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May 29, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-29

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I, AM"fh w

l ticw cat-tie
Lower Michigan: fair today
and tomorrow; not quite so
cool today, warmer tomorrow.


SIr igan


A Plank From The Socialists,,,
All Wetterau ...
Two Sore Thumbs.,



House Cites
Dr. Townsend
For Contempt
Two Others Of Old Age
Pension Group Are Also
Few Backers Give
Noisy Opposition
Case Turned Over To U.S.
District Attorney; Will
Come Up In Fall
WASHINGTON, May 28. - () -
An uproarious House voted today to
cite Dr. F. E. Townsend and two
of his old age pension organization
leaders for contempt despite the loud
protests of a ,handful of Townsend
Quickly shouting the opposition
down, the House, by a 271 to 41 stand-
ing vote, instructed the speaker to
turn the case over to the United
States district attorney here for ac-
tion. Because 'of the forthcoming
summer court recess, however, the
case is not expected to come up be-
fore next fall.
Others Named With Leader
Named with Townsend were the
Rev: Clinton Wunder, of New York,
and John B. Kiefer, of Chicago, mem-
bers of the Townsend Board of Di-
The House's decisive action came
just a week to the day after the
elderly California physician threw
the House committee investigating
his old age pension plan into con-
fusion by assailing it as "unfair and
unfriendly," and then stalked from
the hearing room with a flat refusal
to testify further.
Wunder and Kiefer became involved
when, acting under Townsend's in-
structions, they ignored their sub-
poenas and failed to appear for ex-
Smith Backs Townsend
Rev. Gerald K. Smith, leader of the
share-the-wealth movement started
by the late Senator Huey P. Long,
allery as the House voted.
a er e issued a statement in which
he said he was "determined to join
Dr. Townsend in a bloodless revolu-
tion to be expressed with ballots this
fall against this damnable tyranny
which has been set up by the Farley-
Roosevelt regime."
Leslie Garnett, United States attor-
ney for the District of Columbia, told
newsmen later he thought he could
obtain a grand jury indictment of
Townsend, Wunder and Kiefer by the
end of next week, but he was doubt-
ful that the case would come to trial
before the fall term of court.
Conviction on a contempt charge
carries a penalty of up to 12 months
in jail or a maximum fine of $1,000
or both.
The investigating committee plans
to resume hearings Monday in its in-
quiry into the Townsend Plan to
pay $200 monthly pensions to all per-
sons over sixty.
Borah Makes
Last Address
For Nomination
In his heralded "last word" before the

Republicans meet, Senator Borah of
Idaho said tonight some Standard
Oil companies "have been extremely
active in this pre-convention cam-
"Their representatives will sit in
the convention," he predicted. "Some
of us shall be interested to know
where they throw their support."
The Senator, in a radio speech,
mentioned none of the candidates for
the presidential nomination and left
open whether he would take an ac-
tive or a passive role in the cam-
paign if he himself is not named.
His conclusion, which stirred spec-
ulation at the Capitol, spoke of hav-
ing combatted monopoly for years
and said:
"The evidence is now all about us.
We cannot be uninformed as to the
situation. What the party does under
present conditions, therefore, I must
regard as final."
Irish House Votes
To Abolish Senate
DUBLIN, Irish Free State, May 28.

