''AGE: TWO 'T f V M ITAN XA TnvRsl).%I )rnt" it, il)d F rm--r---Labor NEWS .OF THE AY (From The Associated Press) The Day In Washington Predicting that the Republican nominee for the presidency of the United States would be the "governor of a typical prairie state," Postmaster General James A. Farley, speaking before the state Democratic conven- tion, said he would not interfere to .any great extent in the Michigan po- litical battle. Farley did not mention his "prob- able" nominee by name, but it was be- lieved that he was probably referring to Gov. Alf M. Landon, the only mid- western state executive now promi- nent in the Republican race for the nomination. The postmaster-general asserted that the election of his unmentioned nominee would prove a "perilous ex- periment." In another section of his speech, Farley lashed out at the alleged "re- form" in leadership within the party when he said "Do you believe the fairy story that the Republican party is being, reorganized? You know how the Republican party is being fi- nanced during the present campaign. Does it seem likely to you that the Dupont Liberty League, that collection of multi-millionaires and their satel- lite lawyers and paid propagandists, is going to back any program that would run counter to their own in- terests, habits and special privileges?" The present state Democratic con- cention has attracted nationwide at- tention as far as the field of politics is concerned. Next week the Illinois Republican convention will occupy the center of the political stage. -A erack at big business was added to the convention when Mrs. Emma Guffey ,Miller said big business "begged Franklin Roosevelt to save their banks and their businesses and he did - and for a few months they would have crowned him''king'" . . Now these great industrialists have -turned upon him. The Day In Politics Tjhe House Investigating commit- tee of the Townsend Plan heard its main proponent, the doctor, himself, testify that Henry' Ford, John D. Rocefeller, the Mellons, the Duponts and Hearst would be eligible for his proposed utopian $200 monthly pen- sions. Elderly Townsend, with his vast or- ganization and small units behind him, declared he would raise .the needed cash for the pensions through a sales tax levied on rich and poor alike, irregardless of ability to pay. Nettled by repeated comments and questions on.seeming fallacies in the plan, its champion snapped, with a snort of disgust, "why all this non- sense?" A White House conference held last night between President Roosevelt and a group of liberal senators from four parties set the capital aglow with political speculations and rumors. Regular democratic leaders were not informed about the meeting and a belief persisted that the conference was called for something other than pending legislation, for heretofore ,most of the White House legislative conferences have included only dem- ocrats. Most of the solons invited were fVom different sections of the country' and had little in common politically except friendliness for New Deal. some expressed the idea that the President was planning the little talk possibly to sound out reaction to re- cent moves on the part of the Admin- istration. Senator Norris has already an- nounced he will support the President for reelection while LaFollette and Shipstead have been expected by some men to take a similar course. id owed.By Crash BATON ROUGE, La.. May 20. .IP) Marguerite Clark, widowed by a plane crash. hore in silent grief today the dath of Harry P. Williams, mil- lionaire husband for whom she aban- doned a stage and screen career. The former acitress, her face deeply lined, came to Baton Rouge from New Orleans to clai:n the body of her hus- band who fell to death last night. Free Two, Hold One I eBankin FraudCharges Lord And Walsh Released; Wilkinis To Face Federal Trial In Flint Case DETROIT, May 20. -- UP) - Two former Detroit bankers, Robert O. Lord and James W. Walsh, were freed today from banking law charges in the Flint bank case, but Judge Patrick T. Stone ordered the third defendant, Herbert R. Wilkin, to remain on trial in Federal court. When Prosecutor Guy K. Bard rest- ed his case at noon, Judge Stone dis- missed the charges against Lord and Walsh, holding that evidence pre- sented against them was "insuffi- cient." The trio had been indicted on three counts charging false entry, false report and conspiracy. The govern- ment charged that $600,000 in bills payable was eliminated illegally from a report to the Federal Reserve board as to the condition of the Union In- dustrial Trust & Savings Bank of Flint on Dec. 31, 1931. Wilkin formerly was vice-president and cashier of the bank, a unit of the Guardian Detroit Union Group, Inc. Lord was president of the Guardian group and Walsh executive vice-pres- ident. Judge Stone denied a motion for a directed verdict of acquittal for Wilkin but