PAGE TWO THE 1 I-TTEAN DAILY . . . . . ............ . --------------- . ..... . . . ................. . ..... . ...................... ......... . . ........... LATE WIRE NEWS Electric Eye Shown To Work By Simple Chemical Reactionsj I S I Kuox''Speaks In Seattle SEATTLE, May 13.-(IP)-Col. Frank Knox, Republican presi- dential candidate, told Rep. Marion Zioncheck's home-town folks tonight the Congressman's "gyratio'ns have been not more fantastic than those of of Hop- kins and Tugwell and other leading' lights of the New Deal hierarchy." In a speech prepared for de- livery at a Republican rally the Chicago publisher said: "I believe one of the outstand- ing contributions made to the "brain trust in Washington is your own Representative Zion- check." Colonel Knox set forth three suggestions for a national policy, but said he was not attempting to write the Republican plat- form. The suggestions were: Budget to be balanced immediately. A stabilized currency based upon gold. A voluntary system of busi- ness and agriculture. &adoglio Moves To End Banditry ADDIS ABABA, May 13 - (:P) -(By Military plane to Asmara) Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Viceroy of Ethiopia, tonight ordered col- umns of Italian soldiers to pene- trate every 4,ection of Ethiopia next week to put down the last signs of opposition and banditry. His instructions followed a huge military review yesterday in the capital attended by min- isters and staffs of the French and German legations. In a place of honor at the re- view were 170 black shirt college men brought here by railroad ,from, Diredawa to represent the southern Italian forces. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6.:00-WJR Stevenson sports. ,WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Omar the Mystic. 6:15-WJR Jimmy Allen. WWJ Human Side of the News. WXYZ Dance Music. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30--WJR Kate Simth. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. 6:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Red Horse Ranch. WXYZ Music is my Hobby. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00O-WJR . Alexander Gray: Mark Warnow's Music. WWJ Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour. WXYZ Pittsburgh Symphony Or- chestra. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 7:30-WJR Herbert Hoover. WXYZ Don Orlando. OKLW Little Symphony. :500-4WJR Walte O'Keefe; Glen Gray's Music. WWJ The Showboat. WXYZ Death Valley Days. CKLW Pop Concert. A8-:30-WJR Richman-Thompson.' WXYZ Ferde Grofe's Music. CKLW Vincent Lopez's Music. 8:45-WJR Musical. WXYZ Bob Chester's Music. 9:00-WJR Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. WWJ Bing Crosby: Jimmy Dosey's Music. WXYZ Big Broadcast. CKLW Recital Hall. 9:30-WJR March of Time. WXYZ Adventures of the Hornet. CKLW Hugo Mariant's Cosmo- politans. 9:45--WJR Rubinoff-Peerce. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy. CKLW Scores: News. 10:15-WJR Rhythm. WWJ Tiger Highlights: Evening Melodies. CKLW Kay Kyser's Music. 10:30--WJR Songs You Remember. WXYZ Anthony Trin's Music. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10 A ---WWJ Jesse Crowford. 11 .0-WJR Bob Crosby' Music. WXYZ aker Twins. WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. CKLW Orville Knapp's Music. 11:3-WJR Ozzie Nelson's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ George Olsen's Music. CKLW Ted Weems' Music. 11:45-WJR Solay and his Violin. 12:00--WJR Max Leib's Music. WXYZ Lowry Clark's Music. CKLW Bob Nolan's Music. . 12:30-WJR At Close, of Day. 1CK2 W opieTucker's Music. 1.00-CKLW 'Ted Weems' Music. EXCUSED FROM SALUTE BATTLE CREEK, May 13.