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February 27, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-27

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The Weather
Rain or snow probable to-
day; colder, w'Vh fresh to
strong winds.

I 14r

Li4t itgan


The Michigan Democratic
Schism ...
The Teachers Wake Up ...
John Bull's Humanitarianism



Bell Tower'
All Undergraduate Leaders
Pledge Support In Drive
For Memorial Funds
$25,000 Is Needed
By University Club
Houses To Be Canvassed
In Effort To Reach Goal
Set By Committee
Student support in the construc-.
tion of the 200-foot Burton Memorial
Tower was assured last night as un-
dergraduate leaders announced the
beginning of an intensive campaign
to raise $5,000 towards the construc-
tion of what will be the city's highest
Fraternities, sororities, dormitories
and rooming houses will all be can-
vassed in an effort to reach the goal.
The undergraduate contribution
will be a part of a $25,000 fund now
being raised through efforts of the
University of Michigan Club of Ann
Arbor. Dr. Dean W. Myers, president
of the Ann Arbor alumni organiza-
tion, stated last night that a con-
tribution of $25,000 from townspeople
and students would complete the
fund necessary to build the tower.
Committee Appointed
Announcement was also made last
night of a student committee which
will serve as a spearhead in the un-
dergraduate campaign. William R.
Dixon, '36, is to act as chairman, as-
sisted by Jean A. Seeley, '36, presi-
dent of the League, Betty Anne
Beebe, '37, newly-elected president of
Panhellenic Association, John C. Mc-
Carthy, '36, recording secretary of
the Union, and Paul W. Philips, '36,
secretary-treasurer of the Interfra-
ternity Council.
The plan for a student campaign to
raise the $5,000 was presented to a
meeting of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil last night by T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni As-
sociation, and H. Seger Slifer. Fra-
ternity heads greeted it with enthusi-
astic approval.
Mr. Tapping and Mr. Slifer had
already presented campaign plans
to the Panhellenic Association earlier
in. the week.
Seek $50 Gifts
Chairman Dixon issued the follow-
ing statement in announcing pre-
liminary steps in the campaign:
"It is the hope of the committee
that each organization will feel this
strongly enough to contribute $10 per
year for five years, certainly a modest
sum in the year's total budget of any
organization. However, in the event
that economic circumstances within
your own house make this seem out
of line with your ability to give, a
pledge of a lesser amount will be
gratefully appreciated."
It Was explained that the contribu-
tions of organizations would be pay-
able in five yearly installments.
Dixon explained last night that
checks should be made out to the
order of "The Board of Regents of
the University of Michigan" for the
amount of the first yearly installment
and sent with pledge cards to the
Burton Tower Committee, Alumni
Memorial Hall.

Talnladge Stopped
By Federal Action
ATLANTA, Feb. 26. - (") -- Depos-
itory banks, the United States Post-
office and the State Attorney General
struck today at the financial dic-
tatorship set up by Gov. Eugene Tal-
Mail addressed to the officers sus-
pended Monday by Talmadge, Treas-
urer George B. Hamilton and Comp-
troller General William B. Harrison,
was impounded, cutting off the flow
of tax remittances.
Banks declined to honor state
checks pending a court decision on
the legal status of de facto officers.
Attorney General M. J. Yeomans,
once cited by Talmadge as an au-
thority for his actions, declared that
his position had been misinterpreted
and suggested that a special sessior
of the legislature be called to un-
tangle the snarl by enactment of ar
appropriations bill.
But Talmadge persisted in his

