PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1936 .. .. . THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during thep University year and Summer Session by the Board inn Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it ort not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. C Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; t by mai, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420u Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. ii BOARD OF EDITORSt MANAGING EDITOR...................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIA'I EDIT OR..............FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE' EDITOR...........MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hersheyo Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger t Departmental Boards r Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don f Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; 1 Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, William Spaller- Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shuman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph S. Mattes, Mary Sage Montague. Wire Editors: Clinton B.Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as-g sociates, I. S. Silverman. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred t DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Rayman Goodman,p Carl Gerstacke, Clayton Heper. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza-a beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, KatherineMoore,t Ruth Sauer, Betty Strckroot, Theresa Swab.i BUSINESS DEPARTMENT t BUSINESS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARKL ASSOCIATE BUS. MGR. ..............WILLIAM BARNDTa WOMEN'S BUS. MGR,...................JEAN KEINATH Departienta Managersn John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication Manager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and1 Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising1 Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jac t Staple, Accounts Manager.1 NIGHT EDITOR: ARNOLD S. DANIELS t As Attica's Youth Listenied. . OVERNOR ALFRED LANDON de-b livered his fourth public speech since he became a prominent candidate for the Republican nomination for president to the grad- uating class of Attica, Kan., High School Monday. It was a speech certainly not beyond the com- prehension of Attica's departing high school stu-r dents. No single contribution, Republican or Dem- ocratic, to the wealth of pre-election lore has equalled Mr. Landon's advice to the youth of Attica in being so far removed from what the Americanq people want to hear from their candidates.t "We have no place in America today for quit-s ters," Landon said. Is that a solace to those whof have tramped the streets for months looking for a jobi We must work for "a wider distribution of thet blessings of civilization," is another admonishment.e Does the Mid-Western farmer who has burnedf crops or seen them rot in the fields find hope in these words? "To md one of the inspiring things of recentA years has been the courage of the common people.; All of us have seen the life work of men swept away,' and we have seen them go doggedly back to the1 tasks of building their lives over." But what isl going to be done to prevent a life's work beingL swept away in the future?E Republican attacke'rs of the New Deal thus far_ have consistently failed to point to a better pro-1 gram. Their verbal campaign has been entirely negative. Perhaps Governor Landon, with the help of William Randolph Hearst, may be able1 to ride into the nomination without saying more than he has thus far, but such a success will be a slap in the face to Republican voters who aret looking for honesty and intelligence in the solution1 of their problems. *11 P ibl tsts*. T IE CHARGES of Anthony Eden,3 British foreign minister, that one "Colonel Pedro Lopez" with the assistance of Ital- ian officers had helped to fabricate evidence that Great Britain was sending illegal ammunition to' Ethiopia in the recent war are too well substan- tiated to be doubted seriously. The unprecedented setting which Mr. Eden chose for his indictment, the floor of the House of Commons, would hardly have been selected had there been any doubt of the authenticity of the evidence. Mussolni's agents used the fake evidence to' arouse anti-British sentiment in Italy, of course. It is a vivid illustration of the methods used to arouse public opinion during war time, the help- lessness of the people to guard against the clever machinations of military publicists, and the com- plete lack of identity which may exist between the normal sentiment of the people and that which re- sults