THE MICHTT(AN DlAILY riIURSDAY MAY 14 1936 XwYY1s' 'f. aa. a.a .I.t. w 4.f w. i. y 4I L.a .L \ 1.1 £1 1 EJ A. TIIURSflAY IMAY 14, me the path to inflation. Only the most cautious planning of expenditures will prevent a wild and uncontrollable rise in prices. And the only trouble with that will: be that the people whose need is the greatest will not have the money to pay them. Even if the farmers are able to save their property, they would have no money left, and they could not find a market for their crops. That is the picture conjured by the Frazier- Lemke measure. The bill should be defeated. The Conning Tower M-AY FESIAG, BY r(l7) ;i. iy ',jNotesY 9 ..8tt7l . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubifcation in the iiultlrn is rmistriwtlvp nn'Irr fn all n rm lo4r of the Itverstty. Copy received at the office of the Asistant tothePresident wati 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Publisned every morning except Monday during th lVniversity year and Summer Session by the Board in C~ontrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatlon of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post, Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptonsduring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; Reprdentatives: Natlonal Advertsing Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. f ' THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressinxg the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The niames of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial imoortance and interest to the campus. PAGAN This year, I thought, the spring will have no heart To spread her beauty on the broken land That has been hurt and all but wrenched apart By winter's icy-veined assassin hand. At grief so deep, and wounds so raw and recent, The tender May must pause and weep awhile- But May, alas, is swift, and scarcely decent, And like a wanton smiles her careless smile. She cannot weep who never has known grief; She rushes in where angels hesitate; She is a child of joy;,her time is brief; With wine of life she is inebriate- The astonished earth forgets to grieve, beguiled By the bright eflontery of this pagan child. G.A. Anti-Nazi Activity To the Editor: EDVAORIAL DEPARTMENT BOARD OF EDITORS Telephone 4925 Notices THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 158 Sciors: Coikge of Literature, Sei- ncc and tihe Arts: Senior class dues iay be paid tomorrow in Angell Ball lobby from 9 to 3 p.m. MANAING EDIOR ...... ....T OMA i. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR............. THOMAS L. UROETIN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publcation Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger. Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Rep rtorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Edtorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: Wlhiam R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmenu: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. WuerfeL. 0USINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 OUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .......... JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESSMANAGER .... MARGARET COWIE WQMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- uing, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY Coupe And See for Yourself.. .. BRING YOUR PARENTS, your bro, thers and your sisters, and if there are a few spare aunts and uncles of '06 or there- abuts at home, bring them too. In fact bring any- body who knows a couple of good old traditional Miohigan songs or likes to hear them sung. Where? The place is the General Library steps, the time is 7 p.m. Friday, and the event is the In- terfraternity and Union Sing. The popularity of mass sings in Ann Arbor has grown tremendously in the last few years. Success this year would just about completely establish the Interfraternity and Union Sing as a worthwhile tradition on this campus. All winter the harmonious voices of this great student body have been confined to the showers. Perhaps there is no better place to practise "I Want to Go Back to Michigan" and other great airs dedicated to this University but when it comes to making one's public debut, there is no better place than the Library steps on a balmy spring evening, and there is no better occasion than the Sing, where one can be reasonably sure that there are no Ponselles or Tibbetts secreted about. Although the Sing is being sponsored by special groups, there will be plenty of mass singing for the entire student body. And