The Weather Partly cloudy, cooler east and oouth. today;. tomorrow. fair, continued coal. jff Sr tigan 4:Iat Editorials Congratulations To The D~aily New... The Church And Emnancipaion .,. VOL. XLVI No. 164 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS High Court Invalidates Guffey Act' Find Act Invades State Authority; Minority Back Price-Fixing Power Three Judges Give Dissenting Opinion New Legislation Replacing Statute Being Drafted For Immediate Action (Copyright, 1936, by the Associated Press') WASHINGTON, May 18. - The Supreme Court today ripped from the statute books the Guffey Act intended to regulate wages and hours and fix prices in the soft coal industry, but a few hours later authoritative sources disclosed that new legislation was being drafted to replace it. Highly authoritative sources re- vealed that representatives of the Na-! tional Bituminous Coal Commission, the Justice Department, operators who favored the Guffey Act and min- ers set to work tonight on the task of shaping new legislation for im- mediate introduction in Congress. Whether their activitiesultimately would be given White House approv- als was not known. Although the exact scope of the new measure has not been determ- ined, it was understood price regula- tion and marketing provisions would be its basis. This approach was taken, it was said, because the court's majority opinion failed to pass directly on con- Woman's Rescuer Little Appreciated By Sullen Escort Yesterday, while strolling along the river near Barton Hills, a Daily re- porter witnessed an unusual incident.J A young man was seen to dash into the water, apparently to rescue a man and a woman who were floundering in the middle of the river, alongside an upturned canoe. Despite the fact that the woman could not swim, her escort started toward the shore, leav- ing the woman helpless. However, the third figure in this episode reached the woman just in time, and dragged her and the canoe safely to land. Once ashore, the lady's gentleman friend was nowhere to be found. After being profusely thanked by the wom- an, and after seeing that she was properly taken care of, the rescuer paddled the, canoe down the river back to the dock. Here he found his friend of half an hour ago, insisting that he be returned his $2 deposit on the canoe. Upon being informed that the canoe was now safe in the haven, the dock man refunded the $2 to the gentle- man. The latter took his money, and without even a nod of apprecia- tion toward his benefactor, stalked off. Undoubtedly a Croix de Guerre should be awarded to one of the men, but to which one? Set Conditions For Obtaining $50 Awards Final Date For Application Is May 23; Rules To Go Into Effect At Once Announce 13 Golfers Far Hook And Ladder I J 1 E c i t l t F tc A t t i 1 i E r 1 7 1 I 1 Council Post Nominations Will Fill Eight Positions By All-Campus Elections To Be Held Tomorrow Nominate Fouteen For Union Positions Others Wishing To Apply Should Haiid Petitions To Union Office Nominees for the eight elective po- sitions on the Men's Council were announced last night. They are: for the literary college, Thomas K. Fish- er, Howard Davison, Richard G. Her- shey, Walter Crow, Francis Marcero and Thomas Sullivan; engineering college, Miller Sherwood and Rush Bowman; forestry school, Henry Moseby and William Yost; business administration, Francis B. Fehsen- feld and George W. Peck. There is but one nominee for the architecture school, William Lyons; the other will be announced tomorrow according to William Dixon, president of the Council. The two nominees from the music school for the Men's Council will also be announced Wednesday, and those wishing to petition for any of the eight positions should get in touch with William Dixon before 5 p.m. to- day or leave a petition at the Union, Dixon said. This list of nominees will be voted upon in an all campus vote to be held tomorrow. The election will be held in all schools and colleges on campus and will also elect to the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions, the Board in Control of Ath- letics and the vice-presidencies of the Union. The nominees for the positions of vice-president of the Union were an- nounced last night by Herbert B. Wolf, '37, president of the Union, after they had been selected by the executive officers of the Union. They are: for the literary college, Julian Orr, and Richard G. Hershey; engi- neering college, Rush A. Bowman, Robert G. Dailey and George Malone; medical school, Ward Bhesley, George R. Clinton and Peter Crabtree; dental school, Raymond E. Sommers and Edward Benjamin; Law School, Lewis Kearns and John Howland; and for the combined schools and colleges which include the music school, the business administration school, the School of Forestry and Conservation and School of Education, Wencel A. Neumann, Jr., '37BAd. and Norman F. Smith, '37 F&C. Further announcements concern- ing the time and place of the elec- tions will be found tomorrow's Daily, according to William Dixon, chairman of the committee hand- ling the elections. Ahead In Big Ten Tourney Kocsis, With Sub-Par Play Leads Mates Into First Three Positions Bi ild Commanding First Round Lead Northwestern Team Next, But Trails By More Than Thirty Strokes CHICAGO, May 18.