THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A, [1 - agozgg~iPU' - Pubhlisned every morning except-Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Cor.trol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mani, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison -Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......... MARSHALL D. SIIULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Rpportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates, I. S. Silverman. SportsaDepartment: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler.- Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MANAGER..................JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUS. MGR. ..............WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. MGR. ....................JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple, Accounts Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH S. MATTES among others including Professor Muyskens, Frank Picard and about half the male population of Michigan, James Couzens, who, although not loved very much by the bosses of the G.O.P., has always been a Republican as far as election purposes go. For governor, they endorsed, among others, George Welsh, who, although now recently turned New Dealer, has served as lieutenant-governor and speaker of the State House of Representatives as a Republican, and has long been prominent in the G.O.P. ranks. And while this was going on, Governor Com- stock, titular head of the party who is allegedly taking a walk, was fishing in the north woods, unmindful that he was endorsed, with all the other gentlemen, for senator. Mr. Picard. one of the old Comstock-Abbott men, was present, but he was so busy insisting that his Saginaw delegates be seated that he paid little attention to what was going on. The Democrats think they have a good chance of defeating Governor Fitzgerald this fall. Good advice to them, if they really want- to do that, is to sort of get together. The Democratic party in Michigan is in the same fix, it seems to us, that the Republican party is nationally. Nobody knows who is who or what is what. We have nothing against the Democrats. Most of them are kind and estimable men and women. We would like to see someone help them. They need it. THE FORUM Imaginary Conversations . . W ELDON MELICK, writing on "The National Heckle Hour" in the cur- rent issue of Reader's Djigest, besides presenting a very interesting article on the National Broad- casting Company's Town Hall program on Thurs- day nights, m'akes the suggestion that both pres- idential candidates debate on the Town Hall plat- fbrm before a nation-wide invisible audience. "Certainly the event would not be without prece- dent in a land where once we hadour Lincoln- Douglas debates, our exciting political set-tos in which candidates faced each other frankly before the people and argued their differences 'in give- and-take fashion," he says. "In this day of dodg- ing behind set speeches, often ghost-written, it would be a welcome relief if aspirants for high office debated personally before the microphone and had an astute audience to pick them up when they sought to sidestep an issue." What an illuminating experience it would be to listen to President Roosevelt, his Republican opponent and perhaps a third party candidate on the same platform, abandoning of necessity the evasive generalities of political language! The opponents of President Roosevelt might ask: "Mr. Roosevelt, despite your fast expenditures, the unemployment figures are just as high as they ever were. What do you propose to do about it? How can you justify that expenditure? How long are you going to continue to sink us further into debt? "What are you going to do for the farmer, Mr. Roosevelt? The measures which you have proposed have been unconstitutional. Are you going to undertake anything to help agriculture within the bounds of the Constitution? "How about business, Mr. Roosevelt? You have business men, large and small, paralyzed with fear. Can they trust your "breathing spells?" "How about labor, Mr. Roosevelt? This prob- ably comes from Norman Thomas.) The labor provisions of the NRA and the Guffey Bill are in- effective because unconstitutional. Your cab- into has been guilty of unfair treatment of labor. "Are you going to continue to help monopolies? "Are you going to continue your disastrous silver .policy? "Are you going to continue to buck the Con- stiatution without doing anything constructive about it? Do you favor an amendment to the Con- stitution?" President Roosevelt might ask his Republican opponent: "Your party represents the forces of reactionary' do-nothingness. What did Hoover do in 1932? What specific measures do you advocate for the improvement of business, labor, agriculture? "Would you favor returning to the gold stand- ard? I I Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked' to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Night Nuding To the Editor: 'With reference to your item on "Nudists May Gambol On Streets After Dark." in The Daily