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May 19, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-19

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TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1936



man of my type, who gets royally plastered by
drinking highballs."
"How," said the Indian.
"You just start out with four parts of ginger
ale and one part of gin or whisky - preferably
both. The second drink gets three parts of ginger
ale and two parts of liquor; the third drink gets
two parts of insulation and three parts of voltage.
The fourth drink gets one part of ginger ale and
four parts of liquor. After that the ginger ale's
all used up anyway. But you don't always feel


The Conning Tower
Saturday, May 9
1ETTMES to the office, where till afternoon,
and so home, and tried again to read "Spark-
enbroke," but could not get any interest in it,
so fell asleep; and so out to call on Betty Dietz,
and she tells me that Frank Graham is her
favorite baseball writer. So walked about of a
warm afternoon and home and to bed not long


Publisned every morning except Monday during thp
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwi credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republicattion of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Il1.
GeorgeA Anoros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Clinton B. Conger
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; Don
.Smith, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton. William Spaller.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Arnold S. Daniels,, Joseph S. Mattes,
Mary Sage Montague.
Wire Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, as-
sociates, I. S. Silverman.
Sports Department: George J.. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buessesr, associates, Rayman Goodman,
Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler.
Womens Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman; Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore,
Ruth Sauer, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
BUSINESS MANAGER ....................JOHN R, PARK
WOMEN'S BUS.,MO...................JEANKEINATH
Departmental Managers
John McLean, Contract Manager; Ernest Jones, Publication
Maager; Richard Croushore, National Advertising and
Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Local Advertising
Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Jack
Staple, Accounts Manager.
ToThe DailyNews...
The Daily extends its congratula-
tions and best wishes.
The Daily News today publishes its 136 page
Centennial Edition, celebrating the official opening
of its new, palatial home and 100 years of vig-
orous journalism.
The opportunity to see the Daily News' new
building should not be neglected. It is our opin-
ion that it is one of the finest and most modern
newspaper plants in the world, a statement ex-
treme but true. The centennial edition will be, we
are certain, something unique in journalism. The
long and colorful past of Ann Arbor and, of course
of the University, will be told in picture and word.
It is something you should not miss.
Again, Ann Arbor Daily News, your colleague ex-
tends congratulations.

so happy about it the next morning."
"How," said the Indian.
The man in the gutter replied speechlessly. Then
he added: "But the next time I go on a spree, so-
helpme, I'm going to do it the right way - the
ONLY right way!"
"How," said the Indian.
"By spending Wednesday evening at the annual
business meeting of the Ann Arbor Reporter's As-
"AND HOW," said the Indian.



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however,beregarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
Letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
War And Peace
To the Editor:.
The following quotations are from Nazi news-
papers, speeches and Hitler's autobiography,
"Mein Kampf."
1. To be a Pacifist means to have no beliefs and
no character - Herr Hitler: Political A.B.C.
2. Pacifism is cowardice on principle - not a
theory of life but a defect in character. - The late
Captain Roehm.
3. In pacifist war literature, it appeared that he
who had fallen on the field of honor had died an
unnatural death. It had no understanding of the
old soldiers' song: "There is no better death in
the world than to be slain by the enemy." It did
not understand the old Teutonic disgust with a
death in bed. -Herr von Papen (Speech in Munich,
May 13, 1933).
4. The question of recuperation of German
power is not how we can manufacture arms. Rath-
er it is, how can we create the spirit which renders
a people capable of carrying arms? When this
spirit dominates a people, will-power finds a thou-
sand ways, each of which leads to a weapon. -
Herr Hitler: Mein Kampf (p. 365. 1933 Edition).
5. One need only give the German nation six
million bodies, excellently trained in sport, all of
them inflamed by fanatic love for the Fatherland
and educated to the highest spirit of aggression,
and a national State will, if necessary, within
not even two years have an army created out of
them, at any rate if a certain nucleus for it already
exists. -- Herr Hitler: Mein Kampf (p. 611. 1933
6. For the church, the word "peace" does not
necessarily mean the opposite of "war." We have
bees too much a church of peace. -Reichbishop
Dr. Muller, head of the German Christian Church.
7. War is the most simple affirmation of life.
Suppress war, and it would be like trying to sup-
press the processes of nature. - Dr. Goebbels, Min-
ister of Propaganda and Enlightenment.
8. Active service in the Storm Troops and duel-
ling are both serving the same purpose: to pro-
duce courageous men able and willing to fight.
Both are "Service for the State," service for the
nation.- Berliner Boersen Zeitung, Dec. 13, 1933.
9. War is the grand stimulant and uplifter:
quickening the whole pace of existence and open-
ing up a completely different and, in most cases,
novel world of ideas. - Professor Banse, in "Ger-
many Prepares for War."
-- M. Levi.