from the doses of false propaganda con- cocted by a war machine. The same factors which have been revealed in this incident infect every aspect of war-time pub- licity. Countless examples may be found in the history of America in the World War, of every country in that war. Mr. Eden's revelation may be quickly forgotten by the anti-Fascist public when its own supposedly democratic government desperately needs the support of public opinion to As Others See It] Promotion By Yardstick (From The Daily Illini) IbUITE a few years ago a president of the univer- sity issued a statement to the effect that ift Leachers of Illinois wanted promotion it would be wise for them to do a considerable amount of re- search and he advised them to write and write and write. The statement brought a storm of argument. One professor carried out quite a campaign in the pages of The Daily Illini in which he argued for more emphasis on teaching and aiding students in extra-curricular activities. It was duck soup for the Gridiron banquet of hat year and they made the most of it. Some- one dressed up like the president and had all he "big shot" professors appear before him with heir writing for the year and he measured them with a yard stick. Then he promoted them ac- cording to the inches submitted. Needless to say t was the professor who wrote so many "letters b o the editor"who came out on top. c There is still a little too much emphasis placed 1' on the research side in the university. Too many O eachers who always have "closed sections" early in c registration remain instructors and assistant pro- a fessors year in and year out while some dried- bl up old fossil who spends most of his time reading w dustry tomes gets raised in rank and pay. p There are many men in the University who give a great deal more time to student affairs than they do to minute investigations into some of the c problems of their field. Research is important and W adds much to the prestige of the university. But c the argument remains that those who achieve the respect and admiration of the students through their hard work in problems dealing with the o University as a whole are just as valuable and just O as deserving of promotion." There are just so many hours to a day. SoM much of that time must be spent in class. Those a who take on added burdens such as student con- o trol boards, senate committees and similar work r have not as much time free for scholarly treatises. Yet they find their work just as hard and find that hey are always faced with more calls for help. E Many of them will spend nearly as much time in v heir "extra-curricular" activities as they do in t he class-room. Certainly they deserve credit for a hath Y There needs to be more emphasis put on such C things and less on the amount of yardage gained by professors in their writings. _ d Governntent And The Schoolboy s (From the Cornell Daily Sun) THE NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE has just finished conducting a poll in which over 100,- H 000 representative Americans participated, on the a question of whether or not schools should teach t the facts of "isms." The result of the vote was d that 62 per cent of the group sanctioned the in- s struction in all forms of government including p fascism, communism and socialism. t It is gratifying to see that the American public, f in spite of the many narrow-minded organizations s that have been harrassing it, can still endorse the element of free speech which has been one of the h fundamental ideas behind its own government. I It seems a bit childish on the part of the other 0 38 per cent to have voted against divulging any h knowledge about these different structures of gov- ernment which are so much in the lime-light atT the present time. Worse than being childish, ig-d norance on these matters may actually becomef harmful. It is easy enough for an accomplishedC speaker to get up before an ignorant crowd and expound any theory of government he choosesf -even Anarchy - in such a way and in such a, prejudiced manner that 95 per cent of the group: will be ready to die for the cause. A knowledges of any of these plans if presented clear of anyh prejudice or bias by the teacher would go a longt way in giving the public a firm foundation fromt which they may build their own views. A little bita of knowledge is always more harmful than a com- prehensive view of any subject.S The thing to beware of is the teaching of any of these forms of government with an eye to in-c fluencing the class one way or the other. Hereb lies the danger -- not in the instruction of thea "facts" but in the instruction of the prejudices. 