for May 20, may I suggest the following: When Phoebus gets his cart to go and ropes his trusty beast, When the rosy-fingered So-and-So is smear- ing up the east, I love to shuck my shirt and pants - from clothes my skin relieve, And give my smothered pores a chance to wake and stretch and breathe. I love to see my shining pelt and feel my muscles free, To show my shape, more strong than svelt, for connoisseurs to see, I love to run in sunny ways or sit beneath a tree To snare the ultra violet rays and the vitamin called D.I But now alas! it can't be done, reformers interfere, Vitamin D - gift of the sun -I now must get from beer. The law now reads that if we nude, it must be done at night To nude when nuding's good is rude - dark nudes alone are right. So as a reformerebecks and nods our fancy can't be free; We now must clothe the classic gods and strip mythology. If cupid strolls on sunny sands with dart a heart to hurt He mustrbe wrapped in belly bands and swathed in hunting shirt. Just see Diana as she flies among the mystic trees, How the jodhpurs bundle up her thighs and hide her dimpled knees. Tho' by this law we must abide I say it is not right. That if Godiva takes a horseback ride she has to ride at night. The Conning Tower] THE LANDON SPEECH This country's quitters Have got the jitters. Who've sense of horses Trust the land's rsources. Governor Landon quoted a "prophet of despair" ---he didn't say who - as having said "There are millions of Americans now alive who will never again be self-supporting." The person who said it may be a prophet of despair, and he may be a fact-facer. We believe him, and we believe that there are many millions who once were able to support one more than themselves who never again will be more than self-supporting. Whether the other men who are possible of nomination at Cleveland have been a target for the minnesingers we don't know. But Richard B. Stauffer and Twila Draper have written the words to "He's the Man of the Hour," and the chorus is: Rather small, rather gray, that's Alf. Landon,- He's the man of the hour, America's loyal son. Ev'ry state has heard his voice, How they shout and rejoice, We need Alf. Landon from the Sunflower state, The G.O.P. will elect him to the Presidency. For he's done things in Kansas in a wonderful way. He's riding the popular wave right to the Presi- dency Rather small, rather gray, that's Alf. Landon. j EPITAPHS OF LONGEVITYj Here lies the body of Frederick Fine Who died at the age of 109. He often went to bed o'nights, And never crossed against the lights. Mr. Arthur Brisbane observes that 25,000 per- sons watched the frog-jumping contest and that not half that number would have gathered to hear Einstein lecture on relativity. "This may mean," guesses Mr. Brisbane, "that many human beings are nearer to the frog than they are to Einstein." 'Wait for the Louis-Schmeling fight. Mr. B. Then you can say that many thousands of persons will pay many hundreds of thousands of dollars more to see two men hit each other than would pay to hear Einstein. But a lot of them may be just as near to Einstein as they will be to the ringside. PETROLEUM V. NASBY, OF THE FINDLAY (O.) JEFFERSONIAN We can imagine how puzzled, how resentful, how suspicious Hancock County was of him seventy- five years ago. The little gods they cherished so jealously he laughed at. Their little hard tight prejudices pattered but lightly on his broad shoul- ders, for he drank his beer and spirits openly, gayly, freely. He was big and beefy, wore his clothes carelessly, and my uncle said he might have been taken for anything but a literary genius. In conversation his big voice boomed out, and he was not one to hide his light under a bushel. He did not mind a bit the disapproval and cold shoulders he received. It amused him, so tolerant, so easy going was he in his magnificent poise. When he was neither hurt nor humbled they were vexed. How dared he flout them! Then they discovered they were his relaxation, his lazy entertainment.- This was after the newspaper he had published began attracting attention throughout the coun- try. Dave Locke had bought the Jefersonian on his arrival in Hancock County, in 1861. It had prac- tically ceased to exist for lack of patronage, but took a new lease on life when his magic pen started writing the Petroleum V. Nasby letters. He had a deep feeling against slavery, and had been in trouble in the South because of his vehemence in expressing his opinion. The Jeffersonian served his purpose, for in his Nasby letters he assumed the character of a whisky-drinking, illiterate Dem- ocratic politician, who wanted to be postmaster and desired the perpetuation of slaveiy. The fictional address given was the Confederate Cross Roads. Hancock County considered them beneath its notice, written as they were in painstakingy illit- crate English. Silly, was what they said. But some people thought Dave Locke had a pretty wit. In less than five years lie sold the Jeflersonian. 