The Weather Partly cloudy and warmer with moderate southeast winds. C,12 40F 41it r t 9 an ut Editorials Thus Spake ZArathustra,. The Swingout Tradition. VOL. XLVI No. 163 First Play Of Season is "Libel" Dramatic Festival Starts Tuesday; To Present Six Plays In Five Weeks Show 'Distaff Side ' 'Night Of Jan. 16' 'Parnell,' 'Party,' 'Hamlet' To Be Enacted; Reginald Pole To Lecture By ARNOLD S. DANIELS Ann Arbor turns today from the brilliant May Festival to the festival of the theatre which will be pre- sented for the next five weeks in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, during the 1936 Dramatic Season under the direction of Robert Henderson. In a season ranging from Shake- speare to the latest New York suc- cesses of the year, the Dramatic Sea- son brings such noted New York and Hollywood stars as Blanche Yurka, Kenneth MacKenna, Ian Keith, Estelle Winwood, Eddie Garr, Francis Maddux, Albert Van Dekker, Margalo Gilmore and Effie Shannon in the five weeks from May 18 through June 20. "Libel" Shows First The festival opens tomorrow night at 8:15 p.m. with the latest Gilbert Miller Success, "Libel," by Edward Wooll, which has just completed a season's run at the Henry Miller theatre in New York. "Libel" will play a five-day run which will in- clude matinees on Wednesday and Friday. The leading role will be taken by Kenneth McKenna, who has been an actor and manager in both stage and film productions. The cast in- cludes Ernest Lawford in the role he created in the original New York production; Doris Dalton, beautiful young Broadway star; Muriel Hutch- inson, a protege of Blanche Yurka, who will also appear in "The Dis- taff Side" during the third week of th Festival; -Anai Handley, George Somnes, Eduard Franz, Reginald Pole and Mr. Henderson. "Hamlet" Given Third Week Ivor Novello's comedy with music, "Party," with Estelle Winwood, Miss Dalton, Eddie Garr and Francis Mad- dux will succeed "Libel" from May 23 through May 29. In its third week, the Festival will reach its climax with Ian Keith playing "Hamlet" to Miss Dalton's Ophelia and Miss Winwood's Queen Gertrude. Miss Winwood will play the same role next fall in Leslie Howard's production of "Hamlet." The sets for this production have been created by the New York de- signer, Norman Bel-Geddes. The last two productions of the Festival will be Elsie Schauffler's cur- rent New York success, "Parnell," with Albert Van Dekker in the title role, Effie Shannon of the original cast, and Margalo Gilmore and Ann i Rand's "Night of January 16," a melo- drama which has enjoyed the long- est run of any play presented on Broadway this year, with Van Dekker, a member of the original New York cast, as prosecuting attorney. Pole Gives Four Lectures In addition to the six plays of the Dramatic Season, there will also be presented four lectures by Reginald Pole on the ideas and ideals of the (Ponlinued on Page 2) Hillel Sponsors $3,000 Drive For Ref gees Fouindation To Cooperate With Nation-Wide Effort To Give Aid In Europe Cooperating with the national drive of the United Palestine Appeal and the Joint Distribution Commit- tee campaign to raise $3,500,000 each, the Hillel Foundation will initiate a drive for $3,000 Wednesday. The money will be used for relief to Jewish refugees in Europe and to put a maximum number of them on a self-supporting basis in Palestine. In order to coordinate the collec- tions from students and plan the campaign, a student meeting of fraternity presidents and interested independents has been called for 8 p.m. tonight at the Hillel Founda- tion. A general meeting of faculty members, townspeople and students, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS In Dramatic Season Campus Vote To Be Held Varsity splits Two Games Wednesday| With Illinois Elections Will Be held Championship-Bound Ball In All Schools And Team Loses First, 3-2; Colleges Wins Second, 9-3 Ballots To Decide Retais First Place Vice-Presidenciesi Position With Iowa Elsie Pierce Edits Daily; Park Is Business Head; Board akes Salary Cut Union, Publication, Board Of Athletics And Men's Council To Be Chosen Announcement has been made of - ~-~-- an all-campus election to be held in Ernest Lawferd is starred with all schools and colleges