1 If our so called patriotic organizations wish, they may send their delegates around to the various st'hools of the country to protest the urging of1 comunism and socialism on the student body byf a professor; but they certainly have no right to object to the teaching of what the terms mean. It so happens that most of these various govern- ments are self destructive. It would be much wiser to let the student and younger generations facec the problems that present them in respect to the proper government for the country with a knowl- edge of what they are talking about than to hold them in complete .ignorance. To say the least, the latter method is medieval, if not utterly ridic- ulous. If Communism and Fascism is not the type. gove nment that we should have let the generation which has to decide this have the apparatus with w~~,hicll to perform the task at hand. r "HE FAILURE of other Powers to prevent Ja- pan's seizure of Manchuria was undoubtedly one of the factors that insuired Mussolini to under- take his conquest of Ethiopia. Now that Italy ap- parently is successful in its aggression, Japan in turn is encouraged to take another step against China, as shown in the landing of several thousand troops at Tientsin. One conquest thus inspires another, and the end is' not yet. The Conning Tower The Skillful Huntsnlan Today I carved this arrow: A simple thing to lift. So light. it is. and narrow, While languid in the quiver It seems a ha mless thing, Inadequate to sever A lean flank or a wing; But quickly and discreetly An deftly it can kill For no bird fies so HeyIly . Wait yonder on thl hill, And I shall bring you plunder: Pcrhaps a soI eyed doe, The smInil heart to i asunder, InlrmaclhMIey so! LIONEL WIGGAM t T wl m a it 2i rI Ali hi yi Thorns on the rose, ;ilies in the mouth, peach- loom removers, etc.. oliered by S.M.M.: "I an't have a week end in the country without a ainy Sunday; I can't drink my desired six cups f coffee a day without having 'coffee nerves'; II an't drive my new Packard over sixty-five miles n hour without worrying over the thought of aP lowout; AND I can't have a beloved young sona ithout realizing that in ten years he will be in rime condition to be blown to bits." From Mr. Samuel L. Apt er, of Mount Vernon,L omes a versihed oflering about Book Sharing Week. It says that he will d(onat e one half-used ommutation book.k Every week is Book Sharing Week on this floort f the H. T. building. We share, with Books, the )xford Dictionary, Who's Who in America, and The Home Book of Modern Verse." Books and diss Dorothy Thompson share our Holy Bible nd World Almanac. But it seems to us, from ur royalty statements, that Book Sharing Weeks un fifty-two to the year.' Higher English from the Advanced School of ducation of Teachers College, Columbia Uni- ersity's Recommendation for Matriculation forl he Doctorate: "If possible, kindly give the namesf nd addresses of several other individuals whomr 'ou feel are best quilified to give help on the haracteristics of the applicant." This department now hopes that Senator Van-f lenberg gets the Republican nomination. Mrs. andenberg has returned our copy of "Faster! aster!" and is the only member of the Book sharing Club in good standing. - Siring in Hancock County Spring came blowing down from Michigan to Hancock County in the clean scent of the pines nd lakes; came stealing up from Kentucky with he first blades of the lush blue grass the warm dusty perfume of apple and cherry blossoms; came talking in from Illinois and Indiana with the qungent odor of rich black loam turning under .he plow for planting; came gently calling to us rom Pennsylvania with the cries of the new born ;heep and cattle turned out to pasture.l From the woods in Hancock County came the heavy scent of May blossoms, from the lawns on Sandusky Street the exquisite fragrance of carpets of violets; from the spacious "back yards" the hyacinths and the daffodils which had the temerity to push their way through to sunlight each year. The trunks of the great maple trees lining San- dusky Street were wet and shining with the over- fiow of sap. A dangerously lush place, Hancock County. There was activity around the rose bushes, the flower beds, the cluematis, wistaria and ivy vines which clung to the house. The delicate but per- sistent scent of the lilacs, among the first blos- soms of spring, was so lovely it addened one. The honeyuckle hedge was so heavy it had to be thinned out; the lily-of-the-valley bed, much later. than the others, was carefully inspected to see if any little green lances in advance of the oncom- ing Knights were heralding the advent of that spirited, upright army. The first snowdrops had been picked and were clustered in the little vase on the desk in the bay window. The great high windows were