RAGE TWO$ ~T~TE MTCTITGAN DAILY SATT -RD 1T, MAY I1G, 1^s . ............... . ... .................. .......... .... Robinson, Stoll Kidni LAT"E 1nfr r' WIRE NEWS Police Kill Crazed Negro, Sister GORDONSVILLE, Va., May 15. ---lW) - State police machine gunners killed a crazed Negro and his sister in their flaming tenant cottage near here to- night. The Negro, William Wales, 65, had killed a sheriff and wound- ed four men during a 6-hour seige. Wales. died when state police- man E. L. Keyser, a tommygun in his hands, sighted him through a second story window, Cora Wales, silhoutted against flames kindled by thrown flares, died from a pistol bullet. Both bodies were consumed by the fire. For hours Wales and his sis- ter, firing from both sides of their shack, had kept a force of 200 to 300 police and citizen- possemen at bay. Sheriff William B. Young ofr Orange County was killed,lie Less than 48 hours after his ca fell on the porthi of the Negro's Robinson, Jr., last of the nation's m3 house, one half mile from here guilty to the Stoll kidnaping a d on the Barboursville Road, when Hmlo i h oisil eera( Wales resisted an attempt to ar- Hmloi h oivleFdrlalc rest him at about 4 p.m. today. led to court for arraignment mnana One 'of the wounded is C. L. Young, a brother of the sheriff,N a i n lck hit whe hNationaled.toacke his brother's body out of the line of fire. Tflrou~'vft+Univ Two state police officers Ser- geant Wayne Car and Patrol- man S. L.' McWilliams, both r ec d' " ' wounded, were dragged from a riiitc umber Schemie temporary refuge under the Bared By Gust. Carso porch as the house began to At er Wide Inlvestigation Also wounded was policeman(otiudfmPge1 Oscar Munda y of Somerset.(otnedroPae1 Mr. Carson found. They ar Pol- icy, Italian Lottery, (not connected Scnuschnngg Says Private with the Official Italian Lottery in Armies Must Disband Italy) and. "Numbers." They work, VIENNA, May 15.-(W) -- Three Kinds of Gaines Chancellor Kurt Schuschngg is- Policy: There are drawings of nunil- sued a definite challenge to the bers twice a day, with any number Fascist Hleimwehr, led by the from 1 to1 78 imprinted on a ball or ousted Vice-Chancellor Ernst disk eligible to be used. Twelve num- Von Starhemberg, by announcing bers are selected at each drawing, and tonight that Austria's bickering to win your number must be among private armies must dissolve, the. 12. The most common form of Schuschnigg thus moved to play is "gig" when a person bets on insure continuance of his one- three numbers. Although the returns man 'dictatorship, substituted for vary from gambling house to gambling a two-man dictatorship when house, usually a 5 cent bet brings Prince Von Starhemberg was re- $10, the odds against the better being moved two days ago. Ue ex- around 1,500 to 1. plained his plans in a radio Italian Lottery: This weekly game speech to the nation is not so widespread, and, controlled With Von Starhemberg in entirely by Sicilians, is more under Rome immediate reaction to the cover. The better can put his money Chancellor's speech was not_ on any number from 1 to 90, and five available, but Heimwehrmen in numbers, taken from the winning Upper Austria, where Von Str- numbers of the Official Italian Lot- hemberg 'got his start, were in try in Italy, are drawn. a belligerent mood. "Numbers": This is the most recent "Dualism in control of Au- game and perhaps the most wide- tria affirsis athig ofthe spread. The better selects a three- patrin heaffairsis a sngofte. digit number between 1 and 1,000, pat"tepCacellnorbeasserted and the winning number is usually "It wa eae otbcuef selected by race track results, i. e., us- gret dffrenesbetween the in th fguebortedcma etleaders, but because in these iof the ftotal amon th oeyetmon stern times even slight differ- o ehothrelresamut asoev etn-rc sene can not be tolerated." eahotrercsataevnae escSchuscnino asserted that track. A winning better makes 500 none but militiamen could bear to 1 on an average bet of 10 cents. arms as volunteers and said the Newspapers Lend Hand traditions of Starhemberg's It is in "Numbers" that the news- Heimwehr, along with ^mahmy of papers lend a hand. In Detroit, Mr. its members, would be taken Carlson dec laredi, the three newvs- over by the National Militia, papers, each total, for no other pur- p ose, the money on t he raj~cs for the racketeers. No mention of the racket . 