PAGETWO 1'HE MICHIA AL FRIDAY, MAY 15, 193G Austria Faces Armed Battle; r EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS i t E ! ,, 7 I k U~i~17 F1J V 6 Starhemberg Says 'World 6 Will Hear Of Heimwehr In About A Week' 6 (Continued from Page l) 6 only over his dead body," the spokes- man added.7 "Reports from the provinces stat- ed men everywhere are rallying be- hind von Starhemberg. On his re- turn from Rome, where he was start- 7 ing tonight, he will be greeted by a' reconstructed Heimwehr, waiting his 8 commands." But at the chancellery Schusch- higg, who holds four portfolios in his 8 new government, radiated confidencej as he set up a regime inclined to- 9 ward liberality and democracy rath- er than fascism. He promised loyalty to Italy, dis- 9 patching a message to Premier Mus-9 solini assuring him that Austria re- mains loyal to her "protector." Von Starhemberg, regarded as a close friend of Il Duce, cancelled an airplane passage to Rome and planned to leave tonight for the l Italian capital by train. Chancellor Schuschnigg is making an effort to increase popular sup- port of the army, the clergy, many farmers, legitimists and business menV weary of political turmoil.1: But the more democratic Schu- :chnigg becomes the more certain he is of driving von Stahremberg intor opposition, observers said.l Schuschnigg received several dip- lomats today and explained to them that no radical change in foreign 1 relations is contemplated, with the Rome Pact remaining the corner- stone of poicy ii 0O-wJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Key Ring. CKLW Omar, the Mystic. :15-WJR Jimmy Allen. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Sophisticated Rhythm. CKLW Joe Gentile. :30-WJR Musical Program. wwJ Bulletins. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. :45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Rhythm Review. WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea. CKLW Song Recital. :OO-WJR Bea Lillie: Lennie Hayton's Music. wwJ Jessica Dragonette: Rosario Bourdon's Ensemile. WXYZ Irene Rich. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 15-WXYZ Southen Gentlman. Paraffin Used For Protection From Neutrons. Precautions For Shielding Scientists From Rays Are Described (Continued from Page 1) very great importance that investi- gators are well protected. It is for this same reason that the cyclo- tron is heralded as possibly furnish-} ina new methods for the cure off CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance 11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10t discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. By Contract. per line -2 lines daily, Classified Dire ctoryI LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox Careful work at lown price. darned lx NOTICES WARNING: Only a reliable furrier can clean your furs and fur coat without harming the skins. 32 years of expert fur service recom- mends ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP for safe fur cleaning and storage. Phone 8507. 16x NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. A. A-Stuhlman. 15x ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work. E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street. Phone 9625. 14x FOR SALE ANTIQUES: Dolls, glass, silver, china, furniture, jewelry, rugs, prints. At the home of Mrs. Walker, 1033 Packard, Mrs. Henry B. Graves, 1430 Granger; Mrs. Mary Adams, 2020 Devonshire Rd. COLLECTION of choice antique fur-; niture, glassware, jewelry. Loca- tion one block south of East Hill Street off Berkshire Road. 2122 Dorset Road. 484 EMPLOYMENT MALE HELP: Student pressers for 11in k~l TnIr ofira :L vv $_ _ evnig wor .inqure a reene :30-WJR Broadway Vaietes one mouth - c WV. 4 " 1I WXYZ The Lone Ranger. cancer. 4 lne's E.O.D.. 2 months .............8c MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effl- Cleaners. 516 E. Liberty. CKLW Variety Revue. 