THE MICIGxN DiI~V WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, - i I City Entered In National Contest In Auto Safety Morrison Is Chairman Of Traffic Committee For Current Contest Heads Investigation Ann Arbor has entered the Na- tional Traffic Safety Contest for 1936, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the engineering college, who received confirmation of the city's enrollment from the National Safety Council in Chicago. The -entry form was signed by Mayor Robert A. Campbell, who des- ignated Professor Morrison chairman of the traffic committee of the City Council, to handle all local details and to act as liaison between Ann Arbor and the National Contest Com- mittee in Chicago. A description of the contest, which parallels the 1935 contest in which more than 800 cities and 33 states participated, was given by Professor Morrison. The cities taking part are divided into six population groups, Ann Arbor being in Group Five, hav- ing a population ranging from 25,- 000 to 50,000. Bronze Plaque Awarded A handsome bronze plaque is awarded the winner in each division, and certificates will be given to winners of second and third places in each division. Added impetus is given to the con- test this year, Professor Morrison pointed out, due to the launching of the National Safety Council's five year campaign to slash traffic acci- dent fatalities 35 per cent by 1941 aid to save 38,000 lives. In this connec- tion, the year's death rate and the reduction over previous records in the cities in the safety contest will count for 50 out of the total 100 points in the grading schedule. Accident reports are to be sub- mitted each month to the contest committee, and a maximum of 25 points may be won by cities making the highest improvements in the quality of traffic engineering and law enforcement. Asks Cooperation xA plea for the cooperation of every Ann Arbor citizen in helping the city win the contest was voiced by Professor Morrison. "We cannot pos- sibly make a showing through the ef- forts of a few mn alone," he said. "We will make every effort to hold; up our end and I know we can count on all local organizations, as well as citizens, to do their part.1 "The reduction of traffic accident, however, is the duty and responsi- bility of every man, woman and child in Ann Arbor. One thoughtless or careless act on the part of a driver or a pedestrian may ruin an over- wise perfect record. A vast majority of our citizens are careful and law- abiding, but a few drive in such a way that they are likely to cause an accident at any time. "These few will jeopardize our chances of winning this contest, un- less, as I hope, they change their driving habits as a matter of civic duty," Professor Morrison concluded. Dr. Smith-Peterson Talks To Surgical Staff Here Dr. M. N. Smith-Peterson, profes- sor of orthopedic surgery in the Har- vard Medical School and in charge of orthopedic surgery at the Massa- chusetts General Hospital in Cam- bridge, spoke to the University surg- ical staff and the senior class of the Medical School on "Some Aspects of Hip Surgery" at a luncheon yes- terday. He addressed the Wayne County Medical Association last night and will leave for Cambridge today. Dr. Smith-Peterson has been the guest of Dr. Carl E. Badgley of the Medical School. -Associated Press Photo. Rep. Jasper Bell of Missouri, (above), is chairman of the House committee of eight which will in- vestigate the Townsend old age pension plan. Arrangements For MIPA Will Be Made Soon The planning committee for the Michigan Interscholastic Press Asso- ciation, representing high school journalism in the State, will meet Saturday, March 7, at the Union, to make arrangements for the annual convention of the association here in the spring, it was announced yester- day by Prof. John L. Brumm, chair- man of the journalism department. Officers of the board are Miss Thel- ma McAndless, president, of Roose- velt High School, Ypsilanti; Miss Mary Esther Heatherington, vice- president, of Eastern High School, Saginaw; Addison Wilson, secretary, of Northern High School, Detroit; and Professor Brumm, treasurer. The other members are Miss Flor- ence Day, Pontiac High School, How- ard Wilcox, Davis Tech, Grand Rap- ids, Ellis R. Martin, Dearborn High School, Miss Beatrice Kergen, Central High School, Kalamazoo, Miss Doris, Glines, Highland Park High School, Louis Schultz, Northern High School, PFlinj, anld Miss Mazry Densmore, Jackson High School. Interneships To Be Given Now In Governmeiit Unsalaried Assistants Tfo Federal Officials Will Re C(hosen By Comnpetition Applications are now being re- ceived in the competition of the 30 scholarship appointments to the 1936-37 internship training program which is to be administered by the National Institute under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. The scholarships have been an- nounced by Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science department, who is head of the committee on the in- teinships at the University. The in- teinship training, according to Pro- fessor Brown, will include expo.ience as unsalaried full-time assistants to Federal government officials, ar- ranged by the Institute; round-table discussions each week with