you will undoubtedly enjoy the various fraternity songs. A barber-shop tenor or a fog-horn bass will be just as welcome as an operatic soprano. They are really great fun, these mass sings. If you're from Missouri, come over and see for yourself. The Frazier-Lemke Inflatioi Threat . . rT I II RE is no other' course for any sane and intelligent American, it" ,eems to us. than to oppose passage of the Frazier- Lemke bill. The bill, now pending in a House of Representa- tives that has shown great enthusiasm for the measure, would issue $3,000,000,000 of new currency to loan at almost no interest at all for the purpose of paying off farm mortgages. The bill, it is conceded even by its supporters,? means inflation, pure and simple. When that measure was before the House a year ago, the very harmful effects that its passage would have on the country were well pointed out by Prof. Leon- ard I. Watkins, monetary expert of the economic 1 department here. His statement that it would, mean financial chaos still holds good. When we condemn the Frazier-Lemke inflation, bill, it does not mean that we do not agree with many of its objectives. Certainly the lot of the, American farmer in the past decade has been a hard one. And the depression left him in a worse state than it did most people, a state so serious that it came dangerously close to precipitating* a, farmers' revolution in 1933. Farm mortgages, with which the nation was1 saddled, were being, and for that matter, are being,, foreclosed. And the price of most crops were, and1 are not adequate to guarantee their husbandman, funds with which to manage his affairs. The con- dition of the farmer is admittedly deplorable, and something should be done about it. The AAA was designed to do something about it, and that or-, ganization had one or two aspects that might have worked out, if the Supreme Court had not declared it unconstitutional. As it is now, the solution may The question of Anti-Nazi literature distribu- tion at the Spring Parley has brought forth so much comment in this column that I feel it de- silrable to clarify the issue, since it was I who passed out this material. First, I wish to repeat the statement which I made from the floor of the Par- ley at the time the issue arose. "I wish to say a few words of justification for the distribution of anti-Nazi literature here this evening, if indeed any justification is necessary. I lived and studied in Germany for several years. I know the meaning and significance of Fascism, not as an academic theory but from first hand ob- servation. Therefore I fight against it at every opportunity. "I regret having to clash with Mr. Blakeman for the second time on this issue. Though I have the highest respect for him I differ with him most sharply. We students should not have to apply for a permit every time we wish freely to speak our minds or distribute literature. This seems to me to be in direct contradiction to our consti- tutional rights of free speech and free press. To my mind the fight against fascism - the dis- tribution of anti-Nazi literature, is always in order. May these rights never be curtailed." Liberal minded critics must realize that either we struggle together against fascism now - or we will be forced together in the concentration camps later. To be indifferent in the face of fascist bar- barity and destruction of culture is bad enough, but to hinder the anti-Nazi struggle is to join forces with the enemy of mankind. It is perhaps no mere coincidence that at the U. of M. students are expelled for anti-war activ- ity, our athletes are pledged to compete in the Nazi Olympics, and we accept" ...with apprecia- tion the honor of the invitation ..." to the Heidel- berg celebration. Perhaps it is no more than ap- propriate that our representatives be present to ' celebrate the death of academic freedom, the exile of thousands of professors and teachers, and the destruction of culture, and that our students should be subject to discipline for distributing anti-Nazi literature on the campus. Faculty and students should combine their forces to remove these blots upon the University's name. We have need for a powerful committee to fight fascism generally and to preserve our academic' freedom in particular.u r-M.W. Haile Selassie's Future, To the Editor: His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie has been of- fered a contract to appear as a midway attraction at the Texas Centennial. At the Texas fair, no doubt, the dusky Emperor would be expected to stick his head through a hole in a canvas screen' and have baseballs