1 AT Tf' has ever bceen m ade by the Detroit ~EV NIN I~~.IJ~Y news papers, although Mr. Carlsoni 1 said that some papers in other cities PRO(RAMS J have crusaded against it. ____________ There is more to the policy racket 16:)0-NV~1' ;fr%(t { Jj~ta.than the numbers games themselves. 6:0W., TOvOUOlSo~ Confidence men fleece the people con- Wx Y Kigs deters. Itinwally, Mr. Carlson stated. They C KLW vincent ,York's Music. aioneta hyaeo h n 6.15--WJR TRlfilbm Review. AnU1eta hyaeo h n WWJ H1umnan side of News. side of the racket, a thing Mr. Carl- WXY7 Luw;gl Roinanelli 's Music.ismpsbladcrga CK-;LW Joe gentile,.son saysismpsbladcrga 6:30--w11;tragc s it Seems. handsome figure for giving worthless WkW,J Dnne11rHour, WXYZ Day in, R3eview, advice on numbers. Despite the fact CKLW ;Shrloklme that they give a money-back guar- 'IV%%,7, FM(sicaliMasiern. antec 0o) their soothi- ,)aying, Mr. 7:.00--W.J7'.'. cfir;;t J-ollies -f the Air. Carlsoni charged that, "they are all WW Nrtwstrn1 Cndetakes" fThey have to keep moTICv1ing W.ightn eemn.about, (tic(commlunllit y cone tinu"lly, he ('KW Vli(C~l b0~5> fy Nigh{rT dyc w iI t ! ~ t . b nC% A r 9;; C1bV .Ll XVARI NWILLIAM and 10.0 wj. a-rI~ts i:xpsc.JWI ORUS tJlL RIOi V l ' 4 J 1 W tr a s & ' b : :1 ' 1 !e w . 10~~~~~ NSW\2 BTChstrE uic ARLO"1 .4iper, frets Life Sentence DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IFi re H7azards i Notices SA'TUIRDAY, MAY 16, 1'136 VOL. XLVI No. 160 j.V'ad mic Promotions. The follow- 1 in~g promotions within the several ac'ademic ranks, effective with the year 1936-37, are announced: ICollegc of Literatiu'e, Science and, the Arts. Harry Clyde Carver, from Associ- ate Professor to Professor of Math- ematics and Insurance. Charles Hurlbut; Griffitts, from As- sociate Professor to Professor of Psychology. Albert Hyma, from Associate Pro- fessor to Professor of History. George Allan Lindsay, from Asso - niate Profe ssor to Professor of Phys- 1 1 cs. John Rcevehl Rczinhard, from Asso- ciate Professo to, ,;Pr ofessor of Eng- lish. Warner Grenelle Rice, from As- sociate Professor' to Professor of English. Fred 13. Wahr, from Associate Pro- fessor to Professor of German. Martha Guernsey Colbey, from As- s:istant Professor to AS:;ociat e Profes- sor' of Psychology: . Cecil Calvcert Craig, from Assist ant Professor to Associate Professor' of Mati cm' tic:. Alfred Lyon Veitgusop, from As- istatProfessor to Associate Pro- fusso r of Gener al and Physical Chemistriy. Camillo Pascal Merlino, from As- sistanit Professor to Associate Pro- fessor of Italian. Paul AiIMtesch k is from Assistant trofessor toAsoit Professor of Env glish. Warner -'or rests Pat terson, from Assistant Professor to Associate Pro- fessor of French. Walter Albert Reichart, from As- sistaint Professor to Associate Pro- fcssor of Gel-mall. Eugene Etilenne Rovillain, from As-I I gall tiol" A, oilg est. put oIfc mue Will ExI the kln -I I{ A1s Ali cool ph; stvi ter: In~s ilut S l" In. AiiiArhoi' To .Be (hcked An edctit onal and inspect ion opaign will be staged on Wed_. sday in Ann Arbor by the Michi- n State Fire Prevention Associa-' n, at the invitation of the Ann bor Chamber of Commerce. On this day, members of the State :anrzat ion wvill investigate the odition of the various mercantile iablishments, industrial