W 11 1 11V l , " x V11, C1 V . i\ + V a iL
after nine o'clock. I
Sunday, May 10r
WORKED in the early morning, and so to watch
some players rehearse against tonight's bene-I
fit, and so home by six, and thence to Mabel
Souvaine's for supper, and to the City and
Country School benefit, and it seemed to me thatt
Miss Jean Dante and Miss Gypsy Rose Lee and
Mr. George Kaufman were the best in the longt
evening, and so to M. Ernst's and stopped there
talking and listening till near two in the morning,
and then went home only because I was ejected
by my host.
Monday, May 11
rVO THE OFFICE, and all day there at petty
business, and so decided to print C. Ward's'
"A Rime of Odysseus," which was so long that
it must needs be printed in the smallest type
ever I used. Yet it was shorter than Stephen
Phillip's "Ulysses," and than Bryant's "The Odys-
sey." So home, my son Tim now being unpoxedt
and having gone to school, and having been in
bed for more than a week found various subter-
fuges to remain out of it so long that it mightj
have tried the patience of almost anybody else
but me, and as to that it did try it of the other
denizens of my demesne. So to watch C. Day
trounce H. Carlton at cue-tilting, but went home
before that ultimate ball had been pocketed.
Tuesday, May 12
THIS DAY I was mighty indignant about the
congestion in the streets, what with motor-
cars always standing on both sides of most
streets in the town. And I heard about a parko-
imeteer, which tey have in some Michigan
towns. Wherever there is a motor parked there
is one of these devices, and the motorist puts a
nickel into it, and it shows a green flag, and at
the end of an hour, or whatever the legal park-
ing time is, the flag turns red. So if you want
to stay there two hours you will have to go back
to the car and put in another nickel before the
red flag goes up. That this would diminish mo-
toring I do not believe, but that it would in-
crease it. And that it would bring a great fortune
to the city I am confident; though I am certain
that there would immediately spring up in New
York boys who for ten cents would see that the
green flag would be displayed for, say five hours.
But that students of the New York traffic problem
have even thought about I do not know. All morn-
ing at the office, and in the afternoon talked with
J. Wallace about the civic song contest; and so in
the evening to Miss E. Ferber's to one of Rebecca's
Dandy Dinners, and F. Wheeler and Winifred
Lenihan there, and R. Kirby, and Mrs. Benjamin
Hecht; and after dinner fell to talking about
cooks, and how difficult or easy it was to have one
cook well for you, and to do it year after year.
But it seems to me that life is easier for employees
of any sort only if the employer is able to know
how the employee feels and thinks.
Wednesday, May 13
SO TO THE OFFICE, and worked just to keep
the franchise, and not even having energy
enough to go to the baseball game, but heard
before evening that the Giants had beaten the
Cubs, and what is to become of my wagers that 1
both Chicago teams would beat both New York
teams I tremble to think. Early to bed.
Thursday, May 14
UP EARLY and to my office, reading that the
House of Representatives had voted against
the Frazier-Lemke bill, for the refinancing of
farm debts, which all said meant that there
would be no inflation of money. General Allenby
died yesterday, and he is known as the man
who was in the Palestine campaign during the
World War, and there was a legend that the
Quincy, Ill., Whig had printed a headline "Allenby
Captures Christ's Home Town." But I never
saw it, and I do not believe it. So at work till
four o'clock, and Dorothy Kunhardt come in,
and so I to play a game of pool, and so home
for supper, and thenafter to Maud Fangel's, and
found James Norman Hall there, and I asked
him why he did not say, in "The Hurricane," what
the dullest novel was that the doctor could find,
and he said, "I don't know; that was Nordhoff's
chapter." So up town to see A. Ficke the poet,
and had a gay time with him, talking of liter-
ature and kindred matters, and so to a card
game, and fell into an argument with R. Crouse,
about when "The County Chairman" was first
played, and he said it was in 1903, but I showed
him a letter I had from Geo. Ade which said that

