PAGE TWO T°lE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1936 NEWS OF THE DA'Y (From The Associated Press) The Day In Politics Michigan Democratic leaders are gathering in Grand Rapids today for a two-day pre-convention session to iron out the problems confronting them before the mass of delegates meets Thursday. Focused about the nominations for governor and United States Senator, the discussion will be largely in the hands of the Young Democrats and Pdtm ster-General James Farley, who will attempt to put a Frank Murphy-James Couzens slate through for the two offices. His efforts will be fought from out- side the, convention by former Gov- ernorWilliam Comstock, who has de- nounced Farley's "meddling" and sug- gests former Republican Lieutenant- Governor George W. Welsh and Frank A. Picard, senatorial nominee in 1934 as candidates. Still a third pair of possible can- didates are State Treasurer Theodore I. Fry for governor and Congressman Prentiss Brown of St. Ignace for sen- ator, with Comstock also mentioned for the Senate. Prof. John H. Muyskens, leader of insurgent Democrats allied with the Young Dems in a "fighting front" against the Old Guard typified by Comstock and the late Horatio J. Ab- bott, was already in Grand Rapids last night pushing the Farley ticket for exclusive endorsement by the conven- tion, with the idea up his sleeve, that if the convention does not agree on Republican Senator Couzens, Muy- skens himself has nomination peti- tions ready to submit. The Day In Washington Discussing invalidation of the Guf- fey Coal Control Act, President Roose- velt asserted yesterday that efforts must continue to improve conditions in the soft coal industry even though the Guffey Bill which was intended to reach this objective through agree- ment between employers and em- ployes was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. (See story on page one). The House Tax Bill moved forward in the Senate Finance Committee to what may be its first "showdown" to- morrow. While it was still under dis- cussion in various subcommittees to- day, the bill was attacked on the floor by Senator Dickinson of Iowa, a can- didate for the Republican Presiden- tial nomination. Frustration could be read into the remarks of Dr. F. E. Townsend, co- founder of the Townsend Old Age Pension Plan, as he testified before a special House committee, that the administration was a "hostile force"3 behind the congressional investigation of his movement. Hinting that "clever sabotage" in his own ranks may have hampered the PWA's $200,000,000 municipal power program, Secretary Ickes gave the history of PWA in four hours ofl testimony before the District of Co- umbia Supreme Court. Secretary Ickes declared in the heat of a hammering cross-examinationl that his book, "Back to Work: Thet Story of PWA," did not give as ac-' curate picture of the organization. He also made a categorical denial of the suggestion that the PWA had at- tempted to coerce private utility in- terests by encouraging public owner- ship of local power plants. Prosecutors Rush Case t DETROIT, May 19. - (IP) -The government neared the end of its case today in the Federal court trial of Robert 0. Lord, former president ofl the Guardian Detroit Union Group,l Inc., James L. Walsh, former executive vice-president of the Guardian group, and Herbert R. Wilkin, former vice- president of the Union Industrial Trust and Savings Bank, of Flint, a Guardian affiliate, charged with con-l spiracy and making false reports tot the Federal Reserve Board as of Dec. 31, 1931.. Special Prosecutor Guy K. BardI said he would introduce five morec witnesses. The government may rest{ before nightfall tomorrow. Violent Storm Injures Eight Near Omaha, Neb. T o old Annual IT Iii' i i aeitia I t 'iIy PtiattI AtI The fifth in a series of annual fnlarmaceutical conferences will be held Thursday in the Union under the chairmanship of Prof. Howard B. Lewis, director of the college. Sessions will begin at 2:30 p.m. with :,i address by Dr. George D. Beal on "Pharmaceutical Research, A Prere- quisite to Pharmacopoeial Revision. Dr. Beal is president-elect of the American Pharmaceutical Association and assistant director of the Mellon Classified INire*ora'] LA UNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox Careful work at low price. darned 1x FOR SALE F( ) SA ; E l?,easoiiabl: 1. Under- , s : tidard It:ype writer. Good coi1uition. 