PAGE SIR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESD.,iV. IFAY 19, 1936 PAGE SIX TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1938 Fresh Air Camp Tag Day Drive Brings_$1,000 Most Successful Campaign Of Late Years Pleases Camp Committee With some contributions yet to come in, the University Fresh Air Camp for Boys tag day drive is cer- tain to reach the $1,000 mark and it is the opinion of all that the 16th an- nual drive has been the most suc- cessful that the Student Christian Association has had in late years. Howard Holland, '37, Tag Day chairman, said that the committee "wished to offer thanks in appre- ciation of the splendid work done by all parties in making this success pos- sible." Besides individual contributions of students and faculty, the fund was aided by $15 from the Lawyers' Stu- dent Council and by $250 from the junior class from the proceeds of the J-Hop. "We are entirely satisfied with the results of the drive," George Alder, camp director commented, "but, un- less funds are forthcoming from other sources, three cabins will have to be left vacant-cabins which, if used, would house 80 boys, giving employ- ment to at least lour university stu- dents." Tapping's A nalysis Of 'Michigan Spirit' Finds Pride Basis "There's something about Michigan that gets you." That is the conclu-1 sion of T. Hawley Tapping, or "Tap" as he prefers to be called, General Secretary of the Michigan Alumni Association, who addressed the dental school Assembly yesterday afternoon. Mr. Tapping has made a specialty of trying to analyze this "Michigan spirib" and he has found that it's a strong sentiment born of life on the campus, of friendships made here, of experiences and adventures at school. Pride in' the University sustains this spirit, and not necessarily pride in the football team, as has been proved to "Tap" by the increased interest in Michigan in the last two years. Rath- er that pride revolves about the scholastic achievements of the Uni- versity, and fellow alumni and alum- nae. Many men and women, who have seen what they believed substantial things totter and crumble, have found the University and its work a constant and impregnable fortress, he dpclared. Many graduates, some of them living on campus now, consider Ann Arbor "home." Mr. Tapping added that in past years the dental school had been somewhat remiss in its post-graduate interest, but that at present a great- er interest is being shown. He point- ed out that besides the advantage of associating with Michigan alumni and keeping in touch with the Uni- versity, members of Alumni Clubs are socially and professionally introduced to the community. Announce Five Year Children's CampProgram A five-year $100,000 program for expansion and improvement of the children's camp movement in Ameri- ca was announced yesterday by Her- bert H. Twiring, Ann Arbor camp director and president of the Ameri- can Camping Association. According to Mr. Twining the a Chrysler Corporation has underwrit- ten the project which will provide the American Camping Association with "the leadership' and facilities for research and study of the camp- ing movement to reach all possible children in America, and perfecting it so that it will administer. more efficently to health, education, and the enriching experience that is the right of all youth." The association will direct camp- ing institutes and training courses for leaders. The associaton member- ship includes directors and counsel- ors of camps sponsored by munici- pal, private and club groups. "Few people realize the signal im- portance of this generous and intel- ligent donation to the youth of America on the part of the Chrysler Corporation," Mr. Twining stated. Large Meteor Seen Here Sunday Night Flashing across the sky in bril- liant red and blue, a large meteor startled Ann Arbor observers Sunday by its intensity and length. Sighted at about 7:40 p.m., the meteor began at about 45 degrees and Former Gov. Small -Associated Press Photo. Len Small (above) of Kankakee, Ill., twice governor of Illinois, died in a Kankakee hospital of an em- bolism following a minor operation. He was recently defeated for the Republican gubernatorial nomina- tion. To Depict Modern Lightingm In Lecture Mr. Walter Knapp, of the Detroit Edison Company, will give an il- lustrated lecture on modern light- ing today at 4 p.m. in the Architec- tural Building auditorium. The lecture is built around a talk- ing moving picture on te subject of lighting that was prepared by the General Electric Company from re- search compiled in Cleveland, Ohio. Its aim is to show the effects of light- ing on both the mental and physical health of the body. Slides will be shown to depict other aspects of light- ing. Mr. Knapp is a well-known elec- trical engineer. He has been active in many outside projects of the Detroit Edison Company and was in charge of the layout for the General Electric housing project in Detroit. His lec- ture is a special one sponsored by the Architecture School and is open to everyone who is interested in at- tending. BUS FARES REDUCED CHICAGO, May 18.