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May 26, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-26

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_ _
T E 1 I+GT ' I AT .

TUESDAY. -MAY 26. 1939

+a T H ~ A l T a t' e t!.rA v Y P A1 . MAV9lGO'4aa , ,a,,

i , in tv ti D, 1 Z1.)U



(From The Associated Press)
ack Legion-
tamifications of Detroit's Black Le-
n expose yesterday had turned up
dispatches from Jackson, Toledo,
shington, Flint, Kenton, 0., and
vard University. (See story on
e one).
n Washington J. Edgar Hoover said
saw no cause as yet for the F.B.T.
enter the investigation of the so-

Black Legion'Night Riders' Face Murder Charges

Clssified Director ~

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lic per reading line
(on basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions.
1inimun three lines per insertion.
Telephone rate - 15c per reading linre
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
By Contract, per line -2 lines daily,
one month................. ......8
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months............8c
2 lines daily, college year...........7e
4 lines E .O.D., 2 months.............8c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c
:30(1 lines used as desired............8e
11 00 lines used as desired..........7c
2,000 lines used as desired..........6c
The above rates are per reading line
based on eight reading lines per °inch
Ionic type. upper and lower case. Add
Cc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add Gc per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
1lc per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point type.

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox
Careful work at low price.

ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street,
Phone 9625, 14x
WARNING: Only a reliable furrier
can clean your furs and fur coat
without harming the skins. 32
years of expert fur service recom-
for safe fur cleaning and storage.
Phone 8507. 16x



WORK WANTED! Middle aged couple
-white-want position as cook and'
porter in fraternity or sorority housej
for the summer and next yeah. Ex-
perienced. Phone 8873. 517


"Hoover Insurance & Trust Service" A. A.
has a few openings in Detroit and
Michigan which offer an ,excellent MAC'S
opportunity to earn while receiving cient;
a thorough practical business train- - -_
ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to'
a business career should write, Da-
vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build-TUo
ing, Detroit. 17x thi
FOUR or five room apartment for! meste
summer or school year. 209 N. In-
galls. Phone 3403. 514 4525.

xamined, best glasses made at
t prices Oculist, U. of M.
uate, 44 years practice. 549
:rd. Phone 2-1866. 13x
E: We clean, upholster, repair
refinish furniture. Phone 8105.
Stuhiman. 15x
TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
service. All new cabs. 3x
ING in math. Call at 405 Ma-
Hall between three 'and five-
E: Experienced cook and por-
'or fraternity house. First se-
er. References required. Call

In Toledo the Toledo Blade reported
hiat the Black Legion there had an
r'ganization of 400 to 500 members,
oth only organization work carried
n to date. Membership workers, the
lade. claimed, are on both public re-
if rolls and WPA ranks.
In Jackson Mrs. Ray Ernest, wife of
M3lack Legion prison guard, said a
icious metal-studded whip found in
s 1home had been used in a presen-
ation of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by a
iffon Legree who didn't like the ac-
r playing the part of Uncle Tom.
secutor Omen Dudley of Jackson
nty estimated a Black Legion en-
mrent of 500 in that county.
n enton, 0., Mayor J. H. Beltz of
'&by McGuifey, 0., said that four
'ads of men armed with guns
dynamite and calling themselves
'lying Squadron" of the Black Le-
on had offered their help to strik-
g onion field workers, but had left
he the strikers refused their help.
At Harvard a professor denied as
ust bosh" the suggestion that the
oston Tea Party was instigated by
ie Black Legion. "It was a spon-.
.neous uprising," he declared.,


-Assoieted Press Ihoto.
Detroit ..uthoriti 's planned to lodge murder charges against seven "night riders" of the Black Legion
accused of the "execution" of Charles A. Poole, young PWA woi ker, as they sought to round up other members
of the hooded secret sticiety who they thought might be resoonsible for sone 50 deaths. ttere are some of
the 16 men arristed as they were taken to court. The man shielding his face with his hand is harry Davis, a,
"colonel" in the organization.
- -- - -- --I