pitched at it. More appro- priately than with the traditional cigar, however, a direct hit might be awarded with a little chromium Hypothetical case for law students: A member of the Society of the Veterans of Future Wars get his bonus today. Ten years from today war is de- clared; the veteran, suffering a change of mind and heart, becomes a Conscientious Objector. Can the government successfully sue him for the amount of the bonus, plus compound interest at 6 per cent? FAMED WIT FINDS OLD MAN RIVER Take it from your old pal and buddy, The Mississippi River is awful muddy, The Scotch here is one-third cheeper Than that served by a New York barkeeper. F. SULLIVAN. It seems that Mr. John Charles Thomas has been ending his broadcasts with "Good night, mother," And now the story was printed that he couldn't do it any more, because it violates the rule banning personal communications over the air. It sounds like one of three things to our cynical ear: Propa- ganda for Mother's Day; ballyhoo for the broad- casting station; or presswork for Mr. Thomas, whose last series ended on April 8. Mr. Anthony Eden believes that the League of Nations must go on, but he says that there must be a careful and thorough stock-taking by all its members. What signs should be posted on the League has not been decided. Our first guess is "Closed During Alterations." For "Business as Usual" is a little ironic. MAY DAY IN ALGOMA TOWNSHIP If May Day ever brought radical demonstrations. to Algoma township, the reverberations didn't reach the Quailtrap neighborhood. To us, May Day meant a time to hang May baskets. Edi and Babe made the baskets, usually from scraps of wallpaper, because it was stiff and would hold the shapes they fashioned. Besides, the flower designs were appropriate for May baskets. Spring came late along the Omro road and we sel- dom could find violets for our May baskets. But the spring beauties, the May flowers and the cowslips were out, and we filled the baskets with1 these., Hanging the baskets was the real fun. It was almost as good as Hallowe'en -creeping into a neighbor's yard, hooking the basket handle over the7 door knob, rapping loudly, then scurrying for a tree or dark corner behind the porch and waiting toS see who would come to the door and what wouldt be said. Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Eilers, Emma Stocum, Annai Smith all could be depended on to express the expected surprise and pleasure. Sometimes we were called from our hiding places and invitedk to have cookies or a piece of cake.t It probably was Edi, since she was oldest ands most daring, who suggested one May night that we hang a basket at the Scribners'. Bert Scribner1 and his wife lived in a little place adjoining the Wagon Farm. He was a quiet man who minded his own business. Because he worked his placet without borrowing tools or trading help he wast considered unneighborly and we were a little afraidr of him.1 The previous fall he had surprised Babe and me one Saturday morning picking up hickory nuts under one of his trees. The nuts had fallen on1 our side of the fence and we felt they were right- fully ours. He maintained they were his, since the tree was on his land. We were taught not to argue with our elders, so we dumped the nuts we had gathered and while he looked on, over the barbed-t wire fence, we spitefully kicked the nuts around,t determined he should not profit from our labors. To hang a May basket on the Scribner' door took courage. But Edi led the way and we fol- lowed. The house had two doors at the front -r one opening into the sitting room, one into the parlor. Within a few feet of the house we went intoe conference, debating in loud whisper whether to hang the basket on the sitting room or the parlor door. Then suddenly Bert Scribner burst on us,t from around the corner of his house. He grabbedt Edi by the arm and demanded to know who we were and what we were doing there. All of us ran ex- cept Edi. He was holding her, but I don't believep she would have run anyway.r "We're hanging May baskets," she told him. "And here's yours." He wilted, took it, murmured a weak "thank you," and went around the corner in FOURTH CONCERT I Friday, May 14, at 830 p.m. Lily Pons, Soprano" Philadel- phia Orchestra, Charles O'Con- nell and Saul Caston, Conductors. OVERTURE TO "MARRIAGE OF FIGARO" (Mozart)-This charming tidbit of an overture is a perennial favorite with all types of concert- goers. Merry, scintillating, rollick- ing but never frivolous, it is the very quintessence of Mozart - Mozart; from whom music flowed as pure and free and