Wednesday to Kenneth MacKenna in the open- elect representatives to the vice- ing production of the 1936 dramatic presedencies of the Union, the Board ccassn, "Libel", which has its gala in Control of Student Publications, opening performance tomorrow the Board in Control of Athletics night at the Lydia Mendelssohn and the Men's Council. theatre. Mr. Lawford plays the The vice-presidencies of the Union role of Sir Wilfred Kelling, K. C., to be filled are those of the Literary M. P., which he created in the orig- College, the Medical School, the inal New York production. Dental School, the Law School and the combined schools and colleges which include the Music School, the BOrah Backers Business Administration School, the Forestry School and the Education School. Nominations for these po- Ss sitions are made by the executive officers of the Union. Toward Land..a Name Nominees For Board Nominees for the three positions on the Board in Control of Student Carl Bachman, Senator's Publications are as follows: Thomas Organizer, IAssemblingAyers, Lyman W. Bittman, John L. As ssembling JCochrane, Walter A. Crow, Ogden S. Data Against Governor Dwight, Stanley A. Joffe, Sanford M. Ladd, Thomas C. Sullivan and WASHINGTON, MAY 16-(P)-- Willis A. 'Tomlinson. These nom- Outcroppings of hostility toward Gov- inees were named by the present ernor Landon of Kansas among some Board, and will be selected by pop- followers of Senator Borah presented ular vote in all schools and colleges. a worrisome problem tonight for Re- , Nominees for the junior positions publicans bent on convention har- on the Board in Control of Athletics mony. I are made by the Board of Managers, While John D. M. Hamilton--Lan- and have been announced by James don organizer-professed no concern, T. Kidston, '36, chairman. Voters it was clear that other leaders were will choose between John F. Town- considering all the possibilities. send and Steven T. Mason. Frank Should Borah or those closely as- B. Fehsenfeld is the retiring senior sociated with him undertake to fo- member, of the Board whom Town- nent opposition to any other poten- seection i ason t e voted by thI tial Presidential nominee before the electn i aso Cleveland meeting opens June 9, it entne campus. was agreed, the situation might have ! Committee Is For'med to be resurveyed accordingly. The executive committee of the To Spuak May 28 present Men's Council will name the nominees for the eight elective po- The Idahoan still decned to ions. The eight men will be chos- scuss his plans other than to indicate en to fill these positions are as he would speak out in a national follows: three from the Literary Col- broadcast May 28. But it developed loge, one each from the Engineering that Carl G. Bachman, chairman of College, the Business Administra- the Borah for President committee, tion School, the School of Forestry, was assembling data to oppose Lan- the Music School and the Architec- don's nomination if Borah does not tural School. do so. A committee has been formed as Borah said several weeks ago that follows to handle the elections: Her- he had not and would not "jom a bert B. Wolfe, '37, president of the combination to stop anyone." Union, John W. Strayer, '36, mem- "If Mr. Landon or Mr. Knox comes ber of the Board in Control of Stu- up to the convention with a fair ex- dent Publications, James T. Kidson, pression of the people that he is their '36, chairman of the Board of Man- choice," he added, "I'm not going to agers and William R. Dixon, '36, stand in the way."' Ipresident of the Men's Council. Fur- Hits Party Leadership ther announcements as to the time Follfwing this weeis Ohio pri- and place of the various elections mary reverse, he lashed out against will be made at an early date. the party leadership. Unless plans -___ he attribu'ted to present leaders are -~e____ thwarted, he indicated his part in the campaign could not be taken forG.f . granted. f Il ni 2 TO 6; The po:!sibility of a deadlock threat- T) 1)1 ening at Cleveland has not been dis-Ie ,missed. Senators Vandenberg of Last Tilt Here Michigan and Steiwer of Oregon fig- ure prominently among those dis- By GEORGE J. ANDROS eunsed as potential compromie nom- Michigan's Varsity golf team ended