THE MICHIGAN DAILY AN DA IL ,, ;., .4 Legion, are fascist we do not: mean that they: are actually advocating fascism. Very often, as was the case no doubt with the Black Legionnaires, these forces of reaction are unwittingly' fascist. Sometimes it is their ignorance and superstition. Sometimes it is their lack of understanding of, or refusal to understand vital economic and social questions. And sometimes it is just plain greed and cruelty. Whatever the cause, these fascist forces of reac-' tion are upon us like a boil on the flesh. And unless we want America to follow the paths of Italy and Germany, we must watch them constantly. And just as constantly must we be on our guard against any denial of our rights and liberties. The real American way is the way of freedom, political and economic, for every single person, be, he Jew, or Negro, Communist, or Fascist, Protestant or Catholic. And no matter how loudly an organiza- tion may scream against Communism and in favor of the Constitution or Rugged Individualism, it is not truly American unless it follows, in spirit, the democracy of the Declaration of Independence. The minute any such group begins to talk of dis- crimination, against race, religion ox political tenets, then we warn: beware: it brooks no good for America. ---- - -. ublisned every morning except Monday during tha versity year and Summer Session by the Board in .troli of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS he Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in -this newspaper. All rights of ublication of all other matter herein also reserved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as >nd class mail matter. ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; mail, $4.5t- epresentatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 lison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., calo, Ill. BOAIl OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ................ELSIE A. PIERCE SSOCIATE EDITOR............FRED WARNER NEAL SSOCIATE EDITOR .. .. .....,.MARSHALL D. SHULMAN eorge Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Walph W. Ilrd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards ublication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. eportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller. diitorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cunmins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. i tEditors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- socia;tes, I. S. Silverman. ports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. 'omen's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- Beth M..Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret HaBilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT USINESS MANAGER.................JOHN R. PARK SOCIATE BUS:' MGR...............WILLIAM BARNDT rOMEN'S BUS. MGR.............. . ..JEAN KEINATH Departmnental Managers ohn McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple. AccouInts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR; WILLIAM SHACKLETON ---- . . t Straw Maii. ... S INCE the establishment of the Ten- lnessee Valley Authority, the Ala- ama Power Company has conducted an exten- ve advertising campaign against public ownership f public utilities.. Recently the New York Sun called' attention to he loss in taxes that the Southern States would iffer should the government take over the sale, f electric power in the Tennessee Valley. The Sun pointed out that the State of Alabama ould lose some $2,500,000 in taxes if the power >mpany in that state be made to give way to public venership. In place of this money the TVA ould pay $300,000 in taxes to the state govern-' ient. On the face of the matter it looks as if the labama government would lose $2,000,000 an-1 ually should the TVA take the place of the power >mpany. 'What is not so apparent is the saving the people ill make in electric bills with government power.' ut it has been shown by the TVA's contracts ith several municipalities in that region that ectric power rates will be greatly reduced. The1 eople will lose a certain amount in taxes, it is ue, but the amount they save in individual power( es will more than make up for this loss. Thus is obvious that the utilities are merely putting' p a straw man instead of a concrete argument hen they warn against the loss government own- ship of power facilities would bring. --. As Others See It Straw Hat Blues (From the Ohio State Lantern) THIS WEEK saw inaugurated the most tyranical bit of foppery ever perpetuated on the uncom- plaining male populace. It is the season of the year when every man who wishes to retain his standing in the social scale hies himself to the haberdashery and purchases that modern example of inquisitional brutality --composed of straw, ribbon and glue-the straw hat. If he buys one to fit, his head will ache all summer. If he buys one for comfort, the gentlest zephyr will take it wheeling and eddying down the street like a leaf in a whirlwind. For the conservative, there are simple, pro- saic straws with plain black ribbons. For the more daring, there are wide-brimmed sailors with gayly colored bands, finished off with a feather in the bow and quaint arabesque designs wovenx into the straw. Should he be so unfortunate as to get caught in a shower, the thing gets sticky as molasses, the brim sags down around his ears, the crown pops up in the middle, and his bright new head- piece takes on the appearance of a poke bonnet. Then the sun comes out, starts it to steaming, and cracking, and as it dries and shrinks, if he keeps it on his head, his skull will crack like a nut under the pressure. What are we going to do about it? Nothing. We've had one put away in a downtown store with' a dollar on it since Christmas. 