'Then, borrowing some money from his brother-in- 4w, a very substantial citizen, he went to Toledo, A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 2. - Herbert ' Hoover's "not a candidate" an- nouncement may not have surprised many observers; but by all accounts it set the political pot a-boiling afresh for the whole table of potential Re- publican dark horses in the Senate. The sti' it caused in the Vandenberg. Dickinson and Steiwer camps - and also in Senator Borah's vicinity - was a matter of amused comment among some Senate colleagues. Nevertheless, this Hoover pro- nouncement no more. removes him finally from the nomination picture than the Coolidge "I-do-not-choose- to-run" statement in '27 took the then President wholly out of Mr. Hoover's road to a nomination. The "draft Coolidge" cry, loudly sounded by former Senator Fess of Ohio, con- tinued almost to convention time. Mr. Coolidge finally stilled the Ohioan. Mr. Hoover would have'to couple some declaration about not accept- ing a nomination if tendered to his "not a candidate" outgiving to take his shadow completely off the Cleve- land show. If he did so, his influence there upon either the ticket or the platform would be small indeed. FARLEY SHIFTS TO LANDON N EVER-THE-LESS, the new Hoo- ver declaration, coming as it does when the Landon boom is going so strong, is an important political fac- tor. To Senator Borah, perhaps, his additional statement that he is not working "against" anybody was more impressive than the not-a-candidate part. And as a pure coincidence, one of Mr. Hoover's most ardent supporters for the Republican nomination dropped him just about the time the Chicago Hoover statement was is- sued. "Sunny Jim" Farley, carrying his message of Roosevelt cheer to the Democratic faithful in convention in Connecticut, for once did not refer to his favorite for the Republican job. Even Farley has been caught up in the Landon boom it seems. He said, at least, that Republican "po- litical weather indications" pointed toward the nomination of "a doubt- less estimable gentleman, who how- ever, was unheard of in a national sense until the minority party began to beat the bushes for a candidate." There is Farley's idea of a Demo- cratic campaign theme song if Lan- don is nominated. COAL ACT'S OVERTHROW r1'HE idea of reviving the Guffey coal act minus its labor provisions seems to be based among some of its congressional sponsors on the theory that Supreme Court overthrow of the act was not without its sunny side. Predictions that it would play an im- portant part in the election results in coal states like Pennsylvania and Il- linois were about the first Democratic reaction to the court's verdict. Any- how, it would take another year, probably, for the price fixing section to reach the court again. Ka SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 166 Notices Notice to Seniors and Graduate' Students: Only one more day remains after today for the payment of diplo- ma fees and certificate fees. There can be absolutely no extension beyond 4 p.m. on Monday, May 25. The Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoon. Shirley W. Smith Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall, Thursday afternoon, May 28. Students who have already filed applications foi new loans with the Office of the Dean of Students should call there at once to make an appointment to meet the Committee. J. A. Burlsey, Chairman Com- mittee on Student Loans. Senior Engineers: Get your Caps and Gowns today at the Michigan League 9-12 a.m. and 1-6 p.m. Dis- tribution room is posted on the League Bulletin board. Bring your class dues receipt. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examination for Junior Civil Service Examiner, salary, I $1,620. For further information con- cerning this examination call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. The Univerity Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examinations for Associate, Assistant and Junior To- bacco Inspector, Bureau of Agricul- tural Economics, Department of Agri- culture, salary, $2,000 to $3,200; Sen- ior and Procurement Inspector, As- sistant and Junior Procurement In- spector, Aircraft, (Optional Branches- Aircraft, Aircraft Engines, Aircraft Instruments, Parachutes, Tools and Gages, Radio and Aircraft Miscel- laneous Material) Material Division, Air Corps, War Department, salary, $1,620 to $2,600; Senior Paper Tech- nologist, Forest Service, salary, $4,- 600; and Associate Gas Engineer, Bu- reau of Mines, salary $3,200. For further information concerning these examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. Academic Notices Qualifying Examination for Direct- ed Teaching: Will be given today at 8 a.m. and at 1 p.m. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucation: Will be given today at 9 a.m. and at 2 p.m. M. E. 26 and M. E. 32: All sections will meet Monday, May 25, at 1 p.m. in the Automotive Laboratory for a trip to the General Motors Proving Grounds. Geology 11: The regular field trips are completed. Please consult bul- letin board near Geology Office for schedule of make-up trips. Concert Choral Union Concerts: The follow- ing artists and organizations will ap- pear in the 1936-37 Choral Union Concert Series: Oct. 19, Kirsten Flagstad, soprano. Nov. 2, Chicago Symphony Orches- tra, Frederick Stock, Conductor. Nov. 16, Moscow Cathedral Choir Nicholas Afonsky, Conductor. Nov. 30, Jascha Heifetz, Violinist.