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May 16, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-16

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lo mm FouRt



. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .


conditions in which needy youths may secure the
best of food and opportunity to engage in recrea-
tional activity is a worthy cause, and the Student
Christian Association should be commended for its
So, if you have not already done so, be sure and
drop a dime, or more, into one of the pails being
borne by students for that purpose, and you will
receive your tag. But, more than that, you will
have the pleasure of knowing that your contribu-
tion has aided some poor youngster to enjoy the
time of his life.

Publisned every morning except Monday during th
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
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second class mail matter,
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
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Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.


Telephone 4925

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger. Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: Wiiam R. Reed, Chairman: George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman.
Women's Departmen,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Tell Us ilow,
Mr. Hoover.
SM R. HOOVER again has spoken. This
time he advocated, or so he said,
a "program of government reform." If this were
entirely true it would indeed be surprising, be-
cause Mr. Hoover is not the man from whom one
expects "reform," in its commonest meaning.
But Mr. Hoover did not really advocate a pro-
gram of reform. What he did was merely to call
his denunciations of the New Deal by a new name.
Let us look at his "reforms."
"Obey the Constitution," he said. "Stop this cat-
aract of wasteful expenditure. The budget must
be balanced. The increase in debt must be ended.
The Gold standard should be re-established. These
futile purchases of foreign silver should cease.
The laws authorizing the the President to inflate
the currency and gamble in foreign exchange
should be repealed. Tinkering with credit infla-
tion must be ended.
"Genuine banking reform must be achieved. This
horde of political locusts should be driven away.
... The Civil Service should be restored. Return
the administration of relief to the state and local
non partisan committees.. . by wise use of tariffs
protect our farmers ... Give us a government of
laws and not of men ... and so on.
Where, we asked ourselves when we had fin-
ished reading Mr. Hoover's address, were the re-
forms. Hoover's request to obey the Constitution
is certainly not a reform. Nor is it a reform to
stop "wasteful expenditures," reduce the debt,
re-establish the Gold standard, or do any of the
other things the former-president advocated. His
words were but platitudes, and like his other
speeches, mere destructive criticism.
The Daily agrees with Mr. Hoover in some of the
criticism he voiced. For instance, we think the
political maneuvering of the Roosevelt adminis-
tration should be stopped. We think that in some
respects there has been unwise delegation of power
to the President, one example of it, that cited
by Mr. Hoover -the President's great authority
over the currency, the tariff and the foreign
We also agree that foreign trade should be
increased, that the farmers should be aided by the
"wise use" of anything possible, and that "tinker-
ing with inflation" should stop. We think it wou
be perfectly lovely if the budget could be balanced,
the debt reduced and "wasteful expenditures"
But Mr. Hoover, tell us how? It is no reform
to say certain things should be done. That is all
too true. But, for goodness sakes, if you must keep
telling us about these "evils," give us a plan, a
method, by which they can be eliminated.
The Republican party's stock does not go up,
in our opinion at least, when one of its Number
One leaders, says, in a "reform speech," nothing+
more constructive Than Mr. Hoover did at Phil-
adelphia. We cannot balance the budget, reduce
the debt or stop expenditure when the condition
of the country remains as it is. And the sooner
Mr. Hoover realizes that, the better it will be for
What does Mr. Hoover think of unemployment?
What does h propose specifically to do for agri-