'Reds' In The University > (From The Minnesota Daily) ,THOSE TRUSTEES of the nation's integrity, the Sons of the American Revolution, have1 come to the fore with some inside dope about the University of Minnesota that will edify even the students of this institution. According to a Mr. E. D. Lum of Wahpeton, N.D., who is a Son. in good standing, the University is a "hot-bed" of Communism.1 Mr. Lum's survey of the American educationalr field was not confined to Minnesota. With objec- tive impartiality he included the University of' North Dakota, the Agricultural College of North Dakota and Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames, Iowa. "Half the faculty," at Iowa, Mr. Lum disclosed in an annual report to the de- scendants of our indigenous revolutionaries, are Communists and the North Dakota agriculturists "are not much different." It is not known by what information and sources the investigative Mr. Lum reached his conclusions, but it may be assumed that his information is as accurate as that used by his sisters, the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion. President Coffman, however, casts some doubt on the charge with a statement that "there is absolutely no truth" in the report. This of course will not mollify the Sons and Daughters. As long as a liberal student or pro- fessor remains on the campus, these groups will' cry for a purge of the University. We suggest, two courses for the Sons in their battle to free American higher education from the Reds. They 'can either abolish universities and colleges, or transfer the control of these institutions to the War department. We sincerely hope that these suggestions have not been made too late to be considered by the assembled Sons at their annual convention in Portland, Maine. Stereotyped Foder (From The Daily Northwestern) SAD COMMENTARY on contemporary thought and action is the overwhelming influence of traditional stereotypes. Public opinion is ruled by labels and symbols in the hands of clever leaders and promoters. This manipulation of the mass I mind is graphically illustrated in the present the- atre of politics. The Liberty League bristles with stereotypes that are directed chiefly at the present administra- tion in Washington. Liberty League literature con- stantly explbits the terms, "Constitution," "Amer- icanism," "radicalism," "regimentation," and "pri- vate initiative." These stereotypes are fabricated primarily for the unthinking public; it is hardly conceivable that an intelligent individual would swallow them. Stereotypes are fodder for an unthinking mind. The rabble swallows them hook, line, and sinker, particularly when the labels are dished out in anI authoritative manner. I. "Education. then. must assume the hurden ofl The Conning Tower~ OUR FECKLESS FOUNDERS The Dutch, With vrouws and such, Including bag and baggage, pot and kettle, Came here to settle. A thousand leagues of mainland spread before them,, They scorned that splendid sweep of plain and highland For this poor little island, Completely separated' And wholly isolated By river, estuary, bay and sound From every point around. Wherefore their proud successors, This isle's possessors, Have been employed in loading barges, wherries, And other craft, in operating ferries,a In rearing breathless bridges On which men swarm like midges, And boring hollow tunnels, Those underwater funnels,' At costs to break your heart with, To get to where we should have been to start with! Those Dutch Were not so much! ARTHUR GUITERMAN, On Tuesday evening at 7:30 a motorist parked1 his car in West Forty-Fifth Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. A mounted policeman told him that he would have to leave that block at or be- fore 8 o'clock. "Will all these other cars have to leave at 8, too?" he asked. "Certainly," said the policeman. So the motorist left at once, park-1 ing his car in East Forty-sixth Street. When he came back to the Forty-Fifth Street block, at 8:05, all the cars were still there. He asked the1 policeman when the cars would have to leave. "At' 8 o'clock," he said. "Tonight?" asked the motorist. "What do you care?" asked the policeman. "Be- cause I object to being the only complier with the traffic law on the block," said the motorist. "Do you accuse me of partiality?" asked the policeman. "Yes," was the motorist's crushing response. So the policeman rode of'. We didn't read the details of the $30,000,000 suit against the Pullman Company, which Mrs.' Agnes R. Rossman has lost, but it seems that- she was trying to sell an invention or so. May-{ be it was a