Bell Will Interpret Japanese
Crisis In His Lecture Tonight

Assassinated Premier And
Japanese Emperor Gave
Audience To Journalist
A new and unexpected significance
has become attached to the speech
of Edward Price Bell, at 8:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium, as a result
of the Japanese militarist uprising
and assassination of Premier Keisuke
Okada and two of his cabinet min-
isters yesterday in Tokio.
Mr. Bell interviewed both Premier
Okada and Emperor Hirohito five
months ago as the representative
of the Literary Digest on an extended
tour of Europe and Asia. He an-
nounced last night to The Daily
that he would attempt in his address
to trace the significance of the trag-
edy as far as authentic news reports
by tonight will permit.
The subject of Mr. Bell's address
is "Interviewing the Leaders of the
World," and which is sponsored joint-
ly by the University Oratorical Asso-
ciation and Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic fraternity.
Tickets, priced at 50 cents, are ob-
tainable at Wahr's State Street book-
store, at Hill Auditorium box office or
from members of the fraternity.
Premier Okada, according to Mr.
Bell, was the leader of the peaceful
nationalistic group, and his death at
the hands of Japanese army officers
will pave the way for an assumption
of governmental control by interests
which are "chauvinistic" in their be-
lief in autocratic state power and
in their contempt for international
public opinion.
The Okada regime, Mr. Bell be-
GOP Requests
Senate Inquiry
Of Gen. Hagood
Congressional Friends Of
General Plan To Takel
Case To War Secretary
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. - UP) -
Climaxing three days of caustic de-
bate over the disciplining of Maj.-
Gen. Johnson Hagood for his criti-
cism of New Deal spending, Republi-
cans today asked a Senate inquiry
to determine whether his right of
"free speech" had been abridged.
Coincidentally, C o n g r e s s i o n a 1
friends of the General arranged to
carry their case direct to the Sec-
retary of War.
Senator Jesse H. Metcalf, (Rep.,
R.I.) introduced a resolution in the
Senate calling for an investigation.
Asserting that he hoped to get the
fact "about this reign of terror," Met-
calf asked that the Senate Military
Affairs Committee investigate "any
allegations of the improper use of
the powers of government for the
suppression of free speech brought to
its attention."
In addition to delving specifically
into whether Hagood's removal con-
stituted suppression of free speech,
the Military Committee would be di-
rected to determine:
What persons were responsible for
the order; the precise reason for Ha-
good's removal, and whether the ac-
tion taken by the War Department
was in conformity with usual terms
of Army discipline were still in doubt.
Senator James F. Byrnes, (Dem.,
S.C.), and Chairman John J. Mc-
Swain, of the House Military Affairs
Committee, arranged a conference
with Secretary of War George H.
Dern and Gen. Malin Craig, chief of

lieves, was essentially conciliatory and
of a diplomatic temper, auguring well
for the maintenance of peace with
other nations. In his interview with
Premier Okada, Mr. Bell was told
that the Japanese government was
"democratic both in faith and sub-
stance, if not in external form."
"It was the 'popular will realized,' "
Premier Okada stated, and Mr. Bell
pointed out that these sentiments
are diametrically opposed to the spirit
of the militaristic group.
"This quarrel between the peace-~
ful nationalists and the militarist
nationalists," Mr. Bell stated, "has
already killed two premiers, and this
latest tragedy is the severest blow
yet received by the Japanese.
"It is a struggle which must even-
tually be composed. There is now a
strong anti-militarist sentiment
among the masses of Japanese peo-
(Continued on Page 2)
New Cold Wave
Predicted Here
By Observatory
Extreme Temperatures Of
Former Spells Are Not
Expected, Officials State
Ann Arbor faces the unpleasant
prospect of a return to cold weather,
forecasts indicated yesterday.
After a few days of comparatively
warm weather and clear skies, the city
awoke yesterday to find the ground
blanketed with a fairly thick sheet
of snow three inches deep, as reported
by the University Observatory Wea-
ther Bureau.
However, as temperatures slowly
(rose above the freezing point in the
early afternoon, the snowfall changed
to a slow, persistent rain which quick-
ly changed the snow on the ground
to dirty slush and innumerable
Although no possibility of a drop
to the extreme temperatures of the
recent cold wave is seen, a mercury
I well below the freezing point is pro-
Yesterday's temperatures fell sub-
stantially below those of the previous
I day. The Observatory weather bu-
reau reported a high temperature of
39.5 above zero, and a minimum of
30.3 above for the entire day.
A strong wind, combined with a
driving rain served to make the day
a thoroughly unpleasant one for Ann
Arbor street walkers. A steady drop
in the barometer indicated the con-
tinuance of rain throughout the day.
Throughout the state, great floods
because of the recent thaw still
present a serious problem. According
to Associated Press reports, public
works officials hope that the con-
templated drop in temperature will
retard the thaw.
.1:rolnieers Secn As
IKey 14) Prosperity
CHICAGO, Feb. 26. -U0) - Re-
search engineers, and not the bankers
or economists, today hold the key to
American prosperity, Charles F. Ket-
tering, vice-president of the General
Motors Corp., told members of five
engineering societies which gave him
the Washington Award last night for
S"Accomplish'ments, which pre-em-
inently promote the happiness, com-
fort and well being of humanity."
"The depression, we are told, cost
billions of dollars," Kettering said
"Yet a billion dollars a year would
keep 500 to 600 research laboratories
going provided they could get th