2 lines daily, college year...........7dneevc.Alnw as x -__________ ______ :00-WJR Hollywood Hotel. This theory has been developed by 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.............ct service. All new cabs. 3x WWJ Waltz Time. scientistp because neutron rays trav- 100 lines used as desired ..........9c WANTED WXYZ Acadian Serenade. 300_linesuseasdesired______________ CKWWZchesealeceling at tremendous velocities, pass 300 lines usedas desired..........8c SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll :30-WWJ Court of Human Relations. easily through such heavy materials 2,000 lines used as desired..........6 buy old and new suits and over- WANTED: Double garage with elec- WXYZ Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. as lead and yet are stopped by much The above rates are per reading line coats for $3 to $20. Also highest tric light on a quiet street in or near CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.stpe based on eight reading lines per inch :0O-WJR Andre Kostelanetz' Music, lighter materials such as water and Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add prices for saxophones and type-! Ann Arbor. Call 4121 Extension 361 WWJ Richard Himber's Champions. paraffin was explained by Professor 6c per line to above rates for all capital writers. Don't sell before you see or write Daily Box 125. 478 WXYZ Homer C. Cummings. letters. Add 6c per line to above for _______________________ CKLW Evening Serenade. Hodges. He pointed out that when bold face, upper and lower case. Add qam. Phone for appointments. :15-CKLW Cesare Sodero directs, a neutron strikes a heavy atom, it 10cper line to above rates for bold face 2-3640. x HELP WANTED :30-WJR March of Time,.aia etr.-___________________ WWJ Marion Talley: Orch. is deflected upon collision with al- The above rates are for 7% point type. EYES d t t EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: The WXYZ Clarence Bannan.EYSeaiebsglssmdet :45-WJR Hot Dates in History. most the same velocity as before, ,_we_ _ of " v Insurance & Trust Service" WWJ Arno and Woodenda. the heavy atom remaining almost .lowst prscs. Oculist, U.sM. H ew e s eri WXYZ Bob Chester's Music, motionless. He compared this to a Producers Of Illicit graduate, 44 years practice. 549 as a few openings in Detroit and 0:00-WJRDuncan Moore.edarhietstrikigro e td Packard. Phone 2-1866. '13x Michigan which offer an excellent wwJ Amos and Andy. marble striking a steel ball bearing. 1 opportunity to earn while receiving WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. Thus, the neutrons are able to wend Alcohol c LOST AND FOUND a thorough practical business train- CKLW Baseball Scores:ter a hruhhheeltveymss_____ 0o:15-WPR Rhythm. their way through the relatively ma ing. Juniors and seniors aspiring to WWJ Tr Highlights: Evening sive lead atoms, giving up but little GRAND RAPIDS, May 14. - U) -LOST: Pigskin billfold with large "B" a business career should write, Da- Mlodies. WXYZ Anthony Trini's Music. of their energy in each collision. The govirnmnt passed the half- on outside. containing cash, driver's vid R. Hoover, 848 Michigan. Build- CKLW Grff Williams Music. On the other hand, Professor elicense, receipts, etc. Please call ing, Detroit. 17x t:sc.-wJR Latin Music. wypittdyi rsnigisI l'e iptt s mg-103or2-21.x WXYZ Eddy Duchin's Music. Hodges continued, when the neutron way point today in presenting its CKLW Kay Kyser's Music comes in contact with a light atom, case against nine of 14 men indicted Reward. 490 tSUMMER employment at pickle sta- 10:45-WWJ Jesse Crawford.- ---- -_______ 1:00-WJR Frankie Masters' Music. such as in water, it loses a large on charges of conspiring to violate --ons for men twenty years or older. WWJ Troupers. .mount of its kinetic energy upon t LOST: All black Cocker spaniel, one Only men who have had farm ex- WXYZ Earl Hines' Music. alisi, s i o nn dtevenue Act through year old, male without a collar. periene need apply. Interview rep- C:L Vincent opes Music, col ision, slowing down, and the light large-scale production and distrib- Phone 2-3171. 