culture? What are his banking reforms? If he
takes government out of business, will he stimulate
trade? If he returis the relief problem to the
states, what will he do with states that have
admitted they cannot handle it?
There are answers to these problems. But Mr.
Hoover, if he knows them, does not tell us.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
leidel berg
To the Editor:-
Under the headline "Great Universities of Ger-
many Under Nazi Rule Declining," the Detroit
Free Press of May 3 carried the following article:
Berlin, May 2. -- (U.P.) - Higher learning is
sharply in the decline in Nazi Germany. Where
267,257 students attended universities in 1932, only
182,695 were enrolled during the academic year
"Observers cite four reasons to account for this:
first, a change in the German conception of the
value of higher educ.ation; second, complete elim-
ination of Jews from university life; third, re-
strictions of the freedom of a university caused by
the political demands of Nazi allegiance, and last,
discouragement by the Nazi of higher learning for
"Elimination of Jews from university life has
been gradual but nonetheless complete.
"Nazi propaganda stresses that 'the woman's
place is in the home.' The officially sponsored
League for Large Families continually stresses
that the primary duty of German womanhood
is to bear healthy children. Thus higher educa-
tion for women is no longer deemed important,
with a resultant falling off in university attend-
Another article in the same paper dated April
30th reads as follows: "Despite published state-
ments that the Nazi political machine would as-
sume an important role in the celebration of the
550th anniversary of Heidelberg University in Ger-
many this June, administration authorities at the
University of Michigan Wednesday confirmed a
previous announcement that two University dele-
gates would attend.
"The University's letter of acceptance to the
rector of the University of Heidelberg, dated Feb.
5, acknowledged "with appreciation th honor
of the invitation which has just been received."
"Howard Mumford Jones, professor of English,I
who recently resigned from the University faculty
to accept a similar position at Harvard next fall,
did not approve of the idea of sending delegates.
'I think it would have been better for American,
universities not to have sent representatives, as a
protest against the German government's constant
violations of academic freedom,' he said.'
"Tuesday, Professor Jones spoke to two pro-
fessors now on the Ann Arbor campus who were
exiled from German institutions. 'They said,'
Prof. Jones reported, 'that so far as dismissal of
professors and usurpation of academic freedom
are concerned, conditions at Heidelberg are far
worse than in any other German university.'
'On the whole,' he said, 'I wish American univer-
sities had followed the lead of English universities,
and consistently refused to recognize Nazi pol-
icies.' I
Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham and other Eng-
lish universities declined the invitations. British
leaders pointed out at the time that the Heidel-
berg celebration would take place on the second an-
niversary of the Hitler Blood Purge."
For the U. of M. to accept the invitation toa
the Heidelberg celebration, is to place our seal
of approval upon the Nazi outlawry of culture and1
dishonor the liberal traditions of pur university.
We should reject this invitation as we would that
of any other brigand.
To the Editor:
Spring seems definitely on its way in Ann Arbor,
and spring in Ann Arbor, besides heralding the
Music Festival and the Dramatic Season, generallyI
provides the campus with amusement in the form

of the impressive ceremonies of the honorary so-
In view of the University's ultimatum concern-
ing Hell Week, made recently via the Executive
Committee of the Interfraternity Council, it occursr
to me that these ceremonies can no longer be
looked upon with favor by the majority of the
campus. If it is "contrary to the best interests1
of Michigan fraternities" to carry on even ther
mild practices constituting Hell Week in most
houses here, then it can scarcely be said that theA
honorary societies, or the University which they
represent, are benefited by the drunken exhibitions
carried on by half naked students in the most con-
spicuous parts of the campus.