' ychologists Cannot Explain
lack Legion," Shepard Says


A uieriacu Legion Sells
9,000 P011i es, Nets $500
The American Legion's annual
13lPl)y saile Saturday brought dona-
tions of $516.12. Albert G. Larmee,
president of the local post, said yes-
terday. Though about 9,000 poppies
were sold, the alnolint received was
Se.n wha t lower than last year's total.
Menibers of the Legion and the
Vetei'ans of Foreign Wars conducted
the sale ,jointly and the returns will
be divided between them for future
welfare by the two organizations.
Pi-of, ,John I., Muyskens headed the
comn-Jt ee of the Veterans of For-
ia Gi Wars.
_____ ____ ____ _1
In ecognition of his friendship and
aid to the students in the Dental
School, Dr. John F. Huber of the
Medical School was presented a sur-
lpiise gift, a gladstone bag, yesterday
afteinoon. The presentation was
made by Edwin W. Deer, '36D.

rooms. Special rates. Porter serv-
ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks.
915 Oakland. 7458. 504
buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for -saxophones and type-
writers. Don't sell before you see
dam. Phone for appointments.
2-3640. lOx

9.P. Marches On

The Republican party announced
sterday the publication of the first'
a series of "Granitegrams," brief
xmphlets written by "Mark Granite,j
Newton, Pa.," which "in form are
crt talks on the administration from
e proprietor of a country store"
The Young Republicans declared
their magazine, "The Trumpeter,"
gt Democratic "propagandists" were
etting up a verbal plant comparable
the one created in Russia in the
I Bay City, Gov. Frank D. Fitzger-
proposed that "the Alfred P.
ns of America should be given a
cane to serve their country in place
the Dr. Tugwells and the Frank-
rters." He said the G.O.P. would
n Michigan "since a Michigan man
11 be the national head of the tick-
and that the Republican plat-
:m should "consist of a few short
ragraphs offering a specific remedy
r particular national ailments."

Group's Lack Of Motives
IL Spite Of u s Iurge Siz
Is Iluexpla in ble
The Black Legion, terroristic or-
ganization reputedly of national scope,
is a phenomenon beyond psycholog-
ical explanation, Prof. John F. Shep-
ard of the psychology department
said yester'day.
"Until a motive that will bear sound
I reasoning is suggested," he said, "the
psychologist is at a loss to explain
the movement."
He cited the many instances in his-
tory - and those of today - when
secret societies have existed, but none
that he could recall were as vicious
as the Black Legion,
Most underground organizations
have obvious motives and none of
them are as malicious as the Black
Legion, he pointed out. "The lack
of motive makes the Black Legion
a phenomenon to the psychologist,"
he added.f
He cited the false importance ac-
quired from membership in a- secret
organization as an incidental mo-
tive. A secret olganization tends
to make a meglomaniac of many men,
he said.
"The uniforms of cross-bones and

skulls," he suggested, "would induce
many men to join, of course, just as
the glamour of marching and uni-
flrms induces many to join the army."
There is also the desire, he believed,
in some men to act as supreme arbi-
ters over what is right and wrong,
but cautioned that this too, is only
an incidental motive.
Professor Shepard said that he
could probably explain the organiza-
tion's psychological aspects if it were
of small membership, but that 120,-
000 citizens of the State of Mich-
igan should belong is beyond his un-
Aside from the psychological' as-
pects of the membership of the organ-
ization, he said that if a political.
motive is found to be behind the
movement the liberal cause will be
increased by large numbers.
"There will be a strong reaction
against such terroristic .trong-arm
methods that will swing many per-
sons to the cause of liberalism," Pro-
fessor Shepard said. .
Ford Nets Only
$3,500,000 In
1935 Season
BOSTON, May 25. --iP)-The pri-
vately owned Ford Motor Company
made an indicated profit of $3,565,-
617 in 1935, a balance sheet filed with
Massachusetts tax authorities showed
today. The figure was $3,294,845 low-
er than the company's 1934 profit.
Massachusetts alone among the
states compels the filing of such a
statement, which affords the only
public indication of the profits of the
Detroit company. Statements of the
Canadian Ford Company also are
public record.
The profit figure was indicated in
an increase of $2,701,259 in the profit
and loss surplus account of $582.-
977,651, plus an increase of $864,-
398 in the reser've account, which
stood at $10,961,346 as of Dec. 31 last.
The figures did not indicate any
dividends that may have been paid
to the owners.
The company's profit was equival-
ent to $1.03 a share on the 3452,900
shalres, entirely held by Ford, his wife
and their son Edsel B. Ford.
TICKETS & eR*%~a
Your atcomshlp pasna to Europe, for this coming Spr-ing 4i
Summer,. ahoudbis e,eerved now. Phone or come in. choose
yv.or ship & u euialI dopoeri rwilt guarantee the apace. tf you fins!
you Oannot yto I will gludly arrnge far a Transfer, or a full return
of depolit nney. All tdetail completed here withoutchogye.
"Persontl ervice" anevery booing. sl a Jil? 11. 947?
KUEfBER TRAVEL BURtEAU. 8017£. Huron 5r.. Ann Arbor