it had its first performance in September, 1904,
at the Auditorium, South Bend, and then played
the Studebaker Theater, Chicago. And I asked
Russel where he got his information, and he said
from Mark Sullivan's first "Our Times." So I
looked it up in that volume, and found this: "On
the New York Stage in 1903 George Adue had
two musical comedies and a play. 'The Sultan
of Sulu' achieved a fund of real wit, topical allu-
sion and tunefulness. It was one of the best7
American musical comedies of any time 'The
Prince of Pilsen' was less good." And the play
Mr. Sullivan mentions is "The County Chairman."
But Ade did not write "The Prince of Pilsen."
It was written by Frank Pixley and Gustave Luders.
And since there was tunefulness in "The Sultan
of Sulu," Mr. Sullivan might have added that
the tunefulness was supplied by Alfred G. Wathall.
But on the same page Mr. Sullivan called Henry
E. Dixey Henry E. Dixie, and Lawrance D'Orsay
Lawrence D'Orsay. Lord! some say to me when
I go microscopic on such trivialities, what does it
matter. And my retort is that it does not matter.
Rif th a n atiT nrrolmcPfnl it h wmat+

A Review
nounce l that Ann Arbor's 1936
taste of professional theatre was to
begin with Edward Wooll's Libel, crit-
ical opinion among a good many of,
those who secretly enjoy being known
as the intelligentsia seemed to be
that it was too bad that so inconse-
quential a play had been chosen. Such
persons were undoubtedly pained last
night by the ovation given the play
and those who presented it. And a
high percentage of the critics seemed
also to find, no doubt to their own
surprise, that they themselves were
liking it.
To explain this transition shall be
the chief effort of this review.
Ann Arbor is a very fine place in
which to live. However, it has its
drawbacks, and one of them is that
we don't get much theatre. Conse-
quently, we are forced to take a good
bit of our drama vicariously.
We read Theatre Arts Monthly and
The New Theatre. We see what Mr.
Nathan has to say in Life, and we
study Mr. Atkinson in The Times.
We take the course in Modern Drama.
And unconsciously we come to feel
that the only plays worth seeing are
the big, important ones: the stirring
attempts at a new social drama, the
latest complicated effects in styliza-
tion, the brilliant Shakespearean re-
All of which is very fine - except
for the fact that we come to forget
all about the littler shows, the "un-
important productions," the plays that
set out simply -- at least it looks
simple- to provide nothing more
than honest, exhilarating recreation,
without great ideas, or daring tech-
nique, or any of the frills and fur-
belows of the "important" theatre.
We become oblivious of the fact that
the theatre is often at its best when
it is seeking only to amuse. And we
fail to appreciate that the dramatic
implements which give effectiveness
and power to the "important drama"
are nearly always conceived and fash-
ioned and tempered in the theatre
which aims solely at the production
of recreation values.I
Then along comes a flesh and blood
play, which we see for ourselves, with-
out reading it.' And sometimes we
are shocked to find that a play can be
excellent entertainment without any
claim to importance! We learn again
what a good thing it is to see a
plain, first rate SHOW.
Such a show is Lib.el. A mystery
that is not a melodrama, a dramatic
puzzle solved with a minimum of
last minute evidence, it is excellent,
fast-moving theatre which sags no-
where and carries its audience straight
through to a bang-up ending that is
pat and convincing and effective.
In Mr. Henderson's production,
there is no intermission between the
first and second acts. The audience
only gets to stretch its legs once dur-
ing the whole play. But nobody com-
plained last night, which is eloiuent
testimony that Libel is sound drama
by what is after all the mos' im-
portant test.
The cast is very good. Miss Dalton,
Mr. Pole, Mr. Lawford, and Mr. Mac-
Kenna turn in smooth and ingratiat-
ing performances. Mr. Henderson
handles his small part with real verve
and finish, and it is pleasant to be
able to say that he somehow manages
to reach a definitely higher level than
any on which this reviewer has so far
seen him.
As a matter of fact, Libel doesn't
need much praise. The first night
audience last evening were excited by
it, from the beginning to the last cur-
tain, and were enthusiastic after-
wards in the lobby. The play speaks
for itself, and the large audiences
who will see it this week will agree

that Mr. Henderson has chosen a
worthy show for the opening of his
1936 season.
Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of May 19, 1936