refreshing as water from the coolest of mountain spings. Played by the orchestra, it seems just as spontaneous today as when it was first performed, 150 years ago last May 1. Yet it is as perfect from a technical standpoint as from an ar- tistic; written in the strict classical form, it is as excellently constructed as any Beethoven movement, evolved only with much difficulty and delib- eration. Truly, Mozart's genius was the most natural the musical world has ever known. PAMINA'A AIR FROM "THE MAGIC FLUTE" (Mozart) - This aria, from another great Mozart opera, is sung by Pamina, who, not knowing her lover, Tamino, is for- bidden speech with any woman, be- wails his apparent neglect of her. ALLELUIA FROM "EXSULTATE JUBILATE" (Mozart) - This joyful song, constructed upon a text of one' word, "Alleluia," constitutes the final movement of the motet, written by' Mozart in 1773. SYMPHONY No. 1 IN C MAJOR, OP. 21 (Beethoven) - Unlike Mozart. who wrote his first symphony at the age of eight, Beethoven was thirtyJ years old when this, his first sym- phonic work, was completed. Over- shadowed as it is by the towering1 structures of the later and more ma- ture symphonies, its importance as a symphonic work in its own right is1 often underestimated. Evidences of the influence of Beethoven's sym- phonic predecessors though there are, as in the Haydnesque introduction to the first movement, or in the Mozar-_ tian finale, Beethoven was approach-t ing his musical maturity, and oc- casionally the Beethoven of the "Er- oica" appears above the surface of the classical stream. The first move-< ment, Adagio-Allegro Con Brio, after an harmonically unprecedented opening settles down to run its course in true classical style. The1 theme of the second movement, marked Andante, is treated in a way which reflects Beethoven's thorough contrapuntal training. The third movement, although marked Menu-I etto, is in point of fact a true Beeth- oven Scherzo. The finale, with its1 faltering ascending scale in the in- troduction, is marked Allegro MoltoI and concludes the symphony in a1 robust, vigorous fashion. INTRODUCTION TO ACT III OF "LOHENGRIN" (Wagner) - This bustling, jubilant piece of music sets the mood for the marriage of Elsa and Lohengrin which immediately succeeds it.I CANOPE (Debussy) - Taken from Debussy's Second Book of Preludes and transcribed for orchestra by Charles O'Connell, Associate Con- ductor of the Philadelphia Orches- tra, Canope is an attempt to paint ine music the vision of a distant yet brilliant star known as "Canopus."'" The full modern orchestra is used inf a manner which agrees with ande enhances the iridescence of De- bussy's music. MINSTRELS (Debussy) - Min- strels, whose title is self-explanatory,c is another transcription by Mr. O'-t Connell of a Debussy prelude. It,t too, is rich in harmonic and orches- tral color, constituting a charmingt companion piece to Canope.t BELL SONG FROM "LAKME"' (Delibes) - This aria, sung by Lak-~ me at the opening of the second actt of the opera, tells of a lovely maid- en, roaming in the woods, who flies to the aid of a youth set upon by wild beasts. The silver bells upon her wand sound a protective charm, which, since that day, are some- times revoked by the stirring of a gentle breeze. CHORALE AND FUGUE IN Di MINOR (Zemachson) -Arnold Ze-1 machson was born in the province ofC Vilna in 1892, came to America in 1910, and continued his musical stu- dies in New York City, where he now lives and composes. This Chorale and Fugue, written in 1926 and dedi- Seniors, College of Engineering: Any engineering senior who has not paid his class dues by Saturday, May 16, will automatically be left out of the group picture which is to be placed in the hall of the West Engi- neering Bldg. Part of the dues col- lected will be used to finance this picture. The dues are payable to Laurence Halleck, Thomas Jefferis, George Frid, Charles Donker, Perci- val Wilson, Robert Merrill, Robert Warner, or Howard Jackson. Physical Educadon for Women: Tests in Archery, Golf and Tennis will be given on Friday, May 15, 2 to 4 p.m.'on Palmer Field. Tests in swimming will be given today from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Union pool. All students wishing to take these tests should sign with the matron at the desk of the Women's Athletic Building. Academic Notices Meading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1935-36, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 103, Romance Language Build- ing, from 9 to 12, on Saturday morn- ing. It will be necessary to reg- ister at the office of