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May 24, 1936 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-24

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AY, MAY 24, 1936





Phi Kappa Psi Golf Team

Wins Interfraternity


Chi Psi Places
Second, Theta
Delta ChiThird
Dick Morairty Takes Low
Donors With A 76 From
71 Other Players
Dick Morairty led the Phi Kappa
Psi golf team to a victory over 17
other teams yesterday afternoon in
the interfraternity golf tournament
at the University Golf Course. The
Phi Psi's four man team confined
their total score to 341.
In spite of a strong and tricky wind,
Morairty took low medolist honors
in a field of 72 contesttants with his
sparkling 76. He shoots in the 70s
quite consistently, but his perform-
ance yesterday was singular in view
of the strong wind that swept the
course. Bud Fisher, Nu Sigma Nu,
turned in an excellent card also,
shooting a neat 77 to take second
place in medal play.
Chi Psi Places Second
Chi Psi placed second with a score
of 350, Theta Delta Chi was third with
a total of 352, and they were fol-
lowed very closely by Delta Sigma Pi
with a score of 353. The tournament
was a close race all the way, and it
'was obvious mid-way through the
afternoon that the race would be nar-
rowed down to three or four teams.
The outcome was really dependent
on the scores of the last men on each
of the first four teams.
The other teams had eliminated
themselves by turning in scores rang-
ing from 90 to 115, while the above-
mentioned teams kept their scores
well within the 80s, until the latter
part of the afternoon when scores in
the 90s were scored by each of the
four leading teams.
Take Early Lead
Phi Psi took an early lead when
Morairty, the first man to report for
them turned in a card of 76, and was
followed by Bob Sankey, who reported
a score of 85. Bill Whitehead fol-
lowed his two teammates in with a
score of 88, and when Ben. Cox came
through a little later in the afternoon
with a score of 92, it practically
clinched the victory.r
However, the Chi Psis, the Theta
Delts, and the Delta Sigs made it a
race to the finish. The Chi Psis start-
ed with Jack Palmer scoring an 85,
followed by Isgrigg and Cowley with
an 86 and an 89 respectively, and
then finished with a 90 by Schneider,
which lost them their chance to nose
out their first place rivals.
Theta Delts Close
The Theta Delts were close behind
with Eddie Thompson leading his
teammates with an 85 and followed
by Garrels, Kennedy and MacPherson
scoring an 86, 89 and 92 respectively.
The Delta Sigs were only one stroke
behind the Theta Delts.
Professor Trueblood, former Varsity
golf coach, acted as master of cere-
monies for the afternoon. He seated
himself on the first tee, and conducted
the teeing off process. As each four-
some approached the tee, Prof. True-
blood was there to instruct them as
to the rules and to give them friendly
advice. As a result of his fine man-
agement the tournament was carried
out as planned, and no trouble was
Due to the fine interest that was
shown by the fraternities, interfra-
ternity golf will become a permanent
feature of the Intramyral sports pro-1
gram. In all probability it will replace
interfraternity cross country.

Varsity Golf Captain Joins Starters In National Open,

Siracusa Wins Michigan's Reign As Leader
Shutout Game In Conference Golf Unbroken

Over Lawyers,
English Department Drubs
Gcography Team 10.3 In
Faculty Contest

Just a week ago, Michigan's golf
team was hard at work on the Kil-
deer Country Club course, putting to-
gher such a combined score as
eventually returned them conference
champions for the fifth consecutive

-Associated Preis Photo.
These six golfers joined the ranks of starters in the National Open Golf Championship when they turned
tip the Icw sceres of the district qualifying play over Meidowbiook course at Detroit. Jake Fassezke of Jackson
led the way with a sub-par 69 and a 76. Left to right: Stanley Hancock, Bob Gray, Charles Kocsis (am"-
ateur), captain of University of Michigan golf team, Luis Chiapetta, Jake Fassezke, and Chris Brinke (am-
ateur). Walter Hagen, Mortie Dutra, and Al Watroas, Detroit's leading professional were exempt from