High Officials
Seek To Quell
Nippon Revolt
Emperor Guides Course;
Martial Law Proclaimed
In JapaneseCapital
Stop-Gap Cabinet
Fails To Function
Fleets Called To Tokio,
Osaka To Enforce Public
Safety Measures
(Copyright, 1936, by Associated Press)
TOKIO, Feb. 27.- (Thursday) -
UP) -High government military of-
ficers, fearful of another riotous out-
break, in Japan's military purge,
pushed their efforts today to bring
the extremist revolt to a close with-
out further bloodshed.
Their course guided by the em-
peror himself, who was reported to
have convoked a council of highest
surviving statesmen, the military
leaders ordered strict enforcement of
martial law over the Japanese capi-
As the city shook off a night of in-
activity, cordons of military guards
patrolled the vicinity of central police
headquarters and kept silentbcrowds
far from the scene of possible con-
Call In Warships
Warships called in from their
ocean stations sped to strategic ports,
to enforce public safety measures.
Daylight brought no direct con-
tact between the insurgents and the
government troops although military
officers declared a "showdown" pos-
sible and expressed their fear of more
bloodshed in the rebellious uprising
which has already cost the lives of
three of Japan's high officials.
Efforts to form a stop-gap Japan-
ese government failed Thursday in
the wake of a bloody militaristic
purge, while martial law was in force
in Tokio and troops guarded the im-
perial palace Fumio Gotto, commis-
sioned by Emperor Hirohito to form
a cabinet, resigned within a few
Watch Situation
Every major world power, in Eur-
ope and neutral America, watched the
developing situation with unquiet, as
did Asia and China.
The Japanese government claimed
the situation was under control but
two fleets were called in from the
high seas for duty in Tokio and
Osaka. Martial law was proclaimed
many hours after the revolt broke
The uprising - a coup engineered
by offcers of the Third Infantry
Regirment of the First Tokio Division
- was put down by loyal troops, dis-
patches from Tokio said.
A complete censorship still was in
effect in Japan and all communica-
,ion lines in and out of the country
were notified by the Army to handle
nothing but government dispatches.
England Is Worried
SOver Ok o cVO t

Therapy Unit
Is Completed
For Hospital
Entire Basement Wing Is
Devoted To Therapeutic
Pool ForParalytics
Cash For Addition
Given By Rackham
New Methods Of Treating
Patients Are Described
By Dr. Peck, Director
A striking forward step in the bat-
tle against infantile paralysis was be-
gun yesterday with the opening of
the University Hospital's therapeutic
An entire basement wing of the
Hospital will be devoted to the physi-
cal therapy unit, of which the ther-
apeutic pool is only a part. The con-
struction of the unit was financed by
a grant from the Rackham Fund.
A hint of the far-reaching benefits
the pool may have on infantile pa-
ralysis victims was given by the ex-
perience of one of the first patients,
who, although he had been unable
to stand for five and one-half months,
walked through the water while
grasping the edge of the pool.
Method Is Submersion
The submersion method of treating
patients whose muscles have been
paralyzed as the result of poliomye-
litis or other causes is based upon the
fact that the buoyancy of the human
body, when submerged in water, if
sufficient to effectually reduce the
work which must be done by muscles
in moving the extremities, Dr. Wil-
lis S. Peck, assistant professor of
roentgenology and physical therapy,
Striking degrees of recovery are
sometimes made possible, Dr. Peck
declared, by exercise in the pool.
Further paralysis of the muscles as
a result of disuse may be prevented
by at first mild and, then, a gradual-
ly increasing amount of exercise. This
maintains to the fullest efficiency
individual fibers within muscles that
appear to be completely paralyzed,
he added.
Attendants Are Necessary
Trained attendants are necessary
to guide and supervise the patients in
exercise in the pool, and various
forms of light and heat treatment
are essential corallaries of the under-
water treatment, Dr. Peck declared.
Facilities for such treatment are in-
cluded in the physical therapy unit.
Funds to bring infantile paralysis
victims who are unable to attend san-
itariams such as the one at Warm
Springs, Ga., have been provided by
the Rackham Fund, Dr. Peck said.
The pool occupies about one-fourth
of the space in the physical therapy
unit. Water for the pool, which is 15
feet wide and 25 feet long and varies
in depth from two and one-half to
four and one-half feet, is supplied by
a constant re-circulation system
which filters, chlorinates, and re-
heats the water, and maintains it at