-(A)-L. G. Markel, chairman of the National Bus Traffic Association, said tonight that round trip fare between major cities throughout the country would be substantially reduced effective May 25. As an example of the forthcom- ing reduction, Markel said the new round trip rate between Los Angeles and Chicago would be $49.50 com- pared with present rates of $53.10. The reductions between other points will be correspondingly lower he said. D AILY OF FICIAL BULLETIN j (Continued from Page 4) the Michigan League Bldg. Students, alumni and faculty members are cor- dially invited to attend. Phi Alpha Tau societas honorifica Latina Graecaque die undevicesimos- mensis Maii (7:30 p.m.) in Hospit- ium Mulierum Michiganensium con- veniet. Praeses Houck depinget "Periplus Maris Aegaei." Omnes Adeste! All Sophomore Engineers will as- semble on Wednesday, May 20 at 10 a.m. in Room 348 West Engineering Bldg to comment on the advisability of proposed changes in the program of studies, which will be presented by Prof. A. D. Moore for the faculty Committee on Coordination and 'reaching. All absences 'for this purpose from conflicting classes are excused by the Dean. Coming Events The Research Club will meet on Wednesday, May 20, at 8 p.m. in Room 2528 East Medical Building. The following papers will be present- ed: Professor Eugene E. Rovillain: A Question in 18th Century France- "Has the Discovery of'America been Useful or Harmful to Mankind," and the Answer, from Unpublished Docu- ments; and Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson: "Records of Employee Suggestion Scheme." The Council will meet in the same room at 7:30 p.m. Alpha Epsilon Mu: Attention of members and initiates is called to the initiation and banquet on Thursday, May 21, at the Union. Members note that this is a changed date from the one previously announced. The in- itiation will take place at 5:30, fol- lowed by the banquet at 6:15 p.m. The rooms will be posted. For further in- formation, communicate with Maur-. ice Dreifuss, 4779, or Ralph Matthews, 2-1617. Mechanical Engineers: The final meeting for the year of the A.S.M.E. will be a dinner meeting at the Union on Wednesday, May 20 at 6:15. Prof. H. C. Anderson will give the address. All those wishing to attend must sign the notice posted on the bulletin board outside Room 221 by Wednesday morning. All members are urged to to attend. The Transportation Club will meet in the Union, Thursday, May 21, at 7:45 p.m. The room will be posted. This will be the last meeting of the year and the election of the officers for next year will be held. A.I.Ch.E. Vote for date of picnic on bulletin board in the East Engi- neering Bldg. before May 26th. A general meeting of the Peace Council will be held Wednesday, May 20, 7:30 p.m. at the League. All members are urged to be present. Stanley Chorus: Special rehearsals start tomorrow, 7:15 p.m. at the reg- ular room at Union. All voices come. Studentswho are interested in the effect of the position in the audience upon efficiency are asked to meet on Wednesday at 4 p.m. in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium for an hour's ex- periment. Repetitions will be made on the two succeeding Wednesdays. Student Alliance: There will be a meeting this coming Wednesday, May 20, 1936, Room 323 in the Union. Everyone is invited. Hillel Players: Last regular meet- ing of the year will be held at the Hillel Foundation on Thursday, May 21, at 7:45 p.m. There will be elec- tion of officers for the coming year, and an interesting program has been planned. All members must be present. Mimcs, members and partners will be guests of the Union at the regular Membership dance on Saturday night. Hillel Foundation: A Tea Dance will be held at the Foundation Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. Refresh- ments will be served. Everyone is invited. Hillel Council and Hillel Indepen- dent Club: Important meeting for combined groups Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. at the Foundation. Revolutionary Maps In Library Exhibit A booklet entitled "British Maps of the American Revolution" has just been published as a guide to the pres- ent exhibit at the William L. Clem- ents Library. This pamphlet discusses briefly each of the maps shown, giv- ing a view of the events which oc- casioned the battles and general rea- sons for British defeat or victory. There are 21 maps on exhibition, but the Clements Library collection contains many beautiful ones too large to be put in the exhibit cases., One of those exhibited is hand-done, and may be either the originall draught or a copy made from the finished engraving shown beside it in the case. WRONG ADDRESS FOR MILLER I Frank Miller, 1151/2 W. Huron St., was erroneously identified in Friday's Daily, as the WPA worker who was arrested and jailed Thursday. The person jailed was Frank Miller of 723 Moore St. Brauer Believes Student And Laynn Religious View Same 1 ~ c. He Urges Return To More Conservative Form Of Religion EDITOR'S NOTE: Thisf .i tothird of h sevries 01fii j'l.v- . - i thAi nn i 1-w~ lmkniters oil thel;Ie ~eAl~ 01 idt Today there is sometimes a dlif- ference made by many people betweeni the religion presented to the student' and that presented to the average layman, but this should not be, said the Rev. C. A. Brauer, minister of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, in a recent interview. Mr. Brauer pointed out that at mostj times the religious outlook of students and older people is fundamentally the Caldwell Win"Is Prize hIPack EssayContest First prize of $50 in the Charles Lathrop Pack Essay Contest of the forestry school was won by Homer