its home season here yesterday by Bachmann told friends his speech, defeating a strong Illinois team, 12 if made, would be as a delegate to to 6, over the University course. the convention from West Virginia. Coach Ray Courtright and a five- Another of the Borah leaders, Rep- mach a Courtright apd.aChuvk- resnt~tiv Fih o Ne Yok, asman squad composed of Capt. Chuck1 resentative Fish of New York, has Kocsis, Woody Malloy, Allen Saund- president movement before. ers, Bill Barclay and Al Karpinski will leave by auto this morning for W- -'-0Evanston for the defense of Michi- 14-Hit Barage Enables The Wolverines To Win Last Game With Ease CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 16. - (Spe- cial to The Daily) - The University of Michigan's championship-bound baseball team split a double bill here today with Illinois to remain in a tie for first place with Iowa which also dropped its first Big Ten game to Wisconsin. Although outhit in the first game, the fighting Illini came across with the winning punch in the fifth in- ning to win the tilt 3 to 2. A 14-hit barrage by the Wolverines in the sec- ond game enabled them to take the night cap with ease, 9 to 3. Michigan's two runs in the opener came in the first inning. Rudness, stealing second after garnering a saf- ety from Swanson, ace of the Illinois moundsmen, came home with the first run of the game on Lerner's single. Lerner advanced to third on Uricek's single and scored when Jablonski was called safe on the keystone sack after an Illini error. Illinois also scored in the first and won the game in the fifth inning on Dancisak's triple which scored both Melino and Reinhart, who got on the paths through Brewer's error. Cap- tain Berger Larson, pitching the whole route for the Wolverines allowed only five hits while his teammates were garnering eight from Swanson. The tables were turned in the final game when the Illini scored all three of their runs in the first inning while Michigan was able to push across only one run in their half of that stanza, Rudness scoring on Jablon- ski's hit after he had been advanced on the bases by Uricek's single. Kre- mer scored for the Wolverines in the second on Heyliger's single and the score was tied up in the third when another Michigan run was pushed across the home plate. Rudness sacrificed Fishman, who allowed only four hits in the seven innings that he worked, to second, and the Wolverine left hander then scored on Brewer's hit in the fifth inning to put the Illini at a one run disadvantage. a A five run hitting spree in the eighth stanza put the game on ice for Coach Ray Fisher's men, who added one more run in the ninth just for good measure. Uricek opened the eighth with a triple and scored imme- diately as Jablonski duplicated his feat. Lerner followed with a double that scored the Wolverine catcher, and then scored himself on a fielder's choice after he had advanced to third on a wild throw by the Illinois catcher. Berg then surrendered the mound to Cherry who in turn abdicated in fa- vor of Sainti when Nichelwicz went to bat for the second Illini pitcher in the ninth inning. Lanky John Gee pitched the first two innings for the Wolverines, allowing four hits in the time that he worked. Fishman Slash To Affect Higher Positions; To Reestablish $50 Scholarship Daily Editorial Pay Reduced To $320 'Ensian Managers To Draw $320; Gargoyle Heads To Receive $280 Salaries of all publications officials were cut yesterday by the Board in Control of Student Publications, members of which, at the same time, announced the reestablishment of a $50 scholarship for members of pub- lications. The salaries of the Daily managing editor and associate editors were reduced from $400 a year to $320. The sports editor's position, which this year drew $250, was cut to $240. Salaries of members of the board of editors were reduced from $200 to $160. The salary of the women's editor, however, was boosted from $200 to $240, salaries of night edi- tors remain at $100 per year. Business Managers Are Reduced The business manager of The Daily was reduced from $500 to $360 a year, and the new position of associate business manager draws $280. The women's business manag- er will receive $120 and each of the six