S:00--WJR Stevenson Spori.
WW.I 'ly a'n.
WXYZ Easy Ace.s.
('KLW O"niti -liu' Nlyf! l ic.
6:15 --WJR <fiinin :ic Ali.
WXYz il y in I('.iw.
6 :30----WsJR Kate -Siil.
fi'WJ Bulletints.
CKLW Rhytlhmi Mom.en:r.
6:45-- WJR Boake Cerer".
WWJ Dinner IMuic.
WXYZ Rubinofi-Hea.
CKILW Charles arn,'tts Music,
7:00--WJR Lazy Dart.
Minstrel Man.
WWJ Leo Reismnan's Music.
WXYZ Crim'e Clues.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
7:30 -WJR Laugh with Ken Murray.
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome
CKLWY Mario Bragg'iotti's Music.
8:00--WJR Walter O'Keefe: Glen
Gray's Music.
WWJ Vo, Pop.
WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music.
CKLW Cronies.
8:15---.CKLW Queen Mary Broadcast.
8:30-WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians.
WWJ Ed Wynn, Graham McNamee.
CKLW Jazz Noctutrne.
WXYZ Melodies of the Night.
9:00--WJR Parties at Pickfair.
WWJZBenny Goodman's Music.
w'XYz FVerde Gr'ofe.
CKLW Symphonic Strings.
9:15--WXYZ Girl Friends.
WWJ Soloist.
9:30--WJR March of Time.
WWJ Soloist.
WXYZ Bob Chester's Music.
CKLW Dance Music.
9:45-WJR Hot Dates in Histoiy.
WW.J Fred A.. Hatrtley.
WXYZ Ar'e We Defentseless.
CKLW Charioteers.
10 :00---WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Dance Music.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:1 5--WJR Rhythm.
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Phil Levant's Music.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
10:30--WJR LeRoy Smith's Music.
WXYZ Anthony Tnini's Music.
CKLW arff Williams' Mus
11:00--WJR Sleepy Halls Music.
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
WXYZ Frauklin Watzmnau.
CKLW Enoch Light's Music.
11:15-WXYZ Jack Berger's Music.
11 :30-WJR Milton Kellem Musio.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Phil Levant's Music.
CKLW Red Norval's Music.
1 :45---WJR Solay and Violin.
12:0)0--WJR At Close of Day.
WWJ Bob Chester's Music.
WXYZ Bert Stock's Music.
CKLW Bob Nolatn's Music.
BATTLE CREEK, May 25.--(P)---_
Among survivr'.s lef t by Mrs. Lucy
Moran, 57, Who died Sunday, was her
father, Fleming T'I'nsley, 1 0g-year-old
former slave.