Druids Initiate 22
Men Into Society
Twenty-two juniors and two mm-
bers of the faculty were initiated into
Druids, senior honorary society of the
literary college, in its annual initia-
tion ceremony held at the Druid's
rock in front of Angell Hall.
Those initiated were Coach Walter
J. Weber, assistant football coach,
honorary member; Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden of the political science de-
partment, honorary member; and
George Andros, Roe D. Watson, Rob-
ert G. Mowerson, Willis Tomlinson,
Lyman Bittman, George Cosper, San-
ford Ladd, Jack Cochrane, John Otte,
Walter Crow, Sam Stoller, Thomas K.
Fisher, Fred G. Beusser, Paul Keeler,
Harrison Church, Flint C. Watt, Fred
Cody, Thomas Ayers, John Mann,
Francis Marcero, Walter Stone and
Paul Coursey.
Tugwell Relief
Bill Wins Vote
Of Confidence
Roosevelt Will Be Given
Control Of More Than
$1,000,000,000 Fund
WASHINGTON, May 28.- (') -
Rexford G. Tugwell's resettlement ad-
ministration Avon a vote of confidence
in the Senate'today in the first test of
strength on the $2,369,000,000 relief-
deficiency bill.
This action, by a 38 to 28 ballot in
which party lines were shattered, fol-
lowed swift approval of a provision
under which President Roosevelt
would be given sole control of the
$1,425,000,000 relief fund included in
the bill.
Although this vesting of power in
the chief executive was given with-
out a record vote or a word of debate,
Senator Steiwer (Rep., Ore.) asserted
later the entire relief section was
"unconstitutional." Chairman Glass
(Dem., Va.) of the appropriations
committee which handled the bill
likewise added later that he was op-
posed to "lump sum" appropriations
and thought "The people of the Unit-
ed States ought to know what this
money is going to be spent for."
Prolonged debate prior to the
divided vote in favor of continuing
"rural rehabilitation" under the $1,-
425,000,000 fund slowed down pro-
gress on the measure. Leaders had
hoped for passage by tomorrow night,
but still more trouble loomed ahead.
Just before adjournment, Senator
Robinson of Arkansas ,the Democrat-
ic leader, announced he would offer
an amendment providing additional
funds for the Florida ship canal, and
the Passamaquoddy tide harnessing
projects, subject 4o approval of new
review boards.
Republicans immediately served
notice they would fight the amend-
ment, and warned that it would lead
to prolonged debate.
Seek Federal
Help In Fight
Aainst Legion
Congress Framing Bills
To Allow Justice Agents
To Intervene
DETROIT, May 28. --(/P)-New ap-
peals to the Federal Government to
throw its power into the fight to up-
root the Bla' Legion, secret society

of night riding terrorists, were before
a half dozen governmental agencies
Resolutions demanding Congres-
sina1 investigations awaited action
in both the House and Senate in
Washington where the Michigan
Democratic Congressional Committee
was drafting legislation to empower
4. Edgar Hoover's Department of Jus-
tice operatives to strike at the black-
robed order.
Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea
sought new light on the extent of the
Black Legion, which he believes is
active in at least 15 states, by pro-
posing that the internal revenue de-
partment check up on the income tax
returns of Virgil F. Effinger, Lima, O.,
contractor who has asserted that the
organization has a national member-
ship of 6,000,000.
Postoffice inspectors were reported
at work in Jackson, Mich., where five
men are charged with beating a re-
luctant member with the heavy,
three-pronged whips such as have,
been seized in several recent raids,
checking reports that mail carriers
there belonged to the order. One mail