-P)-- - Dan Keeler, 24-year-old truck driv- er, was excised from making his daily salute to the flag here Wednes- day when he informed police he has obtained work near Charlotte. Electrons Are Set Free By Light Regulate Switch; RiIns Mechanical Object By E.BRYCE 'ALPERN "The electric eye," the mechanism which opens and closes doors auto- matically, which is the basis of sort- ing machines and burglar devices, and which has made possible tele- vision, the telephoto, and the mod- ern talking pictures, was explained yesterday by Prof. Daniel L. Rich of the physics department. Known among scientists as the photo-electric cell, this meThanism works on relatively simple principles, Professor Rich said. The modern conception of cur- rent electricity, Professor Rich first explained, is that it is a flow of elec- trons along a wire, similar to the flow of water in a pipe. The elec- trons are minute particles with a negative charge, and constitute an essential pat of the atom, which is the building stone of all matter. Made Of Glass Tube The cell itself, Professor Rich con- tinued, is made up of a glass tube, similar in shape to the ordinary elec- tric light bulb. A coating of the hydride of sodium or potassium, which is very sensitive to light in that when light shines upon it elec- trons are released from [,he atoms of which it is composed, is placed upon the inside of the tube. Inside the bulb and connected to its external base is a wire loop near the center which has the function of collecting electrons. The bulb itself is filled with argon gas which because of the structure of its at- oms, prevents chemical action with- in the bulb and therefore avoids ex-, cessive deterioration of the consti- tuents of the "electric eye." Connections involving the photo- electric cell are somewhat compli- cated, Professor Rich showed., Or- dinarily the "electric eye," a battery, and a relay are connected in a series. A light beam is directed at the "eye." As long as it is shining, upon the bulb, electrons are given, off by the hydride coating, an elec- tric current flows, and the relay is closed. However, when the light is shut off, such as by inserting one's hand between the sorce of light and the "electric eye," the hydride coat- ing no longer gives off electrons, no current flows and the relay is opened. Relay Regulates Current The relay is an electrical device which when properly set up can turn on or off an electric current as theE ordinary pushbutton on the wall shuts on or off the light circuit, Pro- fessor Rich explained. Thus by in- terrupting the light beam, and thus shutting the relay on or off, one can operate motors, toasters, bells, or' other electrical devices. When the "electric eye" is used to open and close doors, Professor Rich continued, a light beam is directed at the "eye" and placed in such a position that when a person ap- proaches the door he interrupts the light beam. This shuts off the re- lay, and causes a motor to be set in motion to open the doors. The photo-electric cell ban be used as a mechanical device wherever the School of Social Dancing Taught daily, 10 to 10. Terrace Garden Studio Wuerth Theater Bldg. Phone 9695 intensity of the light shining upon it is or can be altered, Professor Rich declared. Thus sorting devices may be so constructed that faulty bear- ings can be detected by the "electric eye" because of the difference in the amount of light which is reflected to the "eye" by the faulty and the per- fect bearing. WejI's Hits New Ford Plainii Fo 4ieXn 1 - C A 1 IIi , Classified Dl rect ory ONE THIRD OFF wi all fur work. CLASSIFI E. L. Greenhbun. 448 Spring Street. ADVMERTISIN MAC'S TAXT -4289. Try our effli- Plae+ advert I'uements with Classified cient service. All new cabs. 3x SAdvert isin!, Department. Phone 2-121.. lohe eras:,tie tolanyolums ('lose at five 'cloSk previous to day of insertion. ELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES: We'll Box numbers may be secured at no buy old and new suits and over- (X' sli i advance 1Ie per reading line coats for $3 to $20. Also highest (on basis of five average words to line) prices for saxophones and type- I-r onec!or t1o,-U rt oIe per' readt- k):, line for thre or more insertions. wril ci's. Don't sell before you see Ml~ina three ines per insertion. $a"n. Phone for appointments. telephone rate - 15c per reading line 2-60lo for two or more insertions. Minimum 2364. x lltiree lines per insertion. 