department heads $220. Salaries of editor and business manager of the Michiganensian were cut from $500 to $320, and manag- ing editor and business manager of the Gargoyle will receive $280 each. The scholarship award of $50 will be given to any member of any pub- lication who, over a period of four semesters, averages a scholastic av- erage of "B" or better and at the same time "has done satisfactory work as a regular member of the staff." Members of publications this year are also eligible for scholarships, the board announced, and applica- tions for them now must be made to the board by May 3. Juniors And Seniors Eligible Next year and in other years, the board decided, scholarship applica- tions must be made within one month after the close of the first semester. The scholarship awards will be made between the close of the first semester and the Honors Con- vocation. Both juniors and seniors are eligible to the scholarships, and, the board announced, the $50 award may be won by a person in both his junior and senior years. Applications should be accompan- ied by a list of courses, grades and honor points received, accordg to the Board's announcement, and the managers of the publication staffs will determine whether or not a member "has done satisfactory work." KING'S BROTHER HURT FLEET, Hampshire, England, May 16. - (') - The Duke of Gloucester, brother of King Edward, was in- jured today when a ball struck him on the point of the elbow during a polo match. ',+ ."'.G D~aily A ppointees ELSIE A. PIERCE S* * Shulman, Neal Associate Editors, Barndt Named Business Associate Andros Is Chosen New Sport Editor Tilles, Barnes Gargoyle Heads; Strickland And Dannemiller For Ensian For the first time in The Daily's history, a woman student, Elsie A. Pierce, '37, was named its managing editor. The appointment was announced yesterday by the Board in Control of Student Publications, which also se- lected John R. Park, '37, Daily busi- ness manager. Gilbert Tilles, '37, was appointed editor of the Gargoyle, and C. Grant Barnes, '37, was named its business manager. Franklin Dannemiller, '37, was picked as editor of the Michiganensian and Lloyd Strick- land, '37, business manager. As associate editors of The Daily, the Board in Control, which met from 8 a.m. until after 1 p.m. yester- day ,selected Marshall Darrow Shul- man and Fred Warner Neal, both '37, William Barndt '37, was selected associate business manager of The Daily, and Park last night named Jean Keinath, '37, woman's business manager. First Woman Student Editor Although Miss Pierce is the first woman student to reach the manag- ing editor's position, a woman who was not a student, Mildred C. Migh- ell, held the post in 1918. There was no man eligible because of the World War, according to Prof. Ed- son R. Sunderland of the Law School, secretary of the Board in Control, and Miss Mighell, who had been graduated the previous June, and had already obtained a position on a newspaper, was selected for the job. Miss Pierce succeeds Thomas H. Kleene, '36, and Park succeeds George Atherton, '36E. Other re- tiring publication heads are: Don T. Miller, '36, editor, and Norman Wil- liamson, '36, business manager, of the Gargoyle. Foster Campbell, '36, editor, and Robert Thomas, business manager, of the 'Ensian; Thomas E. Groehn, '36 and John J. Flaherty, '36, associate editors of The Daily. Groehn Summer Editor Groehn was selected by the Board as managing editor of the Summer Daily, Kleene associate editor and Atherton business manager. Strick- land was selected as business man- ager of the Summer Directory. Daily staff positions, announced by the new editors, include; sports editor, George J. Andros, '37; wom- an's editor, Jewel W. Wuerfel, '37; board of editors, Robert A. Cummins, Richard G. Hershey, Clinton B. Conger and Ralph W. Hurd, all '37. .Fred Buesser and Fred Delano, both '37, were named assistant sports editors of The Daily, and Raymond Goodman, '37, was picked as a mem- ber of the sports department board. As night editors, The Daily's editors chose the following sophomores: Ar- nold Daniels, Joseph Mattes, I. S. Silverman, Donald T. Smith, William E. Spaller, Tuure Tenander and Robert S. Weeks. Mary Sage Mon- tague, '37, was named