President Ruthven completes
Task Of Signing '36 Diplomas

Estimate More Than 2,500
Sheepskins To Be Signed
Before End Of Summer1
President Ruthven affixed his sig-s
nature on the last literary colleges
diploma of the class of 1936 in a spe-t
cial session at his office last night ins
Angell Hall, finishing a task usuallyc
begun in February but not startedt
this year till April 20 because of the1
President's injury.
Last night's final consignment ofr
literary college sheepskins, number-c
ing 168, was the last of the diplomasc
to be signed from all schools andc
colleges on campus this year, exceptr
those which will be given to SummerI
Session graduates.a
Other universities often resort toc
rubber stamps to convey the officialf
touch to the graduate, PresidentC
Ruthven explained, but after fourP
years of undergraduate work, thet
University has always felt it wast
"only cricket" to give the outgoingt
student more than a rubber stampt
as a token. This of course involvest
quite a bit of penmanship from thet
President and Vice-President Shirleyt
Smith, who also signs all the di-r
plomas, President Ruthven said.
The order in which the diplomasv
are signed and then engraved withh
the graduates' names has alwaysv
been a uniform process, the President e
said. The first person to sign is tra-
ditionally the President, and has been
as far back as he knows, President
Ruthven declared, although it doesn'tt
go back to 1817, for there were no
sheepskins offered then. After the
presidential signature has been put
on the diplomas, they are sent to the
University engraver who hand en-
graves the graduate's name, his de-
gree and the date of graduation on
each diploma. This hand engraving
is something unique with the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Dr. Ruthven re-
After the engraving, the diplomas
are sent to Shirley Smith who holds
the record for diplomas signed atg
one sitting, according to the Presi-t
dent's secretary, who estimated thes
President's usual number for one sit-c
ting at 200. He often signs less thanj
this number however, for he fre-
quently dashes off a few signatures
between appointments, she said. Thisd
year has been different because of
Drama Seasons
Is To Present
'Hamlet' Next
. e
Ian Keith Will Be Starred
In Production Startinga
Following the final performance ofI
the comedy with music, "Party," to-
day at 8:15 p.m. at the Lydia Mendel-1
ssohn Theatre, the 1936 Dramatic1
Season turns to the most elaborates
production of the season with the ~
opening of "Hamlet" at 3:15 andc
8:15 p.m. tomorrow. Ian Keith will
be starred in the leading role.,
Other members of the cast aret
Estelle Winwood as Queen Gertrude,C
George Somnes, who played the de-t
fense attorney in "Libel" as KingI
Claudius, Doris Dalton as Ophelia
and Reginald Pole as Polonius.. Alan
Handley will play Laretes, Eddie Garr
the First Gravedigger, Eduard Franz1
and Robert Ross, Gildenstern and
Rosencrantz and Robert Henderson,
director of the Season, will play Os-s
ric. The costumes have been de-
signed by Norman-Bel Geddes. I
The management has announced
that the sale of tickets for "Hamlet"
may break the box-office records for
the Dramatic Seasons. The best
seats still available are for the added

Sunday evening performance May 31
and for Tuesday evening, June 2. The
curtain rises promptly at 8:15 p.m.
in the evening and at 3:15 for the
Saturday and Wednesday matinees,
and the management has announced
that patrons arriving late cannot be
admitted until after the first two
scenes of the play. Following the ten-
minute intermission, patrons cannot
be admitted, if they arrive after the
curtain has risen on the second part,
until the first scene has been com-
Sigmia Rho Tau .Has
Banquet In Union
The annual banquet of Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speaking society,
held last night in the Union, was

his confinement from January to
April, and has necessitated some spe-
cial signing periods, such as the one
held last night to finish up the job.
After all the diplomas have been
signed by the President, engraved,
and further signed by Shirley Smith,
they are distributed to the various
schools and colleges by the diploma
clerk who has carefully guarded them
through the whole process.1
"After reaching the various schools
and colleges the diplomas, which are
not as tradition would have it made
of sheepskin but of parchment pro-
cessed paper, are put in alphabetical
order ready for presentation. This
presentation does not take place at
Ferry Field where admiring parents
applaud when their gowned sons and
daughters receive a ribbon tied roll
from the President. This roll is aF
dummy and the graduates do notv
get their diplomas until they presentt
the dummy diploma at the office of1
their school or college. Previous tor
ten or twelve years ago this was noto
the case, the President said, for att
that time they used to hand them out
haphazardly and the students wouldi
toss them about till they got the cor-
rect one,
The "Alexander G. Ruthven's" heV
will inscribe on diplomas this yeara
by the time summer school is over,
will approximate 2,500, the Presidenth
Japanese Ask
China To Quell
Student Strike,
Military Officials Orderc
Action Be Stamped Outp
By Chinese Authorities 1
TIENTSIN, China, May 28. - (') - i
Officers of Japan's enlarged militaryj
garrison quickly demanded tonightG
that Chinese authorities stamp out a
strike by thousands of students, whon
called upon China to "rise against the$
Japanese invasion."t
Strained Sino-Japanese relationsf
were further a vated by the stu-c
dent demonstra Ions.
Upon Japanese demands, Chineset
police were sent to patrol the streets.
Students had marched through them
spreading anti-Japanese pamphletsc
denouncing smuggling in North Chinat
and Japan's recent heavy reinforce-i
ments of its Tientsin and Peipingt
(The Chinese government protest-
ed both the situations to Tokio with-v
out avail.)s
Chinese reports accused the Jap-_
anese army command of threatening
to use its troops to disperse thea
demonstrators and take over controln
of the city. The Japanese would$
not comment on these reports. I
These Chinese sources further al-r
leged that Japanese were known tot
have participated in supplying the
students with anti-Japanese posters,I
"hoping thereby to precipitate an in-
Students of 13 colleges and schools
after calling the three day strike sent
telegrams to fellow students through-
out China calling upon them to "join
us in the campaign of anti-Japanese
"Down with imperialism, down with
smuggling, down with Japan," said
student slogans. They presented a
petition to municipal authorities ask-
ing them to prevent the landing of
2,000 additional Japanese troops due
Swingout Plans
Almost Ready,[