- Dec. 10, Boston Symphony Orches tra, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor Dec. 14, Josef Hofman, Pianist. Jan. 15, Detroit Symphony Or chestra, Gernardino Molinari, Gues Conductor. Jan. 25, Gregor Piatigorsky, Violon cellist. Feb. 23, Artur Scenabel, Pianist. March 24, Nelson Eddy, Baritone. Charles A. Sink, President. T-' Exhibition Islamic Art sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun- days from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumn Memorial Hall, North and South Gal- leries. Gallery talk by Isabel Hub- bard, Sunday, May 24 at 4 p.m. No admission charge. Events Of Today - Tryouts for Glee-club scholarships report at the School of Music, Room 206, between 1 and 2 p.m. today. Stalker Hall: Steak roast at th Island. The group will leave Stalke t Hall at 5 p.m. The cost will be 2 cents per person. All Methodist stu dents and their friends are cordiall invited. e Mimes, members and partners wi: be guests of the Union at the regula Membership dance tonight. d e Coming Events Graduate Outing Club: The secon a annual picnic will be held on Sunday 1 May 24 at Camp Takoma. All grad uate students wishing to atten The Acolytes will hold its final meeting of the year Monday, May 45 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 202 South Wing. Mr. Moriis Lazerowitz of the Philos- ophy Department will present a paper on "Tautologies and the Matrix Meth- Varsity Glee Club: Report Sunday May 24, at the broadcasting studio, 10 a.m., to make records. Beta Kappa Rho: There will be a picnic at Cavanaugh Lake Sunday afternoon. Cars will leave the Michi- gan League Bldg. at 4:30 p.m. Presbyterian Students: There will be a breakfast at the Island Sunday at 8 a.m. Meet at Kunkels or go directly there. Reservations must be made before Saturday noon. Call 6005 or 5977. Mimes: Retake on photo Monday, 5 p.m. at Dey's Studio. All members please attend. First Methodist Church, Sunday: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "What Shall We Do About High Liv- ing?" at 10:45 a.m. Stalker Hall, Sunday: 12 noon, Dr. E. W. Blakeman will conduct the series on Peace with the discussion on "The Educated Chris- tian's Obligation." 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Dr. W. E. Forsythe will speak on "What Is Life?" 7 p.m., Fellowship hour and supper. First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10,:45 a.m., Morning worship. The Rev. Norman C. Kunkle, associate minister of the First Presbyterian church, will preach, presenting the subject, "Tle Cross in Utopia." 9:30 a.m., The Church School. 9:45 a.m., Dr. Waterman's class will meet at the Guild House. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday: No further noon classes will be held this year. 6 p.m., a special program has been arranged in which five upperclass- men will speak of convictions, about life and religion which have taken a positive turn during university days. Following the program a social hour will be observed during which re- freshments will be served. Church of Christ (Disciples), Sun- day: 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 3 p.m., The, Guild will leave the church for a trip to Saline Valley Farms. Transportation will be pro- vided. If anyone cannot leave by 3 p.m. call 5838. Twenty-five cents will be charged for supper and transporta- tion. The program will be as follows: 4 p.m., Visit to major places of interest at the farm. 5:30 p.m., Games and suppe by the lake. 7 p.m., Vesper service by the lake. Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, professor of Celestial Mechanics will take us on a journey across the sky. Presbyterian Church, Sunday: At the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth St. 8 a.m., Annual spring beakfast of the Guild at the Island, postponed from last Sunday. 9:30 a.m., Church School with classes for all age groups. 10:45 a.m. Worship with sermon by the minister, Dr. W. T. Lemon: "The Religion of a Liberal." 6 p.m., Westminster Guild meeting on tle lawn of the new church site a t 1432 Washtenaw avenue. Episcopal Student Meeting, Sun- day: The regular student meeting will be held in the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Peirsol, 625 Ox- ford Road. Prof. Howard McClusky will be the speaker for the evening. - Those students who do not know . the way to the Peirgol's home will be - picked up at Harris Hall at 6:30 p.m. i - Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, - Sunday: o Services of worship are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. n Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday: Church School at 9:15 a.m. Chief e worship service at 10:30 a.m. with r sermon by the pastor on "Why Cate 5 chize?" This will be a pre-confirma- tion service with examination of con- y firmants. First Congregational