device whose object was to have theI hot spigot run something but cold water. This column never expects to be a member of the Committee on Pulitzer awards, but we arel untimorous with suggestions. The next prize for public service should be given to that newpaper{ which for one year, makes no mention, editorial or otherwise, of the Freedom of the Press. HEARTSTONE ACRES1 In the reluctant soil of Connecticut's wooded hills lies tonic for body and soul of city folk. For there you learn the value and reward of musclet work, the appreciation of perspiration. If you want a square of lawn, a tomato patch, a three-2 tree orchard you have to work to get them. t You learn the rhythm of the pick-ax swing, thet chopping strokes the hoe end of the mattock E needs. And when you strike a boulder you learn to pry it up with your crowbar and by leverage roll it away. You grit your teeth against thet bruises and the braised knuckles and rebellious- muscles. you swear and labor and are rewarded..Y As never before in this life. For sooner or later, where was as nice a stone crop as ever you saw, i grass will bend, apple blossoms will blow, and in their season the air will be fragrant with the warm tang of tomato vines. Not only that, for you will find you, too, have changed, and in this labor you will have purged yourself of all the fever and the fret of cities. Now, as you pause to rest, your eyes travel down the valley - in all its new varyingY greens -and up the far hill to its hemlock-spired ci'est, and there will grow in you a peace and a quiet such as you have never known.t The land rewards you as never man has done.c It even hews you monuments. One day more than a foot in the earth a rock was upturned, and whenl it was brought to the surface there lay the keystonet of five acres- a perfect heart-shaped stone. Those who walk the Mopus Road and turn in at the little brown cabin can see for themselves enshrined above the door a land's gift and its wel- come. -JILL. Governor Hoffman won the right to attend the, Republican convention as a delegate, and it seems to us it ,was one of those glorious victories{ made well known by Robert Southey's Old Kaspar. Why anybody wants to go deliberately to a hall and listen to keynoters and other makers of periodic sentences beginning "A man who" we don't know. Except for the Bobby Benson period we shall listen to the Cleveland - and the Philadelphia, for that matter - Over the Waves. What keeps H. H. awake these May nights is the effort not to picture J. Edgar hooverj singing, to Irving Berlin's tune, "I'm putting all my yeggs in one basket." This department, wondering what the title "Winterset"' meant, got - and printed - a letter from the author, Mr. Maxwell Anderson. We still have no idea what it means. And nlow Mr. Howard Lindsay and Mr. Russell Crause are calling their libretto "-but Millions." We demand that they say what it means, or change tle title. Our only theory is that they mean "One cent for defense, but millions for tribute." MAGAZINE REVIEW Of everybody a hater Is the American Spectator. Coal Law Aim Is Reiterated by Roosevelt.- H.T. headline. Tf }P auif nf}n rnno-h it mov } C'n'il 1'm Regmnald Pole Lecture By RiCHARD BRAWERMAN ( )N Sunday afternoon Mr. Reginald Pole delivered the second of his lectures entitled Hamlet-the Proph- tpect them. That Shake- speare had good cause for such de- spair is evident from even a very superficial study of the social back- ground of the later Elizabethan and Jacobean periods. It is further evi- denced in the rampant ethical decay of serious drama in this period, and in the peculiar twist that Shakespeare gives this decay in his last ti'agedies But Shakespeare himself, and Ham.' let, breathe always the spirit of hu- nanisn., In contrast to this, the concern of the modern man is not whether men actually respect ethics and religion: it is a foiregone conclusion that they do not.Instead, his pessimism finds its expressionx in skepticism ,a skep- ticisnm of the essential truths of all ethic and religion. Whereas Shake- speare and Hamlet are humanistic, and whereas the realm for their in: tellectual probing is human nature, -the modern man is scientific and has turned unsuccessfully to the world of phenomena for a scientific substantiation for ethics and religion. It is this spirit of skepticism ending often either in hedonism or in com- plet e despair, that underlies the pes- simistic tone in Victorian literature and in the writings of the post-war generation. It is only lately that any signs of a resurrection of equanimity have manifested themselves. It is for these reasons that I fail to appreciate in Hamlet a prophecy of the modern man. It will indeed be interesting to see how 1l[r. Pole will qualify and develop his point, in his later lectures. Frankly, I do not ex- pect great things from his future lec-, tures. Mr. Pole's approach to his subject is imaginative; and he ends, for the most part, in description rather than analysis. Fr example, he suggests in his latest lecture, the difference in thesconception of love that Shakespeare embodies in the I characters of Romeo, Hamlet, andl Antony; but Mr. Pole says nothing of the precise significance of these differences, either in relation to the mind of Shakespeare, or in relation to the times for which he wrote. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the *avera'ity. Copy received at the office of the Aslistant to the PFresdex e 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 168' President and Mrs. Ruthven will be; at home to the students on Wednes- I day, May 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. Rhodes Scholarships: Prospective candidates for Rhodes Scholarships may apply for information blanks from the Secretary of the History De- partment, 119 Haven Hall, any time' before the end of the academic year' or at the beginning of the autumn 1semester. ; To The Members of the Guard of Honor: A meeting for the purpose of instruction and drill of the Guard of Honor for the Commencement Day Exercises will be held at Waterman, gymnasium, today at 4 p.m., under' the direction of Dr. George A. May. L. M. Gram, Chief Mrsha&. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of this college on Thursday, May 28, at 4:15 p.m., Room 348, West En- gineering Building. The purpose of the meeting will be the election of a University Council representative and the consideration of important de- partmental changes. Senior Engineers: The last day for, distribution of caps and gowns for Swingout and Commencement will be Saturday, May 30, 11 a.m. to p.m. at the Michigan League. Distribution room will be posted on the League bulletin board. Bring your class dues receipt Clcveland Civil Service Examina- tions for playground positions will be given in the office of the Bureau of Appointments at 201 Mason Hall, this evening from 7 to 10 p.m. Everyone who filed application will please call the Bureau, 4121, Ext. 271, some time today to confirm the arrangements for examination. Contemporary: All those who have contributed manuscripts this year should call for them before 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 29. Manuscripts may be called for any day between 5 and 5:30 p.m. in the Contemporary of- fice, Student Publications Bldg. All manuscripts not reclaimed will be destroyed. At a meeting of the University Committee on Discipline held on Fri-~ day, May 22, 1936, MVi'. Edwin A. Sul- livan, Junior Literary student, was placed on probation for disorderly1 conduct, the period of the probation to continue for as long as he remains a student at the University of Michi- gan. Academic Notices English 48, Mr. Proctor's section, will meet Wednesday evening instead of Tuesday evening this week. Economics 173: Bluebook Wednes- day at 8 in Room C, Haven Hall. Lecture University Lecture: K. Kuratowski, professor of matematics at the Uni- versity of Warsaw, will lecture on "Applications of the method of cate- gory (of Baire) for proving existence theorems" this afternoons at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011, Angell Hall. Exhibitions Chinese Art: Ink rubbings from ancient monuments of the Han, "Six- Dynasties" and T'Ang periods. Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Westf Gallery, Alumni' Memorial Hall. No admission charge. Gallery talk by Mr. James Marshall Plumer today at 4 p.m.' Islamic Art sponsored by the Re-' search Seminary in Islamic Art. Open daily through May 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial Hall, North and -South Galleries. Gallery' talk by Miss Adelaide Adams, Wed- esday, May 27 at 4:15 p.m. Admis- sion .free. Events Of Today Cercle Francais: Meeting today at 7:45 p.m. in the League. Election of officers, important that all members attend. The Bibliophiles of the Faculty Women's Club, are meeting today at 1 p.m. for luncheon at the home of Mrs. D. E. Mattern, on Dover Place. Sigma Rho Tau: No general meet- ing at Union tonight. National or- ganization meeting at Detroit today, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. All members invited. Cars leave from Reference Room, 214 West Engineering Bldg., at 1 p.m. Tung Oil Banquet Thursday at 6 p.m. Tau Beta Pi: Regular dinner meet- ing at 6:15 at the Union. This is the last meeting of the year. Varsity Glee Club: Short rehearsal 7 to 7:30 p.m. Please be prompt. Stanley Chorus: Rehearsals, for the girls singing at Mack, Thursday at 10:30, begin this afternoon in Room 304, Union, at 4:30 p.m., and Christian Science Organization: There will be a meeting of this or- ganization at 8 p.m. in the Chapel of the Michigan League Bldg. Students, alumni and faculty members are ~cor- dially invited to attend. Coming Events Violin-Piano Recital: Elizabeth All- sop Leslie, violinist, ' and- Margaret Jane Kimball, pianist, both graduates. of the School of Music, will give the following program of sonatas in the School of Music Auditorium, Wednes- day evening, May 27, 8:15 p.m.,to which the general public is invited Sonata in E major .......... Bach Adatio Allegro deciso zAdagio ma non tanto Allegro Sonata, Op. 13 ....... . . . ... . Faure Allegro molto Andante Allegro Vivace Allegro quasi presto Sonata in F major . . .Tcherepnine Allegro moderato Larghetto Vivace Announcement of the awards in the sixth annual Hopwood Contest will be made at 4, Friday, May 29, in the Union ballroom. Phi Tau Alphl,: Epulum