- (/P) -Stubby Charles (Chuck) Kocsis and his Mich- igan mates marched over the Kildeer Country Club today to within reaching distance of their fifth consecutive Western Conference individual and team golf championship. Kocsis, shooting in quest of the title his famous teammate, Johnny Fischer, snatched from him in a steaniing battle over the same layout a year ago, led the Michigan march, but close behind him was another Wolver- ine, Woody Malloy. Just a little far- ther back in third place came a third Michigan stalwart, Allen Saunders, with the fourth member of the power- ful squad, Bill Barclay, in a tie for fifth position. The head man of the Michigan raid was hotter than a firecracker in the morning round, sprinkling his round with six birdies to finish with a spar, kling 66, four under par. He was somewhat more moderate in the after- noon, shooting a 73, for a 36 hole total of 139. Malloy added a 72 to his par 70 or the morning for 142. Saunders finished the day with 71 in the morning and 77 after lunch for 148. Barclay was tied with John (Pick) Wagner of Northwestern and Tom Connor of Wisconsin at 150. Wilbur Kokes, Illinois' number one man, was in sole possession of fourth place by his 71-78--149. The Wolverines led the team parade by a margin of 33 strokes over North- western, which rallied in the after- noon to take second place away from Illinois, 579 strokes to 612. Illinois slipped to third with 622. Following in order were: Minnesota 627, Wis- consin 630, Ohio State 631, Indiana 638, Iowa 639, Purdue 650, and Chi- cago 671. Eightecn Men Are Taken By Sphinx Eighteen sophomores and two fac- ulty men were taken in by Sphinx, junior men's honor society, last night, in its annual spring raid on the cam- pus. The students are Joseph S. Mattes, John Townsend, Edward D'Aprix, John McFate, Earl Luby, Stark Rit- chie, Murray Campbell, Walter True, stitut onait~y Qf thec price fixinig pru- . visions. In his separate opinion, the The final date to submit applica-1 opinio tttions for the $50 scholarship being Chief Justice held specifically thati offered by the Board in Control of Congress has the power to fix prices StudedPb t onBoasmCetrt Sat for ommdites ovig i inersateStudent Publications was set at Sat- for commodities moving in interstate urday, May 23. commerce. Justices Cardozo, Brandeis and The applications may be secured Stone sharply dissented from the from Miss Eugenia Allen, auditor, and sweeping majority ruling that the must be returned to her on or before price regulation structure must fall th e rsnafdt with the invalidated labor sections. All members of the staff of any stu- The act, described as an effort to dent publication who have served at set up a "little NRA" in the bitumin- least four consecutive semesters and ous coal industry, imposed a 15 per have a B average ,or better may ap- cent tax on all operators, 90 per cent ply for scholarships. The rules adopt- of which would be refunded if they ed by the Board will go into effect abided by prices, wages and hours of 1 immediately thus enabling those now labor fixed in a code under super- eligible to obtain the scholarships. vision of the coal commission. The following resolution was adopt- In his decision, Justice Sutherland, ed by the Board in its last meeting: speaking for the majority, held that "Resolved, that scholarship prizes the labor provisions of the law were of $50 each be awarded each year, an invasion of state powers and an after the close of the first semester improper delegation of authority. and before the Honors Convocation, While it did not rule on the consti- to every person who has done satis- tutionality of price fixing, it did hold 'factory work as a regular member of that it was invalid because it was the staff of any of the student pub- inextricably related to the remainder lications for four consecutive semes- of the act. ters prior to such award, and has at- Constitutionality of the price fix- tained an average scholarship record ing provision was upheld by the mi- of B or better during such period. nority, which contended that the After winning a scholarship prize a court did not need to rule on the bal- student may be awarded another the ance and held that even if it did, the following year if he has met the price fixing section should stand. above requirements for the two ad- ________ ditional semesters. "The Summer Session will rank as1 New Members one-half a semester.' "The B grade here referred to 1 B . means "B" in the system currently Annou01n eet y employed in the University where the five letters, A.B.C.D and E are Phi Eta Si m a used. Where students have trans- a ferred from other institutions, spe- cial adjustments of grades may be Phi Eta Sigma, national freshman made by the Board in proper cases. honor society, will hold its semi-an- "Each student believing himself nual initiation and banquet tonight entitled to a scholarship award shall at the Union. Prof. J. E. Thornton file an application therefor at the of the engineering English depart- Board Office within one month after ment will be the guest speaker. the close of the first semester, to- The Michigan chapter of Phi Eta gether with a tabulation by semesters Sigma, which received its charter in of his courses with the grades and 1927, was the third chapter organized. points obtained in each course. Points Since that time, 32 chapters have are to be estimated according to the been formed at leading colleges and method used in the College of Lit- universities, erature, Science and the Arts. e i freshmen will be "Resolved, further, that awards of ntiated onig rthmu Wlle, scholarship prizes shall be made at initiated tonight: Arthur W. Allen, the present time to all students now jr., Arthur P. Bartho ome jr., Laun eligible under the above requirements. don H. Berryman, ,ardK. rownP Applications shall be filed at the hilipckl cheJRicseph C. Cardiwo, Board office not later than May 23, . -..- .. . L .. T rI 1936." Company Is Foiled With Vacuum Hose With sirens screaming and rubber coats flying, Ann Arbor's hook and ladder company careened down State Street yesterday afternoon and roared to a stop before the tower of the lawyer's quadrangle on South University. However, with the aid of a vacuum cleaner hose and considerable tug- ging, the efforts of the local fire-fight- ers weredthwarted, while the after- noon's casualties totaled one sprained ankle. It seemed that several of the em- bryo lawyers were misbehaving in the tower rooms and after a shoe and suitcase were thrown from the win- dow to the second story roof below, Edward P. Risley, '38L, lowered him- self to the lower roof to collect his o belongings. In dropping the last few I feet he sprained his ankle, leaving his i associates at a loss as to just how heo might be gotten back up again. Two schools of thought went into action, and while one called the fire station, the other group proceeded to raise Risley via the vacuum clean- I er hose method.i Good naturedly, the fire-eatersr called it a "false alarm" and returned to the station house cooled off after the driver had had his say, "Well, I guess its a 'hose' on us." Rest Of Staffs < For Gargoyle, DailyChosent Dwight Made Magazinei Editorial Director, Smith Women's Editor Additional appointments were made yesterday for various positions on student publications. Among these were the following Gargoyle editorial staff appointments announced by Gil- bzert Tilles, '37, managing editor of the Gargoyle. Ogden Dwight, '37, editorial direc- tor; Virginia Smith, '37, women's editor; David Rank, '38, assistant ed- itor; Roger Price, '38, art editor; Wal- ter Crow, '37, photographic editor; George Quick, '38, copy editor; and John Mills, '38 music editor. Junior members of the sports staff of The Daily announced by George Andros '37, sports editor, were Clay- ton Hepler, '38, and Carl Gerstacker, '38. Appointment of the assistant edi- tors of The Summer Daily was an- nounced yesterday by Thomas E. Groehn, '36, managing editor of The Summer Daily. They are: John J. Flaherty, '36, Elsie Pierce, '37, Ralph W. Hurd, '37, Clinton B. Conger, '37, Joseph Mattes, '37, Arnold S. Daniels, '38, and Tuure Tenander, '38. Jewel Wuerfel, '37, women's editor on The Daily, appointed the follow- ing night editors on the women's staff: Betsy Anderson, '38, Betty Bing- ham, '37, Helen Douglas, '38, Mar- garet Hamilton, '37, Barbara Lovell, '38, Katherine Moore, '38, Ruth Sauer, '38, Betty Strickroot, '38, and Theresa Swab, '38. Comstock Says He Will Battle Ag;ainst Farley DETROIT, May 18.-(AP)-Former Gov. William A. Comstock said today he would lead a primary election fight if James A. Farley attempts to force Michigan Democrats to accept a Murphy-Couzens ticket at their con- vention in Grand Rapids Thursday. Comstock said that there was a re- mote possibility that he might seek the nomination for either Governor or United States Senator himself in case the party convention endorses Frank Murphy for Governor and Re- publican Senator James Couzens for the Democratic senatorial nomina- tion. "If any attempt is made to keep the ticket blank for United States Senator, or if Senator Couzens should become a candidate on the Demo- cratic ticket, I would run myself if no other likely candidate appeared," he said. "However, I do not think this will be necessary, because I believe Frank