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memhers of the
iAlversIty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
ut 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1936 r
VGOL. XLVI No. 162b
Spring Frolic, School of Education:
Tickets may still be secured by call-e
ing Kaj Nielsen at 6157 or Floydenec
Bcardslee at 366 Mosher.t
President and Mrs. Ruthven will bec
at home to the students Wednes-7
day, May 20, 4 to 6 p.m.t
Notice to Seniors and GraduateI
Students: Only five more days re-e
main after today for the payment ofs
diploma fees and certificate fees.i
There can be absolutely no exten-
sion beyond 4 p.m. on Monday, May
The Cashier's Office is closed on
Saturday afternoons.
Shirley W. Smith.
To I)epartment heads and Otherst
Concerned: All time slips must be in
the Business Office May 21 to be in-
cluded in the May 31 payroll.
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.
To the Faculty of the Summer Ses-
sion: In your correspondence with
prospective students please note that
the special reduced fares announced,
by the railroads have been cancelled,
but beginning June first the new re-
duced rates will be in effect all over
the United States. Advise prospec-
tive students to consult their local
ticket agents. L. M. Eich.
Regional Planning Lectures: Mr..
Jacob L. Crane, Jr., of Chicago, City
and Regional Planning Consultant,
will lecture at 9 a.m. today in Room
231, Angell Hal to Landscape Design
course 102 on the subject Regional
Planning. In the afternoon at 4
o'clock in the same room Mr. Crane
will conduct a round table discussion
on the background of training and
information needed by professional
planners. Members of the faculty
and students are cordially welcome at
both of these meetings.
Senior Engineers: Caps and Gowns
for Swingout will be distributed on
Saturday, May 23 at the Michigan
League 9-12 a.m. and 1-6 p.m. See
notice of distribution room on League
Bulletin board on May 23. Class dues
receipt must be presented.
Academic Notices
Final Examination Schedule, Sec--
ond Semester, 1935-1936: College of
Literature, Science and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Forestry and Conservation,
College of Pharmacy, School of Busi-
ness Administration and Graduate
School. All courses in the Anounce-
ments of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, and School of
Music carry final examination group
letters: some courses in the An-
nouncement of the Graduate School
carry these letters also.
The schedule follows:
Group Examination
A-Saturday a.m., June 13
B-Saturday a.m., June 6
C-Wednesday a.m., June 10
D-Monday a.m., June 8
E-Monday p.m., June 8 1
F-Tuesday p.m., June 1
G-Saturday p.m., June 13
-Monday p.m., June 15
I-Wednesday p.m., June 10
J-Thursday p.m., June 11
K-Monday a.m., June 15
L-Tuesday a.m., June 16
M-Tuesday p.m., June 9
N-Friday p.m., June 12
O-Thursday a.m., June 11
P-Tuesday . a.m., June 9
Q--Saturday p.m., June 6
R-Friday a.m., June 12
X-Courses in this group maybe
examinled at any time mutually
agreed upon by class and instructor,
but not earlier than Saturday morn-
ng, June 6.
Other courses not carrying the

