GE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Stone Imp>oses $20,000 Fines On 3 Bankers Bank Executive Committee Should Be Responsible For Fines, Court Says DETROIT, May 22. -U(Al )-- Judge Patrick T. Stone imposed fines today totalling $20,000 upon three former bankers convicted on charges of mak- ing false reports concerning the con- dition of two banks 13 months be- fore the closing of two of Detroit's leading banking institutions. After denying a motion to set aside their conviction, Judge Stone imposed fines of $10,000 upon John R. Bodde and $5,000 against Edwin J. Eckert, former officers of the Peoples Wayne County Bank, which later was merged with now-closed First National Bank of Detroit. Herbert R. Wilkin, former vice-president and cashier of the Union Industrial Trust & Savings Bank of Flint, was fined $5,000. The court set aside the conviction of Donald N. Sweeny, another former officer of the Peoples Wayne County Bank. Executive Committee Should Pay Bodde and Eckert were convicted of signing a $145,000 trustee note that was carried on the bank's books as a cash item, although the money was used to purchase stock in its holding company, the Detroit Bankers Com- pany. In assessing the fines against Bodde and Eckert, the court said that members of the Peoples Wayne County Bank executive committee should pay them. "They are the men," Judge Stone said, "who got these men into this difficulty and they ought to come for- ward now." The charge against Wilkin alleged that a report on December 31, 1931, was falsified to conceal $600,000 in bills payable by a "sham transaction" increasing deposits a like amount. To Wilkin, Judge Stone said: k Judge Lenient On Wilkin "I would give you at least two years in prison except that I am informed that you are the sole support of your aged father and mother." Judge Stone gave Bodde and Eckert ten days in which to pay their fines and both said they believed they could do so. dTheir conviction had given the judge an option of imposing fines or prison sentenices or both. However, he said the men convicted "were not criminals at heart and I appreciate the humiliation and disgrace they have endured. To send them to prison for one day would be a great punish- ment for them. I do not intend to sent them to prison." Sweeny, smiling broadly, and Bodde left the courtroom hurriedly without comment. Eckert, in tears, left after saying, "It was the executive com- mittee that was responsible for what happened. Members of the executive committee will pay $5,000." Sweeny was on a vacation in the southwest at the time of the trustee note transaction. Charge Juror Of Bias Arguing unsuccessfully today to up- set the jury's verdict, O. L. Smith, de- fense attorney, said Mrs. Romaine W. Gifford, Detroit, one of the jurors, had lost a savings account in a bank fail- ure here and was an ardent follower of the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, royal Oak priest who has broadcast criti- cism of bankers. Smith said he was informed the juror's husband, Jul- ian Gifford, told friends "my wife is on the jury in that trial and there will not be an acquittal." Blakeman Leaves For Northwestern Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor of religious education, left last night for Evanston, Ill., where he will be the guest of the religious educational director of Northwestern University. While there Dr. Blakeman will study the religious needs of North- western and of other colleges and universities of that vicinity. He will speak to a student group and be chairman of a panel of faculty and students on Sunday. According to Dr. Blakeman, the newly awakened interest in religion shown by university students is a result of their realization that they must reconsider human values, the relation of faith to social change, and the problem of whether education can complete its task without enter- ing into the field of religion. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) of summer jobs-election of officers- dinner will be served. The Lutheran Student Club will hold its annual Senior banquet in honor of the graduates and those who will not be here next year, on Sun- day, May 24, 6 p.m. in the parish hall of Zion Lutheran Church on East Washington St. Miss Marguerite Groomes is pro- I is Al nfittstr(ali r (A rYork. While there he addressed a JUNIOR MUSIC CLUB ctifits re isc ssed .- ctioinctin itopic bin" i Tne An Arbor Junior Music Club, N.1Y.1duc Group raric4 and Adult Education in the' roup 2, of which Miss Winifred E T braries counselorthe, will cocueit By R ussell Jefi re A rehitects Dr. William W. Bishop returned Next Decade." Milor is counselor, will conclude its c.- _ _ _ __ here today after attending the four- The'conference consisted of various activities for the season with a pro- By ARNOLD S. DANIELS day conference of the American As- session groups which were addressed gram this afternoon at the studio of city planning, Mr. Russell said, have sociation for Adult Education at New by authorities on adult education. Miss Milor. The social and economic services been amply demonstrated, in spite of'----- ....- ------------- -- - --_--_ --- rendered to modern municipalities by the fact that both are relatively zoning and city-planning were dis- young. At present, he said, 1,200 cities cussed last night by Herbert Russell, in the United States support city secretary of the Detroit City Plan- planning, and no city which has tried ning Commission, at the annual AnnI city planning has repudiated it. The Arbor meeting of the Detroit chapter greatest economic value of zoning, ac- of the American Institute of Archi- cording to Mr. Russell, is the fact tects and the Michigan Society of that it stabilizes real estate values, Architects. and makes permanent the value of Zoning was defined by Mr. Russell property. as that function of city planning by The greatest need of city planning which a community is divided into at present, Mr. Russell said, is an in- FIRST METHODIST sectors or zones which will most ade- crease in public education. When the EPISCOPAL CHURCH quately preserve civic rights and in- value of zoning has been made clear State and Washington r NOT FIRSTPRESBYTERIAN sure economic balance. The prob- to tax-paying citizens, he said, it will M ECHRURCH lems of zoning, he said, are closely be possible to fully develop its ad- CHARLES w.RASHARE MasonicTemple, 327 South Fourth connected with those of architecture, vantages. and L. LaVERtW I N 1 Mu niters: william . Lemon Mu.s_.. .._.. _ .._ ___ _l._.