the De- partment of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in ad- vance. Lists of books recommended by the various departments are ob- tainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest. possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and further inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at 10:00 and by appointment). This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Eco- nomics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education,. Speech. Candidates for the Master's De- gree in History: The language ex- amination for candidates for the Master's Degree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 22, in Room B Haven Hall. Students who wish to take this examination should register before May 15 in the History Department Office, 119 Haven Hall, MAY FESTIVAL-FIRST CONCERT By MARY JANE CLARK Ever with the sense of the dra- matic, Leopold Stokowski built a pro- gram with each of the far ends of the earth. It was given last night in Hill Auditorium in the first of the series of programs which constitute the far- flung May Festival, and the opposite ends of the earth which he used were Johann Sebastian Bach and Richard Wagner. The one represents the highest and most noble in the entire realm of absolute music while the other, though it would displease him to hear it, has left the world a heri- tage of unsurpassed program music. Mr. Stokowski 's intelligent orches- tration of Bach raises the art of transcribing to an almostunattain- able height, There is never the sin committed of excess coloring nor are the transcriptions ever over-harmon- ized. Using all the faculties of the modern Symphony orchestra, Mr. Sto- kowski at the same time respectfully obeys the unspoken-yet-evident de- sires of the master for simplicity. This command recognized makes for an interpretation of Bach that even the composer himself in his most imaginative days, could not have hoped nor have dreamed _ for. Tile simplicity of the arrangements gives the stage to the contrapuntal effects, and never; interferes with the grace- ful entrances and the final triumph- ant union of all the voices in a fugue, or the wonderful, "fundamental" feel- ing of a firm beginning or a re-estab- lishment of faith in life. And what a wealth of beauty and variety there was in that group of compositions by Bach! Each one com- peted with the next for first place in favor, but Bach is always Bach and to love the Passacaglia is to love the composer and his other works as well. Each work built a mood of its own but they were all related to the one dom- inating feeling: soul-fulfillment which comes with leading a useful, purpose- ful life. The Toccata and Fugue in D nmr . mC '2 fa +'nn ,rm-,fl indicating in which language they wish to be examined. Chemistry 6: Lecture Sec. II (Pro- fessor Bates). A make-up examin- ation for the bluebook given on May 4 will be held in Room 464, Chem- istry Building on Thursday, May 14, 4 p.m. Geology 12: Contrary to previous announcements, there will be- a field trip this Saturday, the 16th. Please bring 65 cents in exact change. Honors In English: Students who intend to apply for admission to the English Honors Course (see p. 107 of the announcement) should leave their names with Mrs. Tenney in 321 An- gell Hall before noon on Saturday, May 16. Lecture Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. John G. Winter, professor of the Latin Lan- guages and Literature, Henry Russel Lecturer for 1935-36, will speak on the subject "Papyrology: Its Con- tributions and Problems" today, 415 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. An- nouncement of the Henry Russel Award for 1935-36 will be madeat this time. Students, members of the faculty, and the general public are invited. Concert May Festival Programs. The pro- grams for the May Festival concerts, subject to any necessary changes, are announced as follows: Thursday evening, 8:30. Philadel- phia Orchestra. University Choral Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor. So- loists: Jeannette Vreeland, soprano; Paul Althouse, tenor; Keith Falkner, baritone, Julius Huehn, bass; Palmer Christian, organist. "Caractacus," a dramatic cantataby Elgar. Friday afternoon, 2:30 Phildelphia Orchestra, Young " People's Festival Chorus. Harold Bauer, pianist. Saul Caston and Earl V. Moore, conductors. Overture to "Russian and Ludmilla" - Glinka "Children at Bethlehem"..... Pierne Concerto No. 5 in E fiat for Piano and Orchestra ...Beethoven Harold Bauer Friday evening, 8:30. The Phila- delphia Orchestra. Lily Pons, so- prano.. Charles O'Connell andSaul Caston, conductors. Oveture to "Marriage of Figaro" - Mozart Arias from "Magic Flute" ...Mozart "Pamina's Air" "Queen of the Night" Lily Pons ymphony No. 1 in C. Major, Op. 21 --Beethoven Canope..................Debussy Minstrels .................. Debussy Aria, "Bell Song" from "La-kme" - Delibes Miss Pons Chorale and Fugue ......Zemachsen Saturday afternoon, 2:30. Phila- delphia Orchestra. Efrem Zimbalist, violinist. Leopold Stokowski, con- ductor. Symphony No. 1 in C minor . .Brahms Concerto in D minor for Violin and Orchestra ............ Sibelius The Bird of Fire.......Stravinsky Introduction The Fire Bird and Her Dance Dance of the Princesses Kastchei's Infernal Dance Berceuse Finale Saturday evening, 8:30. Philadel- phia Orchestra; University Choral Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor. Soloists: Jeanette Vreeland, Rose Bampton, Giovanni Martinelli, Keith Falkner and Palmer Christian. The "Manzoni Requiem" for soli, chorus, orchestra and organ, by Verdi. Tickets on sale at the School of Music office, Maynard Street. Begin- ning Wednesday morning May 13, the Box office will be moved to Hill Auditorium. Exhibition Islamic Art: Sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art. Open daily, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Alumni Memorial Hall, North and South Galleries. Admission free. Exhibit of Sung Pottery: Atten- tion of students in Fine Arts 192and 204 and of others interested is called to the exhibit now showing -in the cases at the entrance to the. Library of the School of Architecture. Events Of Today Sphinx, junior men's honor so- ciety, will meet at 10 p.m. today in the Union. Applied MWethamks Cvlloquiun: Prof. R. A. Dodge will talk on his recent visit to European Hydraulic Laboratories. There will be a short review of literature. Meeting in Room 314 West Engineering Annex today, at 4:30 p.m. All interested are cordially invited to attend. A plated fasces. -Frank Persky, '38. Conduct In Public Places To the Editor: In your editorial May 13, you show you are openi to consideration of points you do not under- stand and suggest long and ardous introspections. I believe there is sufficient evidence, to be named, in a jiffy. Most of us have always known if a person gets into a railroad train or a bus and acts in a disor- derly manner, perhaps because of intoxication, the conductor puts that person off the train. The fine point of this argument is, if one enters a train, he goes into business with the railroad, and conductors are compelled, by the company, to evict disorderly ones. If a couple go into a tea room, connected with an art store or any business, and act in a disorderly way, they are asked to leave and their business is not wanted. When entering the tea room, the couple went into business with the pro- prietor. If one goes into a store and acts in a disorderly way, he is ejected by the proprietor or if it is a large city store, by the store police. Owners of apartment buildings act for the best interest of their reliable tenants. The owners learn quickly who are undesirable tenants and, 'like the railroads, their rules are to eject. The same rules apply to office buildings. It is only hotels that have not been able to maintain the high standard of business. A large percentage of hotels are in receivership and the automobile business, all over the country, is rightfully falling to the tourist home. Does Mrs. Florence Haxton Britten earn an hon- est living? I should say she is not in sympathy with business principles. I am an Alpha Chi Omega, too, and I would say it would be good for the city if she were to leave town and never re- turn. The college youth, both men and women, or. lPH to hclimP thpr is q nlnrpa in the mcre r the way he had come. We never were afraid of Bert Scribner after cated to Leopold Stokowski, is con- that night. structed in strict polyphonic style' ORSON WAGON. upon an original subject. Of the yesterday reviews of "Champagne Char- lie" none that we read said anything about the Ten Years Ago song. "Champagne Charlie" is so old a song that even this antiquarian never had heard of it until From The Daily Files he read about it in a poem of Sir owen Seaman's.' Of May 14, 1926 The chorus is: -_ For Champagne Charlie is my name, Champagne President Clarence Cook Little left Charlie is my name- last night. for a short trip to Chicago Good for any game at night, my boys, good for and Milwaukee where he will address' anv oame at niht. my hnos a-.i, P m, n 1a - hP A.I.Ch.E.: Important meeting today at 7:30 p.m. business in Rooin