The _Conni_ Tower
The song within your glance I found enough
To satisfy me then who had grown shy
Of words that measure in commensurate thoughts
Bind them conventionally, and let them die.
Enough to trail a hay cart through the field,
To perch along a battered fence, to see
The upturned cups of mountains and your eyes
Looking away and laughing back at me.
Enough to tilt our chairs against the porch,
Absorb the distant noises, hear the shrill
Near note of peepees hidden in the brush
And smell the marsh-brown night come up
the hill.
Now has my laggard tongue found rusty speech
Iconoclast who prays when none may hear-
To whisper, vainly, in a wordless night,
"Never, never forget, my dear, my dear."
This variety show addict never saw the Cherry
Sisters, Elizabeth of whom died on Monday. We
don't recall their having played in Chicago; nor
would we have wasted twenty cents on a bill
containing an act that was suppposed to be mad.
But we exhumed the Tribune file of November,
1896 - it took a long time to read all about the
McKinley election -- and found that the act was
billed thus: "Charming Clerry Sisters -The
Greatest Ever." It played Hammerstein's Olympia,
Broadway and 44th Street. We failed to find any
review of vaudeville in the Tribune . . . Among
others on the same bill were James T. Powers
and Papinto. Maybe Mr. Powers appeared only
on Sunday, for "The Geisha" was playing here
then. and it seems to us that he played the China-
man in that operetta.
Sir: Here Dorothea Brande writes a book, "Wake
Up and Live," in which she devises a set of psy-
chological exercises which she believes will elimi-
nate the "will to fail," if successfully completed.
I took it seriousy. I went through the mental
calisthenics with all the ardor of a young blade
with his first bottle of hair tonic. I arose at un-
seemly hours, and scribbled religiously. I prac-
tically insulted my friends by my refusal to con-
tribute conversation, and I startled the most casual
acquaintances by brazen curiosity about their lives
and reactions. Finally I passed the tests, and felt
that I was ready. Success was to be mine.
So what happened! I found that everyone else
had been reading the book with the same idea,
and was as full of the will to succeed as I was.
When I went after a thing that had always eluded
me I found my competition also a votary of this
system, and my gain was nil. It was the old story
of the irresistible force meeting the immovable
That's the insidious thing about improvement
systems. There is nothing exclusive about them.
If they are good enough to be popular, they are
too popular to be good! It's a vicious circle! You
simply can't win! G.B.H.
Tut! If we may speak bluntly. We learned that
years ago. We read a book on tennis by Maurice
McLoughlin; so did our opponents. Then we read
one by J. Parmly Paret, another by Anthony Wild-
ing, two by Tilden, and one by Mercer Beasley.
Not only did all our opponents read these books
but they seemed to learn just a little more from
them than I learned. The only thing we ever got
that did us any good was one sentence from
Wilding's advice, to the effect that maybe when you
felt tired, that you couldn't hit another ball, your
opponent might be even more tired.
According to Miss May Wood Wiggington, of
Denver, the present-day generation wants hard
books; that is, books that are not milk toast. Coin-
cidentally the following "Ballade of a Persistent
Best Seller" has been received from N. D. Plume:
Although living waxes annually tougher,
And the future looms indubitably drear;
Though the civilized amenities must suffer
From the barnacles of bigotry and fear,

Yet I will not be a-weeping in my beer
While the Muses rule securely on Parnassus;
Nay, I'm cherishing this molecule of cheer:
Santayana's been discovered by the masses!
What with military moguls getting rougher,
And the demagogues a-goging in my ear,
Or that dull an unimaginative duffer
To whom bards seem psychologically queer
My discouragement has deepened year by year.
Still,. are citizens unanimously asses?
Take a look at what can happen over here:
Santayana's been discovered by the masses!
Some will say the average reader is a. bluffer
Thinly covered by a cultural veneer
Who will buy but never finishes -the guffer !--
Volumes vaunted by his daily gazetteer.
Maybe so. Yet I'm continuing to peer
Through my slightly faded pair of rosy glasses
Though you gentlemen may cynically jeer.
Santayana's been discovered by the masses!