plants and blic institutions for the purpose discovering any fire hazards which ! iy exist and indicating practical3 asof remedying the defects. u,,pection of Ann Arbor residences 11 be accomplished by means of lat, are known as "home inspec- n- blanks. These will he given to tool children for the purpose of ting answer's to vital questions. :perience in this respect has dem- strated that children readily enter to the spirit of the project, and at csame time acquire a valuable ;wledge of what is meant, by fire en ztion. in inspecting- a buillding and its I ,ents, the fire prevenltionlists will rry on their work unobtrusively, in der to avoid disturbing occupanzts. Medical. School 'li','a beth1 Carol ine Crosby; from -(c ate Proflessor to Professor of a tomy. Er~win Ell is Nelson, from Associate ofessor to Professor of Pharma- ogy. C;harles lRoosevel t Bi'assljeld, fromi st ructor I o Assist alnt Pl'ofessor of ysi ology. F'rank Hartsutf fBethell, fromnInl- uector' to Assistant Professor of In- nal Medlcine. St anley Milton Goldhamer, from ;truect or to Assistant Professor of ', nal Medicine. 1lranklin Davis ,Johnston, h'omIn.,n iic'tor' to Assistant; Professor of tel-nal IMedicine. Don Marshall, from inst ructor to sist alit, Professor of ophthal mo I Niits Yglcsias, ironl Inst riet oi'to 4itatProfessor o01fSurgery. School of Education Miabel Esther Rugen, front X;sist, t Professor to Associate Profess;or :Physical Education. 'hool of B1us'iness Administration Edgar Hloward Gault, from Asso- zte Professor to Professor of Mar- ting. Dudley Maynar-d Phelps,,from As- ;tint Professor to Associate Profes- rof Marketing. act-win Howe Water-man, fi-om As- tant Professor' to Associate Pro- .sor of Finane. mool. Of Forestry And ("onsei'vatiofa William Kynoch, from Associate (Continuxed on Page 4) -Associated Press Photo. Gpture in Glendale, Calif., Thomas 11. ajar criminals to be captured, pleaded vas sentenced to life bsy Judge Elwood court. le is shown at right as hae was led to a, guard. tIs Disclosed ersitySociologist Cla'Nsifiled Dire*E Io (" ASIFIED ADVERTISING l'la cc f, 'r,< it Icecnts with Classified Adx'eO in iDeprtmenit. Phone 2-1214. rTI m clas-sified1 columitns close at five ')c(''k ~rvmoisto clay of insertion. 33c. nmbesnay be secured at no [a hin advane lie per reading line co asi of five average words to line) for onew or two insertions, 10c per read- irn-,line for three or more insertions. M1i iinu three lines per insertion. Terw lione rate -- 15c per reading line for- tw o or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10r;; discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. By Contract, per line - 2 lines daily, . ne month......................8c 4 lines F.O.D., 2 mnonths..... ,.......8c 2 lines daily, college year..... .... ,.7c 4 lines R.O.D., 2 months ... ......... . .c 100 lines used as desired ....., ....c 300 lines used as desired .........8c, 1,.000 lines used as desired ......... ,.7c 2,0001 lines used as desired----------, 6c The above rates are per reading line bas,'ed on eight reading lines per inch Ionuic type, upper and lower case. Add Cc per line to above rates for all capital 1,Leti ers. Add 6c per line to above for blvdlfare, upper and lower case. Add 10c per linet, O above rates for bold face capita"l letters. The abovet rates are for 7 point type. NOTICES STUDENT TYPING : Expertly done witl3 reasonlable rates. 321 E. Lib- erty. An.rartineint 2. 499 ENGISH House par-ty, limited to twelve guests. Cambridge (three weeks' university sumnmer courses opl iol3all) . London and nearby ploin~ts of in~terest - Oxford, Shake- speare counitry, Canterbury, etc. Modelrate(t, About seven weeks. ,Tuly. Augustip,. Address Daily Box 123. 463 WAUINING : Only a reliable furrier Cain('leanl your furs and furi coat without harming the skins. 