PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1936 THUSvA, AY1. _93 THE MICHIGAN DAILY An Urgent Safety Need. Publisned every morning except Monday during thi University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail., $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. BOARD Ol EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR...............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............. FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........MARSHALLD. SHULMAN George Aros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurdi Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don Snith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportoral Department: Fred Warner Neal. Chairman; 'Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackicton, William Spaller. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert C umins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Mlontague. Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as- sociates. I. S. Silvermnan. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fr Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, . Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT] BUSINESS MANAGER.................JOHN R. PARK A"5OCIATE BUS. MGR............WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUS. MGR. ..................JEAN KEINATH Departmental Managers John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones. Publication Manager; Richard Croushore; National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don I. Wilsher, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack Staple, Accounts Manager. NEAR BATTLE CREEK at dusk, a truck-load of Boy Scouts on an excursion finds itself suddenly in the ditch. with one member fatally injured. Cause: a poorly- marked curve. The accident, authorities went on, was "unavoidable . .." On the Pontiac Road north of Ann Arbor a little more than a year ago, there stood a wooden cross in a blinding snow storm. On it was lettered "Rail- way Crossing," but it might as well have started "Here Lies . . ." for during that snow storm a car whose driver could not possibly have seen the plain wooden cross crashed into a freight train, and its two occupants were killed. Now a blinker adorns that particular railway crossing, although the wooden cross would have been more appro- priate. Still more appropriate would have been the installation of a blinker two years ago, before the fatal crash --. There is just cause for wonder and indignation that the State of Michigan, which has one of the best highway systems in the Unted States, and is at the present moment intensely interested in safety education, should lag so far behing in the matter of highway markings. While nearby Wis- consin offers valuable leadership in this matter, in Michigan the markings change, if there are any, when the county line is crossed. In one county, a right angle marking indicates a two-point de- viation in the road to right or left; in its neighbor, the mere word "curve" may mean a right angle turn. Where the state has undertaken the mark- ings, there is still another set, each set with its own degree of indication. This isn't an important matter financially; it isn't necessarily a PWA project, although it could probably be financed on the money for one of Mr. Hopkins WPA golf courses. But it is a matter of life and death, of lives that can be saved and need not be lost. Michigan must have better, safer, and more extensive highway marking. As Others See It The Conning Tower THE LANYARD CHAIN Down by the wharf one gallant day A sailor passed on his lusty way. ils eyes shown opalescent green Like the changing waters he had seen. I said, "Come rest upon the shore And teach me Love's unending lore." He did not do as he was told But another magic he unrolled. And from an orange silk-thread skein He wove a ;illiant lanyard chain. His supple fingers moved in time To lilting voice and singing rhyme. "Oh the sea is the bride I can't resist Brave is her veil of spray and mist. "And scarlet sea-weeds comb her hair Keeping her beauty strange and rare. "She calls to me through sleet and foam A long exultant cry, 'Come home!' "We're lovers and the ageless tide Sweeps me close to her shining side. "And when we meet in storm, her stress Is more than woman's deep caress." S * * Thus did the sailor turn from me To claim his bride, the silver sea. But he left his close-knit lanyard chain. For me to wear and wear again. PLOWDEN KERNAN. Whenever it seems to the President or the Sen- ate or somebody else in Washington that the gov- ernment needs a little more money, that its fixed and irreducible charges are greater than its present income, taxes on individual and corporate incomes are increased. "I need more money," the employe says. "Thanks for telling me," says the employer." Your increase in wages begins at once." This is proof that nations are like individuals, as we are always told when war is just around the corner. BOOK REVIEW Dead was my sleep and positive The night I read "Wake Up and Live." N. Y. Hamlet has 10 Octogenarians.