Taking advantage of seven errors In mreviewing these five years of
committed by their opponents and championship play, several points
bunching up their hits for runs in stand out in particular. One of these
the first, third and sixth innings, was the marked improvement that
ihe D.D.'s yesterday defeated the Law- was niade in the play of the Wolver-
yers Club 12-0, and thus entered the inc quartette once they had their own
finals of the independent division of course. Another is the high quality
the intramural baseball tournament. training that these teams have had.
The winners scored five times in Much credit is due Coaches True-
the first on five hits and two errors. blood and Courtright for their work
One of those was a homer by Chuck over this period. But the record of
Balance with the bases loaded. They five consecutive victories is in itself,
scored three more times in the third even more impressive.
on two singles, a double, and two This winning streak began in 1932,
errors, and four more times in the when Johnny Fischer was a sopho
sixth on a walk, two errors, single more. He led a team composed of
and a double. Joe. Siracusa, the Jack Lanfesty, Ed Dayton and Alex
D.D.'s pitcher, allowed only two hits Jolly besides himself, to a first vic-
while striking out eleven men. tory over Illinois, the defending
This win sent the D.D.'s into the, champions.
finals against the Phys. Eds. The game Two Changes In Lineup
for the championship will be played at The following year saw two changes
5:15 p.m. Tuesday. in the lineup, when George David and
By beating the Geography depart- Clarence Markham replaced Lan-
ment 10-3, the English department festy and Jolly, the latter two being
Friday forced the faculty division of lost through graduation. Again
4 *he baseball tournament into an Fischer led the Wolverines to vic-
added playoff, tory and won the individual chain-
The Chemists and the Geography pionship a second time in a row.
department, each having won two This feat naturally attracted the
while losing on game, will meet to attention of the Walker cup, officials,
decide the winner and runner-up of and Fischer was accordingly asked to
the league, while the English and make a fourth on the American team
physiology departments will play for in 1934. Fear was expressed for the
third and fourth places. Both of the Wolverine squad, but one . Chuck
games will be played at 5 p.m. Tues- Kocsis cane forward to lead the de-
ga.fedn title holders sucessfll

Fischer in its ranks. Woody Malloy
and Al Saunders completed the team
that besides winning the conference
title a fourth time, provided a mot)>
spectacular intra-team dual between
Fischer and Kocsis, the former finally
being named the victor by three
Old Order Changes
The old order changed again last
spring, taking Fischer among those
who graduated. Kocsis was accord-
ingly moved into the No. one posi-
tion, and one Bill Barclay of bas-
ketball and football note moved into
the new fourth spot. This new com-
bination came through with a margin
of fifty strokes over their nearest
And so it is, as the Maize and Blue
team hangs up its Big Ten equipment
for another year, one ponders over
just how long that magic touch be
hind the little white pellet, will re-
main a Michigan possession.

_ , ~ .