dismissed the conspiracy count against him because Wilkin re- mained the only defendant. As the defense opened its case in- dications were that the trial would be completed this week. Judge Stone announced his ruling releasing Lord and Walsh after re- fusing for the second time to admit letters and telegrams dealing with 1930 transactions. Bard then agreed that there was no evidence in the record showing an "overt act" on' the part of Lord or Walsh. "I am satisfied," Judge Stone said, "that the Court of Appeals would not sustain a verdict of guilty on this evidence in respect to Walsh and Lord." Statistics Show Drop In April Relief Expense Dwindling direct relief rolls in Washtenaw County were reflected in smaller expenditures in the county welfare relief administration during April, according to figures made public yesterday. The local units' share of the bill was cut from $8,948.30 to $7,181.35, with the number of cases dropping from 819 to 711 and the number of persons on direct relief falling from 2,189 to 1,775 between March and April. Ann Arbor was presented with a bill for $3,323.35 for unemployables and an additional $982.50 for employ- ables who have not been taken on by the WPA. There were 272 cases in the former category and 102 in the latter, representing 902 persons. Division of the case load by units shows the cities and several townships carrying a disproportionate number of relief clients. Detailed statements sent to each city or township showed the amounts spent for food, shelter and other ne- cessities for each individual case. Over the county as a whole the largest ex- penditure was 57.6 per cent of costs for food. Jobless Graduates Almost all the Michigan graduates between the ages of 25 and 40 who have been seeking employment through the University Bureau of Oc- cupational Information during the depression years have been placed in government, business, or teaching positions in the last few months, ac- cording to Dr. T. Luther Purdom, di- rector of the bureau. The number of placements in all fields, Dr. Purdom said, show a "tremendous increase" over last year. The bureau announced yesterday that 0. L. Tinklepaugh of the Vick Chemical Co. of New York and H. W. Schafer of the B.CD. Office Equip- mient Co. of Detroit would be at the University during the week to inter- view students who are seeking posi- tions. Other companies will send representatives to Ann Arbor in the near future for the same purpose. Star Of 'Libel' Kenneth MacKenna, noted screen star, concludes his starring en- gagement with the Dramatic Sea- son with the 'Friday matinee and evening performance of "Libel!" now current at the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Mr. MacKenna plays the role of the shell-shocked Sir Mark Ledden in "Libel!" and has scored a brilliant success. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00- -WJRl Stevenson Spot;. WJ yTsn WXYZEasy Aces. CKLW Omar The Myric. 6:15--WJR Ji mmy Allen. WWJ Human Side of the Newm. WXYZ Day In Review. CKLW Sportcaster. 6:30-WJR Kate Smith. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Dance Music. CKLW Rhythm Rambhing. . 6:45--WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Music is my Hobby. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00 --WJR Alexander Gray: Mark Warow's Music. WWJ Rudy Vallee's Variety H1our. WXYZ Pittsburgh Symphony Or- ehestra. 7:30 -WJR Arthur N. Curtis. WXYZ Don Orlando. CKLW Little Symphony. 8:00-WJR Walter O'Kefe: Gle Gray's Music. WWJ The Showboat. wxYz Death Valley Days. CKLW Moderne Ensemble. 8:15--CKLW Melody Treasure lunt. 8 :30-WJR Musical program, WXYZ Ferde Grofe's Music, 8:45-WJR Musical. WXYZ Bob Chester's Music. CKLW Serenade. 9:00-WJR Horace Hedt's Brigaders. WWJ Bing Crosby: Jimmy Dorsey's :Music. WXYZ Big Broadcast. CKLW Recital Hall. 9:30--WJR March of Time. WXYZ Adventures of the Hornet. CKLW Col. George Drew. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy WXYZ Murray Van Waggoner. CKLW Scores: News. 10:15-WJR Rhythm. WWJ Tiger Highlights: Evening Melodies. - WXYZ RussMorgan's Music. CKLW Kay Kyser's Music. 10:30-WJR Songs You Remember. WXYZ Anthony Trini's 'Musi. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10:45-WWJ Jesse Crawford. 11:00-WJR Abe Lyman's Music. WXYZ Baker Twins. WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. CKLW Orville Knapp's Music. 11 :30-WJR Milton Kellem's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ George Olsen's Music. CKLWHorace Heidt's Music. 11:45-WJR Solay and his Violin. 12:0O--WJR At Close of Day. WWJ: Bob Chester's Music. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Musih. CKLW Bob Nolan's Msic. 12 :30-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. 