2. Corona portable type- wIvit er -line condition. 727 E. Uni- v'1lity. Phone 7472. ------- -- ~ ~ ~---~- FOR SALE: Apartment upright piano. Will sell at low price. Reasonable terms offered. 502 FOR KENT N Y . j 1 SUMMER STUDENTS: Light cool rooms. Special rates. Porter serv- ice. Recreation facilities. The Oaks. 915 Oakland. 7458. 504 Institute for Industrial Research at FOR RENT: Four or five room fur- Pittsburgh. niched apartment for summer or Other speakers during the after- year. 209 N. Ingalls. Phone 3403.1 noon will be Prof. Max S. Handman 501 of the economics department and Dr. EMP__YMENT_ Frederick A. Coller, chief of the sur- EMPLOYMENT NOTICES STUDENT TYPING: Expertly done with reasonable rates. 321 E. Lib- erty. Apartment 2. 499 WARNING: Only a reliable furrier m clean your furs a id fur coat without harming the skins. 32 years of expert fur service recom- mends ZWERDIANG'S VUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 1Gx NOTICE: We clean, upholster, r pair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhlman. 15x EYES examined, best glasse: made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-18G6. 13x SELL YOUR OLD CLOThES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and type- writers. Don't sell before you see dam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. 10x LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black notebook and textbook. Nimkoff "family" belonging to Mar- ion Paterson. 1830 Hill. Telephone 5718. 500 STOLEN: From car in Arboretum, purse containing personals and fra- ternity pin. Police has description. No questions asked if purse is re- turned to Observatory Beauty Shop. LOST: One gold chain bracelet, pos- sibly at Hill Auditorium or Union. Reward. Call 504 Mosher. RfE[RVAIIONS Any Steiomqt or Advertised l TRIP'IOIR.lIS . COMPLETED FREE HER EUROPE" BERMUDA, CALIFORNIA, CHINA, ETC. BOOK NOW EUpeBc Advie.Licensed Since 1917 U eerence-Any Lcal BatR KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU wli" N u3K -Associated Press Photo. Hail, which drifted to depths of four feet, terrific winds and heavy rains combined to cause extensive property damage to bring injury to eight persons in the territory surrounding Omaha, Neb.., and Council Bluffs, Ia. Occupants of this automobile were rescued by four youths when a baseball park was flooded during the storm. Bigger, Better Opera Planned By Mimes For Next Semester Union Honorary Dramatic sisted by Prof. Earl V. Moore, musical Group Founded In 1909 director of the University; and in 1910 "Koanzaland" was staged under To Conduct Operas the direction of Earl V. Moore with its lyrics written by J. Fred Lawton, Though there was no Union Opera '11, author of "Varsity." this year because no manuscripts Were In 1914 the Union Opera went on submitted to Mimes, plans are being the road and proved such a success made for a bigger and better Opera that other operas emulated its ex- next year, Sherril Kasle, '37, Mimes' ample, advertising the University. The president said yesterday. later Operas differed from their pred- Mimes, honorary dramatic society ecessors in that they were musical was founded in 1911 by a small group extravaganzas and devoid of local of students among whom were Prof. color. Earl V. Moore, Matthew Blish, '11E, In 1929 the Opera was discontinued, and Homer L. Heath, '07, who were and another was not given until 1934. then working on an opera. Last year the Opera "Give Us The express purpose of the new Rhythm" was not a financial success society was to select the casts and and interest in the Opera lagged. manage the operas, duties hereto- However students are now working fore carried out by Union committees. on stories and songs for next year Only members of the operas could and it is expected that this once become members of Mimes and con- firmly established tradition of giving sequently since its membem were all annual operas will Ibe reestablished at experienced in the technique of stag- the University. ing oe ongs the best srpsadsnswere used.f aiu r w _ ._ I In 1929, because of the depression, no Opera was produced and Mimes languished. Not until 1933 were thee Th m Operas