Caldwell, Jr., '37F, according to an- nouncement made yesterday by Prof. Dow V. Baxter, chairman of the committee of judges. Caldwell's es- say was entitled "The Forest Rang- er -Now Cowman." Second prize of $20 went to John B. Vinson, '37F, "hose essay was entitled "Nature Trail," while third prize of $5 was awarded to Frank I. Wadsworth, '37F, for an article on "Forestry Versus Wild Life." The Pack contest, an annual event in the forestry school, was open to all forestry and pre-forestry stu- dents. Included on the committee judging the manuscripts, in addition to Professor Baxter, were Dr. Carl Guthe, Director of the Museums of Anthropology; Prof. J. Raleigh Nel- son, head of the English department of the College of Engineering; Prof. William Kynoch and Dean S. T. Dana, both of the School of Forestry and Conservation. same. He stated that he didn't be- Of Fund B lieve it was right that the religion presented to the students should be Dr. li:i P. Hail, lrofessor-emer- alred in any way from that p sent- Titus of t Hi Sl ho ( of l'nist ry, was ed to the average layman, o:. lie went on to say, the faith 1hat bi;ei I hem all is te same. He toldhon b there is and can only be one unity of oaiion meet ii yesterday, a'- 1 cririi 011A ii ,ic f.7r from i1tii ! I 'll""'10, anU ma t 1i is ir m 1. I ril tCltli). to an amiiounceinent by Ever- ideals of good religion that there is a I H. Htim, i. 1Vseretary. distinction drawn in the types of 7 ligion presented to the students and Mms. MalI . S yer, recorder other people. It is very much con- nId as !stant to the Dean of the J -ary to faith. Mr. L"auer said, S(-i f B sAd it at that this difference be made. |as elected vj'imcai an and coirre- Mr. Brauer declared that liberalism ' spc inv secretary, while Julius in religion has been given too much ,Schit, inivi'stnmnt oflicer of ihe of a show lately, and urged that weUmnveIr,; wi choen ctairm1n of return to a more conservative form,.the fiance '(mm I (. Frankli C. He asserted that the more liberal|Fors3ie, Etrem S. (Tuss. Mrs. 1. E. type of religion has had too much to SnniP 1. Mrs. JIol i ' my, and Mir- say in the past few years both here liel Wrih1t wetr ee 1) to folm ithe on the campus and throughout the service c mnitt'1.t. iation. It has not produced the fruits 1etiming ollicc include Florence that it should, he declared, and urged Potllock, former vice-cl,'nirn, lDr. strongly that we return to a more Wsom ormr secretry, and conservative form. Prof. A rthun W, n3roge, r. L. J. The students do much to help the Car, Rabbi Berniard lcher and Mrs. organization of St. Paul's Church, Mr. C. F.. Remer, former members of the Brauer stated. iservice mitee ProRm- A.~kCfe lJ B~l t Dr. Louis Hall kb Mitde Head SowIts Lilwair A small exhibit of Sung pottery (960.-1280) from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall Plum- er is now being shown at the en- trance to the library in the Architec- tural Building. The exhibit, which includes five famous wares of Sung: Chien, Chun, T'zu-chou, Ting, and ying ching, is a sequel to the exhibit of T'ang (618-906) pottery which was dis- played during March and April. It will be on view for about two weeks. TEMAMSH I P TICKETS &CUSES Your steamship passage taEurope, for this coming Spring A Sumnmer, should be reserued now. Phone or come In, choose your ship & a small deposit willI guarantee the space. if you find you cannot go, I will gladly arrange for a Transfer, or a full return of deposit money. All details completed &ee without cha ge. EPersonal SerUice- Un eery ooEing. rsince 11. PI. n 64)2 KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU, 607 E. Huron St.. Ann Arbor nae is about to dehurt on sambatical Icave, while Ml's. Rener is retiring 11om the service commit tee to join the executive committee. This comn- mi tee alb o inn tides Dr. hail, Mrs. Savwycr, Court my MaulbeLch, anld Mt C. A. Fisher, Ali ltutf1h the eleetiot t were ithe pin t(id I isatss (If t e sesion, the thet boa .i'd also oo'i'upeIr Is.;('f1wi tlha dis- Celi;-;,ill of i budgt. llli forthe next half year. TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at mod- crate rates. Student work a specialty for twenty-eigh years. 314 South State Street --- -'-' t I . -_ The COLONIAL INN 303 N. Division - 8876 ||Ill Luncheons - 11 :30 - 1 :30 Dinners - - 5:30 - 7:30 Sunday Dinners 12:30- 2:30 Room For Private Parties , I I I ". tlR MYWiiYYMI Ni - - - - - - THE ICHIGAN LUMNUS IS THE This official publication of Michigan's Alumni Associa- tion is the one vital link between the graduate and his U RECOGNIZE THIS INSTRUMENT .. ? IT'S THE NEWEST of modern conveniences and you'll find it will be a great help to you in trying to locate anything you may have lost; to rent or to find a convenient room; to sell some- thing; -or to locate opportnnity for buying values and for em- ployinent.- 30c Is a small price to pay for recovery of articles you prize highly. The Michigran Daily Campus. Twenty-six (26) times a year this magazine comes to hislibrary table to tell him abouthis classmates, his professors, hisathletic teams. One thousand (1,000!) pages of "Michigan News." SENIORS ONLY-$2 Sale to members of the Class of 1936 is being conducted by The Michigan League, the commissions going to the financing of the League's Fellowship and Scholarship Plan. I i a ElE I 91 l vnna i 7Ev ra .n rti ts$s ro Aa si$ ......, ...s : IN