1 :00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music. Wlsnack Stays As SCA Head; Others Elected Announcement was made yesterday of the reelection of William Wilsnack, '37 of New York City, as president of the Student Christian Association for next year. Wilsnack, who has been connected with the SCA for the past 3 years, has also been elected as sec- retary of the Executive Coucil of the State Student Y.M.C.A. It was also announced yesterday that the term of Ira M. Smith, Reg- istrar of the University, as chairman of the SCA Board of Trustees has expired. Mr. Smith has served in this capacity for the past 10 years. The Board at its meeting yesterday named Emory J. Hyde, president of the University Alumni Association, to replace Mr. Smith as a member of the group. Other officers of the SCA for next year will be: vice-presidents,. Rose Perrin, '37. of Riverton, Wyo and Richard Clark, '37, of Villa Park. Ill.: corresponding secretary, Janetl McLand, '37SM, of Springfield, Ill: and recording secretary, Dorothea Gerisch, '38A of Detroit. Farmer - Labor Party Formed In ThisCounty Official Delegates From Union Groups Take Step Toward National Scale A Farmer-Labor Party for Wash- tenaw County was organized this week by 42 official delgates from county labor unions, farmers' organizations and civic groups meeting at Labor Hall, who contended that America is capable of insuring to the farmer, the laborer and the pr'ofessional a decent standard of living, security and free-I dom, which they say those groups do not haN. Maintaining that one per cent of the population holds 59 per cent of the nation's wealth and that it is these interests that dominate the Re- publican and Democratic Parties, the Farmer-Labor Party, now organizing on a national scale, is committed to a policy of materially improving the lot of the other 99 per cent. An organizational committee was elected and arrangements were made to send delegates to the state-wide convention at Owosso next Sunday. The following principles and de- mands are part of the platform that the conference approved: Social insurance legislation cover- ing unemployment and sickness and applying to mothers, widows and the aged to be paid by government funds collected from corporate and surplus wealth. Higher wages for workers, the six hour day and the 30 hour week. Governient recognit ion of the right to organize, to employ collective bar- gaining, the strike, and the picket. Relief to impoverished farmers, a muoratorium on mortgages of poor farmers, increased farm prices at the expense of the food and dairy trusts. Complete freedom of speech, the press and assembly. Constitutional amendment givinig Congress powers to enact all types of social legislation. Abolition of child labor, free pri- inary, secondary and college educa- tion for all. Increased pay and the right of tenure for teachers. Lawsj preventing discrimination against 1 Negroes, the persecution, illegal ar- rests and shooting of Negroes by Po- lice and a Federal Anti-Lynching law. Repeal of sales tax laws, graduated income taxes applying heavily to high incomes. Adelphi Gives Annual Award ToWeipert, '38 LA UNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox Careful work at low price. FOR SALE darned lx FOR SALE: Apartment upright piano. Will sell at low price. Reasonable terms offered. 502 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Suite with private bath and shower. Continuous hot water. Also garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 505 SUMMER STUDENTS: Light cool rooms. Special rates. Porter serv- ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks. 915 Oakland. 7458. 504 FOR RENT: Four or five room fur- nished apartment for summer or year. 209 N. Ingalls. Phone 3403. 501 EMPLOYMENT EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: The "Hoover Insurance & Trust Service" has a few openings in Detroit and Michigan which offer an excellent opportunity 11o earn while receiving a thorough practical business train- ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to a business career should write, Da- vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build- ing, Detroit. 17x LOST ANJD FOUND LOST: Duling May Festival: Lady's gold wrist watch with link band. Reward. 2-2637. r1(64 NOTICES STUDENT T 'IYPING.: E xpertly dots{ with reasonable rates. 321 E. Lib- erty. Apartment 2. 499 WARNING: Only a reliable furrier can clean your furs and fur coat without harming the skins. 32 years of expert fur service recom- mends ZWERDTIJNG'S FUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 16x New .Xnieiiijmr r Featured in the June issue of Con- temporary, which goes on sale to- day, will be an article by James Green on the recent peace strike in colleges over the country. Other articles deal with the Spring Parley, the problem of propaganda drama and the question of movies as art, the latter written by Harold Whitehall, head of the Art Cinema League. Other features include a short story, "Summer Day," by F. Randall Jones, winner of a Hopwood Award last year, and poetry by Otto SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and type- writers. Don't sell before you see dam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x Social Dancing Class Tonight 3 p.m., enroll now. Ter- race Garden Studio in Wuerth9Theatre Bldg. -hone 9695. (lassifid Ship1p NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair Pad refinish furniture. Phonec 8105. A. A. Stuhilman. 