Church, Sun- [1 day: r 10:30 a.m., service of worship and, religious education. Mr. Heaps' ser- mon subject is "The Unfinished. Task." Mr. Kermit Eby will talk on d "The Meaning of Kagawa." The pa- d triotic organizations of the city are 1y to be the guests for the service. d DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN hinblication In the iiteltrn I constructivf' not1e to all members of the WME-ersity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President u#tn 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of May 23, 1926 I -B.C. Y RALLYING in the ninth inning and beating Illinois, 5 to 4, yester- day, the Wolverines virtually assured themsclves of the 1926 Conference baseball championship. Taking eight first places of the 15 events on the program, five of these coming in the field events, Michigan trackmen scored a victory over a strong Illinois squad by a seven-point margin yesterday afternoon on Ferry Field, 71 to 64. The decision of the Pilsudski gov- UnpIleasa t Incident 'To the Editor: In partial reply to the remarks of "212" about ithe article dealing with M.i'. Gust Carlson's "expose" of the numbers racket, I should like to point out that the "sensational" nature of the article is entirely a product of Mr. F. W. Neal's treatment of the subject. Mr. Carlson has been studying the various aspects of the num- bers racket for several years as a part of the thesis dealing with the anthropo-sociological sig- nificance of this curious social phenomenon. He has secured many interesting facts, given him in confidence. However, anyone acquainted with Mr. Carlson and his treatment of his problem realizes that he is not crusading, exposing, nor seekipg publicity. It is unfortunate that an ap- parently harmless interview should have resultedE in publicity of the "sensational" type. His friends 4hope that Mr. Carlson will not experience any detriment to his researches from this unpleasant incident. -D.L.S.J and, with a partner, purchased the Daily and ernment to hold a presidential cc- Weekly Blade. He continued to write these letters, tion by the national assembly in War- and the Blade's circulation grew to 75,000 - a tre- saw late this month has created a mendous amount in those days. It became one political situation fraught with many of the leading newspapers of the country - and all possibilities. on account of those ridiculous letters. Hancock A proposal to put teeth in the County simply could NOT understand. Great League of Nations covenant and the wealth, and, in spite of his healthy scorn of the ar- Locarno pacts by arranging imme- tificial, great dignity descended upon him with the diately for the swift operation of years. He could not help it. We have always mutual assistance in wartime, was liked to think of the deep understanding that ex- France's latest contribution to the istcd between him and President Lincoln. disarmament studies at Geneva, it Years after his death, when we went with our was announced yesterday. mother and Mrs. Mecks to have luncheon with l E "Would you favor the return of a high tariff? "Do you sincerely expect business of its own1 accord to inaugurate reforms in securities, banking or labor fields?" Thus would go the questions, back and forth, and woe unto the man who dodged. It sounds like a splendid idea. A Strange Phenomenion. .. THE STATE Democratic Convention at Grand Rapids was one of the EDITOR'S NOTE: Thei ferred to was shown to Mr. appeared in The Daily and approval. entire article re- Carlson before it had his complete As Others See It Purge (From the Temple University News) I TNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO'S board of trusteesl "Aunt Mat" in the great mansion in Toledo, we were awed by the dignity of his widow. She was very kind, very gracious, but very tall and slender and fashionable for an old lady of eighty. And the enormous oil paintings in the great rooms, each with its separate shaded illumination, seemed to us the ultimate in grandeur. And her son, Mr. Rob Locke, the devastating dramatic critic of his own paper, was so suave, so charming, so mechanically polite and polished that he might have been royalty itself. We were impressed. This, then, was the sort we would marry if he would just wait until we grew up. He did not. He was middle aged then. Though she never knew it, it was a great grief to us when he married the sister of Henry E. Dixey. Things happen like that. B. ROSS. Another record: Mr. Lou Wedemar, reporter Due to the unfavorable conditions prevalent, the flight planned for yes- terday morning in the Michigan I the University's balloon, will take place today instead. The growing feeling throughout the country that there should be a curtailment if not an end of the cen- tralization of power at Washington found expression in the address de- livered by President Coolidge at th College of William and Mary yester- day. I Economic alliances of Japan an the United States are too extensive to permit these two countries to be come enemies. stated Baron Takanage Mitsui, a member of the influentia house of Mitsui, yesterday. 0