Picard ,of Saginaw, will be a candidate. "If Frank Murphy runs for Gover- nor and there is no likely candidate I Padgett Files Alibi In Stang Murder Case Pinning his hopes for acquittal on a claim that he was in Baltimore, Md., on the day in question, William H. Padgett, 34, of Sumter, N. C., waited n jail-here for his trial on the charge of murdering Patrolman Clifford A. Stang in a clothing store hold-up March 21, 1935. Formal notice of alibi was sent Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp and filed in the county clerk's office yesterday morning by Arthur C. Lehman, ap- pointed by Circuit Judge George W. Sample as counsel for Padgett. According to the notice, evidence would be offered to show that "on or about March 21" Badgett was in Baltimore in the company of relatives of his and residents of that city. The prisoner had previously stated that he did not know whether he was in Ohio, West Virginia or Baltimore on the date of the slaying. Leaving probably later in the week, Prosecutor Rapp said he would go to Baltimore to secure depositions, if possible, from the relatives Padgett stated he had been with. Hillel To Start $3,000 Trive ' This Thursday Money Is Being Raised In Campaign To Assist German Refugees The student campaign of the Hillel Foundation drive for $3,000 to aid Jewish refugees in Europe will start Thursday, May 21, Irving Levitt, '36, co-chairman of the student commit- tee announced last night.- , The drive is part of a national cam- paign of the United Palestine Appeal and the Joint Distribution Commit- tee to raise $3,500,000 each to supply relief to German and other European refugees and to establish a maximum number of them on a self-supporting basis in Palestine. At an organization meeting of stu- dents Sunday night the suggestion to place collection boxes at strategic points on the campus and in the dor- mitories was accepted. Faculty speak- ers have been invited to many of the fraternity and sorority houses to dis- cuss reasons for the campaign and a group of posters have been printed. The local drive, which will last about a week, will be conducted in two parts: ore for the students and one for the faculty members and towns- people. An organization meeting for the entire campaign has been set for tomorrow night at 8:15 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation on Oakland at E. University. The members of the student com- mittee, which will handle the campus collections from fraternities, sorori- ties and independents are: co-chair- men Irving Levitt, '36 and Shirrel Kasle, '37, Robert J. Friedman, '37, Gordon Cohn, '37, Edward Soloman, '37, Albert Ribnick, '37, Sam Krug- liak, '38, Jim Cohen, '36, Loren Ka- det, '37, Joseph Sklaver, '37M, Joseph Stein, '38D, Frank Greenbaum, '37, Gertrude Zemon, '37, Frances Zeit- ner, '36 and Joseph Lowenstein, '37L. To Plan Wider Correlation In Health Control To develop plans for a prospectivE medical service which will attempt to correlate research projects with prac tical health service and to make the results available to a larger portion of the population, an organization din ner and meeting will be held tonigh at the Union by a selected group, i was announced yesterday by ChriE Zarafonetis, '36, who is in charge of Margaret Ayers Appointed As Assistant; Committee Heads Also Selected Petitions Entered By 100 Applicants New Officers Prominent In Activities Of Class And Of League Hope Hartwig, '38, was appointed yesterday general chairman of the 1937 Junior Girls Play. Margaret Ann Ayres, '38, was chosen for the posi- tion of assistant chairman. Ten sophomore women were select- ed to head the various committees for the production. They are: Ruth Bertsch, costumes; Betty Gatward, ushers; Janet Allington, tickets; Betty Strickroot, publicity; Jo-Clark Kim- ball, make-up; Nancy Kover, pro- grams;. Margaret Ferries, finance; Joanne Kimmell, properties; Virginia Hunt, music; and Maie Sawyer, dance. Approximat'ely 100 women peti- tioned for the appointments, accord- ing to Maryanna Chockley, '37, head of Judiciary Council. The applicants were interviewed by that board, and one person for each person was recom- mended to the League Council which rendered the final decision. Miss Hartwig has been extremely active on campus. During her first year here she was a member of both the Frosh Project and Penny Carnival committees. This year she has been on the Women's Athletic Association board, a member of the League social committee 'and has worked on The Daily staff as a tryout. Also she has been assistant chairman of the Sop Cabaret as well as taking a part in the Cabaret itself. She has been elected next-year's president of Wyv- ern, junior honorary society, and is affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Miss Ayres is a member of Assembly, organization for independent women, and of the house reception commit- tee