32 year's of expert fur service recoin- miends ZWERDLINQ'S FUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 16x NOTICE: We ('lean, upholster, repair and refinlish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A. Stuhiman. 15x MA1C'S 'I AXI- -42.89. Tr-y our clii- ('tent 65CiI('. All Ilew cabs.. 3x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats; for $3 to $20. Also highest pr-ices f0o- saxophones and type- writers. Don't sell before you see 9am1. Ihlione for appointments. 2-3640. 10lx E~YES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. graduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x STRIKERS HIOLD ENGINEERS COTZDOI3A, Spain, May 15. - YfP) Two IF iench engineers remained imn- pr'isoned underground by 450 striking, minel-s tonight. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox datrned Careful work at low price. 1x FOR SALE ANTIQUES: Dolls, glass, silver, china, furniture, jewelry, rugs, prints. At the home of Mrs. Walker, 1033 Packard, Mrs. Henry B. Graves, 1430 Granger, Mrs. Mary Adams, 2020 Devonshire Rd. EMPLOYMENT MALE HELP: Student -'pressers for evening work. Inquire at Greene Cleaners. 516 E. Liberty. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: The "Hoover Insurance & Trust Service" has a few openings in Detroit and Michigan which' oiler an excellent opportunity to ear'n while receiving a thorough practical business train- ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to a business career should write, Da- vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan Build- ing, Detroit. 17x WANTED WANTED:^ Double gam'age with elec- tric light on a quiet street ill 01'r near Ann Ar'bomr. Call 4121 Extension 361 oi' write Daily Box 125. 478 ® FOR RENT SUMMER Rooms for mhen: Beautiful location; cool, firepi'oof building, excellent facilities; congenial coin- panmous. Reasonable. Acacia Fra- ternity, 1923 Geddes. 491 AVAILABLE for summer for' men. De- sirable single and double rooms slose to campus. Reasonable' ates. 411 Hamilton. Phone 5113. 488 FOR RENT: Furnished light house- keeping rooms close to campus and hospital for $22.50 per month. Two single rooms $3.00 per week. Mr's. Tuller', 1358 Geddes. Phone 9501. 494 F'OR RENT: F'our and five-room, fur- nish ed apartmnlts. Summner School. Neal' campus. Osborn, 209 N. In- galls. Phone 3403. 496 ROOMS to rent, well-equipped with homelike conditions, close to cam- pus. Mr's. E. B. Clark, 1328 Geddes. 497 FOR RENT: Rooms for men in fr'a- tem'nity house. Current prices. 1023 Oakland. Tel. 6674. 498 FOR RENT : Nice clean rooms for r'ent during summer school. 420 S. Division. Mrs. Huey. Phone 3968. 489 FOR RENT: Two single cleani roomnxs, $2.00 per week, close to campus. Phone 3796. 608 May Court. 495 i i. 1 r' i 4 S l i i c k i 4 These books, Mr. Carlson explained, sristant Professor- to Associate Profes- sr purlport. to tell the mxeanings, in ter sso of French.hInt (f numbers, of certain words amnd Andrew Patl Ushenko, froum As- ideas. For inlstanice, he said, if You sist anrt Professor to Associate Pro-AS dream about c'hickenls, youl turn to) less;or of Philosophy. , p, youri'dreamn book and look under Lecwis G. ValldcrVolde, from Assist- the wor'dchickenl. If thle numnber at Professor to Associate Professor l-' opposite should be 345, you p1lace of History. y'ourl money on those figures, the next ArhrJnioncey *f 1)ac frktiomi aon fidel ce mnal. Iiuckv hand l-d a good linik tokech, SI' 01-1-t --_a for'ni of inscurance Oil Pills~ -balls onl whic h lnunrrers31re imlprited.l r Daily 1;30 to It P.M. toromnt gic FI[ST SH~OW ING! (;tmn Sti ilfon ort e's "'THE HARVESTER"- & -A 11 lII A) lam WON I 10 11111,11 '1111111 r Do you have typing to be done, or do you want typing to do? Or, have you lost anythilng.2 In any case, your best mediumn is The Michigan Daily Classified Column .... CASH RAT-ES LINE I IC PER