Here is a book for 1936 graduates
that gives sound information on
how to get a job in the advertising
business, always in need of new men
and new ideas.
Edited by WALTER HANLON, advertising
authority. 56 KEY ADVERTISING EX-
ECUJTIVES tell how they got started in
this fascinating and profitable pafes-
sion, and show you how to "land that
first jfob."
send for FREE brochure describting
"Breaking Into Advertising" to
110 West 42nd Street - New York City


invites you to a gay
writh, the
New York Musical Comedy Stars
Eddie Garr and Francis Maddux
°Miss Win wood is one of the two
best artists ever to grace the Ann
Arbor season. Eddie Garr and
Frances Maddux as entertaining
as anything to be seen in the larg-
er revues!" -The Michigan Daily
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
NIGHTS-75c, $1 and $1.50; MA'1'S. 50c & 75c
Phone- 6300


he Day's Summar"y
nom Washington

While waiting action on the tax,
ill by the Senate Finance Committee,
he House, with most of its work done,'
.mused itself with the Townsend ice-
estigation, with Dem leaders peeved
y "Dear Dr. Townsend's" failure to
>operate. Speaker Byrns comment-
1: "I believe he should be tried in
ederal Court instead of the House."
The War Department announced
scations, dates, and quotas of sum-
ier C.M.T.C. units, including two
ichigan Damps, Fort Brady, with a
)0 quota and Camp Custer, with a
000 quota both from July 2 to July
The Senate Judiciary Committee
sterday received and approved a bill
broaden the crime prevention pow-
's of the Department of Justice. The
11 would validate beyond all doubt
ie F.B.I.'s activities, and extent its
owers in the field of crime preven-
on, and dissemination of litera-
ire to that end. Attorney Gen-
-al Cummings brought in the bill
ith high commendation for J. Edgar
oover and his assistants. ,

Five Canadianis Die
I In Airplane Crashl
AMOS, Quebec, May 25. - P(.')--C.
W. Clark, general manager of Gen-
eral Airways, Limited, and four mem-
bers of a mining party were killed in1
an airplane crash 50 miles from here
late yesterday, it was learned tonight.
The party was returning from Chi-
bougamou to Rouyn.
Clark was one of the best-known
airmen in northern Quebec and On-
It was understood the party had in-
spected mining country around Chi-
bougamou Lake, about 200 miles
northeast of Amos and 250 miles
northwest of Quebec, and was return-
ing when the crash occurred.
Amos is in northwestern Quebec,
near the Ontario boundary, on the old
transcontinental railway which now
is not much used.
HOLLYWOOD, May 25. ---(/1') --A
tl.irtieth wedding atlnive'rsary'-al-
most a rarity in a movie colony where
short-lived xmrriage:; often are the I
rule-- will be ObSrci'fvd tomorrow at
the hone of Charlie MurI'ay, veteran
film comedian.



Fron a
THE MODERN philosophers'
stone has a good tlouce to it.
No one ever searched for a way to
make gold quite as thoroughly as
men of science in this genera tion
sought for a new source of rubber.
For at timi it looked as though
goIlelrod might turn the trick ...
bu te actual solul ion came from
resear( tmisry. . . ani from gas.
A'etyhe ga:;, he stuff usedl
years ago for auto headlights, and
still usedi today on thouaands of
farms, wvas the starting point.
Father' Nieuwvlanid of Nut re Dame
Universy found a way d nakifg
acetylene gas molecules join to-
gether to produce a liquid. DuPont
chemists saw in this a possibility.
Here, at last, nlight be the key to
a satisfactory nian-miade rubber.
After several years of painstak-

ilng investigation-success! This
product of chemical research, now
sold by Du Pont under the trade-
mark "DuPrene," has all the char-
acteristics of natural rbber bui
n, u er, ut s
better for certain purposes.
"DuPrene" is superior to Na-
ture's product iin resisting heat,
oils, chemicals, sunlight, and de-
terioration from age. One place
where this is demonstrated is in use
on machinery-as in the case of
gaskets. iFor many such uses
"DuPrene" has replaced natural
rubber despite its present highercost.
Thus the chemist comes to the
rescue. Not only is it possible for
America to be independent of for-
eign rubber supplies-but (more
important now) American industry
has a new product of vastly greater

HOW cash
I saved us money
"We could buy a brand new electric ice
box for practically half at a special sale
if we'd pay cash. But we didn't have cash.
Then a friend told us how you lend money to married and
single people-on their own signatures-so we came to your
office. We got enough to buy the refrigerator and are now
repaying a small amount each month." Why not use this
quick, private way to get the cash you need? Telephone or see

''oday and Wednesday
The Picture Everyone
MFIe Oberon
' Thes Thr



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