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May 20, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-20

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The Daily News
Marks Century
Of Publication
Development Traced From
Early Days To Erection
Of New Building
Tracing its origin back to the days
when Michigan was a territory, The
Ann Arbor Daily News yesterday cele-
brated its one-hundredth birthday
with a 136-page newspaper, made up
of nine individual supplements.
The outside supplement titled the
"achievement" section devoted its 12
pages to articles about the new build-
ing housing The Daily News on Huron
' and Division Streets. Other stories
introduced the staff, and told of the
paper's development since 1835 when
it was founded under the name of the
Michigan Argus.
Since then it has been published
under various names, but in unbroken
succession. Originally published as
a weekly and as an organ of the Dem-
ocratic party --there was no Repub-
lican party then- it is now one of
the state's leading daily newspapers.
In 1900 the Argus was leased by the
Ann Arbor Printing Company and
combined with the Washtenaw Times,
a daily. It was not until 1928 that it
became known as The Daily News,
owned by the Booth Newspaper Pub-
lishing Company.
Besides the general news section,
other supplements in yesterday's cen-
tennial edition were devoted to sports,
activities, commerce, industry, society,
transportation and the University.
The "University" supplement of 12
pages besides containing many stories
concerning the University and campus
activities, offered numerous pictures
of various buildings on the campus
as well as photographs of the seven
Presidents of the University since its
inception more than a hundred years
Titled "New Building" a 12-page
supplement told of every phase of The
Daily News' new home into which it
has just recently moved. The new
building is built of an even, smooth
texture with carborundum stone. The
ornamental plaques of cast aluminum,
placed upon the black art granite
spandrels between the windows, are
distinctive and in keeping with the
modern character of the architecture.
The plaques represent figures in bas
relief symbolical of phases of activ-
ities and culture dealt with by the
newspaper. There are 22 of these
panels running around most cf the
building, representing history, j us-
............. tice, science, printing, drama, lit-
erature, sports and photography.
The building is described archi-
tecturally as modern American. The
treatment of the exterior which is
of the same order as that of the Em-
pire. State Building in New York has
a double motif -that of beauty and
Dr. Townsend
Hits At Old Age
Pension Inquiry
Followers Applaud Move;
Financial Motive Denied
By Leader
WASHINGTON, MaY 19. - - ()
Dr. F. E. Townsend today struck out
at the administration as the "hostile
force" behind the Congressional in-
quiry into his Old Age Pension move-
ment and denied assertions he was

acting from selfish financial motives.
Testifying in a packed hearing
room, with men and women standing
in the aisles, the elderly pension leader
told a special House investigating
committee that his pension program
"needs millions and we are going
to get millions."
Townsend supporters in the audi-
ence applauded when the California
doctor said his followers "feel the
same way I do about, the two old
parties" and that a Townsend third
party would be formed "as soon as the
opportunity presents itself, probably
after the next election."
He called the administration a
"hostile force" and asserted the com-
mittee's attitude was "unfriendly" as
he defended a recent appeal in the
Townsend weekly for a "defense fund"
to be placed at his disposal.
The appeal, signed by the Townsend
Board of Directors, intimated the
investigating committee planned to
impound T o w n s e n d organization
Chairman Bell (Dem., Mo.), of the
investigating committee denied such
a plan and Townsend under persistent
questioning conceded he was aware
the committee had no power to im-
pound funds.
Representative Hoffman (Rep.,
Mich.), insisted Townsend was "sail-
ing under false colors' in condemning
the Democratic and Republican par-
ties and at the same time asking
his followers to support candidates
of those parties who are favorable to
hiqnonsinn movement.