Council Puts Teeth
In Hell Week Rules;
DefineRe gulations

Dorothy Goebel,'39,
Shows Improvement
University Hospital authorities
stated late last night that the con-
dition of Dorothy Goebel, '39, De-
troit, was somewhat better after her
Early this morning Miss Goebel re-
gained consciousness and then later
relapsed into a state of semi-con-
sciousness. Dr. Albert Kerlikowske
described her condition as being still
"very grave" last night, but added
that there was considerable hope of'
her recovery.
Tuesday night Dr. Max Peet, one
of the most famous brain surgeons in
the United States, performed an
operation on Miss Goebel in order to
relieve a blood clot which had formed
on her brain, but the results of the
operation were not realized until yes-
terday morning.
The accident to Miss Goebel oc-
curred a week ago yesterday after-
noon, and for more than 150 hours
she was in an unconscious state. Offi-
cials at the Hospital despaired of her
life until after the operation last
University Men
Give Testimony
In Ithaca Trial,

Committee Takes First
Step Toward Abolition
Of Institution
Restrictions To Be
Practices Outside House
Are Eliminated To Stop
Fraternity Criticism
Hell Week regulations which were
described as "containing a good many
teeth, but at the same time allowing
the fraternities considerable discre-
tion" were passed by the Interfra-
ternity Council last night after it
had taken a definite stand for mod-
ification of the institution rather
than abolition.
Recommendations of the council
Hell Week committee, whose aim was
"to take the first step in the aboli-
tion of Hell Week which must even-
tually come," were passed without
change as follows:
1. Informal initiations shall not
last for more than four days.
2. Paddling shall be reduced to a
3. Each pledge shall be given six
hours sleep every night during the in-
formal initiation.
4. Each pledge shall be compelled
to attend all his classes.
5. Each pledge shall be allowed
sufficient time each day for studying.
6. Hell Week shall be considered
no excuse for lack of preparation for
school work.
Pledges' Health Guaranteed
7. No practice which attracts pub-
lic attention shall be employed.
8. No practices which are detri-
mental to the health of the pledge
shall be employed. Considered as
practices detrimental to the health of
the pledge, among other things are:
Lack of sleep, lack of food, unneces-
sary exposure, unreasonable paddling,
unnecessary mental strain, improper
living conditions, and long hikes.
9. Complete knowledge of the
physical condition of each pledge
shall be obtained by the fraternity
before the beginning of Hell Week.
10. No immoral practices or con-
duct shall be tolerated.
11. No unnecessary practices shall
be conducted outside the fraternity
12. Enforcement of violations of
these rules will be entrusted to the
executive committee of the Inter-
fraternity Council.

Dr. Emerson, Dr. Bugher
Charge Mrs. Blank Was
Dead BeforeBurning
Introducing surprise testimony in
the trial of George Blank, charged
with murdering his wife, Bernice, two
University faculty men stated in a
tense Ithaca court room yesterday
that Mrs. Blank suffered a violent
death before her body was burned
in the Blank home, near Maple Rap-
ids, on Jan. 5.
Although his father, Robert, sat
with a grave countenance and tight-
pressed lips while the evidence was
being given, Blank showed no reac-
tion to the damaging testimony other
than a slight flushing of his face and
neck. His foster-mother had left the
court room before the unannounced
witnesses took the stand.
Dr. John C. Bugher, assistant pro-
fessor of pathology, definitely at-
tributed death to asphyxia, cardiac
failure and edema. Edema is a con-
dition of excess fluidity in the tissues
resulting from the heart failure, he
Chloroform and small quantities of
alcohol were found in the lungs, liver,
stomach, kidneys and all other tis-
sues examined in the body, Dr. Herb-
ert W. Emerson, director of the Pas-
teur Institute here, stated. If the
chloroform were concentrated, there
was sufficient quantity to cause
death. Only one-sixteenth of an
ounce would be a sufficient dose
under certain conditions, he ex-
As much alcohol as wouldbe con-
tained in one full glass of about 12
per cent wine or in several bottles of
beer was found in the organs of the
body, Dr. Emerson testified in the
cross examination.




a temperature of 90 aegrees.
LONDON, Feb. 26. - /P) - British
officialdom expressed two fears today JUSTICE IGNORES ATTACK
over possible results of the military LANSING, Feb. 26. - UP) - Chief
coup in Tokio - Japanese war with Justice W. W. Potter refused Tues-
Russia and a renewed drive against day to reply to an attack made on the
China. floor of the United States House of
Authoritative observers felt that Representatives Monday by Congress-
the Japanese military revolt was in- man Frank E. Hook, Democrat, of
spired by three recent developments:
1-Lack of more forceful action by Ironwood.
hn Tna nese aovernment in Man-


j choukuan-Mongolian borded disputes.I

Report Of Disag
Value Of CC(
Reports of the New York Times
that foresters are divided on the
merits of the CCC are unfair, in the
opinion of Dean Samuel T. Dana and
other members of the forestry school
The reports, in which certain for-
estry experts were quoted as eval-
uating the worth of the undertak-
ing as "zero" and as characterizing
its machinery as that of "a glorified
Boy Scout camp," emanated from a
recent meeting of the Society of
American Foresters at Atlanta, Ga.
"These remarks represent an al-
most isolated minority among fores-
ters," Dean Dana said. "Such men
are inclined at first to underestimate

