G FU THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY western culture and domination tumbling over the heads of its power mad imperialists. As long as such concepts as Spengler expounded retain a purely academic hue, they will continue to be the source of wholesome "food for thought" for the more intellectual of our population. Once they color our practical attitudes and daily bus- iness, inevitable decay has set in with no hope of arresting its development. Spengler was one of the greatest thinkers of modern times but the widespread acceptance of his philosophy will have to be reserved for the day when mankind has attained a more perfect stage of development. Publisned every morning except Monday during tho University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise credited i this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail., $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE 48SOCIATE E~DITOR............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman: Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. sports Department: Wlitam R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmen,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfe4.l BUSINESS DEPARTMENT '.Telephone 2-1214 OUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ... ... ...... JO;. TPH A. ROTHJ3ARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOM)EN'S SERVICE MANAGER . .. ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and NationaluAdver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED WARNER NEAL, At The League ThI Morning... T HIS MORNING the League of Na- tions will meet to decide its action against Italy. In the light of its action thus far, whatever it may say or do seems of not much im- portance. The meeting seems to be destined for embarrass- ment. Whether to allow Ethiopia to continue to sit in the sessions with the Italian representative, Baron Aloisi; whether the Baron will agree to such arrangements; whether sanctions should be lifted or continued - these are vital questions to be de- cided today at Geneva. The League of Nations seems to have been de- stroyed. If they had intended to take any action against Italy, they were prevented by the Rhine- land crisis -- and perhaps more so by the conflict- ing self-interests of the dominant member nations, France and England. Despite the failure of the League in the present instance, and despite perhaps the destruction of the present League, we have faith in the method of international arbitration and the eventual substi- tution of world-mindedness for chauvinism. To believe that the elements of imperialism which defeated the present League will ever be legislated out of existence by any future world mechanism is pure idealism. The movement to- ward a recognition of equal rights of all nations for market outlets and self-respect must originate with the people within the dominant nations. Upon an organization for sharing ppportunities, a Lteague of Nations can continue to exist effectively. THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or *ject letters upon the criteria of general editorial imortance and interest to the campus. Professors And The New Deal To the Editor: Follow-'g closely The Daily's editorial policy, I am of the opinion your staff is thoroughly Repub- lican. Assuming you are may I add a few remarks that should be in accord with your policy? How do the professors stand on New Deal pol- icies? Despite the connection of their number with the administration "brain trust," many scores of them have voiced criticism. The notable list of names of the highest standing believe that New Deal policies lack sound basis in economic theory. The school of thought with which New Deal pro- fessors are identified forms only a small minority. Its doctrines do not find acceptance with the over- whelming majority of the academic profession. The use of the term "brain trust" in connection with the activities of the administration has given a false impression of the actual situation respect- ing the attitude of the professors as a whole. President Robert C. Clothier of Rutgers Uni- versity told students that their first responsibility was the defense of the Constitution against en- croachment or usurpation. He said: "Forces have been unleashed which threaten the integrity of our American Constitution. In a period of economic and social distress we have re- laxed our vigilance in the hope that certain man- euvers doubtless conceived in honesty of purpose, would bring back employment and sufficiency to our people. "Certain of these experiments have violated the principles set forth in our American tradition. We need that type of social conscience which will not blink