I letters will be examined as follows:I

Please preserve, as no offprints will
e issued.
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-
eation: All candidates for the Teach-
r's Certificate (except graduate stu-
dents who will have received an ad-
vanced degree by June) are required
to pass a Comprehensive Professional
Examination covering the Education
courses prescribed for the Certificate.
The next examination of this kind will
be held in the auditorium of the Uni-
versity High School on Saturday,
May 23, 2 p.m. The examination will
cover Education A10, Cl, D100, and
special methods. Students enrolled
in any of the special curricula in the
School of Education will be examined
on such of these courses as are in-
cluded in those curricula.
Economics 52: Rooms for bluebook
on Thursday, May 21, 2 p.m.: N. S.
Aud., Danhof's and Anderson's sec-
25 AH., Hebbard's and Church's
35 A.H., Miller's sections.
231 A.H., Wier's sections.
M. E. 3 Lecture: Due to the sopho-
more class meeting to be held in Room
348 on Wednesday at 10 a.m., there
will be no lecture that day.
C. E. 26: There will be no meeting
of Sections I and II, C. E. 26, Wed-
nesday, May 20, 8 and 11 a.m.
Sociology 54: For the exam on
Wednesday, May 20, students whose
names begin with A-M will meet in
35 A.H.; those from N-Z will meet in
231 A.H.
Islamic Art sponsored by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art daily
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays,
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Alumni Memorial
I-all, North and South Galleries.
Gallery talk by Helen Hall, Wednes-
day, May 20 at 4:15 p.m.
Events Of Today
Romance Journal Club: The last
meeting of the year will take place
today, 4:15 p.m., Room 108, R. L.
Prof. Rene Talamon will talk on
"Racine et le Temps," and Prof.
Warner F. Patterson will discuss
some recent books. Graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Junior Mathematical Club. will
meet today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3202
A. H. Dr. John D. Elder will speak
on "Factr Stencils," and there will
be an election of officers for next
Deutscher Zirkel: The last meeting
for the semester will be held today,
4:15 p.m. in the University High
School auditorium. At this meeting
members of the Zirkel will present a
one-act play in German. The general
public and students interested in
German are invited to attend.
The Michigan Dames will hold
their last general meeting at 8 p.m.
today at the home of Mrs. Clifford
Kiehn, 712 East Ann St.
Zeta Phi Eta meeting at the
League today, 7:30 p.m., Room will
be posted. All financial obligations
should be met immediately.
Phi Eta Sigma:tAll initiates are
requested to be at the Union at 5:30
p.m. today. Please bring a white
handkerchief for the initiation. The
banquet will folllow at 6:30 p.m. Prof.
J. E. Thornton of the Engineering
English Dept. will speak. Be prompt.
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives will hold its 79th Annual Ban-
quet this evening at 6 p.m. at the
Michigan Union. The guest speaker
will be Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the History Department who will
speak on "The History of Political
Party Conventions."

Members are urged to be on hand
at 5:45.p.m. in order to facilitate the
election of new officers immediately
preceding the banquet.
Mimes: All members please meet
at Dey's studio today at 5 p.m. for
photo. All former Mimes members
still on campus are invited to be
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be an important
meeting in Room 1042 East Engineer-
ing Bldg, at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose
of completing the affiliation of the
Aero Branch of the A.S.M.E. with
the Institute, and the election of of-
ficers for the coming year. All mem-
bers of each group should be present.
Refreshments will be served.
Aero Branch of A.S.M.E.: There
will be an important meeting in Room
1042 East Engineering Bldg., 7:30
p.m., for the purpose of completing
the affiliation of the Aero Branch of
the A.S.M.E. with the Institute of
the Aeronautical Sciences, and for
the election of officers for the coming
year. All members of each group
should be present. Refreshments will
be served.

The Church
And Emancipation...

" RACE PREJUDICE is more emphatic
now than ever before.
"It has become so terrible that some young
Negres fear their race will soon be exterminated.
"They demand of their preacher that he tell
them what the future holds for them, but he has no
That is the report of the Rev. Dr. Noble Y. Beall,
of Atlanta, Ga., speaking at the meeting of the
Southern Baptist Convention Saturday in St. Louis.
If the Negro's preacher, who "is looked upon not
only as the leader of the church, but also as the
leader of the race," according to the Rev. Beall, is
to give an answer, he must first seek for the causes
of race prejudice and consequent oppression.
Eancipation for the Negro did not come in 1863.,
Social and cultural isolation and a psychological
abnormality of the white race, self-nurtured for
generations, have ably buttressed the primary trag-
edy of his economic desolation as tenant farrmer
and mill hand. Science is unequivocal in its as-
sertion that the Negro does not lack the physical
and mental potentialities of other races. But it is
equally true, in the field of economics, that the
labor of the Negro can be had more cheaply than
that of any other American, and that a crushed
and impoverished black race is the most profitable.
If the church is sincere in its desire to help the
Negro it must recognize that it must take sides
with him in his economic struggles. It must help
him to secure better wages, better hours, the lift-
ing of a crushing debt burden, attainment of civil
rights, and tolerable working conditions. The fu-
ture can hold something for him, but if the. lead-
ers of his race are content to see him destitute
and despised, then, indeed, there is "no answer" -
at least from his Christian church.
"How," Said
The Indiai ...
(With apologies to ourselves)
B LEAKLY the newly-graduated col-
lege man raised his chin from the
curb to stare at the cigar-store Indian standing
before him. "How" said the Indian.
"Damned if I know," replied the exceedingly
pale face. "But I got my sheepskin, and rose to
the occasion just the way I always have on the way
through college - went out and got drunk."
"Wmx. 11 a a o nrin