15x MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. ;fx ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work. E. L. Greenbaum. 448 Spring Street. Phone 9625. 14x MAJESTIC- NOW by 1VCNL Railway Express can packages for you v economically. Simply that you are shippin by Railway Expressa and s avce--) handle laundry 7) ery easily and J.L0 s notify the folks g your laundry and ask them to I return it the same way. If you wish, you can ship "collect:" It saves time and detail, and loose change. Railway Express is fast and depend- able and can be relied upon to get your laundry back as fresh and in as good condition as when it left home. So think the idea over and telephone Railway Express. Our motor truck will pick up the package at your door at no extra charge. For service or information telephone RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY, INC. Ann Arbor R.R. Depot, 420 S. Ashley St., Phone 7101 Depot Office: Mich. Central R R. Ph. 5714 Ann Arbor RA AY CEXPRESS AGENCY INC. NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Victor H. Weipert, '37, was given the I Bird, Leo Kirschbaum, Harris Peck Adelphi Honor Award at the annual and Arthur J. Carr. banquet 'of the Adelphi House of Rep- A review of the June Contemporary resentatives Tuesday evening. The by Professor Warner G. Rice of the medal is presented yearly to the mem- English department appears on page ber of the society whose activity and four of today's Daily. achievement warrants especial com- mendation. Weipert has been twice POLICE SEIZE FOUR MEN speaker of Adelphi, and with Bruce DETROIT, May 20. - OP) - Police A. Johnson, '38, received also a investigating the slaying of Charles A. Speaker's gavel. Poole, whose body was found May 12 .Freshman debate award keys were along a road near Dearborn, held four presented to Herbert H. Saul; Edward men for questioning today. Macal; Saul Ziff, and Arnold H. Kambly. Bruce A. Johnson was reelected Speaker for a second semester; Thomas C. Van Sluyters, '37, was Tonight at 8 :15 elected clerk; Henry M. Foley, '38, g- treasurer and Paul T. Schoenberger, Last iames TOMOR- '38, sergeant-at-arms.Wa31n The Triumphant Open-; The banquet, the seventy-ninth an- inb of the season- nual affair of Adelphi, was presided over by Robert N. Sawyer, toastmas- r ter, who was introduced by Robert H. imU x Howard, '36L, former Speaker of with KENNETH Mac- Adelphi. Mr. Sawyer, a former KENNA, Ernest LAW- Speaker of Adelphi and graduate of FORD, Doris DAILTON EDDIE the Law School, is a practicing at- and Gicorge sOMNES. GARR torney in Monroe, Mich. "Excitingly told, handsomely The main feature of the banquet E, was an address delivered by Prof. I played. Fascinating, engross- Preston W. Slosson of the History ing, and dexterously acted!" Department who spoke on "The ( -The Doily News People's Choice, the History of Po0y lit ical Party Conventions." Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre NiUl'1'S -- 75e, $1.00 and $1.50: POOR OL) iOOVER NMAfINEES-58 ) and 15; DETROIT, May 20. --( i) - - The )pei ig SAT. IAT. and NI(1I'I- 23rd annual congress of the National ES'[ LLE WINWOO) in "PARTY" with Society of New England Women, Eddie GARR. Frances MADDUX and meeting here today. heard the chair- Doris DALTON. man of its legislative committee ex- press regret at the change of name of Hoover Dam to Boulder Dam. h A Daily 1:30 to 11 p.m. W HITNEY I e IF) 6- 2 e after 6 CHA'F B I CKFORD I-LORENC[f RICE "PR I D E OF THE MARINES" cash helped us"'., "We were putting off a visit to the dentist because we already owed him a large' bill. Then our next door neighbor told us how you lend cash to single and married people -on their own signatures- so we came to your office. We got enough to pay the old bill and have new work done, too. Now we repay a small amount JMPOSSIBLE?not at all. Year after year Long Distance telephone service grows longer in reach-shorter in the time needed for making connec- tions-higher in quality of transmission-lower in cost. Since the first of this year, Long Distance calling has been made'cheaper in two ways. 1. Rates are now reduced after 7 P. M. each night on person-to-person calls to most points. As formerly, station. to-station rates are lower after 7 P.M. 2. The same low night rates now apply all day Sunday on both types of service. Just another proof that the Bell System is constantly striving to fit telephone service more closely to your I I U f/ ~ ~ f.'~.a ~C''Y fI ~iI1 I