open, and the soft breezeg was blowing through the hcuse, awakening the long lace curtains, the books, the rugs and the ulaels on the chairs. Spring was in the air and the pagan gds laughed mockingly as sober oh Hancock County felt a lightness in the heart, a giddiness in the head and a briskness in the step. In spite of our Puritan ancestry our Ground Gripper shoes and Congress Gaiters held the restless feet of Nymphs and Fauns when spring (the jade! ) came wick- edly into Hancock Couny. B. ROSS --- Ever try to find a residence in this town late at night when you knew only the street and number? Why is it they don't have house num- bers that you can see from the sidewalk in the daik? Like numerals 'used on some makes of watche:. And think how much simpler this would make life for tax dai vrs.- -Los Angeles Times. Lay off these crusades. They are futile, It is Paih's sweetly solemn thought that the financial gentlemen will play "In a Monetary Garden." The concert wouldn't be anything with- out "Oh, the Bulldog on the Bank," either. This department feels that the cities that have banned Erskine Caldwell's play should not be deprived of dramatic offerings. We are work- ing, blindfolded, on two plays for the puritanic provinces - "Cubeb Road" and "Cornsilk Road.' Eastport Maine, theme song: "Gin a body quit H st F a y rt ti b k U p p f n v a Z a f Washington Off The Record By SIGRID ARNE P ELIEF headquarters finally trailed the word "boondoggle" to its lair. he definition came from an old, mid- estern farmer who wrote: "Now about this matter you write ne for, if you will ekscuse me you in't spelt it rite because its boon-I oggle and not spelt with a D. I learnt , from old Joe S. He called all them andey things boontoggles but by ites a boontoggle is 3 straps fixed to; old your gun to your hed so you have ,our hands free to swim. This toggle or a gun was don first by a big linter named Dan Boon.'' Snorts and chortles alike meet the most recent definition of a politician which is going the rounds at the capitol. It says, "A politician is a man wh6 can sit on a fence and keep both ears to the ground." -PEAKER NO. 1 at a large luncheon was Relief Administrator Harry opkins. As he rose, he spied the taunch Republican representative lorence "Ma" Kahn of California, at nearby table. "Mrs. Kahn," he said. "I wonder if ou've heard about the little girl who ushed to school to tell her teacher hat four little Republicans had been orn at her home?" "Well - ?" grinned Mrs. Kahn. "Four days later," continued Hop- ins, "she rushed back to tell the eacher that now they had all opened heir eyes and become Democrats." The help of Senator Hattie Caraway of Arkansas has been asked by a man who wrote her, "I was brutally murdered in a hospital." REPRESENTATIVE TARRY[ I. MASON of Illinois, who is a news- aper publisher, had decided to re:ia apers more thoroughly. Because he hadn't done so, he suf- ered one of those embarassing mo- nents. He stepped into a capitol ele- ator also carrying the frequently- rrested Representative Marion A. ioncheck of Washington, who was1 ccompanied by his pretty bride, a ormer Texan. Playfully Zioncheck asked, "Mason, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pli-cation in.the.B utt, tiL:() Cu ii [i. " '( 1, 0) t illnIb rs uf the VIaerisity. Copy received at the orli e of the Assitant to the President mUl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. wlIUNl-:SUAY. MAY 20, 1936 \OL. XLV1 No. it; Notice to, Senmors and GIra duate Studcnts : ( )n ly forill' more days re- mT .?in :1 ftier otnCay for h(' payment of dipina fees a id certificato ft es. There can be absolutely no exten- sion beyond 4 p.1i. on Monday, May 25. The Cashic r's Ollice is closed on St inlay a fterr1oUns. Shirley W. Snith. Student A(counts: Your attention is called t(o the following rule passed by the :egets-a their meeting of 'b. 128, 19:', - "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or Summer Session. Student loans which fall due during any semester or Summer Session which are not paid or renewed are subject to thisl regulation; however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any un- paid accounts at the close of busi- ness on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University, and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or Summer Session just completed will not be released, and no tran- scripts of credits will be issued. "tb) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semiwester or Sum- nll'l' Session unl ii pvymieit has been S.W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. To Department Heads and Others Concerned: All time slips must be in the Business Office May 21 to be in- cluded in the May 31 payroll. Edna Gf. Miller, Payroll Clerk. To the Faculty of the Summer Ses- sion: In your correspondence with prospective students please note that the special reduced fares announced by the railroads have been cancelled, but beginning June first the new re- duced rates will be in effect all over the United States. Advise prospec- tive students to consult their local ticket agents. L. M. Eich. 348 a! 10 a.m, there will be no lecture Today. '. E:. 