-- Schene- tady Gazette. The little town is Fayette, N.Y. But first one got the idea that the cast was to be headed by Superfluous Lags, the Veterans on the Stage. PARTY LINES IN HANCOCK COUNTY Democrats, you had deduced at an early age, had cloven hooves, horned heads, and beyond all doubt, grew tails with that peculiar Satanic spike at the tip. Democrats were the abdmination of all mankind. Hancock, yes, and Lucas County ladies, many of them, were self appointed Jeanne d'Arcs fighting a Holy War against the Invader. Their eyes gleamed with righteous fervor, their faces pale and set, bore silent witness to their earnest deter- mination to rid this fair land of Democrats who, like termites, were nibbling at the very foundations of the pillars of society. Termites, which if not checked, would cause these same pillars to come tumbling down on Republican as well as Demo- cratic heads, thus killing the virtuous as well as the iniquitous. And then, where would we be? Up and at 'em, gals, was the battle cry ringing in the ears of many a middle aged maiden and matron. Little did they wot that frustration and nature's bitter fight for one last furious display were prompting this violent self-expression. Mrs. Crayson, whose husband was "in politics," felt the glittering importance of her position. We always listened meekly when she spoke. We learned what noble souls politicians really had, how they sacrificed themselves for the good of their country, of their fellow men, of helpless women and inno- cent little children - that is, Republican politi- cians. How men reviled them and spoke all man- NIGHT EDITOR: DONALD SMITH the ise "HILIP ADLER'S story in The De- roit News this Sunday on the col- lapse of the Sunrise collective farm project.should not be accepted as a condemnation of the future of collective farming in the United States. The Sunrise Cooperative Farm Community has been operating for the past three years near Ches- aning, Michigan. Today it is collapsing, financial- ly; nevertheless, we feel that the results of the ex- periment are heartening.1 The Community was built up of some 200 fam- ilies, unemployed, coming from America's large industrial centers. They were destitute, in many cases; many borrowed the necessary original con- tribution asked of each family. Out of the ram- shackle buildings into which they moved was built a group of modern farm and housing buildings;. out of the heterogenous mass which began the project was welded a close-knit enthusiastic com- munity, The heavy original indebtedness has. doomed the experiment, but despite it, the experi- ment was a success. Many have regarded the colony as an agar cul- ture of communism. The Free Press, some months ago, when it found that a government agency had lent the colony funds, took the occasion to de- nounce the New Deal for aiding a "red" commu- nity. The colony in fact (and this may shock the Free Press still more) is more anarchistic than[ communistic in its ideals. Their philosophy has been that of Kropotkin and, in another sense, Thoreau. Their organization has been entirely voluntary; no one was compelled to work, yet evryrne did work,,. They avoided the reginenta- tion of Russia's collective farm projects. "We wanted to apply," they said, "the humanism of Emerson, Thoreau and Hawthorne to the Russian scheme of socialization." There is no doubt but that the project was an indigenous American ex- priment. In fact, most of the leftists within and without the colony denounced it for its failure to go Russian. It is int eresting to observe that the collective farm experiments of Henry Ford in this part of the country have been eminently successful. We strongly recommend that the idea of collec- tive farming be not condemned because of false ideas as to its "un-Americanism," or because the Sunrise is bowing to too great an original indebt- edness. We believe that such a project can offer greater stability to agrarian workers than they can attain individually; we believe as a social experi- ment it offers unlimited opportunity for individual freedom together with financial security. Election U NDOUBTEDLY the most consistent- ly disappointing feature of campus elections is the invariably light vote cast. Yester- day's balloting for important student positions on the Men's Council athletic board, and publica- tions board was no exception. Although it was not the only factor, one of the causes of the discouragingly small turn-out yester- day was the method of identification of students who wished to vote. Tuition receipts were de-, manded from all. That this was to be done was not made known to the student body until the day before the election, and consequently many NYA At Wiscorsirt (From The Wisconsin Daily Cardinal) ELEVEN hundred students on the university cam- pus are now dependent upon federal aid through the National Youth Administration for necessities of their college life. No below-average students are these, for the NYA authorities re- quire at least a one-point average, but students employed because they need financial help to ob-' tain an education. Projects were organized by different university' departments in an attempt to find jobs which the NYA students would take along the line of their major courses. In other words, many of the NYA jobs are research, arranging courses, and aiding- the instructors and course directors. Stu- dents in these jobs are strengthening their profes- sional background. The fact that some of the NYA jobs are trivial and of little value either to the students and the university does not detract from the great value of the bulk of the NYA work. Despite the fact that NYA has been generally accepted as valuable to both the students andf the university, national authorities of the National Youth administration have professed ignorance of its further continuance. Local officials do not know whether it is to be continued next year or not. It is election year, and any future plans of the ad- ministration are shadowed and kept secret. For this reason, a group of NYA students have