legislat- ors, administrators, press correspond- ents, lobbyists, business men and ed- ucators; if desired by the individual intern and approved by the Educa- tional Director, university graduate seminars and courses with academic credit in the field of government ad- nm]istration, administrative use of statistics and related subjects; indi- viual supervision by the Educational Director. The Board of Trustees of the Na- tional Institute of Public Affairs, the non-partisan, non-political and non- protit educational institute which of- fers the internships, is made up of the following: Louis Brownlow, director of the Public Administration Clear- ing House; John Dickinson, Assist- ant Attorney General of the United States; Eugene Meyerm, publisher of the Washington Post and formerly governor of the Federal Reserve Board; Edward R. Murrow, Director of Radio Talks, C.B.S.; Henry L. Stimson, former Secretary of War, and former Secretary of State, and Wilham E. Sweet, former Governor of Colorado. Dr. Frederick M. Davenport is chairman of the staff of the Institute, Otis T. Wingo is Executive Secretary and Dr. Henry Reining, Jr., is Edu- cational Director. All communica- Insight Into Europe's Mind To 1k Discused By E. P. Bell Will LEA(ture romorroV Association and Sigma Delta Chi, na- tional honorary professional journal- i: nlerviewing da'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at on extra charge. Cash in advance 11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in- sertion. relepo e rate- 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 101 discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. -y contract, p - line-2 lines daily, one month .................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c 2 lines daily, college year......7c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months...... ,..8c 100 lines used as desired ..' .( 300 lines used as desired.... ...8( 1000 lines used as desired.........( 2.000 lines used as desired .......c. The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch. Conic type, upper and lower case. Add ic per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for Oold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. LAUNDRY STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. .Free delivery. Phone 3006. 6x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. d x Tour Planned For Students In Sociology Announcement that the sociology field trip to Toledo, which was sched- uled for last week-end, will be con- ducted this coming week-end, Feb. 29 and March 1, was made yesterday by Everett Johnson, '38, chairman of the Student Christian Association's' committee sponsoring the trip. According to Johnson, the group will leave from Lane Hall at noon Saturday and return from Toledo early Sunday night. Prof. C. J. Bush- nell of the University of Toledo will FOR RENT --ROOMS FOR RENT: Room for girls. One- half of double room. Phone 4759. 1402 Hill. 339 FOR RENT: Single room for girl, undergraduate or graduate. 912 Forest. Phone 2-1586. 338 FOR RENT: Single room across from Architectural School. 912 Monroe. Phone 8741. 328 NOTICES TWO board jobs. Also part-time, paid work evenings for student with car. 602 Monroe. 334 EYES examined, best glasses made at lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. gi'aduate, 44 years practice. 549 Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll buy old and new suits and over- coats for $3 to $20. Also highest prices for saxophones and typewrit- ers. Don't sell before you see Sam. Phone for appointments. 2-3640. lox LOST AND FOUND LOST: Black and white laminated Parker Pencil. Name W. B. Wilson on side. Phone 2-3549. Reward. 340 LOST: Bulova wrist watch with silver spring band. Reward. Call 3968. 335 LOST: Law note-book Friday morn- ing. Please call 3042 or 3960. 333 take charge of the group while it is in Toledo. The tour will include visits to Federal housing and slum clearance projects, both negro and white com- munity houses, foreign settlements and churches, labor meetings, art museum and the University of To- ledo, and the newsboys' recreation rooms. The trip will cost $2.50, which will cover all expenses except meals in Toledo. Those intending to make the trip must deposit the fee with Dor- othy Shapland in the Psychology office, Room 1225 N. S. by Thursday. d I LI II I1 TODAY thru FRIDAY 2 - GREAT HITS -2 Entertainment Galore! Ann Mat. 2 & H~ it 3:30 7: & H E R B E R T IRSEHARLL 1 Continuous 1:30- 11 p.m. 15c to 6 - 25c after 6 f Last Day 1 KARLOFF - LUGOSI "Invisible Ray" and ... "Ring Around The Moon" Tomorrow NOAH BEERY "STORMY" and HOOT GIBSON "Frontier Justice" C I Vtope bYaOI s' ,g t.ova tau . Last Times Today "IN OLD KENTUCKY" "DR. SOCRATES" Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. RONALD COLMAN "THE TALE OF TWO CITIES" and ANN SOTHERN "YOU MAY BE NEXT" Seat Sale Open Now. America's Prize Winning Stage Comedy .r* Noted Foreign Correspondent Will Speak on Leaders Of the World" Thursday, Feb. 27, 8:15 P.M. Hill Auditoriu~m U Adolph Zuko-r parents.o HAROLD This is the same Great Cast and Production that played 335 times in Chicago! Sponsored by the ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION and SIGMA DELTA CHI. Po Al- 11 I 11 I I I I