2: There wil be no meeting of Set ions I and I, C. UC loday 8 and 11 am. S(ioiiogy 54: I' te exam today stuid(ts whose names begin wit h A- M will Ineet ill 25 A.H.; those from N- ' will meet in 231 A.H. PSyc'hology 1018: Those who missed Pro'essol Meader's writt ien qti ' in chapters 1 and 3 pi'(,eIn. themselves for make lup at 3 p.m. on Friday in Room 2019 A.H. General l inguistics 160 (herm- eneuti'si) Piofessor Meade'ls recita- tion sectol i is t ponsttid ti week to Friday at 2 p.. Business Ad. 210, Tabulating Prac- tice: Students of this course who are planning to go to Detroit on the tour of tabulating installations will meet at 9 a.m. at the south entrance of the Women's League Bldg. on Thursday, May 21, 1936. This trip will take the entire day. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucation: All candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate (except graduate stu- dents who will have received an ad- vanced degree by June) are required to pass a Comprehensive Professional Examination covering the Education courses prescribed for the Certificate. The next examination of this kind will be given il the auditorium of the University High School on Saturday, May 23, at 2 p.m. Students having conflicts may take the examination at 8 a.m. The examination will cover Education A10, C1, D100 and special methods. Students enrolled in any of the special curricula in the School of Education will be examined on s ich of tihe-se couirses as are included in those curricila. Directed Tca ching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a Qualifying Ex- amination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held in the auditorium of the University High School on Saturday don't you think the girls from Texas Fymorning, May 23, starting sharply at Freshmen LiterarngolsegepThy as are prettier than those from Illinois?" day, May 21, is the last day on whic 3 a.m. Students having conflicts may "If they are," replied Mason, "Tex- your d s of 25 cents will be accepted. take the examination at 1 p.m. in as keeps them all at home." An agent will be in the basement of the 'ifternoon provided that they leave An agentnawillabe in the basementeof - Angel Hall, Thursday from 8 a.m. to ther names at the office of the Re- Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt is 3:30 p.m. to issue receipts to those r1437 U.E.S. before that time. The still wearing the good-looking who have not yet paid. ex1437aUiEnSwibefoeutha tim. uh tucked net dinner dress she examination will consume about four bought almost two years ago. Reception for Foreign Students in hours' time; promptness is therefore _ the College of Literature, Science and essential. +5 ta dthe Arts: Dean and Mrs. Kraus are FOR 15 minutes the senate ha giving a reception at their home, 1155 Exhibition listened to one of the rolling' rn to BundS scholarly speeches delivered occasion- ington levard, Sunday, May Islamic Art sponsored by the Re- ally by Representative J. Hamilton 24, from 4 to 6 p.m., to all students search Seminary in Islamic Art daily Lewis of Illinois, whose sonorous voice from other lands in the College of fom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays, LewiserofuIllinoiscwhose sonorous.voice and dignified manner add extra Literature, Science and the Ants. Per- 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial weight to what he says. n vitations have been sent to al Hall, North amd South Galleries. onoo our lists, but if any one fails for Hall,'ytad HelnuIhGall enes- Slyly, Lewis, who was defending( any reason to receive such an invita- talk by Helen Hall, Wednes- the New Deal, continued that the Re- Ition, he is requested to notify my of- day, May 20 at 4:15 p.m. publican party reminded him of a fice at once (Room 9, University Hall; Botanical Photographic Exhibit. An poem. The senate got ready 101 phone 303, University Exchange). All exhibit of photographs by members something from Shakespeare. acceptances or regrets should be in of the various Botaical organizations "The poem is short," said Lewis. my office by 4 p.m. Thursday. will be held on May 22 and 23 in Room It is engraved on a tambtone in a T.Raleigh Nelson,Counselor 3004 N.S. The object of this exhiit nearby cemetery. It says: I to Foreign Students, is04to.SowThe