conference Track Sunmaries Showmi
Two Firsts For Wolverine T rackmrne

-- -a



One-mile run: Won by Lash (Ind.);
second, Fenske (Wis.); third, Deck-
ard (Ind.); fourth, Smith (Ind.);
and fifth, O'Brien (O.S.U.). Time,
4:10.8 (New Conference record. Old
record of 4:14.4 made by Lash, (Ind.)
in 1935).
440-yard run: Won by Ellinwood
(Chi.); second, Patton (Mich.); third,
BICrleson (Mich.); fourth, Halcrow
(Chi.); and fifth, Crowell (Wis.).
Time, 48.4.
120-yard high hurdlesi: Won by
Osgood (Mich.); second, Neeley
Ind.); third, Cretzmeyer, (Ia.);
fourth, Brunton (Ill.); and fifth,
Lamb (Ia.). Time, 14.2 (Ties
World's record made by Percy Beard,
N.Y.A.C., in 1931).
100-yard dash: Won by Owens
(O.S.U.) ; second, Stoller (Mich.);
third, Grieve (Ill.); fourth, Coller,
(md.); and fifth, Janicki (Wis.).
Shot put: Won by Krezowski
(Minn.), 48 ft. 7/ in.; second, Robow
(Wis.), 47 ft. 6 % in.; third, Townsend
(Mich.), 47 ft. 4% in.; fourth, Chris-
tianson (Wis.), 46 ft. 22 in.; and
fifth, Friemuth (Minn.), 45 ft. 9 % in.
half-mile run: Won by Beetham
(O.S.U.); second, Fleming (N.W.);
third, Davidson (Mich.) ; fourth,
Hobbs (Ind.); fifth, Starr (Mich.).
Time, 1:52.4 (New Conference Rec-
ord. Old record, 1:52.9, by Horn-
bostel, Ind., in 1934).
220-yard dash: Won by Owens
(O.S.U.); second, Janicki (Wis.);
third, Collier (Ind.); fourth, Ellin-
wood (Chi.); fifth, Grieve (Ill.).
Time, 21.1 seconds (New World's
Record, around one turn. Old record
:21.2 made by Metcalfe, Marquette,
Discus throw: Won by Etchells,I
(Mich.); 146 ft. 92 in.; second, Frie-
muth (Minn.), 142 ft. 6 in.; third,
DeHeer (a.), 139 ft. 7 in.; fourth,
Burnett (N.W.), 137 ft. 11 in.; fifth,
Townsend Mich.), 136 ft. 1% in.
Two-mile run: Won by Lash (Ind.);
second, Deckard (Ind.); third, Smith
(Ind.); fourth, Benner (O.S.U.);
fifth, Stone, (Mich.). Time, 9:19.9
(New Conference Record. Old con-
ference record, 9:21.9, made by
Wright, Wis., 1931).
Broad jump: Won by Owens
(O.S.U.) ; 25 ft. 71/ in.; second, Wel-
ling (IIL.), 24 ft. 14 in.; third, Brun-
ton (Ill.), 24 ft.18 in.; fourth, Stoller
(Mich.) 23 ft. 11% in.; fifth, Hub-
bard (Minn.), 3 ft. 33/4 in.
220 yard low hurdles: Won by Ow-
ens (O. S. U.) ; second, Osgood

(Mich.) ; third, Wright, (Ill.); fourth,
Baldwin (Ind.); fifth, Robinson
(Ill.. Time, 23.5 seconds.
Iligh jump: Won by Walker
(0.S.U.), 6 ft. 6 in.; second Albritton
(O.S.U-, 6 ft. 6 in. (Both cleared bar
at 6 ft. 8 in.; officials ruled Walker
winner on measurement of "sag" in
bar.); third, Caldemeyer (Ind.), 6
Monroe High's
Thiuclads Take
Class 'A'. Title
Class 'B' Crown Won By
Birmingham While Paw
Paw Again Repeats
GRAND RAPIDS, May 23. -(A')--
Four new records went into the books
as the State High School Track Meet
crowned new team champions in
three of' its divisions, and permitted
the fourth to reign for another year.
Monroe High School took over the
class "A" crown that Saginaw sought
unsuccessfully to defend;, Birming-
ham won Niles' class "B" throne; Paw
Paw, in class "C," alone was able to
beat back its challengers, while One-
kama by the narrowest of margins re-
placed Bear Lake as the ruler of class
"D" schools.
The records took a severe jostling.
In addition to the records that were
recognized officially, six others of the
old marks were bettered but not al-
lowed because the contestants ran
with a strong wind at their backs.
Tycocki, of Lansing Central, took
over the class "A" broad jumping
record with a 22-foot 11% inch leap
that bettered by a fraction the mark
that had stood since 1928.
Holderman, Escanaba, turned in
a 4:34.4 mile. In clss "B" that was
three-tenths of a second better than
the three-year-old record, while
Kinsey, of Plymouth, took a hard fall!
out of the class "B" shotput mark.
He threw the ball 50 feet, 8% inches,
bettering the old record of 48 feet,
10% inches.
Mazey, of Middleton High School,
a stripling who competed in corduroy
trousers and canvas sneakers, set up
a new pole vaulting record in class
"D," topping the bar at 11 feet 5
inches, a half inch better than the
old one.