resumed through the efforts of an alumnus and student who had ac- cidentally met, and were members Fo ' of Mimes. Since then "With Banners Flying" and "Give Us Rhythm" have "Town Hall Tonight" will be the been given. theme for the banquet of 75 stu- The history of the Opera itself is dents of the department of elec- an interesting one. In 1908, the Union trical engineering which will be held after more than two years of con- Thursday evening in the Union, cul- sideration planned and produced ininating the year's activities of the "Michigenda," a comic opera which Student Section of the American In- was a take-off on students and fac- stitute of Electrical Engineers. ulty members. It was directed by The identity of the toastmaster, Roy Dickinson Welch, who also wrote which is being kept secret until the most of the songs, and was written banquet, will be revealed by means by Prof. Donald H. Haines, '09, now of an electrical recording being pre- of the journalism department. One pared by Jerome Wiesner, '36E, Mor- of the principals in the cast was James ris Hall technician, who expects to K. Watkins, former police commis- use all possible sound effect devices. sioner of Detroit. The Opera was Almost 100 candid camera shots of staged in the Whitney Theatre, which faculty and students will be shown. had just been completed, and was Herman Moench, Grad., doing the such a success financially that it commenting. The program is pat- set a precedent for future operas. terned after Fred Allen's radio hour, In 1909, the Opera "Culture," a including Town Hall News, the musical satire, was produced under Mighty Allen Art Players and the the direction of Roy D. Welch, as- Town Hall Amateurs. The Allen Players will find their! Hames Will Attend jItheme is Prof. A. D. Moore's Hydrocal, 1 and varied acts are promised by the Atlantic City Meet Town Hall Amateurs. Four seniors will undertake to imitate faculty members, among them Profs. H. H. Everett R. Hames, executive secre- Higbie and Joseph H. Cannon. Prof. tary of the Ann Arbor Community Moore will appear as a bass soloist Fund, left at noon yesterday to at- and Dean A. H. Lovell as a song-lead- tend the National Conference of So- er. The sponsors look forward to a cial Workers to be held at Atlantic very large gong. City starting May 24 and continuing 1 The serious part of the program will until May 30. consist in the presentation of an Besides the Ann Arbor Community, A.I.E.E. award to W. H. Budd, '35E, Fund, Hames will also represent the who was one of ten students to pres- Michigan State Council of the Amer- ent papers to the Great Lakes Divi- ican Association of Social Workers sion of the Institute. His paper, and the Washtenaw-Livingston Coun- "Cornice Lighting," was awarded first cil of Boy Scouts [prize. He will be presented with a EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. wwJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Omar, the Mystic, 6:15--WJR Jimmy Allen. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30-WJR Kate Smith. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ The Lone Ranger. CKLW Rhythm Rambligs. 6:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Rhythm Review. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00-WJR Cavalcade of America. WWJ One Man's Family. WXYZ Folies de Paris. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 7 :30--WJR Burns and Allen: Jacques Renard's Music. WWJ Wayne King's Place. WXYZ Lavender and Old Lace. CKLW Music Box Review. 8:00-WJR Lily Pons: Andre Kosteianetz's Music. WWVJ Fred Alien; Peter van Steeden's Music. WXYZ Rubinoft-Rea. CKLW Variety Revue. 8:30 -WJR PostmasterC in. James A. Farley. CKLW Alfred WaIleisltein's, Sinfonietta. 9:00-WJR Gang Busters. WWJ Your Hit Parade. WXYZ Bob Chester's Music. CKLW Husbands and Wives. 9:30 -WJR March of Time. WXYZ Olympic Heavy Weight; Finals. CKLW Mart Kenney's Music. 9:45---WJR Hot Dates in History. CKLW Charioteers. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Olympic Boxing 'rials. 0:1.5--WJR Rhythm. WWJ Studio Hour. WXYz Don Bestor's Music. 10:30-WJR Waltz 'rime. WXZY Anthony Trini. 10:45--. WWJEve"ing Melodine. WXYZ Enoch Light's M ie'ie. 11:00--WJR chicago Boxing n.tious. WWJ Troupers. WXYZ Baker Twins. CKLW Dick Stable's Music. 