book editor of The Daily. The following sophomore appoint- ments to The Daily business staff were announced by Park and Barnes: John McLean, contract manager; Ernest Jones, publications manager; Richard Croushore, national adver- tising and circulation manager; Don Wilsher, local advertising manager; Norman Steinberg, service manager and Jack Staple, accounts manager. Miss Pierce was the first woman night editor of The Daily. She is a (Continued on Page 6) Farmier-Laborites lere Plan To Organize Party A Farmer-Labor Party of Wash- tenaw County will be organized at a conference tnioa at 1 'n m .at.anor l ,, . . was accredited with the win. FRY FOR STATE TREASURER WHITE CLOUD, May 16.- (A') -- Newaygo County Democrats went on record today in favor of Theodore I. Fry, state treasurer, and Murray D. Vanwagoner as delegates to the party's national convention. JOHN PARK Eastwood Park 'Jungle' Blaze Claims 3 Lives, Elertric 11Ai.t Ilirowil Out Of Coiiuu11ission1; Seach For Cild DETROIT, May 16. -- (/P) --Three pleasure seekers at a Detroit amuse-. ment park were burned to death to- night as flames swept through four concessions. Firemen continued a search of the ruins after a report a j child also might have been trapped by the flames. The three bodies were taken from the dimly-lighted "Jungles," a maze of passages overhung with grass, in which mechanical animals with lighted eyes leaped out at thrill- seekers. Three other persons were brought to a Detroit hospital, one, Mrs. Frances Zomkowski, 22, seriously' burned on the face and arms. The flames, spreading swiftly to adjoning concessions, threw the elec- trio plant of the (Eastwood) park out of commission, and halted a giant ferris wheel. John Durkoth, 23, of Hamtramck, who with Helen Or'lop, 19, was car- ried unconscious fiom the burning concession and treated at the hos- taal, described te spread of the flames. "I thought the smoke was jttst anl Ldwin Goldman ill Be Guest eaker Dr. Edwin Franco Goldman, di- rector of the world-famous Goldman Band, will be guest speaker at the first annual banquet of University Band at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. Dr. Goldman will come here from Cleveland where he has been of- ficiating at the national high school band contest. The Goldman Band, long popular in the East, has for many years played to audiences of 20 or 30 thou- sands in summer concerts in Cen- gan's Big Ten title in the annual Conference meet to be played tomor- row and Tuesday over the Kildeer Country Club Course. The four-man team to enter the meet will be determined after a prac- tice round on the Kildeer Course this afternoon. Captain Kocsis will be after the individual title he won in 1934 and lost to Michigan's Johnny. Fischer last year by three strokes. In yesterday's meet the Wolverines (Continued on Page 2) Minnesota Invaded By New Heat Wave ST. PAUL, May 16.- (Ul'--- A heat wave that sent the mercury to near the 100 mark in North Dakota yes- terday moved into Minnesota today, Lily Pons Sings To Standing Crowd Who Pay For Privilege By JOSEPHINE MCLEAN They paid to stand and hear Lily :Pons---and liked it. Ann Arbor sophisticates enchanted with the en- tire performance went wild when theI prima donna hit high "E" flat in Delibes' Bell Song. "I sang that song 35 times in one afternoon," declared the diminutive brunette in her dressing room follow- ing her appearance Friday night in the May Festival, "for my picture 'I Dream Too Much.'" Miss Pons, significantly enough, chose for her concert here the gown the wore in the finale of her debut film. She suggested a French boud- I oir doll with her skirt flowing tier on Miss Pons thinks the movies "too wonderful" and denies that there is any difference between the acting technique before the camera and be-j fore the footlights. She hastened to add, however, that a stage audience "gives her a lift." From Hollywood, Miss Pons will go to Chicago where she will make her initial appearance in the Chicago Civic Opera, the season of which ends in time for her to return to the Metropolitan. The soprano will not be accompa- nied on her tour by her pet Jaguar which grew to such proportions that it needed the Bronx Zoo to contain it, but by the latest addition to her