at the facts, which will stand fast by the principles of Americanism which we know to be sound." President William M. Lewis of Lafayette College has said: "Regimentation grows apace, as ridicule and suspicion are heaped upon individualism. The pioneers in the United States had not learned the modern method of mortgaging the future for today's luxuries with the assurance that a benign government would care for them in future days, and so they had real freedom -politically and economically. If these pioneers were to return today they would find it difficult to discover any place. . . where one may escape the multitudinous tentacles of autocracy. They would discover the people have surrendered their political rights and obligations to those who demanded it."'' According to President Glenn Frank of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, "the centralization of power has invariably ended in tyranny. Even when the centralization has been effected with democratic consent and designed to serve emergency ends, centralized power has moved relentlessly in the direction of self-perpetuation. And, once in- trenched, with a presumption of permanence, cen- tralized power has grown domineering. It has be- come less rather than more concerned with the common good. It has become the victim of whim and caprice. And a revolt of the government has proved the only road to progress. Dean Wallace B. Donham of Harvard's business administration school has this to say: "The Presi- dent started with a sound concept of planning, but both the job and the organization are so large that much of what goes on in Washington is better described as a combination of social theories, wish- ful thinking and good resolutions little tempered by hard-headed thinking." Speaking of politic playing, Dean Howard Lee McBain of Columbia says: "To my mind the most serious of all charges that may be brought against Roosevelt is that in the midst of a national crisis giving him opportunities for reform never before possessed by a President he has chosen for ,per- sonal and party interests to play the usual game of putrid party politics." Professor Garfield Cox of the University of Chi- cago says: "The four months drop in industrial production which followed the introduction of the NRA has been equalled only by the panic collapses of '93 and 1907. The advance which followed the Schechter decision against NRA is the broadest and best sustained rise of recovery to date." Ralph Robey of Columbia in a book entitled Roosevelt Versus Recovery asserted that continued support of the artificial structure built up under the New Deal could lead only to national bank- ruptcy. He said: "If we are to prevent such a national disaster we must turn back to the tenets of liberal capitalism. If we are to prosper as a nation, we must restore the requisites of a sound economic system. Our choice is between fighting tuberculosis in its early stages and fighting it after hemorrhages begin. It is a choice between the New Deal and sound prosper- ity." Some of these statements may seem broad and general. They are more than opinions. Naturally each was more explicit in his statements but space The conning Tower THE DIARY OF OUR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS Saturay, May 2 O THE OFFICE early. and so with H. Souvaine and my boy to luncheon, and thence with Anthony to see "Trial by Jury" and "H.M.S. Pina- fore," and not well enough sung, either of them, to suit my ear. And it irritated me when John Eaton, as Captain Corcoran, called the moon "bright re- gent of the heaven," and insisted on asking why everything was "either at sixes or at seven." So home to supper, and in the evening read a frolic- some book of R. Connell's called "Playboy," and to bed early. Sunday, May 3 RETIMES UP, and J. Leopold the physician come to see Timothy, and said that he had chicken pox, so I and Anthony to the country, and when we got there it come on to rain, and at it in- cessantly, so taught him to play Anagrams. So he to bed, and I to Isabel Brett's in Fairfield to dinner, and so early home, and read "The Hurricane," nor could put it down till I near had finished it; and a good night to read it too, for albeit the moon came cut about eleven o'clock, it soon rained with great vigour. Monday, May 4 OW MANY YEARS AGO, perhaps forty-five or more, when the Cronin murder occurred in Chicago, and the only thing that I remember about it was the question "Where were you on the night of May 4?" And this was in the Chicago language so inextricably that when I saw Peter Dunne in Ber- muda, I asked him that question, and he told me a great deal about the Clan-na-Gael, and Dr. Cronin. So up early enough, and cooked my own breakfast of an orange, and some cornflakes, and a raw egg, and some milk, and so to the village and got the newspapers, and so back and did some work, and so to the Hidden Door for lunch, and thence for a ride to Southport, my boy being eager to see George's boat, the Smith-Brown- Jones, and sure enough, we saw it at anchor in the harbour. So rode about the country, and so home, and so for a walk to the center of Lyons Plains, and called upon H. Mathieu, and there was nothing for it but I must stay for supper, and my boy, too, but he had his, and I had some spaghetti with a fine meaty sauce, and so home by eight, and bade my boy go to bed, but I went a few minutes later before nine o'clock. Tuesday, May 5 UP MIGHTY early and to the train, and read about the Pulitzer awards, and there were choices that I might not have made, yet it occurred to me that there is too much criticism of the judges, or counselors; or whatever the selectmen are called. Now although in the course of a year, it is likely that I see more plays than the selectmen do, and read more books, I feel that I am far from com- petent to pick the play or book of prose or verse that should be chosen, according to the nov over- elastic, now tbo restricted terms of the award com- mittees. Yet I should have chosen "Idiot's Delight', for the play, albeit the majority of the critics voted for "Winterset." Lord, in my opinion, nor do I add, "which is probably wrong, "Idiot's De- light" is worth fifty "Wintersets." And I think if there were a prize awarded by as many literary reviewers as there are drama critics, there would be violent disagreement in every branch of writing. So to the city, and at my office all the morning, and in the afternoon down town to talk about old taxes on my old oaken income. So to take train to the country, but forgot my ticket, so borrowed $5 from Dan'l Nye and so home. Wednesday, May 6 P AT HALF PAST SIX, the smell of the coun- try so fresh and sweet that I almost forgot about. the snow and ice of yesterwinter. So up, and to the 7:38, and to the city, and so to my office, and read that B. Mussolini said that the war was finished, many Ethiopians having been butchered to make a Roman holiday. But as to the war being finished, that is what everybody said on November 11, 1918. But peace, as now we know, hath her allies no less renowned than war. New from Cali- fornia is that Mr. Landon hath lost the Presi- dential primary and from many a headline it seems that the Democratic primary was nought, but the Roosevelt vote seemed to be large. But as to the defeat of Mr. Landon in California, I would not invade the privacy of anybody to say that the de, feat may not have been wholly Landon's. So way on semi-literary business, and so home for supper, and not alone neither, Mr. Ehrlich sharing same with me. So early to bed. Thursday, May 7 UP AT half past seven, and after breakfast to the office and at work, but sad that J. Hughes the type-setter is ill of a cold. So read Cyril Clem- ens's biography of Petroleum V. Nasby, the pseu- donym of David R. Locke. Now I had read some of the writings of Nasby in a book that was on our library table, called "Kings of the Platform and Pulpit." But I recalled nothing but that he was a humorous writer who wrote in the phonetic manner of Artemus Ward and Josh Billings, which indeed he did. But he was a newspaper editor and he founded the Mansfield, O., Herald; so I wish that Mansfield's chief writer, Mr. Louis Bromfield, would write a book about him; and he founded the Findlay, O., Jeffersonian; so I wish that B. Ross would write something about him, and I wonder whether B. Ross assumes that name because Nasby was descended from Betsy Ross. Also there are stories of how much Lincoln enjoyed the Nasby writings. And I was interested to read that he had edited the New York Evening Mail from 1871 to 1879, and all my days, longer than his, on that paper, nobody ever told me that he worked there. But what everybody will recall is that he wrote the widow Bedolt papers, and a play "The Widow Be- dolt," in which Neill Burgess played. So at work until four, and so home. Friday, May 8 J P BY TIMES, and to the office of a warm day, and most of the day there in the engrossing ten by Bach for organ. The orches-~ tral version to be heard is the work of Leopold Stokowski, whose Bach transcriptions have been widely ac- claimed for their remarkable bril- liance and faithfulness to the spirit of the composer. The toccata was originally a piece intended to display the virtuosity of the performer, but in this instance Bach has invested it with a seriousness entirely in keep- ing with the spirit of the fugue which follows it. ARIA (Bach)-This Aria composes the