before the world began to see it as we
do today - to state it as did the
Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung," a
glorious production, showing a wealth
of lovely ideas, used with perfect con-
ncetion, order and lucidity." Albert
Wier tells how even Carl Maria von
Weber, one of Beethoven's severest
critics' spoke of it enthusiastically.
Last night in the fourth concert in
the May Festival, the audience had
the opportunity to hear the score
read intelligently and with a tinge of
Eighteenth Century politeness. Cer-
tainly none of the devices, prophetic
of the later Beethoven and shocking
to Classic ears, reached us who have
not only met the man of the Eroica,
the Fifth, the Seven and the Ninth,
but have also come through Stravin-
sky and Szostakowicz.
The excellent Mozart fare which
was on the first part of last night's
concert was a joy - as Mozart always
is. He is the example of a composer
who becomes more endeared to the
universal mind as time goes on, never
weaiing thin. Much has been written
about the merry laughter which
shines through even his tearful music,
if indeed there be any, and much
more will be wlitten even after our
time and as long as he continues
to be the wellspring of happiness in
the music library. Miss Lily Pons
was the lovely personality and voice
who caused "the 5000" to rejoice with
Mozart and herself in Alleuia.
The two Debussy Preludes, so beau-
tifully orchestrated by Mr. Charles
O'Connell, hold a very high position
in the "wonders" of the entire festival.
It is hard to say which of the two
is the more lovely - the elusive, far-
away starriness of Canope or the
the picturesque, colorful revelry of
Minstrels. By giving them paired, the
one enhanced the other's charm.
It's real affection indeed which
an audience has for a singer when
she is begged, beseeched, and even
demanded to return again and again
for a second encore, and when one is
not forthcoming, to actually stop the
show. It's no wonder everyone the
country over enjoys Lily Pons for her
grace and charm are as much a part
of her art as is her lovely voice. The
house was indeed disappointed when
she finally had to come on the stage
with her wrap to prove there was to
be no more, and it took the appear-
ance of Mr. Stokowski himself to
restore cheer.
He became one of the orchestra,
undei Mr. O'Connell, in the last num-
ber, the Choral and Fugue of Zema-
chson and he seemed to enjoy very
much being among the instrumental-
ists to stand and receive applause at
the end of the work instead of tak-
ing his bow fromm the conductor's
Pro gra Notes
Saturday, May 16, at 8:30 p.m.
Soloists, Choral Union, Phila-
delphia Orchestra, Earl V.
Moore, Conductor, and Organ.
Manzoni Requiem-Verdi
The requiem, a solemn mass in
memory of the dead, takes its name
froi the first words of the Introit-
"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Do-
mine (Give unto them eternal rest,
() Loi'd) "-which constitutes its
first principal section. The remain-
ing sections, which vary somewhat
from work to work, are, in the Verdi
Requiem, as follows: "Kyrie eleison
(Lord, have mercy)," "Dies irae (Day
of Wrath)," "Domine Jesus (Oh
Lord, God)," "Sanctus (Holy)," "Ag-
nus Dei (Lamb of God)," "Lux
aeterna (Light eternal)," "Libera me
(Lord, deliver my soul) ."
After the death of Rossini in 1868,
Verdi proposed to a group made up
of twelve other Italian composers
and himself that they should all col-
laborate in writing a Requiem Mass
in memory of that illustrious com-
poser of Italian opera. The plan
was unsuccessful, however, and Ver-1

di's movement, the final, "LiberaI

Walter Van Cleve Marshall, from
Assistant Professor to Associate Pro-
fessor of Ai'chitecture.
Jean Paul Slusser, from Assistant
Pi'ofessor to Associate Professor of
Drawing and Painting.
Bureau of Cooperation With Educa-
tional Institutions
Harlan Clifford Koch, from As-
sistant Director of the Bureau of

By MARY JANE CLARK (Contin-ed from Page 2)
T'he Symphony No. 1 in C Major Professor to Professor of Wood Tech-
of Ludwig von lBeethoven is "a cari- noloo.
cature of Haydn pushed to absurdity,
wrote one critic after the firstper- Howard Marshall Wight, from As-
formance of the work on April 2, 1800. isant Professor to Associate Pro-
And his sentiments were reiterated School of Music
in the writings of other contemporary Joseph Brinkman, from Assistant
critics such as Joseph Priendl, DioniysProfessor to Associate Professor of
Weber, and the Abbe Stadler who all Pi
made special mention of the fact that Panor
College of Architecture
the introduction to the first move- Wells Ira Bennett, from Associate
ment began with a discord. Professor to Professor of Architec-
It wasn't but five years however t

at 1 p.m. to make arrange-
nents for transportat ion and canoes.
The total cost of canoes, transporta-
tion, and meals breakfast and din-
ner> will he approximately $1.50. All
graduate students are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Coming Events
Pl i Alpha Tau societas honorifica
Latina Graecaque die undevicesimos-
mensis Maii (7:30 p.m.) in Hospit-
ium Mulierum Michiganensium con-
veniet. Praeses Houck depinget
"Periplus Maris Aegaei." Omnes
Adeste !
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary
fraternity, will hold a meeting and
dinner Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in the
Union. Plans for Tuesday's initia-
tion will be discussed. This will be
the last gathering of the year. Sign
at the Union desk as usual.