ft. 4 in.; tied for fourth and fifth,
1 owell, Spurgeon, Riegel, Jusek
(O.S.U.), 6 ft. 2 in.
Pole vault: Won by Haller Wis.),
13 ft. 8 in.; tie for secoind, Murdaugh
and Sharrf (Wis.) and Shoemaker
(Ind.). Tie for fifth, Parker (Wis.)
and Hackett (Ill.).
Javelin: Won by Lamb (Ia.); sec-
ond, Tommerson (Wis.); third, Cretz-
meyer, (Ia.); fourth, Stevenson
(Ind); fifth, Pettigrew (O.S.U.); 19
ft. 4 in.
One-mile relay: Won by North-
western, (Ensley, Keitel, Fleming,
Heg) ; second, Indiana; third, Michi-
gan, (St ile-,, Patton, Aikens, Birle.-
,on) ; fourth, Chicago; fifth, Wiscon-
sin. Time, 3:15.4.
Ma-jor Leaoties
American League
W L Pct.
New York .........24 11 .686
Boston2...........3 13 .639
Detroit --...........20 15 .571
Cleveland .........18 16 .529
Chicago..........16 15 .516
Washington ... . . 18 18 .500
Philadelphia ......10 22 .313
St. Louis..........8 27 .229
Yesterday's Games
Detroit 13, Cleveland 5.
Cleveland 4, Detroit 3.
Washington 8, Boston 7.
New York 15-12, Philadelphia
St. Louis 5-3, Chicago 1-8.
National League
St. Louis .......... 20 11 .645
New York ..... ....20 12 .625
Chicago ...........16 15 .516
Pittsburg ..........16 15 .516
Cincinnati .........16 17 .485
Boston ............16 17 .485
Brooklyn ..........13 21 .382
Philadelphia .......13 22 .371
Yesterday's Games
Chicago 7, St. Louis 2.
Cincinnati 4, Pittsburg 3.
Boston 5-9, Brooklyn 4-8.
New York 9, Philadelphia 0.


Hawkeyes Make It Two
Straight Over Minnesota
IOWA CITY, May 23. - (A') - The
University of Iowa baseball team
made it two straight over Minnesota,
3 to 0, today in an abbreviated game
called in the fifth because of rain.
The Hawkeyes defeated Minnesota
here yesterday 4 to 1.t
Minnesota ..........000 00-0-2-1
Iowa ...............011 1x-3-5-0
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through their campaign against all
comers in the Big Ten. In so doing,
Kocsis annexed for himself, Fischer's
erstwhile title" of individual cham-
Nineteen thirty-five saw the Michi-
gan team boasting both Kocsis and
100 CARDS 5
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Par for four-man teams
Phi Kappa Psi ........
Chi Psi ................
Theta Delta Chi ........
Delta Sigma Pi ........
Theta Xi ..............
Sigma Phi ............
Phi Kappa Sigma .....
Alpha Delta Phi ....... .
Delta Upsilon ..........
Trigon ................
Simga Alpha Epsilon .


Phi Kappa Sigma ..............375
Chi Phi ........................384
Pi Lambda Phi..... .... . 388'
Phi Gamma Delta ..............390
Sigma Alpha Mu ..............404
Phi Sigma Kappa ..............414
Phi Alpha Kappa.............417
At East Lansing: Michigan State
9, Ohio State 3.
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