second movement of Bach's third orchestral suite, in D Major. Al- though originally written for strings only, its lovely melody, in simple two- part song style, has become familiar as "Air for the G String," through the transcription for violin solo by August Wilhelmj. FUGUE IN G MINOR (Bach) - This work is commonly known as the "small" Fugue, to distinguish it from Bach's other, "large" Fugue in G Minor. Although relatively short and diminutively proportioned, it nevertheless evinces Bach's ability to get the most out of a small amount of material. In the beauty of the sub- ject as well as in the simple skill which it is developed, Bach is seen at his best - a best which is enhanced and complemented by Mr. Stokow- ski's distinctive yet loyal transcrip- tion. COME, SWEET DEATH (Bach)- A text attributed to J. C. Dietrich (b.1712) formed the inspiration for this chorale, which reflects much of Bach's deeply religious and emotion- al nature. Bach's attitude toward death seems to be one of calm and piously joyful resignation; he wel- comes it as a sweet release from the pain and weariness of this life. PASSACAGLIA (Bach)-The term "passacaglia" is applied to a set of polyphonic variations constructed up- on a ground bass, usually in a min- or key. This Passacaglia in C Minor by Bach is built upon a solemn and majestic theme, usually found in the bass. In the course of the various treatments of the theme the full re- sources of the modern orchestra are utilized by Mr. Stokowski in a way which causes the organ, by compari- son, to appear feeble and inarticulate. PRELUDE TO DIE MEISTER- SINGER (Wagner)-Die Meistersing- er, Wagner's only comedy, is probably the composer's most popular work and at the same time his most won- derfully constructed score. The Pre- lude is an epitome of the work as a whole, indicating and developing, through the presentation. and intri- cate combination of the various themes, all the elements of the drama -the pompous nobility of the meist- ersingers, their proud pedantry, the love of Eva and Walther. Technical- ly it is one of the most intricate scores in existence, and yet this com- plexness is lost in the spirit of simple yet beautiful truth which prevails. PRELUDE TO LOHENGRIN (Wagner)-In this prelude Wagner likewise endeavors to present the main feature of the drama-in this case the apparition of the wonder- workin-Holy Grail, which is borne earthward from on high by a host of angels and then returned to celestial heights. The illusion of the angelic descent and ascent is conveyed by the development, through a long cres- cendo and subsequent decrescendo, of the Grail motive from the opera itself. LOVE MUSIC FROM TRISTAN UND ISOLDE (Wagner) -This tran- scription and arrangement by Mr. Stokowski consists of music taken from the second act of the music drama. In this act Tristan and Isolde, consumed with the passion which draws them together in the moonlight garden heedless to the wise Brangane's warnings, unite in the most deeply impassioned love duet in all music. In the music are expressed all the lovers' longings - longings for each other, and longings for death, through which they can escape from the torturous day of reality into the MAY FESTIVAL hl i day, May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. An- nouncement of the Henry Russel Award for 1935-36 will be made at this time. Students, members of the faculty, and the general public are invited. Concert May Festival Programs. The pro- grams for the May Festival concerts, subject to any necessary changes, are annoiunced as follows: ..Wednesday evening, 8:30. Phila- delphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, conductor, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Aria Fugue in G Minor Come, Sweet Death Passacaglia ... . .............Bach Prelude to "The Mastersingers" Prelude to "Lohengrin" "Trist an and Isolda" Love Music .Wagner Thursday evening, 8:30. Philadel- phia Orchestra. University Choral Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor. So- loists: Jeannette Vreeland,. soprano; Paul Althouse, tenor; Keith Falkner, baritone, Julius Huehn, bass; Palmer Christian, organist. "Caractacus," a dramatic cantata by Elgar. Friday afternoon, 2:30. Phildelphia Orchestra, Young People's Festival Chorus. Harold Bauer, pianist. Saul Caston and Earl V. Moore, conductors. Overture to "Russan and Ludmilla -Glinka "Children at Bethlehem;'.....Pierne Concerto No. 5 in E flat for Piano and Orchestra ...Beethoven Harold Bauer Friday evening, 8:30. The Phila- delphia Orchestra. Lily Pons, so- prano.. Charles O'Connell and Saul Caston, conductors. Oveture to "Marriage of Figaro"' - Mozart Arias from "Magic Flute" . . .Mozart "Pamina's Air" "Queen of the Night" Lily Pons Symphony No. 1 in C. Major, Op. 21 - Beethoven Canope ...................Debussy Minstrels .................. Debussy Aria, "Bell Song" from "Lakme" -Delibes Miss Pons Chorale and Fugue. ...... Zemachsen Saturday afternoon, 2:30. Phila- delphia Orchestra. Efrem Zimbalist, violinist. Leopold Stokowski, con- ductor. Symphony No. 1 in C minor . .Brahms Concerto in D minor for Violin and Orchestra ............Sibelius The Bird of Fire........ Stravinsky Introduction The Fire Bird and Her Dance Dance of the Piincesses Kastchei's Infernal Dance Berceuse Finale Saturday evening, 8:30. Philadel- phia Orchestra; University Choral Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor. Soloists: Jeanette Vreeland, Rose Bampton, Giovanni Martinelli, Keith Falkner, and Palmer Christian. The 'Manzoni Requiem" for soli, chorus, orchestra and organ, by Verdi. Tickets on sale at the School of Music office, Maynard Street. Begin- ning Wednesday morning May 13, the Box office will be moved to Hill Auditorium. Events Of Today The Mathematical Club will meet today at 8 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. The following papers will be presented: "Combined Expansions of Products of Symmetric Powers Sums and of Sums of Symmetric Power Products with Application to Samp- ling" by Paul S. Dwyer, and "The Interrelations of the Fundamental Solutions of the Hypergeometric Equation" by Lyle E. Mehlenbacher. Botanical Journal Club meets to- day at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1139 N.S. Papers on systematic botany and ecology will be reviewed by Fred Her- mann, C. L. Lundell, Elzada Clover,l Carl Grassl, Mary Wharton and Wil- liam Atkinson. Dr. Ehlers in charge. Anyone interested is welcome. Re- freshments. Physical Education Club: Assembly at W. A. Building at 9 a.m. All men and women majoring in Physical Ed- ucation are expected to attend. Hiawatha Club: There will be a short, special business meeting for all regular members of this organization at 8 p.m. at the Michigan Union. All members are urgently request- ed to attend inasmuch as several im- portant matters including the elec- tion of officers demand their atten- tion. (Continued from Page 2) Program Notes(;cology 12: There will not be a FIRST CONCERT, WEDNESDAY, fthl i t)ip this week. Date of trips MAY 13, AT 8:30 P.M. will be announced later. THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA -__ Leopold Stokowski, Conductor By WILLIAM J. LICTENWANGER I Ienry Russel Lecture: Dr. John G. TOCCATA AND FUGUE IN D.Wi ,ter, professor of the Latin Lan- MINOR (Bach) -Like the G Minor guages and Literature, Henry Russel Fugue and the Passacaglia which ap- Lec t'urer for 1935-36, will speak on pear on this same programn, the Toc- the subject "Papyrology: Its Con- cata and Fugue in D Minor was writ- ti ibutions and Problems" on Thurs- Phi Lambda Upsilon: The annial meeting for the election of officers for the coming year will be held to- night in Room 300, Chem. Bldg. It is imperative that all members, par- ticularly the new members, be pres- ent. Time, 7:15 p.m. Refreshments. All freshman women will meet in the ballroom of the League at 4 p.r. today. At this meeting plans for the Frosh Pageant will be explained. Tryouts for both dancing and speak- ing parts will be held afterwards. Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regular dinner meeting at Barton Hills Coun- try Club at 6:30 p.m. A bus will leave the Arch at 6:15 p.m. sharp, A.I.E.E. There will be an important meeting of the Banquet Committee at 5 p.m. in Room 273. Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma will meet today at 7:30 p.m. for an important business meeting. All members must be present or present a satisfactory excuse to one of the officers. Several amendments to the consti- tution will be presented at this meet- ing and will be voted on. These amendments deal with certain changes in the policy of the organiza- tion and so it is imperative that all members be present to discuss these problems. The members of Alpha Nu are also asked to remember that there will be a debate between our society and Sigma Rho Tau at 4 p.m., Thursday afternoon, on the Stump near the Engineering Arch. All members are urged to be present at this debate also. The Bibliophiles of the Womens Faculty Club will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. C. Meloche, 3060 Dover Rd., at 2:30 p.m. Christian Science Organizaion: There will be a meeting of this or- ganization at 8 p.m. in the Chapel League Building. Students, alumni and faculty members are cordially invited to attend. Coming Events Pi Lambda Theta Meeting: There will be a visit to the University Botan- ical Gardens for all Pi Lambda Thet- ans, Wednesday, May 13. Meet at the U.E.S. entrance at 4:30 p.m. Will be back by 6 p.m. For transportation call Marguerite Hall, 2-3491. Chemistry Coloquium will meet Wednesday, May 13, at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. .jr. F. Y. Wiselogle will speak on "Dissociation of Penta-aryl Ethanes." Mimes of the Michigan Union will hold their annual spring outing, Wed- nesday, May 13. Meet at the Zeta Psi house at 3 p.m. Transportation will be provided. All members are urged to attend. Bring hiking equipment. Interfraternity Council: The Ex- ecutive Committee will meet on Mon- day, May 18 at 4 p.m. All petitions for nomination for the position of President of the Interfraternity Council and for appointment to the position of Secretary-Treasurer, as per Article V, Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Constitutions, must be handed to the Secretary-Treasurer before 4 p.m. on Monday, May 18. It is required that such petitions be typewritten in four copies. Those men petitioning must present themselves at the Ex- ecutive Committee meeting which will be held in the office of the Dean of Students, for a personal interview with the Committee. The Interfraternity Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday eve- ning, May 20, for the election of its President and the student members of the Executive Committee for the en- suing year. This will be a closed meeting. Special attention is called to the provisions of the Constitution con- cerning the student members of the Executive Committee which read as follows: Article VI, Section 2. The Execu- tive Committee shall consist of five members of the student body, includ- ing the President of the Council. Article V, Section 5. The Council shall be divided into five sections numbered from one to five, each sec- tion containing as nearly as possible the same number of fraternities. Each section shall have representa- tion on the Executive Committee, either through the President or through a committeeman elected by and from its own membership. The five sections into which the Council is divided as provided for in Article V, Section 5, are as follows: Section 1. Acacia, Alpha Sigma Phi, Hermitage, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, Theta Delta Chi, Triangle. Section I. Alpha Delta Phi, Kappa Nu, Kappa Sigma, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon. Section III. Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Tho, Phi DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the WIaveridty. Copy received at the otflce of the Assistant to the President eti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I Will An Era Pass With Spengler?. . O SWALD SPENGLER, gloomy pro- phet of occidental decline, is dead. And with him, it is hoped, the bitter pessimism and sense of futility and defeatism which pervaded the atmosphere of the western world of post-war times has gone. A great man, Spengler had the rare ability to project himself into time and space and to view all civilizations with the attitude of one who stands alone "on the outside looking in." He seemed in- tiiitively to sense the immutable laws of time and decay which give no quarter to any one race or culture. We might remark that he approached almost divine intelligence in this respect. But such philosophies and concepts as he dealt with are not for the consumption of the ordinary white man. Laden as his ideas were with the truth and the wisdom of genius, they nevertheless tended to destroy western civilization's normal instincts of superiority and race survival and to sap from it those qualities, good and bad, which have main- tained the white man's domination to this day. Spengler foresaw the day when the colored peoples of the earth would become aware of the great potential strength with which they are en- dowed and would successfully smash the ancient domination of their fair-skinned brothers. Such a turn of events is undoubtedly possessed of all the elements of probability; but to brood on such an eventuality is no more or less than to place West- ern society in the precise state of mind which catalyzes its arrival. However his writings seem to contain a subtle lesson for the sovereigns of those nations who to- day are embarking on a course of empire. He seems to remind us that the delicate balance of blissful, eternal Night of love freedom. and h- Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files May 12, 1926 I 0FFICERS and representatives of campus organizations and two control boards for next year will be determined today when more than 4,000 students of the University, who have registered for the purpose cast their ballots in the annual spring elections. * * * *