10" dis ounatif paid withbin ten clays EYES examined, best glasses made at 1from141h di,'of last insert ion. By Contract, per line 2 lines daily, lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M. ue oth..........c graduate, 44 years practice. 549 4 lines: POeD., '2mon Vhs...... Shines riay, college year...........7. l( Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x 4 lieA 'U).. 2 Not.hs................ 100 lin-s u-'d as desired ..........9e IA)S'1 AND FOUIND 300 lines nsed as desired............. 1.000)line; ued as cdesiredi.......'c 2.000line sedasdesired......., OST: Pigskin billfold with large "B' (he above rates are per reading line oil outside. containing cash, driver's on eightreading lines per Inch 1oictpe, Upper and low~er' cw v. Addl lice'nse, lreceipts, etc. Please c~all s e, tsr line to above rates for all capital Lyman 13i tman. 2-1003 or 2-1214. Add.c per line to above for Reward. 490 1-ld0face, ipper and lower' case. Add ead40 I(c per ie to above rates for bold face caitalletes Iry LOST: All blark Cocker spaniel, one '('Vie above rate s are for '1,z point typ~e o ld male without a collar. N012{'ESPhou 2-3 71.479 NOT1ICES------- -- HELP WANTED WARNING: Only a reliable furrier cart ('cito your furs and fur coat EA1N WHILE YOU LEARN: The, without harming the skins. 32 'l boyd'r Insu nma e & Trust Service'' years of expert fur service recon- ha'; a few openings in Detroit and iends ZWERDIJNG'S FUR SIOP Michmign wlic oflier an excellent for safe f lr cleaning and storage, Op'lOrt''i1111 to ertl'n while receiving Phone 8507. 16x f llol'Ivh pi'a('t i('al business train- ------ - .I Jr Ill 11 1d sel'niotrs aspiring to NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair a bu:;iness ciIre cr should write, Da- and refinish furniture. Phone 8105. rid TZ. Iboovr, 848 Michigan Build- A. A. Stuhlman. 15x ing. Detroit. 17x SUMMER emaploymient at pickle sta- tions for men twenty years or older. Only men who have had farm ex- pericnce need apply. Interview rep- resentative of H. J. Heinz Company at Union on Thursday, 14th. 481 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. lx FOR SALE ANTIQUES: Dolls, glass, silver, china, furniture, jewelry, 'rugs, prints. At the home of -rs. Walker, 1033 Packard, Mrs. Henry B. Graves, 1430 Granger, Mrs. Mary Adams, 2020 Devonshire Rd. COLLECTION of choice antique fur- niture, glassware, jewelry. Loca- tion one block south of East Hill Street off Berkshire Road. 2122 Dorset Road. 484 EMPLOYMENT MALE HELP: Student pressers for evening work. Inquire at Greene Cleaners. 516 E. Liberty. WANTED WANTED: Double garage with elec- tric light on a quiet street in or near Ann Arbor. Call 4121 Extension 361 or write Daily Box 125. 478 MAJESTIC Now Showing TWO FINE FEATURES "Kind Lady" and "FMAN sound expeiment il indust rial de- centralization, according to Mr. Weirs. Disregarding the prodtlctt ion eost situation, however, the "home in - dustries" might, easily p'ove profi- table from thec standpoint~ of ;adxer-I tising or the creation of good will amongst the Ford workers, in the opinion of Mr. Weirs. The workers who have been hired in these plants have all displayed "enthusiasm" toward the plan. Mr. Weirs stated. The small size of the plant, the agreeable working (n1- ditions, the reduced cost of living, the nearness of the plant to tIhe workers' homes --all cont ribute to the "ideal" character of the pllaL from the worker's point of view. This can hardly be regarded as decentralization, however, he con- tinued, since none of the workers have been hired from the cities, and the only effect has been a negative effect in the possible prevention of small town workers moving to the larger urban areas. An important phase of the decen- tralization idea, and recognizedly the intention and hope of Mr. Ford, is the welding together of the ageri.