial returns. There are men who came back+ from the war, but their wrath against Germany never rose to such fury as that of those others who stayed at home. There is still a small com-, pany of the faithful who decorate the graves, but there is a far greater crowd to celebrate the open-, ing of the Country Club. The noise of the thump- ing drums and bellowing brasses is heavy and loud but sometimes between dances when well-fed Han- cock County is wiping sweaty brows and wilting collars or adjusting its elastic girdles over jutting+ hips and derrieres, you may even hear faintly through the years the strains of the little fife and drum corps marching through Maple Grove Ceme- k tery from sleeping soldier to sleeping soldier. B. ROSS Mr. Zioncheck, the shrinking anemone of Seattle, says that he is an amazing tennis player. Whom does his game amaze? Why, we doubt that he could get a set from Miss Mayme McDonald,, who was woman's champion - or runner-up - of the Seattle district about thirteen years ago. As a traffic officer of the Newspaper Guild, Poets' Local No. 1, we demand that Mr. Levy show his license; not that it will do any good. We'll give him a sentence anyway; let him write couplets until lie gets one to rhyme. - F.P.A. applauded because they felt it their duty to help A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 28.-If Gov- ernor Lehman does not run again in New York-and it will remain an "if" right down to nomination time in September no matter how "adam- ant" the governor's mind may be to- day-the sturdy figure of Sen. Bob Wagner is apt to march across that political stage again. His role would be completely reversed this year, however, from that for which he was slated in the Democratic state con- vention of '32. At that time a far stronger Tam- many put the Senator forward to beat Lehman out of the nomination. It took the combined influence of Al Smith and the party presidential nominee, Franklin Roosevelt, then governor, to block that Tammany move. Gossip has it that Roosevelt virtually drafted the Senator to con- tinue in that body where he was ad- vised he would be far more useful to the impending Democratic national administration than he would be at Albany. Whatever the argument, Wagner announced on the eve of the convention that he was a candidate for the Senate only. MIGHT BE DRAFTEDl ODDLY enough, it could happen that the situation would be just reversed for Wagner by September. He has been among the staunchest New Deal supporters in the Senate. He might find himself drafted this year by Washington to run for gov- ernor if Lehman is actually out. His labor record, his Tammany back- ground-perhaps even the fact that he is not eligible for the presidency or vice-presidencybecause he is of foreign birth-could make him an important cog in the strategy of the New Deal. President Roosevelt has gone this far without building up any figure in his cabinet or among his alpha- betical advisers or in the Senate or House into heir-apparent proportions for 1940. Whether that is happen- stance or design does not matter. The governorship of New York has so long been such a steppingstone for men ambitious for the presidency. With Wagner at Albany, that route would be closed and the Democrats in '40 must look elsewhere, probably to the west, for a nominee. CURIOUS POLITICAL CAREER W AGNER'S political career has been a curious one. He was per- fectly happy as a New York state judge when one of Al Smith's cam- paigns for the governorship made his nomination for the Senate desirable. In effect, at any rate, so the story ran, he was drafted into national po- litical life by Smith just as much asJ Franklin Roosevelt was drafted for the governorship in '28 as a part of Smith's campaign for the presidency. Now it could happen that Wagner may be drafted back to state, and out of national, political service as an element of the Roosevelt reelection+ campaign. Which would put Al Smith in' something of a fix. Could he fail to give enthusiastic support to Wag- ner for governor although in so do- ing he would be indirectly but very importantly aiding Roosevelt? FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 171 Notices Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- Lure, Science and the Arts: The regu- lar June meeting of this Faculty will be held in-Room 1025 Angell Hall on ,Monday afternoon, June 1, 193, be- ginning at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: Report of executive committee- Thorpe. R e p o r t concerning University Council-McKenzie. Report of Deans' Conferences- Kraus. Election of six members to the Uni- versity Council, and two members to the Administrative Board. (Nominat- ing Committee, Professors Cross, Carver, Schoepfle). Suggested special order relating to the filling of vacancies. Sphinx: There will be a picnic to- day. Members will meet at 3 p.m. behind the Union. Graduates of the Class of '36: Your Alma Mater desires to keep in touch with you. Please send your future changes of address, as they occur, to the Alumni Catalog Office, mem- orial Hall, University of Michigan. Lunette Hadley, Director. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8 until 10 p.m. this evening to observe the moon. Children must be accom- panied by adults. Hopwood Awards: Announcement will be made of the Hopwood Awards at 4 p.m., today in the ballroom of the Union. The meeting is open to the public, R. W. Cowden. Physical Education for Women: Tests in Archery, Golf and Tennis are to be given today from 2 to 4 p.m. on Palmer Field. Canoeing tests will be given at- the Canoe livery at the same time. Those students wishing to take the above tests are asked to sign with the matron at the Women's Athletic Bldg. Swimming tests will be given on Tuesday night, June 2 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Union Pool. Students wishing to take the Riding Test should meet at Barbour Gym- nasium on June 1, 2, 3, or 4 at 3:20 p.m. To All Members of the Faculty and" Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- tain that any telephones will not be used during the summer months, please notify Mr. Shear in the Busi- ness Office. A saving can be effected if instruments are disconnected for a period of a minimum of three months. Herbert G. Watkins. Contemporary: All those who have contributed manuscripts this year are urged to call for them at the Contemporary office, Student Publi- cations Building, before 5:30 p.m. to- day. University Bureau of Appoint- ments: Junior or Senior women in- terested in post-graduate training for nursing, public health work or super- visory positions in hospital adminis- tration will please call at the office of the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall for information regarding the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Western Reserve University. A science, social-service, physical- education or pre-medical background is advisable. X Notice to all members of the Michi- gan Wolverinc: A dividend of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) has been apportioned among members on the basis of meal tickets purchased. Your portion of the dividend and rebate of your Six Dollar fee will be payable beginning Friday, May 29, 1936. Pre- sentation of membership cards must be made at time of rebate. No re- bates will be made after June 1, 1937.1 Faculty, School of Education: The regular meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, June 1, twelve o'clock noon, at the Michigan Union. Conflicts in Final Examinations, College of Engineering: Your atten- tion is called to the rule which re- quires that all conflicts be reported to me not later than June 2nd. In- structions for reporting conflicts are posted on the Bulletin Board adja- cent to my office, 3223 East Engineer- ing Bldg. - J. C. Brier. Summer Employment in Grand Rapids. Mr. Glenn Chamberlain, General Manager of the Grand Rap- ids Gas Light Company, has advised me that they are willing to employ a number of college men, preferably engineers, during the summer while they are changing the Grand Raids gas distribution from manufactured to natural gas. He is willing to re- ceive written applications from col- 'lege students whose homes are in Grand Rapids. Alfred H. White. Academic Notices English 284: Members of English 284 will find certain theses on deposit in Graduate Reading Room No. 2. These theses should be read before June 8. Members of English 284 will meet at the usual time and place, Monday, June 1- J. R. Reinhard. Anthropology 32 will meet in Room 231 Angell Hall on Friday, May 29 and on Monday, June 1. Exhibition Islamic Art sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art. Open daily through May 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall, North and South Galleries. No ad- mission charge. Chinese Art: Ink rubbings from ancient monuments of the Han; "Six- Dynasties" and T'Ang periods. Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. No admission charge. Events Of Today Delta Epsilon Pi: The last regular meeting of this semester will be'held today at 8 p.m. at the Michigan Union. It is important that all members be present. lillel Players: Cast of "Second Love" will hold dress rehearsal at Prekete's Garden Room instead of at Hillel Fouhdation as originally planned. Coming Events Iota Sigma Pi: The final meeting of the year will be held in the form of an outdoor breakfast on Sunday, May 31, at Mrs. Oliphant's Place, Barton Pond at 9:00 a.m. The cost of the breakfast will be thirty cents. There will be swimming and canoeing. Those wishing transportation should meet at the Women's League by 8:45 a.m. Election of officers will also take place. Michigan Dames: Book Group will meet June 3 with Mrs. James Brad- bury, 1517 S. State. All members meet at 7:30 at Michigan League lobby. Transportation will be pro- vided. Kansas State College Alumni, with President Farrell as speaker, will hold reunion in Michigan League, Satur- day, June 6, at 6 p.m. Roger Williams Guild: Annual Memorial Day hike. Meet at Guild House at 2 p.m. on Saturday to hike up the river. Call 7332 for reservations by Friday noon. Small charge for I refreshments. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the llversity. Copy received at the office of the As.estant to the President att3:30;11:00 am, on Saturday. Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files May 29, 1926 All Wetteran . C H. WETTERAU, vice-president of the American National Bank in Nashville, Tenn., told members of the Illinois Bankers' Association meeting in St. Louis Wednes- day .that "we hold our charters at the will of the American public, and it is to that public we have to account.", Those are sweet-sounding words, but news- paper reports of the convention indicate that they were intended to be more than an idealistic senti- ment. Mr. Wetterau continued,; saying in effect that it is high time that public favor be curried by bankers, else they meet the fate of those rail- roads whose policy was "the public be damned." Although it would be optimistic to interpret the Wetterau "will-of-the-public" statement as much more than one of the first steps in currying favor, probably a good many readers will glow with pride at this recognition of their authority. The idea that American life in all its phases is guided by an actual working democracy is one of the strongest habits of American thought. It is not difficult - indeed, it is very easy - for the average L it MICHIGAN showed tremendous power at Iowa City yesterday, placing 13 men in the Big Ten track trials. Michigan will meet Wisconsin in the final capital city conference base- ball game of the season for the Wol- verines at 4:05 p.m. today at Ferry field. The Wolverines will be Con- ference champions regardless of the outcome of the game. As their class memorial, the senior engineers have decided to contribute $500 to the Burton Campanile Mem- orial fund, the present plans calling for the presentation of the sum at the next meeting of the regents. New York State "dry" leaders de- clared yesterday they are out to de- feat United States Senator Wads- worth, Republican, even if that splits the Republican Party and elects a Democratic candidate, who, they said. would be less dangerous because "he would be in the minority at Wash- ington." The Roman Senate approved yes- terday the commercial treaty between Italy and Germany. Despite the recent changes in the German Cabinet and suggestions that his influence had something to do with Poland's crisis, President von Hindenburg seill received the plaudits of the people on his recent trip through the provincial German cities. Assured of funds by a grant of $500 by the board of regents, work will be started on the library and reading Prospects For Graduates Are Said To Be Best Since 1931 y W ASHINGTON, May 28. -IP)-The nation's vast army of job-hunt- ing youths, estimated recently at 4,- 700,000, will be enlarged soon by sev- eral hundred thousand diploma- armed recruits fiom the colleges and high schools. Despite a job-getting prospect for the just - graduated - from - college youth said to be the brightest in five years, there are indications that up- ward of 5,000,000 young men and women between the ages of 16 and 25 will be without work, but wanting it this summer. Officials of the national youth ad- ministration, however, believe the sit- uation will be somewhat better within six months. Richard Brown, deputy executive director of NYA, says the absorption of young people by in- dustry and commerce next fall "should nearly compensate for the new batches of job-seekers coming Officials of government agencies dealing with the youth problem say that reports on employment for this year's college graduates from the di- rectors of personnel divisions and placement bureaus in the colleges are "definitely the most optimistic in five years." The outlook for high school grad- uates also is said to have improved with the pickup in business and the efforts of national ,state and local organizations to place young people. College, Then Relief Approximately 2,876,000 people in this age group are on relief, including work projects and student aid. About 35,500, or 2 per cent, of an estimated 1,726,000 urban youth on relief are persons who have had one or more years of college training. Among the urban youth on relief more than 50 per cent have received