Invents 'Electric Eye' As Aid For Blind

Room 323 in the Union. Everyone is
Coinag Events
English Journal Club meets Friday
afternoon May 22, in the Michigan
League. Business meeting for the elec-
tion of officers starts at 4 p.m. The
program, open to the public at 4:20,
will be a colloquium on the Southern
Agrarian Movement with Mr. Hart
and Mr. Aaron leading the discussion.
The Outdoor Club is having a
canoeing party next Sunday evening,
May 24, from 6 until 9 p.m. The
gioup will leave Lane Hall at 6:30. An
outdoor supper is to be prepared up
the river. The cost will be about 75
cents. Every student is welcome.
The Transportation Club will meet
for the last time this year Thursday,
May 21, aththe Unicn, at 7:45 p.m.
There will be an election of officers.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Attention of
members and initiates is called to the
initiation and banquet on Thursday,
May 21, at the Union. Members note
that this is a changed date from the
one previously announced. The in-
itlation will take place at 5:30, fol-
lowed by the banquet at 6:15 p.m. The
rooms will be posted. For further in-
formation, communicate with Maur-
ice Dreifuss, 4779, or Ralph Matthews,
Dr. Ali-Kuli Khan of Washington.
D. C. will deliver a lecture Thursday
evening ,at 8 o'clock at the Michigan
League on the subject "Baha'u'llah's
Message of World Peace and Prog-
ress." Dr. Khan is a distinguished dip-
lomat. Besides missions to European

Affaires to the United States during
the Taft and Wilson administrations.
He is also an authority on Per-an
art and culture. The public is cor-
dially invited to this lecture which is
sponsored by the Baha'i Study Group.
A.I.Ch.E. Vote for date f picnic
on bulletin board in the East Engi-
neering Bldg. before May 26th.
Kappa Tau Alpha: Important mect-
ing tomorrow at 4 o'clock in Room
213, Haven Hall.
Hillel Players: Last regular meet-
ing of the year will be held at the
Hillel Foundation on Thursday, May
21, at 7:45 p.m. There will be elec-
tion of officers for the coming year,I
and an interesting program has been
planned. All members must be,
Hillel Council and Hillel Indepen-
dent Club: Important meeting fort
combined groups Thursday afternoon
at 5 p.m. at the Foundation.+
Hillel Foundation: A Tea Dance
will be held at the Foundation
Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. Refresh-
ments will be served. Everyone is

Roger Williams Guild: The annual
Retreat will be held at Patterson
Lake, Fresh Air Camp, Friday after-
nocn to Sunday afternoon. Members
of Council and everyone interested
welcome. Will you telephone 7332 for
information and reservation by Wed-
nesday, 10:00 p.m.
SrI inlesInitiate
13 New Men Today
At 3 p.m. today, initiation will
commence for 13 men who were
picked by Triangles, junior engineer-
ing honorary society, in front of the
library. This will be followed at
1 p.m. by the traditional washing of
the Triangle in the engineering arch-
According to the announcement of
Robert J. Beuhler, '37E, president, the
new members are: Donald M. Alex-
ander, William C. Barclay, Carl H.
Clement, Hubert C. Fones, Carl A.
Gerstacker, '38Spec. E; Charles Gray,
Alfred Karpinski, Neil T. Levenson,
Marquis L McCarty, Jr., Harry A.
Rieke, Jr., Goff Smith, John G.
Young and Robert S. Young.

Play By Local Man
Given At Northville
"Where The Tree Falleth," a one
act play by Dr. Harold Whitehall of
the English department, was given its
debut Monday night, May 18 at the
Penniman-Allen theatre in North-
ville by the Hampshire Community
Case System
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
College Degree or Two Years of
College Work with Good Grades
Required for Entrance
Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished
Morning, Early Afternoon and
Evening Classes
For further information address
233 Broadway, New York

