TIE MICIGxN IDXIY FRIDAY, M AY 29, 1930 NEWS OfThe DAY (From The Associated Press) House Votes Contempt A contempt citation against Dr. Frances E. Townsend and two of his lieutenants in the Old Age Revolving Pensions, Ltd., was voted by the House with instructions for the case to be put in the hands of the United States District Attorney. Rep. Thomas L. Blanton (Dem.,- Tex.) the "badboy" of the House, stated that any contempt action against the aged leader should be tried in the House instead of in a Federal Court. However, Speaker Joseph W. Byrns ruled the Texan out of order, and the motion to have the Federal attorney take action was fol- lowed. Representative Main, Battle Creek, voted againsti,,citing Townsend for contempt and stated that the reper- cussions from the resolution would be precisely what the committee does not want, and that the aged doctor would be held up as a martyr to the Townsendites, Tax Bill Reported A tax bill will be reported to the Senate today members of the Senate Finance committee prophesied yes- terday. The new bill is expected to be virtually the same as the compro- mise plan worked out by the Com- mittee. According to officials of the Treas- ury department a carefully planned method of helping the small corpora- tion devote its earnings to company expansion and not to pay the pro- posed high taxes on undistributed profits has been arranged. The Finance Committee of the up- per house has long been in disagree- ment on the question of taxing the undistributed corporate income, for the President wanted a high levy, applied gradually, .on such earnings but the committee refused to accede to the demands or desires of the Pres- ident. Revolt In Nicaragua Revolt has once again broken out in Nicaragua, and the new insurrec- tion has been supported by several units of the National army. According to officials in the govern- ment the rebellion was especially serious on the east or Caribbean Coast. The movement, officials said, was- designed for the overthrow of President Juan B. Sacasa, one-time minister to Washington, in favor of the head of the national army, which was trained by U. S. Marines. So far no casualaties have been reported despite an unconfirmed re- port in San Jose and Costa Rica that five soldiers of the national guard had been slain. Dispatches from Nicauragua said that a state of siege might be invoked. France Has Strikes The French Government, appar- ently alarmed over the rapid break- out of strikes in various factories throughout , the nation, f o r c e d through an "agreement in principle" between operators and workers. Workers in arms factories, crafts- men in cartridge and airplane plants joined the strike movement which broke out first in the great Renault automobile factories. A summary'of the plants affected by the strikes is as follows: Renault (auto) 34,000; Citroen (auto) 15,000; Gevelot (cartridges) 1,600; Nieuport (planes) 900; La Valette (metals) 400; Farman (planes) 100. The efforts of Leon Blum, the so- cialist leader who is expected to be- come the new French premier, to ad- just the differences between the work- ers and the operators brought only words of discouragement from Al- fred Costes, Communist leader in the Chamber of Deputies. It was believed widely last night that some employees working in the Sambre Valley, the fortified zone where the army a few days ago tested its wartime measures, might also join the 'general strike. New Jersey Fire Dest roys 15,000 Acres Of Forest Engineers Told To Take State T .. i Lxams At Onte' ests Are To Be Offered At University Beginning, June 18 _lassifiedDirector LAUNDRY SUMMER STUDENTS: Light cool rooms. Special rates. Porter serv- LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned lice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks. Careful work at low price. 1x 915 Oakland. 7458. 504 EMPLOYMENT WANTED - NOTICES SITUATION WANTED: Experienced MAC'_ TAX-4289. Try our ef- couple, good cook and porter for cient service. All new eha .3 fraternity house, first references. Call 9371. semester, 526 Senior engineers who plan to enter the professional field will find it a distinct advantage to take the exam- inations for state registration im- mediately according to Prof. Charles T. Olmstead, secretary of the State Board of Examiners. Examinations will be given here June 18, 1, and 20 in accordance with the state law. The act provides that any person who represents himself as an architect, engineer, or surveyor in the State of Michigan, shall be regis- tered. The complete series will cover three days. Tests on two of the days will be open to graduates of the regu- lar four year curriculum in engineer- ing The other examinations will be open only to those who have had six years of practical experience or are graduates of a four year engineering course and have secured in addition two years of professional practice. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: The "Hoover Insurance & Trust Service" has a few openings in Detroit and Michigan which offer an excellent opportunity to earn while receiving a thorough practical business train- ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to a business career should write, Da- vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build- ing, Detr'oit. 17x WANTED WANTED: One or two gentlemen to share refined apartment. Will rent for Summer Session only. Box 128. 521 FOR RENT FOUR or five room apartment foi summer or school year. 209 N.In- galls. Phone 3403. 525 SUMMER SCHOOL students: Spa- cious cool mooms, showers, near -Associated Press Photo. Great billows of white and black smoke rolled up from burning timber along the Wan en Grove Road, near Tuckerton, N. J., where 15,000 acres of forest lard went -ti in flames in what was described as one of the worst fires in New Jersey's history. Five volunteer fire fighters were burned to death. Surgery Department Advises On First-Aid For Auto Accidents; Many Fatalities Prevented Each Year By Emergency Assistance The department of surgery of the University, realizing that, as summer approaches, the roads will be crowded with automobiles heading for the golf links, cool lakes, or vacation homes, and that the driver's attention is often dulled by heat or distracted by sight- ;eeing, has announced a number of practical first-aic? measures to be used in case of an accident. The statistical branch of the de- partment reports that last year auto- mobile accidents killed 36,800 per- ,ons and injured 864,000, a casualty rate higher than that sustained by the A.E.F. during the World War. A knowledge of the fundamentals of first-aid, the department has an- aounced, would serve to save many lives lost in these accidents, and the iollowing measures to be applied at :he scene of the accident have been uggested. Perhaps the most important of all is to stop bleeding immediately. Whether the injuries sustained are EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS__] 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. wWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Key Ring. CKLW Omar, the Mystic. 6:15-WJR Jimmy Allen. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30-WJR Musical Program. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ The Lone Ranger. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. 6:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Rhythm Review. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00-WJR Bea Lillie: Lennie Hayton's Music. WWJ Jessica Dragonette: Rosario Bourdon's Ensemble. WXYZ Irene Rich. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 7:15-WXYZ David Addy. 7:30-WJR Broadway Varieties. WXYZ Alice Sheldon. CKLW Variety Revue. 7:45-WXYZ Lou Breese's Music. 8:00-WJR Hollywood Hotel. WWJ Waltz Time. WXYZ Music Guild. CKLW Serenade. 8:15-CKLW S. S. Queen Mary Broadcast. 8:30-WWJ Court of Human Relations. WXYZ Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 8:45-CKLW Bryant Field. 9:00-WJR Andre Kostelanetz' Music. WWJ Richard Himber's Champions. WXYZ Nickelodeon. CKLW Witches Tales. 9:30-WJR March of Time. WWJ Marion Talley: Orch. WXYZ Bob Chester's Music. CKLW Enoch Light's Music. 9:45-WJR Rubinoff-Peerce. WWJ Arno and Woodenda. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Baseball Scores: News. l100 Engraved $ Cards & Platesl,65 THE ATHENS PRESS fractures of the legs, arms or skull, the former often compound, with a break in the skin at the site of the fracture and a contamination of the wound with dirt and clothing, the poor condition of accident victims on arrival at a hospital is very often due largely to the loss of blood. Firm, continuous pressure on the bleeding point with the hand, and the cleanest piece of cloth availabl will control most hemorrhages. leeding from large wounds on the arm or leg can be stopped bya tourniquet applied above the elbow or knee. Such a tourniquet should never be kept on for more than an hour. Those who survive wrecks with cuts or bruises, the department of surgery advises, should be taken to the near- est doctor for the determination of the real extent of injury. In the case of persons seriously damaged with in- ternal injuries, fractures of the skull, spine, pelvis or long bones, the gravity of the injury is usually evidenced by their extent, loss of consciousness and a weak pulse. Such cases may be made worse by being moved, and since most accidents occur on well-traveled highways, it is best to call an ambulance instead of putting the victim in the back seat of a car and driving him to the hos- pital at high speed. Until the am- bulance arrivessthedpatient should be kept as warm and comfortable as pos- sible. The last suggestion, and one which can help make much of the above unnecessary is "Always drive safely." 10:15-WJR Rhythm. WWJ Tiger Highlights; Evening Melodies. . WXYZ Arkansas Centennial. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10:30-WJR Latin Music. WXYZ Anthony Trini's Musid. 