SATURDAY, MAY 16, ]936
Larger Budoet
Is Necessary
For Next Year
Regents Okay $155,000
Budget Increase Due To
Larger Enrollment
(Cotinue rrun Page1)
Instructor to Assistant Professor of
Mathematics; William Campbell
Steere, "from Instructor to Assistant
Professor of Botany.
College Of Engineering
William Stuart Housel, from As-
sistant Professor to Associate Pro-
fessor of Civil Engineering; Harold
Rhys Lloyd, from Assistant Profes-
sor to Associate Professor of Me-
chanical Engineering; Franklin Le-
land Everett, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Engineering
Mechanics; Donovan Harold Young,
from Instructor to Assistant Profes-
sor of Engineering Mechanics.
Law School
William Wirt Blume, from Asso-
ciate Professor to Professor of Law
and of Legal Research; John Philip
Dawson, from Associate Professor to
Professor of Law.
Medical School
Elizabeth Caroline Crosby, from
Associate Professor to Professor of
Anatomy; Erwin Ellis Nelson, from
Associate Professor to Professor of
Pharmacology; Charels Roosevelt
Brassfield, from Instructor to Assist-
ant Professor of Physiology; Frank
Hartsuff Bethell, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Internal Medi-
cine; Stanley Milton Goldhamer,
from Instructor to Assistant Profes-
sor of Internal Medicine; Franklin
Davis Johnston, from Instructor to
Assistant Professor of Internal Medi-
cine; Don Marshall, from Instructor
to Assistant Professor of Ophthal-
mology; Luis Yglesias, from Instruc-
tor to Assistant Professor of Surgery.
School Of Education
Mabel Esther Rugen, from Assist-
ant Professor to Associate Professor
of Physical Education.
School Of Business Administration
Edgar Howard Gault, from Asso-
ciate Professor to Professor of Mar-
keting; Dudley Maynard Phelps,
from Assistant Professor to Asso-
ciate Professor of Marketing; Mer-
win Howe Waterman, from Assist-
ant Professor to Associate Profes-
sor of Finance.
School Of Forestry And
William Kynoch, from Associate
Professor to Professor of Wood Tech-
nology; Howard Marshall Wight,
from Assistant Professor to Asso-
ciate Professor of Forest Zoology.
School Of Music
Joseph Brinkman, from Assistant
Professor to Associate Professor of
College Of Architecture
Wells Ira Bennett, from Associate
Professor to Professor of Architec-
ture; Walter Van Cleve Marshall.
from Assistant Professor to Asso-
ciate Professor of Architecture; Jean
Paul Slusser, from Assistant Profes-
sor to Associate Professor of Draw-
ing and Painting.
Bureau Of Cooperation With
Educational Institutions
Harlan Clifford Koch, from As-.
sistant Director of the Bureau o
Cooperation with Educational Insti-
tAtions, with the rank of Associate
Professor, to Assistant Director of
the Bureau of Cooperation with Ed-
ucational Institutions, with the rank
of Professor.
Medical School
Francis Bruce Fralick, Associat
Prof essor of Ophthalmology, wa
made Acting Chairman of the De-
partment of Ophthalmology.
University Museums
Carl Eugen Guthe, Director of th
Museum of Anthropology, Lecturer in
Anthropology, and Chairman of th(
Division of the Social Sciences, wa
made Director of the University Mu-
Polaroid Will
Prevent Glare
Of Headlights
(Continued from Page 1)
traffic problems in Detroit, point,
out that headlight glare and bad
lighting are responsible for many
accidents, and stated that if the in
sertion of polaroid in automobile:
were practical, it would preven
many accidents and save many lives
Pointing out the difficulty of forc-
ing every automobile owner to placc
polaroid into his headlights and
windshields, and the large cost, Prof
H. H. Higbie, also of the engineering
school, believes that on illuminated
highways the plan of using sodium
street lights instead of the regular
street lights would avoid the oc-
currence of headlight glare more
conveniently and at a cheaper cost
than polaroid. These lamps, he said
provide so much light with so little
glare that headlights are not needed
driving under them being like driv-
ing in the daylight. Experiment:
Four Die In San Francisco Night Club Fire
To Hold Exhibit
Of Chinese Art
At Harris Hall
Showing Of Jade, Textiles,1
Bronzes And Porcelains
To start iay 1
An eXhibit cif Chinese Art will be
aid at E arris Hall from 2 p.m. to
9:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, May
18 and 19. The exhibit will be given
-Associated Press Photo.
Four persons lost their lives when the flames of torches carried by a.
dancer ignited droperies in a San Francisco night club. Picture shows
a fireman lifting a woman's coat from the charred check room in front
of which the hysterical crowd knocked down and trampled to death Jo,
Dickinson, check girl, in a stampede for the single exit. The others killed
included two men and a woman.
under the auspices of The League of
St. Andrews and The Saint An-
drews Aux:iliary Guild.
The exhibition, a loan from the
collection of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. de
Vere Bailey of Ann Arbor and New
York, will include articles of jade,
rare textiles, antique porcelains and
archaic bronzes.
Mr. Bailey, an orientalist and writ-
er of Asiatic art and at present en-
gaged in interpreting and making a
catalogue raisonne of Tibetan temple
painting for the University Museums,
will give four talks on various as-
oects of Chinese Art; "Textiles,"
Monday afternoon; "Porcelains,"
Mwnday evening; "Symbolism in
Chinese Art," Tuesday afternoon;
"Chinese Jade," Tuesday evening.