of the League. She has also served as box-office chairman of the League theatre-arts committee and was recently initiated into Wyvern. May Technic Goes On Sale Starting Today The May issue of the Michigan Technic will be put on sale today. The magazine will feature an article by S. Marshall Smith, '38E, on the cy- clotron, the 95-ton electro-magnet that is being assembled in the base- ment of the East Physics building. The frontispiece of the issue will contain an impressive photograph of the Queen Mary entitled "'Knife Edge or Bulbous Prow?' England's Answer is the Sharp Nose of the Majestic Queen Mary." The series of articles on jobs and how to get them is con- _ tinued with an essay by Eric E. Som- mer, '35E, "I've Got a Job," in which he points out the difficulties facing the embryo engineer after he gets a job. Timely with the purchase of 15 Hammond planes by the Department of Commerce is the article by Eugene K. Gray, '36E, about the new Ham- mond safety plane, built in Ypsilanti, which is largely a product of Mich- igan men. The issue also includes interviews with three well-known students in engineering and stories on "Photo- graphic Exposure," the new San Fran- cisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, and "This Versatile X-Ray." Council Interviews Office Candidates Candidates for the office of presi- dent of the Intdrfraternity Council - were interviewed yesterday afternoon t by the ExecutiveBCommittee of the t Council in Dean Bursley's office. s Results of the interviews will not f be made public, according to George Hope Hartwig Is Chosen Chairman For 1937 J.G.P. Gib James, William Staehle, Herman IIENPECKEI) TESTAMENT? Fishman, Donald Filsher, Ernest WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., May 18. Jones, Tuure Tenander, Don Brewer, - W)-- Attorneys agr'eed today to Earl Thomas, John Gustafson and bring to trial May 25 suits attacking Philander Loomis. the validity of the will of the late The faculty men are Richard Fuller John North Willys, automobile man- of the sociology department and Karl ufacturer. Relatives of Willys have Litzenberg of the English department. contested the will on the ground it The traditional ride on the hay- was drawn while he was under the wagon will be held today, and the undue influence of his second wife, initiation banquet will take place to- Mrs. Florence Dolan Willys. morrow night in the Union. i , Demoeratized Music Is Goal Of Distinuished Bandmaster If the "Fighting Hundred" isn't al- ready the best school band in the country, it soon will be, in the opinion of America's most distinguished band conductor, Edwin Franko Goldman. The reason, says Mr. Goldman, is William D. Revelli, the University's new band director. Michigan is for- tunate, he says, in having a "second Toscanini" to build, with the support of the University, a band worthy of a great institution. In short, Mr. Revel- li is "the best school band conductor i the country." He not only teaches students to play instruments, but he has "something here" (gesture in the direction of the chest). Mr. Goldman stopped off in Ann Arbor to lecture to the band yester- day afternoon. Last night he board- ed a plane in Detroit and flew toNew York on the last lap of a trip about the continent. Music, says the man who has done more to bring good music within the reach of everyone through his free I dail y'concrts in the summer "on the 25,000 to 75,000, and have never yet played anything but the best in mu- sic." "What do people like best? Pro- grams dedicated to single aspects of masterpieces - as an all-Russian program, an all-Tschaikowsky pro- gram, or even an all-Bach program - draw the biggest crowds. Our audi- ences are perhaps the most cosmo- politan in the world; they include all the income brackets, and many who can scarcely speak English, but they all respond to the universal language of music -good music." Mr. Goldman, now 58 years old, has gray hairand young ideas.He is known for having introduced the presentation of symphony musicby all-wind bands. Since 1918, he has been presenting his famous Goldman Band Free Summer Concerts, sup- ported by the Guggenheim Founda- tion. More than 50 marches and band compositions are down in the score book opposite his name, in ad- Donald R. Cooper, Charles L. Do'pn, James S. Dusenberry, Jere T. Farrah, Robert L. Gillis, Herbert H. Goldstein, Henry G. Hanson, Irving J. Helman, David G. Hertzberg, James K. Ire- land, Peter G. Ipsen,. Robert L., Kramm, Saul R. Kleiman, Leo Kays- er, jr., Edward H. Lebeis, jr., Ben- jamin Leopold. Charles M. Levett, Nelson A. Lind- enfeld, William W. Lyman, jr., Robert F+ Tfavr PRmhrtnD .Mitchell, Otto K. Union Committees Selected By Wolf Appointments to Union committees were yesterday made among members of the Executive Council by Herbert B. Wolf, '37, president of the Union. Thev were a follows: Publicity: