S The Weather Rain or snow in south, pos- ,"bly snow in north today or by tonight; Tomorrow cloudy and colder with local snows. L Slitrian I~ait Editorial Cheating In The U~niversity,. Those Funny People.. VOL. XLVI No. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICIIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Beebe To' Descendant Of Noted MutineerCDem Leaders Japan Officials Murdered Be Head Of Sororities New Panhellenic Officers Are Elected; Will Takei Office At Next Meeting Officers Are Named By Special Board Official Installation To e At League Banquet Held Early In April Betty Anne Beebe, '37, was elected president of the Panhellenic Associa- tion yesterday at a general meeting of that organization in the League. Mary Maclvor, '37, was named sec- rcuary; Jean Hatfield, '37, 'treasurer; and Virginia Spray, '37, rushing sec- retary. Miss Beebe, a member of Collegiate Soosis sorority, willbsucceed Jane Arnold, '36. She has been especially active in Panhellenic functions, hav-I ing served as the chairman of the ticket committee for both the Pan- hellenic Ball and Banquet. In addition, she is the chairman of the dance committee for this year's Junior Girls Play, a member of Wyvern, junior women's honor so- ciety, and a member of several League committees. Miss Beebe also worked, on the Frosh Project, the Penny Car- nival, and the Sophomore Cabaret. Served On Board Miss MacIvor, of Detroit, is affiliat- ed with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority,' and will fill the position occupied by Jane Servis, '36. Miss MacIvor has been a member of the Panhellenic Board for two years, and served as the chairman of the decorations com- mittee for this year's banquet. In addition, she is working on a Junior Girls Play committee, the orientation committee, and is rush- ing chairman for her sorority. She has also served as a member of the Sophomore Cabaret. Miss Hatfield, of Chicago, Ill., has. been a member of the central Pan-. hellenic committee this year, and is working on the Junior Girls Play. She has also served on the social and orientation committees of the League, and is a member of Delta Gamma so- rority. JJ 171. M. . Great-great-GrandsoOf Fletcher Christian Here' Praises Sailor-Ancestor By GORDON WEBBER The gre t-great grandson of Flet- cher Christian, mutineer leader of the H.M.S. Bounty, sat up in his bed at' the University Hospital where he re-' cently underwent a minor operation' and recounted the colorful history of his ancestors who landed on Pitcairn Island in the South Seas a hundred and fifty years ago. In a rich accent that belied the Scottish ancestry on his father's side, Archie McLiver, 51 years old, ex-, plained that there were two groups of descendents of the mutineers: those who migrated to Norfolk Island in 1856 when Pitcairn became too crowded, and the small handful that remained on the original island His mother, Miss Christian, was one of the migrators and married his father, John McLiver, a captain of a whaling ship, when she reached the island of Norfolk.' McLiver, brown and grizzled from years of sailing on whaling ships, and with only a trace of Tahitian charac- teristics, says le is proud to have the blood of Fletcher Christian in his veins. "A fine, courageous man he was," he said, declaring that Chris- tian led the most justifiable mutiny in the British navy and started dis- ciplinary reform that revolutionized English seamanship. Asked what his opinion was of the motion picture "Mutiny on the Bounty" McLiver declared it followed New Asteroid Discussed By A. D. Maxwell 'Baby Planet' Discovered By Belgians Has Most Eccentric Orbit i -0 - The "baby planet" discovered by the Uccle Observatory -in --Belgium Feb. 12 has the most eccentric orbit of any of the 1,300 asteroids or min- or planets known to man, Dr. Allen D. Maxwell of the astronomy depart- ment explained yesterday. Not more than a half-mile in di- ameter and weighing less than 500 utnty in Hoslit closely the true history of his fore- bears with a few minor exceptions. The native women appearing in the 1 picture, h1e said, were in no ways lovelier than the original Tahitians. His maternal ancestors, he explained, were of the upper caste natives, and noted particularly for their beauty and intelligence. "Not until the sail- ors and white men came to islands of Pitcairn andNorfolk did disease{ and vice spread," he said. McLiver has carried the original inkwell of the H.M.S. Bounty, given to him by his mother, during his thirty years of sea-roving. "I wouldn't take a million dollars for it," he de- clared saying he had had many large offers for the historical article. Gargoyle Features A nd Flays Campus Mugs Next Issue A portrait of each and every in- dividual on the campus, save mem- bers of Phi Beta Kappa who, after all, are in a class by themselves will be on the cover of the February edition of Gargoyle, Norman Wil- liamson. '36, business manager, an-I nounced yesterday. Michigan co-eds will be picked apart bit by bit, their weaknesses and foibles shown with Shakespear- An invitation to tryout for the editorial staff of the Gargoyle was extended to all scholastically eligible second-semester freshmen and soph- omores yesterday. Eligibility requirements are that the student has received at least one grade of "B" or better, and no grade lower than "C." Tryouts will report at 4 p.m. today in the editorial offices of the Gargoyle on the first floor of the Student Publications Building. Are Attacke d1 IT -%N*rebe By Muyskens In IlltI 'Aged' Members Of Party Toll To 'Take Back Seat' artial In State Control estCampa gn'I Hayden Interprets Seizure New ( roup's Aim As Move Against Liberal And Proletarian Groups ary Coup D'Etat;o Law Proclaim ed (4'. Heads Panhellenic Attacks Abbott For His 'Political 1,ottenn ess'; Urges Reform By CLINTON B. CONGER Lashing out at the constituted au- thorities of the state Democratic party, Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech department flatly predicted last night that the future of the party depends on the retirement of old leaders and the return of the party, to the people. The younger element of the party is out to force the older men into "back setas" and "run an honest campaign in which the nominations will come, not from a back room but from the floor of the convention hall," the former Democratic candidate for mayor of Ann Arbor declared. Professor Muysken's statement of last night was an expansion of views" at a second district organization meeting held in Jackson Monday night when he became embroiled in a controversy with Horatio Abbott of Ann Arbor, Democratic national committeeman. Branded As Traitor At that time, Mr. Abbott was branded by Professor Muyskens as "a traitor to our ranks." In his Jackson speech before 500 party members, he stated: "I do not like the tactics of our national committee- man (Mr. Abbott) in placing bene- fits and patronage above principle." According to observers at Jackson, Mr. Abbott, who was chairman of the meeting, rose angrily and shouted: "I will place my record in the Dem- ocratic party against his and see who has rendered the greater service." Hisses and boos, which greeted this pronouncement by Mr. Abbott, changed to laughter as Muyskens re- plied: "One more, Mr. Abbott, one more service - your resignation!" Mentions Younger Men In his denunciation of the con- sistuted authorities of the state Dem- ocratic party, in which he charged there is enough rottenness in Lans- ing already, Professor Muyskens mentioned among the younger men who should come forward to lead the party George Schroeder, Detroit, Murray D. Van Waggoner, state highway commissioner, Prentiss Brown, and George Burke, University attorney. "If the Democrats had more men such as Van Waggoner, Schroeder, and Don Canfield, we could get some- where," he maintained. "Our aged men should move quietly into the back ranks and give their places to the younger men." In his attack on Abbott, Professor To Succeed Betty Rich million tons according to astronomic Miss Spray, of Detroit, is affiliated calculations, the planet, which is with Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, now known as the Delporte object, and has been active in Panhellenic has within the past few months been 'affairs. She has been the social closer to the earth than any heavenly chairman of her chapter house as well body but the moon. as the assistant rushing chairman. In its extremely eccentric path, the Miss Spray will succeed Betty Rich, planet is believed to come closer to '36. the sun than any planet but Mer- The nominees were named by a cury which is 45 million miles from special electoral board composed of the sun as its perehelion, the shortest the four officers and two additional axis of its ecliptic. At its aphelion, members appointed by the president. it will be beyond the planet Mars, Nominations could also be made from Dr. Maxwell believes. the floor. Miss Arnold presided at He estimated that it will be per- yesterday's meeting. laps a century before the planet ap- The new officers will begin their proaches so near the earth again, terms at the next regular meeting. because of its great orbital eccen- They are to be officially installed at tricity and the time it requires to the League Installation Banquet to complete its orbit, one year and nine be held early in April. months, Basing his calculations on he B(!- U ,ian observations on the nights "I H acro , Exit kmediately following the planet's dis- covery, Dr. Maxwell said that when Stirs S erate' the planet was first discovered pho- tographically its distance from the ea"rth was believed to be six million 0cv s H i miles, but it is believed that later in its orbital motion it came as close to the earth as 1,200,000. can skill, in a featured article, Wil- liamson said, and examples of eachT type will be pictured and named.I Men students whose portraits hang in rogues' galleries the world over, will be pictured with their criminal1 records, he said. T. K. Fisher, '37, has written char- acter sketches of University profes- sors, and Elizabeth Allen, '36, has written a short story for this issue, he said.IG A questionnaire, similar to one ap- pearing in the Gargoyle of two months ago, and a section of theI latest fashions in women's hats will be included, Williamson said.{ Business Staff Will Hold Tryouts Soonm Tryouts for the men's business staff of The Daily will meet in the Stu- dent Publications Building on May- nard Street at 5 p.m., next Monday,, and tryouts for the women's bus- inessdstaff will meet at 4 p.m. next' Tuesday. Freshmen and sophomores whoI have been in the University one se- mester and who have a "C" average Says It May Bring Jn Fascist Regime Others Believe Reports Exaggerated; Situation Ripe ForUpheaval If vague ieports that came out of Shanghai last night of a virtual rev- olution in Japan are correct, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, recently retired vice-governor of the Philippine Islands, and an authority on Far Eastern affairs, believes Tokio may be in the grip of a Fascist Regime. The reports, in the form of the briefest, unconfirmed bulletins spoke of a "military coup d'etat" in Tokio, the assassination of "several import- ant political leaders" and the estab- lishment of martial law in the Jap- anese capital, apparently in order to prevent proletarian groups from gain- ing control of the government. In the Japanese election Feb. 22, the liberal groups won heavily, although Premier Keisuke Okada was returned to power.- Army Group Struck Although Professor Hayden, a member of the political science de- partment, emphasized that all he could give was the merest conjecture, because of the vagueness and scarcity of information as to the actual situa- tion, he said late last night he thought it looked as though some army group in Japan had struck at the civilian government. If it is an army coup detat, Pro- fessor Hayden explained, probably it was an action against the proletariat and liberal groups. It may be the institution of a Fascist regime in order to prevent aproletarian move- ment, he said. Other authoritative sources here, however, thought the reports from Shanghai were over-emphasized. The situation in Japan has been ripe for such an occurrence for some time, these sources said. The political parties have been more or less de- funct for some time, it was pointed out, and an attempt has been made for their revival. Serious Upheavel Everyone agreed, however, that if the Associated Press reports from the Chinese city were correct, that ap- parently a serious political upheaval in Japan had taken place. From an- other source, the viewpoint was gained that this may have been the first of a series of steps on the part of the military authorities, who with the Emperor virtually run the Jap- anese government, to put down ruth- lessly what have appeared to be prole- tarian bids for power. It was inti- mated that other strokes on the part of the army might be expected to fol- low. Conjecture among Un iversity au- thorities on the Orient as to whom the assassinated "important political authorities" might be ran high, al- though no definite suggestions were offered. Betty Anne Beebe, '37, who was< elected new president of the Pan- hellenic Association at a meetingf held yesterday afternoon. Duorothy Goebel 'Little Better' I " After Operation Crisis Comes As Result Of Blood Clot After Coma Lasting 150 Hours Dorothy Goebel, '39, Detroit, is a "little better" Dr. Max Peet, one of the nation's leading brain surgeons, stated to The Daily at 1:55 a.m. today after finishing a three-hour opera- tion. The operation was performed on Miss Goebel last night because a blood clot formed upon her brain and after her condition grew steadily worse yesterday afternoon and last night. Dr. Peet did not indicate precisely whether it was expected Miss Goebel. would survive and stated that the next few hours might determine whether the student would recover but that any prediction would be merely a matter of conjecture. Prior to the operation Miss Goebel had been unconscious for more than 150 hours. She received a skull frac- ture in a toboggan accident which occurred a week ago this afternoon when an 11-foot toboggan on which Miss Goebel and her three compan- ions were riding crashed head-on into a tree in the Arboretum. The operation last night was begun at 10:30 p.m. and was not completed until about 1:30 a.m. this morning. MAKE COMMUTER PROTEST LANSING, Feb. 25.