The afternoon talks are scheduled at
3:30 p.m. and the evening talks at
8:30 p.m.
A collection of craft pottery made
by Miss Louis Kitchen of Toledo,
Ohio, whose work has been exhibited
at the Toledo Museum of Art for
several years will also benshown.
Tea will be served and there will
be an admission fee of 25 cents. As-
sisting at the tables in native Chinese
costumes will be Misses Rose Chu,
Helen Tau, Doris Chen Lau, and
Ruby Hau Hiang, all students at the
In conjunction with homecoming
this week-end a small exhibition has
been put up in the main floor of the
Architectural Building by the faculty
of that college.
The exhibition, for week-end guests
+ to the building, is very compact and
consists of student work in drawing,
painting and other architectural
Watland Receives
Wickersham Prize
C. G. Watland, a graduate of the
architecture school, has been chosen
as this year's recipient of the Wick-
ersham Memorial Scholarship to I
England, sponsored by the English
Speaking Union.
Watland will leave for England
May 30 on the S. S. Franconia and
aftcr the termination of his scholar-
ship will proceed to Sweden in whose
modern housing work he is interest-
ed. The award which he received is
given each year by the Union, which
is an organization of English-speak-
ing nations, having the purpose of
establishing fellowship among the
youth of these countries. This year
an architect was chosen for the trip.
Watland was a student at Michi-
gan for four years, having done pre--
viotts work at the University of Iowa.
r iWO 11(1ie*l
By Grand Jury'
In Smith Case
NEW YORK, May 15. - (A") - Two
men were indicted today on charges
of extorting money from Alfred E.
Smith, Jr., son of the former gover-
The indictments were returned
speedily by a grand jury that heard
testimony from Smith and four other
witnesses, including Catherine Marie
Pavlick, a blue-eyed blonde from
One of the defendants, Max D.
Krone, 33, a private detective, was
arrested immediately. The other, A.
Henry Ross, Brooklyn lawyer, notified
the district attorney's office through
an intermediary that he would sur-
Krone and Ross were charged
jointly in one indictment with "the
extortion of $1,500 on or about May
29, 1934, on threat to expose and im-
pute to Alfred E. Smith, Jr., a dis-
A second indictment charged
Krone alone with extorting $10,000
in promissory notes onFeb. 21, 1935,
by the same means.
(Continued from Page 4)
Students' Bible Class. H. L. Picker-
ill, campus minister, leader.
5:30 p.m., The group will meet at
the church, Hill and Tappan Sts.,
and go from there to an out-door
meeting on the bluff. Transporta-
tion will be provided. Please be
on time. If the weather should be
rainy or too cool the usual program
will be held at the church; social
hour and supper at 5::30 and dis-
cussion hour at 6:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church, Sun-
Meeting at the Masonic Temple,
327 South Fourth. Ministers: Wil-
liam P. Lemon and Norman W.
The Most Outstt
In Electric Cool
See Our Complete Nesco
Line for Wedding Gifts
Priced $4.95 to $22.50
anding Improvement
king . . . Complete
Note how you can lift the entire
hot dinner out of the Roaster
with the cool wire lifter. End
Pan Covers keep all the good-
ness in the vegetables while the
roast browns to a delicious crisp,
ness. Cuts your cooking costs
and keeps your kitchen cool in
the hottest weather.
New China and Housewares
Department - Second Floor
8:00 a.m., Annual Spring Break-
fast at the Island. Students may go
there direct or meet at the Kunkel
home, 1417 So. University. The For-
um meeting will be combined with
the breakfast, and there will be in-
stallation of officers.
10:45 a.m., Sermon by Dr. Lemon,
"The Religion of a Realist."
6:00 p.m., Westminster Guild sup-
6:30 p.m., Mr. Philip Gaston, new
president of the Guild will speak,
"looking Ahead."
Congregational Church, Sunday:
10:30 a.m., Services of Worship
and Religious Education. Mr. Heaps
will speak on "Actions Speak Louder
than Words." Prof. Preston Slosson
will lecture on "Nansen, Champion
of Humanity."
4:30 p.m., Student Fellowship.
Group will meet at the church to go
in cars to their last picnic meeting.
Excellence Prize
Won By Gustafson
Jack R. Gustafson, '38, was award-
ed the medal for general excellence,
military bearing and knowledge of
military science, given by the Sons
.)f the American Revolution, yester-
day afternoon as a part of the pro-
gram held at Palmer Field.
Gustafson, although a sophomorej
:n the campus, holds a junior rank-
ing in the R.O.T.C., and was there-'
fore eligible for the medal which is
awarded to the outstanding junior
in the R.O.T.C. He has a rating of
First Sergeant.
A retreat parade was also on yes-
terday's program. Major George A.
Hunt, whose headquarters are at
Waukegan, Ill., was among the
people in the reviewing line.
MUSKEGON, May 15. -P) -
Large numbers of smelt are moving
up the Muskegon harbor channel.
p .,.z. ,... 'I.
Ceylonis famous for Spices
Bil isfaosfrCfe
osbu Turkey i
famousfotr Tobacc
t J