2-The sudden unexplained halt
r n#er 1of Japanese penetration in North
China last November.
SIs Contradited 3--Dismissal of Gen Jinzaburo Ma-
zaki, former inspector general of theM
military education department,
ester of Asheville, N.C.. indicated that whose successor, Gen. Jotaro Watan-
the criticisms voiced were not con- abe, was reported assassinated.
curred in' "It was believed that these events,
Alexander's criticism of the cost of enraged military forces and their l
the CCC work, in the opinion of Dean anger was further heightened by
Dana, is based on exaggerated fig- clashes between the military and civ-
ures and ignores the fact that the ilian elements.
primary function of the CCC is to -
provide for the emergency unemploy-t A i rpaneS Aid I
ment situation. If the cost is higher -
than it would be for the same work Search For Hiker
accomplished through more skilled
labor, it must be remembered that
such additional costs are inevitable PLATTSBURGH, N. Y.. Feb. 26. -
under the dual purposes of the or- UI -- State Police enlisted airplanes
ganization, he said. today to search for a crippled hiker
The efforts of Congress to increase who fell exhausted on the ice of Lake
the enrollment in the CCC to 500,- Clha)mplain two days ago while at-
000 from the present level of 400,000 tempting to walk acros the lake to


Stanton Sees Japanese Revolt 4
As Conflict Between Old, New
By ROBERT A. CUMMINS j sion in foreign markets - a policy
The flare of revolt which cost the which often works hardship on the
lives of four leading Japanese states- Japanese farmer, he said. In con-
trast with the aggressive foreign pol-
men is a reflection of the conflict be- icy advocated by the militarists, they
tween the old and new in Japan, Dr. much prefer mild and conciliatory
John M. Stanton of the history de- tactics as a benefit to trade, he added.
partment said yesterday. But the conservatives are adamant
It was the group fighting for the in their belief that with industrializa-
traditional ideal-the military group tion will come Western civilization
-which struck down leaders of the and then the collapse of their two
forces of Japanese industrialization great ideals-the ideal of filial piety
-the Liberals, Dr. Stanton explained. (originally a Chinese principle), and
Oddly enough, he said, the theory the ideal of loyalty to their ruler, Dr.
of the military group, which poses as Stanton said. And so they press
the defender of the agriculturalist, is their fight to maintain "the Orient
Chinese in nature. It holds that for the Orientals" - a sort of Mon-
prosperity is dependent upon, first, a roe Doctrine, he declared.
powerful army and navy, and second, Intense as these political struggles
a prosperous agricultural population. may be, Dr. Stanton said, the Em-

Rules Comparatively Strict
Although it was generally felt by
Council members upon the first read-
ng of the rules that they were so
oosely constructed that few practices
could be classed asuviolations, it was
quickly pointed out by Robert E.
Merrill, '36E, chairman of the Council
Hell Week Committee, that only the
rules concerning paddling, hours of
study, and immoral conduct to a
slight degree were discretionary to
the fraternity, and that only that
rule concerning Hell Week as an ex-
cuse for poor school preparation was
discretionary to faculty members.
The remaining rules, it was pointed
out, were expressed in comparatively
strict terms and will provide the ex-
ecutive committee of the council with
adequate and definite rules to be en-
The most progressive step taken,
most council members felt, was the
elimination of long hikes, practices
conducted outside of the fraternity
house, and practices which would
attract public attention, all of which
were characteristic of the "old-time
Hell Week arid brought much criti-
cism upon fraternities."
Paddling, which is impossible of
any definitely expressed regulation
if it, is going to exist at all, will of
necessity be left to the discretion
of the executive committee in each
individual case.
Plunes To Death
Fron Fifth Floor
NEW YORK, Feb. 26.- --
After being held in mid-air by a win-
dow cleaner and a woman stenog-
rapher until the woman's strength
failed, Henry Gerdts, 68 years old, a
silk merchant, of Woodcliff, N.J.,
plunged to his death today from a

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