--Associated Press Photo.
Emil Ranseen, graduate student at Northwestern University, is shown
at Evanston, Ill., demonstrating his "electric eye" by which it will be
possible for the blind to "read" ordinary books and newspapers. Held
over a page the "eye" focused on the print, tranmits impulses to a
machine on which the blind reader places his hand thus feeling the


only machine




Bureau of Research, United States
Department of Commerce, will lee-
uvnn e

-- ALX0" tueon "eeachby th eartment
LLE ' of Commerce,", today at 11 a.m. in
oBULLETIN Rom 205 Tappan Hall. Visitors are
(Continued from Page 4) - -
Stanley Chorus. Meet tonight, 7:15
Union at 7:30 p.m. today. Officers in room 305, at the Union. All voices
for the coming year will be elected come. Special rehearsals to start this
and installed at this time. Pictures 11 week for program.
of the air-ground communications!
demonstration will be shown. Uni- Polish Engineering Forum: There
forms are requested. Please be on will be an important meeting at the
time. Union today at 7:30 p.m. Organiza-
j tion plans for next fall will be. dis-
Merit System Committee will meet j cussed. All members are requested to
today at 4:15 in the League. All attend.
members must be present.
Student Alliance: There is an open
Dr. Wilford L. White, head of the meeting this evening at 8:00 p.m. in


countries he served the Persian gov-
ernment at Washington as Charge d'
Promptly and neatly done by
experienced operators at mod-
erate rates. Student work a
specialty for twenty-eight years.
0. D. Morrill
314 South State Street _

500 camshafts can be inspected
every hour by an automatic
machine which has been designed
and built by the Ford Motor
Company. It is the only one of
its kind. It has a gaging accuracy
of one ten-thousandth of an inch.
It gages Ford camshafts at 25
points. Any dimension not within
the specified limits causes elec-
trical and mechanical devices to
reject the camshaft as it leaves
the machine.
There are ten inspection sta-
tions. The carnshafts are placed
in registered position in carriers
mounted on an endless linked
conveyor and carried into the
machine. At each station the
conveyor stops momentarily. Au-
tomatic centers engage the ends
of the camshafts and hold them
rigidly. Then 25 floating gage

heads lower automatically, mea-
sure the shafts, then rise. As the
conveyor moves the shafts to the
next station, other mechanism
rotates and indexes them for the
next set of gage heads.
The gage heads contain hard-
alloy-tipped measuring plungers
which are linked to amplifying
levers. Variations in shaft sizes,
beyond set limits, close a set of
contact points which operate two
solenoids. One sets the rejection
mechanism; the other raises a
marking plunger which puts a
daub of copper sulphate solution
on the shaft where the dimension
is over or under size.
When shafts come out of
machine they are automatically
passed or rejected. All told,


are 54 inspections on every
V- 8 camshaft.




la m- - _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _

Think a Minute!I
,v rbody's eadingTh
Michegan alY Want Ads!


)Yes, DoI'llUbe Clad to Go"

i i~y

PARENTS with growing children
naturally want them to have,
whenever practical, the same al
vantages that their companions
have. Few advantages inean so
much, and cost so little, as a tele-
phone in the house.
The boy or girl whose home
lacks a telephone thereby loses
one important way of forming
friendships. In this age, when
most invitations are sent by tele-
phone, such a boy or girl is often
left "out of things"-cut off from
many opportunities for harmless

ress. It reduces the risk of fire
ar*l theft; it safeguards health
and property. In emergencies it
is a swift, dependable ally. It takes
much of the old drudgery out of
For the telephone runs errands
quickly and cheaply.It eliminates
hours of worry. It combats lone-
liness. By enabling her to shop
from her own home, it frequent-
ly saves the modern housewife
from exposure to bad weather.
The telephone service in Mich-
igan today is as good as any in
the world. The constant desire

Our rcOd rs ho vefon
-mc' FA)Y I-




RouLT . y uve~sto
tOs1 , O s h7iret use our
Ec tThe
Min tree-lir'- ) Mihigan DM1
0Inserted One
lime Ndditioflal
slttlc mre.

tAd vertiQ i9
tiO has brought
or have



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But its value in lthe social
de of life is only one phase

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of this company is to make
that service even more
prompt, more efficient,

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