applca ftinofxhb- "'Me head is thick, me legs is thin, is to show the applation of pho- But I'm a very fine man for the shape University Bureau of Appointments tography to botanical research and 'm in'" and Occupational Information: teaching. The exhibit will be open Cleveland Civil Service Examinations from 3 to 6 p.m. in Room 3004 on for summer playground positions, Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on General Playground Supervisor, In- p.m. on Friday. All exhibitors are structor of Special Activity and Sup- urged to submit their entries to any "LITERATUR" I ervisor of Special Activity, will be' member of the committee as soon as Presnted by D eutscher Zirkel postponed for approximately ten days. possible. THREE members of the Deutscher For further information concerning On Friday at 8 p.m. there will be Zirkel yesterday afternoon pre- these examinations, call at 201 Mason an exhibit of color photography by seZted a finished performance of Ar- hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4. several members of the Botany staff sn msoed actromney Lt-in Room 2003 N. S. Some of the tur Schnitzler's one-act comedy, "Lit- Fifth Annual Pharmaceutical Con- various color processes, both still and eratur," before an amused audience ference: The College of Pharmacy is nmotion, will be demonstrated. in the auditorium of the University sponsoring the Annual Pharmaceuti- High School. The production was cal Conference, which will be held in under the direction of Otto Graf, in- the Michigan Union on Thursday, Events Today structor in German. J May 21, at 2:30 p.m. Dr. George D. Piesident and Mrs. Ruthven will be The part of Margaret, a charming Beal, President-Elect of the American at home to the students today from young woman whose literary preten- Pharmaceutical Association and As- 4 to 6 p.m. sions prompt her to the questionable sistant Director of the Mellon Insti- procedure of utilizing personal exper- tute, will be the guest speaker, and The Research Club will meet today iences (including letters from a will speak on "Pharmaceutical Re- at 8 p.m. in Room 2528 East Medical former suitor) as the material of a: search, a Prerequisite to Pharmaco- Building. The following papers will novel, was capably played by EmmaI poeial Revision." Other speakers of be presented: Professor Eugene E. Ro- Hirsch, '39. In the role of Klemens, the afternoon session will be Prof. villain: A Question in 18th Century her uresent fiance, who is shocked Max S. Handman of the Department France-- "Has the Discovery of Amer- by her willingnecs thus to parade of Economics, who will speak on "Ec- ica been Useful or Harmful to Man- her private existerce for all the world onomics and War," and Prof. F. C. kind," and the Answer, from Unpub- to see, appeared Max Reck, Grad., who Coller of the University Hospital, who ( lished Documents; and Prof. Z. Clark revealed himself impressively at ease will speak on "Anethesia and Anes- Dickinon: "Records of Eniployce in the difficult task of enacting a thesia an-.d Anesthetics." Suggest ion Schemes." The Council role in a foreign language. Edward The evening session will be held in will meet in the same reom at 7:30 Jurist, '38, as Gilbert, the former Room 165 Chemistry Bldg., and will p.m. suitor, also ambitious for literary suc- be addressed by Prof. Harley H. Bart- cess. and with the same materials, left of the Department of Botany, Mechanical Engineers: The final acquitted himself with the same dis- whose subject will be "Herbals and meeting for the year of the A.S.M.E. tinction that has marked his appear- Herbalists." will be a dinner meeting at the Union ances in presentat ions of Play Pro- All interested are cordially invited tonight at 6 :15. Prof. H. C. Anderson duction. to attend both afternoon and evening will give the address. All those wish- -John Weimer. sessions. ing to attend must sign the notice -- posted on the bulletin board outside - --- -Weekly Reading Hour: Instead of Room '221 by Wednesday morning. All the usual program this week, the An- members are urged to attend. Sen m C lS t$ nual Poetry Reading Contest of the--- Interpretive Arts Society will be pre- All Sophomore Engineers will as- From The laily Files sented, to which the public is very semble today at 10 a.m. in Room 348 Of May 20, 1926 cordially invited. West Engineering Bldg. to commient UniversityIlorse Show: The Horse on the advisability of proposed Sho wil e fel atth Far roudschanges in the program of studies, 1lHE STUDENT COUNCIL at its Show will be held at the Failr Grounds ag neee e rfA t meeting last night in the Union on Saturday, May 23 at 2:30 p.m. Any which will be presented by Prof. A. D. .. ^ 1- 4-, }-. - 111v+ ,Moore for the faculty Committee on