exquisitum societatis die octavo. et vicesimo in Hospitium Mulierum Michiganensium I dabitur. Facetiae--Fabulae-Fartum Gaudeamus Igitur! Phi Sigma banquet to be held in Room 116, Michigan Union, Wednes- day, May 27 at 6:30 p.m. Prof. Brad- ley M. Patten will speak concerning "Micro-moving Pictures Applied to the Study of Living Embryos." Ban- quet included, in initiation fee of new members of this year (both semes- teis). Sphinx: There will be a meeting at 12:15 Wednesday in the Union. The Student Alliance will hold its regular weekly Wednesday evening meeting this Wednesday, May 27, in Room 304 in the Union at 8 p.m. Hillel ;Foundation: Shabuoth ser- vice (commemorating the giving of the Ten Commandments on Sinai) will be held Tuesday evening, May 26, 8 p.m. Yizkor or memorial services will be given May 28, at 9:30 a.m. at the Congregation Beth Isreal, 538 N. Division. 'Black Le44.on' Vitms Relate Horror Stories 12 Members Of Society Are Arraigned In Wayne Courty Court (Continued from Page 1) light the existence of the blood-band- ed fraternity. All pleaded innocent and preliminary hearings were set for Wednesday. Planned To Hang Poole Dayton Dean, city employe who has confessed he emptied two revolvers into Poole's kneeling body May 13, made a new statement today, John I. Navarre, head of the Detroit homi- cide squad, announced, in which he said the slayers had planned to hang the young WPA worker rather than shoot him to death. "It was a one-way ride; we all knew that," Dean was quoted by Na- varre and Assistant Prosecutor John A. Ricca, as saying. "We wanted it to be a necktie party with the robes and regalia, but when some of the cars got lost-the ones with the ropes and robes in them-we got tired wait- ing, so I shot him. We wanted it to a necktie party to be more impres- sive." Developments of the day included: Flint And Pontiac Inquiry 1-A grand jury investigation at Jackson into the death of Paul Every whose widow charges he was beaten because he attempted to withdraw from the Black Legion. 2-An impending state grand jury investigation of the night riding vigi- lantes. 3-Announcements, at both Flint and Pontiac that r.umors of Black Legion attempts at city political dom- inance would be sifted. Pontiac au- thorities announced an investigation to determine whether there is any basis for rumors certain patroln'ren are members of a Black Legion unit. 4--An announcement by state po- lice that at least seven witnesses, some of them former members of the Black Legion who were flogged, had agreed to testify secretly before the grand jury. "We may have as a wit- ness a former member who tried to withdraw and whose barn was burned," the announcement said. 5-An assertion by Prosecutor Ow- en Dudley of Jackson that testimony indicating Jerome Garfield Wolfe, Marion, 0., oil prospector whose body was found by the roadside near Na- ow To Dommiate Coll 1. ege u.d ience .. . , W EAR BIG, black-rimmed spectacles to put on and take off. It looks: npressive. Walk restlessly from one side of the stage to the ther, stopping for recuperation at the arm chairs r the stage. It is always effective to stop at one de of the stage, back against the pillar, head eroically forward, hair in one's eyes. Speak of mildly erotic things, to please the ladies. Let not what you say be overburdened with ideas. ou can figure that a college audience has to listen o intelligent lectures all during the week. Besides, ley tmight take you for an escaped college profes- or. Itis more important that you speak drama- cally than that what you say should have anyI articular significance. An effective name always helps. Something that iggests afternoon teas and balanced tea-cups, and asily-impressed ladies. Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files May 26, 1936 'he Black Legion; 'ascist And Dangerous. * IT HARDLY seems believable that in ..modern, dynamic Michigan such an xganizatioi as the Black Legion could exist. But s startling and as unexpected as the expose of the ult was, we were not altogether surprised to learn f it. The Black Legion is but a product, a very damn- g product, of these dangerous times. It is a scist tendency toward reaction, a part, we fear, f a much more wide-spread although probably norganized group which is doing everything in its ower, through ignorance and fear, to wipe out vil liberties and stop social progress. It is our guess that the actual members of hac~~~n tr iri isu ia rinn arc htf" nnl -n , MID the growing uproar over Pres- ident Coolidge's order authorizing1 state and local officials to act as Fedei'al prohibition agents, the White House today defended the action and the Senate unaijinlously directed the ,j uciciari'y committee to investigate its legality. The French government will con- tinue its program for the "pacifica- tion" of the Rift's despite the vague request for a suspension of hostilities received from Abd-ei-Krim,. the Riffs' leader, in the form of a letter de- livered by a French doctor. Clashes between the right and left pazl ics, with bloodshed in some places were reported, yesterday from the va ious Polish provinces in connection with political meetings preparatory to the national assembly which is to