Says Campbell.
Plans for Michigan's first Swing-
out in four years were almost com-
pleted yesterday, Foster Campbell,
'36, chairman of the committee in
charge of the ceremony, announced.
The tradition will be revived Tues-
day, June 2.
Simultaneously Campbell warned
seniors that caps and gowns must be
ordered with local clothiers before
Saturday if they are to be here in
In a letter sent to all fraternities
yesterday the committee in charge of
Swingout attempted to impress the
graduating seniors with the import-
ance of orderliness.
"In the past the objection to Swing-
out has been due to the disorderly
conduct connected with the event,"
the letter read. "It must be clearly

Senate Fights
Higher Taxes
On Incomes
Senate Finance Committee
Rebels At Roosevelt's
Corporation Tax
Action Endangers
Adjourning June 6
President Asserts Senate
Measure Will Not Raise
Required Revenue1
WASHINGTON, May 28. - (') -
Rebelling against President Roose-
velt's renewed suggestions for higher1
taxes on undistributed corporation
income, Senate Finance Committee
Democrats agreed late today to report1
out their own lower levied compromise
The committee majority swept aside
its own differences at least tempo-
rarily after Vice-President Garner
lad talked with two of the members.
Within three minutes thereafter the
Democrats smashed through their
deadlock and ended their session be-
hind closed doors.
Decision Victory For Conservatives
Whether this action would augur
well for lagging hopes of attaining1
the June 6 adjournment goal was a
matter of conjecture, since some at
the Capitol contended the fight might
crop up again on the Senate floor.
Today's decision was a victory for
what has been called the "conserva-
tive" element in the committee. Mem-
bers of this bloc claimed their own
compromise measure would be ap-
proved by at least to 12 to 8 vote.ยข
(The committee bill would place anf
18 per cent tax on all corporation
income, a 7 per cent levy on undis-
tributed corporate earnings, and sub-f
ject corporate dividends to the 4 per
cent normal income tax).c
Contending that such an arrange-
ment would not produce the desiredl
$620,000,000 of permanent revenue,f
the President at a White House con-
ference this week sought to swing the '
committee back to his original sug-
gestion for graduated levies on undis-
tributed earnings.
Bill Approaches Suggestion
The latest administration plan
called for keeping the existing 12/2
to 15 per cent tax on all corporate
income and applying 25 to 45 per cent
taxes on earnings not distributed in
dividends to shareholders.
As passed by the House, the bill
was much closer to the original tax*
suggestions advanced by Mr. Roose-
velt on March 3.
The Finance Committee measure,'
as it now stands, would raise an esti-
mated $585,000,000 of permanent and
$82,000,000 of temporary revenue. The
President sought $620,000,000 of per-
manent funds and $517,000,000 of
Winners Of '36
Hopwood Prizes
Will e Named
Christopher Morley Not
Able To Deliver Lecture
At Meeting