10:45-WWJ Jesse Crawford. 11:00-WJR Bernie Cummins' Music. WWJ Troupers. WXYZ Franklin' Waltman. CKLW Al Kavelin's Music. 11:15-WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Sport Grams. 11:30-WJR Little Jack Little's Music. WWJ Bob Chester's Music. WXYZ Baker Twins. CKLW Sophie Tucker's Music. 11:45-WJR Meditations. 12:00-WJR At Close of Day. WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. WXYZ Bert Stock's Music. CKLW Clyde Trask's Music. 1:00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music. Iravel Award Will e Offered The administration of the College of Architecture has announced this week that competition for the George Booth Traveling Fellowship will be resumed again this year.I The Fellowship, financed by an in- come donated by George G. Booth, is open only to unmarried graduates of the architectural college or students who will graduate in June, and these nust be under 31 years of age. i The award for- the contest is $600f which is to be used in financing al study-tour of important European architectural centers, notably Paris and Rome. The itinerary is to be chosen by the recipient of the fellow- ship, however, and no work is required to show the results of his trip. The scholarship, an annual affair4 up to 1933 since it was first started in 1924, has not been offered during the past two years but this year marks its resumption as an annual award. It corresponds to similar architectural' fellowships offered by leading eastern schools. PLAYERS' OFFICERS ELECTED At a meeting of the Hillel Players Wednesday, Louise Samek, '38 and Marguerite Merkel, '37 were elected president and secretary. They will succeed Norman Sharfman '37 and Sally Levitt '37 who end their year's work Saturday night with the presen- tation of "Second Love." While the majority of this year's campus. Meals optional. 640 Oxford. graduates will not be able to take all 2-2605. 523 of the tests, Professor Olmstead stat- - ed that the freshness of the subject FOR RENT: Single and double room; in the minds of the students will be for girls for~ the summer term. $16 a great help in passing the first ex- up. 1511 Washtenaw.' Telephone aminations. After two years of work 520 in the field, engineers who have taken and passed the first tests will be able DOCTORS TO ATTEND MEETING to secure registration papers by tak- Dr. Max M. Peet, Dr. Edgar A. ing only the third of the test groups. Kahn, and Dr. Raymond W. Wag- Michigans' registration act is rec- goner, all of the medical school, will ognized in all states which have such attend the convention of the Ameri- laws; therefore, any engineer who se-- can Neurological Society May 1 to 3 cures papers in this state will be .n Atlantic City, it was announced eligible for registration in other states yesterday. without further examination. Re- Dr. Peet and Dr. Kahn are now at- newal is necessary every five years tending the convention of the Neuro- under the Michigan law. logical Society in New York City. ---- - --~-~ - GREVE ATTEND S CONVENTION 11' rtl ~ 1 (Is d ied. Robert G. Greve, assistant director of the University Hospital, is attend- S Fi ol- ectoiiic ay11 I lig the Michigan Hospital Associa- tion (conveution in Grand Rapds. The annual Memorial Day parade will form at the Dennison Archway, South and East University Avenues' at 9 a.m. Saturday. The parade will be led by the University Band and i the R.O.T.C. Corps, and will proceed f to the court house before disbanding. The marshall of the parade will be Capt. Kenneth Hallenbeck of the 126th infantry. Following the pa- rade, ceremonies will be held at Beth- - lehem Cemetery before the grave of Emil Jokenbach, disabled veteran who died a few years ago.j1 + I COLLEGE OF PHARMACY The faculty of the College of Phar- macy and their wives entertained the senior students of the College of Pharmacy at dinner at the Washte- naw Country Club yesterday. W for Next Year LANE HALL OUR MEMBERSHIP IS LIMITED. FEE - $5.00 t ELEMENTARY! When you want pleasant, convenient travel at lowest possible cost, there's only one answer. It's Greyhound! BLUE GOOSE BUS DEPOT 116 West Huron Street Phone 4209 Michigan Union Phone 4151 'Printers City's Lowest Prices on Printing. 308 North Main Street - Dial 2-1013 z ® Do you enjoy playing the piano? Can you read sheet music rapidly for any length of time without tiring? If not, perhaps more light on the sheet music would help you. Scientific tests show that good lighting acto- ally increases the speed of seeing the notes on the sheet music. It also increases the accuracy with which the notes are played. An ideal lamp GOO D IIGHT ACTS AS A "'MAGNIFIER" music and provides a generous quantity of re- flected light for the rest of the room. New I. E. S. lamps are on display at depart. . nent - stores, lighting fixture dealers, furniture stores, and The Detroit Edison Company. And why not let our Home Lighting Adviser tell you I