-_. ._._ . ... ll... . ,.,...,1.... ndt r W m . Lemn. -Associated Press Photo. Philip Roosevelt of New York, a ceusin of President Roesevelt and cl'airman of the bondholders' cohi- mittee seeking reorganization of the Minteapolis and St. Louis Railway, is shown before a Senate committee as he accused the RFC of "abetting the robbery" of investors in the road. Sloan Attacks U. S. Tendeney 'lo -Sue -aiesm in that two of its most important functions are to eliminate danger of congestion or overcrowding, and to create the style of architecture most suited to individual needs. In regard to the question of conges- tion and overcrowding, Mr. Russell said, zoning serves a valuable social purpose, and, in many ways, works hand in hand with sociological study. Scientific zoning and city planning, he stated, would definitely eliminate slum and blight districts, and improve the health and morals of the inhabi-! tants of such sections.} The economic values of zoning and1 $3,000 Large house and 90 acres land, 12 rniles from Ann Arbor, all good road, and about, one mile from Huron River. House has ten large rooms, is sound, and has good roof. Needs paint, paper and some minor repairs. Electricity available. Beau- tifully located, with plenty of fine trees and miles of view. Same house with 135 acres land $4,500. Or a modern eight room house with 105 acres, $6,000, ORIL FERGUSON 721 Church Street Phone 22839 Musi: PlmerChrstia1 , and Norman W. Kunkel. 10:l : al:t' Wu j- s NEGLECT i 00 anS - Stutlent Breakfa9t at vC the Island. "WHAT SHALL WE DO 10:45 a.m.-Sermon by Dr. Lemon: ABOUT HIGH \LIVING?" "THE RELIGION 1y Dr. Brashares. YOUR RELIGIOUS OF A LIBERAL" 12:00 Noon Class led by Dr. E. W. B3lakeman. Topic of discussion Ihe Educated Christian's Obli- 6:00 p.m.-Westminster Guild meet- gatio." .ing on the lawn of the new 6:00 p.m. --- Wesleyan Guild at church sie at 1432 Washtenaw Stalker Hail. Dr. W. E. Forsythe ACTIVITIES Avenue. will speak on "What is Life 7:00 p.m.- Fellowship Hour and Slipper. (General Motors President Criicizes liiireacracy' As Result Of Regulation LOS ANGELES, May 22. - (P) - Alfred P. Sloan, president of General Motors Corporation, said tonight that any "stabilization" of American in- dustry by government regulation would mean less employment and wealth and lead eventually to "state socialism." He discussed the Administration's economic policies in a speech pre- pared for delivery at a LosAngeles Chamber of Commerce dinner given in connection with the dedication to- morrow of a General Motors assembly plant here. Sloan expressed concern over the possibility of "some new form of NRA" and advocated lower costs and prices, competition and a "better economic balance" as his own three- plank platform for industry. He named "governmental bureau-. cracy" as one of the most undesirable aspects of any attempt to stabilize "the peaks and valleys of thesindus- trial cycle" or the periods of excessive prosperity and the depressions. "I do not hesitate to say," Sloan asserted, "that if America takes the road marked 'stabilization,' bureau- cracy will "be the first step; regimen- tation of industry the second; and the end of the road --however long it may be - will be state socialism. "That is inescapable. We do not need to look far afield to see this very process in evolution." Sloan said that, economically speaking, stabilization means a high- er price level - "an umbrella over the inefficient." "The present economic beliefs of our government are, I am quite sure, inclined toward that viewpoint. We have had the NRA, the AAA, the the Gufey Coal Act and the like. And *there seems to be in the offing rumb- lings with respect to some new form of NRA. Let us hope that we may escape Bates Speaks To luniClub T AlmiIn Minneapolis ThreeUniversity of Michigan alum- ni clubs have held parties or meetings this week in their respective districts and two more are planned for today. The annual spring party of the Battle Creek club, held there yester- day at the Guguac Country Club, was attended by Paul M. Cuncannon of the political science department, Franklin C. C~ppon, athletic coach, and T. Hawley Tapping, general sec- retary of the Alumni Association. There was a sports program in the afternoon and a dinner in the eve- ning. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School addressed the first annual meeting of the new University of Michigan Club of Minneapolis last night. Emory Hyde, president of the Alum- ni Association, Robert O. Morgan, as- sistant secretary of the association, and Mr. Tapping will attend the an- nual meeting of the alumni clubs of the third district to be held today at tI Crmnrdiore Perry Hotel Toledo. The Experiment Has Been Successful! A Step Forward Has Been Made ... The staff of the 1936 Michiganensian began operating this year with a public annoucement that we would no longer be "Pro. cessionary Caterpilars." In this announcement we said that we were abandoning habit, custom, tradition, precedent, past experi- ence, "standard practice," or whatever you may choose to call it'. We were determined to experimerat, to forget the yearbook of yesterday, and to produce the yearbook of tomorrow. Yet, in spite of the f act that it was an experiment, we did not procede blindly. We solicited the aid and advice of select com- mittees f rom each School and College in the University. Only in this way could we be assured that the book would fulfill the desires of the student body. Only in this way could the Michiganensian be truly a yearbook published by and for the student body. F, ON TUESDAYMAY 26, THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE MICHIGANE SIAN WILL BEGIN. At that time you may see for yourself the yearbook of tomorrow that has become the yearbook of today. The staff is certain that you will feel that the innovation has brought a marked imp rovement and that the increased in- terest as been justified. We are certain that you will share with us the belief that the experiment has been successful, that a step