Winners in the 1936 Jule and Avery
Hopwood Awards Contest will be an-
nounced at 4 p.m. today in the Union
ballroom when prizes totaling $8,500
will be awarded.
Names of the winners will be an-
nounced by Prof. Roy W. Cowden,
director of the Hopwood Awards.
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of
the English department, will be chair-
man at the affair. Winners in the
fields of fiction, drama, poetry and the
essay will be announced.
Christopher Morley, American au-
thor and columnist, who was orig-
inally scheduled to give the annual
Hopwood Lecture, will be unable to
attend because of illness. No substi-
tute will be secured to take his place,
Professor Cowden said. Henry Haz-
lett, critic and editor, delivered the
Hopwood Lecture last year.
Prizes to be awarded today will
slightly exceed the amount given last
year when prizes totaling $7,500 were
awarded. Minor awards of $250 each
were also given in thetfields of fiction,
poetry, drama and the essay.
Names of judges for this year's
contest will not be revealed until the
winners are announced, Professor
(Inwrven aid- Tiii~o'c in the fictin

State Chief Warns
96 Local. Houses
Of Fire Hazards

State Police Come;
No Action Results
Speculation roused last night by
the presence of Michigan and Indiana
State Police cars in Ann Arbor sub-
sided when it was learned that they
left the city without making ah ar-
They were here investigating a
student from Indiana, who, they be-
lieved, was involved "in disorderly
conduct with a robbery motive Tues-
day in Angola, Ind. The state police-
men found, according to the Michigan
State Police post in Ypsilanti, that
'there was nothing in it."
Prof. ursley
Will Give Talk
On Orientation
Advisers For Freshmen To
Hear Talk At Union On
Monday ,
Prof. Philip E. Bursley of the
French department, annually in
charge of Orientation, will address
student assistant advisers to fresh-
men in next fall's Orientation Week
at 5 p.m. Monday in the Union in the
first meeting of the groups.
Tentative plans for . Orientation
Week, which includes several new
features, were announced by Bruce
T. Telfer, '38, chairman of the Union
committee in charge of Orientation.
An attempt will be made to estab-
lish voluntary dinners in the Union
each night of the Orientation period
for all entering freshmen, according
to the plans. It is expected that this
procedure will serve to better acquaint
the advisers and freshmen.
Another new feature of the period
will be the daily luncheons of the
men and women student advisers held
alternately in the Union and League,
Telfer said.
Student advisers who will attend
the meeting in the Union Monday
are: Francis C. Anderson, '39, John
Atkinson, '39, Joseph Ballam, '39, Ar-
thur Bartholomew, '39, Larry G.
Briggs, '38A, Samuel M. Charin, '38,
Frederick Collins, '38, John F. Cos-
tello, '39, Philip D. Cummins, '39, Ed-
win L. Denby, '39, Charles L. Dolph,
Philip Durfee, '39, Frederick Geib, '38.
Reid Hatfield, '39, Louis G. Hoff-
man, '38, Newton H. Ketcham, '39,
Nelson Lindenfeld, '39, William Liv-
ingston, '39, Charles M. Lovett, '39,
William Mundy, '39, David L. Packer,
'39, Jack Prior, '39, Hugh Rader, '38,
Kara M. Rague, '39, Edmund A. Raw-
son, '39, Ralph Read, '39, George F.
Rosch, Eliot Robinson, '39, Robert
Ross, '39, Bernard Aubinen, Hudson
Fourtellot, Walter True, '38, Edward
Williams, '39, William B. Wreford, '39,
Rush A. Bowman, '37E, Edward Foote,
'38E, Robert Harrison, '38, William
F. Jewell, '38, William Kelly, '38,
Frank Lapick, '37, Alan Mittelman,
'38, and Oscar Ladd, '38.
Annual Awards
For Engineers
Are Announced
Scholarships in the engineering
college for the year 1936-37 were an-
nounced yesterday, The awards,
which vary in value from $100 to $325
are the Donovan, Mandlebaum, and
Gemmell Scholarships.
Donovan Scholarships have been
awarded to the following: Loren W.
Beebe, '36E; Gustav T. Collatz, '37E;