Not A Member
To the Editor:
It is due to an unfortunate misstatement in The
Daily that so much consternation has been caused
among the members of Alpha Chi Omega social
sorority. A few days ago an article appeared
on the front page of The Daily describing Florence
Haxton Britton's work and mentioning that she
was a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Immediately
an indignant Alpha Chi alumna suggested that
Mrs. Britton be run out of town. Then an Alpha
Chi Omega undergraduate charged the indignant
alumna withbeing afraid of the truth. All of this
could have been avoided.
If the members of Alpha Chi Omega will go
through their alumnae files, they will find no Flor-
ence Haxton Britton listed. Mrs. Britton is not
an Alpha Chi Omega but a Chi Omega. On the
morning on which the misstatement first oc-
curred, a member of Chi Omega 'phoned a cor-
rection into The Daily office. This correction
has never been published.
It is unfortunate that a paper of The Daily's na-
tional ranking should be so careless in regard to
the material it prints and so slovenly in making
the corrections that are called to its attention.
-Member of Chi Omega.
Two blunders
To the Editor:
The nobility of purpose of the anti-Nazi propa-
gandists is unquestionable. The wisdom of the
defenders of the unwritten law of the Parley is
conceded. The literature could have been dis-
tributed outside, at the entrances to the Union, of-
fending no authority, and with greatest effect. The
interruption of distribution in the Parley meeting
could have been conducted with more tact. A mis-
talr nnt mart of -a h f fx- frnnrc axi na-.-

WITH the arrival of Louise Homer,
soloist for tonight, and her hus-
band, Sidney Homer, the composer,
plans have been completed for the
first concert at the annual May Fes-
tival which will be given at 8 p.m.
tonight in Hill Auditorium.
Lantern Night, the annual cere-
mony, which is to the women what
Cap Night is to the men, again made
Palmer Field the scene of festivity
last night. More than 1,200 onlook-
ers crowded the surrounding hillside
to watch the traditional procession
and see the Freshman Pageant.
Ramsay McDonald, leader of the
Parliamentary Labor group, firmly
attacked the British government to-
day for breaking offs the negotiations
which have averted the general strike.
The former labor premier denied that
the strike was of a revolutionary or
political character.
Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, who
overthrew the Witos government,
ousted the nrosilent of the renublic

Classes Date of Examination
Monday at 8-Saturday a.m., June 13
Monday at 9---Saturday a.m., June 6
Monday at 10-Wednesday a.m., June
Monday at 11-Monday a.m., June 8
Monday at 1-Monday p.m., June 8
Monday at 2-Tuesday p.m., June 16
Monday at 3-Saturday p.m., June 13
ruesday at 8-Monday p.m., June 15
Tuesday at 9-Wednesday p.m., June
Tuesday .at 10-'Thursday p.m., June
Tuesday at 11--Monday a.m., June 15
Tuesday at 1-Tuesday a.m., June 16
Tuesday at 2-Tuesday p.m., June 9
Tuesday at 3-Friday p.m., June 12
Further, the courses listed below
will be examined as follows:
Education Cl-Saturday p.m., June 13
Bus. Adm. 102-Thursday a.m., June
Bus. Adm. 122-Tuesday a.m., June 9
Bus. Adm. 206-Friday a.m., June 12
Bus. Adm 254--Friday a.m., June 12
Any course not listed in any of the
above groups may be examined at
any time on which the instructor and
class concerned may agree.
Each student taking practical work
in music in the School of Music will

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