11:15-WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Joe Rines' Music. 11:30-WJR Xavier Cugat's Music. WWJ Bob Chester's Musie. WXYZ Luigi Roinanelli'sti Muic. CKLW redlWeeis' Music. 11:45-WJR Meditations. 12:09--_WJR At Close of Day. WWJRuss Lyon's Music. WXYZ Bert Stock's Music. CKLW Johnny Lewis' Music. 12:30-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 1:00-CKLW Ted weems' Music. 100 Engraved $ 0Cards & Plates. THE ATHENS PRESS Printers City's Lowest Prices on Printing. 308 North Main Street - Dial 2-1013 TODAY - TOMORROW AND FRIDAY 0/f60/ EverythIn9 Ive been Autin gical staff of University Hospital.1 Professor Handman will speak on "Economics and War," and Dr. Coller on "Anesthesia and Anesthetics." A dinner will be held at 6 p.m. ini the Union and at 7:30 p.m. the con- ference will meet with the Detroit branch of the American Pharmaceuti- cal Association in the chemistry building. Prof. H. H. Bartlett chair-t man of the botany department will' give an illustrated lecture on "Her- bals and Herbalists." Gracie Shows 'Em Up; Wins Intelligent Title HOLLYWOOD, May 19. -- UP) -- Gracie Allen - the professional dum- bell - was selected by University sof Southern California psychology stu- dents today as the screen's most in- telligent actress. An elementary class of 80 students and an advanced section of 40 partici- pated in the poll. Each group named the 10 actresses it considered to be Hollywood's most intelligent women. The other nine named.were Mary Pickford, Norma Shearer, Ann Hard- ing, Irene Dunn, Claudette Colbert, Grace Moore, Bette Davis, Ruth Chat- terton and Jeanette MacDonald. Voting separately, the two groups saw eye-to-eye on nine selections. The difference was that the elementary class put Miss Chatterton in the list while the advanced group included Katherine Hepburn on its roster. But Gracie led both lists. "Miss Allen is known here as a suc- cessful home-maker and a shrewd business woman in addition to the dif- ficult personality she displays profes- sionally," said one student's paper. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: The "Hoover Insurance & Trust Service" has a few openings in Detroit and Michigan which offer an excellent opportunity to earn while rec'eiving a thorough practical business train- ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to a business career should write, Da- vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build- ing, Detroit. 17x Moore To Inspect Bells For Carillon Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of Music will leave Ann Arbor today for Montreal where he will sail for England. Professor Moore will inspect the bells which are to go into the new memorial carillon and will approve and accept them for the University prior to their being shipped to Ann Arbor. Although the mechanical action of the bells is as yet not completed, it is expected that it will be by the time Professor Moore arrives in England. The bells themselves, aiready finished by Taylor Co., Loughborough, Eng- land, will be mounted on a frame and tested by the director for their tone qualities and workmanship. A' Ann Arbor Antique Dealers SALE & EXHIBIT MAY 21 22 23 Open 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. HARRIS HALL Corner State and Huron Admission 25c Daily 1:30 to 11 p.m. 15c to6-- 25c after 6 Now CHAS. BICKFORD FLORENCE RICE "PRIDE OF THE MARINES" and JOAN BLONDELL GLENDA FARRELL HUGH HERBERT "MISS PACIFIC FLEET" Extra News - Cartoon hrT ~ -,- _ _________.__ __ I Do you have typing to be done, or do you want typing to do? Or, have you lost anything. In any case, your best mediu m is The Michigan Daily Classified Column As a part of the Conference, ac- cording to Hames, a special meeting has been arranged among representa- tives of university towns, including Ann Arbor; Ithaca, N. Y.; Madison, Wisconsin; Champagne, Illinois; and Lincoln, Nebraska, for the purpose of discussing the function of the Community Fund in university cities and the special problems involved. certificate and an award of $25 at the banquet. ENDS TODAY! "Womom I h 1 1' 1 "Libel" with KENNETH Mac- KENNA, Ernest LAW- FORD. Doris DALTON and George SOMNES. Kenneth MacKennao CASH RATES lIc PER LINE I I 'Ovation! Large audience ex- cited by it from the beginning to the last curtain." ' ::< 11