asked the Wisconsin Student alliance to arrange a program of short talks by NYA students, in which these students will describe their work and present their reasons in declaring that it should be continued. It will be an interesting program -- one that the student body should attend, since one out of every eight -students-is employed in NYA work and, since so much money is going into this work, the future taxpayers should know how much value they are getting out of it. Four Years For What? Contemporary A Review By WARNER G. RICE (Of the English Department) HE EDITORS of Contemporary have made the last issue of the year their best. Especially they ap- pear to have taken note of the ap- peal of some readers for articles of local and timely interest. Dr. Harold Whitehall has provided for them a shrewd analy.sis of the claims of the talkies as art and as entertainment, justly distinguishing between the two functions. Mr. Charles T. Harrell discusses The Propaganda Play, de- fining its true character and aim, and incidentally providing some discern- ing bits of criticism by such com- parisons as the one which he draws between Galsworthy's Strife and Jus- tice. For many his exposition will offer a helpful means of appraising much which is appearing on the con- terpporary stage. Mr. Martin Green- berg, quite properly dissatisfied with the methods and results of the Spring Parley, draws attention to its weak- nesses and makes some suggestions for its improvement - though with- out emphasizing quite enough the ob- ligation of students to educate them- selves and to develop intellectual self- reliance: to think out problems for themselves as far as they are able, and then to draw in faculty mem- bers, if they wish, to criticise their results - not to turn in the first in- stance to professorial guidance, of which enough is already available, surely, in the classroom. Mr. James Green's Peace Strike, though not quite clearly thought through, makes a point worth debating, and completes the list of essays. As a group, the reviews stand next in interest. Each one of them is more than a mere summary, each is thoughtful and suggestive. This re- viewer found Dr. Hoekstra's handling of Mr. Santayana, and Professor Wen- ger's comments on the Webbs' Soviet Communism apt and stimulating, but he thinks it a pity that when such good critical writing as Mr. Warshow's is available in the student body fac- ulty members should be called in to contribute to a students' magazine. The authors of the verse scattered through Contemporary's pages suc- ceed in teasing the reader into thought, but follow the current fa- shion in being somewhat unnecessar- ily arcane. The stories in this num- ber are distinctly better than average. Miss Carney occasionally forces the note in her Cellophane Lover, but has an amusing idea to work out, Mr. Mc- Kelvey creates the atmosphere and feeling for which he is working in At Court. and Mr. Jones sustains throughout his account of a lynching in A Summer Day an attitude of cal- lous detachment which points the horror of the episode. The general level of achievement here is high: Contemporary has gained momentum; the auspices for another year seem excellent. Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of May 20, 1926 DECLARING that time alone would tell whether prohibition was a wise hlmitation, Dr. Clarence Cook Little, president of the University of1 Michigan, told the Wayne County so- cial worker's conference yesterday that it was not yet possible to argue on known facts and prove that the Volstead act is or is not beneficial. Quick, concrete results in European land disarmament were deemed to be further removed today, when addi- tional states, including Roumania, Pcland, and Finland followed the' leadership of France and declared that disarmament can only come after the achievement of greater security than exists now. The Wolverine golf team defeated the Northwestern team by a score of 151: to 8" in matches played yester- day at. the Evanston golf course. With the new proposed stadium in view, the Board in Control of Athletics yesterday announced the securing of an option on the Sperry farm, which is a 155-acre tract of land lying at the intersection of the new M-17 highway and extending along Main Street for a distance of half a mile. Albert Spalding, violinist, the chil- dren's chorus, Giovanni Martinelli, tenor, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will perform at the after-. noon and evening concerts of the May Festival, today. Lincoln Ellsworth, second in com- mand of the expedition on which the dirigible Norge visited the North Pole, said yesterday, "I realize now that I said something when I remarked that we have seen rocks." The President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, was reported to have been in an "unusually jovial mood" at breakfast yesterday morning and to have spoken for a full minute. THURSDAY, MAY 21,, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 164 Notices Notice to Seniors and Graduate Students: Only three more days re- main after today for the payment of diploma fees and certificate fees. There can be absolutely no exten- sion beyond 4 p.m. on Monday, May 25. The Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoon. Shirley W. Smith. To Department Heads and Others Concerned: All time slips must be in the Business Office May 21 to be in- cluded in the May 31 payroll. Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk. To the Faculty of the Summer Ses- sion: In your correspondence with prospective students please note that the special reduced fares announced by the railroads have been cancelled, but beginning June first the new re- duced rates will be in effect all over the United States. Advise prospec- tive students to consult their local ticket agents. .L. M. Eich. Freshmen, Literary College: Thurs- day, May 21, is the last day on which your dues of 25 cents will be accepted. An agent will be in the basement of Angel Hall, Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to issue receipts to those who have not yet paid. Smoking in University Buildings: Attention is called to the general rule that smoking is prohibited in Univer- sity buildings except in private offices and assigned smoking rooms where precautions can be taken and control exercised. This is neither a mere arbitrary regulation nor an attempt to meddle with anyone's personal habits. It is established and enforced solely with the purpose of preventing fires. During the past two years there have been twenty fires in University buildings, seven of which were at- tributed to cigarettes. To be effec- tive, the rule must necessarily apply to bringing lighted tobacco into or through University Buildings -in- cluding such lighting just previous to going outdoors. Within the last few years a serious fire was started at the exit from the Pharmacology Building by the throwing of a still lighted match into refuse waiting removal at the doorway. If the rule is to be en- forced at all its enforcement must be- gin at the building entrance. Further, it is impossible that the rule should be enforced with one class of persons if another class of persons disregards t. It is a disagreeable and thankless -ask to 'enforce' any rule. Thib rule Igainst the use of tobacco within the muildings is perhaps the most thank- 'ess and difficult of all, unless it has he willing support of everyone con- cerned. An appeal is made to all persons using the University build- ings - staff members, students and others - to contribute individual co- operation to this effort to protect University buildings against fires. Choral Union Members: The music deposit of $2.50 will be refunded to all members who return all of their music books in good condition to the School of Music, between 10 and 12, or 1 and 4 p.m., not later than Friday, May 22. After that date, refunds will not be made, Charles A. Sink, President. Rhodes Scholarships: Prospective (candidates for Rhodes Scholarships may apply for information blanks from the Secretary of the History De- partment, 119 Haven Hall, any time before the end of the academic year or at the beginning of the autumn semester. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Cleveland Civil Service Examinations for summer playground positions, Playleader, Playground Director, General Playground Supervisor, In- structor of Special Activity and Sup- ervisor of Special Activity, will be postponed for approximately ten days. For further information concerning these examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucation: All candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate (except graduate stu- dents who will have received an ad- vanced degree by June) are required to pass a Comprehensive Professional Examination coveving the Education courses prescribed for the Certificate. The next examination of this kind will be given in the auditorium of the University High School on Saturday, May 23, at 2 p.m. Students having conflicts may take the examination at 8 a.m. The examination will cover Education A10, C1, D100 and special methods. Students enrolled in any of the special curricula in the School of Education will be examined on such of these courses as are included in those curricula. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a Qualifying Ex- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is con, trI ivly notice to all member, of the V1versity. Copy received at the office of the AssIstant to the President Uatl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. i hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Business Ad. 210, Tabulating Prac- tice: Students of this course who are planning to go to Detroit on the tour of tabulating installations will meet at 9 a.m. at the south entrance of the Women's League Bldg. today. This trip will take the entire day. General Linguistics 160 (Herm- eneutics) Professor Meader's recita- tion section is postponed this week to Friday at 2 p.m. Psychology 108: Those who missed Professor Meader's written quiz in chapters 1 and 3 present themselves for make up at 3 p.m. on Friday in Room 2019 A.H. Economics 52: Rooms for bluebook today, 2 p.m.: N. S. Aud., Danhof's and Anderson's sections. 25 A.H., Hebbard's and Church's sections. 35 A.H., Miller's sections. 231 A.H. Wier's sections. English 47: Mr. Seager's Section, will meet in Room 3217, Angell Hall, at 4 p.m. instead of the regular hour. Key Dance Tickets: Tickets num- bered 335, 336, 337, 263 and 264 will not be honored at the gate. Turn them in at office of the Dean of Students. Candidates for the Master's Degree in History: The language examination for candidates for the Master's De- gree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 22, in Room B, Haven. Students who wish to take this ex- amination should register in the His- tory Department Office, 119 Haven Hall, indicating in which language they wish to be examined. Events Of Today Stanley Chorus: Special rehearsal tonight at 7:30 p.m. Will meet in Room 304 at the Union. All voices come. Alpha Epsilon Mu: Attention of members and initiates is called to the initiation and banquet today at