479 resentative of H. J. Heinz Company p1p5-WWJ Dance Music. atom is set in motion. In this way tion of illicit alcohol in southwestern -at Union on Thursday, 14th 1 :30-WJR Don Bestor's Music. the neutrons are stopped effectively. f twT WWJ Bob Chester's Music. He compared this process to that Michigan. I sold 33,500 gallons of oil to the de- 481 WXYZ Phil Levant's Music. - CKLW Sophie Tucker's Music, found in rolling a marble into a Government witnesses during the fendants, delivering oil to various 11:45--WJR Meditations. if oth rbles. aces in VaBuen,Kalamazoo, Al-'15c TO 6 -- 25c AFTER 6 2 :0-WJR Max Leib's Music.sso ermalafternoon session testified about l WWJRuss Lyon's Music. -wholesale deliveries of fuel oil to le an and Calhoun counties. Lowell WKLW Bert Stock's sMsic. legantadwCalhonthewe1 WKLWOClyde Trosk'osVMush.eVe pshr prosecution contends Mohny, driver for the company, +- - NOW 12:30-WJR At Close of Day. stills were operated. There was also CKLW Te Sa eseems' Music. A ,terF11 Y a stestimony that one still was aban- testified le made the deliveries at(BETTE DAVIS :15-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. doned hurriedly when neighbors night.. "DANGEROUS" _________ complained about pollution of a (Continued from Page 1) creek by waste matter. - - and ----- 00d A ours Twenty-two of the 40 government \EL=1Ir.1JACK HOLT ."punish with expulsion persons ap- witnesses have testified. The prose- "DANGEROUS e sd e Bring5 prehended of disorderliness. cution may rest late tomorrow. L A E W "Although every effort to maintain Peter F. Bosker, credit managerw WAT E R Boos Of Crow d order will be made, Swingout rest for the Sargent Fuel Oil Company, W L RNEWS- CARTOON alone on the senior class," Dixo of Kalamazoo, testified his company WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING said. "Each senior must realize that ---_-__ _ _,_ _ (Continued from Page 1) the success and continuation of - _Swingout depends on his individual Robert Lowe, who made witticisms conduct. at the expense of Alpha Nu. Incih"Swingout can be as it.has been at th expnse f Alha N. Inili the past - a dignified and color- dentally Mr. Lowe is a member of{ ful tradition, rather than all oppor- o a " Sigma Rho Tau. Also at this time tunity for misfits to indulge in rowdy- it would be well to mention that ism." Alpha Nu put up a valiant defense The petition stated that although in spite of that engineer on the see- the judiciary committtees would not be responsible for disorderliness or ond floor who kept letting steam out rowdyism after the Swingout and Sen- of a jet as the Alpha Nu speakers ior Sing, they would make every effort were on the rostrum, to prevent such action. o n Preuss Takes Russel Award; Winter Talks (Continued from Page 1) many, France, Switzerland, England and the Netherlands. In the words of President Ruth- ven, who presented the award, Pro- fessor Preuss "as a teacher is highly praised by students and colleagues. He has an extensive list of publica- tions which contains important bril- liant contributions." Immediately after the announce- ment of the recipient of the award, Dr. Ruthven introduced Dr. Heber D. j Curtis, president of the Research club, who presented Professor Wint- er. The subject of the lecture given by Professor Winter, the eleventh faculty man to receive the honor of giving the Russel address, was "Pa- pryology: Its Contributions and Problems." After tracing the early uses of the papyri as writing material, Pro- fessor Winter said that "sometimes papyri can add the, greatest contribu- tions toward the understanding of history, law and other subjections. I Much of it needs further study." Further problems of the papryolo- gist a in the deciphering and inter- pretation of certain papyri were de- I scribed by Professor Winter, and he pointed out that different dis- coveries of papyri from various ex- cavations were continually shedding light upon obscure periods of history. MAJESTIC ONE ENTIRE WEEK 1r I il, MAJESTIC THEATRE ANN ARBOR FOUR DAYS ONLY STARTS TOMORROW LEADER of MEN...and oTWOMEN I I I and ROI A YEA KTER SIN ifOpD DORADO' 1R TO PRODUCE! OF THOUSANDS! / eto-. '" . i M®MAMV. 0Mf A4* .44i-k-A MF.l4 A.M I I IN CAST I I I r z v