Puhlcatlon In .he Bu1etn Is contrmt li noIce to all mmbtrs of the
VAeiverstty. Copy received at the offce of the Assistant to the President
wat1 3:30; 11:00 A.m. on Saturday.

Cooperation with Educational Insti- Phi Eta Sigma: All initiates are
tutions, with the rank of Associate requested to be at the Union at 5:30
Professor, to Assistant Director of the p.m., Tuesday, May 19. Please bring
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa- a white handkerchief for the initia-
tional Institutions, with the rank of tion. The banquet will follow at
Professor. 6:30 The.banqetwill.fo a
6:30p~m.Professor J. E. Thor'n-

Mdical School
Francis Bruce Fralick, Associate
Professor of Ophthalmology, was
made acting chairman of the De-
partment of Ophthalmology.
University Museums
Carl Eugen Guthe, Director of the
Anthropology, Lecturer in Anthro-
pology, and Chairman of the Divi-
sion of the Social Sciences, was
made Director of the University
Student Loans. There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall, Wednesday
afternoon, May 20. Students who
have already filed applications for
new loans with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there at once
to make an appointment to meetthe
J. A. Bursley, Chairman Com-
mittee on Student Loans.
Academic Notices
Reading Examinations in French:
I Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the cur-
rent academic year, 1935-36, are in-
formed that examinations will be
offered in Room 103, Romance Lan-
guage Building, from 9 to 12, on
Saturday morning, May "23. It will
be necessary to register at the office
of the Department of Romance, Lang
uages (112 R.L.) by Monday noon,
May 18. Lists of books recommend-
ed by the various departments are
obtainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will
!be found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the department, and
further inquiries may be addressed
to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R. L., Satur-
days at 10 a.m. and by appoint-
This announcement applies only
to candidates in the following de-
partments: Ancient and Modern
Languages and Literatures, History,
Economics, Sociology, Political Sci-
ence, Philosophy, Education, Speech.
Prelimmnary Examinations for the
Doctorate in Education will be held
on May 27, 28 and 29. All graduate
students expecting to take the pre-
liminaries should leave their names
in Room ..4002 University High
May Festivakl Programs. Thep eo-
graims or the May Festival 'ocits,
subject to any necessary changes, are
ainnouncedl as follows:
Saturday afternoon, 2:30. Phila-
delphia Orchestra. Efrem Zimbalist,
violinist. Leopold Stokowski, con-
Symphony No. 1 in C minor . .Brahms
Concerto in D minor for Violin
and Orchestra ............ Sibelius
The Fire-Bird..........Stravinsky
The Fire Bird and Her Dance
Dance of the Princesses
Kastchei's Infernal Dance
Saturday evening, 8:30. Philadel-
phia Orchestra; University Choral
Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor.
Soloists: Jeanette Vreeland, Rose
Bampton, Giovanni Martinelli, Keith
Faulkner and Palmer Christian. The
"Manzoni Requiem" for solo, chorus,
orchestra and organ, by Verdi.
Tickets on sale at the School of
Music office, Maynard Street. Begin-
ning Wednesday morning May 13,
the Box office will be moved to Hill
Gallery Talk: Dr. Aga-Oglu will
give a gallery talk on the exhibit of

"Islamic Art" Sunday, May 17, 4
n~m. The ex'hibit, is oen fromi 9

ton of the Engineering English Dept.
will speak. Be prompt.
The Research Club will meet on
Wednesday, May 20, at 8 p.m. in
Room 2528 East Medical Building.
The following papers will be present-
ed: Professor Eugene E. Rovillain:
A Question in 18th Century France-
"Has the Discovery of America been
Useful or Harmful to Mankind," and
the Answer, from Unpublished Docu-
ments; and Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson:
"Records of Employee Suggestion
Schemes." The Council will meet
in the same room at 7:30 p.m.