- cultural and industrial functions. So far this idea has not "panned out' in the "home industries" plan, ac- cording to Mr. Weirs. Some of the workers own small farms, more work garden plots provided by the Ford Company, but practically nothing has been done in the way of bring- ing the products of the workers ag- ricultural efforts into the plant as materials for the workers industrial efforts. However, in Mr. Weir's opinion, it is expected that a revolutionary chemical development might arise which will make possible the hard- ening of agricultural crops for use as a substitute for heavy metals in s i I i I I DANCE SCH ED ULE I.M.A. AUDITORIUM - FLINT, MICH. Second Avenue and Saginaw Street May 16 JACK NYLTON and'his International Review May 23 1a Roay Hutton"s Melodears May 29 and 30 TED LEWIS Orchestra - Prices Within Reach of All - LADIES 25c GENTLEMEN Hours of Dancing: 9 to 1 HEAR THEM -SEE 55c THEM 1 automobile construction, and in that event the Ford "home industries" would be in a strategic position to take advantage of the new method. At the present tAme mosi, of what has developed along this line has arisen in the use of the soy bean. Even with this lmroduct, the Ford "home industries," such as the plants at Sal e atid Tecumseh, purchase the crop.s of neighboring farmers rat her than growing the crops them- sclvcs, Mr. Weirs pointed out. Asked how far decentralization milight go, Mr. Weirs stated that while the assemblying of automobiles is n1eressarily a large-scale process, it is likely that a widespread decen- tralization of the production of parts and capital goods will take place. Especially is this likely if the de,- veopment of chemically-hardened farmn products for industrial use oc- curs. The economic benefits of piec- ing in the industrial and the agri- cultural labor supplies, in this event, to prevent seasonality of production, are fairly obvious, he believes. Much of the production of parts and capital goods is already "decen- tr aized," in the sense of production in isolated units within large factory arcas, necessitating transportation to the assemblying plant, Mr. Weirs stated, and remarked "I see no rea- son why such units cannot be more econonically located outside the 'ity The extra miil's of traislportation adl 1; tie to the cost, and the ec- On(O)icS aviLbk from the location in rural areas. in addition to the social benefits, would greatly out- weigh this transportational expense, he concluded. P~ Sp ng is house cleaning time--why not "debt cleaning time", 'too? We'll ledd , you the cash it takes and, arrange the _.#& payments to suit you; Hundreds of single and married people are getting cash this way-on their own signatures. So addup your money needs and see us NOW. I 'A 15c TO6---25cAFTERG6 WH ITNEY _O_-N- BETTE DAVIS1 "DANGEROUS" - - - -and - - - JACK HOLT "DANGEROUS WATERS" ~II*1NEWS - CARTOON Loans Up to $300 --- 30 Months to Repay! Second Floor Room 208 WOLVERINE BLDG. (formerly Ypsi-Ann Bldg.) Ph. 4000-4001 202 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor PERSONAL FINANCE CO. __ _ _. _ MICHIGAN NOW SHOWING! I 1 i - mm -!u - - ,5 } ,. Gala Opening "Libel" MO DYthrough a 4 . FRIDAY Doris Dalton With KENNETH MacKENNA, Er- nest LAWFORD, Doris DALTON and George SOMNES. This season's New York smash hit! First time outside of New York- with Ernest Lawford of the origi- aal cast- the' brilliant opening of the 1936 Dramatic Season! BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN: Nights; 75 cents, $1 and $1.50; Wed. and Fri. Mats., 50 and 75 cents. Phone 6300. and Circulation In Friday's DailIy CLASSIFIED ADS will rent your rooms for Summer, since 4,000 co nicsof TheDailywill emailed to pr spectivc Summer School Students ..* 'CALL 2-1 21-4 IM EITL I - - --------- Superior MILK-ICE CREAM 11 .. _ ...: iar 4 iss.4 ' " - Ui I E l I I I...tic I I I I I I 1 1 I I