Hubert C. Fones, '38E; James H.
Gould, '38SpecE.; George W. Ham-
mersmith, '38E; Alfred Karpinski,
'38E; Gerald Klaasen, '37E; John A.
Margwarth, '37E; Anson G. Ray-
mond, '36E; Ralph K. Seeley, '37E;
Willard F. Sheldon, '38E; Sydney M.
Smith, '38E; Sydney Steinborn, '38E.
Half awards were granted to Beebe
and Klaasen who will receive their
degrees in February.
Mandelbaum Scholarships were
awarded to Edward W. Kazmark
Vernon E. Schafer, Jr., Frederick W
Smith, Jr., all '38E, and Gemmel
Scholarships to Saul R. Kleiman

41 Fraternities, Sororities
Are Included On List
Of Unsafe Buildings
B ursly Foresees
Closing Of Houses

Co litions
Are Said
In State

In Ann Arbor
To Be Worst

Fire hazards in 41 fraternities and
sororities and 52 rooming houses must
be corrected immediately, the State
Fire Marshal warned yesterday. He
termed conditions in Ann Arbor "the
worst of any city within the state."
A League house and two apartment
houses were also told by Associated
State Fire Marshal Charles V. Lane
to "act at once" in alleviating the
situation,' Charles J. Andrews, the
marshall, said.
The assistant fire marshal ex-
plained that the department's inves-
tigation disclosed extensive use of re-
modeled dwelling houses to increase
sleeping capacity, and that, in many
instances, students are sleeping in
third-story attics without fire escapes.
Other specific fire hazards pointed
out were uninsulated wires, especially
near metal and wood, combustible
waste-baskets, and unprotected rub-
bish piles in basements that might
easily catch fire.
Bursley Fears Closing
University authorities, however,
maintained that conditions here re-
garding precautionary measures for
fire prevention were no worse than
in many other college cities.
According to Dean of Students Jo-
seph A. Bursley, whose office approves
and inspects student rooming centers,
"if they were required to live ujp
to the letter of the law, many of the
houses would be forced to close."
The University itself would extend
every effort to safeguard its students,
Fred B. Wahr, assistant dean of stu-
dents in charge of housing said yes-
"Of course we know that the ma-
jority of our students are housed in
private homes, but not in fire-proof
dormitories. But owners of these
houses are subject to regulation by
both state and city authorities," he
explained. "The situation has been
aggravated by the recent destruction
of several score of our most modern
living centers to make room for new
University buildings, and consequent-
ly doubling up in older rooming
Laws Strictly Followed
Regulation and inspection of room-
ing houses by the state fire marshal
has been closely adhered to, especially
since the disastrous Kerns H'otel
fire in Lansing last year which re-
sulted in the passage of the Brown
law, an act "to regulate the construc-
tion and fire protection of buildings
used for sleeping accommodations."
Fraternities and sororities are spe-
cifically mentioned in Section 1 of the
act, and must be inspected at least
twice every year.
The law states that whenever the,
state fire marshal "shall find upon
examination that any of the provi-
sions of the att have been violated
after due notice was given, then he
shall communicate such violations to
the county prosecuting-attorney'and
he shall then cause the arrest and
prosecution of the person so violat-
Although no such action has been
taken against any rooming center
here as yet, they were warned that
they must comply with the statute.
Fraternity and sorority presidents
contacted yesterday stated that they
"were doing everything possible" to
improve conditions and remove the
menace of fire,
Houses Warned
Fraternities and sororities that are
being notified by the state fire mar-
shal to comply with the Brown law
in regard to fire hazards are:
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa
Lambda, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha
Lambda, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta
Upsilon, Hermitage, Lambda Chi Al-
pha, Alpha Omega, Alpha Rho Chi,
Delta Alpha Epsilon, Nu Sigma Nu,
Phi Beta Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha, Pi
Beta Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa
1 Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Gamma
Phi Beta, Delta Gamma, Collegiate

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