- (") -Briefs containing protests from the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce and the Ypsilanti Board of Commerce against the proposed discontinuance of the Michigan Central Railroad's com- muter service to Detroit went before the State Public Utilities Commission Monday. Great Britain News Agency Reports Assasination Of Minister Of Finance Tokio, Osaka Stock Exchanges Closed Heavy Censorship Prevents Direct Tokio Dispatch; Grave Crises Indicated (Copyright, 1936, by Associated Press) Unofficial reports from China Tuesday said martial law was pro- ,laimed in Tokio after the assassina- ion of several Japanese political eaders. The Reuters (British) news agency reported from Shanghai that a oup d'etat had placed the powerful nilitarist bloc in control of the gov- rnment. A Singapore dispatch by the agency said the residence of Premier Keisuke Okada, a retired admiral, and of sev- ral other cabinet ministers had been eized by army officers. No direct word from Tokio was re- eived because of a heavy censorship. rhis indicated a grave situation in the capital of the powerful empire, nd one without parallel in recent years. Trading on both Tokio and Osaka tock exchanges was reported sus- pended. Finance Minister Killed Foreign sources in Peiping told Reuters that Viscount Korekiyo Ta- kahashi, minister of finance, and one >f the most distinguished men in Japanese public life, was among those assassinated. Korekiyo Takahashi twice stepped into the Premiership over the figura- tive body of his assassinated pre- decessors. Eighty-two years old, Takahashi had served as minister of finance in seven cabinets, and was special fi- nance commissioner for his govern- ment in the United States during the Russo-Japanes war. In November, 1921, he was called to succeed the assassinated Takahashi Eara as premier, retaining also the portfolio of finance. It was he who issued the imperial order naming the then crown prince Hirohito as regent when emperor Yoshihito's health failed. When his term ended, he returned to finance post. Then, when an assassin cut down premier Tsuyoshi Inukai in 1932, he was called again to head the government until Ad- miral Mahato Sarto could organize a cabinet in which, as a matter of course, he again became minister of finance. Exchange Out of Order Efforts of the New York Bureau of the Associated Press to get in touch with their Tokio Bureau were un- availing. An attempt to telephone Tokio from San Francisco failed. The transPacific service reported that Tokio exchange was "out of order." The Japanese empire, in one of the most delicate external situations in years, had just emerged from a bitter national general election. The governor of Premier Keisuke Okada, threatened with overthrow, was victorious, however, and renamed in control. There has long been friction with the militarists, who have directed the empire's expansion in Manchuria and current penetration into North China and the "civil" or more pacifistic government element. A feature of the election was the unexpected gains by the Shakai Tai- shuto, or social masses party, opposed to the militarist domination of the government. Rovillain To Speak rTo Cercle Francais Prof. Eugene E. Rovillain of the French department will address Cercle Francais at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 231, Angell Hall on his hobby -the philosopher, Rosseau. Professor Rovillain's lecture will be the fifth in the program of the French study organization, which is entitled, "La Vie et l'Oeuvre de Jean-Jacques Rousseau." The lecture will be il- with at least one grade of "B" are Muyskens asserted that he had a let- eligible to tryout for the business ter from him proving he had voted slaf . I [or ov. Frank D. Fitzgerald. "As Opportunity wI " be "f"ered to b long as he remains within our ranks men and women tryouts to learn ad- to guide the destinies of our party, vertising layout and service as well just so long will we be confronted as newspaper office procedure. Those with political rottenness," he added. retained on the staff will have an The plan behind the movement, heI opportunity to work up to junior and (Continued on Page 6) senior positions. All junior and sen- ior positions on the men's staff are 1 1:1 a 1 Ws salaried. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. _-- (A") - The military exile of Major-General Johnson Hagood was catapulted into the Senate as a political issue today. with Democr-atic leader-s coupling a defense of the action with a general warning against army officers play- ing politics. Interrupting an attack by Sen. David Hastings (Rep., Del.) chair- man of the Republican Senatorial campaign committee, against the "punishing" of Hagwood, Sen. Joseph Robinson (Rep., Ark", the majority leader, broadened the issue. He named Major-General Frank G. Tznilac ~ d nmarvofficero h Co-Eds Mitrht Emulate Lassies ! Who Took Leap Year Seriously Compared with the wily Scotch ilk yeare knowne to lepe yeare, ilk lasses of the thirteenth century, the ladye of both high and Lowe estait supposedly clutching arms of the shall hae liberte to bespeake ye man modern age are a bunch of pikers. she likes, albeit he reuses to taik hir And, by the same token, the enlight- to be his lawful wyfe, he shall be cned co-eds of the University campus mulcted in ye sum ane pundis or are as ineffective man-catchers as I less, as his estait may be except and the bearded women of the itinerant awis gif he can make it appeare that circuses. he is betrothit ane ither woman he' i 4_/ Conferenee On Brake Desions Two Michigan engineering students representing the University in the Tri-College Conference on Brakes were awarded the decision last night for their presentation of the Lock- heed double master cylinder in com- petition with students from Michigan State College, the Detroit Institute of Technology, and Wayne Univer- sity of Detroit f t 1 _ Professional Standards For Journalists Urned -By Brumm 3 l Bonles, commanc nvr um v m g aI t O a The bonny misses of the auld then shall be free." Maxwell K. Anning, '38E, and John seventh army corps area at Omaha, < ' Scotch heather might have beefi The lobbying activities of the MacKenzie, '38E, upheld the Lock- high command. sweet and docile for three years, but "maydens" may have been facilitated I1heed system against the Bendix twin- Gcommanding of- their day came in leap year - and by the fact that a woman held the plex type presented by Michigan General Bolles, co rps ar- for 366 times at that. During that sovereign control of Scotland when State and the new Chevrolet type fier of the seventh army corps area fourth year they functioned in a gold- the law was enacted, but the female presented by Wayne Unive-sity and "actively engaged inpolitics, with a en haven of privilege which would population of Europe at that time the Detroit Institute of Technology. candidate for the presidency." Fur- bring sighs of envy to any conscien- undoubtedly hailed their action with After listening to 12-minute ex- Cher, said the Arkansan, he boasts of tious male-baiter of the stage-door, acclaim. It was not long before the planatory speechos by each man his activities in his behalf." He did night club era. Under a statute legal- mademoiselles of France were pros- the judges were allowed to question not name the "candidate." I ly enacted a woman of Scotland was pering under a similar law. a second representative of each school. At Des Moines, owa, Bolles de- allowed to woo the gentleman of he Whethe University women feel The judges were Prof. Lay of the au- SD- nI B ,d choice who was ordered to comply that their efforts do not need to be tomotive engineering department, Standards of educational qualifica- tions for members of the journalistic profession were urged by Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journal- ism department, in an interview yes- terday, as a means for raising the standards of newspaper writing and administration and correspondingly their effect upon the reading public. Conceding it to be an "ideal sys- tem" which would be difficult to at- tain because of publishers' opposition, Professor Brumm suggested that such standards should be brought about from within the profession. "Why should we not have stand- ards for the men who operate on our minds as well as the men who operate on our bodies?" he asked, j adding that the profession of jour- "Freedom of the press is, of course, the freedom that belongs to all cit- izens, and not a special freedom for journalism," Professor Brumm main- tained. "Yet the newspapers should be free from censorship, and from any kind of licensing which does not take into account special qualifications which test for competence, apart from any political control." As qalification he recommended a requirement of at least a high school education for the lower ranks of journalists, and two years or a complete college education for the higher ranks. Nor does he in- sist that this education should take the nature of special training in journalism, but rather a broad edu- cation in the social sciences such as the journalism curriculum now re-