The Michigan Dames
their last general meeting
Tuesday, May 19 at the
M's. Clifford Kiehn, 712

will hold
at 8 p.m.
home of
East Ann

The U. of M. Public Health Ciub
is having another dinner, Monday at
6:30 p.m. at the Women's League.
After dinner Dr. Kahn will honor us
with a short talk.
All of us, Federal Students, Fac-
ain 'pasalaum auout3 put 'ALn
urged to attend.
Mimes: All members please meet
at Dey's studio Tuesday, May 19, at
5 p.m. for photo. All former Mimes
members still on campus are invited
to be present.
De tscher Zirkel: The last meeting
for the semester will be held Tues-
day, May 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the
University High School auditorium.
At this meeting members of the Zir-
kel will present a one-act play in
German. The general public And
students interested in German are
invited to attend.
Dental School Assembly at 4:15
p.m. Monday, May 18. Mr. T. Haw-
ley Tapping will speak on the sub-
ject, "Why Is An Alumnus."
Harris Hall, Sunday:
At 4 p.m. the Reverend Theodore
0. Wedel, National Secretary for
College Work of the Episcopal
Church will speak to the students.
Tea will be served.
At 7:30 p.m. the regular student
meeting, will be held. Dr. William
Draper Lewis, Director of the Ameri-
can Law Institute will be the speak-
er for the evening. His topic is:
"Presidential Candidates-how to se-
lect one who will be satisfactory to
you - with a few words about the
Constitution," The meeting will be
open not only to all students but
also to anyone interested in hearing
Dr. Lewis.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Services are: 8 a.m., Holy Com-
munion; 9:30 a.m., Church School;
11 a.m., Kindergarten; 11 a.m.,
Morning prayer and sermon by The
Reverend Theodore O. Wedel.
l1utheran Student Club, Sunday:
Mr. Rolfe Haatvedt, graduate stu-
dent, will talk on "Archeology and
the New Testament" at the meeting
in the Parish Hall on East Wash-
ington Street.
The talk will follow supper at 6,
The social half hour is at 5:30 p.m.
First Methodist Chnrch, Sunday:
Dr.' C. W. Brashares will preach
on "When Should You Compromise"
at 10:45 a.m.
Stalker Hall, Sunday:
12 noon, class on the subject "The
Christian Thesis." This is the third
in the discussion on Peace. 6 p.m.,
Wesleyan Guild meeting. Members
of the group will present some ideas
on the subject "A Useful Summer
for Christian Students."
7 p.m. Fellowship hour and supper.
Unitarian Church, Sunday:
11 a.m., "The Newspaper and Sig-
nificant News"-a panel discussion


was the only worthy contribu-
It was put aside, thereupon,

i ,,,, ;t 1 ono ~ H , ti a ft s

whm pts and philosophers revere, until 1873, when, upon the death of
Sir, Allessandro Manzoni, Verdi complet-
Through the gloom of international morasses ed the Requiem, dedicating it to the
Shines a beacon on this sector of the sphere: memory of the Italian poet.

It is not my purpose here to stir up anything; Santayana's been discovered by the masses! Written just following Aida, when
it's no skin off my back if the honorary societies N. D. PLUME. Verdi was at the age of 60, the Re-
authorize practices which, if shown in an Ann quiem betrays the influence of the
Arbor theatre as part of a movie depicting col- Every time The Conning Tower prints a Chris- Wcomposer's great operatic contempor-
lege life, would be booed and hissed. But if such topher Ward poem it gets letters a week, a month,'ary Wagner -hot in any conscious
exhibitions are to be condoned in a few organiza- a year after publication asking for a copy of the imitation of style, but rather sran
opulence of harmonic and orchestral
tions, I cannot see why they shouldn't be con- paper. Well, a week from today all those poems color not ordinarily found in Italian
doned in all. will appear in a book, "Sir Galahad' and Other works of the type. Such effects as
My fraternity was called on the carpet twice Rhymes." the long series of trumpet calls in

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