the Union. Members note that this is a changed date from the one previously announced. The initiation will take place at 5:30 p.m., followed by the banquet at 6:15 p.m. The roomswill be posted. For further information, communicate with Maurice Dreifuss, 4779, or Ralph Matthews, 2-1617. Fifth Annual Pharmaceutical Con- ference: The College of Pharmacy is sponsoring the Annual Pharmaceuti- cal Conference, which will be held in the Michigan Union today, 2:30 p.m. Dr. George D. Beal, President-Elect of the American Pharmaceutical Associ- ation' and Assistant Director of the Mellon Institute, will be the guest speaker, and will speak on "Pharma- ceutical Research, a Prerequisite to Pharmacopoeial Revision." Other speakers of the afternoon session will be Prof. Max S. Handman of the De- partment of Economics who will speak on "Economics and War;" and Prof. F. C. Coller of the University Hospi- tal, who will speak on "Anethesia and Anesthesia and Anesthetics." The evening session will be held in Room 165 Chemistry Bldg., and will be addressed by Prof' Harley H. Bart- lett of the Department of Botany, whose subject will be "Herbals and Herbalists." All interested are cordially invited to attend both afternoon and evening sessions. Engineering Council: Final meeting of the year today at 8 p.m. in the M. E. computing room. Each member must notify the newly elected council representative from his organization. All council members for the coming year should be present at this meet- ing. Election of officers. The University of Michigan Radio Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1041 East Physics Bldg. Dr. C. E. Cleeton will describe and demonstrate ultra- short wave radio equipment. Varsity Glee Club: All members of Varsity and Freshman Glee Clubs urged to be present at 8 p.m. today. Important rehearsal and business meeting followed by annual Spring Serenade. All those wishing to apply for Stanley Memorial Glee Club Scholarship next year must be pres- ent to make out application blanks. Kappa Tau Alpha, important meet- ing this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Room 213, Haven Hall. Men's Council: All newly elected members of the Council are requested to meet in Room 306, Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. this evening for the election of officers. Annual Poetry Reading Contest: The sixth Annual Poetry Reading Contest will be held today in Room 205 Mason Hall at 4 p.m. The speak- ers are Mary J. Atlee, Helen J. Barr, Edith A. Chubh Mary Elizabeth Grav_ I ([rem The Daily Northwestern) I ner of evil against their heart-breaking endeavors r HE COMPLICATED machinery of education has to better the lot of their suffering brethren. You been whirling at a great rate. The wheels have gathered that the evil tongues belonged to Demo- been turning, the cogs have been meshing. The crats. We learned of the purity, the high mind- last operation is tinder way. Soon the completed edness, the Parsifal like qualities of politicians - product will begin to drop out the graduation chute Republican ones. We could almost hear an organ all wrapped in cellophane and labeled "educated." playing while this priestess chanted. The product will be called a bachelor of arts or a doctor of philosophy or some other high sotnding title, but it will be just another job hunter il a week. It won't know where it is or where it is going. All it will know is where it has been. This is in short an indictment of the educational system. There is no concrete objective. There is no clear cut goal. All we have is a somewhat hazy idea of what an educated man should be - a neb- ulous idea of what should be a foundation for life. Before an intelligent man pulls the trigger on a gun, he must know at what he is aiming. He would never think of just pointing the weapon at random and then shooting. But when 'it' comes to education, our intelligent man is content to aim his gun either at random or at a whispy form in the distance. Four years is a long time to spend going through a machine to make something you're not sure, you want. Four years is a long time to travel without a destination. Education needs an objective. We can't go on with a confused system much longer, It is about time that the college student stopped the ma- chinery, stood off in the distance and said: "What the hell?" A cold wave struck the fruit reoian of 'F1i",a4 n We departed from Mrs. Crayson's presence with our faith in Jehovah, himself, shaken. How, then, could the Lord permit Democrats to live and pro- create? Why did he not destroy them with his Terrible Swift Sword? Why did he not stick them through and through? Impale them! What a di- verting, what a truly astonishing sight it would be to see Democrats stuck on every tree on Sandusky Street. But it would undoubtedly clutter up the place. Maybe the Lord was biding his time to smite them down and, worm that you were, who were you to question his speed in this execution? May- be you had just better slip into that slothful frame of mind whereby you would leave it up to the Lord, and braving the bony pointing finger of Mrs. Crayson, sidestep any earnest crusade. With none but Republicans left in the world, it would un- doubtedly be a better but-God forbid - a duller place. B. ROSS. It seems to us that our party leanings were influenced by the possession of badges. For ex.. ample, we were hot for Cleveland and Thurman, and aflame for McKinley and Hobart. We object to the way the Princeton seniors vote. They say that Kipling's "If" is their favorite poem, and they vote that Edgar Guest is the worst poet.